FORGOTTEN 1974 SAAB Sonett III - Will It RUN AND DRIVE after 29 Years?

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i just recently pulled this car out of storage that i've had for a long time i'm gonna see if i can get her running this is a 1974 saab cenet three not a two it's a three it's actually a super unique car i can't wait to show you guys this thing and it's actually fairly rare they only made 2483 of these and i happened to snag on one a while back it's powered by a ford tanus v4 backed by a four speed yep i said v4 how is your brain now it was last played in kentucky in 1992 i believe which is 29 years ago think about that for a minute place your bets just as long as they're not on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] what's your least favorite part of shaving mine is the dangled cost i mean it's more than an oil change and i ain't kenya then refill things them are expensive guy likes to keep the old punching bags and jaw curtain nice and tidy but i've been slacking recently because it's so expensive that was until i found harry's you can get set up for as little as two bucks or you could try their trial kit for free as long as you just pay three dollars shipping you could do that by going to harry's dot com forward slash vice grip i got a trial package here let's crack that open and just see i don't know let's look let's see what's in it let's see what we got hi there hello we started harry's to make shaving better well so far i trust you everything you need for a smooth shave got a nice little bag here let's see what we got this must be the actual razor here it's popper open wow pretty fancy looking she's got some half to her actually one two three four five blades on this goodness gracious we got some shave gel well i don't know this gives us a shot see what we got going on a little bit of blade prep you know yeah we're good to go second thought i think i'm gonna use this provided shave gel they're using words like foam and rich lather and glide and smooth hydrates nice right so i think i'm gonna give this a shot you know other than the old cost thing the other thing a feller doesn't have enough of is the old times so you got to use what you got right i mean it foams right now like a lot the claims of being sharp completely true well you fellers know that usually hurts like heck digging into the old smile maker cold but not today i got her done out here and them blades is sharp and i ain't kidding you and that shave gel it's smooth and creamy made shaving super easy this is a no-brainer i'm switching to hairs honestly it just makes sense get your trial set for just three bucks you can go to forward slash vice grip or just click the link down in the description can't get any easier than that and thanks to harry's for sponsoring today's video let's get back to the saab i picked this thing up such a long time ago that i don't even remember all the details she's a little foggy on a guy i think it was east of minnesota no south or north anyway i remember it was a long drive it was eight or nine hours to get there and we just decided this is trailer this thing home the guy did say for sure that there was no clutch in the thing and i just wasn't sure what i was getting into and if i was going to be able to drive it home and rot the big thing was just finding parts you know because it's a saab you know a lot of people don't have parts for saabs on the shelf so we just thought we'd throw in storage and save her for a rainy day get it safer for a cloudy not rainy day so i don't know we're just going to jump into this thing i know absolutely nothing about this engine or transmission or rear end or car in general at all never owned one in fact i don't think i've ever even seen one of these before not sure how the controls work electrical is definitely something i've never messed with before everything's going to be fine and i think we're just we're going to fire it up is what i'm saying so let's take a walk around this thing i'm learning with you i literally have not looked through this car i have not dug through it or anything we pulled it on the trailer we rolled it off i pushed it into this shop and this is the first time that i'm digging into it so i don't have a whole lot of history on this rig here other than it came from kentucky previously maybe that's where i got it from i can't remember and like most cars that are rare or hard to find unfortunately when you see them up for sale it's typically an estate sale or there's health issues involved and this was no different unfortunately the previous owner had terminal cancer and not only did i pay the asking price i actually paid more than the asking price his friend was selling it for him he was super helpful really kind he also didn't know a lot about the car but he went out of his way to make sure that all the paperwork was put together that he had it's somewhere in the car i'm assuming a glove box well there is a glove box boy they have tiny gloves that's really all i know about it it does have a title which is really cool so i can do something with this eventually not quite sure yet if i'm going to keep it i just stick it in the collection or if i'm eventually gonna sell it i know one thing for sure i am not fitting in this thing there is there's just it's not there's no physical way that this is i can't drive it is what i'm saying so that's kind of unfortunate i ain't going to fit in the thing but i'm super happy to own the thing it's actually really cool it marks a really neat error in saab history they made a lot of changes from the saab 2 to saab 3 to start marketing these in the united states so let's take a look around the thing we'll jump into the normally i say trunk i think this is a hatch coupe the bonnet the boot i'm not sure the back end of the car is what i'm saying back here we'll dig through there i already see tires and there's some sort of like entry match or something in there we'll dig through the interior now we'll take a look at this v4 you guys are gonna like that thing i know i did so the hatch doesn't have a key lock it's actually operated by this handle right there and that'll pop the hatch at first glance here's what we're cooking with we got two brand new bf good riches in here white letter like that got a car cover foamage some sort of mats and other fixings the ad said four brand new tires i didn't ask and i guess he didn't specify in his defense that means two mounted two in the hatch and two old ones that go flat 18 hours and 22.3 hours respectively this one up here is really bad i mean you can literally hear the wind coming out of that guy that's okay we'll just keep putting goop in it anywho let's get back to here got some tires these are what are these 1 55 80 fifteens i think these are the same size that are on independent chevelle but just for perspective there's a guy's hand right there get these out of the way helps remember some nice maps look at this here some sort of woven mat driver's side gotta have the healage for the women's heels you know oh here we go whole bunch of paperwork let's take a look at this the saab sport the newsletter of milwaukee saab club it's kind of neat a lot of people don't know this the name saab and a lot of the styling was influenced by aircraft and military aircraft it's kind of a neat read if you look into it here's the car here looks like some sort of magazine article maybe had reference drawn on it marker man i love cars with the paperwork it's just so neat all the history parts warehouse hey we might have plates we do have plates wisconsin plates okay so it went from kentucky to wisconsin wisconsin must be where i got it from i would assume or saab stuff there a bunch of receipts registration that's kentucky registration here's the title on registration from 1992 the guy paid 200 for this rig more licensed renewal stuff and state of wisconsin so that makes sense i must have got it from wisconsin so came over the pond went to kentucky ended up in wisconsin now she's in minnesota what else we got this looks like the floor thingy yeah probably okay come on get out of there all right plywood that's worth more than the car these days some sort of crispy mat thing must be the rear mat front passenger floor card that makes that the driver front carpets wow that's neat i thought i was gonna have to try to search and buy that stuff but they were in the car that's really cool actually this must be for i would assume this hung in the back and had i don't know there's stuff in it it's a bag thing right and [Music] concor speakers them look like them 15 watt units i stand corrected they're 12 watts whatever still get some warranty out of those that must have been you know back here oh we got more literatures look at that shop manual i could use this very cool i'm gonna throw that up there by the way i have the keys there's like 48 keys i think two ignition sticks actually that's rare for me look at that original owner's manual shoot too bad it's satin they're all crooked like we'll see if we can bring that back around look at that original spare all be dipped what is this thing what does this do where does this go that doesn't look like it fits in this car at all we'll get that over there all right rust whoa actually not bad is that where the battery goes back here no well it's got to be i'm looking right at it but what a dumb spot what is this thing what have we got what is this not sure there's no like there's got to be something missing here like a battery box or something but apparently that's where that goes so what brand is this tire is what i'm curious about at this juncture and i can't oh here we go pav valley is that a thing pavali i don't know maybe that's like a goodyear really unique tread on it almost looks like a motorcycle tire doesn't it we got anything on this side oh it's a firestone okay all right not as quirky as i thought i guess but no huge rust holes no rust in here so far structurally it's really intact look at these little mini bull bars in here the struts to the hatch glass center so the styling of this car i really really like it's just got such a neat look to it and these quarter panels and the sail panel i'm just this part here it's just i'm digging it a lot just this nice bold kind of hump here looks really cool in the mirror kind of like the 944 porsches uh this also looks like the 250s 269 or 220 z's 240z whatever it is i don't know kind of that koopish hatchbackish quarter panel swoopish kind of car really cool looking that i know of had to be designed specifically for the v4 ford engine to fit the air cleaner and the fuel make it happener that also kind of killed some of the design but really what took the design down with these bumpers look at that thing it's really too bad the cement one and the sennette twos didn't have these big bumpers when they brought the car over to america that i understand they had to add these big crash bumpers on here front and rear and that really took away from the styling it just kind of killed that sporty fast look and of course they moved the driver from right hand to left hand and the other thing they did was move the shifter from the column to the center console but look there's still a right hand fuel maybe come on now i just is it stuck or is it frozen or do i need a key there we go that comes off really easy so still had a right hand fill because it used to be a right-hand drive overall the styling of this car is super neat but it's really tiny i mean it is a very very small car i mean look at it on the lift this is halfway through one ramp this tire is about to fall in actually it's a very very small car pretty petite nice little quarter glass here look at the venting i mean the style of this car is definitely there a little scoop up here behind the bulge and the hood these are supposed to operate by some sort of lever and they'll flip up like that even the front grille was a really unique design it's simple but i don't know a word charming sure let's go with that let me clean up this paperwork really quick and then we'll jump inside and check out the interior door handle's neat there's a little push button here and if you swing this up that's where you get your key inner and then you got the old handle scoop wow that's better than i remember it being it's almost like a buick oh that's right now it's like moth balls and hot dog water here's the plate here it says september of 73 so they rolled her over to a 74 of course 3440 gvwr kind of a neat latch system and look at this there's also a alignment latch on the bottom here it's always kind of cool to see different engineering like look at the seat belt for example it's just a belt there's no latch or anything and then you bring it over here drop it into this and lock her in all be dipped got the old lumbar supports and the seat here pretty comfortable seats they look like i've never sat in them but they look like it what do we got for weight reduction oh standard issue crunch not too bad firewall portion looks solid feels solid you can see the clutch and the brake hinge down here on the same bar that feels way too loose of course that's locked up perfect got wires hanging down looks important if you're wondering if these are the brake lines running on the inside of the car you're correct and also is that the main battery wire yep also correct looks like the bottom of the column is missing here this is really cool watch this if it works oh yeah we got lightage negative lightage lightage again so i think you pull this out and then you got a juice on them whoops that's busted there used to be a knob here and i think that pulls out like that that's how you get the lights on kind of a dainty stick there but pretty neat little dash smart looking some would say oh we got a cassette player looks original cl lips not sure some temperature stuff what do we got in the ashtray negative ashes has she been smoking before doesn't look like it temperature maybe four speed look at reverse down and back oh that's shift knob is missing in this car but anyway the shifter shifter is there's something wrong they're not gonna pull the e-brake well that's pretty much it for this side it's really it's exciting there's a lot going on let me get over there oh no she's stuck alized come on out oh there we go just gotta juice that up a little bit maybe i think this is a car cover could be wrong let's tread lightly here what have we got what's in it okay safe oh we got partage wow oh cool here's that column piece that's good what else we got headlightage miniature man dude thing need that these are actually fuses fellers for a saab believe it or not try to get a hold of these you won't what is that oh look at this that's cool airplaner lid was looking for that for 55 months on ebay windshield wipers and a blade refill i'll be dipped that's the uh fuse panel cover these panels should be back under there yeah there it is up there so we can put this back on heater fan sig light spotlight indicator stop blankets from the light backup light horn relays and sprint feed wiper washer standard issue miscellaneous trim things more carpet what is this a shift knob replacement topper do dabber thing this one doesn't say six speed so we're going to keep this off and we'll leave the one that's on it that's a real emblem i believe another bag thing i don't know if these went no that's not right not quite sure there i'll slide this down here for now i guess there's a couple speed holes we got an ankle vent up here but nothing too bad this is one license plate cut it in half two patches piece of cake but i mean other than that it's actually a pretty solid car i mean other than the smell this should clean up pretty good probably shouldn't pull this here it'll get stuck [Music] anyway what's in the glove box up here nothing oh we got something up here tire pressures vehicle capacity 455 pounds that's pretty much it for the interior pretty neat little time capsule in here it's been uh i think taken care of to be honest it's not too bad it's unfortunate about the floors not sure i don't think that came from kentucky it might have been a couple years in wisconsin but i mean even the door cards these are going to clean up really really well what is this not sure callahan okay we're gonna lift it up a little bit we'll take a closer look at the body here and then we'll get that hood open and take a look at this v4 so what's really nice about this car here is 97.23 percent is that glass of fiber see listen and then of course the frame or the structure of it is that's where the rate reduction is going to come in and this side is pretty pristine there's a little bit of paint bubbling back here but it's nothing that goes through so i mean this side is pretty much perfect there's really no body damage and i believe this is still the original paint and we can kind of see some of that up here there's some you can see the fiberglass and then there's a brown primer and then the one coat of black and i've looked really close at this through all the different chips and the paint but i'm thinking a nice clay bar or even a wet sand and a buff would really bring this black paint right back around she'd shine up pretty good actually there is a ton of chips i mean all over this thing really bad on this side but it would still be a nice 27 footer you know come out of walmart dang what's that thing so we got a little rot down here technically this is part of the frame so you just ignore it right scoop some of this out that's fine not bad up here so that's really it got some sort of hit or something there crack the paint but the fiberglass is okay here's that plate you can see kentucky 1992 but more importantly we got dual exhaust and this is true duels gentlemen look at this you can see both music laters running down here this v4 pumped out 60 65 horsepower and i ain't kidding yeah that's real it happened and then of course these big old 185s just jammed them right to the highway rear end of the car is in really good shape luckily the lenses aren't knocked out there's no damage back here i think at all i've got all the reflectors and everything it's actually a really complete car got pretty lucky with all that side marker lights in it there the fact that the headlights still operate when you pull that lever that's a big plus got the turn signals in the front so if this thing runs we got a heck of a car here fellas and i ain't kidding you i think we'll go ahead and bring it up just a little bit higher miles will walk underneath this thing check it out real quick and then we'll bring it back down and take a look at that engine something i forgot to mention earlier is this is actually a front-wheel drive and it's going to bottle your mind up how they jammed all this in here one of the needs for that bulge in the hood is this little v4 had to be so far forward to get the transmission the cv shafts and the oil pan in here this one's been clobbered on pretty good but look how tight this thing is just jammed in here and also up here it's just kind of neat notice this right away the license plate i don't know if they made any changes from the two to the three but the plate was still up in here kind of behind the bumper i think they literally just had rob down in the basement figure out how to put a bumper on and they just jammed that on and went with it this doesn't look like a very goodish design there seeing a bunch of wire connections already which is not good we got an h-pipe oh my goodness really pulling hp's out right underneath the lower control arms and you want to talk about straight pipes gentlemen i mean i've never seen the likes in my life look at this just straight back some sort of mufflator we got some trailer house roof seam patch in here just slathered in that's fine and just get it out of there no one don't know what's missing this floor up here looks pretty decent though cd boot looks fine there this one's clearly leaking but it looks to be decent-ish got a heck of an oil leak somewhere you know up in this region not really sure where oil filter must be a side mount up on that engine i don't see anything down here here's that rust through the floorboard on the captain's side that might be kind of a bugger to fix because this is pinch welded all the way around through here you see that good dive around the same page and then these guys just kind of freewheel back here dainty little trailing arm some sort of swivel later up here with the bushing looks neat kind of basic actually in the rear end to be honest you know i can't confirm because i just don't know but i think this is a mount for the jack if you're replacing a tire that jack clicks into here and that's how you you know jack her up could be wrong but if there's any sabe fans out there let me know they're on all four corners and that's just what a guy is assuming on but you know what they say about assuming what is this four wheel drive locker boop boop oh that was to the wheel not the grill probably shouldn't touch these tires this top's not that bad of shape to be honest she's a little melty through here i'm not quite sure what happened but other than that i mean this should come back around stitching is still ended up here let's take a closer look under the bonnet here and see if this thing has any potential at all to actually run oh well at first glance i give it about a 73.42 chance missing some parts fairly complete though needs an oil change definitely what a odd looking little engine i got some emotions going on right now i'm confused i want to laugh and i just don't understand but i like it it's like when longmire answered that cell phone call out there in the pasture what was going on well look at this little fella isn't that something else it's not often you see these guys it's a little v4 and this is a larger displacement than previous years i believe but it's the same horsepower about 60 65 but you can see the transmission there and then the cv axles well speaking of which that one's shot at least the boot is completely missing on it but first quick glance all the lightning equipment is missing lightning cap and whirler hoses are gone we got some old crusty plugs in it looks like coils in it but we've got looks like some updated wiring going on in a lot of places some twist nuts not really sure what was going on more fuses here no idea what those do so just ignore them this must be to the fuel tank that's just been plugged off of the bolt and we've got no connection here down to the pump i hope that doesn't mean the pump is bad we can probably run her on a clicky clacky but i'm gonna have to search for one of those if it is bad everything else is here though i mean it's got a starter and all the wiring seems to be fairly intact over here are the juice jugs no idea which is which one of these is going to be for the clutch master and then the brake master which are conveniently tucked way down there neither one you can readily get to [Music] speedometer cable is just clean snapped off not quite sure what happened there that's a meltage here that must be the blinking eye pump this is kind of a wonky design it's the ice cube log radiator filler upper 9000 device slash throttle linkage holder upper 200 ran through here speaking of which that moves doesn't look too bad actually well one side moves other sides locked up i'm sure the accelerator pump is shot too try to free that up but this is good just runs on rod system off a little hinge there straight into the cab so normally i like to try to make these fire off a little bit so i at least normally run before i start throwing money at them this one needs quite a few parts so before we get to that point so let me grab my eye plate wherever that went hopefully it's charged and we'll make a list oh yeah she's fully charged uh all lightning equipment better get some sparkle laters here i think i got a battery we can use temporarily better get a belt just in case get some earl what if it runs miles will get it get a neural filter what else we had an air filter look brand new don't need that wonder if they'd have a carb kit i don't know they probably would but that's just weight keeps costs down real quick well i guess the guy's going to fire down o'reilly and snag up some parts and i'll just bring you with this time something different i guess uh just picking up the stuff that called about oh sure awesome while he's pulling that i'll show you guys some stuff real quick one of the most common questions i get on the social medias is where do i get all the little tools and stuff i use so a majority of the stuff like like the sparklater tester i use this guy all the time they got a couple different flavors those are nice to have this is the flaring tool that i use all the time for the brake lines ball joint tools i carry those this little mini tube cutter has been really handy that's also where i picked this up and then there's a gear puller on here guys got to have that in his tool kit but basically a majority of the stuff that i have on revivals comes from this wall and then down here on an end cap this is where i get those hose clamps with the little foundators on it they're just easier than trying to dig out a screwdriver or something like that and then vacuum caps down here and they also have this nice case that i carry too that's a couple different sizes and if you're in a hurry snag on some different size hose up there and then of course i've got all my wicks filters that i like here's my rotella section we got it on sale here the t6 it's a good price of course i got my berryman 469 a cam awesome price battery probably my favorite section performance wall this is where i get my clicky clackies a lot of my carburetor studs stuff like that and these are the filters some stores have them on the end caps this one's here but this prime line i just buy these as much as possible they work great in cars actually even though they're small engine they use them a lot okay now it looks like they got my stuff ready so get paid up and let's get back to the shop and get this thing running that was pretty slick to add all these parts in stock i think i'm just going to start with the lightning system only make sure this thing fires off before i throw too much time and money at it and then i gotta figure out the firing order here i have a pretty good idea i mean it's just a v4 on a 180. so it's probably going to be what i would call one two four three but i'm gonna get out the manual that came in this car wherever that went find it i put it somewhere it's around here firing order's got to be a nothing right well i'll be dipped very first page a crack open v4 firing order 1342 is what the book says which is exactly what i was thinking in my brain but ford does their cylinder identification different so i was going off of captain side would be one two drinker side three four where forward is for whatever reason the drinker side is one two three four around this way so one three four two this will help us dial that in looks like idle speed is 800 we got plug gapage in here as well looks like where's it at i just found it didn't i oh here it is for some reason it changes a little bit about 25 give or take which is a hard squint it's like that it's pretty much gap this is actually going to be a really useful book to have around mechanical fuel injection system um don't like that the old lightning roller here is the size of a pudding cup throw the whirler in checking out the points in here the contacts they actually look fairly decent i'm gonna save the five bucks and not put those in and hopefully we don't need them i might run some emery cloth through there or something if we need to but i like to try to get these running with minimal amount of new parts if possible okay i might have made a mistake here typically i like to see if these engines even rotate a full rotation but i got a little antsy with this one plus it's been sitting in dry storage for the majority of the time that it's been sitting since 92 so i don't know it's a long time but it should be okay hopefully i'm going to finish putting the lightning hoses on it then we'll lift her up and we'll put a ratchet on the crank here and see if this thing even rotates a full rotation if something gets stuck along the way or it could even be locked up then plan c d f j and r great what was that firing order again eight three six one niner pretty sure got this all buttoned up i don't know where this is currently at in its rotation so i guessed on tdc we'll see 25 chance i'm right these lightning hoses have been in here a long time at least well this one's off the coil but look how brittle that is too so it's been a long time since she's been played with but hopefully this thing still spins over look at that tiny little fan back there actually i wonder if i can oh this is spinning slipping on the belt so yeah we'll get her up and see if we can get this to crank over yeah the crank pole is right here in a guy's mouth they really squeeze this thing in here i think this might be an 11 forward slash 16 yep there we go oh okay yep turns over about as easy as a lawnmower engine let's make sure we get a full rotation very easy well that's good yeah should be fine i just don't know if i'm going to be successful or not but while i got her up here that starter is jammed into my left ear i might also try to get the lone wolf 6000 rigged up it's going to be a lot easier from the bottom and i'll just swing her up top but may or may not work i think it's got spade connectors and some sort of advanced engineering on it well guys verified this battery is bad about 15 times but i've yelled at it quite a bit and i've been boiling it on boost for about three weeks so so i don't know maybe it's brand new now such a weird dangerous battery setup i like it now do's the keys do's the key things got lights on the dash nothing huh got no crankage but i'll at least test for 12 vs over there on a lightning can and if we're good there we'll just keep going on otherwise i dug out the lone wolf 9000 she's got a digital pump and ignition control on board well i've got her rigged in here and this should work fine and then i can run the digital fuel pumps i need or my ignition off these leads here but being the key is on and i did test we got some v's over there shouldn't be able just to hit this button and it cranks there we go awesome so that's great news starter works seems to be rolling over just fine quiet little bugger before we get her fired i want to get this other barrel operating over here i did get it cracked open but now she's stuck there so i think i'm going to get some sort of juice and soak this down and just sit here and work this back and forth we want to get all the hps out of this thing there we go sure back in there a little bit maybe i also just got everything in here right we're in here somewhere over here that thing i don't think that needs any we'll put it on it anyway now what do we got it's definitely going open but she's still locking up which being locked wide open isn't a bad thing it's just maybe not on a test fire you know now what have we got not quite there [Music] hey i think we got here today's flavor of fire makers i believe this was drained out of the triple seven fuel cell smelled like duck stain and then i added about four ozzy osbournes a two-stroke oil you really really want to avoid spraying engines with carb cleaner and brake cleaner unless you're really in a jam it's not good for them a little bit of two-stroke oil will help lubricate the cylinders up a little bit just in case she doesn't run whoa that's way too much perfect well is there anything else left to do nope that wasn't very exciting we might not have spark oh maybe a timing issue well it's definitely got compression i can hear that which is great fired a couple times i'm going to put this on tdc super quick and just double check my firing order and then we'll try this again boy a couple times she fired off there it really put out some smoke i did confirm the firing order and i also made sure that lightning rollers pointed at the right lightning hose here i did add a skosh of timing you know by the ear meter something wasn't right there also maybe i didn't give it enough fuel i thought i flooded it but i got my fuel feudalizer 44 here and now we can just continually squirt some gas in here now we can modulate the fire maker right here i don't know we'll try it again see what happens throttle edge there we go it fired really smoky i didn't hear any valve train noise or nothing let's try her again i'd like to get it to run just for a couple seconds here there we go nice really really smoky sounds pretty good though valve crane isn't clacking there's no knocking yes we got a runner lightning rollers wobbling around she must be pretty tight in there hey this thing's a runner sounds great it's smoking like crazy but that's to be expected those rings might be kind of stuck in there but man that sounded pretty good all right well i guess i don't know let's change the oil now i'm really excited let's get that changed so we could try to run it a little bit longer and then you know lastly brakes clutch you don't need them to drive it anyway another reason i don't want to run it too much longer here is i don't know if it was building any oil pressure i couldn't scoot in the cab there and read on the gauge but an easy way we could tell is when we spin this oil filter off that no one can reach if it's full of oil already then we know that it was building pressure and starting to circulate that this filter looks like it's from the 80s maybe we'll be able to tell hopefully it's not torquilized to 497 foot pounds because we're probably not going to get it off oh or just be completely finger tight that's fine let's see if i can drop this now and make a mess on the floor i'm hearing oil pouring out on the ground and it's full so we were definitely making pressure how do you get this out that's the wrong direction it's spilling on the floor does it go out of the bottom no can't there we go oh that's an old puppy what is it it just says oil filter original part well this is not the same size filter but the gasket lines up and the thread and pitch looks right so this must be a replacement course got to run the wicks and then we're going to put the t6 in it all the dinosaurs vitamins be good for this old engine one of the many reasons i go to o'reilly's is i always have the wick stuff in stock as well as the shell and rotella stuff where'd my grease rag go there it is i get the same feeling working on the boys go cart as this car it's just down here can i even find where it is plugged in now here maybe that feels right there we go oh oh i think we got some cooling hoses about ready to pop on this just going to pretend i didn't see that and look this way whoops it's kind of like wax you just buff her out of there guys had this lift for like what almost a year now i just recently discovered that it's got these nice sliding drip pans included with it drip pannage where'd them go drain pannage is that gonna fit oh boy she's tight all right what size is that leatherman nope let's place grip size that bugger was on there there we go is this magnetic i don't know we'll pretend it is and there's nothing on it great news well i'm not seeing anything in the oil that's alarming especially at the end you can usually get some good stuff you know but there's no metal flakes or legos or rocks or anything like that so good news let's fill it back up well this book of deceit didn't tell me what kind of capacities we got on the oil so we're just going to go with all of it looks similar to a 302 pan it's got to take at least four quarts so we'll start there i still want to try to drive this tonight but we're running out of daylight so we got to escalate this to code brown it's kind of like red but you know we don't have to move fast because that's no one wants to do that i got my gas rig set up here this lines off my brake bleeder that should be fine we'll slip that onto this electro digital pump up here and i can hook that into my rig and we're just gonna go straight to hitting this with some fuel and see if we can keep her idling and whatnot chances are the needle's stuck in there and we'll have to adjust on it a little bit we'll try the brakes maybe pour some juice in there i guess i got to see if that pedal even moves felt really firm with my hand that's plugged in this plugged in this comes over here now i hit the switch got fuel pump there goes the fuel massive leak still leaking what about now no it's still i think i got to do something that means well is it the hose i can't believe it let me bring this back here how about now still it's still still leaking [Applause] how about now still it's still on the leak on a guy well i just ran her down on the ground for now you know we'll ignore that did clean off the paint here a little bit goodness all right let's try this again okay we're off we got something here we go doubt we have accelerator pump i don't think so remember that battery that's been bad like 16 times it's it's bad again well i pulled the one out of the lasaminator let's try her again wow i think we even have an accelerator pump kind of idling that's pretty impressive i wonder can a guy get to idle up just scooch i don't know i skoshed the idol let's try it again oh yeah she's hitting on all four that smoke stop oh i don't even have a little pressure what's the temp gauge i thought was the oil pressure started to smooth out a little that's cool gonna grab some coolant i guess we'll fire it back up start dumping some of that in see if the radiator leaks any i don't know there's a couple questionable hoses in here like this one back here the outside is completely peeled off so i don't know if any of these hoses are going to last and this one looks pretty bad too this one's clearly been replaced but she's been rubbing on this hose clamp in there but with any lock it'll hold some coolant and it won't heat up and we can be driving this pretty quick yep well i seem to have lost spark it's got a really loose connection on this lightning can over here let me pinch that down i think that might have been it smoke is kind of picking up again in the back not going to be too worried about that yet though these rings i'm sure are going to need a little time to come in well this is acting like it's full i don't know maybe it is now it's gone so no leaks so far all that old oil is burning off really stinky let's check the headlights okay and then this one here oh no way oh we got both of them what about tail lips nope so that side that's the smoky side shooting a bunch of rust and other stuff out of there as well oh now they're both smoky didn't like that it's getting really hot i'm gonna have to shut it down and uh see if i can figure out what's going on well the guys gonna keep poking around on the cooling system here currently a heating system great the carbon monoxide in here is violent and dangerous really bringing the lungs back around most likely a stuck thermostat pretty common when rigs sit this long and thankfully that's way up front here buried extremely difficult to get to i also checked the crankcase the oil there you know see if there's any coolant in there guys starts to thinking maybe this is why it was parked it runs awfully good and really solid car unless someone was just trying to tuck it away to save on it but you'd think they'd be scooting around in it somehow i'm also filling up both the reservoirs back there no idea which one's the clutch and which one's the woe pedal but i'm going to put juice in both and just start going to town on them nothing's going to happen but i could say i tried break best rebuild my brakes i don't think that's a real thing but maybe it could be is it going in there i think it is it just keeps no it's definitely it's not as spilling well whichever reservoir is in the back either the reservoir is cracked turn the line something's wrong or the cylinder is shot either end here or who it's really leaking so basically one of the two are going to work and the other is not i'm hoping i have a clutch i don't really need brakes just gonna try to scoot around the shop here it's still cooling down i'm gonna try to fire it back up that way i could see if i made any difference basically i just beat the water neck housing just like a cabin screen door might fix it probably not now that we've got headlights i think we can maybe just you know do a thing [Music] so service that was definitely stuck i just kept wrapping on it right here and all of a sudden i got a bunch of air and junk so hopefully it'll start circulating now and start cooling down a little bit see there it's getting towards a very hot end again i might have to shut it down if it doesn't start coming back down still smoky still pretty darn hot but look at this i'll be dead that works and the old upm works but i ain't got dash lights it's funny you can hear the alternator stall down when the charging wheel kicks in well i can hear it's pretty hot i can also feel some air moving through here so that's an issue thermostat housing and all that's going to have to come off but i just ain't got the time this time so i think i'm just going to get the fuel tank on here somehow clean up a little bit and let's take this thing for its first cruise in 29 years well it is tremendously smoky in here let's see if i got any paddle edge oh oop foot went through the floor brakes rock solid can't move them clutch absolutely nothing so everything i'm used to and more oh foots bound up there we go well you know it's we're ready i think this will just hang out here that's magnetized onto that i think i got the wiring fixed for the key yeah that's good it's cooled down again okay so let's kind of just do that sure okay so i should be able to just come out flip my fuel pump on squeeze in fire it up and go i'm just going to wheel her outside here and i think i just got to start it in gear we'll just start here and head down between the barns and if all goes well we'll shoot the gap over here between the lasabinator and the dumpster and maybe even swing right back in or who knows maybe we'll go for two laps could be 12. we'll see how long it takes to overheat i guess all right fuel pumps on here we go okay gear oh it doesn't even really shift i can't see oh yeah okay get the headlights on here we go oh yeah [Music] power steering can't be normal must be oh she runs pretty good actually oh you got the ford pickup there you got all the lights if you're in the way [Music] where's the dumpster you feel the horsepowers boy this would be a fun little car had a fella had a clutch and all i can't believe that drinker side front tires hanging in there oh i got 60 upm's out of it that's pretty good i think right i think that equates to like 14 liters or something or all of the rpm oh jeez okay [Music] the old door just kind of ejected on me i can't see the heat gauge but i can sure spell that it's not hot quite yet so i think we're doing pretty good whoa what are you doing there door get back here y'all stinker well there we go first cruise in 29 years this is just fine can i turn around come in the other way and just park it that would be convenient yeah i'm gonna come over here and then swing this way fuel tanks holding in there no i got clearance over there well i gotta get the key ready oh hold on here oh yeah well this 1974 saabsonet3 has got a new lease on life almost 30 years it was taking a nap and we brought her right back around with minimal effort really that wasn't too bad at all such a neat cool car i'm glad that we were able to save another one from rotting into just a parts car or worse headed to the scrapyard if you guys want to see more foreign cars makes models odd things like this let me know put her down there in the bleep bloop section thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 2,205,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg
Id: SxqQiWejfBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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