Fight At Public Storage Facility! We Bought 6 Abandoned Storage Units.

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alright look a bunch of little figurines I'm gonna try to catch them [Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of grime spies this is the I can't remember what I bought is this alright this is banana house alright guys we're gonna do these three boxes in one clips look we have mom's movies and they didn't have movies nor collectibles in it the music box with come on guys so this is another reason why this is a perfect example right here of why you want a transfer bucket because it's good right I can pull off the set aside I do want to see this old jewelry right I can just take all of this stuff out Oh shopkins that's cool and look down here oh just feeling me okay you feel convinced you ain't klepto the klepto witch's brooms look they're electronic which is wrong so you stand these up look we got how many doing up by 20 let's take a poll right now what she's stealing from five below I'm going yes yeah yeah I'm the only one that's like maybe she's just not the best okay here's the thing is she was feeling that means somewhere in her life yeah yeah that's don't tell me the truth I'll hear that crap what are those foxes yeah hey do Hey Planet of the Apes right there you know I used to practice that face one kid no more collectible what is it this is sent more Mario's the llama though is uh is in Minecraft I thought this dalamud is uh the video game everybody lifestyle fortnight crime shook it too vulgar I'm chicken that's that oh this was this box right here but I found this really cool killer top hat that's all Katie thinks she's got this game handle she says he's not pissing take her finger in the hole that's weird don't you ever stick your finger in my box ready and oh she might be right yeah she might be right oh look at her stepping up her game Oh munchkin steampunk I know steampunk stuff's pretty hot right now I just don't know what that is Steve Jackson games this actually Hey look at it oh there is family pictures in there is it yeah so you were kind of halfway right all right guys I got mine I know what you think how long you're gonna keep that ridiculous hello Justin well at least this clip so I got a transfer tub you got a box medicines 38 bucks old used apples to apples Katy 25 makes this unit line y'all gotta start where's the grain y'all make sure your poor phone the one you sold for twenty four twenty five bucks a steam punk told you part it's a nice chair falls and breaks and I get that on film good switch off good switch look guys a little blu-ray Star Wars action right off the bat so look mama likes movies there's Mary Poppins that's actually I love that I love Jim Carrey's Ace Ventura series look we got a pink guitar Oh cute all right oh this is llamas okay so this is more banana house miscellaneous look we got beads we got more little figure that's a minecraft stuff that's a good Lantern oh man some kind of Star Wars display things yeah hey look little camera they never turn on turn on and look at the pictures as now for the best box of the unit I'm joking I don't even know if that's true how can you can't tell me there's anything else alright guys so we have more banana house miscellaneous all the fun okay so look we got some nurse and just some fun little stuff you know we'll make big group lots of this stuff yeah it's weird simple okay oh look another unicorn all over the play Arkansas you do unicorns even have so anyway check it out just a bunch of miscellaneous but what group all this kind of stuff up like the new and tagged beanie babies it's just stuff like this with tags it will make nice big ones alright guys so check it out I know what is it 45 it's what you always look at the bottom small/medium art projects and [Music] hey dude you know some dudes have reached ultimate door-stones when they like have too many little pouches on them bro this might be the worst one I've ever seen you straight-up strapping uno a deca uno courage to challenge people and so if you guys are curious I do say Bibles actually have them all over the warehouse is my final in boxes place to put them places but we do have those so we can hand out jackets and Bibles and stuff like this to the homeless and my plan is is once we reach a hundred thousand subscribers that's gonna free me up a lot it's also gonna let us add to our labor budget every month and what we want to do is is we want to use part of our facility for a homeless ministry that's where we can go through clothes and things like that sort make goodie bags for the homeless people so anyway that's another real big reason why we want to reach a hundred thousand and that's another reason while we're doing the 50k by May push you're gonna see a lot of that till May and so guys we don't care about just growing to grow like we really do we want to do good things with this I've always prayed that the Lord would bless me so that I could bless others and if you know me in my real life you know I mean I dress like I'm homeless half the time I look like I'm homeless at the time we have one vehicle and it's not the best vehicle it's a lovely thing right there but we're gonna drive to the wheels fault and they literally fell off like today anyway but hey it's not about us guys it really and I at the heart of me and Gina and even our crew we are all believers if you're not a believer we love you we want you here but that's the reason why we want to grow alright so in here why would you paint a Disney book oh yeah that's actually nice we'll try to clean we'll definitely take some oil to that clean it up we've still got these boxes to go through then we're gonna have this trunk to go through just about the boxes trunk let's just back over the table and we'll do some more unboxing all right so look we have a box finally that is not labeled the big mystery box all right was that IV stuff I think her mom I know fighting shape alright alright guys so there's that guy [Music] what you put that on her yeah we have to I mean that's just kind of part of our YouTube yeah exactly and people can say what they want I'm pretty I'm pretty sure I did start that didn't know mm-hmm yeah I mean I remember when I was I tried to get him it was one of the hey we will our claim to fame is that we have discovered or we pointed we coined the term we coined the term for a ladies pleasure device a unicorn horn a unicorn horn to protect the innocent in the young alright guys so here we have a little box we take down the the line you have owner says I'm just a typical babe guy we take that off of got on his Instagram last night or it came up in people I might know or whatever and it said your typical babe eyes like why would you even claim that hey hey find a typical babe guy for us in the audience right here hey you claiming you rock it and if that's you you rocky you don't let me change it before I'll take that girl off so in this banana miscellaneous storage box okay I go on a rant real quick sir I'm serious there's been multiple people that are like oh he's getting desperate he's making multiple videos out of unit dude what like seriously think about this I'm sorry I said think about this dude who's not being very nice and obviously not very smart what is the difference if I open up boxes from this unit that you've never seen her I go buy that unit and pull boxes out of it and show you things you've never seen either way you're seeing things you've never seen [Music] jus-just got the camera off she thought I was done not down not done first of all it's my money okay I have a business to run I have a family to feed I have employees to feed I don't get where people get on and make comments like demanding people spend their money a certain way or do certain things when we're running around literally literally I'm running around and working 18-hour days to make sure you get videos every day but you want your you're so upset and you unsubscribed delasco City unsubscribe because I would go buy new new units and I was getting desperate to you hey happy travels buddy go fly kites [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 34,583
Rating: 4.855494 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, fight, street fight, caught on tape, Lunkers Tv, Googan Squad
Id: wuUeEIkLdP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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