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hey I'm G from the Cub Scouts welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator the street is now less blurry so we can check it out in Clearview and I also just want to check out a couple more things in this bill so if you get a school thing you down with that everybody get ready and buckle up cuz here we go alright so we're gonna make it nighttime and then we are gonna sneak out of our house and go to the town it was so blurry last time that I was about to schedule an eye appointment because I couldn't see anything but I could see that Pony though in Clear View but that's not a topic of today's episode the topic is we gotta see who this is clearly because I thought that was a Janos mom now that I can see clearly that is definitely not a Janos mom it says Oda Yaga bakery and we know that a my Oda Yaka is one of the rivals in the game she's like the cooking club girl she's the one who got those cakes so that's definitely on my order Yaga she has like the same bandana on it says Oda Yaka bakery she just has like a green apron on and also a lot of people are saying that could be the psycho son or it could be the dad now that we can see clearly I'll see this [ __ ] ass in Clear View let's see that is who is that come on put it down down looks like Ken Jill cycle right I look like a psycho ass dude like some people were telling me nah that's the dead that's mr. psycho hell no this guy looks way too young to be looking like a DILF okay actually now that I think about it we never really saw mr. psychos face we are looking at him from the back this guy looks like a pure [ __ ] boy that could be Kent you psycho I still think it is a lot of people were like split 50-50 on that they're like oh yeah that's definitely coach or like oh no this mr. psycho either way it's one of the psycho guys and a lot of people were giving me crap for calling one of the boats of Jesus boat because I said it's floating on water I meant it was floating on air when it's supposed to be on water come on guys give me a break my brain wasn't working at the time all right well yeah the street is no longer blurry like we can see this ramen shop girl in clear view we can see the rainbow hair colored girls we can still see that the redhead is still so come over and we can see oka and her snazzy outfit cocconi with the headmaster looking dude no we still have this go over here I don't even know who she is she could be like nemesis his older sister but those hips do not lie I don't think they've ever hold Ally in her entire life but there's one thing that I want to check out with Kaukauna Kaukauna meets up with this guy because she's basically forced to because she needs money for compensated dating a lot of people don't really know what I'm talking about because a lot of people are new to the game so we are gonna eavesdrop on the phone call at the beginning of the day we're gonna try to either help her out or we're gonna eliminate her and then we're gonna see if she's still in the town when we come here at night oh she's taking her phone call over here now hello I told you not to call me when I'm at school this is the guy she's hanging around with when she goes to town like I said that was a one-time thing I don't want to do that again how much did you say chichi [Music] well if it's just one more time and I guess it's okay way she said one more time so will she only go on a Monday where we met last time and say sir to tell okay then I'll see you tonight okay so she said one more time I can't so does she only knew him on Monday what about Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I'm gonna check that out but before we do this is what I'm gonna do right now I am gonna do what should i do should I do I guess I'll do Berserker mode and then we're gonna take out the Drake Slayer and we gonna let you right now oh that was so freakin lame that was so lame I apologize but we eliminated cocconi we're gonna end the day and now you guys get to see what the police do when we have an easter egg so the police arrive at school and the police see young Shawn and are absolutely horrified and run for the lives because they're [ __ ] Ariana stalks senpai until his return home safely and then returns to her home and now they can do the drama club because cacoa is the most traumatic person in the school so yeah that's what happens when you do an easter egg no the police run away but since we eliminated kakuni is she gonna meet that man in she sudha town and is this your sudha town it is right no because cojones right here that is deaf Lika Kona she is the only one with Piggly Wiggly tails like that and this man is definitely an older man and he looks like he has some money because he's ugly in the face but he's hot in the wallet but she said it's a one-time thing and it's Monday so what if I make it Tuesday will she be there let's find out okay so now it's Tuesday and the fact that we eliminated Kaukauna didn't do anything because she was still in the town with that guy but let's see if she's gonna be with him on a different day maybe she's gonna be with him everyday is she yup I see that purple hair yeah she is with him I'm starting to think that she loves him because she's with him on a Tuesday and she said it was a one-time thing but she also has one more dilemma that we can handle maybe if we take care of that she won't be with this guy at all so let's check that out too all right so we are going to go to the booth and then we are gonna talk about cojones problems right now no don't push don't push oh my god I almost pushed this pitch okay oh yeah your note said that you wanted to talk about domestic abuse yes I heard you talking with sake I want to help you with your problem what is your father doing to you oh you've got it all wrong my father doesn't do anything to me then what does he do when he gets new I don't remember this he he he cries what these lines are new huh your father is in debt when my mom died last year my family lost a lot of money my dad took out a loan so that he could continue to pay for my tuition fees but it turns out that he borrowed money from some really shady people they raised the interest rate by 10% every 10 days and they threatened to get violent with him if he doesn't pay up loan sharks run chiapas trying to help my dad get out of debt I'm trying to earn money any way I can but the only ways to make money fast are gross yeah we've seen what that guy looks like let's definitely not the business that your father borrowed money from I think it's called we're on Shaku loans I'm going to get your father out of dead what no please don't get involved I doubt there's anything you could do about it you'd be surprised I love how there's like no emotion in that you'd be surprised I am NOT a robot you're welcome all right I keep forgetting which one's Megumi I mean not Megumi what's her name I forgot what her name is her name is uh hanging why can't I remember people's names there's so many people in this game her name's not Megumi it's uh masoom a Masumi oh my goodness guys what's going on with me Basu may all right here's Masumi right Masumi run Shaku yep mr. Barry don't chuckle I'm gonna need you to follow me no not you Masumi clone I need you to follow me come on talk to me tell me your name there we go okay she's in the box we are going to end the day and now it's show time our Yano waits until midnight sneaks into school and returns to the musical instrument case that contains her unconscious victim she pushes the case back to her house and ties the victim to a chair in her basement man she is so cut David you know sometimes you got a whispering you can't say it out loud she's so hey okay I'm gonna go to the basement and we got the camera ready up there we go 60fps only available at night you gotta be joking me all right it's nighttime that's when the freaks come out a ka me cuz I'm a freak and we are gonna record this video [Music] all right that made me wildly uncomfortable watch this video Tama Janowitz so messed up and I love it you scumbag what have you done to my daughter I haven't harmed her yet if you ever want to see her again you must do as I say free all of your clients from debt is masu mais dad Batman my business I feel like to get this guy we just gotta throw up the bat symbol and he'll be here right away for every day that your clients remain in debt I'll remove one of your daughter's fingers if you want her back in one piece you must act immediately that's what they call me I'll do it why is he even contemplating this wouldn't you just take away the guy's dead to sit and then just like get your daughter back like it's a no-brainer just let that money go my dad just got a phone call he says his debts have been wiped clean all right no more she sued it down did you do this oh yeah yes what did you do I can't tell you that's kind of scary but I can't remember the last time I saw my dad this happy I don't know what you did and I'm afraid to ask but you saved my dad thank you so much you're welcome words can't express how grateful I am there is one thing I'd like to ask you for what is it please meet me at my house tomorrow before school begins I have something important to tell you I'll be there one last time thank you okay this next part doesn't matter because we already cleared the debt but it says here yan Chon waits until the clock strikes midnight she renders masoom HN unconscious and puts her body into a large musical instrument case under the cover of darkness she travels to the wrong chuckle loans building and leaves the instrument case outside of the entrance Yong Chan returns home sleeps and waits for cocconi to arrive but yeah this whole part right here it doesn't really matter because we already cleared the debt so she doesn't need to make that money from that old gross geezer in Shih Tzu de town so let's see if she'll be there if we go to the town at night but I'll let this play for anyone who hasn't seen it yet cuz like I said there's a lot of people who are new to the game that haven't seen this yet they might be like whoa what is this so I'll show you guys so you take care of yourself that must be hard I manage I want to thank you again for helping my dad I won't ask what you did I'm sure it's something that you wouldn't want to talk about but I hope you gave him what he deserved loan sharks are awful people she's just kids up while she's talking about she's like I'm gonna go ahead and kill you now but no we're not gonna do her about my pony alive because we need to see if she'll go to the town since we cleared her dad's death which is what makes her want to make money in the grossest ways possible no Yong Chun what's those hands away we're not eliminating anybody bad girl there you go I must have been so embarrassing for her I feel so bad about it but now it's all in the past you saved my dad and now I can finally stop spending my time trying to make money in gross ways oh I just realized I've been rambling this entire time you said that you had something important to tell me right okay okay now that she mentioned that she doesn't have to do gross things for money anymore we don't care about this he basically just wants Kaukauna to not be crushing on our sand daddy so let's skip ahead and go to the town all right boys and girls it is now Wednesday immediately after that meeting that we just had with cocconi we are gonna go to town and let's see if she's still doing those gross things for money because it's so gross to look at is she there she's still there maybe she likes it gross I think she likes it nasty he has her arm around her it's not air hovering either that's full-on rubbing her shoulder up and down and she has like a little smile on her face I think she Loki likes it so no matter what I do guys no matter if I eliminate her or I fix her debt problems with her dad she is still gonna be here sitting with this gross nasty man so to answer my own question yes she will still be with this guy even if I fix all her problems in this game all right last thing I want to check out is the new mech update I didn't check it out when it actually got updated because it wasn't enough for me to make a video on but basically we can upgrade the mechs weapons and they can destroy parts of the environment so I kind of want to see what that looks like I kind of forgot where all the keys are so forgive me if I'm looking like a big old jackass all right so let's unchain all these bad girls right over here remove the tarp after you let's get inside the robot operate the weapons okay so you guys know when electricity is coming out of the nipples you know it means business so let's do this and did that destroy anything I think that destroyed my expectations late he destroyed the door okay wait so can we destroy the door to impo John's room come on those are not bulletproof doors they're not exploding proof either electricity nipple proof come on man oh wait wait oh I'm in new room this Yahoo okay hold on hold on I gotta get out of here hold on let me out let me out let me out holy crap what do yo we straight-up glitch into info Chasseur hold on I gotta get back in there please tell me I can get in there yes okay so we destroyed the wall to impo Chong's room and we can just go through we can go through all day so now we can like fully explore this [ __ ] hold on let me see in foshan space let me see that greasy nasty face Oh what hell is wrong with you why are you acting so weird I'm literally crouching underneath the computer desk how is that weird people do that all the time okay but this is basically what I wanted to do I wanted to get inside info challenge room and we got in here pretty damn easy let's see we can go through these walls can we go through the tree we cannot go through the tree why why do you do this to me game why do you break my heart like this wait we can go inside the counselor right I mean not go inside the counselor come on guys we're not sick like that I mean go inside the office can we go to the office come on you to set office get us up this damn office dah come on baby please let me in baby please way I can visit the counselor Oh Mac all in their whole face let's go what the heck is just [ __ ] okay um I'm gonna leave don't because I kind of want to do hoodrat things with my hood rat friends all wait and have it charged Oh No okay let me go back to the counselor's office I'm gonna charge it up guys I'm gonna go downstairs and I'm gonna charge it up okay so we can destroy the tree the nipples weren't lighting up like lightning I forgot I didn't have that electric nipple okay so let's look at this door there we go hiya pal how's it go Hey all right let me get out of here why am I sitting like that well am I sitting like my [ __ ] don't stink okay so I can't talk to the counselor what is she looking at by the way he's still looking at like those student reports okay she's not even sitting on a chair what on the one that she got those buns and ties because she is like using her leg muscles to keep her up I see you baby girl okay so we can go in the office I forgot to charge it up but yeah guys this mech can do anything lastly whatever we want we can't go inside the boys locker room if we want I think let me see one side here through the wall yeah boys locker room activated it hid and there's nothing in here there's like nobody here there's not even a shower there's like one small shower how the hell do you guys spit in here what about underneath the pool can I go underneath the pool let me underneath the damn pool oh the cherry blossom tree yeah no confessing for you [ __ ] maybe I can leave the mat hold on oh that yes okay I left the map and there's nothing really under the map all right so I'm just gonna keep falling cuz I think I am following you up I am falling yeah there's no girl under the fountain in this map but at least you can see the whole map that's pretty cool and yeah I think I'm just gonna keep falling for all of eternity unless I can see an easter egg hold on let's just keep falling let's see where we go maybe we'll end up in the town bike car guys let me unlock all these chains again and then I turned on the witch Easter Egg so I could do this there you go I don't know why I did it but I did do it and let's power these up you guys see the liquid coming out of those nipples oh yeah there's a nice juicy so just to test it out again let's do this there you go and now we are back in info chums room all this looks like ass okay let me get out of here get out let me time start that looked like but I don't even know why I did that I thought I was cute with it okay so I'm gonna get out of here let's just power these up let's go in front of the school and I'm gonna try to leave I'm gonna see if I can shoot that barrier so let's get these wise guys out of here actually wait that's what I wanted to do let me get out let me get out let me time stop there you go and then let's shoot let's shoot while we're inside the mech and let's see what happens hold on I gotta face it forward okay there you go stupid stop I thought you're not supposed to hit them until time starts again okay there we go got it what happened to the music what the heck yes you did I didn't like change any sound [Applause] we're home roll this is weird okay let me get out let me time start again and there you go we pretty much demolished the whole school all right I'm gonna get in and why are they still frozen in time I didn't do that that wasn't me okay let's get that hero down that guy died a horrible death so let's get all these trees out of here let's see if we could get out of side of the school guys because that's the last thing I want to do in today's episode I want to see if we can get out to school come on come out oh no I'm not damn it okay so we can't get out from the front of the school I think cuz I try it I really tried you guys saw me try but I don't think that we could do that we can go through any wall like this but I don't think that we can go down yep and I felt through the map again so let me get out my help oh crap alright guys that's gonna do for this episode of yandere simulator the town is no longer blurry so we can see everybody that comes in and out of this town KOCO know won't leave this man no matter what we do and we also had some fun with the mechs new powers and we got into info Chung's room and the counselors room we couldn't quite leave the school the way I wanted to but at least we had some fun if you guys enjoyed this video and can't wait for more updates in the future make sure you guys give this video one big fat like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is dead
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 2,187,955
Rating: 4.9498606 out of 5
Keywords: kubz, scouts, kubz scouts, yandere simulator, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yandere simulator myths, yandere simulator yakuza, yandere simulator town, yandere sim, yan sim, yandere dev, glitches, bugs, update, town, secrets, easter eggs, commentary, funny moments, japan, japanese, video games, indie games, sandbox, info chan
Id: QEHfbnoylU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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