Genka takes selfies at the worst time possible in Yandere Simulator

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Oh teachers can be cool too therefore I want to take a selfie for no words can express this situation right allow me to take us on a trip back through time to 12 hours ago what happened to the turtle I just wait wait when was this video if we separate dude that means let's bow ski you lay one finger one hair on my scrub baby my scrub chat you don't even want to know oh no I can't look oh my god just what kind of sick sadistic madman is fresco ski why would he do this to me I don't understand what I did wrong on a completely unrelated note here's a nice recipe on how to make turtle soup that looks tasty you guys have any idea where I can get ingredients for turtle soup actually this sounds disgusting I'm not even gonna lie who wants to eat it too hurtful oh so sad it's the ghost of scrub Chan don't let the bad man rest post he killed me anymore please please drop a like on this video I need you to go and tell rice Boesky how you feel about this on how he's such a bad bad person alright how could he look at this this is so sad this is sadder than any gotcha that I've ever seen what a monster you should be ashamed of yourself alright cool so now that we've got that out of the way guys welcome to another episode of wan gary instigator now uh we have a lot of cool stuff that we're gonna do this episode I think you guys are gonna really enjoy it alright but I also seen a very particular comment on the wordpress of yandere simulator allow me to read it woo dad says when will you put the next Headmaster's tape in the Headmaster's butthole I for one have actually really been wondering this myself like when is the tape gonna go in the Headmaster's butthole and for some reason like yeah Dre devs like trying to work on us on it but it clearly that's not the the main priority here so brew dad that's a really good question all right all right I really thought that was a good one what do you guys think down below let me know alright so what we're gonna do today is try you know as we always do to break Tom and Jerry alligator I'm always trying to break the game it's really really fun in my opinion and maybe of course we can throw some yhhh on Jerry miss alright so I guess I hope you guys are ready it's super excited for this so if you guys are ready for that be sure to drop a comment in the tags and let's do it alright the first thing I want to know is it possible to activate Easter eggs in selfie mode now I have not tried this I just want to see let's try to activate something like Ebola mode okay so you can't do it in selfie mode can you do selfie mode in Easter eggs BAM fabulous that's a fabulous chin alright now we'll give it now can't we do selfie mode in now can we do selfie mode in DK mode I don't know if anyone's ever tried this but I bet you know stupid I was freaking stupid it's gonna look alright this is top quality videos guys alright there's like the yeah and Jerry glow-up challenge you know those memes where they do like pretend to be ugly than pretty well this is the opposite oh look at the delinquents you know just improving my selfie game oh my gosh she's like hiding her face does she wants to hide her ugliness I'm constantly telling you guys put DK mode into anything and it automatically makes your day better alright so what if we snaps the Easter eggs just feel a little goth today still really feeling myself ok this is getting really weird big stacking it was it was a huge mistake when you actually just go to regular slender mode her arms are so long so it actually makes for the perfect white angle selfie wow we're taking selfies like 2033 alright get yourself some long arms all right let's all see if you need anyone to take a selfie then you get Y Andheri slender inna over here right when I crouch on like the same height as the delinquents Oh God don't push me don't push me around absolutely nothing out of the ordinary I look like a clown I haven't activated this in so long what would happen if we actually tried to do normal tasks which can't even fit through the door oh my god I already know I already know what I want to do all right let's try this holy crap I want them to do come on there's got to be a way to send me to the counselors Oh still the answer sheet then they have no choice what they don't care you know why they probably won't sin because they're terrified let's pretend like we didn't see that we can't even visit the counselor either come on there's got to be a way okay you know what we need to do we need to think about this in another way we can get Y Andheri slender inna in the counselor's office one way or another let's do this come on I can do this I can make this work like actually looks up in the middle of the conversation doesn't even address that we like we're transforming and things like that okay so I'm going to I think we flirt now it'll definitely work to be honest I can suck it I get even here through the music I'm thinking about you I think the two of us could make sweet music together is that your idea of a joke this is no time for humor it's gonna crawl around over here we're actually being serious get those thoughts out of your head immediately if you think you can get through life acting the way you've behaved today you are sorely mistaken wow what a way not to break eye contact Oh what the heck I've never seen this one before a faculty member discovers that an answer sheet for upcoming tests is missing she changes all the questions for the test he keeps the new answer sheet with with your at all times yeah I've never seen that one before I was like what the heck is that I thought I found a secret file in the game all right so what about Yan dairy could can he do selfie mode this is these are the things you need to test out there for want to take a selfie for oh there it is there it is girl I'm not used to the selfie guide you gotta like put it in the right area we know got broken fingers whole photo of blocked vase so I wanted to know if it actually works with different character models clearly it doesn't work like its intended to work but it's absolutely hilarious just because the on Jerry Cohen has a serious face doesn't mean that he won't use his broken fingers just take a selfie and be like everyone else Mike oh my god oh oh what the heck someone call an ambulance can we use selfie mode to survive things like the Headmaster's taser you know I can't even blame him at this point for pointing that taser at us it's terrifying if he sees my other hand he would definitely pull the trigger he honestly did everyone a favor it was the hotness of those fingers that dawn Perry myth has been busted Wow all right here's something that I think everyone's pretty much completely forgotten about can we take a selfie with the ghost in the bathroom that sounds very spooky let's do it Oh oh my god that scared the crap out of me there she is all right let's take a nice selfie that should be great oh my god perfect if you're so cool if info check and actually identify her so like okay let's get the selfie guide on put it like okay no it's not not quite there yet it's like right there you gotta use your imagination folks I know but it makes for a really special photo that's friendship goals right here that John Larry myth has been busted clearly alright okay let's move on can we take a selfie with info Jim I am using the pose mode made by the great kgf tbz so all we have to do is activate to noclip mod you asked oh no no don't don't you do it don't you pull that trigger I'm afraid to go back he's on the ready look at him look at the stance just so majestic he is so that's the eyes of a man you don't want to mess with there everyone else is shook look at Harvard I look at her no one has ever survived the Headmaster's taser oh oh oh my god holy crap that feel like I got jolted that was so scary whoo that was a jump scare I'm sorry I'll never do it again hi info Chen it's been a very very long time she's like can you know I I'm a little overly exposed here that's weird though the selfie guy just kind of goes away if we try to put it on info Chen no that's weird well we're at a bit of an odd angle but here this will have to do the back of her head let's be honest you know front-facing selfies are way way overrated it's all about this the back of the head southeast what would the quote of this be haters said I couldn't get an impost hands room they were wrong Wow so inspirational again Jerry can alright let's actually turn off noclip mod it doesn't still kick you out it out it's alright I'm gonna get somebody likes anyway what kind of idiot would just leave free shoes here with the heck this out weights too gramby though you don't know the whole story guys alright be careful when you like those posts you never know from now on if you ever see someone take a picture with the pair of shoes question how they got them I [Music] thought that would work for some reason okay can you activate selfie mode in mission mode come on you know you oughta posi come on you know you would oppose oh strange I have no profile for this student happy I think I've done that before moments pictures taken moments before death let's see how close we can get oh just chilling with my boyfriend here teachers can be cool too just trying to stay positive 2019 this how I'm trying to be 2019 only positivity if you're negative get out of here stay peace to him Wow geek come on a little insensitive there I just I ain't about that life in 2019 so I said her to take out the new kid but he hasn't arrived at school yet where's she gonna go I'm actually really curious now she's gonna stop that she walking to his house I think as she's walking to his house how come she can keep going but I can't cut a crap is that it's you like around the corner and I just don't know it I don't see him maybe who's she going aronia there's no there you can't leave school okay and now I'm just super curious as to where she is walking she's just gonna walk on down the street she's just leaving school I think she's using this as an excuse to ditch school that's what I see oh you're definitely going to the counselor's after this Haru did wait the heck with this there's nobody there Haru de Haru de horouta come on come on Haru de stop it you're killing the air it's an imaginary this is a weird way to ditch school okay well I think we all know what happens there no don't listen to that that's nothing so what happens when he's actually supposed to come to school is he not gonna is he just gonna spawn dead alright alright we fast-forwarded time oh he's spun dead I don't know what happened I don't know what happened either she literally is colliding with his body so that's weird so he actually spawned here all the time he's always here standing here but he's only invisible this is some quality selfies right here I want to go out there oh my god the schools the gates just shetty me teacher did it okay okay alright what you did you know where's she gonna attack don't you think it's a little inappropriate danca oh it's nice but I was taking moments before dead today scrub of the day goes to [Music] Tyler Klein sorry wrong me my Baldy pulls out be septic I'm sorry but that crap is so funny guys for you during this episode of me doing random stupid crap okay be sure to drop a like down below leave some more comments of things you would like to see me try in next episode also notifications have not been working so be sure you're checking out the last few videos okay then you'll know where the Baldy pulls that meat scepters he came from cuz I played that Yan dairy rage game again where you hit the walls and you die all the time yeah check it out alright guys subscribe for more and I'll see you scrubs in the next one but bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 481,451
Rating: 4.9496007 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, bijuu, bijuu mike, selfie, genka, genka yandere simulator, selfies yandere simulator, selfie mode yandere simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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