Girl tries to hide back fat for 30 years - True Story Animation Reaction

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all right I want you to roleplay with me for just a little bit okay imagine you're this freakin [ __ ] jack dude in the gym you go to the gym everyday but you don't even really go to work out you just go to stare at the women all the time because you're a creep like that oh you see the first hottest gal that you've ever saw in your life and she's like a Greek goddess you've never you never saw another beautiful woman like that if you say Shani but then she turns around and then you see there's oh my god flip your chips shuts cuz you know what your doritos too dry but she don't put it on her skin flaps oh I'm a commando all right that roleplay was perfect no this is exactly what this guy would say right you see I'm not a creepy person I know that sounded creepy in the beginning look I've seen a lot of people react to this story all right I know sure everyone else has but I wanted to react to it and that's what we're here for I'm gonna react to it my story animating guys check them out down below this is straight out of The Simpsons I mean I don't I don't care but they're obviously representing the Simpsons episode to see it's one of my favorite memes actually without ever turning around who needs to actually work in lose weight when you can just was this girl like like 500 pounds of this you lost it all within like an hour somehow I just got to know the story my name is Amara and I am 17 years old but I seem to be the only one who believes that don't get confused just yet you tell me one thing and I'm sure you'll agree with me too before you do that though click subscribe and like this video oh my god you're in your dreams tonight if you don't oh god not if you look like that not if you look like with freaking god-awful growth coming out of your back I remember that I and you're 17 now I know she's 30 years after 7 I'm a little confused 15 when my parents relocated to America from India my dad was quite rich so we lived in the richest neighborhood in the city and I was attending the most expensive high school my parents gave me and my little sister everything we wanted but these stories always start out with the rich girl I feel like they always do I was rich but I got it all taken away real I'm just like trying to make the connection I can't my little sister got more because well she was my dad's favorite but she was smarter I envied her when he got all the praises but I was more interested in partying and shopping with my friends one time I was at a party when I had an exam and my dad called me and said if you don't do well in school I'll not include you in my will let's just say I failed so bad that I had to change school like thrown out of the family completely my new school was cooler than the first there were hotter boys and girls I didn't come from a rich home I would have felt like a loser but I got along just fine right well I became the captain of the cheerleading squad I always get so interested on how they're gonna make the jump from like she's in high school till where after 30 years she's still 17 somehow I know I already said the boys at the school were super hot but there's honey you didn't say they were that high you should have said you should have specified that's why everyone keeps asking if I'm gay already said the boys at the school were super hot but if there's a word that can be used to describe someone who is way hotter then you can insert it here for Greg IRRI dose Supply tips what's up Greg captain of the basketball team we started dating after he walked up to me one she did his birthmark and I think you're really cute want to hang out sometime that was the beginning and end of that he says you know he says whether they got a birthmark or not you know I it's really just one of those things where he tries it and tow like you know he's like you don't know you know usually birthmarks are hidden she's my god everything might have seemed perfect with me but as an Indian it was hard for me to pronounce some English words correctly I once pronounced bicycle at my former English sounds great in the video and it made everyone laugh how do you pronounce bicycle bicycle problem I'm sure I have you know once I was in the library I don't know sectors have the grain and the library in librarian called my name they called roll call in the library she called me Michael Jackson no no call me Michelle everyone laughed at me and then they all called me Michelle I just don't think that would do with my sequel she never left it down she never wrote a bicycle again for about a week I started taking special English classes but to avoid embarrassment at my new school I just stuck with words I was confident of pronouncing or pointing to things I wanted to talk about at first I was weird but I got used to it but I was quite comfortable with Greg so I didn't mind making those mistakes around him as he seemed my lifetime going to the movies arcades and live concerts we were almost brothers this guy is billick a Jojo character look at that he's in live concerts we were almost inseparable in fact you can't see me anywhere and not find him close by or something we were the perfect couple and everyone wanted their relationship to be like ours once while we were hanging out I told him I said to live with him on a remote island and have twins with him the thought of a life without Greg in it always made me cringe I don't know why I don't know why it makes me it's I don't know why his name's break I don't know why I like to live with you by sequel and a new girl showed up her name was Lucy and she was very pretty you can call it jealousy but on her first day of school everyone in class was like oh she's so hot and it made me uncomfortable one day she came up to me and said maybe uncomfortable because I just can't even deal with another pretty person being at school I wasn't me that just makes me hope she doesn't have a birthmark hi Amara I heard you're the cheerleading captain when I come for tryouts I wanted to tell her that we weren't open to new intake I saw a chance to make life did you see that face that face is evil I took it I gave her the hardest stunts but she killed it all I've got I was angry but not as mad is when I heard the others in the changing room saying that she was better than I was I was sitting with hi Greg I'm a huge fan of yours can I take a picture with you please a fan of yours what does he do is he an actual Jojo character because like it's just high school student is he part of the football Cathy's that football captain she's you have a chick dog is he famous on tik-tok like what is this of course Greg didn't say no he even asked me to take the picture oh he was I couldn't take told her to get her hands off him she started crying Greg faces at me as he did and that was when I realized that she was probably sent from Hell to take everything getting mad but he cancelled and said he was having a family hangout he's having an affair that's a break was having Greg stands for good rinse everyone good I was bored and didn't want to stay home so I asked my friends if we could hang out but they said Lucy had already invited them for karaoke at a bar Lucy was so great and I no longer was I drove to the bar and noticed Greg's car was parked outside I parked opposite the bar and called him but he ignored all my calls the next thing he came out of the bar Lucy by the waist and they were laughing like lovers I got out and when Greg saw me he started walking towards them when a drunk driver knocked me into oncoming traffic a second car that kind of crushed my skull and I became unconscious it kind of crushed my skull you know it it was similar but I just really don't want to get into it but let's just say it kind of crushed my skull but again it's really complicated actually what happened that was what led me to my coma I remember when I first woke up I thought I had just woken up from a deep sleep but I had all this medical stuff on my body and my family were excited I asked how long I had been unconscious and they told me 13 years 13 years holy crap that's a scary thing that that could actually happen to anyone it's just like you know well like a lot of people don't wake up from comas that's scary also this is the plot line I was already thirty I cried and tried to catch up with everyone my little sister was done with college and had just landed successful she's so successful that she's a giant now and she now stands on top of buildings that's pretty freaking cool you'll never be as good at her even in my condition I still felt envious the doctors were thrilled but the next day I could no longer speak and I slipped back into a coma and never woke up again yes until now 20 years later like 13 years was like a big deal you thought oh I just I just went I took a nap and then I I woke up thirty years later I woke up to this is actually more interesting that sorta online to me I'm gonna be honest did you know that someone can wake up from a coma for a day or two and then go back now you know I didn't so how did I wake up again the doctors was about to give up on me because they felt I would never wake up again I loved listening to music so she got me some headphones and put them on me I don't remember much about my coma but I heard a familiar song playing and I followed the sound amazingly I opened my eyes the doctor said my brain rewired itself over the years till the connections were enough for me to wake up but my sister still believes music woke me up it's the news that people waking up from a coma and speaking a foreign language fluently is an actual thing yeah it's called bilingual aphasia it happens when one area of the brain that knows a language is damaged and meanwhile another area remains untouched that is like the coolest thing to me that would be the only thing that I wish if I ever unfortunately ever had to go to a cult go to the comp like make it selling is just something you randomly do yeah let's go to the coma like know if I if it ever did happen to me I hope the one thing that does come out of it is I come out with speaking fluent Japanese because that crap is is difficult okay I hope I just like wake up immediately I could hardly speak my native language and when my sister kept talking to me in our language I couldn't respond I spoke to her in English and I was shocked at how fluent I was I tried pronouncing the words I used to find difficult and it was so easy when I found out they had died five years back my dad had left me a lot of money but oh boy oh so you were in the wheel then did you really keep you out that's why one into my hospital care my sister was married and had two grown kids she looked way older than I remembered her and I even mistook her for one of the nurses when I first woke up oh that mom stuff I felt so bad for envying and resenting her over the years because she ended up being the only one who stuck by me through the years was discharged from the hospital after a few weeks and placed under therapeutic care at home so I went home and the first thing I did was to look in the mirror I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw my reflection this isn't me tell me it's not true I said I had the body of a 47 year old but my thoughts were just like when I was 17 well I told my therapist about it and she called it post coma I didn't believe her until I showed up at my niece's 16th birthday party and tried to do cool stuff her friends seemed impressed and gathered around me to ask me how I could act and talk like I was 17 but like you being 17 like 30 years later would it be the same as being 17 now like what can I ask the guy now abs are probably just implanted in your eye at this point you probably there's no such thing as bones anymore you just tik-tok has been downloaded to my brain but back then she probably didn't even have a you well messenger I got like the memes in this time are no longer going to make sense to anyone at this time they found me quite interesting everything had changed from what I used to remember first my favorite band was no longer together and they were all replaced with some things my sister calls iPods and Playstations oh so she's back to our time oh my god wait till they explained bail Delphine to her it was a lot to take in at once I once asked my sister's teenage daughter if I could use Netscape Navigator on her phone after telling me she didn't know what that was she was kind enough to show me how he met Steve navigated a popular social media platforms to Netscape Navigator let's Google that it was the dominant web browser in night the 1990s she's like in black and white still see the Netscape Navigator please one day I saw my niece watching something on her phone and I was interested it was a video about a girl in a coma my story animated channel interested in the channel that my niece jokingly said maybe you should send your story to them too that's the idea and contacted them immediately my story my story anime just confirmed that their stories are true stories in case you are ever wondering this is proof oh my god I feel so bad for making fun of her now yes here's a secret I'm afraid that I could wake up tomorrow and not even remember who I am anymore so this story you were watching is like my open diary - I was curious about how Greg much to tell me she just said that he stopped visiting me at the hospital after a year I was mad that despite being the cause of my coma he could only visit for a year out of 30 after stalking him on Instagram for awhile I found out where he worked she's got on that Netscape Navigator I wasn't let in because I didn't have an appointment and I didn't want him to know it was me so I hung around for a bit he would be going out for lunch but when I approached him he wasn't Greg it was someone else I was stalking someone else on Instagram all this time after looking for him for weeks one day my sister said I found Greg but promise me you won't do anything stupid - and she told me I could find him at a coffee shop that he visited every morning I went to the coffee she's morning and I had to keep checking the picture she showed me to make sure I didn't miss him when he saw me he didn't recognize me at age 2 like fine wine it was like he just saw a zombie we sat down to talk for a little while and I asked him why he cheated on me and didn't even come to see me at the hospital she was shocked I was still holding on to that after so many years he still looks like an anime character though but he apologized and asked us to meet again the next day the next day Greg didn't come around and it was like that for me I knew coming to the coffee shop because of it hurts my sister told me to let go since he already apologized but I wasn't going to end 30 years of a coma with just I'm sorry from the guy who caused it but is going to give me any information he needs me shop where he had been going for years I gradually slipped into depression because although he had matured and was older than what I could remember my 17-year old mine was still in love with him my sister had to sign me up for personal counseling as I was always sad personal counseling helped and I became stable again I wanted a job but I needed a diploma for that going back to school at my age was the last thing on my mind I couldn't imagine being in the same class with students half my age and being older than most of my teachers but I decided to go for it anyway on my first day in class some of my classmates thought I was their new instructor but when they saw I wasn't they didn't make a fuss of it like I thought in fact some of them started calling me their surrogate mom away from home it feels weird to be referred to as an elder when you know you aren't but I wasn't going to ruin anything and tell them hey guys I'm actually 17 I just have this old body you won't understand if there's anything I can't and that's when she went to the grocery store and got those everyone thought she was so cool stand it's being called crazy I was already getting over my obsession with Greg so there's Adult School I'm just saying I was at a coffee shop and I saw someone who looked like him he was laughing with a pretty woman and it looked like she have a birthmark touching her hair you know he used the line when I had caught him with Lucy I didn't want to go over and embarrass myself like the last time but the resemblance was too striking I walked over to him and touched his shoulder when he turned to look at me it was him his look of surprise quickly dissolved into a frown and he asked if I had been stalking him I was about to respond when I noticed the ring on his finger now I know he could have moved on but I was mad that he was so comfortable to settle down after abandoning me at the hospital I called him monster and left after giving his data hateful look correct me if I'm wrong but Facebook is like the easiest place to find someone at least that's what one of my classmates told me and it worked I found Greg's Pro you were so much better than Netscape Navigator I'm gonna see Greg's I want to see Greg's Facebook post is really deep Facebook post so here we go so he lives in America in a relationship the two most important days in your life or the day you were born by Mark Twain oh my God he's so deep your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life he's putting his deep stuff because he deep down inside feels bad for what he did at this point I don't even blame her for stalking him she should go in there like Frank and Angelina Jolie from that one movie it started like just hitting everyone in the face post because I thought she was his wife but I was cheating when I saw him I found out he was married to Lucy Lucy two teenage boys they looked perfect that should have been me C's page two and I had to stop myself from commenting nasty things all over her pictures I can't even blame years later and I still want revenge I remembered the lady at the coffee shop and an idea struck I thought it was going to be difficult because I thought Greg wouldn't come to the coffee shop again but fate was on my side it was really easy to poison his coffee it was so easy I just got a job there it was great I didn't see him there for a few more weeks but he came around with wouldn't notice me and I took a video recording while they were french kissing it was actually the real name or pictures so I was quick to upload the video and I tagged it was the perfect plan I captioned the post as a cheater never changes at Greg and what goes around comes around at Lucy the post had hundreds of views and comments including hateful sad ones from Lucy and Greg I finally got my revenge oh okay a swoop of the day goes to the known anonymous I don't forget to check out my story animated I got to save like their storytelling doesn't getting a lot better and like that story actually made me feel the fills but I really wish like why can't they just make it as silly as it is I wanted to see this girl get her fat and wadded up I really wanted to see that like just saying I don't know why not subscribe for more of these animation reactions and I'll see you scrub to the next one bye guys [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 222,469
Rating: 4.9622388 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, true story, true story animations, bijuu mike, bijuu mike animations, true story animation reaction, bijuu mike animation reaction, true animation story, true story animation, my story animated
Id: C78ZIzm9IFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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