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hey guys welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to be sharing with you 10 more frugal ideas on what you can stop spending money on to help yourself save some money these are all things that we Implement here at my home and I think that you will enjoy them as well if you are interested then keep on [Music] watching I have been making some videos like this in the past year and a lot of youall have enjoyed them so I wanted to make another one this is 10 more my cats this is what I'm working with the first one we're going to talk about is an area that I have greatly worked on in myself over the past few years if you have been here for a while you know that I used to spend money at Starbucks all the time it would be like my little treat if I had a bad week on Friday I would get Starbucks if I had you know a a rough night with the kids I would wake up and treat myself to Starbucks well that was back whenever I used to live by Starbucks and thankfully God moved me away from the city and Starbucks and so now I don't have that and I do have a coffee shop in town that I did spend money at frequently but I have now trained my brain and myself to stop doing that and to make my own coffee at home so I'm going to share with you all the way that I have been making my own coffee at home it's delicious it's cheap affordable and it tastes just as good you just have a coffee pot at home that's going to be okay to use but if you're looking to step up your coffee game at home consider getting a steam Brewer this is really cool you can do tea or coffee you can also just do boiling water but you plug this into the wall so in the top this is actually where you put the coffee or the tea you pour your water in the bottom put the lid on okay you put it on Brew you pick the temperature you push start and it's going to make you fresh brew coffee this is easy to take on the go like if you wanted to go to go camping as well but the flavor with this is so good my coffee pot tends to taste Bland after a while I feel like I have to clean it all the time this tastes fresh it smells so good just like a coffee shop you can buy your own coffee at the store whatever brand I like to buy Starbucks brand and I can make it at home just like I would at the store they literally make coffee like this at Starbucks for you and we pay $10 I don't know why you can just buy this and make it at home I will show you how to make that really quick if you interested in this I will leave a link down below you can get this for a discount highly recommend a steam Brewer for your coffee it's going to help you save money in the long run all right this is the ground coffee that I have right now by Starbucks it's really good I've loaded up my water now I'm just going to put my grinds here in the middle once you put your grinds in the top place the lid on you just choose the setting for your coffee press start with one button and then it steams and makes the coffee itself tastes delicious Super Fresh tasting just like at a coffee shop I like to use vanilla syrup cream and a little bit of foam on top with some cinnamon absolutely love this recipe y'all I feel like I'm at a coffee shop at home all right just like Starbucks tastes delicious all right so my second tip on how to be frugal is to buy your furniture secondhand I know I have talked about buying clothing secondhand before but also buy your furniture too so much of my furniture in my home is secondhand I love to buy furniture off of Facebook Marketplace get a really good deal sometimes you can even find furniture for free Lou always has to make an entrance Lou move your tail sometimes you can even get furniture for free um like right here that piano I got the piano for like a hundred bucks I painted it I redid it and now my kids have a piano at home cuz I want them to learn piano cuz I don't know how to play piano that rocking chair right there secondhand blanket ladder secondhand so many things secondhand in my home instead of spending hundreds thousands of dollars of furniture I mean Furniture is expensive that is one thing about adulthood that nobody tells you is Furniture is expensive so buy it secondhand and try to redo it get creative look on YouTube Pinterest that's what I did and has worked really really well for me all right so my third tip on how to be more frugal is to pay with cash um yeah it really does work there's something about seeing money in front of you that when it disappears you feel it when you swipe you don't feel it and it is so true so many budgeting gurus recommend this and I do too fully support it if you are looking to be more frugal if you were looking to save more money this is going to save you so much money by paying with cash for what you're spending your money on so like I don't pay with cash with my bills but like personal spending wise um set yourself a range get your cash out for yourself and that's what you have get cash for eating out get cash for groceries when that is all you have you are less likely to overspend and buy things that you don't need tip number four which is actually something I did yesterday is to shop at Goodwill or thrift stores not lying I bought this shirt yesterday Old Navy size large it was on sale for $3.99 and then it was on a bigger sale I got it for $279 for this this tank super cute so now I got a tank for the summer for less than $5 like insane don't be ashamed or afraid to buy things used we buy things used all the time nobody's going to ask you nobody's going to care you don't have a sign on your back that says I bought this used nobody's going to know I bought three shirts yesterday from Loft let me show you all of these shirts I bought at Goodwill yesterday this was $4.79 the shirt from loft loft is expensive like this would have been a $30 $40 shirt looks brand new this flower one Loft do you see it says Loft right there this one I don't know if I'm that crazy about but it was only four bucks loft loft crazy now I don't mean by Secondhand and by holes in the shirt and stains all over it buy some good clothes secondhand like this was $10 for these three shirts that I can use I can wear at church I can wear if I go back to work like endless florals don't go out of style either like these will be in style forever all right tip number five is going to be stop using so much laundry detergent laundry detergent is so concentrated I literally if I'm not paying attention will fill the laundry detergent up to the top because that's how big the space is if the space was smaller I wouldn't do that right so stop using so much if you just Tred to like half it your clothes would still be clean like the clothes that I wash are not filthy I don't know about y'all but like my husband doesn't work like outside my kids get dirty yes but like we're not like just super dirty we're not wearing our clothes for days like people used to in the old days like we wear our clothes for like 10 hours they're not that dirty okay wash them with just a little bit of detergent it doesn't have to be a lot it's going to save you a lot of money cuz detergent can be so so expensive there's a cat in my backyard we're about to have a show now oo Lulu is interested see all right and tip number six is going to be don't wash your clothes every single time you wear them now with that being said if you were sweating smelly gross wash them but for example if I wear a pair of jeans to church for 3 hours they're not dirty they're not dirty I can hang them up and W I can hang them up and wear them again the next day this is something that I am pretty good at and my husband is but it's something that we have to really teach our kids like just cuz you put it on doesn't mean you just put it in the laundry basket and I get it like they do that because it's work to put it back in the drawer it's work to put it back on a hanger it's easier if you just throw it in the basket but if you want to save yourself some money some time don't wash your clothes every time you wear them it's really simple and while we're still talking about clothes tip number seven is going to be don't use the dryer I had my dad build me a clothes line out in my cardboard and now I use that to dry stuff um so I try to dry things that shouldn't be dried anyways but I try not to dry like jeans jackets if it's a small load I'll just put my load out on the clothesline instead of using in the dryer it's going to save you a lot on your electric bill um and I always like it whenever my clothes have been outside drying I feel like they just smell better I don't know why maybe it's just like a memory that I have of like my mom hanging clothes on the clothes line but I like it too all right tip number eight is going to be wash your clothes and your dishes at night instead of the daytime okay um so you're going to need to look into this but every single electric provider I have had there has been some sort of Deal or better value to me if I use my electricity at night versus the day so like right now I'm on the night's free plan where my electricity at night is free so I can wash a load every night when I go to bed and not pay anything for it versus washing it during the day and using my electricity okay some people even so you need to look and see like your kilowatt usage in your plan but there are companies that will even drop the kilowatt usage like in the evening so do your dishes at night do your clothes at night it's going to save you time and then you wake up and your clothes are ready to be folded your kitchen sink is nice and clean in the morning when you wake up all right and number nine is going to be consider making a garden this is something that we started this is our second year to do a garden and it is so much fun it's honestly not that much work and you're going to enjoy it it also helps my kid eat um it also helps my kidsat eat vegetables because they see it growing and they're interested and they like it but it's going to save you money on your grocery bill so this is the time of the year when you need to start thinking about gardening we already planted ours about 3 weeks ago but for other people the time is coming up where you can start planting and it doesn't have to be in the ground you can do a potted plant garden you can do raised garden beds it will save you so much money to be able to grow your own vegetables and it's going to encourage you to eat healthier because you're not going to want all of that food to go to waste so that is another great tip as well all right and then my last tip is going to be pack your own lunch when you're going to work this is very looked over and I know it's super tempting especially if you're not planning and you don't know what you're bringing to work with you but if you are bringing your lunch every day it's going to save you so much money just like I mentioned at the beginning of the video byy coffee if you are planning your lunch and bringing it with you it's going to save you money so whatever you got to do to be able to have your lunch if you're bringing leftovers from the night before if you're eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day if you're bringing a bag salad whatever you need to do it's going to save you a lot of money one person eating out is going to spend about 10 bucks on average if you do that every single day of the week that's 50 bucks 50 50 bucks or you could go on Pinterest you could look for a healthy meal prep meal and you could make that meal for 15 bucks or less portion it out and then that is your lunch for the week maybe it's boring maybe it's not fun but it works and it helps you save money and it will help you in the long run all right everybody so that's my 10 tips for today's video I hope yall enjoyed them if you have any that you want to share that work for you please add them in the comments and I will link this steam Brewer in the description box you can check this out with a discount grab it yourself and start making your own coffee at home everybody it will save you so much money bye everybody
Channel: TheSimplifiedSaver
Views: 8,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the simplified saver, saving money, working mom, frugal family, on a budget, budget friendly meals, minimal ingredient meals, meals for working moms, meals for frugal families, pantry staple meals, mom of four, money saving tips, frugal, frugal living, frugal living tips, saving money tips, saving money challenge, saving money motivation, saving money hacks, saving money 2024, diy coffee at home, starbucks at home recipe
Id: qwOL2lEl1PM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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