STOP- Before you Mud over Torn Drywall Paper, WATCH THIS. part 2 of 2

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[Music] torn Brown drywall paper it's it's something that plagues a lot of us if you're doing drywall repairs you're gonna come across this fairly often and you really have to treat it you have to if you don't I'm gonna show you what can go wrong and I'm going to show you how to fix it right right after this hey everybody welcome back to my channel here at that kilter guide videos my name is guy Priscilla and I welcome you guys and I'm a 35 year drywall professional who first walked on a pair of stilts spotting nails for my dad 50 years ago and I've been in the military a few times and gotten out of it a bit but I've got over 35 years experience and for the past 15 years I've had my own business of mr.pat drywall so now it's my goal to pass on my years of experience to you guys and teach you guys how you can do a lot of this stuff yourself you can do it and you can save some money take pride in your workmanship and I'm going to teach you how to do it right in my videos I try and teach you how to do this stuff and I try and teach you the right way and not the handyman quick and down and dirty way hey everybody in part one of this video series on torn brown paper I showed you why the torn brown paper happens a lot of times and then I showed you what can happen if you don't treat it right if you just simply try and coat right over the top of it you'll often have these problems you see here now in this part I'm just going to discuss how to coat these properly without making a big nasty hump like this picture here and leaving it looking like a professional did it because you can do it if you follow these guidelines here okay for the next step in this procedure what you want to do is coat these you don't need to mesh tape them even if you did the cut let's say you did the cut around it like I showed you I don't bother me he knows because I didn't cut all the way through the rock yes I scored the paper but I've never had one crack over that the only time these tend to crack or if you cut all the way through so if you did a patch now you got a new piece of rock inside of a hole that could crack so now what I'm gonna use today is some 5-minute hot mud we're just gonna mix up a little bit we don't need very much at all I'll just dump a little this in now if you guys are using hot mud and by the way hot mud refers to fast-setting joint compound like on the screen here I would recommend this 20 minute or this 45 minute because you guys you would need to be really fast at this because 5 minute mud literally means you have 5 minutes of working time it won't exactly set up in five minutes but it's not much longer seven eight minutes and it's going to be set up pretty hard you don't want to end up with a bunch of that in your pan pardoning up catching you off-guard because it is really hard to clean when it sets up so you just mix this up a little bit and you don't even have to get it perfectly smooth because any lumps on there you're gonna work them out on the wall now my general rule is your knife should be a fair amount wider than your repair unless you're talking about like 16-inch holes or something so we can for this first coat just put a little mud on and wipe it off but if you just wipe it off you tend to leave edges so it's best to feather it and by feathering you bend your knife blade go around the outside edge and you see how that softened up those edges now lay your knife down fairly steeply if you stand it up too much you're going to wipe it all back off if you lay it down so much that your knuckles are begin' that's probably too much and then you put a decent amount of pressure on it and just go across it like this now all you want is just enough on there to cover that spot you don't want to build up I see too many people putting it on more like like this more or less and then trying to sand it smooth that's a bad idea watch my video number one it's called biggest mistakes number one it'll teach you more about this so I'm going to take a little more off of there so you can just see the brown paper coming through hot mud sounds really hard so the last thing I want to do is have to sand this then we're going to follow that up with a coat of regular all-purpose mud like this plus three and then we can send that but we've got to extend it each time now and that number one our biggest mistakes number one video one of the things I talk about is how a wider knife will give you a smoother finish and it definitely will so watch that video learn how to use the wider knife right hey a little word of advice here if you wash this hot mud out in your kitchen sink be sure that you follow it with lots of water the reason is I learned my lesson one time I was washing my tools up in somebody's sink and after a while the water wouldn't flow and I was rinsing it I thought I was breaking it down into nothing but just a milky watery mess but the powdery part was settling in the bottom of their pea trap and it will harden underwater so pretty soon it clogged up their pay trap I had to go buy him a new Pete trap and install it so ever since then I flushed it really well never had another problem hey well this mud setting up I want to tell you I'm also releasing an e-book in the next month or two it's going to help you pick out and understand drywall tools all the finishing tools hanging tools I'll explain them all I'll explain the terminology I'll give you examples of budget mid-grade and top quality and explain if you might need those or maybe you can get by over the budget so there's gonna be a lot of good information in there it's gonna be about a hundred plus pages and you can pre-order that now if you're interested by checking out the description down below now a fan would speed this up a little bit more but it's not totally necessary what I suggest you do to monitor it is keep that glob of mud you took out of your pan that was left over keep it like on a piece of cardboard or something and every now and then just touch it you'll know when this sets up in on the cardboard it's setting up over here at the same time now can you do all these coats with just regular all-purpose sure and you can use the green label all-purpose on here it's fine it just sands a little bit harder than the +3 that I use but it's a good product so you can just do all of the coats with regular all-purpose save a little bit of money don't have to buy the hot mud the advantage to hot mud is that it doesn't shrink as much but we're putting it on thin here so that's irrelevant and if you're going over mesh tape you have to use hot mud do not put all-purpose over mesh tape because it'll crack not every time but it's I've had it happen I proved it it will crack a lot more so don't do that the other primary reason is speed normally you're gonna put a coat of mud on here and wait like an hour for a thin coat and maybe overnight for a thicker coat before you can recoat it with this 5-minute in about seven or eight minutes I can coat it again 20 minute I wait about 25 27 28 minutes and I can recoat it again so I can put three or four coats on if I need to okay now it's been about seven or eight minutes not much more here's the little leftover piece I had and you can see it's hard enough to coat now now note that if you are putting hot mud on raw drywall paper mud etc and it extends onto a painted surface it will take about 50% longer to set up on the painted side because it's not pulling the moisture out to help activate it so you can see here it's still soft we can dig into it easily but it's totally set up so we can go ahead and coat it now if you coated this and you didn't do it quite right and you left a line which I don't have any hair to show you but if you have a lap mark like this one this is a big one but even if you have a small one the way you do wet hot mud is you stand your knife straight up and down then you just drag it across the surface and it will just shave off the high points so we're ready to just go ahead and put some regular all-purpose on here okay now like I say I want to extend it each time so I'm going to use a 10-inch knife this time you can use the twelve or an eight even I like to go a little bit wider because you're always trying to float out a hump and anytime you put mud on the wall and it's not going into a wreath its a hump and if you see in this illustration here if you float out a hump wrong it's going to show more you've got to make that hump flow out real gently so so instead of a hump that goes like this there's gonna be a sharper shadow right here you want that hump to go nice and gentle fade off then the shadow breaks up so gently that it looks like it's gone we're never actually flattening these butt joints or repairs out we're just making it look like that so weiter is the secret so what we do is load up a little mud on here put it on now we don't have to get it a full ten inches wide if we use the ten inch knife that doesn't mean we're necessarily putting it on a full ten inches so you can see here it's about eight inches let's go ahead and extend it it's about nine inches so you put that on again you feather it you can always bend these blades so you feather it by going around the outside edge now I'm going to move you in closer here and show you how that looks up close okay up close let's do this again put it on and then go around and feather it like this see how that edge feathered so feather all four sides and then because you left it a little bit narrower than your knife you can do the same basic procedure as the first coat lean your knife over about that far push firmly and then pull across like this and see how smooth that comes out now there's still a little edge there it's still a little bit thick so let's do that again now if you get something like that you can just pick it out and just go over it some more and you're trying to coat it until you feel like you've just got it covered enough where it might show through it's starting to show through right there so we don't want to go any less if you were to leave let's see an edge on the site or something you can send these out later so if you don't get it as smooth as I am leave it right there don't keep working it too much and then I'm gonna show you how to send it here okay let's say this was the repair above and it had dried you've got a little bit of an edge here you might have some lap marks again in the middle so for these small things you can send it with a sanding sponge and these are great for the edges because you want to put a little bit more outside pressure if you sand too flat like this that edge right there can cut a groove into your mud so you always want this tapered pressure and it doesn't take much if you're using this soft mud like I am this is the +3 but all-purpose will send pretty easy so you see that quickly that edge disappeared it's feathered out now if you do need to sand much more in the middle to sand bigger areas that are whiter than the sponge I really recommend you get a hand sander now this is my pole sander but hand sander just has a handle here that's out in my work trailer this actually could work too if you really wanted to if you sand with a hand sander always go to an angle if you go like this you cut grooves so that's how you would sand a bigger area with a hand sander and it still softens it in a curved shape but because you made it nice and gentle this will still work if you were to sand say on a piece of wood it wouldn't be able to do that it wouldn't conform to that gentle curve and it might make a mess of it now you notice here to this edge really didn't send out as good sanding sponges just do a better job on the edges watch one pass and that edge is just nice and soft hey that's really all there is to it you see these other videos popping up these might help you out too but if you have any questions about this be sure and ask me down in the comments and let me know what you think of this video I appreciate all the comments even if it's just to say great video I appreciate it all thanks a lot everybody and I look forward to seeing you on that next video take care
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 65,436
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: torn brown paper, torn drywall paper repair, repair damaged or torn drywall paper, how to repair torn drywall paper, how to fix torn drywall paper
Id: 6MVpRujmoKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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