We're Losing our House, My Cancer issues and other not great news

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hey thanks for stopping by and checking out this video unfortunately i kind of have some bad news to share with you guys about this channel um it's not terrible but i think you guys ought to know because some of you are going to wonder what's going on i'll tell you all about that here in a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] second [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i'm just going to kind of get into it here things are going to change on this channel a little bit and part of the reason is you may not see as many videos coming out here in the near future for a while it's probably going to be two or three months while you see this happening there's several reasons for that there's health reasons and living conditions and so on so let me get into that here the worst news we got was today all this work i've been doing to try and build this studio and all well it's all for nothing because we are renting and i'll tell you that basic story why we're renting i don't want to be renting but we are and now we just found out we've got to move in 45 days from today so that's the end of october we've got to move and we've got a lot to move and with my health issues and my wife's health issues this is going to be really difficult on us i'm not sure how we're even gonna pull it off honestly and that's going to take away from my time to be able to put out videos and content for you guys now luckily i do have some videos already shot but i owe a few people some videos like i've got this really cool laser tape measure to show you guys i've got a rewashable air filter for your furnace that i need to show you guys i'm going to try and get a few videos out in the next couple weeks and maybe i can schedule them out over time so you might not notice too much but there's more going on besides that for starters our moves are difficult my wife is disabled she's had three knee replacements and she only has two i don't know where they put the other knee hey you gotta have a little humor here no one knee was faulty she had to have it replaced twice so she's fully disabled she can barely walk much and she certainly can't help me do all this packing in and out of stuff so another thing she can't do is have stairs so we got to find houses that have single story you know rancher style homes for her to be able to fit in on top of that we have cats now between those two right there that narrows our possibilities down dramatically when we're looking to rent but our goal was we had these plans that next summer sometime next summer like late next summer we were going to be looking for a house to buy and this was going to be our final time because honestly we've had to move like eight or nine times since we've been together and we've only been together 12 years now to make that story short as to why we've had to move so much well it started out that i i had a house down the road here 90 miles down the road and it's you can see a picture of it here this is a picture that i got off of google i didn't have any pictures i could find and i had this pretty cool house with an eight-car garage it was 2100 square foot finished inside skipped trialled bull-nosed painted floors it was a really nice shop it was heated had a half bath and everything well my dad started having health issues down here where i'm at 90 miles down the road so i sold my house and came down here to help him out and then he and i we were going to buy 20 acres down the road here in colorado and split that up and i was gonna get five acres in the house that i was staying in and a 1200 square foot shop is gonna be a nice little setup well before we could get it all split up he passed away so that of course left me hanging it was still in his name and when it's in his name there was nothing i could do and i had invested at least 15 000 in upgrades like the shop did have gravel floors in most of it and it wasn't really finished it was a pole barn i poured concrete in it put a half bath in it lighting drywall electrical it was turning into a really nice shop and then that happened and we had to give all that up so we moved and the next place we moved to was on four and a half acres we had a nice 40 000 gallon in-ground pool it was a pretty nice little setup and that one got four close but we were just renting so off we go again so it's just been a series of crap like that well this time what happened is the homeowners they're getting older they decided to sell it they hadn't given us any notice that they were going to do this they just called us or contacted us this morning and said you've got 45 days to get out we sold the house this morning so we don't have much choice so i'm going to be undoing all of the studio therefore i'm not going to have a good place to do a shoot this now i might be able to shoot an occasional one on a job site but i don't work very much these days because of health issues that's another big issue now some of you know a little bit of the history i've shared a little bit on here but i haven't actually shared it all so i will start with i've just had two bad years of health i've struggled with a number of things and it's made it really hard for me to go out in the field and work i just turned 59 recently i'm not that old i was in good health before this and it seems that a number of things seem to have snuck up on me over the last couple years so i'll just go over a short list of what's going on i don't want to bore you guys but some of you know that two years ago i got hit with vertigo i was hospitalized for four days and it wasn't just your ordinary vertigo that you get over quickly i had a virus in my inner ear they determined that through some testing and they figured that i had 40 nerve damage in my right inner ear well that screws up your balance pretty bad so i sold all my scaffolding because i didn't dare climb it i was afraid to climb ladders i would fall off of ladders so it took me about a year for my brain to basically re-adapt they have you doing all these physical therapy exercises where it just confuses the heck out of your brain you walk along and look at your thumb while you're turning your head and all this stuff that makes you dizzy nauseous but it's retraining your brain well i felt like after about a year and a half i was making progress on that and i felt like i could get back to work so i actually could climb some ladders if i just paid attention and held on and was getting some of my energy back it was zapping a lot of my energy due partly to the confusion your brain has of one side telling it one thing and one telling it the other so anyway we were making progress on that and then last march i got another virus and i got hospitalized for four days with a high fever the extreme body aches the chills the uh food tasted terrible so i lost about 12 pounds in a week and a half i basically had all the signs of kovid they tested me it came back negative they think i might have had a false negative but the main thing is we thought you know in a month or so i would be back on my feet again well here it is almost six months later and i am still extremely fatigued i literally can only work three to four hours a day on average occasionally five and i'm just so wiped out all the time so we're looking at a number of things uh my naturopath uh functional medicine doctor he thinks i might have been flocked which is a result of having cipro at the antibiotic cipro fluoxen i think it is and that's a possibility because in january i got a biopsy because another one of my health issues is i have prostate cancer you know probably cancer is usually that really scary word and it's certainly not unscary to me it's not something to ignore but here's a story on that almost three years ago i got some test results were indicating i needed a biopsy they did that and found out i had like i think it was one or two sections out of 12 that tested for cancer they said that was a low risk prostate cancer is usually slow growing so we could do the wait and watch monitoring where we just kept an eye on the psa levels watched it and it started climbing so we decided we needed to do another biopsy well this time it came back with 4 out of 12. and um it's a little higher risk now so it's kind of hard to talk about it you know the cancer word so it's spreading a little bit so now i really don't have any choice i need to do radiation they think i can do without the chemo but i'm probably going to have to do testosterone blocking where they do these blockers that pretty much drive your testosterone to nothing so they said i will probably feel even weaker and here i'm dealing with extreme weakness right now so i've been delaying it i found out about this in january and i've been delaying it trying to get my finances in order and we've been making some good progress and then this moving thing hit and as you know if you've moved with a full household it's going to cost us thousands of dollars to move so we're going to kind of go backwards a little bit but i plan on trying to do i was planning on trying to do the radiation like in early january now with the forced move unpacking and all that i'm not sure how that's going to change things but we'll deal with it so for those that wonder i am doing all i can health wise i'm eating as healthy as i can i drink all these nutritious smoothies i'm trying to eat organic and grass-fed beef and i've cut out sodas i just really have tried to be as healthy as i can and it's just kicking my butt something is so i struggle to even put out the videos you've seen i could put out a lot more videos but i'm doing these videos that you guys have been seeing and that's with me working full-time from home i literally took a month off recently i only work about one to two days a week and only three to four hours a day so i'm mostly at home and i still can only put out the few videos you've seen and they're not really the ones i want to put out like i put out the one about the smoke filter on our swamp cooler well that was because we needed it done anyway so i went ahead and did that so i call those videos of opportunity but i want to put out videos of purpose where i have a plan i have things i want to show you guys and teach you but sometimes i've got to do what i got to do to get a video out for you guys and keep the channel growing because it is growing really nicely we have gained a lot we're almost at 50 000 subscribers i was really happy with the way things were going considering the health issues because if i was healthier i'm quite confident i could make this channel grow much faster but sometimes you just got to deal with what you've got to deal with so another side effect of this whole virus thing and fatigue is extreme brain fog i'm normally pretty sharp guy i graduated with honors from my electronic warfare school in the military and now my short-term memory is not very good and i kind of struggle putting um things together in like two or three two thinking ahead two or three steps at a time so it's that kind of brain fog where i have a hard time concentrating and it's just like there's this cloud inside my head this it's like sludge inside my head all the time and it's hard to concentrate so i'm trying to do some things to improve that like i'm talking to the va about this local place that can maybe help me out because another one of my health issues is severe restless legs and neuropathy a lot of you've heard me talk about the fact that i have neuropathy which is peripheral neuropathy and what that means is it's nerve damage that spreads to the ends of your fingers or your toes and in my case it's my toes that's why i don't wear shoes much my feet sting and burn like they're on fire and lately it's just gone over the top i can't hardly sleep i barely slept last night and i'm using tens units on it pain relieving creams taking calm and all these different things and it's not helping much so i'm asking the va to send me to this other doctor's off the the va campus where they say they can treat the neuropathy and the restless legs is often tied into the neuropathy so the restless legs is just terrible you can't hardly stay still it also makes it so i can't sleep and then i have severe bad back pain at night i mean worse than i've ever had and it's been going on for about seven months and it just doesn't let up at night it'll wake me up i got to get up do stretches walk around run my tens unit on it things like that and i was dealing with that but when you combine that with the restless legs and neuropathy and everything else it just i'm not getting enough sleep i know that so that's just another thing that compounds but if i can get them to do a referral to me out there to this place called compass medical center then i think we've got a chance of making some progress there i'm also talking to my functional medicine doctor trying to afford some treatments through him the va doesn't pay for any of that though because it's not western pharmaceuticals you know how that goes so anyway i just wanted you to be aware so that if you wonder where's that kilted guy why isn't he putting out regular videos i can't say for sure how often i'll better put him out i've got kind of a backlog of video shot but it's the editing time it can take me anywhere from three to ten to twelve hours to edit one video it's a lot of work so with all this moving we're gonna be doing i have a feeling you guys might see one every two weeks if i can keep up with that so i'll do my best but i just want i know you guys will understand i just wanted you to uh know so if you wonder what's going on but anyway we'll play that out by ears it comes we wanted to move one more time now we're going to be moving two we may be moving into a smaller house in the meantime but i'll try and keep you guys kind of updated somehow in the community tab or something and in the meantime i'll try and put out some little videos some of these maybe the shorter form videos i call them and that's the videos that i can shoot in 20 minutes and maybe edit in three to four hours and i may better get out a few longer form videos like this recent one about skim coating the shower so thanks everybody for all your support for stopping by if you'd like to help help us out on this channel keep this thing going we do have support options like just shopping on amazon helps us we put links down there if you do any shopping on there you click on any link and you go there and you buy diapers or you buy somebody recently bought a whole new set of appliances i didn't even know you could buy that off amazon well they did we get a little commission on that and it all helps we also have a patreon page and we now have a membership where you can join monthly for as little as i think it's two dollars a month and all of that helps so if you have any questions please ask them down below you know i'm really good about answering comments or replying to comments and answering questions and until the next video i will see you guys next time everybody take care and be safe
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 30,186
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Cancer, Prostate cancer, Radiation treatment, Peripheral Neuropathy, Restless legs, Eviction, Losing our house, Gofundmme, Donations, Forced move
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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