🆘 How You Can Repair a Large Crack on the Ceiling using Mesh Tape & Hot Mud

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hey everybody it's guy with that Celtic guy videos at Celtic guy calm and today what we're going to show you is how to repair a large crack on the ceiling like the one right above me or the one in this picture you'll see on your screen and this crack is really common in houses and so I'm gonna show you how to fix this right there's some steps I see other people do that aren't really necessary and some that they don't do so I'm gonna show you the right way I have fixed literally thousands of these we're gonna do that right after this [Music] hey thanks for stopping by as always I appreciate you guys you guys are what keep me doing this I love teaching you guys showing you how to do this and show you how to do it right that's become my slogan so we're going to show you how to do this right what we have is a common crack in the ceiling it's often caused by stress movement of the house could be expansion contraction different things can cause them but we're gonna show you how to fix that the right way now before I get too far I want to mention be sure and check out our website we've got a link here we're giving away a free guide on how to choose the right contractor for your job and one on common mistakes that can ruin your drywall job there's a lot of good pointers in there they'll help you do it right also be sure and subscribe if you want to stay up with all of our videos we're going to be putting out tons of good videos and we try and take our videos just a little bit further beyond just showing you how to do it we're gonna show you how and explain the whys in the house it goes a little bit more in-depth so you understand why you're doing it that way and how that applies to the next repair you do so first thing we've got to do is what I like to do is find a ceiling joist or if it's a wall you find your your studs and put as many screws in as you can basically so let me pan up to the ceiling and point out some things okay now I know I'm off camera what I want to point out is you see the crack here but what we did is we found the ceiling joist and then we put a new screw on each side now what we look for is if you put that screw in and it raises that ceiling much at all go ahead and put a second one out here so you'd have two on each side if it didn't seem to move very much you can usually leave it with just one screw on each side or just put two and be safe the next step we do is go ahead and scrape it and you're looking for any bumps and that because you don't want those bumps that often exist in texture to end up underneath your mesh tape then what I like to do is spray little spots of spray adhesive you see the red spot here in the one on the end and what's what that's for is we're going to run our mesh tape across here actually had this up and peel it down so some things stuck to it so we're running across there and stick it like that now the reason I do the adhesive you don't have to cause this stuff is self-adhesive but a lot of times it just doesn't want to stick real well or it'll stick and you think it's great you go do some things mix up some mud come back and half of its falling down so I just put a little spot of adhesive on the hands and a few in the middle and it never falls down also it'll keep it from reef lean so much so you can do it either way okay once we have the mesh tape up there the next step is we want to check it and see how much of a hump it is because any time we're repairing a crack we're almost always I'd say 90% of the time end up with home because we had a fairly flat surface and it might have even been a joint which probably had a slight hump to start with now we're putting mesh tape on it and we're gonna put some more mud we're gonna make an even bigger hump so we want to try and get an idea how bad it is to start with and now tell me how white I've got to coat it because the bigger the hump is the more it sticks down from the ceiling the whiter you've got to coat it because I've explained this on another video about white white or knives are better but here's an illustration that shows how we need to float it we need to float it out much wider than you repair itself not like in this illustration here where it's coated too narrow and the reason for coating it white is the wider it is the more gradual the shadow will because shuttles are what give away the humps on ceilings and walls so you make that nice gradual hump the shadow is so subtle it breaks up enough that our eyes can't detect it but the hump is still there so let's check that right now okay so the way I check it is I used my 12 inch straight knife and we know that this edge is nice and straight so just put it up there and voila we have one that's not going to have a big hump at least not right here here it has a little bit you can probably see it rocking and light coming through worse right here see how there's no light coming through and it's not rocking that one's almost recessed but if we keep going down the line and checking it after we check it some more we can see that it's got a slight hump but this one's actually not too bad so we're going to coat it the first time I'm just going to coat it right down the middle and then I'm gonna this is going to be fast-setting hot mud and then that way I think I'm going to use 45-minute because if you look around I'm doing a job here where I've got all kinds of repairs it's a kitchen remodel so I've got quite a few little repairs and by the time I coat all those it's gonna take me about 40 35 40 minutes so 45 minute will fall right in there it gives me 45 minutes of working time so I'll do that down the middle on that one and then what we will do is split it with regular all-purpose joint compound like this one in the picture here I use plus three most of the time and we'll split that out about 20 24 inches wide now will give us that gradual hump in there by tomorrow when we send it it should be subtle enough and if I check it and I feel like it's still got too much of how I'll split it even further and in that case I would split it to about 32 inches so I run one down the middle and then I'd go out here and overlap it a little bit so that it gets even wider but I don't think we're gonna have to do that on here you have to make that call on yours depend on how bad it is okay I've got my hot mud mixed up I'm ready to start coding things so I'm gonna get on my stilts now I shot a separate video on how I get on and off my stills and some things about it if you want to check that out [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and get on my stilts and then show you how we code it and I'll have to adjust the camera pan back up to the ceiling here in a minute I have a very quick change of pair still I've made them this way they're a little bit dangerous watch my video and you'll see why so I don't recommend you do it this way and not many guys can get on and off the pair of stilts that quick so my modifications kind of do that for you all right now let me pan back up alright I've got myself a pan of hot mud here this is the fast-setting joint compound we mix it up from powder you can kind of see it's slightly thin it's not super thick but you don't want it so thin that you're just constantly dripping this is right on the border this stuff will often change some time to go thinner sometime go thicker after you mix it upbut okay like I say on this coat all we really want to do at this point is run a coat down the middle and I try not to go completely off camera here too much then like codeine most any joint like this the way I've got other videos that kind of go into more detail about sweating mud but you want to load your knife up fairly heavy you can see see in this video I've got quite a bit of mud on there sometimes I will clean off those corners i drip a little bit less then you put your knife up here at an angle of about 45 degree angle and push you want to push want to push a decent amount and as you go along you just keep leaning it over I'm exaggerating a little too quick so that put it on extra heavy then we can just kind of drag your knife back across and thin it out if you want and that evens it out now it's gonna be hard to see in this video but you want to just cover the joint tape you don't want it too deep on it and you don't want the joint tape showing through in this case with mesh tape okay then you want to feather the edge which means putting it up here and keeping more pressure on the outside edge so that you're thinning the outside edge a lot but not any on the middle okay see we pinned all the edges down now this one's a little tricky because we have to turn the corner but you just put a medium light pressure on it and go over at about that angle [Music] and there you have it that looks pretty good I see hints of the mesh tape showing through is here an air for the first coat that's pretty much perfect so we're gonna let this set up for about 30 minutes and come back and show you a second coat of regular mud and I'll show you how much it humped it'll probably get a little bit worse than it was so we'll go ahead and coat it out about 24 inches wide [Music] [Music] okay it's now day three so the first day we prepped it put screws in put the mesh tape on second day we actually the first day we actually also got a color mud on second day we put a second coat on whiter as you can see here this is what it looks like dry and now we're ready to sand it now when you split it this like you're gonna have them big flat marks down there that you can see in the image and you'll often get bubbles in your mud too so we do have to sand when it's this way if it's narrow we often don't have to sand as much and I'm going to send it with my Porter Cable drywall sander this is a really cool sander you watch I'll send they'll be very little to no dust there's a whole video on that if you want to check it out I'll try and put that at the end if I can or just look it up by subscribing to our Channel go to our videos and you'll you'll find it in the drywall section somewhere so we're just going to send it enough to do the same basic concept which is we want to make that hunt that we've created to be gradual and as thin as possible but if we start seeing our joint tape coming through that's as far as we want to stand you can't push it past that and if any comes through I'll actually put being touch-up code on it before I spread the texture the final step of sanding will be to feather out these edges if you don't feather these edges to where you make them super super thin you actually I'll show you that but you're actually got to get them so thin that they're almost invisible on the edge and that's so that when you blend your texture that edge doesn't come through so let's go ahead and sand now [Music] [Music] [Music] all right after you flats ended it the final step just to sand these edges I should also mention that flats and eNOS normally just use a drywall pole sander don't try and flats and all this with a sanding sponge because a pole sander as you've seen this illustration the pad is actually aluminum so it's fairly solid has a little thin rubber on it so that it doesn't just dig in and scratch a lot but it tends to get things a lot flatter I'm actually gonna go this one final time with my pole sander for that reason my Porter Cable drywall sander it's got a foam backing on it it tends to conform kind of like these do so these work great on the edges but through here you just need a little more flatness so all you're trying to do here I'm just going to show you a little bit cuz I probably should get a mask but you're just trying to Sandy's a just so I killed my sponge to where the edge matches up here and that way I'm doing a tapered sanding you don't want to lay it flat because this edge will actually gouge and you won't get that taper so okay that's really fine I'm going to show you a before and after I'll show you the edge I didn't sad versus the one I did so you can see how far you want to take it and you can say it doesn't take a whole lot to get it to sand to there now you can potentially wet setting this but I would only do that as if you've got a nice tight edge to start with I have a video on wet versus dry sanding if you want to check that out I'll explain more why I don't really favor wet sanding very often it just doesn't work as good it kind of works but this will give you the best job so after this the next step is just to spray the texture and do a match on it then I'm gonna do a whole separate video on matching texture because that's a whole art in itself but I do have a video coming out about this spraying texture and that kind of explains it but later I'll do a video on matching so what I'll do is I'll show the heavy knockdown and then probably a lighter knock down and then I'll smooth out part of it and then I'll show you how to match that smooth part back to here because there's some little tricks to it and I don't want to get into all that here I'm just showing you how to fix this because you may have to have an orange peel you could have a skip trail I don't know what you guys have so we'll watch the right video on that and one of those videos will help you match your texture so that's basically it but before you go as always there's some little links popping up here on the screen for other videos there's a subscribe button and I think it's up on the top corner and one of our free ebooks will pop up here too thanks a lot for stopping by and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 337,211
Rating: 4.8305168 out of 5
Keywords: how to repair a large crack on the ceiling, repairing a large crack in drywall, repairing a cracked ceiling, drywall repair ceiling, repairing a crack in drywall with mesh tape, repairing a crack in drywall with hot mud, how to patch drywall, drywall repair ceiling water damage, repair ceiling drywall crack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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