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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to humankind's greatest invention guess the elo today is a rest day at the candidates tournament the first rest day actually and so for that reason i am providing you with the second greatest source of chess entertainment not just combative high stakes games at the highest level but games of the lowest quality but today's games and guess the elo set a record you're going to see exactly what that record is and before we jump into the games today we are sponsored by g4 nice we begin guess the elo with the grub wonderful stuff d5 bishop g2 bishop g4 this is the grub and you basically play for this in queen b3 and that is about it that is the entire idea of the opening all right i will know very quickly from the next move black strength if black takes and loses the rook if black plays e6 or c6 let's see wow wow ah that's oh man that's a tough move i do not know very tricky queen b3 i mean bishop e6 oh also there's ads coming not on youtube but for the twitch audience you're about to get some ads subs don't see ads on twitch now whoa knight d7 so pawn takes pawn here that's the entire point like you played all of this you got to take that right nice now the bishop's got to move if you play knight c5 here looking for danger levels then what happens is you danger the levels but then your levels end up getting dangered so now you have two threats okay so that's kind of a problem and uh you would lose the game so bishop f5 and now e4 and d4 are probably both very good moves i don't dislike that nice black should now very quickly begin slugging at the center because if black waits any longer being overwhelmed by pawns is just game over that's not a good move that doesn't do anything about the center so now knight c3 f4 f5 a4a5 targeting the knight right away with the pawn like there's no threat to this move wow oh this is a high level game oh wow this is a wow so black should play a5 yup now white should play knight c3 maybe f4 i wouldn't have played bishop f4 i wouldn't like you am i like to me you should never commit your bishops before you know where your other pieces are going to go like the knight should go here so i wouldn't even think i would just play knight c3 okay but bishop f4k fine bishop is okay move okay now you have to play knight c3 yeah black is really not understanding that they have to play like a pawn move you know e6 you you don't you don't take back because then queen e6 maybe you play queen d4 but here you have to break at the center because the longer you let white yeah i mean white's just longer you let white just beat you with space all your pieces are running away oh my goodness so on busan or does does he get tunnel vision and only play for bishop c7 on passanger's winning apparently okay of course cultured cultured all right very cultured here with the ombusson very nice move queen e6 knight c7 just winning on the spot ah [Applause] this move is better because it's more forceful like there is no king d7 you take the queen because you traded first now black can go king d7 and isn't forced to trade the rooks you see because right here there's knight c7 rook c7 is forced but okay now it's not forced jesus why why that was not forced you did not king of one nice okay something 92 solid castles the game is far oh boy the game is far from over oh wow oh wow yeah king safety and material are the two most important things in chess and in this game king safety is not working very well in white's favor knight d2 oh my goodness ah don't allow trades but okay rook c4 i guess your rook was hanging so you didn't really allow trades this is a crazy game wow that's an excellent move removing your garbage bishop like that is a fanta oh my god that is an excellent move this is like very close to 2000 i think blitz game maybe rook g1 pinning the pawn to the king now what i would play is i would play can you play knight e6 no you lose this i would play takes and then knight e6 if if bishop takes in pawn takes then i would play h4 okay i mean knight z5 is fine it's the top engine move i would have played h4 pin attacking the pin pawn which is the fourth the third engine move what king d3 safe no checks uh you could take and then take this you could also just move the rook wow wow knight f3 the rook is hanging this rook is hanging the best move is probably counter-attacking the knight yeah because there's no knight h2 wow this is insane what a game and white is just a piece up and just has to convert and oh fork mr fork probably a blitz game right probably just a blizz game low time oh my oh this is scary oh oh no oh no oh we've blundered it away oh goodness it's a draw now it's a draw the king is completely cut off don't even don't don't even move just stay on this rank yep oh why are we going that way okay fine king b5 draw bro move the king time scramble time scramble okay good i'm gonna say uh almost say like 1900 blitz game that's what i'm gonna say like 1900 blitz game let's go see ah they were higher than 1900 oh god 2146 versus 22.50 all right my sub played this level black played much worse than 2200 like i the only reason i didn't say any higher is because black played so bad uh wow c feign very nice that was a that was a rapid game wait this is like really high level rapid game oh my god oh bad bad bad bad very bad yeah that's wow that's not good all right let's keep it moving that's uh what that's that's a guess the elo record i think that might i mean i i don't know i i don't remember the last time somebody donated a game that high that's insane credit to you well done e4 ah wouldn't be guessed the elo without our favorite opening which is the keroken oh yes you make me proud by the way subs real quick folks um not youtube youtube you're wonderful although maybe there's going to be a generated ad break here um you should sub with prime click subscribe click subscribe for free if you pay like 200 a year to get faster packages indians you don't have to tell me you don't have amazon prime the favorite thing to do from an indian viewer is to be like gotham i love you but we don't have amazon prime in india it's like it's all good i feel you i feel you i get it i respect respect c3 okay so this is not a good move the best way to meet the c5 line is to take it and say why did you move your pawn two times in three moves and then knight c6 or e6 or whatever but c3 is very bad and now black just gets a french on drugs good drugs oh parents no good drugs no drugs are good i'm not gonna edit this out caffeine huh good drug you understand i mean some pharmaceuticals gotta take them right gotta take them clear ibuprofen good drug in moderation and i have a warning for this video okay bishop e3 is no good um the best way to combat a bishop here is actually to bring this knight to a5 not a lot of people know that because like a lot of people want to pin i wouldn't be shocked if black goes here that's a horrible move um yeah like you can play bishop f5 and then e6 or you can put a knight here to target the bishop but this is not in any of my courses this is like this is not no all right all right this is not good don't do that ah pin it thank you so black wanted to play a waiting move and was like oh i usually wait for them to go here and that's why i pin you don't have to do that you can also play bishop f5 all right knight f3 bishop g4 oops to here okay e6 but in general take you should take you should take on d4 this pawn is not permanent a lot of people forget this make this the structure freeze it then go e6 then go knight e7 or bishop b4 or whatever okay a lot of people just leave this structure the way it is that's not a good trade now you just have the two bishops okay c takes d4 all right dc5 is apparently the best move now so well because you kind of lost the pawn then you're not gonna win it back right so you have to play knight of five okay yes finally you took it like probably the last moment that you could have also the best move here is knight f5 to go for the bishop but whatever fine um yes knight is now knight five again that's the only way you're gonna be making any sort of progress here play some knight f5 yes c5 or bishop e7 and castle or queen b6 to attack the pawn and this pawn yes wonderful this has to be your move play this right now ah queen b6 dude dude madame queen b6 what is this rook c8 nonsense that the next move better be c5 oh it's a good move by white now you gotta go here what is knight to h2 what why why why were you like i don't want it straight nights what huh you you don't have a choice you have to what is this undeveloping of your peace good lord c5 right now yes big brain oh it's over cd4 it's over rook c4 i love it queen b6 this is such a good move pawn break on the side of the board to open up the rook f6 is brilliant we love to see that f6 oh my goodness amazing move okay now just don't blunder like mate that would be tragic that would be horrible you always have d4 yes yes amazing oh my goodness this is also an amazing move god i got no clue okay four but now this okay now you well yeah that yeah yeah they they should have gone here this is a good move attacking this and black would have had to find f5 counter-attacking the queen again but this is so your levels got dangered so you just beautiful now the knight's gonna come back to f3 walk of shame queen d5 just wins or queen f6 queen f6 queen d5 unpin your queen hit the bishop oh fork for good measure you have knight f4 bro you really didn't take okay okay okay okay okay um i have a crazy theory i have a theory that literally you just let your older sibling play like from a certain point like i think from around right here you were like kind of scared you were like you brought your friend or your older sibling your older sibling started just playing every top engine move like c5 is bishop c5 top engine move it is f6 is the top engine move knight g6 is not so your friend wait wait you played this right that also is the top engine move okay then you decided to scale it back and play the second best bro you played even you didn't even take the bishop you played knight f4 what got into you what is this did you take your vitamins in the middle of the game oh my goodness knight to e2 ah but you have to be careful because your queen is also hanging so maybe move it or take the pawn okay now the controller went back but you still what is this oh lord this is brutal this is horrible good god oh okay first of all can i can i okay the controller definitely went back right dude that's the third line of the engine what bro what are you doing what is this that's also the third line now i'm excuse i'm just gonna say i hope this is a coincidence i hope this is a coincidence i hope there is no foul play all right it's over just win the game win the game just come on win the game nice rook h1 beautiful beautiful game wow that you played so like okay so white had no clue what they were doing in the opening okay neither did black like for a while black was just kind of playing whatever black played fine i played fine not nothing too bad but then black played like like from this point forward black played like over 2 000 easily i mean honestly easily like i mean this was just perfect the way black played this perfect perfect any tick tock fans perfect white played stupidly knight h2 just really scatterbrained um [Music] yeah i mean king h7 like is i don't know what you got two rooks and pawns and you're playing king h7 i'm gonna say uh like 14 1500 i'm say 14 1500 1700 versus 17 like 1690. wow wow but white didn't play like a 1700 like white did not play that well shame on me for what for what i didn't i didn't say you cheated shame on you for shaming me shame on white for playing so badly just shame me out shame me for fun um no sometimes people play like moves so consistently that i would never even play you know what i mean so those people they you know what i mean i'm just i joke sometimes you know because they gotta write for guest neil people submit their best games that's another thing anyway let's move on all right let's keep it moving um you guys jealous yet shame on me all right d4 good lord everything today is is like super super high level stuff like this is a this is legit stuff this is a wow this is legit okay f5 okay i wouldn't go b6 but it is what it is i mean knight f3 knight c3 etcetera you got to develop like i don't know why like why haven't you not played bishop g7 yet play bishop g7 what what are we doing okay play bishop g7 please what what is this aversion to developing what what is this shout out to lex valdez shout out thank you for the raid so i i was i said thank you for the raid so much i just i meant to say thank you so much just got excited um we're uh currently recording some guess the elo also say hi to youtube this is going to be in youtube now so everybody who just came from likes you're going to see your username you got to go go upload it's going to get uploaded tomorrow to youtube tomorrow june 20th you guys are gonna say hello to yourselves castles okay so bishop e2 is legit so brain dead that it like hurts me to even put this game on the screen white has played so well so far good center development dnc pawn holding hands knights bishops in the center and then you undevelop a piece you surrender control of e4 to your opponent you surrender the advantage to your opponent who can now just immediately begin using their bonds and taking over the game incredible stuff incredible stuff like here e4 is a wonderful move all of your pieces coordinate in that direction which is obviously where you should be playing okay now now white wants control of e4 again it's insane that beautiful i mean oh my lord this is crazy black is playing unbelievably well you know there might be an opportunity to sacrifice on f2 in some of these positions look the engine doesn't even hate it wow and maybe even rookie 3 and bishop d4 is the king safe here okay unfortunately the king is safe imagine it's so great the king is just safe the stockfish doesn't believe in my attack king is on d4 but it's plus 13. i feel like i feel like you got you people would lose this position though like f4 you got to move the knight get the king some space like there's a way to lose queen of six it's like you know but yeah black runs out of pieces unfortunately um wait this happened this happened oh but you you did this and then you took oh the oh you got oh oh yes you know when i suggest the move when you play it you're in good hands i mean not always let's be serious but wow now the idea is bishop d4 oh god this is about to get really ugly yeah cause people are trash defenders let's see what white does okay white that's not a bad move the rook has to go back now oh maybe the rook doesn't what the rook doesn't have to go back why doesn't the rook have to go back is it because knight e3 here here and then here and that's exactly that's exactly why and that's exactly what happened that is exact you couldn't take my rook because my bishops cause you unstoppable problems h3 kaboom oh my oh this oh god oh good lord wow bro what are all these games at like 2 000 level today this is the greatest guess of the elo episode in terms of quality y'all slaughtering today straight up this is just murder you just killed him it wasn't even holy hell wow literally i have nothing to base this off of except for the fact that anybody above like if you give this position you give this position this position right here to a hundred people with the rating of 1500 to no 1600 to like 2 000 i would say like 90 of them would play bishop g7 short castle because it's just and i've been saying that from here like just castle but once you fianchetto you just fianchetto the other way like if you've already done this why wouldn't you just do this faster right which is what's making me think it's below 1500 literally just that for black and then for white i mean you should be beaten physically for bishop e2 beaten like within reason you know singaporean style you know like like not crazy and then for like black beyond this point just honestly played this game like a 2400. so i'm gonna have to er on the side of the fact that black is just high rated so and white just got completely slaughtered i mean i don't have a lot of information here um wow and trumpowski yeah let's say like 1600. 1600 oh an actual 2100 weight but why does what so what is going on today what is going on today i'm trying to give my subs credit for playing oh dude come on i'm not trying to say you played like a 1600 but what i mean white played so bad how is white rated 1950 how much time did white spend on bishop to e2 two and a half minutes oh i know the idea of bishop e2 i just realized the idea of bishop e2 do you do folks do you realize why white played bishop b2 wow i was right you played super well but i just didn't do you know why white played bishop e2 i just realized no i realized why white played bishop e2 it's a terrible move it's not good white wanted to move the queen here but said they were worried about this which is a concern that but that just means queen c2 is a bad plan i just want you all to understand you don't need to make things work sometimes things are just bad like let's say you want to go queen a4 that's not a good move there's no need to make it work it's bad it's a wrong plan the right plan is making progress in the position yeah game review will say best move or like good it'll say best move for anything that doesn't like poop your pants okay and sometimes for beginners it's good like guys folks like when you're like 1200 bishop b2 won't lose you the game at 1950 this is a terrible move this is why i would have never guessed this ever to be because white did not play up to par today is just a weird day today you all are making your opponents seem so bad because you're playing so well and it's causing me to guess much lower and it's very frustrating because i'm not trying to make you all like seem dumb that's not okay anyway it's a long game so i'm gonna click through it okay so far beautiful stuff here beautiful stuff here okay beautiful stuff lasted three moves what the heck is b3 bro you're playing the queen's gambit you ever seen a top-level player play b3 how many of my videos have you watched gotham sub who submitted this game i mean have any of them gone here how many of them played knight f3 you bozo what are you doing what is this yeah now you're just worse oh my goodness you're like losing almost you're just completely lost in five moves did beth harmon ever play b3 okay now black should take over the advantage by smacking open the center it's never going to happen a5 wow oh oh boy this is going to be quite a game please don't take i know the engine says it don't do it don't do it you need to keep the center close then you need to play this this is only taking is only good if you find knight d5 which you're obviously not going to find okay you're just it's just complete yes beautiful here we go oh welcome to guess the elo boot the knight and keep attacking g4 coming oh just opening that h file g3 check f4 come on date just oh god that's mate but the knight is protecting someone get the knight out of there knight d5 but then queen d5 okay sack it to open the king damn sack it to open the king what are you doing what is this why did you have to move this night for what for home rook h1g4 i mean so what where are you going you gonna go give the king a smooch holy lord you could have played this without moving tonight okay you have to have gun here right that was the whole point dforce has been hanging for 10 years take the pun come on okay please please don't trade queens thank you take the pawn take the pawn bro where are you going you trying to glitch off the map where are we going you trying to like combat arms this any of my combat arms friends back in the day floating off of wave rider sniping up in the tower with the l69a1 or whatever it was yeah i i used to play that game that game was crazy i remember when they introduced junk uh the death room map that was crazy i know i know some people know what i'm talking about yes finally thank god okay you hung the the knight but it doesn't matter all right yes go gobble upon come back move the queen to safety oh this is over there is no chance black is gonna survive this that's it find a knockout punch somewhere literally anything except that but you still are okay because you take the bishop beautiful take on h7 oh queen f7 get in there so lucky that's not losing d5 d5 yes oh this is a crazy game oh black is winning because black is up like 90 pieces all the pawns getting through all the pawns not getting through okay so black is winning because black has two rooks in the night which is just winning is black gonna win yo look at that oh rook g1 was a made threat but now there's queen d8 and queen d7 check and i have a feeling black is gonna lose a rook check that's it holy hell oh my goodness and it's game over and white is off to the races with queen versus rook now we have to just oh no what are you doing getting the king involved this rook only operates on straight lines oh good god oh this is the guess the elo that we wanted oh this is the guess the elo that we wanted baby i said this was going to be a record guess the elo episode oh god ah this is still almost winning for white it might just be straight up winning because the the past a pawn so the king has to go over here and then this king will go this way or shield oh god oh god a4 king king okay now the only winning move here is b4 but if i know anything about low elo chess a5 is being played unquestionably the reason b4 is winning is because black cannot get close so like f4 i just play like a5 now and your king just can't stop me i've completely cut you off here so king d3 and black is out of moves just what do you play here a6 apparently that's unfindable i thought b5 was winning it doesn't win check here here and apparently both pawns are fast that's i mean that's just never happening all right don't look at stockfish a5 king d5 a6 wait excuse me dude is in the square he the dude watched the square video but the square video doesn't involve upon blocking your king he was like i'm in the square but the square needs you to get to the promotion square in the square video there's no pawn blocking you the king got kicked out of the room f4 a7 f3 a8 oh and the pawn is stopped and the pawn is stopped there we go let's demonstrate this night opposition copycat knight opposition and copycat oh look at this beautiful technique this is truly a gotham sub demonstrating this imperfect fashion but not doing copycat here oh because it's not oh good lord oh good lord oh yes beautiful stuff beautiful stuff that was epic stuff that was epic stuff that was a three-digit game and i'm gonna say it was seven to eight hundred maximum maximum no dude that was a 1500 game what cool what what what what what what no dude no chance dude that was what the heck are you out of your mind that was lit there is no way to oh god god no and the craziest thing is we have one more game oh we have one more game oh yes we do i really hope this game keeps the momentum bro that graph was unbelievable i can't believe you submitted this game for guess the elo this should have been like a a full youtube video on this game oh my stomach hurts oh god all right scandinavian defense beautiful stuff here c6 bishop g4 okay i think it's a bishop f7 here probably not okay love it that okay when i was teaching my lovely wife to play the scandinavian defense she's about a thousand eleven hundred the amount of people who straight up hung this bishop here was unbelievable like if i brought lucy here right now she would literally laugh at the amount of time she did not take that bishop i mean i don't know what it is but people hate that bishop okay of course the bishop lived i i the bishop probably lived for about five turns yup but it's still there and the queen moves out of the way to take one bishop to instead take the other bishop fantastic take the pawn no no queen's not even taking the free pawn okay fantastic i think black is just blind black just doesn't know the queen can go that way it happens okay a4 now you're gonna get two pieces okay love it love the two pieces castle oh so black is able to see left diagonal but not left straight away fine don't take that thank you castle at some point like now thank you so the way you win this with black you have to monitor the infiltration of the enemy queen but it's really nothing scary you can put the knight on d5 and slowly first of all always make sure your king has a left that's what i would do but okay b5 yeah this is what i meant be careful beautiful h6 here i would okay i don't hate g6 and so now you have to like maybe kick the queen out maybe trade queens put your knight on c4 plug the pawns and then slowly chip them all away and you're in good shape all right rook d8 all right queen a2 all right black finally made a sideways queen move okay yeah so the task was not to lose your pawns i don't know why this rook is still here but okay takes takes again probably taking toward the middle is better but this is yes so now you lost this pawn it's time to get this rook in the game and put the knight in the middle preferably the knight in the middle where it can't be booted immediately off the square because that's exactly what you just did okay now you've lost two pawns but you're gonna win that pawn back but now rook d3 and now does black find danger level move to get knight c3 does that happen i don't hate that move actually but knight c3 wins material because the rook is hanging and then bishop takes f2 and then you win this but fine okay check for no reason bishop spread thin yeah the pawns are gonna decide the game here i feel like for white wow danger levels to get out of the fork oh huge fork yes but there's danger levels white resigned what a bozo what happened i just resigned while i was like i'm done what i really hope white like went underground on the train or something what would white just got mad damn oh gosh okay the blind spot i can maybe get over the rest of the game though um we'll say like good control of the position a little bit goofy here but you know finding bishop e5 is no joke i'm gonna say like between 11 and 1200 that's what i'm gonna say 1260 versus 1330 okay we finally managed to sort of narrow it down i mean we we kind of got there in the end i mean it was kind of close but uh wow yeah this is uh today was a crazy recording
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 427,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: sZ6hp3keToo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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