Huge Tarp Wall In Campground

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good hey everybody welcome to camping with steve it's my second time this week camping the last one i have filmed and then got scared off by bears a lot of bears in the area there and no cell service and i was by myself so i'm doing something a little different for this week's video i'm in a campground away from all those bears and i'm going to kind of set up a tarp fortress because we've all been here before the busy public campground of the summer time sites are very close together you can see the people beside you they can see you you can certainly hear them not much better than a walmart parking lot with trees so we're going to tarp this place in like it's a crime scene investigation and hopefully out of sight out of mind big tarps little tarps long tarps skinny tarps 400 feet of paracord and let's let the show begin so the biggest defender to privacy is the road right there we'll cover that up first with a 12-footer all right [Applause] oh it's already nailing the tree [Applause] okay that's easier i'm not the first person with this plan this is a major span gonna have to be like a triple tarp so i'll lay them out stitch them together and this one will require the ladder for sure that'll be good [Applause] [Applause] getting better already [Applause] so [Applause] step one block out the neighbors step two step two [Applause] oh yeah it's hot today by the way uh not quite a heat wave but not comfortable to be stringing tarps the wind is ruffling around my privacy shade so i'm gonna borrow a few tent pegs from my tent to stick it down who actually needs to see the nature when you can rest the shirt knowing it's there right behind the tarp actually the tarp is just blocking me from these other campers over there and from the main road move the car over a little to block it some more and right back here there's no campsites anywhere out here and aside for the road this is like my own private campground right here love it i'm sure glad there's no bears around here in a rare display of relevant outdoors knowledge i actually know that this is a beet hazelnut they're native around here and quite common inside here there's little hazelnuts and normally they get eaten by the birds and deers and stuff before they're ripe but yes this is actually a small fruit uh hazelnut that is completely edible not just that beside it we've got rose hips and this is in fact a rose it's a wild rose uh it's alberta's official plant so we got rose hips beaked hazelnuts and if you wouldn't believe it high bush cranberries right beside you could probably make a meal out of this it would be disgusting because they don't sound like they'd go together but uh you could i'm shocked at both the coincidence of finding these and the coincidence that i knew any relative knowledge or could identify them still debating on what i want to do for a shelter tonight i've got the hammock but there's no good trees i've got that little tent but it's really hot and that thing doesn't breathe very well so it's kind of looking like under the stars by the campfire i shouldn't freak anybody out because i've got these tarps all over nobody can see me and if it does rain i can crawl under the picnic table right it doesn't get any better than that [Applause] so from out here uh the cloak of privacy that looks horrible from the road it looks like i'm butchering a hitchhiker i tried to get a hold of crazy neighbor to see if he wanted to come on this trip however now that i think about it two people laughing from behind a tarp one calling the other crazy neighbor might almost be worse than dead silence coming from behind the tarps i've never had a tick before in my life but i felt something under my jeans so i lifted my pant leg and just flicked it off real quick i don't know if it was a tick but if it was it wouldn't stand a chance of getting through my luxurious mane of leg hair [Applause] it's my suspicion that these comically small fire pits are from the era when the park had free firewood so they tried to cut down on those expenses and now that it's sold by the bundle there's bigger fire pits so burn baby burn bats are good because they eat mosquitoes but it means there's mosquitoes so good thing for the thermosyl tonight i'm having breakfast for dinner because all i want is eggs it is food time and i've been waiting for this meteorite shower and i haven't seen anything probably because of all the trees and the moon out there breakfast for dinner green onions a couple tomato slices i've got this pie oven and this is a double so you put a lot in there i figured one regulation size tortilla will fit into this thing let me load it with breakfast stuff big shout out to dave who is working at the acreage right now uh who is having breakfast for dinner because that gave me the idea start with a rich bed of double cheddar crack a couple eggs in here green onions tomato slices i'm actually gonna break the eggs so that it forms kind of like a scrambled eggs in here baby spinach that looks uh pretty acceptable closed up and uh onto the grill all right so all these burn parts are gonna go away and we're gonna be left hopefully with pure deliciousness all right [Applause] let's get this onto the tray looks like it turned out pretty good um not burned how's the other side look hopefully ditto oh yeah i think this will require a little bit of cooling down but it's it's healthy other good this is like oh yeah definitely some cooling down but like the breakfast sandwich of the century if we get rid of this burn part here let this cool down and then we'll dig in this is like a whole new world of uh camping meals because a tortilla like that fits in these things perfect i'll say this does take a disturbingly long time to cool down but it uh actually turn up pretty good it's not too burned um very delicious can't go wrong with ingredients like those as long as it doesn't burn not the eggs are cooked up okay now i'm on a mission to see what i can stick inside of these tortillas and cook this way because this is uh i guess that's where the kind of some egg dripped out of it or cheese or both it's both but this meal was a wise decision breakfast for dinner highly delicious and i highly recommend that still no meteors blasting through the sky yet but that's okay um i didn't expect much with the trees and all that anyway that last uh video i've got a half filmed and uh i can't really let on what it is because that could affect me re-filming it which is we're planning for monday or so for next thursday's video to be the uh risky one that i was talking about uh but with the bears uh yeah i got freaked out um because that's that's what i do normally in normal bear territory but this is like grizzly territory um and there's no cell service miles from anywhere a beautiful view of the sky though because there's no cities or towns or cell phone towers anywhere nearby so the plan is i'm going out with crazy neighbor probably monday or so and we are going to try and film this thing and it is a stealth camp and this is the first i think the second actual stealth camp the crazy neighbors going on with me and this one is a good one so uh i'm excited for that uh the reason for the video of course is there is a possibility that we might hit a million subscribers within the week or so and i didn't want to have that video up until it actually happened i don't want to be presumptuous um and when i say we i mean there's a lot of people that help with camping with steve it is uh you know there's myself there is beautiful wife who is actually doing a lot of behind the scenes driving and stuff and coming up with a lot of ideas recipes that type of stuff crazy neighbor of course we have uh abby who is helping um with managing certain things online uh my sister who is also helping out quite a bit and uh anybody that's uh been a part of the circle has been involved we've got you know captain john all these other random characters smoke is ruining my my heart felt okay okay all these people that have uh contributed uh you know bill mcneil doing uh great moderation uh and and helping in the comment section and yeah you know there's tons of people so when i say we i mean like there's a whole bunch of us that uh our lives have uh kind of changed and focused more like around what are we gonna do for videos and in that type of thing so i'm rambling on here [Applause] all right i've got my bear spray and i'm going to sleep right on the ground here um crawl in here and i'll have my camera handy in case anything interesting happens tonight that's okay see just a dew covered sleeping bag on the ground you don't need much more than that life it's a big good sleep it's you guys an am good morning the temperature in the sleeping bag 10 out of 10. the lack of precipitation 10 out of 10. sleeping around in the gravel not 10 out of 10 but being in a campground with running water in a flush toilet 10 out of 10. let's go check those out some of these capping setups are a lot better than just a tarp oh that was cushy i didn't film in there because people get a little unreasonable when you walk into a bathroom with a camera anyhow lights running water uh individual shower stalls not those big gang showers everybody's dropping soap and snapping towels it was pure heaven um very rare that i find a campsite that actually has the running water and heated bathroom facilities [Applause] i don't know how safe these ladders are um you can kind of picture what might happen in a cartoonish way i think some job sites actually ban these style but they are convenient you can take them wherever you need like right in the car this thing could be like 20 foot extension ladder if you fold it right out [Applause] thank you everybody who has subscribed um this is i always thought my channel would stop at like 300 000 subscribers and here we are all because we're like a big uh big group of friends that all get along i see the comments we're all pretty good um not that one guy that sent me an email he said he was used to be homeless and what i'm doing is disgusting and unbelievably offensive uh so it's not for everybody i guess anyhow um so thank you and congrats to everybody who's having a birthday um anniversary all those other life events uh i am i'm happy for you it does does feel like a big family and uh it's the worst compression sack i've ever owned like it's the best but it's the worst to uh figure out all right all right it's better i'm really dreading trying to fit these tarps back in the car [Applause] [Applause] i feel so exposed gotta get out of here [Applause] folding a tarp with one person is so difficult that's why i normally just roll them in a ball and stuff them in the car [Applause] not bad [Applause] perfect timing getting out of here just as the mosquitoes are coming out look at that one got him all right thanks for joining me guys um please subscribe if this is your uh type of thing or you like weird camping um next week will be a humdinger so just putting that out there and uh you catch me thursday then but uh if we do happen to hit a million subscribers sometime before then um i'll go live if possible uh so if i'm close to internet or there's good cell service um i'll try to time it but uh yeah you may see me before then so cheers everybody you've been camping with steve thanks for stopping in [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 873,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N7DeXtpZyXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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