This Man's Brilliant Setup is the BEST I've Ever Seen!

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65 i'm tired i don't know how long i got on this earth but i'm just going to live you know my life to the fullest my wife she wants me to be happy and she lets me know that everyday you know even though she's not here to enjoy it with me but i know she so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna travel and just enjoy myself [Music] hey guys i'm here with uh my new friend roy he's traveling the country he's going to try to travel all 50 states with his dog which i don't know he's a pit master breed i'm from new york been here about 50 years retired military retired nurse and lost my wife six months ago today actually the 15th of november she died of cancer and um that was one of my life's dreams where it was the travel united states of america and i started about 12 days ago drove my my pod up here with my wrx and i've been up here ever since it's been a journey you know trying to you know get over the loss of someone who lived your whole life practically my whole life 30 years marriage and just starting out it's fun i love it up here i love the woods and breeze at night and it's it's lovely this is living this is truly living tell you a little story about this dog here he was born the same day or the same night my wife passed away his name is down [Music] the 15th of november so that's why he's a special this is a special dog too yeah we got each other i got you right daniel right i got you you got me huh getting big but this is the start of my journey and i look i look forward to it i truly do this is a great country the united states great country i just want to take it in every you know mile every you know just enjoy it you know let me just give you a quick chore this is a 2000 subaru wrx i purchased it in in 05 i've had this car since i had it painted army green put a new engine in it it runs fine i follow egypt's spirituality as you can see my little emblem right there you should be trump there's some ideas i have daniel don't you go anywhere but i took all the seats the back seats out and the passenger right now i mean so you unbolted them yeah i took all the seats out the back seat and the passenger seat out built this platform and i have a this is my storage box up front let me show you that but under here i made this a hinge just my spare is going to go in that it's a little messy right now but my spare is going to go here right and did you originally plan to sleep in the subaru no never too small so you got a fire extinguisher is it in this box all right safety right yep i gotta put it something out good and then oh there's the foam kind of is on top of here as well and under here i have a full size spare of the my the guy that painted the vehicle he's uh painting it black i had to order one from um what they call it ebay okay to match the ones on the car nice handy black i'm going to pick it up tomorrow okay and all this stuff see this this guy all this stuff got to be free though these are my tools that's going to eventually go on top of the pod and uh try to clear up some of the space down here so i can have more you know room to maneuver my food you know where i keep my food and stuff you know when i when i roll i just pack it in there and i got my electronics down below and i took the passenger seat out because this is where dano rides right down top of the platform i built this platform for him to ride on and this is my portable toilet here yeah i want to build support here so don't jump up and down you know yeah so that balances when you drive it's somewhat you know and i know dana's gonna get bigger right so i have to extend it out a little more bring it forward a little more because he's having trouble staying up on it i'm gonna extend it out a little more just as long as long as i can get my bag in here so what's unique about the patriots it's 1800 watts right this is pretty big but i'm putting it to the test and what i'm actually finding is it's not it doesn't live up it doesn't live up no so what are you trying to draw from it the refrigerator that's that's my main concern is keeping my rear uh little refrigerator okay so you have the fridge inside because now i'm on shore power right and when i roll the fridge got to go in the vehicle yep and what i'm finding is that that little small refrigerator drew like half the power in like four hours so are you thinking about doing like a solar panel or something yeah i have a solar panel but it's in storage you got this kitchen here yeah this i'm not i'm not gonna roll with this because this is too big you know it's heavy i'm thinking about weight too right here i want to build like a cook station it has to come up you know about this height because i don't want to be bending down here so i got to come up to about that height the only problem with that is that workspace counter space i'm trying to think about how i'm because when you're cooking you need a prep space right that's my only thing i'm thinking about once i once i put the cook get the coleman up top and the sink now where's my cook space you know something i could so i was thinking about it cut out maybe i have to put it up like at that angle and this will give me at least a little bit of uh prep space that will eliminate this now my only problem is this right here i gotta carry a 30 pounder and i was thinking about putting it on top of the dog the pot are you doing that for like the cost or the cost cost and the little containers the little containers don't make sense to me because i'm gonna need if i'm boondocking i'm gonna i'll have the solar panel for the power station but i would need a backup like a compact what they call it a propane generator so i can utilize that i told them story about the uh the night the the night my wife passed away i went outside the smoke cigarette and i don't know something made me look to the sky and i saw the um the constellation of orion and i looked up in the sky i don't know what made me turn my head but something i think it was her she she said look in the constellation of variety and he painted that on on the scooter this is a my part here with uh you know i caught i call it a um what they call it an awning that goes over so you don't step out of the pod right into the element did that awning come with the ipod no this is purchased separately they have a separate versions of this but actually i bought this i the guy that i bought the eye the my part from this was already in it and it works fine you know works fine you know i put the rack on the top you know just throw away some of my stuff but this works fine for me me and daniel you know keeps us out of the elements you know when it gets when it's cold it has the air conditioning i'm gonna show you the inside it's a little messy right now but i'll show you yeah well basically the bed this is two mattresses one you know it's about a less than a queen size the bed right so i put both mattresses across okay but i sleep on this side and i put daniel's bed up in that corner there you know at night you know i have to you know it's a process to go you know to um sack out because i got to remove everything put his bed up there in the corner but that's where he sleeps up there in the corner that's it's a dvd player radio and i put the dvd in i get a picture but no sound so you're hooked up to shore power yeah i'm hooked up to show power what kind of power does it pull well it's 12-volt 12 volts the tv is 12-volt only thing in the pool major voltage is the air conditioner and it has a battery there's a backup battery that charges itself as you roll off when you're on short power probably challenges nice spot for the dog to hang out oh yes and the shade actually feels cooler it's about 80 degrees today right yeah it works for me you know it's it's tiny i think i'm the smallest setup out here but you know it works for me how much does the trailer weigh about 800 pounds 800 pounds so it's not too much for the super no it's not too much do you set this awning up every time you go so yes that's that's the only difficult part about setting up is this because you know it's the process it's taking about 20 minutes to get it up once i you know pack this up you know it's a little small bag i just throw it up top there on the rack and if i you know but this it makes it you know an additional space when you come out of the pot you know you're stepping in and this zips up you know you can close and close it in you know with a net and everything you know if you want to open it up but it makes it roomier you know sit on there get some shade but it works me and daniel it works for both of us you know all right they had the the spare mounted on the side right here and and it had the eye of horus on the the spare cover that's why i bought it i said oh this is this is a this is a sign the previous owner had a spare tire this airtight cover had the eye of horus on it i said that's the science what's up you put the rack up here yeah got some blades on it and then i see you have a uh a vent under there right yo my vent fan went out oh no what brand is it i don't know i called him and he said he's gonna get back to me because uh i need that vent man i appreciate you telling me about your setup do you mind if i use this for a youtube video you can use it i am planning on starting my own youtube channel and this is this is an inspiration right here to get my eyes needing up we just happen to be driving by and driving by come by and say hi right yo this is this is great well hey it was nice to meet you roy nice to meet you too you
Channel: Off Grid Adventure
Views: 4,537,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mypod, Mypod camper, Mypod trailer, camper, camper trailer, camping, camping trailers, micro camper, micro camper trailer, mini camper, minimalism, off grid living, overlanding, rv, rv living, small camper, small camper trailer, small campers, teardrop, teardrop camper, teardrop campers, teardrop camping, teardrop trailer, teardrop trailer camping, teardrop trailer tour, tiny camper, tiny house on wheels, travel trailer, van life
Id: B5UPUcjnBeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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