Exploring Hog Rock On A Solo Hike With A New Twig Stove 🔥

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all right folks I don't know what I'm getting myself into but decided to follow this trail that circles around this big rocker so I thought but check this out folks you can see there's this big rock outcropping right here oh my gosh what am I getting myself into I really don't know but there's a curious feature right over here look at that rock let's go take a look at that real quick wow what's interesting is that it's a Flat Rock on the top and you have all of this other rocks around it and it just caught my eye as I was slowly climbing up oh man that is so cool as you can probably tell the bugs are flying around me so I'm going to have to get that bug spray out again but that is super cool and from here you can probably see that rock outcropping so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab a snapshot of this and then I'll bring you guys back as we hike up to the top all right folks let's do this let's get to the top of this hill and I got to go slow and steady here use my walking stick as my [Music] guide wow I can just imagine we should have some pretty views from up here hopefully but wow look at that outcropping amazing and that's what we just climbed up it looks like we got to go straight up why does it have to be muddy there folks why okay I got to get my footing here looks like we're going up this way I think okay all right yep oh oh yeah folks okay let's go this way it looks like we can go that way let's go this way cuz it looks like there's a view from here oh my gosh this is amazing folks I saw this on the map and I saw that it was flat on top and I was like I got to go check that out this is going to be super cool that's what I kept saying to myself super cool oh my gosh let's see if there is a view I don't know maybe not the fact that we made it up to this top of this rock here super cool okay all right that just looks down amazing folks oh my gosh woo this is living life folks really is I originally wasn't going to hike this pathway and I said you know what I didn't hike it the last time I was here so I got to go check it out and see what it's like let me just take a look to see where the path actually goes from here okay so from here right so from there looks like it's going to go down that way all right but we're going to go back over here and we're going to stop and rest hopefully you have a good shot of me folks beautiful spot all right yeah we're just going to stop here under this shade for a little bit and rehydrate and I'll figure out what I'm going to do next all right folks hopefully you can see how incredible this rock formation is it is known as Hog Rock I took another look at the maps and that's what it's called so I just walked down this path had to do a little sliding down but sliding and I was greeted by this incredible tree look at this folks let me come down just a little ways so I can get this in the shot but that is so cool have no idea what kind of tree it is if you know what it is please tell me but I just love how trees are formed in the WS like this all those branches just coming out from the tree beautiful day it's like 70 70 something degrees outside and uh yeah we just hiking down this Trail here getting some good old cardio exercise in the body all right incredible folks absolutely incredible beautiful piece of property here I mean look at that rock hopefully you guys can see in the shot how high that is beautiful now the path we're following should take us back to the old mil Pond site that I've been to on a couple of occasions but yeah absolutely beautiful piece of property folks yeah look at this look at that oh see the back side of this wall here that's probably where well yeah probably at the top of that I know if you go to places like Virginia and Kentucky and Tennessee you'll find all kinds of beautiful places like this uh with those Rock alins beautiful views this is simply amazing simply amazing folks sorry I know I keep staring at it because it is absolutely gorgeous but I do want to keep tracking on and get to like I said that other spot back at the Mill where the water is flowing over there all that good stuff got to keep looking out for these markers here because you can easily get off Trail it looks like if you don't it looks like this goes around in a bent here yeah yep there our other marker on the tree right there cool this is essentially like a bike path so that's why these markers are on the trees which actually is a good thing for me so I know which direction I'm going I am using a couple of apps on my phone I'm using the All trails app and also Trail Forks both of those I'm using to keep me in check on the pathways that I'm on I highly recommend anyone going out hiking on Trails especially you know like any any Back Country Trails that you're going on have that with you have your GPS turned on use those as much as you possibly can to guide your way to make sure on the right path cuz like I said it's so easy to get off track okay and that's what I'm trying to do is not get off track all right I'm going to keep walking not bore you with some of the silliness of me try to avoid some mud pits maybe looks like we're going to be going through some all right I'll bring you guys back in just a moment all right folks I'm a little out of breath because I just navigated through all of that bare feet I took the shoes off I couldn't afford to get my shoes [Music] wet I have towels to draw my feet so that's not a big deal oh my gosh and then there was another hiker who was passing by and she made it look so easy skipping on the stones oh boy okay not too bad not too bad I survived that's all that matters so now we're Barefoot and uh sometimes going bare fooot it's not bad wow I am wiped out folks uh there were several spots on that trail that I was on after that Crossing which were muddy watery actually have to out my trekking poles so I could cross over and not take my shoes off it is hot is it hot all right folks I'm going to catch my breath drink some more water rehydrate all that good stuff bring you guys back in a moment for oh all right folks so as you can see I used the new twig stove and it worked perfectly to warm up the water it was very very fast and efficient so out of that I've got my coffee my ramen noodles and yeah uh I'm impressed there was some smoke coming out of it but that's okay uh it wasn't terrible but once it got to the wood and it was burning the wood itself and just doing its bile thing that it has to do it was great as you can see I also have these gloves that I purchased through Amazon so I can keep my hands from getting burnt and uh I will tell you it definitely helped cuz that pot was hot for the handle but with the glove it made it a lot easier so I don't burn my hand anyways let's go ahead and have some ramen noodles and enjoy the rest of this beautiful location here oh yeah oh man perfectly hot and the coffee perfect and I still have a pouch of chili that I can have have as well let's see what goes on so let me go ahead and show you how The Twig stove performed that's the remaining wood in there the twigs and already cool to the touch yeah that's nice and cool look at [Music] that that is perfect folks and the rest of those ashes will just I'll just dump out very you know carefully obiously obviously but even that and it didn't take long for this to cool down either so that's a plus so it's efficient cools down definitely a good piece of Kit to have so don't have to carry any alcohol well I have my alcohol so but if I didn't want to obviously this is a great way to uh heat up some water cook up some food all that good stuff all right enough babbling I got to finish drinking my coffee and have my Ramen new cuz I'm starving it was a long hike and this is Chill time wow that was incredible folks as you can see I finished having the three bean chili meal and I didn't warm it up I just ate it from the pouch into the cup because it's a ready to eat meal and a lot of times I like to do that just have these ready to eat meals that you don't have to warm up you can just eat from the pouch or if you eat from the can whatever but yeah it's just been an incredible day I will tell you this the the hike itself was challenging at times especially with the water crossing and it was cold but it felt refreshing on the feet and then between that and the mud it was like how can I put this if if you've ever as a child just ran Barefoot through the grass and through the ground through the woods or whatever you know it's that same feeling and it just felt so good and yes after I crossed through that uh water crossing I was barefoot for a short distance till I got to a hill and then I put my shoes and socks back on Just for safety reasons but it felt good to just continue the the trail walk and let my feet touch the ground and navigate carefully between the rocks and the twigs and roots and all that kind of stuff but that's all part of the process it's all part of being out here and enjoying nature So and I've said before my phrase is get dirty with nature so hey I got dirty with nature again today all right I know sometimes I blab too much but these are just my thoughts and I like to share them so anyways going to continue to relax enjoy this beautiful day it's about 75 76° out it's been a nice breeze behind me is that pond and I'll show you that pond on the way out just uh yeah just enjoying the day and I'm glad I could bring you guys along for the adventure all right time to relax some more all right folks as you can see I have my day camp all cleaned up everything put back where it should for the most part I couldn't get the sticks there for the bench that they had so I just placed the Rocks as just like three separate rocks for benches and someone else comes in and they want to fix that up the way they want they can do so but it is time for us to head on back down the trail and show you that beautiful pond on the way out oh wow water is definitely flowing today beautiful and here's the pond oh my gosh beautiful folks all right so I am so glad you guys were able to join me today on this adventure I'm going to sign off for now head back on the trail head back on the road I'll catch up with you very soon as always folks remember to enjoy every motor life get dirty with nature and I'll see you on the next
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Id: oyyZ8glOCRs
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Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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