Steve-O and Wee-Man Play Truth or Dab | Hot Ones

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what's up i'm wingman and i'm stevo and we're on this week's episode of truth or dab it's actually going down right now pal hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and welcome back to another exciting episode of truth or dab the hot one special where we give our guests two simple options tell the truth or suffer the wrath of the last dab and today i'm excited to welcome wee man and steve-o two of the stars of jackass forever we should also shout out stevo's wild ride podcast keep an eye out for tour dates coming to a city near you and on an occasion like this we've got to shout out stevo's hot sauce for your butthole and then he teased it on hot ones and now it's finally here the butthole destroyer available on also for those in the southern california area stop by we man's chronic tacos a delicious lunch pairing for today's episode if ever there was one we man stevo welcome to truth or dab always good to see you brother thanks for the love too and we man we're gonna start with you sure so i'm sure that over the years being on a show like jackass i suspect you've had all types of disagreements with industry overlords what's the single specific worst note or piece of creative feedback you ever remember getting from a tv network or movie studio executive the worst note words i'm aware of a good one oh yeah yeah um on wild boys which was a show we did for mtv after the first jackass movie we routinely filmed something that was outrageously inappropriate to include in the first cut of the show so that when it went to the standards and practices board we could say oh yeah you know we gave you that we called them red herrings so when we were in russia on the final wild boys trip me and one other person who shall remain unnamed were wearing white i believe polar bear mascot suits with holes cut out in the nether region and uh activities were filmed the note came back from the standards and practices board saying please remove the polar bear wow and it actually segues rather poetically to my next question i'm curious if there is a jackass segment that's buried in a vault somewhere because the folks at smp just never wanted it to see the light of day i wonder if we know about the same ones yeah this is i've got at least three for jackass that's true box downstairs box downstairs oh you don't know about box downstairs box owned it was a great idea he just got in a box and tucked in some pillows around him taped it up rolled it down a huge flight of cement stairs and it was violent as hell there was also when knoxville shot himself with the 38 caliber smith and wesson handgun oh yeah and when he said i'm johnny knoxville and i'm gonna get hit by a car real soon yeah a car just came flying he went through the windshield rolled over they asked him what were you thinking when he got hit by a car and his answer was i wore two pairs of jeans so i'd be this is safe to be a tough game today open books we man stevo hey you know what i'm hungry there is diving in diving in first one always the showmen i'll try the first one so this one i had a feeling it was gonna go this one's the last dab it's actually pretty hot oh yeah jackass it's long inspired it's fair share of spin-offs and i know that you are forever with your guys so this might be a tough one to answer it might be a wing but i'd like you to rank these jack these jack off you got to bring some jacking off right now dm screen i'd like you to rate these jackass derivatives from best to worst bad grandpa the dudesons nitro circus wild voice i'll do it um yeah that is a little poof so bad grandpa the dude sins wild boys and nitro circus yep from bad from best to worst oh from best to worse wow boy's the best you thanks bro yep even though we got paid a lot more from uh bad grandpa all right we weren't even in it we'll do uh bad grandpa next for us we'll be we'll be selfish on that and then i'll go tied nitro circus and the dudesons for last all right we man here's a question for you that might also be tough to answer because i know that you're a metal head forever in the bands like slayer black sabbath hardcore punk bands like the circle jerks i'm curious of the bands that you grew up listening to and idolizing which one fell off the hardest and why oh remember when we went to go see iron maiden yeah i've seen iron maiden a hundred times yeah i mean i'm not saying that okay no they haven't fallen off careful around your eyes careful around your eyes no i know i'm doing it that's right that's why i ate with this hand and i'm doing the back of his hand man i've only done one and i'm kind of dying i've done one bite and i feel good i ate the whole thing you're gnarly um from all the bands i will say this someone personally let me down when i met him and i wasn't even i i knew of him and he considered a rock guy but i wasn't a fan kid rock [Music] oh yeah he cooked out on me i was like huge kook all right moving on here to the third round of uh truth and dab today stevo jackass it's all about getting the best footage if you get the footage you get the most screen time yep is there a stunt or segment that was done by someone else that you're just insanely jealous of that you didn't get to do it yeah you make a valid point jackass is largely a battle of attention [ __ ] for screen time i have one it came real early on it was the first movie uh manny came up to me and wanted to bite me in the nipple yeah with the little mini alligator and i was like oh hell no and then he went up to knox did it and it became iconic poster gif everything in the world and i'm like are you kidding me that's good yeah i'm like that did make me wonder of all the jackass castmates who is the one person that is most likely to back out of a stunt at the midnight hour out of pure panic and alarm for what's about to go down i think there's two and those two cast members are uh chris and lacy and danger aaron we all put up a fight but aaron and preston put up a pretty good fight the only example i can think of where somebody really backed out at the last second was dave england on the riot squad he was just like i'm too stressed out i can't do it and then it was just bam and done oh oh that was crazy well this is just amazing bts off to the second to last round already which is amazing okay i am hungry there we go diving back in front of the show questions back we man from getting into a club to scoring a quick payday what's the most shameless way that you've leveraged jackass's notoriety um damn you don't drop your own name to get speed dialed in any situations uh i'm i okay i will i will say this this is a funny one i was at a bar drinking irish car bombs in the little bucket class with the shot glass in him and i had three chicks like fighting like no i'm taking him home no i'm taking home now and i was just having fun getting wasted like and i just started throwing the glasses behind the bar order another one so my buddy starts pulling me out of the bar and the owner comes up and goes what are you doing and he goes dude he's in five minutes he'll probably destroy your he's a liability yeah and he goes don't care making the most money i've ever made tonight he can stay and burn the whole building down and my body is like all right he's your problem then there you go ma'am i was in that same situation before jackass and i went to jail all right well we are on to the last round and in the last round we have a very special guest let's make this a hot sauce let's bring jasper to that table come on in straight through jasper just take it hey what's up guys we have jasper in the building it is a hot sauce party easy jasper dolphin is a very big celebrity and he's also a new new cast member on jackass i'm a new guy he's a new guy it's the star of jackass forever there's a dab oh my god this is so terrifying all right to jackass forever jasper we man stevo to the people watching it's going [Music] down it doesn't it just tastes like hot like [Music] whoa [Music] wait was the prank on him the whole time this this whole wave i have is a prank on me i [ __ ] myself i'm scared i'm serious oh diving off the deep end big carolina reaper got a hollow pepper basically a mix of the hottest peppers in the world all having a party in my mouth right now dude i took one bite of the first one i took one bite of the first one that one was like pretty good i was busting my eyes started in the water yeah this one oh it's happening ah i swear i never had a wings hot ain't gonna lie i thought it was like oh they're just overdoing it's not really that hot it's that hot let me ask you a question jasper you have seen these guys going through this show today turning it into truth and dab is this more or less how you've come to know them are they more tame are they less tame on the show today than observing them on set honestly oh it is kicking in it's going in my nose now i have a good team right it's in my nose dude i'm eating [Music] yeah yeah i didn't hear a word you said because my mouth is on fire those on the line are they crazy and you're filming yeah eating the last ones to try to save yes 100 up and down these guys are great we all had a good time filming a movie my first movie very happy especially with these type of people the naughtiest that we could find these type of people yeah little people jasper was awesome on set dude yep yeah you asked who would back out of a stun and the answer is not josh he was down jasmine was down on a level that made me uncomfortable whoa that is the highest of compliments coming from ceo and speaking of down for whatever coming in today truth or dap turning it in to truth and dab is there anything that you guys want to say to the people before we roll credits and get everyone to an ice bath it's fire dude it's fire only in theaters october 22nd they didn't give me no water or milk i didn't drink it so that's all for you back that's some hot milk i threw up i finished that was awesome did you snort him the talk no no oh i was just playing with the milk the secret was gonna help but like probably just look crazy now he looks like an old man now your mustache went gray all right now it's coming out my nose [Laughter] oh there we go good girl wendy what's going on everybody this is sean evans and would you take a look at how we've set the table take a look at this this is the hot ones oxford pennant collab a classic american company buffalo new york in fact shout out to bill these right here they're perfect for the dorm room they're perfect for the hot ones party that you're throwing at your place perfect for the sports cave to get yours visit that's to get your hands on the hot ones oxford pennant careful around the eyes [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 6,719,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, hot ones, hot ones truth or dab, truth or dab, steveo, steve-o, jackass, jackass hot sauce, weeman
Id: C6H3imVKnFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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