UNCUT Jackass episode BREAKS Steve Harvey!

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- [Crew Member] Seven, six, five, applause! (audience cheers) - [Announcer] It's time for Celebrity Family Feud. We've got the stars of "Jackass Forever." It's Johnny Knoxville and team playing for Special Olympics. They're going up against fellow Jackasses. Jeff Tremaine and team, playing for the Skate Park Project. And now, the star of our show, Steve Harvey! - Johnny, what's up? How y'all doing? I appreciate y'all. - Thank you all very much. I appreciate that everybody. Well, welcome to "Celebrity Family Feud," everybody. I'm your man, Steve Harvey. Well, we got a good one for you tonight, everybody. These two celebrity teams are gonna be battling it out for twenty-five thousand bucks for their favorite charity. Well, y'all ready to have a good time? Everybody say yeah. - (Audience) Yeah! - Let's go meet Team Knoxville. - You've been reading my mail? - What the hell? - That's right. - This is some Jackass mess right here. - Who wore it better? - Oh, we gotta give it to Steve. - Yeah, Steve! - You know now, if my wife had come around this corner and a woman had on the same thing. Oh, she'd be pissed. But me, I'm sitting here going, "this is ignorant." I don't know why I thought, I dunno why. I wasn't, you know, I should have known that this jackass right here would do something like this. How you doing, man? - I just wanted to look handsome like you, Steve. - [Steve] Man, you look good. - Thank you. Thank you. - You look good, man. - Oh, come on. Stop. Stop. - [Steve] Boy, you look like money. How you doing, man? - I'm doing great. Thanks for having us. - I'm just surprised to see y'all alive. I thought y'all was gonna kill y'all self long time ago. Man. Hey folks. Lemme tell you what we got tonight. Tonight. We got both teams. We got the stars, directors, producers of the hit movie "Jackass Forever" and it's streaming now. Right now. Go watch it. Ladies and gentlemen, give up for the man himself, Johnny Knoxville. Co-creator and the star of "Jackass," ended up hospitalized, after getting charged by a bull on "Jackass Forever." Again? - You know, I should've went to college. I don't think that would've helped. - Nah, a little too late for that, man. How many times you been hospitalized? - I don't know. A lot. More than I can count. - [Steve] God, that's crazy. - But we got some decent movies out of it. - Oh, hell no. My man. You crazy. - [Rachel] Thank you. - [Knoxville] I don't think that was a compliment. - Wait a minute, I said "you crazy". She said "thank you". Wait'll I tell you what I saw her do one time. Anyway, let me go down the line. This is Danger Ehren, everybody. Danger's one of the original star's, former pro-snowboarder. Was tied down while a bear, who ate honey and salmon off of him. - Yeah. And he made sure to put it in really hard places to get at too. Yeah. - You got tied down and a bear ate salmon and honey off you? - Yeah, and I had a dog collar shocking me while it was eating, so that didn't help me at all. But yeah. - [Steve] Y'all ain't got to act like this normal. You're supposed to be sucking your mask in. - I thought I was gonna die for sure, but, you know, lived again, so yeah. - Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Preston Lacy. Also one of the original stars. You often see him chasing Wee Man outside, wearing only underwear. Has taken a field-goal kick directly to the face. - That really hurt. - No... - [Steve] Y'all crazy. There's seriously something wrong with all y'all, all y'all. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Jasper. He's a new member on the crew. Stunts include tap dancing-- Tap dancing on an electrified floor. - Yeah. Gotta spark it up a little bit, you know. - [Steve] God, that's... That's, bro. - Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Dave England. Also one of the original stars and writers, former pro-snowboarder. Stunts include Fire Hose Rodeo. You know, when you get on the fire hose and they just turn it on full blast and you gotta ride. He had to ride on, hanging on the fire hose, while it was going full blast. - It was fun until I fell off. - [Steve] It was fun until you fell. - Yeah, it really was fun. Until that last little part. - There's something wrong with all y'all, man. But I got a story to tell you, man. Ladies and gentlemen, Rachel Wolfson. She's a new member, and the first female member of Jackass Squad. This is what she did. This is her stunt. One of her stunts includes letting a scorpion bite her on the lips multiple times. - I've kissed worse. - [Steve] You've kissed worse? How'd you get into this? - I'm still asking myself that same question. - [Steve] But do you start off in stunts? - I started off in standup comedy. - [Steve] Yeah, I did too, but... - Different path. - Rachel, that didn't make any sense. She said "I started off in standup comedy." Okay, good. Hey, Johnny, man, what charity are you guys playing for? - We're playing for the Special Olympics. - We're winning for the Special Olympics. - Greatest, funniest thing I've ever seen you do in my life. And I watched this over fifty times, I sent it to all my friends. You pretended that one of the guys was dressed up as your wife who had died. And there was a funeral. And you hired a black church to do the funeral. This shit was so funny. Oh my god! The dude is laying in the casket, dressed up like a woman. Somehow they knocked the casket over in front of black people. He picks his dead wife up and starts dancing with her. Them black people was clearing. Hey man, if you haven't seen that, you got to go on YouTube and get it. You can't stop watching. He hired the choir and everything to do his wife's funeral. It was the best, funniest thing I've ever seen. - [Knoxville] Thank you. - [Steve] My favorite, man. - Thank you. - [Steve] Hey man. What charity? You guys are playing for- - Special Olympics. Yes, sir. - [Steve] Great. Hey, welcome to the show. Let's go meet Team Tremaine. What's up, Jeff? Ladies and gentleman, Jeff Tremaine right here. Co-creator, writer, producer of "Jackass." Produced on the movie "Bad Trip" also. Jeff, how you doing, man? - I'm good, man. - [Steve] Welcome to the show. - Thank you. - [Wee Man] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This doesn't work. - [Steve] It don't work? - No. - [Steve] Well, Wee Man, hey. - Oh, there we go. This works. - Oh, I was gonna go along with it. I didn't know what I was gonna say when I got up there, but HR is definitely watching. Hey, man, lemme go down the line. Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Pontius. He's one of the original stars, also a writer, producer. Known as Party Boy because he likes to strip into a thong and dance in public. - [Chris] Everyone else likes it too - Ladies and gentlemen, my man, Wee Man. Wee Man is one of the original stars, pro-skateboarder. Stunts including getting lifted up in the air by his underwear. - That didn't feel good. That did not feel good. - Y'all are crazy. Ladies and gentlemen, Dark Shark. Honorary member of Jackass crew. His son, Jasper, is one of the guys in "Jackass Forever." He wears a helmet with the tarantula in it. In it? - Yeah. - [Steve] In it? - In it, man. Don't know why I did it, but I did it. - This is your son? - Yeah. - That's Pops. - [Dark Shark] He talks me into it. - [Steve] Yeah, y'all ain't- He talked you into it? - Yeah, he tricked me into it. - [Steve] Your son got you into it? - He on they side to get me, man. - [Jasper] Man, I got you a job. Traumatized, a job that I'm traumatized of right now. - [Jasper] You're on Family Feud. Steve, these two should put gloves on for real. - Knock him out - All the time, all the time. - Toe-to-toe. I want one match with him. - You can knock him- - I knock him out, right. - Wait, how old are you? - Thirty-one. - [Steve] Thirty-one? - I'm fifty-three. - [Jasper] He ain't got it. He old. I'm tired. - I just need one good one. - [Steve] I got all my cash on him though. Jasper. - [Jasper] Alright. If you say so. - Yeah, man. You got old dudes, man. They ain't got, it ain't a lot. He got about twenty-five, thirty seconds, but it's going be thirty seconds of haze. I'm trying to tell him, man. - Put my money on Dark Shark. - Hey man. My oldest son is thirty-one. You can ask him. He don't want this. Nah, you better listen, boy. You don't want this, this ain't gonna go where you think. I'm do something ain't never happened. I'm gonna bite you in your hair. You ain't never had a piece of your cheek spit back on. - No. - You'd think so? - I'm gonna fight to win. This ain't gonna be no easy, - Better listen and learn, boy. - Ladies and gentlemen. Butter Bean. - Butter Bean, former heavyweight pro-boxer, MMA fighter, kick boxer, pro-wrestler. He's won multiple heavyweight and super heavyweight championship titles. In the original "Jackass" movie, he boxed Johnny in the department store, knocked Johnny's ass out, sent Johnny to the hospital. When Johnny woke up, he asked if Butter Bean was okay. - That's how good a guy is. - Yeah. - You's a tough boy, man. Thank you so much. Ladies and gentlemen. Give it up for Zach Holmes. - He's a new Jackass member, originally the star and co-creator of Van Toffler's Too Stupid to Die. And his stunt includes hang gliding into a bed of cactus. - It wasn't the first time I've been in cacti, so... - See, that side looks a little, there's no room for him over here. He ain't behind the podium at all. Butter Bean got that whole section. Oh, this is gonna be good. Hey Jeff, man. What charity you guys playing for? - We're playing for the Skate Park Project. It's Tony Hawk's foundation - [Steve] Okay, good, good. Well folks. If we have never had an ignorant version of Celebrity Family Feud, we're about to have one now. Let's get it on! Gimme Johnny, give me Jeff. - Yeah, there you go. - All right, here we go guys. Top eight answers are on the board. Name something you'd hate to have happen while you're making love in an airplane bathroom. - Yeah. - The toilet flush. - Toilet flush. Like yeah. That would bother y'all, yeah The toilet flush! - Someone to walk in. - Somebody walk in. - (Ehren) Good answer! Yeah! - [Steve] Pass or play? - Play. - [Steve] We're gonna play. If you're in an airplane bathroom with someone making love, that door will not open. - That little boy wasn't on the front row, I'd tell you why. - What's happening right now? This is amazing. - Danger. Hey man. Name something you'd hate to have happen while you're making love in an airplane bathroom. - I'm gonna say turbulence. - Turbulence. - Whoa! - Hey Preston, tell me something you'd hate to have happen while you're making love in an airplane bathroom. - Finish too fast. - Finish too fast? - [Ehren] Good answer, good answer. - Honestly, it was a good answer. - Finish too fast. Only one strike. Jasper, my man. Name something you'd hate to have happen while you make love in an airplane bathroom. - The plane crash. Mm, that's... You don't wanna die your stuff out, you know? - [Ehren] That's not a good way to go. - A plane crash would bother y'all? - [Dave] That's up there, man. - It better be! - The plane crash. - Crash and die! - Dave, come on man. Tell me something you'd hate to have happen while you making love in an airplane bathroom. - You accidentally went number two in the wrong direction. - [Jasper] Makes sense. - [Dave] Misfire! It's up there. - Did you see the episode where they were in a Home Depot and they went in the toilet section and lifted up the toilet and actually used the bathroom in the toilet? - [Ehren] Right here! - [Preston] Yep, that's him - That was you? - [Preston] That's booty boy. - In the Home Depot. I mean, pull his pants down, lifted up the lid and defecated in the toilet. No water. - No wipe. - No toilet paper either. - Yeah, nothing. - No, he did that. He did it at Home Depot. I'm not making this up. What y'all shaking your head for? The name of the movie is Jackass Forever. Number two. - I'm sorry... (taser buzzes) (Dave screams) Steve! - That was a terrible answer! - [Rachel] I got you, dude. - [Knoxville] I'm sorry, Steve, but that was a terrible answer. - Holy crap, dude! - [Ehren] Got him in the heart. (coughs softly) - He tased his ass. - [Ehren] Steve, why would you do that to him? - [Knoxville] We're gonna have to try harder, team. - [Ehren] Dude, I can't believe you tased Dave, Steve. - [Knoxville] Ehren, you're about to get it. - [Dave] I can still feel it. (audience laughs) - [Jasper] Hey, good luck. - [Steve] He said, "That's a horrible answer." (taser imitation) Man, I'm sweating. (Team Knoxville laughs) I know what a tase is, I've been right next to the police when he did it. - Oh no. - I felt it a little bit too. It wasn't a little bit, you don't, you don't see nothing, do you? I'm clean. 'Cause Did you hear it? Skee! Did you hear it? Name something you'd hate to have happen while you making love in an airplane bathroom. - A condom breaking. - [Steve] A condom breaking. - [Ehren] Whoa, Jesus! (audience applauds) (loud buzzer) - [Rachel] No! - All right, guys, here we go. Name something you hate to have happen while you're making love in an airplane bathroom. - Making love (laughing) - [Wee Man] Making love. - Oh, it's me? - [Chris] Yeah, you're answering. - No, y'all were supposed to... talk... - Yeah, we did. - [Wee Man] We told him. - All right. - [Knoxville] Jeff, think about it. Think about it, Jeff. (Team Tremaine laughing) - The seatbelt sign goes off, emergency seatbelt (team imitates buzzer). - [Wee Man] Seatbelt sign, seatbelt sign comes on. - Seatbelt sign comes on! (light ding) Number eight. (light ding) - [Audience] Everyone hears. - [Steve] Six. (light ding) - [Audience] Fall in toilet - [Knoxville] Fall in Toilet? - [Steve] Four. (dinging) - [Audience] Folks knocking. (energetic music) - Well, folks, we got a game. Team Tremaine got 73. Team Knoxville, not on the board, but the goal is treasure points. You got a long way to go. You're playing well, come on. Let's get it on. Hey y'all don't go away. We'll be right back with more Celebrity Family Feud. - So we are winning! - We're winning. We stole the board. Fair and square. - We stole the board. - We got this, man. This is over already. - I ain't got no friends like that. My friends... My friends know good and well if you tase me, if I live, yeah, you have to move out of the country. I'm gonna find you. I'm gonna find you, Tom. I need some scotch. This goddamn water ain't gonna work for me. I need hard, I need some brown alcohol. - [Crew Member] Seven, six, five, applause! - Welcome back to Celebrity Family Feud, everybody! Team Tremaine got 73, Team Knoxville not on the board. Let's go to question two. Gimme Danger, gimme Chris. All right, guys. We got the top eight answers on the board. We asked 100 married women. Your husband's back hair is so thick you can make what out of it? (button ringing) Danger. - A forest. (loud buzzer) - [Knoxville] Oh my God. (Taser buzzes) Stupid answer. - [Jasper] A forest? - I dunno. I can't think straight. I'm freaking out. - [Jasper] A sweater, anything? - Braids. - Braids. - You know when your teammate gives an answer, you're supposed to go, "Good answer, good answer." You're not supposed to punish him by tasing his... - It was an inspiredly terrible answer, in my defense. - Yeah, it was garbage. - [Steve] And you know what though? I ain't gonna lie to you. A forest? - It's like a forest down here. You know you say- (shushing) - If a non-celebrity had said that, we'd still be over there discussing that. - [Chris] This is ignorant Family Feud - Wee Man - Yeah! - Talked to a hundred married women. Your husband back hair so thick you can make what out of it? - A blanket. - A blanket. (applauding) They want you all to huddle up and discuss an answer, but they're scared to get tased. You give a dumb ass suggestion in that huddle over there. A blanket! (loud buzzer) - [Jeff] That was a good answer. - All right, Dark Shark. Talked to a hundred married women... your husband back hair so thick, you can make what out of it? - A fur coat. - A fur coat! - [Team Tremaine] Yeah! - [Wee Man] Did well, Shark. - Butter Bean. Hundred married women, man. Your husband back hair, so thick you can make what out of it? - A throw rug. - A throw (laughing) a throw rug. Hey Zach, a hundred married women. Your husband's back hair so thick you can make what out of it? - Give me the taser. - Zach. Forest, say forest. - I was gonna say forest. - See, now you know why he is at the end. - Yeah. (Team Tremaine laughing) He just stood there and didn't say a damn thing. He didn't even try. He didn't even look like he was thinking of anything. You know, I was actually like, you know. - [Team Knoxville] Cheaters! They're talking to each other. - We got two strikes, guys. Team Knoxville can steal. Hundred married women; your husband's back hair is so thick you can make what out of it? - Sweater. - Sweater! - [Chris] Good answer Jeff. I think, I think that's good. - Chris. Two strikes. Team Knoxville can steal. Your husband's back hair so thick, you can make what out of it? - A scarf? - Scarf! - Damn, - All right, here we go. (laughing) Same damn suit. Every time I walk over here, I want to compliment it. All right guys, A hundred married women, your husband back hair's so thick you can make what out of it? - Mittens. - [Ehren] Mittens. - Mittens. - [Ehren] Good answer. (audience and Ehren clapping) - Mittens. Number eight. - [Everyone] Broom, mop. - [Rachel] What? - [Steve] Seven. - [Everyone] Pillow. - [Steve] Five. - [Everyone] Toothbrush. - [Steve] Four. - [Everyone] Socks. - Well, Team Tremaine got one-fifty. Team Knoxville, not on the board. The goal is three hundred points, so don't go away. We'll be right back with more Celebrity Family Feud. - [Crew Member] Six, five, applause! - Welcome back, Celebrity Family Feud. Everybody, Team Tremaine got one-fifty. Team Knoxville, not on the board. Let's move on to the next question. Gimme Preston. Gimme Wee Man. - All right, guys. Point values are doubled. Top eight answers on the board. We asked 100 women- - [Crew Member] Hands in position, please. - Huh? - Hands in position, I think she said. - Yeah. I don't trust my friends. - Oh, well just do it. (laughing) What do you mean? - Come on with this... - Okay. All right, here we go. We asked 100 women, there are a lot of fish-- - I knew it. That's why I don't trust you guys. - [Preston] What happened? - I knew it! This thing shocked my hand. - [Knoxville] Oh, come on. - Yes it did. I wouldn't play a game - [Ehren] You're making that up. - [Jasper] Prove it. - How am I going- I just did when I went "ah!" - [Jasper] Put your hand back on there - [Team Tremaine] Try it again. I'm sure it's a short wire. Put your hand back up there. - No, I already got it, you got me. Way to go. There you go. - [Preston] I'm sorry. Steve. I'm sorry Steve. - [Knoxville] Let's keep going. - All right. - The hell is going on? - I don't trust my friends. I don't and then it got me. I let him. I put it on there. - [Knoxville] What- Steve, do people often get shocked on that? Or is this just a freak accident? - This is never even here usually on Family Feud. - [Team Knoxville] No, you're lying - I watch. (laughing) - Wee Man said, "I watch the show!" You guys are in hospital. - [Jeff] Never mind them, Wee Man. They're just using cruel tricks 'cause they're losing. - Exactly! - [Chris] Exactly. - [Ehren] Wrong. - [Wee Man] Steve. We can continue. - Okay. Preston, you okay? - Yes. - (laughing) No! - Whole kick in the head from the field goal, still kinda. - I'm not a smart man, Mr. Harvey. - [Knoxville] But he's polite. - You're, you're very polite. Thank you, sir. He said, "I'm not a smart man, Mr. Harvey." You ain't gotta get kicked in the face to know that though. You can stop at algebra. You don't have to get kicked in. Here we go. We asked 100 women. There are a lot of fish in the sea. So what sea creature did you end up with? (button rings) - Wee Man. - Sea turtle. - Sea turtle. (loud buzzer) - Shark! - Shark! (light ding and cheering) - [Steve] You got it, baby. Pass or play? Come on, let's play. Jasper, we talked to a hundred women. Now, there's a lot of fish in the sea, what sea creature you end up with? - A whale, and I loved it. - A whale and I loved it. - She loved it! (light ding) Woo! (audience cheering) - Hey Dave, we talked to a hundred women. A lot of fish in the sea, so what sea creature you end up with? - A jellyfish. - Good answer. Good answer! - They sting you. - [Ehren] Good answer. - Jellyfish! (loud buzzer) - Damn! - At least you didn't say forest. - Hey, Rachel. - Hey. Talk to a hundred women. A lot of fish in to sea. What sea creature did you end up with? - Octopus - An octopus! - My man, Knoxville. We talked to a hundred women, Johnny. There are a lot of fish in the sea. What sea creature did you end up with? - Tuna. - Oh, wow, wait. Tuna! (clapping) - Oh my god! - God! - [Jasper] Can we tase you? - We got two strikes. (buzzing) - Whoa, Jesus! I've so much anxiety right now. You okay? - [Knoxville] That got me good. - There's no way I could push that button on myself. We got two strikes. - [Preston] Not a forest. - The other team can steal. We need this one, Danger. This is, I'm just going to, normally I don't say this, but y'all, y'all need some points. (laughing) - Yeah. - You need some points. You know you can win even up to the last question. But it like, it just looks awfully bad. To have zero. Danger, hundred women. Lot of fish in the sea. What seat creature did you end up with? - A blowfish. - Yeah. (applause) Yeah. Obviously, we're not interested in points. - Blowfish! - Blowfish. - [Steve] Well, they're debating. - [Ehren] This is gonna explode. - [Steve] Blowfish! (light ding) - Wow. - [Rachel] Totally made up for forest. - Saved yourself. - Thank you. - Save the team. Preston, I'm looking at you. - You've got savior written all over you. - [Ehren] You got this, P. - [Steve] They're counting on you. Preston. Forget the statement that you made up here. You're not a smart man. You're smart enough for this game. 'Cause this ain't Jeopardy. (laughing) We've got two strikes. Team Tremaine is waiting over there. They've already got an answer. They haven't huddled. We ask 100 women; there are a lot of fish in the sea. What sea creature did you end up with? - Shrimp. - [Team Knoxville] Ooh. (cheering) - I love the effort, baby. I like that. Let's see, Shrimp! (loud buzzer) - [Rachel] What?! - Here's your chance to steal. - We ask a hundred women, a lot of fish in the sea. What sea creature did you end up with? - A crab. - [Knoxville] Oh, Jesus - Crab! (light ding) This is actually awful. (laughing) Number seven. - [everyone] Seahorse. - Six. - [Everyone] Dolphin - Five. - [Everyone] Starfish. - Team Tremaine, two-fifty-two. Team Knoxville, not on the board, but hey it's still anybody's game. You can still win it. Come on. Don't go away. We'll be right back with Celebrity Family Feud. All you need is one. - It's currently two-hundred and fifty-two to zero-point-zero. We are losing. But we're about to stage the most amazing comeback in Family Feud history. Come on, team! - Welcome back to Celebrity Family Feud. Team Tremaine, two-fifty-two! (Team Knoxville booing) Team Knoxville, still not on the board. Let's go to the next question. Gimme Jasper. Gimme Dark Shark - [Wee Man] It's turned off now. - Put your hand on it. Don't be scared. - Hell nah. I'm scared. - [Steve] Point values are triple. Top four answers on the board. This is a fill in the blank. If Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - A banana. - A banana! - [Steve] Dark Shark. (loud buzzer) - A monkey. - A monkey! - Same thing, it's an animal! - Yeah. - [Ehren] And it says rabbit. I don't know about... - Animals, man. - Well, you guys have zero. - You took the question after the X! - And it's a rabbit! - And the sun was in our eyes. - [Dark Shark] A monkey rabbit. - It's a monkey rabbit! - [Steve] I understand the argument, but. You gonna have to get that monkey out your loin cloth. That's for damn sure. You better get some peanuts down. Got to get his mind occupied on himself. Get a peanut down there real quick. - Good answer! Before he finds some. Butter B., fill in the blank, man. If Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - A snake. - A snake! - A big one. - Oh, that's an animal. All that's under animal. No more animals. Any animal fits under number one. Give something else, Butter. If Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - An apple. - An apple - Food already got- - Or's that food? - That's food too. So, we gonna be here for a minute. (laughing) - [Butter Bean] Okay, I'm ready. I'm ready. - Okay, if Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - A knife. - A knife! Now Zach, here's the object of this game. I'm gonna ask you a question. - Okay. - Gotta say something. - I will, I promise - [Steve] That you think might be on the board. All right, now that we got that cleared up. Zach, let's fill in the blank. If Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - A ball. (loud laughter) - [Ehren] Did he say a ball? - A ball! - [Ehren] Good answer, Zach, good answer! Good answer, Zach. - A ball! Jeff, we got two strikes, man. - [Chris] Think about the question. - [Steve] Now this could be a good one here, 'cause that could give the other team a chance. We got two strikes. If it's there, we're still alive. If it's not there, the other family can steal and play Sudden Death. Preston, you might want to join in the... hold on. Preston, nothing's gonna happen up there until I turn. Okay, here we go. Fill in the blank: If Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - A flower. - A flower. A flower! (laughing) - [Knoxville] All right, we got this, we got this! - Team. Listen to me. - Welcome back, Steve. - This is it, man. This is the shot. We got one shot to extend this game. Listen to me. If you gimme either one of those answers, three or four, the team steals and we're gonna play Sudden Death. If it's not there, the Tremaine team will just win the game. - It's so intense. - [Steve] How tragic that would be. The opportunity is at hand. Oh my god. You have no points. All of you are gonna get tased! (laughing) Except Rachel. - [Rachel] I'm gonna be doing the tasing. - Yes. 'Cause I've been to HR. I already know. Come on y'all. Fill in the blank: If Tarzan were a magician, he might pull a blank out of his loin cloth. - Jane. - [Ehren] Yeah, there we go. - It's for Sudden Death. Give me Jane! - It's a comeback, baby. - Oh, I'm so glad y'all came up with that one. This was embarrassing. - Oh my God. - [Steve] Number four. - [Preston] Vine - We had 'em both. - [Steve] Cool. - Hey, nobody reached 300 points, so we gonna play Sudden Death. Gimme Dave. Gimme Butter Bean. (energetic music) - One answer, Butter Bean! It's one answer! - [Jasper] Don't get tased again, Dave. - [Ehren] Dave, get back up there. He's not really gonna beat you. - Hi, Butter Bean. - [Rachel] Come on, Dave. - [Knoxville] Put your hand on the thing. - [Wee Man] Dave put your- Butter Bean's hand is on it. - [Knoxville] Yeah, he don't care. - I already got shocked in the chest. - Yeah. Yeah, you did. - Yep, see! - [Steve] You don't need nothing else to happen to you. - Mr. Harvey. - Yeah, I think you're done. For this survey, we are asking for the top answer only. Whoever gets this one answer will win the game. Good luck to both of you. Here we go. If a man has only one thing in his refrigerator, it would be what? (ringing) Dave. - Beer. - [Ehren] Yes! Good answer! (loud cheering) - Beer! (light ding) - Wait, did we win? Did we just win? Did we win? All right! - We fucking did it! - Boy, y'all ain't gonna be able to live this down. Y'all had 'em the whole game. Oh my goodness. They're gonna be talking smack, man. Enjoyed y'all. (rhythmic clapping) Hey, I need two players. I need two players. I got 'em right here. Thank you guys for playing. We gonna make a donation to your charity just for being good sports. We'll be right back. Fast money right after this. Let's go. (buzzing) - They came back and stole it. - Well, I'm feeling much better about the game now that we've come back to make- in Sudden Death. We came back to win. And now Ehren and I are playing for the Special Olympics. I hope Ehren doesn't blow it because I know I won't, but he might. (buzzing) - [Crew Member] Six, five, applause! - Welcome back to Celebrity Family Feud, everybody. Team Knoxville just won the game (cheering) and now it's time to play: - [Audience] Fast Money! - All right, now Johnny, Danger's off stage. I'm gonna ask you five questions in 20 seconds. You can't think of something, you just say pass. You and Danger together, come up with two hundred points. Look right there. Tell everybody what you're playing for. - We are playing for the Special Olympics and twenty-five thousand dollars. (cheering and clapping) - Yeah. All right, you ready? - Yes sir. - [Steve] 20 seconds on the clock, please. Tell me your first move when you're playing rock-paper-scissors. - Rock. - [Steve] On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at controlling your anger? - (laughing) Six. - [Steve] Give me another word for throw up. - Puke. - [Steve] Name a sport where people wear gloves. - Baseball. - [Steve] Name an ocean that borders the United States. - Pacific. (bright dinging) - [Steve] Tell me your first move when you're playing rock-paper-scissors. You said, rock. Survey said, On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at controlling your anger? You said, 'bout a six. Survey said, Gimme another word for throw up, you said "puke," survey said, Name a sport where people wear gloves. You said "baseball," survey said, Name an ocean that borders the United States, You said "Pacific," survey said, (energetic music) That's a big score, man. Hey Danger. Lemme ask you a question, I'm gonna give you one shot to get this right. How many points you think Johnny got? - Well, I'm gonna have to say a hundred and twenty-five. I think he nailed it. (loudly claps) Oh no, probably not actually. (laughter) - [Crew Member] Cutting to commercial, Mr. Harvey - Alright. - Huh? - [Crew Member] Cutting to commercial. - We're going to commercial? - We always go to commercial when Ehren shows up. - Yeah! (laughter) - What, okay. That's not how we normally do it but okay. - [Crew Member] Ehren, can you run out again for us, please? Johnny, can you come back to the start? - [Knoxville] Yes, ma'am. - [Crew Member] So we can do that transition one more time. So, the breaking up past when we start. - Do whatever you wanna do. I don't know why we're making shit up as we go. - [Crew Member] Here we go, and applause, please! - Let's clear the board and bring out Danger! Don't go anywhere, anybody! We'll be right back! We'll be right back! - [Knoxville] Focus, focus! Pull this together and win this twenty-five thousand bucks. Yeah! (rhythmic clapping) - [Crew Member] Clear! (abrupt buzzing) Seven, six, five, applause! (cheering and applause) - Welcome back to Family Feud, everybody. Danger, I have an announcement to make. - Go ahead - If you win this game, if you win this, both teams will walk outta here with twenty-five thousand dollars for their favorite charity. (cheering) - [Knoxville] Pressure's on, man! - If you don't win this, I can assure you, you will be tased to death. (laughing) I've never met an angrier group of teammates. You, (laughing) you don't even know how many points you need. - No - How many do you think he got? - How many I think we need? - No, well, either. Whatever you want to do. You've been tased. - I'm guessing he got, like, around a hundred and twenty-five points. - Yeah, that's what you're guessing. You guess wrong. Okay. That's why you losing will be tragic. - So you're saying he got a lot more. - He got a lot more. - [Ehren] Way to go, Knox! - One more shot. What do you think he got? Gimme one more. - Uh, hundred and seventy? - No, he got more than that. He got one-eighty-one. (loud cheering) Danger, you need nineteen points. You don't get nineteen points, this, I'm gonna let them do whatever they want to do. - Forest! - Listen, could you hand Rachel the taser? (laughing) - Forest. You guys, come on now (loud buzzing) seriously... - Don't fuck this up. - [Ehren] Dude, that hurts really bad. I'm trying to focus. I need nineteen points. - Don't mess this up. - This is how we gonna do it, Danger. Gonna ask you the same five questions. You cannot duplicate the answers. If you do, you're gonna hear this sound. (deep buzzers) I'll say try again. You gimme another answer. It's gonna be a little bit tougher this time, so we can give you twenty-five seconds. You ready? - Indeed. - All right, let's remind everybody of Johnny's answers. Twenty-five seconds on the clock, please. (light ding) Come on, man. Tell me your first move when you're playing rock-paper-scissors. - Rock. (deep buzzers) - [Steve] Try again. - Scissors! - [Steve] On a scale of one to ten, how good are you are controlling your anger? - Eight - [Steve] Give me another word for throw up. - Puke (deep buzzers) - [Steve] Try again. - Vomit. - [Steve] Name a sport where people wear gloves. - Boxing! - [Steve] Name an ocean that borders the United States. - Pacific (deep buzzers) - [Steve] Try again. - Atlantic. (bright dinging) (loud cheering) Yeah, baby! - We need nineteen points for everybody to go home with twenty-five thousand dollars for their favorite charity. Tell me your first move when you're playing rock-paper-scissors? You said, "scissors." Survey said, - Rock was the number one answer. Eight was the number one answer. Puke, baseball, Atlantic. Well, that's twenty-five thousand dollars for Special Olympics. I'd like to thank Johnny and Jeff and all the rest of you for hanging out with us and playing "Celebrity Family Feud." I'm Steve Harvey, we'll see you next time. - [Ehren] Oh my god! - Nice to meet y'all, man. Hope y'all had a good time. Y'all had a good time, man. This shit was crazy. - [Crew Member 2] One more time, give it up for Jackass! A huge round of applause! - [Crew Member] Everyone hold, please, everyone hold. We need a Fast Money pickup, so can both teams please go back to your podium? (buzzing) - All right. This shit rabbit to my left is Ehren McGhehey. (buzzing) Okay, I'm sorry. This ass waffle to my left is Ehren McGhehey. - Hey!
Channel: Family Feud
Views: 3,766,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family feud, family fued, steve harvey, family feud funny moments, celebrity family feud, funny family feud answers, family feud steve harvey funny moments, steve harvey family feud funny moments, dumb answer on family feud, steve harvey makes fun of family feud contestant, jackass family feud full episode, johnny knoxville family feud, jackass, johnny knoxville jackass taser celebrity family feud steve harvey, jackass on family feud taser, family feud jackass edition
Id: ikReKia5eC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 19sec (3139 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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