ULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP GOALS! | The Newlywed Relationship Challenge

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oh that's even easier yeah that's even easier done alright huh great got it boom Garfield's anyone who has ever watched this livestream ever knows this I mean you don't you don't have to put that many hearts in their stuff it's okay Oh got it you know you can use the fewer hearts it's fine he's not that good okay Stockholm Syndrome his way into your heart okay stop [Laughter] do you at the pool went swimming I beat Matthew how did we fall off mr. Darcy guess who wouldn't go with you to the gym mr. Darcy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to a very special and very loving Valentine's Day here [Laughter] just like that microphone Ling on the thing that we wanted to do today and we thought you would enjoy watching and watching us suffer through quite honestly is is what we're doing the relationship challenge if you are born in like the 1960s or 70s oh two of you watching right now yeah you might recognize this as a version of the newlywed game in which you pit a couple against one another to answer questions about their relationship or each other or each other or moments from their relationship and being embarrassed about their relative lack of met remembering those sorts of things we're going to basically be asked a question or more appropriately one of you will be asked a question about the other one both of you will then write the answer on the place you cheat and then you'll show them at the same time when you know you both have those answers that will go and the answer is and you both share what I say I'm cheating on Stephanie Oh guys you spared no expense the paper played there are one thing but look at these graphics you guys are forcing Dan yeah this is no I did it I made this question number one is for Stephanie oh okay what is Matthew's Oh [Laughter] the bear oh I do know this I do know this I do know I know this okay okay so I had blue collar man which is which is definitely a top one it's ballroom blitz which you've mentioned to me many times one more dance with Mary Jane I don't actually know what that the real name of that song is right there I got that one and then for I did honorable mention anything by Michael Jackson now they didn't ask what my favorite song was because I don't even I was gonna write that would be my answer is like does she have it I would like a lot of music but I don't have I know what I want save a favor I know like genres I would say freedom got pillo sorry love this pillow and give me the free boy you who is Steph's character crush oh okay oh that's even easier that's even easier done all right great got it boom Garfield anyone who has ever watched this livestream ever knows this yes its Garfield Jason well done well it looks like you got me you don't you don't have to put that many hearts in their stuff it's okay oh god if you don't you can use the fewer cars it's Mike he's not that good okay he's the bad boy with the British accent who Stockholm Syndrome his way into your heart okay where was your first date and what did you do what are we qualifying as a date here well thank you to what you guys remember to be your first date okay I'm gonna do this one with no conversation go do Duke at the pool went swimming I beat me [Laughter] that is the same memory yes this pool was at the gym yes Duke at the pool winter swimming yeah what did we do I beat Matthew at swimming that was what happened I'm glad I'm glad that was an unnecessary do you tore up my mr. Darcy we started at the gym what happened there how did we fall off guess who wouldn't go with you to the gym mr. Darcy this is another twofer okay okay what first game you ever played together first wait any type of game or video game I need time again ready one day there you go lapto no we didn't play laughs I wouldn't know then lies nope so so my answers here personality game okay from now that's why I assume we didn't count it so this personality game where I would ask Stephanie like goofy questions about her personality and like hey if you are a hot dog would you eat yourself but more serious questions about our computer game so Matthew and I met and we programmed a video game together did but we never played it together because it was a single person game except for the fact that when we were all one other I see there's only one player okay mo no but we did swap games so like I would never playing together game together okay one of the very popular activities on our on our campus during the first year that we actually were like friends and hanging out with each other was a game called lap tag it was played with anywhere from 10 to 20 people it was a game it was a big group formalized group game where you sat in a circle and you basically wrestled people to the ground and in a nutshell let it be known that it's my goal to get a game of laugh tag together with a bunch of youtubers I would love to do it's a horrendously violent game it's really violent and awful and also like you're grabbing the other person and like manhandling on this desk which is why it would not be the first game I would have asked you to play this is another one that is for one of you but we're going to ask both of you okay too bad yes first we're gonna ask you Steph what is the best gift I ever gave you I know this I know this is the gift of my love hahaha puke ready okay uno dos tres that's a good one okay so this has a story that was worth telling this as an intense story no Matthew um for those of you who who don't know like the full extent of Matthew's academic achievements Matthew is on now he was in a program at Oxford for a summer where he did a whole bunch of work in at that campus and so while he was over there I visited Oxford before and I had told him when you're there find this finest tree that I had heard about and that I really wanted him to go visit sort of on my behalf it's a tree that Lewis Carroll who wrote Alice in Wonderland and I'm a big fan of Alice in Wonderland it's a tree that Lewis Carroll used to inspire the poem the Jabberwocky if you've ever heard of it this is a super super nerdy thing this like this like plums the depths of my geekiness you guys and so I was like I was like I would love to see this tree in person can you find this tree it's on Oxford's campus can you find it and take a picture with it okay and when she says on/off no that's that's what I'm getting to so we quickly found out that this is not a tree that's just like out in some quads somewhere and you can walk up to it and take a picture no no no it's in a walled locked garden that only like a couple members of the faculty and like certain people and like custodians on Oxford's campus actually how about this this so Airy that's locked off to the public is only open once pretty I sent him to find one random tree in England while he was there for a summer and take a picture with it and it took him all summer to find someone to get him back because it's only open one day per year and that wasn't in any of the span of time that like the program was running over the summer and so I had to basically figure out who to sweet-talk in our program in order to like oh it would be great for you to Titley take us on a tour of whatever and I had to like pester this guy over and over again to like make it happen that we could get behind the stated wall where we could take a picture of this thing alright so this next one then is for Matthew what is the best gift her love that count well what is she gonna write down yeah what do you think she's gonna write you write down your loved one - there you go oh oh oh journal entries a good one though that's a good one shoot that's we've talked about this one on the live stream where Stephanie for my birthday one of my birthday's in college 22nd yeah it was my 21st but for one of my birthday's in college she planned this like enormous get-together where my room was filled with but like my room was literally filled floor-to-ceiling with if you've ever seen his hatch atoms it was kind of like that where the room was literally floor-to-ceiling with balloons I had five members of like the Dukes soccer wrestling and lacrosse teams blowing up balloons for like five hours with their like athletic lung capacity to fill Matthews room with balloons yes so there was that stephanie is referring to journal entries which she got me for Valentine's Day one year where she she she's a meticulous journal ER and historically yes historically you've kind of fallen off the wagon yeah but I mean I don't have time anymore yeah but but it's one of those things were Stephanie what used to like meticulously keep everything in her chair and I was always like hey I'd love to read some and she's like no it's my personal journal like hey you know yeah cops patrol oh she's so I don't want you to read my personal talks but for one Valentine's Day she actually typed some up I think it was like four or five different entries documenting kind of like the early days of our relationship and kind of the thoughts that she was going through during those early days about like how this Matthew Patrick character is so weird how he is questionably gay and Bubba bod this is Matt uh and so it's really funny it's really funny to go back and read but it was really awesome because you know it was a look into kind of herb it's a very personal gift and I very distinctly remember her giving them to me in the stacks of cut like in the stacks of the library in college and you know that way I was kind of in a quiet space all alone where I could just kind of like read them and absorb them yeah if you looked at it from another direction it was almost like a like a serial killer leading someone to yeah it'd be totally murdered yeah that was like alternate I was like yeah let's go to the library and then let's go to this like really obscure parts later yeah totally obscure part of the library where they have these half stories so if you have like your you know your first floor your second floor third floor and they had this one really like really set off section of the library where they would do half floors and so I took him out you to like the sixth and a half floor and it was like totally totally quiet and I left to emaan I gave him like a basket of Valentine's Day candy and this set of journal entries which I found the other day came across in a box and stuff yeah I was kicking through all my old stuff at back of my house when I was over there for Christmas and we found the actual journal where that if Matt only ate two items for the rest of his life what would baby oh yeah and go go although said Turkey may also apply I mean but I know it's a runner for the sushi right and I know that if you were going to pick two you'd pick a main and a dessert oh it's ice cream there are only two options yeah awesome that's great hey oh yes that should be two points for Stephanie if Steph was a Pokemon which one would she be I do don't make me separate you why would you watch them 1:03 it's okay it says Eevee but I say would be Snorlax or Persian if she knew that they exist oh oh Jigglypuff likely but not a Snorlax you still want to give two points for that well I'm a woman of my word right side up or upside down go yes just collecting in the glass right sucker it upside down is one qualifier to this one which it is unless they are our coca-cola cups in which case you alternate them because they have a wider flute at the top yeah so you want the wider flute to match up with those you know it's just too satisfying not to say that anyway here they're like yeah they're both hold on I'll show this Wow yours is so much better than mine this is mine right that's all I do yeah so they look like this so you have to you have to have the one that's right side up and the one that's upside down so that they so that they puzzle piece together then we all know that you can't play without asking a question about whoopee what is Steph's favorite movie with Whoopi Goldberg yes yes oh this is hard this is a heart this is a harder question than you think oh one two three yes yes I was gonna say number two's caretta caretta right run rob but no points as Karina Karina I didn't know the name of it but I remember I was gonna describe it hahaha the one in which he takes care of the small child like I'm like I don't remember the name of that it was just another one of those like family movies what is the hardest thing to get Matt to do the hardest okay oh man there's a lot of answers there there's a lot yeah alright ready one two three Oh cut some cut sounds good no no no points or respond sir so you're right okay so damn there Stephanie is right I am right I'm right you're right but so so cut thumb is is actually a short is out like a shorthand version of cut yourself some slack so Matthew doesn't take enough time to take breaks or he go he's pretty hard on himself and blames himself if things go wrong if basically things that aren't his fault go wrong he still blames himself a lot of the time and so so I you know we started telling and and I do this too sometimes and so we started telling each other - hey cut yourself black and it's shortened at this point to just cut some and so we'll be like and you'll be like oh my gosh what was me all this stuff is wrong and I'll be like dude you gotta cut some math yes what does Steph wish you'd stop doing around the house or in public either one ready 1 2 3 stick and go out make it yeah ok so I want as I said sing and then yeah make a spectacle because it sometimes it seems sometimes it's also dancing and flailing yeah I was gonna say sometimes dancing flailing sometimes it's what I got oh I have to say he gets the point for that yeah that is what I was thinking of right and you can absolutely see that I started sexing yeah there it is see if Matt were an exotic animal which animal would he choose to be exotic how about just an animal all right fine one of them normal and blaze if that were a boring animal born why and why are we and how about if our relationship were personified as an animal what animal would our relationship I like the one know I know the answer to the first one also the other one too easy if our relationship were personified as an animal okay I will final do that for a relationship were personified by an animal we got this well you'll find out in three two one go nailed it that's it got it uh since I don't know if you this might be a viral video before your time yeah it probably might be but uh in the early early days of YouTube one of our favorite videos was the classic video at the zoo of two otters who are both sleepy classic black holding hands yeah and so and then the one otter like drifts away and then we like drift back together dance around and you see them like look it over yeah it's a door oh and so ho so ever since that it's always been kind of like one of our go-to animal role models and no not Freddy fazbear look at that a really close scored that was not nearly as embarrassing as I expected it to be we passed yeah I'd say we passed right oh yeah pretty darn well great so last Valentine's Day we did a GG live and on that GG live we said we would tell I said I would tell a story of how on one of our first dates not our first date which you now know was at a gym Matthew asked me to a dance and then abandoned me so and we promised that we would tell it this year so in a couple like the first month that Matthew and I were hanging out together at all he asked me to the only formal event that Duke has and we both went to do the only formal event that Duke has for their entire year it's a homecoming dance it's called broadheads ball I believe they still have it he's not the president whatever anyway so it it was a it was a formal thing you dressed up for it guys were in the the ties and the girls were all fancy and everyone's in heels it's all it's very formal right and so he asked if I would go with him and I was like I was like okay like word that we're gonna go on a date we're gonna go to the Stan's and little did I know that Matthew who had not designed it to be a date he had designed it to be a group date get-together and he was an RA at the time and so when he showed up to pick me at my dorm room he had like eight of his pimply freshman residence with you were a date within me escorting my resident like I was a road we had a date and so we all became well so the two of us became freshman chaperones for all of Matthews residents and they after I spent two hours getting ready you learned that right you looked really so once we got there total dress it was great so once we got there because it was it was a black dress but anyway oh you said yes the second time he corrected the mistake the second time around so once we got there again I did not realize that I would be a chaperone for a bunch of eighteen-year-old guys who did not have dates and would be the only girl in the group of like 12 do you wanted to okay so once we got there since it wasn't a one-on-one date Matthew liked his attention 13 ways instead of one way and everything had to be a group event for the rest of the evening except for the times that Matthew broke off to go check on his ex-girlfriend who he was concerned about getting involved with someone who was dangerous which was true which he was not a good guy who if she was getting involved with and this girl's very nice and she and I actually were roommates for a little while after that but anyway but anyway I was very broke off from our non-date to go check on his ex girls okay in my defense though to be clear like I was no defense you know there isn't a fella which is one those freshmen wouldn't gone to that broad head ball if if we hadn't gone with him so we were exposing a bunch of them how they would have survived he got exposed and then - it wasn't like I was trying to get back together with my ex-girlfriend or anything but I was really concerned that this was one of the first events that she was showing up at maybe potentially with with this kind of more dangerous guy and I I don't know I was really worried about her and you know anytime you care about someone you know what a girl shouldn't take everything yeah but she didn't and you know fell into his clutches and she she's very nice girl hey guys thanks so much for watching this Valentine's Day edition of GT live if you want to see last year's Valentine's Day edition of beauty live well you're in for something a little different but also something pretty fun click that it's the box to the left or make sure you click the box to the right to subscribe and join us for next year's Valentine's Day episode don't miss it it's coming around again fast just 365 more days or three who knows who - gosh
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,214,109
Rating: 4.9354644 out of 5
Keywords: newlywed, newlywed game, valentine's day, the newlywed game, relationship goals, reaction, love game, do you know me, relationship test, couple battle game, newlyweds nick and jessica, lie detector, lie detector test, newlywed reaction, relationship game, v day, react, challenge, react relationship, love test, gtlive, newlwed game gtlive, gt live, matpat, jake paul, game theorists, valentines day gtlive
Id: gtXbv3bS60I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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