MatPat Interviewed by Markiplier Animatronic! (Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton Reaction)

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how many people have you killed oh how many people have i killed yeah how many you know it really it really depends on who you ask i think you would have a lot of people arguing that i've killed many like hopes dreams like motivations and life desires [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to gt not live where we're not live but you know well one of us is live i'm live these two aren't live chris is live are you alive hey oh thank goodness well 50 50 ain't bad in this room baton 50 that's pretty good it's usually 90 percent i don't know i had a long night last night i was working pretty late into the evening and uh i was feeling half dead this morning but oh no lunch defibrillated me i guess so i've been rejuvenated in life thank goodness uh the aurepas that you encouraged us to get for lunch uh top top notch i love i love this new food what is this new food that has existed for centuries the arepa not new at all food i also love the fact that arepas yeah are just like the theme on the live like any time that you're here and we're filming now it just seems like arepas are the thing i was gonna pitch to you smithfield's barbecue earlier but it would have been an easy sell would have been okay next barbecue and smithfield's classic smithfield is great if you guys don't have smithfields which i'm sure 95 of you don't uh it is a southern barbecue place and when we say barbecue in north carolina barbecue means something different than it means for the rest of the world like when i was growing up in ohio barbecue meant like here's meat slathered in sauce uh but if you're talking north carolina barbecue it means shredded up pork slathered in like a vinegar spice spice sauce it's delicious it is fantastic and it is a noun it is barbecue not barbecue pork two very different things if you order barbecue pork then all of a sudden you get pork with sauce on it the the sweet sauce the thick sauce but if you order barbecue you also get pork it's a very confusing system it took me a long time to wrap my head around this but i got it chris you're you're born and raised here you get it naturally oh yeah well in the smithfield people are the pig people yes they are they're the pig people so that's how you know they're you know there's a lot of there's the smithfields are like north carolina royalty which is kind of like you know being the least important member of a normal royal family but it's north carolina so they're actually like the most important oh they're super they're super important apparently i think steph knew someone who date was it you that knew someone who dated someone from the smithfield family or was it the one of the smithfield like heirs was in the grade above me in high school oh wow the air if you have heirs that's that's when you know you're legit like that is that is the tear right there i've got an air you know somebody's going to receive all of my pig farms one day i bequeath you my pigs and my restaurants i am the smithfield that's crazy how much do you think smith the smithfields are worth how much do they earn i have no earthly clue but to make an uneducated guess yeah please toss out a completely random number i don't know 200 million wow there were 200 million dollars unbelievable watch out elon musk you got the smithfield pork clan coming for you yeah tesla stands no check no chance to pulled pork dipped in vinegar uh hey guys so uh today uh again since i am solo on the couch these days i get to do whatever i want and i need people to do it with uh obviously i have chris here i have gigatu and i have pikachu uh but you know sometimes you just need another a personality another youtuber to interact with uh now that stephanie's gone i'm i'm currently interviewing and one of my interviews i was trying to segue into this one of those interviews is with markiplier uh no so i saw dark daco the other day do this where uh mark markiplier released a very cool video called the wharf stash automated interview automaton um which is basically his character wilford wharf stash uh turned into a robot interviewing you and it's it's one of his style of choose your own adventures and you guys know that i i try to stay up on my markiplier lore mark also tries to stay up on his markiplier lore uh i i think i'm in charge of it for the both of us at this point uh truth be told but uh you know anytime i see one of these interesting creative projects come on to mark's channel i'm always really intrigued by it uh and since this one came out at a time when i was too busy to check it out i wanted to look at it so doco on his channel did a like i got interviewed by the markiplier animatronic and i'm like that sounds like fun i want to do this too as kind of my first experience in this and then hey you're just joining me on the research i like that gt live at least these first two gt lives of me doing it solo has just been like how can i get my research done while also filming gt live it's like hmm well i could do an in-depth deep dive into all the pictures that were just released by fnaf that'll be worked into a future theory how do i stay up on markiplier lore let me just watch this video with you guys and talk about it see that's called efficiency so anyway uh this is simultaneously me uh celebrating mark's stuff uh getting to catch up on something on youtube that i really wanted to look at and watch that seemed really interesting uh well also stand up on my research for who knows what the next theory is um i know mark has been talking on his channel about all of his upcoming projects he's working on a lot of stuff in his free time or not in his free time he's been working on a lot of stuff in between his uploads um so i wouldn't be surprised to see more of his like darkiplier wharf stash connected character universe get fleshed out before the end of this year and gosh darn i'm gonna stay on top of it and if i'm going to stay on top of it it means getting interviewed by a robot in a pre-recorded interview format which is what we're going to do today so ladies and gentlemen this is one part reaction video this is one part choose your own adventure survival i think there's some naffy elements in it too so here we go this is matpat getting interviewed by wilford wolfe stash wilford stash automated interview automaton how's that as an impression really good it was pretty good right yeah i love of all of mark's characters wharf stash is is probably like simultaneously the most interesting to me and also my favorite i i love the voice i think the voice is fun here we go [Laughter] oh it's great i love it it's so good marginally better the worse it's much worse this is so good already i love this i love this so much ah there we are welcome pretend i remembered your name here this is a pre-recorded message anyway i would not want to be in the same building as that thing i tell you me anyway thank you well you are for agreeing all you need to do is sit back relax and listen for some numbers okay here we go listen for the numbers [Music] [Applause] so cool oh [Music] keep in mind i have no idea what you're actually going to say due to the fact that as i said before this message is pre-recorded but if you did hear something now would be the time to speak up okay sounded like nightmare garbage or i think you heard numbers uh so first off i need to keep track of how many fingers wilfred wharf stash animatronic has five fingers okay we'll keep that in mind in case this lore gets deeper and he loses a finger along the way and that'll tell us if it's the same animatronic or not um man this model is so good it's so good um i don't know who did i haven't done a lot of research onto where this project came from i'm assuming uh mark had help with this this is unreal though whoever did this well done um this is a beautiful design uh it's super creepy okay uh what do you think nightmare garbage or i think i heard numbers i didn't hear numbers i didn't hear numbers either i know but he's going to like don't be shy i'm sure nothing bad will happen i don't know what you're going to do that's my guess it doesn't happen let's see see that's the only thing it's poi that's the only thing it spoils it a little bit because it's like oh i know the the time code a 39 second video is a jump scare video right oh i forgot i meant please do not say the word nightmare or uh garbage or nightmare gamblers or any combination of those words the why is just a little bit sensitive you know a little touchy feely well not really a touchy feely what will actually really touch your feelings depending on your definition of touchy and feely it's really good that's so good oh that is so great wow how cool is this this is amazing you yeah i guess huh oh so good though man that that was awesome what a great jump scare what a great jump scare but if you did hear something now would be the time to okay so obviously the correct answer is i think i heard numbers so you don't want to go or bad not really sure what you said but i choose to remain positive and assume that you are still alive which means that our automated friend here is operating well within acceptable murder parameters we're one step closer to mass production the world demands more interviews and i can't be everywhere at once this is this is just mark wanting to be in the next fnaf game i mean he's already part of the established universe because he was in the trailer for fnaf augmented reality the the ar game of naf special delivery so he's technically a canon character in the fnaf universe if i wanted to touch on that ever which i don't no certainly not please no but big x uh but that being said uh i mean the let's just say this the gateway is open for those worlds to fuse together the way is paved please don't walk down that that gateway because now all of a sudden then i have to work out how dark a player mixes in with a frosty frost bear or whatever no no more done done with it all the time only some of the time even you might land an interview someday maybe probably not it really depends on how the effects go on well i'm afraid the fundamental basis of any good interview is getting the goods out of those stubborn interviewees the why will say a word and you just say back to the things popped into your little head i just love the fact that markiplier's voice for wilford were saying i'm just gonna talk like that it's like i'm on a boat all the time and i'm going up and i'm going down and up and there's noir there's actually no inflection here whatsoever what's that that's how you do the wilford wharf stands for just like you talk of real wide in the back of your mouth and then that's it that's all you need to do simple right problem please respond what sorry i didn't get that brown cool please respond okay so what's the word association with that response oh no increasing aggression oh no the lighting is so good it's so good okay he's gonna wanna i'm gonna say potato salad the other one was also 30 seconds just say it this month's accepted there you go yay i regret to inform you the orderly beloved and or most despised has regrettably but not unexpectedly become recently deceased in the line of duty be comforted in the knowledge that their demise was just as likely to be quick and painless as it was so an agonizing responsibility it's about what you can expect 50 50. i'll take it coin flip for me that's scenario now on to uh the survivors wow potato salad a real thinker you see the question about potato salad is what type of potato salad are we talking about here we talking about mayonnaise potato celery we talking about vinegar potato salad or mustard potatoes or mustard potato there's a lot of potato salad out there many options what what i grew up with the mayonnaise potato salad because in ohio if you can make it that much more caloric you do that is the ohio way of cooking let's take let's take this starch and slather it with mayonnaise let all that stuff you know let's take some some starch but then mix in some vegetables maybe it'll be a little healthy of a salad yeah then here's this tub of mayonnaise let's just dump it in there let's just shake out that old and there you go and that's it maybe a little salt potatoes salad salad the heaviest quotes salad amazing what about you chris what is your preferred potato salad oh i'm a mustard man oh you would be big fan that's i actually i've come over to the mustard side myself well it's a little i mean i don't think about it that's more southern it's the mustard i was gonna say it is a southern style you're eating it alongside a you know a giant slab of meat you've just got at a pig yeah oh yeah the fact that the fact that you have pickens instead of roasts is also a very southern thing up and up north it's the roast the pig roast here you say picking i just think of like apes picking each other except you're picking little bits of meat off a pig oh i wish it was like that it's definitely the same exact thing as a roast right but it's picking is just a more fun word certainly the test has been passed with flying colors in your our next test is about something called synthetic linguistics but the point is you can have a good interview if the wire isn't able to conjure up the right words situations so our friend is going to fire off some right sorry i forgot that that's the other part of the wilford war stash impression is not only are you riding the wave up and down with your inflection and keeping your voice open in the back but it's also you got to shout randomly at times just just at it just the most strange moments i'm like i am here talking about the dancing over here there's a very normal cadence avoiding lessons in impersonating right and also wear a pink mustache important that's the most important part random words and you just try to spot anything that doesn't make any sense all right although pretty much everything is all right since because here we go i'm ready i believe in you i believe in myself [Music] backways [Music] [Music] what am i okay yellow okay pink green red ah spooky you it's all you potato challenge wait i saw you what die oh i saw you die oh well that's a bummer darn it can you tell me about that can we can we elaborate on that that little bit there just just a skosh i'd love to learn a little bit more about that story oh no so how'd it go did you hear anything weird don't be shy or do or are you are you alive are they alive oh the undead so this will kill me this will not we're going to go with the not die option here huh potato salad again that's weird must have really stuck in his head when you first said that yeah because as i said this is pre-recorded and well i think that's all the calibration that needs to be done for now anyway all systems are most likely nominal at this point unless i'm speaking to a pile of quivering meat that's been robotically smooshed into the floor either way we're going to take this bad boy for a spin with a full-on interview great i'm mocking if you might do don't get too excited it's not real but there's no reason to wait around for the while to get bored so let's keep it nice and limber while you sit back yeah let's keep going get ready for the interview in your life oh here we go and maybe the last one too i just did an interview with the birds verge that was great but uh interviewed by wilford warfstash doesn't get any better than that even if it is just an animatronic replica of him so i will take this any day of the week yes please feed me your questions and hopefully some secret lore about the wider earthquake oh there's his intro to this day ladies and gentlemen and all other configurations the ability to wiggle his nose tonight first question okay how many people have you killed oh how many people have i killed yeah how many you know it really it really depends on who you ask like are you talking physically killed or figuratively killed because at this point you know after 10 years on youtube i think you would have a lot of people arguing that i've you know killed many like hopes dreams like motivations and life desires honestly like franchises franchises childhoods like there's been a lot of death in my wake through no fault of my own to be like i i did not intend it i just do what i do and oh yeah yeah you know just buy products just you know just leave the dead bodies in my wig so figuratively countless countless numbers i'm so sorry uh literally two okay lay it on me hit me with it bring it on i'm ready oh oh that's a creepy night man party okay goes to a party this man let an old [Music] friends played again dangerous oh the most dangerous game they hunted each other they shared some wine and then proceeded to hunt each other to death hey i got a couple hundred acres out there let's flip a coin 50 50. who's going to hunt the other one oh man i hope i get hunter today you have a couple glasses of wine you know everything just goes downhill from there yeah it's just a thursday right right most people would play you know like a jack box game murder trivia party maybe some scattergories nope the most dangerous game hunting a human great that's what friends do right see this is why i don't have friends i don't understand stuff like this maybe if i did you used to have two don't talk about that we don't talk about that no the run rush no wait he didn't know that what was the gun was loaded okay that's why i thought yeah the gun was loaded huh [Music] oh ah they see that's the lore this is the lore with wilford dwarf stats which is interesting because he did there's an older video from what two years ago three years ago again this is just weird stuff that i have in my head at this point but there was like the origins of wilford wharf stash it's like an old like 70s disco like roller disco does he i think he shoots someone in that one too it's it's not this story though it's very different um huh is it is it my fault huh yes or no ah this this one is 50 50. they're both the same length uh i'm going to guess the answer is no because i think if we say yes it's going to anger him and he's going to be like well now it's your fault to die but i'm i'm curious i want to say yes i'm curious sorry for everything that i've done i don't remember who i was i wish i did that sorry potato challenge hey huh so he he doesn't remember he's sorry huh that's interesting so he so wilford if this is truly wilford so he shoots someone accidentally he shoots a friend and feels guilt about killing his friend huh that's really interesting i wonder what's really going on here thank you [Music] he's just like me my sweet baby boy well he should be anyway he's a perfect scam of mine noggin so he better be a chip off the old block hey you oh what a supporting role fantastic i guess still not sure you're alive but i am grateful whether you've been torn to shreds or are merely drowning in your own tears magnificent and now that testing is done we can finally bring this monstrosity to the main stage i'm sure you'll be seeing a lot more of the wire soon very soon knock it out and i'm feeling you for any blood you got on my robot have a nice day interesting i so i wonder if the very very like i wonder if he's doing something with this like if it's a game or if it's a you know i i wonder if it's teasing like an upcoming project with him or what that's really interesting that would be fun right i think it'd be great i mean and he's got this cast of characters and stuff like i don't know like a markiplier game or something would be really cool or i could see him doing another like choose your own adventure with this character huh so that gives us a little bit more insight into wilford himself and that he's got some sort like he's murdered someone accidentally in this game presumably huh that's fascinating yeah i haven't watched any of the like older wilford videos in a while right that's the thing i need to i would need to go back and like re-catch up because i mean the last big thing was heist with markiplier uh in his like connected universe lore and then he kind of took a break and did oonas honest for a long time and that was i believe disconnected from his wider universe um i know that there were some theories that darkiplier was a part of it and that it was connected but i think he meant that to be its own separate thing um it might make allusions to it elsewhere but i think that was kind of its own thing and so heist but and i don't think if i remember right wilford wasn't like it wasn't in that uh so last year right i don't think he was and so last appearance of wilford was long long time ago so it's interesting to see the character come back um it's also interesting that it links up to who killed markiplier which you know is it's wilford is usually not one of the characters that shows up in a lot of these lore based episodes for him so it's it's cool to see the character getting brought out again uh because like i said he's one of my favorites uh cool i love this this is amazing uh here let me see if i can go back to the beginning real quick just to um see because i'm assuming he credited yeah model art by oh oh amio makko okay so uh this is the person who yeah did uh five nights at candies yes absolutely that makes total sense amazing yes 100 that's so good uh good job guys uh this is unreal it's so great uh now i want an animatronic of my own uh sadly i'm not nearly as funny or interesting or crazy as mark uh so i guess i'll just have to remain the usual matpat on the couch with you know my friends my my 50 dead friends and my my 25 live friend hello and me mostly dead on the inside so thank you guys so much for watching that was my interview with the markiplier animatronic i will be back with more in the future but in the meantime just remember it wasn't live but it was a video a video for you thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 590,387
Rating: 4.9739256 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, a heist with markiplier, warfstache, warfstache automated interview automaton, warfstache interviews markiplier, the warfstache automated interview automaton, the warfstache automated interview automaton reaction, markiplier warfstache, darkiplier, darkiplier moments, fnaf, fnaf interview, fnaf animation, fnaf animatronics, fnaf animatronics explainedame theory, game theorists, gtlive, matpat, gtlive markiplier, gtlive warfstache, matpat markiplier, matpat warfstache
Id: gDItdpqNkoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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