Making The Perfect Osso Buco | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends a fantastic video today i'm showing you how to make my oso buco it's gonna be delicious i promise you remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell stay tuned we're gonna make it right now together [Applause] well hello there friends let me show you how easy it is i got some onion going over there i'm doing this in my uh cast iron pot i love those those are phenomenal the cook you put them in the oven you put them in the stove you put them whatever you want so what we're gonna do here friends we are going to um uh coat the uh the osobuco look how beautiful they are pure macaroni i got this from butcher shop because grocery store if you if you can't find veal via also book my friend you can make it with a lamb or you can also make it with the beef the beef you gotta cook over three days though but you can also make it with the lamb okay so it's much less expensive or pork pork pork you gotta make it with a pork okay so we got some black pepper in here we're gonna flavor the uh the flour then we're gonna put in it because that's a traditional way of doing it and um we're gonna put some onion salts you can put some garlic salt in there if you have and i also like to put a little bit of fine cornmeal and that's going to give me some nice uh uh uh crunch around it i use the cornmeal a lot uh and plus you serve this with a a goat cheese polenta or a risotto okay very simple to make it's expensive when you get the veal from especially these days um let me check the oil to make sure i'm at the right temperature here i'm looking for 365 and i'm not there yet and that's cool we're now going to take our oh it's a book right here look how big those things are and we're going to coat them with a flower we're going to roll them all the way around it we're going to use this flower mostly for a thickening thickening of sauces and uh you hear chefs tell you that it seals in the moisture moisture now it doesn't it doesn't stealing anything it's just a nice crust around it and it's a traditional old-fashioned way of doing it so we're going to do it the way everybody my mom makes it everybody makes it that way all right so we're going to go in the oil i got a garlic olive oil going over there and we're going to put that in there just like this and make sure the oil is at the right temperature and we're gonna get a beautiful golden brown color okay now let's go back to the other pot we are done with this area um yeah i put the pepper in there yes okay very good all right so i got onion here and friends uh the onion i already started to caramelize we wanted to be big uh uh chunks of onion meaning i daisy onion really big because remember this is braised braised means we're going to submerge the meat that's the way you do a brisket that's what you do you do any braised meat you submerge it with liquid and the liquid of course is we're not going to use the water mamma mia i see so many people online using water these days they put water in everything water water you know what i think on water that's like nothing so we're gonna put the um the onion in there and then we got carrots um that are cut kind of big also you see because this is gonna cook for a while so they cook big and so they're gonna they're gonna take a little while to cook and celery and i got whole garlic cloves and the whole garlic cloves they're gonna melt i mean they're gonna when you poach garlic it's kind of like when you roast it it's very mild we got some thyme and we got some rosemary that's actually rosemary here that's the time right here i got a can of um peeled uh tomatoes you know i use lava tomatoes wonderful i got tomato puree in here uh and we're gonna put at the end uh olive and lemon that's my way to do it we're gonna put a white wine uh and we're also gonna put a little bit of pork wine you know that's my signature i like to put a little assert a fortified wine like a port or my dad gives a little sweetness to it it's delicious and and then olives and uh so we're gonna put the stock in a minute we're gonna put the stock in a minute and uh let me see how we're doing with the osoboko here friends now this is a uh this was a this was a much more um popular dish years ago because it was not that expensive today you get a you order and also book in a restaurant italian restaurant it's going to cost you an hour late actually everything costs an hour i'm going to like these days have you noticed that holy mackerel i haven't seen anything like it you know i i've never seen the food the prices of food as expensive as it is these days it's really and absolutely unbelievable so as much as we want to caramelize the onion we don't want to caramelize them too much because it's going to brace for a long time so as long as i got a little color in here i'm comfortable and i don't want it to be too brown but however i'm going to wait a little bit longer because i want a little more color than that i want a little more color in this so also we're going to put some beef stock in here uh i use my beef stock you guys have the recipe for that i gave you the recipe already for that it's beautiful if you can't buy the b if you can't make this you don't have time to make it you can uh buy a beef broth one then makes you happy or you can even use chicken broth some people use chicken broth for this okay i was gonna say you could also use vegetable broth but not really if you're doing uh a venos a book or you're not a vegan okay otherwise you would use a vegetable stock nothing wrong with that my vegetable stock is beautiful okay look we got some color on this onion not exactly as much as i would like it uh so it may wait if you wait a couple of more seconds you know um i'll tell you what we're going to do because i really i hate to put something up because the minute i stop putting my carrots and my salary and it i'm done caramelizing my onion okay i don't need to caramelize the carrots or anything so let me see how we're doing over here okay we're starting to have some nice color you see but folks it's going to take a little while okay i'm going to do this side with the other side i'm going to roll it all the way around see exactly what i want right here see how beautiful that is that's what i'm looking for okay so here's what i'm going to do friends i'm going to do this on the other side i'm going to do it all the way around it and and then i come back when we finish and we put everything up together okay so give me a couple of minutes i'm gonna put just a little bit more oil in my pan just a little bit right there and um and i'm gonna continue doing that whole thing all the way around it so and and then and then we'll come back and finish this up okay so give me two minutes i'll be right back well those things are big holy mackerel okay now the onions are definitely caramelized that's what i want right there some nice color we're gonna put the garlic we're gonna put the carrots we're gonna put the celeries there you come back over here all right let me turn this up i don't need no more heat those are beautiful you see this is what we're looking for here friends beautiful color look at this gorgeous maybe that side over there oh they're big that's i could get a little more color in here all right we're done okay so now what do we got here we got um a little bit of the rosemary a little bit of thyme and then what we're going to do friends we're going to put the white wine measure carefully yeah a chardonnay is good for this a established is good for it yeah whatever whatever wine makes you happy whatever wine you're willing to drink with a sauvignon blanc really works great for this got a little citrusy to it it works perfect for this okay you remember we're going to put some oh look at this gorgeous absolutely gorgeous see this is what i'm looking for right there gorgeous color now we're ready for those so whenever you're cooking with wine friends what do you got to do you got to bring the boil and you got to let it reduce you got to get rid of some of the alcohol you got to do a reduction unless you're using pork madeira masala those are fortified wine those two don't need to reduce really simple stuff you know cooking is not that difficult friends everybody makes it much more difficult than what it is you know what it takes to it takes understanding the why why are we doing this what's the purpose of it uh salts hey how are you doing over there just want to make sure this is gorgeous i don't want to put them in there yet because i got stuff to do in here yet so i'm waiting for a thing to wind the reduce uh onion salt yeah under onion so garlic salt is great also but buy a good garlic salt butter garlic salt and it's really only salt and garlic not a bunch of chemicals in there because they put a lot of stuff in there we got a white we got to wait for this wine to come to boil and let it reduce while i'm waiting you know i tell you what i'm going to do i don't want him in a fight ben anymore let down we're done with this ripe end let's take it out of here i don't like to put it directly on my counter so here we go we're finished i didn't want it to get any more brown than this this is beautiful so we want to bring it to boil remember you got to reduce the wine by half it's really that simple after you reduce the wine then you can put all the rest of the ingredients your stock your tomatoes your whatever it is you're gonna put in here the reason why you don't put it in before because let's say i put the tomato and i said oh i got wine i got a lot of reduce it don't work that way it don't work that way you gotta wine reduction has to be done by itself you cannot put anything on top of the wine because if you put broth on top of it if you put tomato on top of it you're not going to get a wine reduction it's very difficult for the alcohol to escape if there is other products mixed in with the wine that's why it's called a wine reduction okay so whenever you use wine remember any wine i don't care what it is unless it's pulled madeira masala you let it reduce by half at least to get all the alcohol out the other wine a fortified wine and they don't need to be reduced it's really that simple okay and they sweeter though remember they're going to bring a little element of sweetness to it okay so it's very important to remember that so we'll bring that to boil we'll let it reduce a few more minutes and then i'll be back in a few minutes okay friends well the wine is almost finished reducing i'm going to take those tomatoes and i'm going to do it the way my mom does it i'm going to break them up with my hands you know it's um some chefs said oh we should be cutting them you can cut them with a knife but they have a first of all you're gonna have a huge mess on your cutting board you have to drain the juice first right that's number one and and number two is not the same i think it's kind of it's got some magic to uh when you're making a tomato sauce you're making a tomato product when the tomatoes are like roughly cut and also it gives you an opportunity in case there is a i don't know what you call it the thing or the tomato you know the um i forgot the name of it it doesn't matter this i like to remove them whatever it's called it's on top of the tomatoes and sometimes i forget my english folks the core the tomatoes the core is that what it's called the core ah they're not telling me all right so look guys uh the root the root now it's more like the corn the roots maybe it's the root i don't know uh look guys we got the uh the the tomatoes we got the tomato puree and then we're going to put the stock now uh my stock it's got tomato in there and you're going to say there's too much tomato you know what that's the way i like to make it you make it however you like to make it that's the way i like to make it i like a lot of tomatoes in my osoboko so and i'm going to put a little bit of pork wine that's going to give us a little sweetness right just a little sweetness and then we're going to put the stock just a little bit of stock i got uh you don't want to put too much stock but you still want to put enough so then you'll be able to submerge them at least uh three-quarter of the way you see so now one quick little thing for those of you that i've never seen in the channel before this is gonna be quite liquid you see if we want to thicken it a little bit we can put a little bit of flour in there okay but if we're gonna put flour on it we're gonna do it now my friends we can't do it later because if we do it later then the flour doesn't have time to cook so we put it now so what we do we take a we take a little strainer just a little strainer we don't need a big strainer let me find one negative the illustrator i'm making a mess out of this kitchen today and then we take a little um a flower we're gonna put just a little bit i just want to show you for those of you that are new to the channel welcome this is how we incorporate it okay you put a strainer in there friends you take a little bit of a flour don't put a lot because you don't need a lot just a little bit and this right there friends is going to change the texture without making it too thick you see and then incorporate flour you'll never taste the flour trust me this thing is going to cook for an hour and a half let it thick like this it may cook for two hours and a half at least because they're so thick so you see right there we got a little bit of flour that has been added where's my wooden spoon here it is here we go you see so now we're a little thicker and these guys i don't want it to be too thick but i want it just a little thicker than what it was you see and just like this maybe just a touch more stock all right i'm going to put a little more salt a little more pepper you know i want to put that coarse pepper that's a little coarse pepper in here like that reduce the heat down and right there right there i don't care what it is you braise in this liquid my friend it's going to be delicious i don't care if you're putting a brisket in here i don't think if you're putting a pot roast in there it's going to be delicious and here we have it my friends right there right there right there right there right there right there and this you know what i forgot is a bay leaf and i'm not sure where my bay leaves are oh here they are i'm going to put a bay leave in there friends i got to put a bay leaf in there because i think you know it's amazing you wonder what what does a bay leaf do do they really taste like anything you know um this is probably uh one of those uh most underrated uh flavor smells like nothing you think it doesn't do anything but it's like a journal sequoia this is like a a flavor then the bay leaves gives you then it's kind of magical it's in the background if you don't put it in there you're going to miss it not really but it's kind of a magical it's an after after test effect it's an umani flavor this is in the background and it's quite special and uh you should try to put it in there put a cover on that my friends we're going to pop this in the oven at about 375 maybe in an hour from now we'll check it we flip it on the other side maybe in 45 minutes from now check it put on the other side and then we're going to let it cook until the meats basically fall off the bone and it's so nice and tender and it should be able to pull on it it's quite amazing put it in the oven at 375. 350 375. guys put a cover on it all right now if you don't want to put any everything up on the stove but it's labor intensive you got to constantly manipulate it make sure it doesn't stick constantly do things with it all right be back when it's ready okay friends well those i told you gonna take a long time that took two and a half hours a long time i'll tell you i'm so hungry oh i forgot my right here we go so here we go friends i'm gonna take him out oh man this is hot two and a half hours it could take you depends the size of it i mean it's taking as little as an hour and a half depends the size of it those are like uh huge and here we have it friends smells amazing in here i wish you could be here this is like amazing so well the other thing i got to do right now is i got to put the olives just to get them warm i said i don't need to cook the olives you don't need to put the olives ahead there's no reason to cook them you know because um let me get a spoon here we go uh yeah so the only thing we can do at this point is check it to see if it's thin enough thick enough you know it's uh see it's thin enough it's perfect for me you want a little thicker then you got to put some little cornstarch in there you can put a little cornstarch diluting in water a little bit right see the vegetables are down and uh so at this point this is that this is ready to be served friends this is a this is delicious i'll tell you it's delicious so what i'm going to do is say oh i made a uh i made a uh egg a polenta great whatever with a whatever you want to call it if we're doing italian meal if we're doing an italian meal then it's a um uh it's a polenta if we're doing a a an american meal it's a great uh people call a different you know same thing by the way i got a recipe right there when i did the shrimp and glitz i don't know if you guys saw it but it's a phenomenal recipe you gotta check it out friends it really is so look this is a wet server okay server however you want it but this is the way i like to serve it now this is a this is a serving and a half my friends everything is so hot and then what i do you can put a little bit of parsley on top like this for uh for fun but then i like to put just a little bit on my plate again right so then i'm going to take a um this is a big serving probably can make two serving right there you know it probably could make two servings look at this thing look a beautiful day yeah that definitely mamma mia this is gonna be big let me tell you this definitely could make two serving right what do you think oh yeah look at this look at this oh yeah i was i was gonna say let's make sure we do a nice serving and no oh no of course not i got to make a mess over there right i always figure out a way to make a mess now here go friends this is where we are nice we're going to a little more um uh parsley to make a pretty and then we'll do the zest of the lemon that's another thing you don't need to cook friends you put it at the last minute right and and remember no don't be going like all them ding dongs out there doing this right this is how you do it you put the tool i know i know a lot of you are going to say okay we know we know that we watched your video before but a lot of people are new to the channel they don't know this is how you use the tool you see you do it like this right and then you go like this you see put a little lemon on it let me tell you something folks that lemon is going to do so much for your dish you are not going to believe it and then what you do remember it's got rosemary in there so you take a little thing of rosemary a little thing or two maybe because this is not a like a wimpy word put it right there and when you're serving friends don't forget don't forget you uh you want to give him a little fork or a little spoon to go inside and get the get them inside the marrow but yeah that's an amazing fact i'm gonna let it rest just for a second then i'm gonna take a bite i want to show you the inside okay okay you know i love a lot of sauce a lot of sauce so i like to put a little extra sauce on it when i'm ready to eat it let me tell you as much as i love a beautiful rosoboko the polenta the polenta in there so let's see what we got here see see look look look look friends i mean i could just pull it with my fork you see you can just put it with your fork i don't even know why i took a knife you know i want to make sure that they then the camera can get it but look at this look at his fence look at this look at this this right there this right there my friends without polenta right there i wish you were here i'm telling you my friends um it is juicy it is amazing tender melt in your mouth literally the polenta is a great addition my friend i hope you make it remember thumbs up if you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and remember the recipe is down below the video when you see show more you click on that and you get the link to the free recipe thanks for watching we'll see you soon in the next couple days with another fantastic video see you soon [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 160,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osso bucco recipe, how to make osso buco, ossobuco recipe, osso buco, how to make osso bucco, veal shank, veal, veal osso buco, osso bucco recipe oven, osso buco recipe, veal osso bucco recipe, lamb osso bucco, pork osso bucco, veal osso bucco, veal recipe, ossobuco recipes, veal osso buco recipe, ossobuco alla milanese, easy osso bucco recipe, how to make osso bucco recipe, veal osso buco recipe oven, veal recipes, italian osso buco recipe, how to make osso bucco tender
Id: zmj3U1VvYdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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