How To Clean and Tie a Beef Tenderloin like a PRO | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends today we're going to do something a little technical but not that difficult i'm going to show you how to butcher correctly a beef tenderloin i decided to do a video on that because i seen too many bad ones out there okay i'm gonna show you how to do this this is really a simple thing to do friends and uh but i want everybody to understand how to use the whole thing you know i see people on the internet they go they take the center cut which is the chateaubriand and they go oh this is a beautiful filament put this over there and put this over there put it in stew or something we're going to use the whole thing i'm going to show you how to do it correctly okay when you buy tenderloin friends you have two choices you can buy clean with no fat on it oh most of the time you're gonna buy what's gonna have a chain on it it's gonna have a silver skin it's gonna have a lot of fan on it first thing you wanna do is look at the date look at the day that is packed this was packed yesterday usually between the pack date and the cell date is like a week to 10 days so look at the date make sure it's firm and this is going to be this is the head the head is much bigger piece and it's going to go down to the tail try to buy one where the tail is not so thin this is this kind of thin one but i'm going to show you what to do when that happens so we don't waste it okay i'll show you so make sure you do that firm look at the date buy prime if you can afford it otherwise buy a good choice this is the tenderloin you can buy at costco comes two-way clean or not clean i have it not so clean so i can show you how to do it okay very simple first thing we're gonna do is uh we're gonna cut the the cryback out that's a plastic thing and and i keep it like that and then we're going to take the piece of meat out very simple not nothing complicated so far i have a cutting board with a channel just in case we have some extra blood we're going to take it and put them right here and i'm going to use some paper towel first thing i want to do friends i want to fairly clean it up just a little bit yeah they say they see something but i've seen too many people massacre those so i want to really show you this is an expensive piece of meat i'm telling you you go you probably know you've bought it before and it's quite expensive and so we don't want to mess it up we want to get as much as we possibly can without wasting too much thing now this show this show this uh this segment today this uh video is just about cleaning the tenderloin we're gonna make more videos show you how to cook it but right now this is just to clean it because you got to get there right all right so now what do we do we got a lot of fat in here don't be afraid to use your hand a lot of people are afraid to use your hands we'll kind of remove the membrane a little bit and don't be afraid to remove to remove as much as you can with your hand first yeah there's not much to grab right here so now we're going to grab the knife now if you notice there's a head right there this is the header this is called the header tenderloin it's called the tell the tenderloin so in order for us to be removing the silver skin we're going to remove the membrane and we're going to use our hand and we're gonna get in and we're gonna open it up i'm gonna show you it's pretty simple okay it's not difficult at all the idea is to be able to see right now we can't see anything so we have to remove this membrane so we can see what we're doing all right so look remove the membrane you you just lift it up you see and try not to use the knife too much not yet not yet you're not ready for the knife yet you see look you just want to remove this membrane because if you try to use your knife now you're going to cut into this very expensive piece of meat and we don't want to do that so now look see what i'm doing i'm removed i remove the whole membrane and now i'm kind of using my finger and you see you can do a lot of cleaning first before you use your knife with your fingers you see so now you get to a point where i gotta cut this is what we call the chain okay and the chain you can waste a lot of time cleaning it but i promise you this is not very good the only thing you can do with this is grinded double grinder and triple grinder and maybe you can make um or you can use it for stock i use it for stock but you can grind it there's a lot a lot of sinew and nerves that are going all the way through so it's not easy to clean people say you could clean it up to make a shish bag with it it's full of nerves and and and seen you and all good so look now what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove this right now just to get it out of the way all right so now we're going to go in and we're going to clean up the head a little bit okay so look see what i turn it the other way and look see this is what we call the silver skin we got to remove all this and we got to remove this without removing any meat so what i do is i take my knife and i keep it against the silver skin you see see the way i'm doing it friends we we have a few cameras so i hope we can capture everything but it's not exactly see what i'm doing my knife is tilted against the silver skin so i can expose it in order to remove it i need to expose it if i don't expose it how am i going to be able to remove it and you see so i'm opening the whole thing up very simple i'm telling you it's not complicated and now we're going to remove this so let's clean this up a little bit the extra fat we're going to put here i'm going to show you how to remove that silver skin when you see it you're going to go well that's pretty simple to do so boning knife by the way very important you can't do that with the chef's knife friend if you don't have a boning knife i highly recommend you invest in one of them it saves you a lot of money to do it and it's so much easier to do bonnie knife is a must so look silver skin you grab it right here on the front you grab it right there on the front and then take your knife and slightly tilt it on that silver skin you see look slightly tilted and let me let me make sure i go a little further so you'll see it more you'll understand what it is that i'm doing you see how i'm scraping the silver skin if i go too hard i'll cut it so i don't want to cut it right i just want to slightly scrape it you see then we have no meat on the other side see look pretty simple right let's see you take it so but you keep it folded don't don't put it out there otherwise you'll dig into the meat so you keep it folded even as you remove it you can look at it if you want to make sure you're doing a good job but you see right there so now we removed all of that silver skin and that's good for nothing i use it for stock but that's all it's good for all right so the silver skin it's got if it's got a little flavor in it we're going to continue removing it you see so if you're doing a tenderloin at home you'll follow the video and you'll do it exactly as i do it and i promise you're going to get some beautiful results you see all right so so far we're doing so good okay so now let's continue removing that silver skin friends let's continue you see same same deal when i was a restaurant business i would do this three four hours a day cleaning the meat that was my first job actually when i was a kid at 12 years old he used to work in a butcher shop moshiari we used to make a sausage and all that i'll tell you i don't know if i'd ever told you the story but um the ladies of the fan the fancy ladies of a neighborhood would go machinery what's on a sausage today we're a bunch of kids working downstairs we're going what they should ask is what's not in a sausage today after everything will go in there anyway let me continue so now we gotta clean up the head a little bit so it's much much better we got a little fat in here now fat i'm not too worried about it we can remove a little bit of it just a little bit okay so now let's go back to the other side okay let's go back to the other side and as you can see right here we have a lot of fat we don't need all that fat right there we don't need all that fat right here in that head so we're going to clean it up okay i'll show you you watch come with me there you go here's your watch you watch you watch we're going to clean everything so we can use everything the idea is to try to have the least possible amount of waste because that stuff is expensive you see look removing it see all right there so now we have still a little bit of fat right there and then we're going to flip it on the other side and we're going to clean the other side and then i'm going to show you how to tie correctly how to prepare a beautiful roast okay now of course it's easier to remove it all i see that so many people doing and said oh cut all that stuff up i don't want to cut it up it's good stuff and it's good meat and it's it's too expensive to throw it all away all right so now we can leave this side like that i mean we can clean it up a little bit more if we want but we're good all right so remember clean up your cutting board every time that's why i got those balls right here what do we do with this right here very simple friends all we got to do at this point is take your knife keep it flat and you see and scrape the fat off keep it flat otherwise you're going to dig into the meat this is the part that's got a lot of fat in it but just don't worry about it you're going to show well i'll show you when i cook the roast of it you're going to be amazed how beautiful it looks and see all that fat right there is going to melt we're not throwing it away so when you see people telling you take the tail off which is what i'm cleaning right now and uh and uh throw it away or make hamburger meat with it or make stew with it this is not good stew meat friends this does not cook good at stew stew you're better off buying five dollars a pound or six dollar or eight dollar part number these days expensive uh chuck roast okay but you do not use filet mignon for uh for stews okay so you notice my knife is flat right because that fat right there is just on the outside so it's not difficult to clean you see keep the knife flat okay so here we go so far we're looking we're looking good see it's a shame of all that stuff but this would be this would be good in a hamburger yes the fat right there would be good for a hamburger all right so look we're going to do the same thing remember the silver skin right we grab it in the front we fold the knife see we fold the knife and we'll remove it a silver skin i don't care how good your teeth are that's never going to be tender all right so let's clean it up we're looking good okay up a little more at the end you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a uh after the video is finished today i can't do it now but i'm gonna weigh this right i'm gonna weigh this and uh and then i'm gonna calculate it so you'll have it i'll put that information in the end of the video you know show more when you read it it'll tell you uh because if you buy okay like this guy right there was uh 19 a pound cleaned it was 28 a pound an extra 9 a pound to clean them so we're gonna i'm gonna make the calculation for you so you'll know is it better to waste my time doing this because it took 10 minutes it probably took a little bit longer or do i uh do i buy it already clean and we'll do the calculation you'll be amazed you don't save that much money but sometimes you may not be able to buy it already clean so you have to buy it with a fat on all right so now what do we do friends okay well what most people do at this point friends they take this right there and they dispose of all this it's way too expensive so what i'm going to show you how to do is to make two beautiful beautiful perfect roasts okay first thing we're going to do is you see right here where the head stops we're going to take the heads and we're going to cut it right there right there it's going to give us a beautiful roast gorgeous okay you're gonna say how is that gonna cook beautiful so now you see a lot of people do what they do friends here they take it they go like this and they fold it like this right whenever you see somebody do that change channel not going to be good because oh this is going to be against the grain it's going to be dry it's going to be overcooked no good what we're going to do we're going to take this pay attention it's really cool okay now we could of course make this chateaubriand right here and make it a smaller roast in here you can do that as well and i'll show you we'll do it we'll do it real quick okay we make a chateaubriand right here chateaubriand that's uh for two for two people two one two there you go all right this is the chateaubriand beautiful shuttle you don't need to do anything to this now what do we do with this what here's what we're gonna do with it we're gonna make another beautiful roast so what we're gonna do we're gonna calculate it we're gonna fold we're gonna take i i'm trying to figure out how to explain it to you i want this side right now you see it's like this i want this side to be the same thickness as this side how do i get there i cut it right there and i take it and i do this and you're gonna say well how is that gonna cook you're never even gonna know those two pieces we're together the secret is to tie them correctly let's go to the next tape we don't need to tie this guy we're gonna need to tie this guy so i'm gonna show you all right what do we do next very simple friends butcher twine and make sure you don't do like a friend of mine he went to home depot to get a butcher twine it said it looked the same yeah it looked the same it was uh an island no good friends butchered wine you take it right there you take it the long piece i'm sorry you take the short piece right you take the short piece you put it in front of you it's very simple okay i see so many people they are wrapping around their hand their mom i mean they do so complicated it's very simple look look you take the piece of twine you leave about a foot in front of you and you go one two and you die now you notice it stays right because i did one two and then i tie and then you could do one more and you secure all right so now you take your other piece of twine now this guy right there all i need to do is tie this on top of it because if i don't tie it on top of it it's not gonna cook even evenly so look you go underneath you put it like this very simple look at what i do i'm going to do it again slowly so you can really really see it okay look you don't need to wrap it around your hand or do all that nonsense you take it put it right here on the cutting board remember what i do here right i go like this and i go underneath and then i grab it right there the secret my friends is this piece of twine right there has to be straight it cannot be here see this is not straight you can't grab it right there it has to be straight so you keep it straight and you go over and under see over and under a child could do these friends we're gonna do one more time okay i think i'm going to run out of twine look under keep it straight remember the secret friend is to keep it straight right go over and under over and under and now look now you go like this and you're going to tie it over there except mine is too short so what do you do i tell you what you do no problemo you take a piece of twine and you give it a bandage and it's gonna happen to you trust me if it happens to me after 50 years of doing this you know how many thousands and millions of those i did and it happened to me right so it's happened to you you put a piece of twine in there so you don't have to start all over again all right and then ah screwed it up a second i'm gonna do the other one again okay just in case so i'll do it nice all right all right now we're gonna tie it and my friends this filament right there is gonna cook absolutely perfect okay so i'll do another one better this time i take a bigger twine i can't believe i took a small piece of twine that's okay all right so look no silver skin okay maybe it's a little bit left right here look we might remove it just a little bit okay but it's not nitpick if i do not tie this correctly my friends this would be a perfect rose for for six to eight people easily this would be perfect for two this would be perfect for two three maybe uh or four if you give them if you want to style them but look let me tell you what's gonna happen here friends let's clean it up a little bit better if you don't tie this when you cook it it's going to be like this it's never going to cook evenly but i promise you we're going to do it we're going to do it i'm going to do it with you so you'll see it when you tie this correctly you'll never know what a cut is i'm going to show you we're going to do it we're going to do it i'm going to cook it i'm going to cook it next week or whenever it is that i'm cooking it uh you look and it's going to be called the perfect roast and uh and you'll see it all right first thing we want to do take enough wine take enough to wine i'll tell you every mistake you can make in the kitchen i made them you would think i make them only once one no no me i'll make them three or four times all right so i better have enough this time uh you know what i may not have enough i'm not taking a chance of doing it again i showed you enough how to put a bandage so i am not going to mess it up again i hope this is longer okay so look you're taking the piece twine a small one in the front like about a foot okay about a foot right remember what you do right it's a good thing i do it twice so look one two why do you do two because when you go like this it stays one two okay so far easy right none of that wrapping around your hand and moving the thing don't do nothing don't even touch the meat you don't even have to touch the meat okay now look guys very simple okay we're gonna whatever we do right we go underneath but we put we put our fingers in here so this is tight right there right we're tight and we go right underneath you'll have to pick it up right so now remember what i said right this piece right there has to be straight right so we go in and over and under over and under it's pretty easy right over and under and pull us very tight very tight friend it has to be remember it has to be very tight otherwise it's going to be an air pocket and it's not going to cook evenly you're going to be amazed when i cut it look like one piece of meat all right remember now right there pull it really really tight and go over and under over and under it's not difficult see over and over folks all right let's do it again pull it so make sure it's really really tight now over and under and one more time because if i do it one more time i'm not gonna have enough twine again yeah yeah yeah here we go perfect this is perfect over and under see over and under right there my friends right here right simple right now flip it over tuck the tail in just a little bit tuck it in right there and now look one two now at this point call your better half and tell him to put a finger on it or do this and voila okay so friends this is it this is all there is to it we got ourselves a beautiful roast for eight people we got another one for two and another one for two so this is it for today my friends stay tuned uh in the next few days we're going to publish a video of how i'm going to cook this beautiful filipino this tenderloin this roast or however you want to call it and uh and i'm going to show you how to make it perfect we're going to season it in the hair then we're going to do it ahead so stay tuned with you i hope you enjoy the video remember gives us a thumbs up don't forget to ring the bell and don't forget to subscribe thank you for watching we'll see you in the next videos [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 196,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to butcher a beef tenderloin, knife skills, butchering a beef tenderloin, how to cut filet mignon, beef tenderloin, meat butchering, cleaning a beef tenderloin, how to cut a whole beef tenderloin, whole beef tenderloin, trim beef tenderloin, how to trim beef tenderloin, how to trim beef tenderloin into filet mignon, how to trim a beef tenderloin, basic knife skills, how to trim a whole beef tenderloin, trimming beef tenderloin instructions, break down beef tenderloin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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