Let's Play Stellaris - Newbie Tutorial Series - Episode 1

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hello everyone and welcome to the let's play stellaris newbie tutorial series I'm your host two colors fade now before we get started I want to point you to my standalone tutorial videos for planetary management and trade routes those two video series are condensed tutorials for those specific topics that both run less than 45 minutes and are packed with information this tutorial series is a let's play series I'm going to play the game and while I play I will explain every decision that I make and before we get started we need to talk about victory conditions because they affect the type of faction that you want to play with one caveat to this is that a lot of players don't care about the defined victory conditions in the game they just play the game until they're happy and then they stop and start any one day I prefer to find victory conditions myself so I like to play for a specific goal and in this game there are basically two ways to win the first way to win the game is by having the most power at the end date when you're starting a new game you'll notice that there are three years defined in the game the mid game start here the end game start here and the victory year when the victory year has reached the faction with the highest score wins it's that simple the other way that when the game is by purging the galaxy of all other factions so that you are the only species left this requires turning off the victory date by moving this slider all the way to the right now that that's out of the way let's select a faction and begin the game the first thing you do when you begin solarz select a faction factions on the upper left with the Phoenix symbol our custom factions that you create rest of the factions are default factions that the game provides so before we start playing I want to take a second to go over this custom faction that I've made into why I'm played if you click on the edit button it'll bring you up with all the different things that make your species your species the most important part is the government and ethics portion when you're creating a new custom faction they all start with three ethics points choices on the outer ring cost two of ethics points and choices on the inner ring cost one Attucks point and then if you want to play the gestalt consciousness in the center that costs all three points your ethics will determine what kind of authority your faction can have so for instance a democracy or a machine intelligence or a hive mind and then your ethics and authority choices will determine what kind of civics you can choose each faction gets to civics choices for this faction I've chosen mechanist and technocracy the mechanist because I start the game with eight pops being robots and with the technology and infrastructure to build more robots you automatically start the game with the robot making technology and that's one of the things I want to show off in this tutorial sir in order to choose the mechanist civics I have to have some degree of materials in my case I'm fanatic materials but regular material is sort of work just as well for this one the other civics choice I made was the technocracy because capital buildings replaced some administrator jobs with science directors and researchers also produce unity I really like both of those things but in order to choose this Civic I had to be a fanatic materialist ethic regular materialist wouldn't get the job done finally in the last ethics choice I made Cara's authoritarian this gives me a point five monthly influence gain it's twice as much as you get from being egalitarian and I don't have to be a democracy which has really frequent elections here I just have to elect a new ruler upon death of the old one and I really like the way that this actually works once you're happy with your faction just save it and then hit done and the game will take you to the game details screen where you can set up a new game now if you hit reset to default the game will set up for a medium Galaxy has 600 stars and it will also turn off Ironman mode which disables achievements we're gonna change a few things on this first off we're gonna go for a small galaxy of 400 stars it's plenty long enough for this tutorial series second thing we're gonna go down is down here and turn on Ironman mode so that we're eligible for any achievements I might have missed playing earlier the next thing I'm going to do is randomize a couple elements the first thing I'm going to randomize is advanced AI starts on a small map the game is going to choose a minimum of one a I advance start you can move the slider over to select more so that anywhere between one and six of the AI empires have an advance start we're gonna randomize it either none or one of them is gonna get an advance start I'm also going to randomize the number of Marauder empires that show up in the game either 0 or 1 there are several other options on this screen and I'm not going to cover all of them but I am gonna cover the next three that are kind of important we are going to use a victory air condition I'm gonna play until the Year 2500 and then if I have enough power by the end will win we're also gonna up the difficulty to captain I feel like this is very balanced for new players you can play on ends and that's also a good one to learn on and then we're going to turn the scaling difficulty on now very briefly I want to talk about difficulty scaling when you raise the difficulty to something to above ensign to captain Commodore Admiral Grand Admiral what you're doing is granting the AI bonuses to production and attack rates and all kinds of other things this doesn't make the AI any smarter it just gives them a big advantage now if you leave the difficulty scaling off then what happens is the AI gets these bonuses from the difficulty level from the very start of the game and those bonuses continue all the way through the game until the very end if you turn the difficulty skimming all in however what happens is the AI starts with no bonus at the beginning of the game and as time rolls by they gradually get the bonus until they receive the full effect of the difficulty bonus at the very end of the game so now that the preamble is out of the way let's start playing and here we are episode 1 the newbie tutorial series this is the first screen you'll see when you open the game it gives you all the information about your species and a little piece of text to read here we're going to begin and you notice the game starts paused I'm going to click this that there are several different speeds that range from normal speed slow slow list all the way to fast and fastest we're gonna play on fastest you can hit the space bar to pause it I'm gonna plan the fastest to start the game we're gonna scroll back and take a look at the galaxy to see where we are one of the first things you'll notice probably that's different from my game than your games right here in the center of the galaxy - dark this is a mod that makes it dark because the default game center galaxy is very bright so I will put the name of the mod on the screen I recommend you go get it it'll just make it easier on your eyes the other thing you'll notice is in the upper right hand corner and the outliner mine has thin elements compared to the fat ones that you may see on your game when you first load it up this is also a mod that makes this UI a little nicer I will put that on the screen as well you should go get that Mon down there very easy just do it through Steam alright I know stellaris is very intimidating when you first load it up and I certainly thought it was as well it's actually not that complicated up here on the top is your resource bar and this is going to be something that you will look at a lot let this be your guide when things are red you want to try to fix them at the very start of the game you don't have any researchers doing any research so that's the first thing I always like to click on is let's click on that and get our researchers started there are always three sections of research physics society and engineering they each start the game with three choices and then as you go through you can unlock new choices you can expand the number of possible choices here through some other research in some traditions so we're going to start with this I'm going to choose let's see I mean they're gonna choose physics researchers or research speed let's just go with research to be notice up here each one of these people it's one of these research leaders has something like this this is an ability of theirs it's a trait this one is the spark of geniuses research speed is plus 10% when they match whatever they're researching like this is avoid craft this number will bump up and also something to note here each one of these guys can level up you can see that his skill is of one of five he can have a max level of five for his skill through tradition choices and research and things like that you can raise their maximum level every time that they love oak they're gonna get more bonuses you can see right now at level one his research speed is two percent as a survey speed is ten percent and he has archaeology skill of Plusle and all these things go up over time as they level so the longer your leaders can stay alive and the more levels they can gain the more powerful that can gain and so science leaders for instance can really provide you old science leaders that live for a long time that reach their maximum world look and provide you with significant bonus to your empire so when you're thinking about creating a custom faction leader H might be something you want might want to consider for this this I really like starting off with this first of all this little lock symbol says this technology lead to further advancements in capital buildings and influence gain also it's going to increase our monthly unity by two so I'm gonna choose this and then we'll very briefly talk about unity up here this little swirly symbol unity is used to unlock traditions so let's talk about that after we choose our last research right here we can choose afterburners or we can choose more research or armor I'm going to choose more research and then we're going to go talk about hit the fa button and you can see your traditions there are seven possible traditions and each one of them has five bonuses within them when you unlock one of these traditions then you can start to choose from this list and when you get all five of these then you unlock an ascension perk now ascension perks are pretty powerful things and this is why you want to unlock these so as you earn unity you're good this meter is gonna go across this board you're gonna earn unity and in 29 months at the current rate of unity that we're earning we'll be able to unlock one of these traditions and then we'll earn Union again and we'll be able to unlock one other things this helps kind of shape your Empire these are all it's just bonuses to your empire that are very nice to have alright let's get down on our planet and get started and then we'll talk about some of these other things as we go along actually let's go through the resource bar first energy credits are used to maintain everything everything from your buildings to your ships to your star bases everything requires some form of maintenance to it and this is often in your credits there are sometimes secondary resources that are considered also four that are necessary for maintenance cost but energy credits are primed everything needs energy credits for maintenance cost still that said they are not the King daddy in the game the King daddy is minerals you want to focus on this you need as many minerals as possible you need minerals to build things on your planet so for instance I have one open building slug you'll notice the mineral cost over here for all these 180 360 270 you need minerals to build stuff and here's the thing focus on mineral generation because even if you have a surplus you can sell the excess to earn energy credits I said this in my planetary management tutorial you should go that if your new player focus on minerals first energy credits second food third when it comes to these three districts when it comes to the other things buildings research obviously is king the faster you can move your research alone the bigger of leg up you can get on the AI but also consumer goods if you are a species that requires them not all species require consumer goods so that's something to think about when you are creating or trying out different factions you need alloys to build things alloys used for spaceships star bases and the like so this is something you want to grow and have stockpiled so that when you need to rush build a whole bunch of ships for a war you can have influence is something that you just gain monthly just by default factions can increase it and also you noticed we took a trait as part of our government we took this authoritarian so that our monthly influence game could say plus 0.5 and that is why by default we de was started with plus 3 we hit plus 3.5 influence is used when you want to claim one of these systems around you at the constructor and build an outpost there you need influence to do it and also you need influence when you're trying to conquer an enemy so we'll run into other factions later on and we'll eventually run into a war and when we do and we want to clean systems from them and then go to war to try to win those systems will need influence to claim them and last but not least we can also use influence for edicts edicts or things that last a very long time that provide bonuses to Empire for instance this is a good one to start with map the Stars it lasts for 11 years and it gives mysurvey speed plus 25% in an anomaly discovery chance plus 10% right off the bat I'm gonna enact that and use up all of my influence that I had and we're gonna come down here and we're gonna take this sign ship this is our fourth scientist on our Empire this person right here we can see them and they're busy commanding the ship and they have an anomaly research beta plus 50% so that's a nice little told us to get to start with and we're gonna send this person surveying around now if you hold the shift key down while you right click on these and select the you can give them multiple commands at one time so we're gonna have him circle around and try to find some other planets for us to colonize and then we're going to add the spacebar and go we have a little fleet here that we start with everybody starts with this tiny little fleet and then we also have a construction on the Constructors what we're gonna use to claim these systems by building outposts but we don't have anything you don't have enough money or resources to do that just yet anyways these systems have to be surveyed first before we can go build outposts in them so we have to kind of follow along with our science ship so the first thing the discovery of alien life there are these little messages that will pop up some of these are just descriptive but most of them will tell you something that's going on in a system and provide you with the bonus to this one this is just saying we may not be alone out here and look by virtue of the fact that this happened that we gained 150 science society research oh and there's also two planets in the system one is a continental world which will be perfect for us to colonize [Music] I'm not gonna pause and read all of those you can pause it and read all the one if you want to this means our scientist has discovered an anomaly in the system and it's going to take some time to research it we can change to a different scientist as they have a particular bonus that we want leave it be for now I always just hit research on those just research a Mon they're going along while he's doing that we're gonna get our constructor ready we have every system that you're in we'll have some of this some things that you can mine you can see them down here there's energy credits right there there's mineral credits right there all these things if they're green that means we're collecting it if they're not they're plain white numbers like these are and this one over here it means we need to build stations on there with our constructor to gather these resources so a constructor we right-click and we have enough minerals now we can tell him build mining stations and build the research station that's a hundred for each station on each one of these plants so he's gonna fly around and he's gonna start building these things one by one by one and he's gonna collect those and those resources are gonna be added to our totals up here so you knows who started the game negative and energy and already were a little bit positive okay forty two years and three days a closer scan and the debris field around this particular system poetry has led to the discovery of an airtight capsule containing an atomic clock that measures time with unparalleled precision a lot of times these events will give you choices I say it's a bomb destroy it and will earn some engineering research or we can just say keep an eye on it and we'll also gain some in some engineering research since something may happen later so we're going to keep an eye on see what happens down here on a planet we have one of these slots open I've been contacted by remnants the bio-forge supremacy abuzz with news of alien remnants that were recently discovered so let's pause the game right here I'm going to talk about this I go over this in great detail in my planetary management video but I want to start with this we have 27 pops eight of them of which are robots and one of the big reasons that I wanted to start the game as a technocracy as a as a mechanist society is to show you robots and robot modification so we have these robots down here now Robo by default can only work the two most primitive jobs that can work in the mines or they can work food that's all they can do they can't work any of your more impressive jobs but we start off with eight of them so four of them are in the mines and forum or working food and we have the robot assembly plant already on the planet otherwise if you don't start as a mechanist it can take some time to research this it can take some time for the option to even pop up we start with it which is great because not only are we growing new people because of birth birth and the fun part that makes birth happen but also because we are assembling robots so we are effectively doubled our population growth rate in the game by starting off the robots this is fantastic later on in the game we're gonna unlock technologies it'll allow us to provide robot modifications so we'll be able to have different versions of robots with different traits and when we go in here we can click on this and we can tell that to build a specific kind of robot right now it's just building the generic robot and all we can provide for those are mining jobs are food jobs so that's what our robots are doing right now we have one free slot on this planet to start building something but we don't have enough minerals yet to really build anything so we're just gonna leave that there I'm normally flown through the game and this person's going to you finding anomalies now as soon as I can one of the things I like to do they're very nice as soon as possible is build a second side ship because that cost us a hundred of these alloys up here to build that ship and then it's gonna cost us some money to go hire a second researcher construction come play science ship the science ship I'm going to pause the gaming in the science ship will not be able to survey without a scientist running it so that lets us know that our construction ship finished building this stuff in this system and now I'm going to tell them to build that last mining station construction now we have a science ship so we're gonna pause and go down here we're gonna sign a liter all these guys are already busy so we're gonna have to recruit button we're gonna hire somebody now this is what's nice this person here has a survey speed at plus 25% which is actually really nice this is physics particle research I'd like to have him doing that but we're gonna choose this cuz surveying and getting out there right now and getting everything discovered is really important so I'm going to take that and this guy's gonna go up here and I'm going to send him off in this direction just survey that so now I got two surveyors working for me which is great it's it's possible when you start earning influence a little faster it's possible to have two or three constructors going on at the same time but I usually find that for the first several years of the game one constructor is enough because I just don't have enough influence for him he's gonna go over here and he's gonna be busy making the systems and I'm gonna be right on the cusp of always just barely have enough influence now we've earned enough we've earned enough unity for our first tradition so here's where things get interesting discovery is the one that I really like because you can see here they affect survey speed increased by 35% and science ship disengaged gyms that's your chance to disengage from a potential hostile threat without being destroyed doesn't come into play very much and then research alternatives increased by one and the science a level cap increase by two so this is a good tree to start with early so as expansion I like expansion for new colony start with one additional pop but this is actually not nearly as big of a deal as as this is so I always adopt this first you have to spend one thing of tradition just unlocking it and then the next time we earn in 29 months we'll actually be able to select something so there we go with that and when our capital I mean yeah while Aaron's in okay so he found another anomaly and then here's the next thing I want to do we finally have enough to build something and the first thing all these costs a lot for all this stuff but actually the very first thing I want to build is that then it's the cheapest the a toxin monument this allows culture workers workers to turn consumer goods into unity and society research more unity which means we earn traditions faster so I try to put a natok that monument on every single planet and it's usually one of the first four or five buildings that I try to get down on the planet so we're gonna pull into talk that one just simply I'm going to do that Construction complete and that means I'm done with all the mines in this system so I'm going to take this guy and I'm gonna move him here because this is the next place he's gonna build so he might as well start moving there now another event to the giant skeleton you can see down here when I hover over it it says issues special project investigate giant skeleton situation log update he tells us a situation wallet which is f2 and you can see here this you'll have a bunch of things in your situation long as the game rules by we can track this on the map so if I scroll back here and hit track you can see that it's right there I have a science ship present and if I tell this ship to investigate this thing then it'll do it some of these are time and they'll have a timer on them so you want to keep track of those and heavy Science Vessel work on those so our guy here he's surveying and he has a he has a bunch of orders so what I want him to do it is want him to survey the system and then when he's done I want him to research the project in the system so I changed I changed his orders so instead of going just going around here and surveying everything this kind of surveying he's going to research this little project sana fide science this earns us research for society research in physics research now I've read all these a lotta different time so I'm not gonna be reading again you can you can pause the game and read that you can pause the YouTube video and read the stuff yourself or you can and so here we go a leader has gained a level our governor so that's something else we should probably stop and talk about I talked about this again I'm on a planetary management think sectors have governors right now we have this is the sector manual so when it's highlighted this is our sector on your planetary screen right here cannot delete sector because it's a core sector [Music] this is showing the planets in Sector screen but the way centers work is wherever you're wherever the home of the sector is whichever planet it is up to three systems away is what the game will grab and include in that sector and that means that the guy who's governing a sector with whatever bonuses he has will be applicable to all the planets in that sector this particular guy made a level his adaptability is now 25% and resources from jobs are up to 4% and crime is minus 6 so he's got a couple decent little bonus systems of a complete target so that system is fully surveyed we're now gonna tell our constructor here well construction complete oh no that one's fully served this one's still being done that's great so there's a continental world over here there's a continental world over here there's also an arid world but our habitability is 20% is my sole project to complete [Music] finished researching that so you can see down here in these two worlds this one's green and so it's a continental world science 14 and we have an 80% habitability for it oh and the Ute empire this is one of the larger chain of event things that happens in the game there's several different ones and every time you play the game you'll get a different one or you'll get one you don't mean you'll get the different one I've got this one a lot the Ute Empire we have received artifacts from ancient alien civilization our scientists think they inhabited this region of stars roughly 6 million years ago based on the age of the artifacts the aliens call themselves the youth and appear to have been very large and flat arthropods so now we come action that adds to the situation long as well and what we're gonna do is it says recover artifacts 0 of 6 so as our science vessels are crawling over the galaxy here researching things they're going to find anomalies and systems and when they research those anomalies if one of them is applicable then it's going to advance this research it's gonna advance this special project for us now this science show right here he still needs to finish survey in that system when I changed his instructions I didn't do a very good job system sucking out his date when hold shift and I'm gonna tell them to go serving that go serve it and then in the meantime the next thing I know this guy build an outpost it costs 75 influence and a hundred alloys so clearly we were talking about earlier influence is important and you need it to be able to expand so that's why I like to choosing that particular ethic because it gives me the extra point five earned every month which helps my influence add up faster which helps me expand faster you will hear people saying the words wide or it's the system so they come wide versus tall so I'm complete so I'm gonna pause the game and talk about this real quick I hope people say in a wider versus tall tall meaning they only want to have a few planets and they still want to be superior with only a handful of planets wide players being like I'm gonna conquer the whole galaxy and I'm just gonna I'm going to I'm going to colonize every single planet I can I'm gonna grab every single system I can I'm gonna conquer my neighbors and we're gonna control the whole thing I'm a wide player because mathematically more is better that's the simplest way to put it the game has certain nerfs in it to try to keep it from being so obvious that more is better but it's math Moore's we've got our second tradition so I'm gonna choose this one because survey speed increased by 35% is a big deal especially early in the game so that's our tradition we see on our building the little icon up here went away because we made this building and now we have culture workers you can always go down here and see what people are actually doing in these various jobs robot assists we have two cultural workers that are now earning this three point four unity per month and three point six society research per month they have an upkeep of one food and 2.5 super games now one other thing to know sometimes I like to try to get ahead you can see right here I'm going to need amenities soon many of these help keep your people happy which helps keep you stability high if your stability is above 50% then you get some you get some bonuses they're not huge bonuses but like everything in stellaris a little bit goes a long ways here we get resources and jobs plus 6% trade value plus 6% and immigration pole plus 4% for having a 60% stability if you don't have things like amenities or if you're short on housing for your people or other factors your stability can tank and then you take huge negatives you don't you don't want that to happen so the other thing I was going to say is right here you can see available jobs it'll tell you how many jobs you have and your strata for instance are our highest level strata is ruler jobs and remember that we chose a technocracy so some administrator jobs get replaced by science directors instead which we did here and we can go see what that science director is doing in fact we can look at this and say the administrator provides plus 8 amenity and produces 3.4 a unity a science director provides plus 5 amenities but he produces six of each kind of research so that's one of those nice little bonuses of being a technocracy but in addition it tells you all your jobs and it shows you what you have open we the number right here says we only have one free available job so the next person that gets popped out is going to take that job and we're about to pop out a robot so what is the free job it's a clerk job the clerk jobs cannot be worked by robots that can only be worked by people so I have a robot that is about it's just about ready and I'm gonna have robot unemployment so I'm going to plan ahead here to create this job create two jobs for this robot that's about to come out I don't always get a chance to plan ahead in fact you'll see me I mostly play from behind but what happens up here in the how heiner's you're gonna get little icons that are gonna tell you all there's unemployment on the prasada completely to go find more jobs so the first research that we got done which is great and now here's three more choices and all of these are really nice things that I want to have but this pop growth speed lead to further advancements in biological and enhancement and adaptation which is which are things I really want I also want from farmers and I also want to offer a training company but I'm definitely choosing them that I'm gonna choose that because adaptation and being able to change your species to provide more benefits as a big deal they'll see down here in a species I have me and I have robots and we were talking I was talking earlier about how you can do robot modification robot modification will allow you to add more traits to your robots well you can also have species modification which will allow you to have more traits for instance my species is intelligent so they add plus 10% to all the different kinds of research so I like to be able to modify my robots to add more of things and I like to be able to look modify my species to add more of these so that's why I'll be going for that research here research to be plus five now we have a bunch of different things we can there's a cost associated with all of these and what I typically do is if there's not something that I'm dying to get then I try to pick something cheap and move on from there this technology lead to further advancement in several different fields it says so I'm gonna choose that since it's got the lock symbol in several different fields you mean all kinds of things so I'm gonna pick that do that now we notice we have a continental world over here system so the Continental world over here this is fantastic there's three worlds real close by and a fourth one that we'll be able to terraform later anomaly found so this is a fan and testing our construction she's doing nothing so gonna haven't built a research statement cuz we're constant refinement making some minerals you can start to build some things once you start to get your minimal was really stockpile but then you can just go with your constructor you can just he can go as fast as you have influenced these things always coming to see all your scientists here gained levels I never worry about clicking on these because it's enough for me to know that they gained the lesson I was completely don't need to inspect them and find out what exactly they did okay now planet build speed this means that when you're colonizing a new planet it'll be the colonization process will be faster so we're gonna grab that because we're going to be colonizing these planets in the near future the breathing adrift anomaly found both by Asik however unlikely appears to be some type of rift in space keep a close watch on it issues a special project breathe in breathe out it can be studied that'll add plus for physics research to that system that we can mine permanently forever or do this and gain 300 experience I'm going to issue the special prime situation log I like you have any special projects that kind of fun this one takes 26 months right now because of the cost of source of a complete up here you can see your total research and that this research screen we're doing 91 total we're doing physics research 230 as we as our researchers gain level and as we build more research buildings and as we collect more research from the systems for instance there some engineering research right there then the cost of this will go down so when this when this special project gets down if since it's not timed since we don't have to do it soon then what I'm going to do is I'm going to wait till this gets down to single-digit months and men all researcher because clicking this research button and causing to research this you can see right there it says any current physics research will be put on hold while this is being researched so we're gonna save this until it's cheaper to do later alright this science ship if you right-click on it it'll take you to that ship I'm looking at where we're at I'm gonna have him go out here habitable world survey this is another one I think you can say we have more important things to focus on and give you 20 influence who cares 20 influence is nothing I'd rather stay at habitable world situation log up and at least at this so the habitable world survey kind of works like the precursors as you research things around here there's your science sips research stuff this is gonna go up second extra edition we're gonna choose this because scientists leader cap being improved by two and I remember it was a max of five but it increases to two to seven they're not there yet so we don't even have to choose this one yet for research alternatives research station output increased by 10% this is actually smarter play right now I think because the leader the scientist level camp isn't going to come into play right this second we just saw all of our scientists leveled up to level two they're not at level five yet and the research alternatives isn't a big deal yet so we're gonna choose the business and that other vertical role will become more important later now our empire capital and our construction this construction ship is ready to build something else he's ready to build an outpost over here 75 influence 5 and over here on this planet we have one more job how fast is our population growing we're about ready to spit out another robot so we need to build we need to get ready to build another mine over here and then we have something we can build here you can see we're already down to four consumer goods surplus a month because everything uses consumer goods whenever you see a lot of these buildings it's gonna everything in this game is input-output you your earn mineral credits and you turn them into buildings and you earn a food and food and consumer to goods get turned into research or hours you see right here what this produces but all these workers you can go down and see what they're doing their upkeep their upkeep as minerals food and consumer goods every single one of them is gonna have consumer goods for upkeep so every time you're getting a new worker you need consumer goods except for robots which is nice they have they have an energy cost upgrade but this guy he's a person so he has a consumer goods he needs his consumer goods he needs his Nintendo switch and he needs his pizza delivery and those things you know needs stuff so I'm gonna build another civilian industry there but the other thing is commercial zone this allows me to pump up more trade in my home system and if I turn this on see where is it this see the trade I'm collecting a trade from this system I could produce more trade to collect in this system and that would bump this up because trade means energy credits so I'm gonna do that actually I would like to have more consumer goods but the fact that I'm in the negative on energy credits is also a little bit disturbing already now I can start selling some minerals to bump that up or selling some excess food yeah I think commercial zones I build one on every single planet that can be put on a trade route so I'm just gonna build that now and then the next thing we build will be a civilian industry probably and now we're just floating along waiting for something this is nice over here you can see there's eight minerals over there that's a nice place most of the time when I play this game construction unleased size of maps I'm normally found most the time what happens is there's three ways in and out of whatever system I started and that's the case here - there's one off in this direction there's one off in this direction was one off in this direction so you're gonna run into neighbors and you always have to be thinking about kind of choke points for keeping them out of your system at least until wormholes and megastructures happen so you can see that little dialogue just popped up and it gave me that right there okay so it says low stockpile so here's what we're gonna do to fix that we're hemorrhaging with some energy credits probably because we are mechanist society and we're punching out robots from the very beginning of the game so it's doubling our population and they consume energy so they're not cheap what we can do here is create an automatic train I can go in here and I can say minerals and what I want to do is I don't want to sell quite that many let's start off with five oh and I made a note of this in the planetary management tutorial it's just in case you don't know if you hold the ctrl key down it goes by increments of 10 if you hold the space I mean the shift key down it goes by increments of 100 we're gonna sell 5 minerals automatically and see if then can't get us out of the hole the other thing the notices the game updates all these numbers at the end of the month it does all its math once a month so we're gonna go over and click in there and that almost got us out of the hole so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go sell also maybe some food we're gonna add a month later because food isn't we're in the surplus which is great instruction complete so I'm gonna so six food and in the end of this next month now we're we're surplus for energy again finally so I'm not I use automatic trades to stay in the black on energy credits as much as possible at least until I can get a really nice robust trade never accept a lot because remember every time we're building one of these things like we're building an outpost to expand or we're putting a building on this planet or construction building a district or we're building a robot they all require energy credits to maintain so this energy credits are one of the things you have to deal with as a species starting out with robots from the very beginning you do have you do have a little bit of an energy thing going alright here's the next tradition so we can go rest of the way down this line pops keep working in research research have their upkeep reduced by 20% if we go all the way down here then one of the early nice early ascension perks to get is a technological ascendancy research speed is increased by 10% and rare technologies appear more often so that's kind of why it's nice to go down to get discovery done and then go up here to expansion is where I like to go next so I'm gonna do this and now Maya and now my scientist we should be able to look and see so now it says skill level 2 of 7 so his max level is moved up to 7 because so I'll be good if he can stay a lot though Construction complete the youth colony ship is a special project derelict colony situation log updated and our overseer has gained a new trade so this is something when your overseer gains a new trade you can see that he started out with started out with this building costs were cheap and a leader level cap and gain and now he's gained this one ship weapon damage supposed to 5% an army damage was 10% so our leader has gained some trades one thing you kind of don't want to neglect too much as soon as you start seeing other species is your ships we have almost a thousand hours now we probably need to build a few ships so let's do that in the first episode let's go to the ship designer f9 to get here and the game will automatically auto generate one ship of each type as you unlock all the different ship types from Corvettes to destroyers and battleships I'm gonna turn this off I like to make my own ships even though I'm certain I'm not very good at it so what I'm gonna do is hit new design the only thing I can create is a Corvette or a defense platform so I'm gonna create a new Corvette I have no section this section gives me one small gun and a missile this gives me three small guns or point defense and two small guns in the trees this I'm gonna put a little reactor on here you can see your energy here's your power down here shields require power and armor does not and you can see under each one needs four small medium large holes the power you seeds on this is 15 which is fine until I start putting guns on here too this is a mass driver if you click if you hold over this you can see its power usage is five its cost is ten hours it gives you all the stats breakdown on what it does for damage what it does for accuracy and its tracking its ability to track other small ships it's range and then it gives you the average damage this is nice but the part that I like to pay attention to is down the bottom plus 50% shield damage minus 50% of armor damage sometimes they'll run in enemy fleets that are all shields or all armor and you want to put the appropriate guns on a fleet of ships to be to your advantage likewise if you see an enemy that's using all weapons that do really hard damage to shields but that are weak against armor you might want to outfit your fleets in full armor and forget about shields then so in this case to make kind of a balanced fleet I go with two of those and a red laser because the red lasers are the opposite they do more armor damage and less shield diamond and this is just a little simple ship here sometimes what happens is my shield technology will far outpace my armor technology for instance so I will try my best to put as many shields on here as possible because right now this is providing shield hit points of 50 and this is providing armor hip points of 50 but if I have a shield that's providing 200 shield hit points and all I have is armor tech that provides like 50 or 100 I'm gonna try to put more shields on my ship so we're gonna build this I'm gonna turn on auto upgrade and what that means is if i unlock a more a better version of a shield through research I can automatically send my fleet and just say upgrade and it'll go to the nearest Starbase that has a shipyard and they'll change all these shields over to the next next to the best thing that I have so I have a really weird naming scheme for my ships and I'm gonna st. I'm gonna call this the kka cuz it has two kinetics and then one that does damage against armor save that ship I'm gonna get rid of that I hope the default one and then I'm gonna go to my shipyard and I'm gonna say it make a couple more can see as I click on there where they cost one hundred and five alloys they also have a maintenance fee in energy so that's something to take into account i'm only gonna build a couple of research complete we have some research you listening post issue special sometimes so there's that we're gonna take care of my research we're gonna grow a little faster which is gonna be a fantastic out of the next thing we got an additional research option thanks to our tradition so this appear research alternatives increased by one gave us more technology I'm gonna choose gene clinics I like to put these down what these do is make your population grow faster so again pop growth is kind of king the faster your Empire can grow the better so gonna grab that and then I'm look at this filter I want him to go down here I encountered some form of alien vessels in the Chitra system these strange objects have been tagged as Chet just until we can learn more about them it is another special project and in an enigmatic space first and news of alien ships coming through either have reached bio-forge product so people are excited because you found system sounds like complete oh I want these minerals here so that's gonna be the next place that he goes and then there's another one here instructions come please Savannah world and nobody found and this right here is an unidentified and Pratt has at least one station in the system that's interest okay we need to sell more minerals now we need more energy and since our minerals are growing it's a good thing and this is why I say don't chase energy credits when it comes to building things chasing minerals cuz you can always sell minerals for energy grids but you have to have minerals to build things construction and foot upgraded maintenance if you uh if you fall short on minerals you're really handicapping your empire but if you fall short on energy credits you can get some a nice isn't selling some other things as soon as he gets done it's just special project amount grave out expedition clear evidence that a massive space battle took place on Chet wrists down in the system so that's cool so you can see we're piling up the special projects hope and now we have received a transmission from the independent space station of the Riggin commerce exchange they could have successfully translated our language so these guys are not a faction what they are is like a merchant or a mercenary group and so what they see as I speak on behalf of the Riggin Commerce exchange we have facilitated trade negotiations between interested parties on our session and the Tetra system for more than a thousand of your years if you happen to possess more resources than you need we are more than willing to take it off your hands it will be duly compensated of course so that is you can see species up here contacts as they call on f1 these guys this is the player Empire and these are any trader on cliff so if we go to communicate them we are interested in strategic resources and so let's see what you can do you can say you can get one volatile notes for so many energy credits per month these are all the deals they'll make with you so I'm not gonna worry about that not most of them are grayed out right now because we don't even have the funds for that kind of a thing so what I'm gonna worry about it but they're right here in the Chitra system and there's a planet there too so we haven't met anybody yet except for Norma's he founds is good I'm gonna meet anybody yet and we got another research isn't done the fusion reactors done it set it with the unlock all kinds of different things energy credits from technicians so on our planet these excuse me this generator district provides technicians which they produce energy so you can see the two technicians produce eight energy credits and if we go up here to research it says energy credits from perdition twenty percent better so that's not much now but that's gonna add up over time so we're gonna do that and then there's there's three planets we can colonize which is so excited I don't quite want to colonize anything yet I prefer not to colonize and give this this expansion technology of here situation log I'll be one of them one of the nice things about Solaris is once you've built outposts in system ability else can come in here and colonize those planets the probability conundrum got a report from science officer and and Aalto seems that a ceramic container is circling the star of ourselves be most peculiar it should obviously not be there yet somehow is managed to find its way into a closed orbit special law project can be issued to investigate the container and try to deduce how I ended up here this one's always funny all questions don't have way from all the answers we can earn some influence I don't care about that I contend you're worth investigating if she had special project improbable ceramic the situation logged some of this stuff in the game is pretty funny I appreciate that a lot and I appreciate that it's not over-the-top humor but it's so good so you could see these these special projects right here these little icons some of these you can research like this one and that one so I'm gonna have him now researching those before he starts surveying again on post projects researched excellent what I might do is get maintenance cost is what's good for me I was thinking about a third science ship so here we go this fourth tradition Polytechnic education leader experience gain is increased by 25% and our legal elbow campus increased by one so when I do that I'm gonna check something on so now they're their levels go all the way up to nine and their experience game is gonna be 25% better because the Polytechnic education you can see it and overseer axis is giving him a 20% bonus as well so they went from from a max level of five when we started the game to nine you can see they're still only on level two but yeah this is this is all to help you become to push your science faster that's how you get ahead of the AI push your science up get this right column pleat build the ship so that special project complete so that you can compete with them so know this guy over here and claim this system I'm normally found nobody's gonna come claim this system in the middle if I go get this one nobody's gonna come get this so because of the influence cost so I want him to go over here and get this so we can have that planet ready as well when we go down here in this direction and colonize this stuff oh and so the map the Stars Enoch has ended and then the factions have been founded your first faction so let's talk about factions at the end of this episode here factions earn influence for you and well let me see how I can explain this you can see these guys right here these they have these issues and if they're green that means you're fulfilling their issues with whatever you've chosen for your policies and your government and it'll show you how many people are part of that and what kind of approval they're getting factions can can shift your governing ethics so if we started out as authoritarian and we started out as fanatic materialist and and we want to stay that way but over time if you're not careful with things factions can shift your ethics around to maybe something you don't want it to be these guys are autocracy autocratic rule an imperial or a dictatorial Authority well please the United as one part of where we started as an authoritarian government some pretty good with that and a stratified society allowing stratified living conditions we already do that's in policies and I'll show you that in a second and these guys they're only issues they want to allow what we started up as a robot race so both these guys are pretty happy all their issues are green and they're gonna earn us some additional influence now in the policy section to f6 you have all these policies for how your your government works sometimes they'll factional form it has a bunch of negative read issues so their issues are going to be read and they're going to have people associated with them and if enough people grab on to them and the you know bad things can happen but you can always go into your policies on f6 and you can switch some of these to appease these factions and it might be something that you don't even care about for instance there are certain policies in here like refugees right now I have citizens species only some faction later on is probably going to come along you know to welcome all refugees and I actually don't have a problem with that so I'll click this and change it for them it'll make their issue green and they'll be happier and we'll get more influence from so that's where we're at right now this second we haven't gone over everything there's still some stuff on the top of the bar that we're gonna get to but for right now that's the end of episode one so folks thanks for watching as always if you liked the video hit the like button down bottom if you like the content I put on the channel you like my tutorials hit the subscribe button and as always if you have a question or comment just drop it down below I'm happy to respond I will see you guys next time thanks for watching
Channel: ColorsFade Gaming
Views: 229,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Tutorial, Let's Play
Id: IVfj-jICwSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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