Stellaris 3.8 Gemini Is Going To Be The Best Patch Ever - SECTOR BUILDING IS BACK!

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look just when you thought that Lem was the best patch that Stellaris ever received 3.8 Gemini kicks in the door drops a bunch of things people have been asking for for ages and then leaves without saying a word yes that's right I'm going to throw it right out there this is going to be the best patch that Solaris has ever received this is the big one this is what I said during Lem as well but allow him to dump a few couple of terms in your lap a new Army Builder system massive changes to bombardment improved signship automation New Capital designations fleet manager updates the sector editor is back customizable ux allowing you to re-add and reorder the entire side menu and notification filtering and oh my God it is glorious and I love everything about it we ate different quality of life upgrades we've been asking for since that dawn of time and if that's all the information that you needed then feel free to move on to the next video because we're gonna go and break down what all these system updates will bring to the table now first of all the Army Builder no it is not a rework of how armies generally function however like many of you I really hate them and because building it's a chore and it doesn't really make all that much sense in general so you go to a planet you go to an army and oh God I'm building an army and an army will then end up on this planet over here and basically go hang out there in the future this is going to change because there will be a new Army Builder that's going to remove all of those issues with any station in any sector there will be a new tab at the bottom of the screen which will be the new Army Builder now basically they can be constructed at that place at that station as a rallying point within a sector that means that when you build the Army the planets will then construct them and then move them to that location you order them it's like Army Amazon it's great no longer will you have to deal with individual Stacks near planets they'll all come to the place that you have defined but it gets better you know you can now control clicks you get even more armies to queue up so instead of going to a planet like I do right now and I order an army uh yeah I can't just get a whole stack of them I can control click with the new version and I will get like 1000 killer armies beautiful I love everything about it in addition to that if you already have an army let's say if we uh take a look here if I have an Army in this particular save file I probably do so let's say that I have an army over here right it's just hanging out this is doing its thing etc etc there will be a new button that says rally all armies that are built to this Army which means that you will no longer have a situation where you are going to need to manually move all your armies to birds with your existing armies Etc I I cannot even begin to say how much of a quality of life feature this is I feel like uh the sounds are a little bit low and let's just do that there we go there we go we actually have some sounds now oh that's great I love this it's it's so so good now um You may also sometimes want to build some armies on planets so let's say that we do have a planet over here let's just go over towards this system find the planet I believe it's called main facility there it is you can still build uh armies on planets directly but you can have a new button that basically says hey you want to make sure that these uh these armies never go into orbit because you can do that yeah that's right you can totally set those armies to go and be permanent defensive assault armies because that's what they are glorious I love everything about this managing armies is probably my biggest bug Bears within the game having to move them all around it's not as good as say getting Army modules on ships in my personal opinion armies could go the way of the dodo I really don't care for them they should work in a completely different system but still it's it's glorious and I love everything about this but then again let's be honest who needs armies when you have a bombardment yes that's right bombardments are going to change because um the updated planetary bombardment system will deal significantly more damage to planets it will basically kill everything on the ground um basically people will get glass on mass buildings will receive massive damage uh the overall ruination of the earth below will be a lot easier and I could do a whole video about that system as it will come out but uh I will probably do so when the update lands because my Lord is this going to be ridiculous you can also now Force planets to surrender with bombardment only yeah so let's say that you are bombarding this planet uh let's say that you've killed off the entire Garrison as well as the assault that is on the on the ground then there's a good chance that they will Just Surrender because there is no nothing for them to be defended by which means that defensive armies on planets will become a lot more important you can also set this in your policy and basically say hey um yeah I would like um plans to be able to be conquered from space please because that's the thing uh I I love it it's you can annihilate the Defenders below and surviving the survivors will just surrender you can basically crush your enemies you can see them driven before you you hear the Lamentations of the xenos except in space no one can hear you lamentate took me a while to write that one so anyway what are the changes well why these changes well old government buildings will now spawn armies by default so basically if you have a this particular case is a primary Nexus but it can be like a Empire capital building or something along those lines it will automatically spawn armies based on the level of the building which means that you will have need more armies to take over a planet in general which by itself may be a little bit more annoying but it does add a little bit more value to um I think it's the unyielding tree not entirely sure yeah defensive armies now produce 0.5 unity in addition so unyielding becomes a little bit more interesting because you'll just have a bunch of armies by default on the planet which I think is pretty cool but uh yeah uh do they generate our do they generate Naval cap no because that is a soldier job only let's talk about something else let's talk about Auto exploration remember Auto exploration when it was added and people were really upset it's like oh no why is auto exploration a thing this is a construction ship here you go that's science ship why is other exploration a thing a spec I would like to be able to explore things all by myself well you know you could do that or you could click the auto surveying button and just go on to your Merry way I personally felt in the past that this is not nearly as granular as it needed to be therefore the developers have sought to improve things not because I asked them to because they also felt the same way would you just want to survey and ignore anomalies because they waste time now well now you can you can have the brand new automation settings you can designate exactly what a science ship does you don't want to hunt for special projects on the map just set the ship to do that you don't want to assign a ship to to a dick site don't worry the ISS Jones is ready for some automated grave robbery it's it's delicious it's it's probably one of my favorites in the patch so far and we're only like three or four features in it is it's only gonna get better from here I hope that you are in fact excited exploration who cares right I got an Empire to build um which is why the new capital designations finally I swear to God I've been waiting for Capital designations for so long capitals do not have their own dedicated designation what do I mean by designation well if you have a world you click on the little throw down here and basically you can select what type of Planet it is and it will give you a bonus say like Tech drone output in this particular case but there was never a special designation for capitals you would just say you get more stability or you get more amenities etc etc but with the Gemini update this will change do you want to have an EQ monopolist for only alloy production yeah you can do that because the new designation will crack out those Alloys with an amazing bonus of another 20 on top of what you already get and none of this variance for consumer goods trade value and basic resources why you would want to have basic resources on your capital is a little bit beyond meat but still it's really cool uh no science capitals I think you're going to need to be focusing on science rings in the meantime because my Lord do they crank out the science if I had pops which I don't but I do have the ancient Refinery which is probably the best building in the game anyway it's it's it's good I yeah you don't need the science anymore at this point anyway you just have dedicated planets for that but you know you need to spend those resources on something right well remember the fleet manager the fleet manager yeah the fleet manager it's going to change it's going to be a lot bigger it's basically going to Encompass the entire screen uh instead of only being able to see these six terrible little fleets down here they will now be listed on the left side you'll be able to see up to 12 and you can just copy them there will be just a button to say hey this this Fleet over here yeah I want to copy it okay cool let's give me 240 additional Corvettes please or 24 battleships do keep an eye on the naval capacity though because you will your economy if you're not careful with those 25 BB uh assault flotillas it's it's good you can also swap out all the designs like on the fly with just a button it's it's truly exciting I wish that the fleet manager got a little bit more love but uh yeah we'll see what's going on there over time and now finally we've come to the biggest most important thing in this update that is the following and I'm going to go ahead and tease you a little bit notice these sectors and everything well the sector editor is back in oh my Lord is it glorious for those of you who are not aware in the long distant murky past you were able to basically go ahead and edit sectors on the fly right now I have two of them right so I've got main facility and production unit and basically it was it was possible to move uh planets from sector to sector very very easily this was removed at some point I don't know why I I wonder what wiz was up to at the time whether or not he smoked a little bit too much of that Swedish ganja but it doesn't matter because it's back it's it's amazing you want to create a one system sector and then release them as a vasel yeah you can do that you want to make a sector that is only certain types of plants it's in and basically only science ships and then min max your way to Heaven by using a governor yeah yeah you can do that uh you have no idea how happy it makes me that I can now have dedicated sectors uh that I don't necessarily need to mess around with anymore like I've got this sector down here Alpha Refuge right like this is a sector but I could easily just turn this one place this one place into a singular sector that is also a system release it as a science vasel and it will give me infinite resources oh my Lord is so good it's so good but wait there's more yes there's more remember this menu on the left side I'll just unlock it for the sake of um yeah you will be able to um to edit this uh you won't have context down here on the ship design yeah you can do that you won't have the situation situation log at the top yeah you can do that you can't change the hotkeys and there's a big old reset button at the top but you can definitely swap these around if you're really so inclined I just always have it locked anyway but um because I don't really like the massive ass menu here but uh yeah you get the general idea and now it's time for the very last one know how in the game sometimes you get these messages it says hey my resources are full yes I know the resources are full it usually is by depicting it on the top and wouldn't you want to be able to be able to remove this uh this icon well in the 2.8 update you totally can yes there will be a new option in the settings menu where you can basically say I only want to see certain messages you can now filter every single message in the game and you never have to deal with them ever again turn off those leader level UPS because who cares the hyper Lanes have been connected it doesn't do anything so please turn that off uh you want to be true pompous purists and turn off anything involving the xenos who cares about them right just enjoy a game in silence because you never have to interact with them ever because your pompous purists it's it's glorious I love everything around about this patch this is so good sure it's not an update to some of the existing like um expansions or anything like that but the quality of life is just oh it blows my freaking mind my tiny mind is put upside down and it is glorious now throughout this video you've also seen a bunch of screenshots and things have been blocked off now this makes me think that something more is coming something that play developers don't want to unveil just yet and uh they're doing a death diary on Tuesday yeah they're doing a deaf diary on Tuesday which is ridiculously fast and that never happens is there a new expansion in the works so close after first Contact are we getting another species pack because it kind of you know implies as such or is this something else let me know in the comments below also which of these quality of life updates do you like the most I'm personally a really big fan of the capital designations because it's going to make optimizing my worlds even better and of course the joy that is the new automation settings for sign ships is just Moss chef's kiss let me know below and as always the hype is so so real for 3.8 it doesn't matter what else comes next it's already one of the best patches they've ever planned for them and in my personal opinion it blows Lem which previously was arguably the best patch ever out of the water I want to thank you all so much for watching we'll be back on Tuesday with more details about what else is coming up for Stellaris a lot of things apparently otherwise they would do a deaf diary on Tuesday we'll see until next time thank you to my patrons leave your comments down below and take good care of yourself and as always each shutter
Channel: ASpec
Views: 57,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, 3.8 Gemini, Stellaris Gameplay, Stellaris Patch, The Best Patch, The Greatest Patch, Army Builder, Stellaris Army Builder, Automated Exploration, Sector Building, Sector Creation, aspec, ASpec Stellaris, A_Spec Stellaris, Stellaris Dev Diary, paradox interactive, stellaris, a_spec, stellaris gameplay, paradox interactive stellaris, stellaris gameplay 2022, paradox development studio, mechanics, a_spec stellaris, Capital Designations
Id: pJJAoKHwt9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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