Stellaris Starbase Design

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fire in my mark [Music] fire [Music] star bases are to an interstellar empire what medieval castles were to a kingdom they protect your borders lock down the movement of enemy armies and protect trade in this video we're going to be looking at star based design not just military star bases which will be covered for the early mid and late game but also economic star bases how we can build them and how we can best use the modules and buildings to benefit our economy so without any further ado let's dive in and find out what's going on the first star based design we're going to look at is a purely economic one this design is specifically available only to guest out consciousness empires that is machine intelligence or hive-minded empires these empire types get access to the solar panel network for the low low cost of 50 alloys solar panels will produce six energy credits every single month once you've researched the hydroponics farming technology you'll also get access to the hydroponics bay building by combining a hydroponics bay with two solar panel networks we'll get a net output of nine energy credits and 10 food now if you don't actually want to use this food don't worry you can use the internal market to sell 10 food for another 7 energy and you can sell at least 130 food per month before altering the price overall at the start of the game it can be a great idea to throw up some of these economy starbases to help boost your economy as it geshed out consciousness and if you're just a regular biological empire throwing a hydroponics bay on a single station is also not a bad idea either as you upgrade and expand your economic star bases it can be very useful to put things down like resource silos this increase the resource storage capacity of your entire empire and generally speaking it's usually better to use up one of these otherwise pretty useless star based building slots then by using a planetary building slot for a resource silo and if you build your starbase inside of a nebula and complete the zero g refinery technology then you can put down a nebular refinery which will also generate some exotic gases when you have the right technology and if you're enjoying this video please fortify that like button another key function of your star bases is a shipyards by putting down a shipyard module you can boost the shipyard capacity and thus you can build ships it can be a great idea to put down service umbilicals or battle simulators service umbilicals will reduce the upkeep of any ships in the orbit of the station by 25 which is very helpful economically and battle simulators increase the ship's starting experience by 100 this starts your ships at level 2 which gives them plus 10 ships weapons damage which is not to be underestimated you can also use your star bases to boost your naval capacity each anchorage increases your naval capacity by four up to plus six with a naval logistics office you should probably use the other building slots available to help you economically as well because this starbase won't be for fighting generally speaking using a star base as an anchorage is the lowest value application for star bases it's usually better to build fortresses and have soldiers on your planet or build fortress habitats if you'd like to know more about fortress worlds and what you can do with them there is a link to that video down in the description but what about if we want to build a starbase for a military application a military application at the beginning of the game you only get access to two military type modules the gun battery and the missile battery the gun battery adds two medium-sized weapon slots to the starbase whilst the missile battery and two missile weapon slots to the starbase if we click on the details here at our star port we can actually see the weapons and defenses we have on our starbase it's important to know that whilst you can change these modules and buildings you can't actually alter the individual weapons here manually star bases are always auto designed right at the start of the game the power level difference between a missile battery and a gun battery is very minimal in fact as soon as you research an advanced technology for lasers kinetics or missiles that should help influence which star based module you want to put on to defend your star bases if you have better missiles go for the missile module and if you have better lasers or kinetics go for a gun battery we also get access to one building slot right away if you're building a military starbase you only have three buildings available that are going to help you in combat the target upland computer is going to increase your weapons range and that of any defense platforms on the starbase the communications jammer will reduce the sublight speed and combat disengagement chance of the enemy ships and the disruption field reduces shield hit points by 20 for the enemy ship at the beginning of the game i'd recommend you go with a disruption field generator followed possibly by a target upland computer there have been some issues with this module in the past but i believe at the moment or at least very soon any problems with it will soon be fixed and it will apply its bonuses correctly once you've filled this out the only way to get further slots available is to research better technologies to upgrade your starbase for every level of upgrade you'll unlock two modules and one building slot with the final level unlocking no extra modules and just the fourth final building slot in the early game to boost your power any further here you're going to need to build some extra defense platforms once you unlock ftl inhibition technology that will provide a ftl inhibitor on each of your star bases ftl inhibitors prevent enemy ships from leaving the system except by the hyperlink in which they entered from if you'd like to know more about stl inhibitors and how they work there is a video linked down below in the description and i'd like to say a massive thank you to all of my channel members and patrons for your support if you'd like to become a channel member or patron support this channel and get access to some special roles on my discord server you can click the join button down below or follow the link to patreon down in the description but what about when we get to the mid game well quite quickly you'll probably unlock the carrier operations which will give you the hanger bait module the hangar bay is the third and final defense module available to starbases like all of the other defensive modules it increases your star bases hull points armor points protection range trade protection and defense platform capacity this one however comes with a basic strike craft strikecraft generally speaking are fantastic and i really do mean fantastic for fighting corvettes this is due to the fact that their massive accuracy completely counters the corvette's main defense which is high evasion however against other ship classes they are generally lacking and that means in order to work out which is the most powerful defensive module to put on your star base you will have to keep track of the technologies you've got researched and make sure to check what is actually placed on your starbase in this case given that i've only got tier 2 kinetics and tier 3 lasers unlocked putting basic strikecraft will be the more powerful option on my starbase once you unlock strikecraft and as long as you continue to research higher levels and upgrade it it is generally the best module to put down on your starbase is that still true in the late game well stick around and we will find out in a moment now with your hangar bays you are going to want to put something like the communications jammer down that will reduce the sublight speed of enemy ships meaning it will take them longer to get into range of your starbase and thus give your fighter squadrons longer to attack and throwing down a target uplink computer will increase the weapons range of your starbase and thus mean the engagement should start earlier because your missile which probably has the longest range of anything should engage first the reduction to combat disengagement chance from the communication jammer will also help quite a lot because generally speaking strike craft have very low damage and require a vast number of shots to destroy enemy ships thus massively increasing their disengaged chance this is especially true the larger the ship how should we design our star bases in the late game well by the late game you should have unlocked all of the star based technology and that means you can upgrade your star base all the way up here to a citadel we will also have a larger selection of buildings to choose from so let's look at what's good and what works well first it's important to see here that even though i have access to all of the technology available in the game i'm still only getting tier three weapons on my starbase and that means that when it comes to adding more defensive modules it is much better to add something like a hangar bay than a gun battery or missile battery as a tier 3 advanced strike craft is generally a much better weapon than two tier three lasers or kinetics or a tier 1 disruptor always check on the details of your starbase when you want to add defensive modules because even though it might seem something like a gun battery is generally the better module to add as strikecraft are not always as good in each specific game with the specific technology at your disposal the game will choose different things to put on your star base and you have to be wary of that this star base is in a black hole system now why is that important well different systems have different types of environmental hazards or space weather black holes reduce the disengagement chance for enemy ships by 50 that actually makes hangar bays even more effective than usual because the main weakness with fighters in the late game is the high disengagement chance your enemy will have when you use them if we combine this with something like a communications jammer to get a 70 reduction to disengagement chance then hang a base especially in this case with the tier 3 strike craft versus only tier 3 other weapons become the best weapon i've combined that with the mercenary garrison for an extra 15 fire rate a target uplink computer to make sure the engagement starts as soon as possible and the defense grid supercomputer adding defense platform capacity is pretty much the best thing you can do for a lone star base otherwise adding modules like the disruption field generator the command center for additional ship fire rate the mercenary garrison for even more fire rate or the communications jammer will all assist your ships it's important to note the command center and mercenary garrison both add fire rate not just to the starbase and any defense platforms around it but also to any of your fleets in this system given the size weather of this system and the possible weapons that will go on based on my module choices i would actually fit this out with all hangar vase a mercenary garrison a command center a defense grid supercomputer for lots of extra platforms and a communications jammer on the other hand if i was expecting to have lots of ships in this system to render defense i put a disruption field generator in instead of those extra defense platform generally the overall change in power level for your starbase depending on the exact module you pick isn't that high the main factors that are important here are the buildings and defense platforms you put on your starbase something that is very important to know is that your offensive auras that is the shield dampener quantum destabilizer subspace snare along with the juggernaut auras actually stack with the other auras here in the starbase by combining a titan auras we can stack them in crazy ways to get things like minus 40 shield hit points and minus 40 combat disengagement chance without any space weather without needing any environmental effect or space weather this can be really useful for key engagements in key systems if you want to weaken the enemy fleets as a 40 reduction to shields is pretty darn powerful if you'd like to know more about defense platforms how to design them and whether or not they're effective at defeating enemy fleets click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 114,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris starbase design, stellaris starbase guide, starbase design stellaris, montu ship design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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