Stellaris Machine Traits Tier List

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i'm here i'm here i'm here oh honey i'm so sorry you missed the delivery but it's okay making the babies the fun part what is going on well we've got positive traits on the left hand side we're going to have negative traits on the right hand side it's important to remember with these negative traits we're ranking them in order of which is the most cost effective negative trait to have which one is best to put on your population because it gives us a refund of points that we can then spend on more positive traits so if a negative trait isn't very important it doesn't damage our species very much that's absolutely fine and we really want to give it to our pops want to give it to our machines and that way we can end up with a better overall species first up is the f tier the lowest of the low traits in this tier they are not only worse than other traits they are an active hindrance to you if you take them first up in the f tier from the positive traits we have recycled this costs two trait points and will give you a minus twenty percent to pop assembly cost why is it crap why is it down here well reducing your pop assembly cost which is one alloy per replicator job or two alloys in the case of a roboticist is very marginal overall that tiny change in your alloy upkeep for assembly is not really going to help your overall civilization and by taking recycled you're no longer able to take the trait luxurious which is quite a nice two-pointer for robot species streamlined protocols gives your pops minus 10 empire sprawl at the cost of two trade points now if you've watched any of these other videos you'll know that having an empire sprawl reduction right at the start of the game is completely pointless and as the game goes on it is a little bit less than completely pointless but it's still not very helpful but why would i put this in f here it doesn't seem to be like an overall hinderance well just like recycled by taking streamlined protocols it prohibits you taking another trait that trait being high bandwidth which we'll get to later and that trade is something we almost certainly want to have on our robots jumping over to the negative side of f tier what we have here are traits which we absolutely do not want to have on our population we don't want them anywhere near our population uncanny this one is available only to machine species that is species in a machine intelligence hive mind this gives you minus 20 amenities from jobs and refunds a single trade point we really want to be minimizing the number of maintenance drones we have so by taking uncanny not only does it increase the number of maintenance drones we will be needing across the empire which is bad they are to all intents and purposes lost pops but it is also prohibiting us from taking something much much better custom-made refunds a single trade point and gives us minus 15 to pop assembly speed that means that our population will be growing at a reduced rate we do not want to do anything that will reduce our population growth in stellaris having more pops means you can support a larger economy which means you can do more things you can have more science income you could support a larger fleet it is the basis for everything and the one resource we always want to be maximizing if you're enjoying this video please replicate that like button now we're in the c tier these are still not great much better options available but they aren't always necessarily a hindrance for you domestic protocols is the first trait you can only get access to if you are mechanical what do i mean by mechanical well if you are a robot created by a biological empire disgusting i know but if you are you get the mechanical trait rather than the machine trait so everything on this list which is mechanical can only be given to those pops created by a squishy biological empire or an empire that has synthetically ascended domestic protocols increases your amenities from jobs output by 20 percent and it means that your robots can be employed in servant jobs if they are unemployed and you have set the policy of ai rights to ai servitude now you may be a little confused usually any trait with plus 20 amenities from jobs would be pushed up right to the top why have i got this one all the way down here well basically it's all to do with timing you can only get access to domestic protocols once you've researched the droids technology so your robots do not start out with access to this that means that you will already have a biological species and they will be working all of your specialists as well as ruler type jobs that means they will be the ones producing your amenities so i suspect you should already have a bonus to your amenities output from your regular biological pops they should have the charismatic trait and therefore you really won't find this one very useful this isn't the purpose of a regular robot pop in your empire also robot pops specifically take a much lower amenities upkeep than regular bio pops if you have them under ai servitude so you're probably not going to have any amenities issues anyway much much later in the game it could be useful if you've synthetically ascended to give some pops this trait but it's not entirely necessary and that's why it ends up down here in the c tier double jointed is only a single point and it gives your pops minus 10 housing usage however we have to remember that for machine species we don't really care if you're a machine intelligence about the carrying capacity of a planet because you're not affected by logistic pop growth that means the only thing that you are affected by is when your population reaches the same number of pops as your available housing and then from there you can simply build more housing or move those pops off world it's never going to impact your growth speed on the other hand if you're a biological race with some robots you've built these robots base take only 0.5 housing anyway so reducing that by 10 is really not much of an impact either enhanced memory costs us two trade points and it increases our leader level cap by two why have i got it all the way down here in c tier well it is true that robotic pops are immortal if you're a machine intelligence race and that means that you will be always unless they die due to an accident gaining xp so you want to have the maximum leader level cap possible i absolutely agree however the ease with which you can get your hands on leader level cap bonuses in the game through traditions as well as some technologies and policies means that leader level cap inside of a trait is a waste of trait points you really don't need it here yes there may come a scenario in which you've not managed everything perfectly and you are stuck at a max cap of five or six or seven for a few months or years and you lose a bit of xp but overall i'd much rather spend these two trade points on something much more valuable in addition to that as you unlock technologies and traditions you will quite quickly reach that maximum leader level cap of 10 at which point enhanced memory is completely useless and superfluous harvesters cost two trait points and gives us plus 15 food output from our jobs it is also only available to mechanical species now i have to admit i almost considered putting this in the f tier and not for the reason you think yes if you watch the other videos on this channel you will know that i loathe having any pops that produce food and that's why it's down in seat here here you really shouldn't have any or many at least food producing jobs if you are going for a synthetic route if you're building lots and lots of robots you shouldn't have much food upkeep you should be able to support your entire population through hydroponics based star based building and the market and then my other issue is how similar this one looks to power drills the number of times i have tried to specialize my species i thought i had selected power drills which gives you plus 15 minerals from jobs and instead i had selected harvesters i cannot tell you if it were up to me i would remove this civic from the game probably entirely simply because of the pain it has caused finally there is learning algorithms this is only one point and it gives us plus 25 percent leader experience gain now the issue with leader experience gain is that yes you are going to reach the level above faster than if you didn't have this but the total amount of time spent one level higher that is with a slightly better bonus from that leader is quite minimal it does get longer the higher level you get to but as you're getting to higher levels you will have researched more technologies in the game which are going to be giving you leader experience game bonuses and therefore just like the enhanced memory you really don't want this as a trait on the negative side we have repurposed hardware which is the opposite to learning algorithms why or why though is this not higher up in the negatives i might hear you ask well having a minus 25 to your leader experience gain at the beginning of the game that's definitely a little bit of a handicap the inverse of having minus 25 is going to keep you there for quite a bit longer than the gain of having a plus 25 it's really not something i'd recommend you try out though of course as time goes on this will become less and less of an issue as you go up the tradition and research trees and let me know what you think about this list so far if there's anything you disagree with anything you think is in the wrong place please write it in the comments down below i'd love to hear from you i will try to read and respond to all of the comments that are placed on this video in the first few hours after its release so if you've got anything you want to ask me even if it's not about machine traits please write a comment okay we've reached it the b tier in this tier we have some traits that are really quite all right but they are not necessarily the best there are some situations they can be really good in whereas sometimes they're just very mediocre durable costs just only a single trade point and it decreases our upkeep by 10 percent why have i got this down in the b tier that would sound quite nice well reducing your upkeep from the point of view of a synthetic or a biological race with robots isn't necessarily that useful to have as a trait as there are many other ways in the game of reducing your robot upkeep this will equate to basically one free upkeep worth of pop every 10 pops next up is loyalty circuits again this is only available to mechanical species it gives you for two trait points plus 10 happiness why is this down here in the b tier why isn't it further up well assuming that you are mechanical let's say you haven't synthetically ascended yet well this plus 10 happiness is only going to uh boost some of your population so it won't be an overall 10 happiness buff to the planet and even if it is a happiness buff overall to the planet this is not going to be a plus six percent to resources this extra 10 happiness is not equivalent to plus 10 stability and for that reason it's going to stay down slightly lower here in the b tier if it was say a plus 5 or plus 10 to stability it might go a bit further up but where it is i think is comfortable i've talked about this trait before power drills cost two points and gives you plus fifty percent your mineral output from jobs it sits here in the b tier because there are other traits we'd prefer to have that are higher up we also won't necessarily have a majority of our pops working mining jobs we'll probably have quite a high number of pops working energy jobs but not this mineral producing job it's really only important to us for our alloys and construction of buildings districts and star type things so we're talking the mining bases your research outposts etc propaganda machines is only available to mechanical pops it gives us for a single point plus 15 unity output from jobs this makes it better than the biological equivalent however that's not going to push it over into the a tier it is still unity that it's outputting and it's only doing that for non-hive mind species if you could get this in your guest out consciousness then i think it could go up to the a tier absolutely but in this case no it's staying here the only negative trait in the b tier is high maintenance this is the flip side of durable for a point refunded we get plus 10 to our robot upkeep and it sits in the b tier for the same reasons that durable sits here welcome to the a tier this tier is really where we are at now we are actually going to almost always have at least one trait from this tier i would recommend though if these aren't always go to automatic picks we're now getting down to a case of preference and that's why we have the traits here that we do first up storming into the a tier is efficient processors this costs a whopping three points the most expensive machine trait in the game but it gives you a plus five percent resources from jobs across the board this is a much better version of strong from the biological traits and actually it's one of my personal favorites put this trait on your machines and forget about them don't worry about what they're doing because they're always going to be getting a bonus this is the easiest and least micro intensive way of specializing your robots but if we take that one we almost certainly can't take both of the next two one of the next two well logic engines cost two points and gives us plus 10 research output i am a massive fan of the biological version of this intelligent i'm a massive fan of logic engines as well research output is crucial to an empire's survival you want to be rushing at that tech it is going to help you across every single aspect of this game however with the way that machines work and machine intelligences specifically you might not put this on your hive mind because you might want something else instead something to better balance your economy and therefore be able to put more drones into research and have a less efficient drone pop researching but more research output overall i talked about better economy well here we are super conductive two points plus fifteen percent energy credits from jobs there are so many machine jobs if you are a guest out consciousness that require energy upkeep we're looking at our researchers we're looking at our coordinators we're looking at our evaluators even our population require energy upkeep for that reason this plus 15 is very very valuable to your economy as a machine intelligence if you are not a machine intelligence if you are simply mechanical it can also be very useful to put this on your pops you might want to have only workers being robots and therefore you might want to have lots of robots working lots of technician jobs it is a fantastic trait to pick and it is very rare that you go wrong with it i almost considered putting this up to the s tier the reason it is all the way down here in a here is that it isn't always an auto include for me because if you're taking uh efficient processors you're not really going to have the points to take this as well based on what is in the a tier with the a tier negative traits again this comes down a little bit to personal preference for me i really like bulky because if i'm a machine intelligence that plus 10 housing usage for my pops is really pretty irrelevant i'm also going to get a free point back that's pretty great the other age here is luxurious this is going to refund you two points but it will increase your pop assembly cost by 20 if you need the points this can be a really useful pick to take however if you don't need the points i'd really recommend staying away from this you don't want to be burning through your alloys that much it is going to be a little bit painful to increase this upkeep by 20 across the board for all of your planets for all of your assembly jobs it's been a long climb but we have now reached the summit welcome to the best of the best the s tier first up we have the only trait which is only available to machine intelligent pops that is emotion emulators for just a single point they are going to be getting plus 20 amenities from jobs that makes emotion emulators an auto pick for any guest out hive mind machine intelligence you should always be reducing the number of maintenance drones you have and for just a single point how could you possibly say no no matter whether you were built by other machines or you were built by other biologicals you want to be a mass-produced robot this is going to cost one point and give you plus 15 pop assembly speed you should always always choose this trait on your pops never leave home without plus 15 pop assembly speed pops are the king of resources in stellaris at the moment i mean sometimes we wish they weren't they caused late game hell and late game lag if you want to reduce your late game lag maybe don't take this but if you want to play the game well if you want to have the best possible start pop assembly speed plus 15 is definitely not a bad way to go this is in my opinion the best machine trait in the game and what sits in our s-tier over here for the negative traits well you've probably guessed already that's high bandwidth for two points we only increase our empire sprawl by 10 from pops this is laughably cheap it's basically free it's completely free at the start of the game and as the game goes on it's basically free uh you're really not going to have to worry about it if you do need to worry about it you could choose to mod it out a little bit later but it's probably better to take this take the extra positive traits you will get build up your empire to be bigger better and stronger from an economic point of view and then get more pops working jobs to increase your administrative cap and completely ignore an offset empire sprawl so you've picked your traits but what on earth should you do for your machine intelligence civics if you want to know what i think about machine intelligence civics click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 95,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris robot traits, stellaris tier list, stellaris tier list 3.2, stellaris machine traits tier list, stellaris machine trait, stellaris machine traits, stellaris robot traits tier list, montu plays tier list, stellaris robotic traits
Id: GNoUgnYNx9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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