Stellaris - Relic Tier List (3.6 Edition)

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relics have been with us for quite some time found through events or archaeological sites they can be quite powerful and they have been reworked quite a significant amount very recently so let's take a look at which ones are good which ones are bad and which ones are just okay if you feel that any of these are in the wrong category because we're going to go from s tier all the way down to F tier then let me know what you think down in the comments below should one of them move to another category well let me know in the meantime though let's go and dive in straight away and start off with the pox sample yes the puck sample is a curious one because well it used to be pretty bad and it recently got reworked a little bit juvarian pucks as a passive effect will give you a pucks orbital bombardment stance and basically it's everything that the Geneva Convention has forbidden because its virus bombing of the planet below it also gives you a bonus of getting biological Technologies and it increases your leader lifespan by 20 years the javarian pucks when activated will also give you a research bonus of plus 50 in biology which by itself is pretty astoundingly high but in general it's not really worth it considering every everything else that is available and because of that the javarian pucks will only get into the sea tier yeah javarian pox is is nice it is interesting but it's not really all that good the virus bombing of a planet kills off the most important thing that is on set planet it the pops you know you kind of want those and yeah what more can you say all the other bonuses aside from maybe the technology bonus for 10 years there are better options available to you which is why C is probably the best you're going to get in this scenario what brings me to The Ether Drake head The Ether Drake head is actually broader generic genericsome to be honest because well let's put it this way the dragon head at a cost of three thousand will give you the Easter Drake Triumph modifier which increases Happiness by 10 and stability also by 10 now these two are not things that you should really ignore the the dragon trophy is quite good when it comes to cranking up the overall happiness of your population which of course cranks out the more resources and and stability as well there's just a happiness across the board and because of that it will just firmly get a B tier plus the unity bonus that you're going to get out of it is basically the same as taking uh the the Visions Ascension perk where you already get 10 Unity bonus and because of that it just firmly goes into that b tier it's not astoundingly amazing but it is quite good that brings us to the next one the cons Throne now the Khan's Throne was already in the past one of the best ones within the game what does it do well as a passive it will reduce your influence claim cost by 20 which by itself is crazy good if you want to do a lot of warfare and you can stack bonuses to the point where you can basically get uh claims for free if you play your cards right which is insane you can basically have a free um war on the Galaxy Total War no problem whatsoever secondly it will give you access to the satropy subject not a satropy subject is one of the newer ones within the game it was introduced relatively recently as of making this video and what does it do it gives you a 30 income on your Fleet capacity for a subject so if a subject has a 100 Fleet capacity it will need to give you 30 of that in the late game this can get out of control really really quickly and you will need that Fleet capacity because otherwise it's going to a drip into your economy but secondly it's just so good you want that Fleet capacity the Khan's Throne is amazing but I'm not even talking about its active effects its active effects does the following ship weapon damage plus 20 that's crazy good plus then on top of that military's ethics attraction I'm not a big fan of anything that does sort of Ethics attraction and all that stuff but in general this is astoundingly good and the Khan's Throne is basically our first s tier for today because my Lord is it good it is astoundingly good speaking of very good the rubricator the rubricator is free money if you don't know what the rubricator does it does the following and basically if we look over here as a passive effect it gives you plus 1 20 Society research meh right like 20 Society research it's one lab's worth of research it's not all that amazing however the active effect of creating 30 minor artifacts cannot be overlooked you can sell those artifacts for a thousand energy each but more importantly through um reverse engineering you can unlock all sorts of bonuses whether or not it be science whether that be trade routes or in very infrequent situations you can get access to Fallen Empire buildings by spending minor artifacts the rubricator is a money generator but also it can generate some of the rarest buildings within the game it's astoundingly good the only sit the only issue that you have with it is that you will need to kill a void Dragon with it which is kind of a backstep on things but it kind of you know uh it illustrates of how powerful it is plus you get a relic world together with it and just because of that you get an s-tier uh Relic right there and then together with the Khan Throne it's just that good um then we get to our second row the scales of the worm wow the scales of the worm what does the scales of the worm do a spec well the scales of the worm does The Following it increases your research speed for physics by 10 which is nice it's not engineering but it's nice then it does the following if you activate it it increases your research speed to 20 so a 10 boost again not that great but it also decreases your stability by five and that right there means it is awful plus you would need to give up the wonders of the worm in order to get access to this and because of that uh the the scales of the worm um are very much into F category it is terrible uh I'm not gonna lie scales of the worm is probably one of the worst relics in the game for both the things that you need to give up in order to get it but also minus five stability are you out of your mind miniature Galaxy another very interesting one well what does it do well the minor Galaxy does The Following a research period of plus five percent it's not bad it's not bad at all also an active effect of gaining 50 progress in a random technology now this one can be really really good if rolled well then again you can only do it every 10 years which is a little bit unfortunate but a research speed bonus in general is not bad it's not awful and because of that it probably goes into the same category as the pox it goes into the seat here the passive bonus is nice but in general you know you want to get it for the passive bonus but the active is not really all that impressive then we go into the surveyor now the survey here is one of my personal favorites for a variety of reasons I personally really like to play tall and the surveyor really ties into that because if you're playing wide you get all the resources in the world you don't need to worry about minerals you don't need to worry about energy or any of the Sciences because space will just give you all of that I personally really like to play the tallest of the tall and surveyor really ties into that and on top of that it has an activation cost of only 500 energy and you can do it every five years but that's not the big thing passive effect sensor Rings plus one sure whatever not the greatest in the world it's nice active effect however it scans planets in your territory for new resource deposits and that right there is the Clincher every five years you can have up to a plus seven or plus nine for minerals energy or you can get up to three of every strategic resource or science any of those on any of the planets that you have and that by itself may not seem all that interesting but if you get the surveyor you can get minerals on worlds that did not have minerals before and then you put a habitat on that bad boy and all of a sudden you have the new the high access to the mineral districts and you can go ham same thing goes for all the other resources the surveyor is so good in my opinion I think that a lot of people are sleeping on this one because if you are playing tall then this is probably one of the best ones it's not the best one it's it's not s tier because it's definitely not up there over the count of the rubricator but for its ability to degenerate resources out of nothing every five years this is a solid a tier for me especially at that cost and I will go out of my way to get it every single time speaking of which something I go out of my way on on trying to get every single time we of course have the galatron how could we forget about the galatron the greatest artifact within the Galaxy it looks it looks like just a box right which is open what is inside the galotron we do not know all we know is is that it has a drop rate of about one percent inside of the uh caraveneers and you need to buy Caravan air coins to get it and then you need to you know roll the dice and I think that I naturally have gotten this thing maybe three to four times out of all of my gameplay it is incredibly difficult to get and on in addition when you get it the entire galaxy will get a CB on you but let's talk about the bonuses though passive effects diplomatic rate plus 100 percent wow plus 100 is just utter Insanity basically you get to be the strongest person in the Galaxy diplomatically instantly everybody will be your friend everybody can just listen to you because you're going to be custodian and then immediately afterwards you're going to be Emperor influence plus three do you want to spam habitats everywhere and megastructures the galatron is your thing to get of course difficult to get but still in addition it's active effects are one of the few situations when it comes to relics where the active is not as good as the passive it will give you random resources uh any resource within the game basically will give you random ones uh energy minerals Alloys all that stuff will just be randomly given to you at a pulse of uh you know 3 000 Unity every 10 years is not the greatest in the past it would randomly activate itself and because of that it's just okay but in general the galatron is basically a game winner if you're playing the game diplomatically so it's not an all-rounder and this is also why it's going to go into a territory but still you know uh the galatron is amazing and as I said it's one of the few instances where the passives outweigh the Wonders that is the actives next up we have the omnicodex the omnicodex once again is a bit of a weird one what does the Omni codex do a spec well it does the following uh first of all passive effect G modification points plus one I mean if you're going to go down to genetic engineering track you want to get the omnicodex I think that's relatively straightforward it ties into that quite nicely but it's active effect where you basically can get three pops for effectively free every 10 years is proud or nice because it will spawn random pops into a random planet on your Empire they can be any type of pop but if you're gonna go down the genetic engineering trade track already uh like with this then you know it's it's good it's it's all right it's it's not amazing uh it's it's it's not it's not that great let's put it that way um I'm definitely going to put this into the uh category uh to get over the javarian pox and the miniature Galaxy it's nice to have for the for the passives even though the passives are not even that great but yeah you you get the general idea the head of zarklan wow the head of zarklan uh probably one of the most dubious uh artifacts within the game what does it do well first of all uh you are allowed now to settle holy worlds that's the passive that that's it um you you get to settle holy world um it's not really all that great because anybody can already own that territory because they had Ozark lands usually spawns quite late into the game and then you need to attack whoever owns that space in order to get the territory and usually it's around the same time that the Galaxy is already pretty damn stable so it's not really all that good active effects it summons a small uh Fallen Empire Fleet it does increase in size every time you use it but then the spiritualist ethics attraction of plus 75 percent hits so damn hard that it becomes problematic unless you are spiritualist you do not want to use the head of zarklon because it's going to make your population incredibly unhappy if you've got materialists in your Empire or a whole bunch of other types of um pops and all of a sudden you throw spiritualists into the mix and you've got robots everywhere yeah they're not going to be too happy about that and expect your population to go down in terms of happiness quite significantly yes does it spawn a good athlete of Fallen Empire ships sure it's I would not recommend it unless you are spiritualist it's it's incredibly situational and that's why it gets the D tier then we get to The prothorian Brood Queen yes super thorium bird crane uh this is a thematic one that will come up a couple of times more as it's basically one that you can only get after the game is already over and its score will be impacted because of that what does the hive queen or brood Queen actually do for a cost of 10 000 food um basically you will get a sizable prithorian Fleet and as a passive it will increase Society research by 50 percent uh we saw that one before uh with some of the other ones The prithorian Brood Queen is cool in on paper right but at this point in the game when you get it it's it's just such a non-issue uh like I get an additional Fleet that's nice I can crank out a fleet of battleships that destroy these breathorians where they stand because of that uh it it goes into the e-tier it's like it's just not good it's good you just you can't get it when it is good let's put it that way uh it's it's not very useful uh within the grand scheme of things and that's just highly unfortunate e e e it's not as bad as the scales but still like you know what are you gonna do the blade of the huntress I think is something that again similar to the survey or a lot of people are sleeping on because it's actually quite good for what it does and how you can get it you can basically get it for free let's put it that way because it will randomly spawn within your Empire blader the huntress uh Army morale plus 25 it's garbage nobody cares planetary sensor range Plus too useful you can see a little bit further see what's coming in your general direction which is nice Diplo 8 plus 10 always nice it's a great passive it doesn't really matter what you do with it sub light speed plus 25 however is actually quite good for a variety of reasons um when it comes to Warfare and Stellaris it's all about positioning your Fleet in my opinion where you're going to move your Fleet to where are they going to go can you outrun the enemy and gets to the choke nodes within reason or form up on your doom stack that sort of thing also if you're in system with another Empire and you're going to get into combat and they've got long range weapons and you don't having the ability to get close to the enemy is actually incredibly useful and because of that blade of the huntress is actually something that is quite good is it as good as some of the other ones that are in the game no um is it situational absolutely would I be putting it together with the surveyor and the galatron absolutely not but it does go together with the uh the worm head basically because it is quite good in in those situations plus it's a passive diplomatic bonus it's actually kind of nice in that regard so it just don't don't bash it don't bash it the psionic archive okay what is a psionic archive do and where do you get it well first of all the shionic archive you can only get it if you have this Roni precursor uh there's Ronnie precursor is pretty difficult to get because it only spawns on a very very specific circumstances but however what does it do well first of all it increases your uh ruler level cap which is nice you know rule level cap is is good but plus one doesn't really you know make it all that interesting the cooldown on breaching to the Shroud is reduced to 50 which is great if you can get the right Boons out of it the boons that you can get from the Shroud are really really good sometimes but it's a bit of a gamble so oh you know you need to be a little bit careful with it it also gives you access to the gero additives which basically increases your leader experience gay and Longevity so it increases the leader lifespan by I think by 20 years and on top of that they'll they'll learn quicker which is nice as well and on top of that the um the ruler level cap all right rule level cap is M plus five yeah but the active uh you get to contact a spirit called jabakhsti in search of guidance on different matters now I'm actually going to need to check my notes on this one what it actually does in that particular scenario because it is a little bit weird basically you get a bunch of jabaxy bonuses which basically increases Your Leader by or your ruler by plus one in leadership that's nice it gives you a bunch of other bonuses but overall it is so rare and difficult to get uh that this goes together with I would say the um some of the more dubious ones so uh I'm sorry but this has to go with the um the miniature Galaxy and the javarian parks like it's good if you can get it is it amazing not really like what are you what are you gonna do with it uh speaking of which that brings us to the isolated contingency core the isolated contingency course similar to The Brood Mudder is a post game um or artifact it's on the post game Relic it's on you're not going to get it until the contingency has died and you've won the game uh which is highly unfortunate because uh it is probably the most powerful Relic in the game Bar None uh it allows you the construction of one additional megastructure of each type that is ridiculous you can have two dice disappears you can two two of everything you want two Mega structures two uh Fleet yards go ahead two uh black hole suckers you could do that two science nexuses absolutely you can do that you don't even need to find a broken one if you can get away with them because of that it's super powerful and super good uh mechanical pop assembly speed plus 100 you want to have your pops grow twice as fast it's insanely good megastructure build speed on its active by 300 percent ah I want to I want to not put this into eat here but I have to because as good as it is it does not matter it simply doesn't it's so good but it does not matter uh same thing for I'm just gonna go and preemptively put the Warlock in there as well because it applies it's the same thing here because the Warlock once again is objectively quite good you know sub light speed plus 30 it's the same story as with the uh the the Hunter's blade a ship weapon range plus 30 is amazing uh active effects and they're okay jump drive stuff but their passives are just so good but again you get it to the end of the game so it doesn't matter it's all out of the window like who cares about uh whether or not you can get all that stuff if it's you know when the game's already over it's just unfortunate the defragmenter yeah the defragmenter it's the one that everybody always overlooks because nobody seems to care about the defragmenter even though once again it is in fact quite good what does a defragment to do aspect well it does the following as a passive if it reduces robot upkeep by 10 percent uh building energy upkeep by 10 District energy upkeep by 10 and that's the same for job energy upkeep basically it's a great Boon to robots and energy uh you know making sure that you have enough energy so as a robot this is actually quite good it's active it gives you plus 20 energy that's it's basically the same thing as the edict um research speed for engineering which is arguably the best technology within the game um plus 10 it's just flat out amazing the defragmenter it's it's not amazing amazing but it's definitely up there together with the blade of the huntress in my opinion when it comes to just the passives and then you know throw some other stuff on top of it it's just good it's just a solid solid Relic and uh yeah that's pretty much all you can say about it really uh which basically takes us to the voltum reality perforator now I am going to say a couple things that are a little bit awkward about the perforator because I know some people who really don't like the perforator and I am not one of those people because it's objectively once again quite good but it is a bit of a gamble why because the perforator it does the following first of all uh as a passive pop amenities which is minus ten percent whatever nobody cares put a straight on a bunch of pops and it is done run a bunch of civics Etc it's not the other it's active effect though um basically it perforates reality I.E the simulation for a powerful temporal a combat Advantage so it gives you a plus 40 uh on either Firepower Hull energy or armor one of those four so you're kind of rolling the dice here and I'm a big fan of it because I keep on rolling the uh the bonus for for a Firepower for some reason uh but again it's a 25 chance and for for that cost in a pinch it can be life and death if you're really really really want to roll the dice with it is it as good as the perforator for instance with just the passives that just gives you uh great passives over time not really like it's okay but did I want to put it in C I kind of want to put it in C it's it's good enough to be not terrible but it's okay like again very situational uh not as good as these ones that are just flat out great so let's put it that way speaking of absolutely great the Baul okay the bottle whoo it has recently been nerfed uh I I think that's already enough as an illustration straight away so passive a passive bonus pop growth speed plus 10 right out of the gate amazing then as it's active every 10 years for 3 000 uh Unity live seating grants the ability to turn one planet that is none of these categories into a Gaia world and you get three pops for free so basically it's um it's it's kind of like the omnicodex except it also gives you a Gaia world yeah yeah it is so good I am not even going to like to me it's like instant s tier just because of how good it is it will give you free Gaia worlds you don't need to go World shaper with this bad boy and it's just you're one guy World here have some Gaia worlds if you're playing tall this is definitely the way to go because Gaia worlds means perfect habitability which means perfect happiness which means perfect stability which means maximum production of everything the Baul is just insanely good and it's been nerfed yes because no longer is it instant that you grow your plant into a Gaia world but even then like over a period of a couple of years to turn a plan into a guy world is absolutely batshit insane and it's just beyond powerful and it's for some reason it's also the precursor that I keep on rolling I'm not entirely sure why I don't care it is good it's so good it needs to have a flat out Nerf bat being thrown at it speaking of flat out Nerf bat being thrown at it um here is the cybrex warforge the cyborg warforge is the best Relic in the game like ignore these ones because they don't matter um it's just it should be in its own tier basically because that's how good it is what does the cyberx warforge do well first of all is it a passive it gives you access to the best ground units within the game nobody cares about ground units so that's fine however it's activation its activation will give you for the cost of starting out 2 000 minerals it will instantly turn those into 1000 Alloys and then it will ramp up every single time you use it it will increase in the amount of minerals that you can put in any amount of Alloys that you take out it is ridiculous it ramps up so fast Alloys outside of pops are the name of the game and it's probably the most important resource that you need you want to have a fleet you need Alloys you need mega structures you need Alloys you need stations you need Alloys Alloys are Bar None the most important resource in the game and the cybreak warforge will give you that plus if you find the cyberx war Force you have yourself a free ring world as well so you know put a ring on it because it's done it's just that good s s tier like SSS plus tier that's how good it is speaking of nut on the other side it's the yif cryo core all right so the if cryo core what does it do why do I not like it the Earth cryo core is heavily under valued in terms of No it's it's just not good at all okay passive effect if you establish a world you get an extra pop that's nice if you're playing Super tall and you have a lot of habitats this is pretty useful but by the time you get the if core as in you've probably already gotten all the territory that you could get initially you're not going to be colonizing anymore by the time you get this thing so this bonus is completely gone the energy weapon attack speed however is good if you go energy weapons so if you go disruptors anything that's Point Blank Range energy Torpedoes sure that's fine um Lance's that sort of thing it's good but you know uh the active effect it reduces your ship upkeep by 20 percent you're only going to be using this either in Wartime and there are better options like like minus 20 ship upkeep if you're not going to if your Fleet is not good enough to undock then why would you even you know have a fleet that big or more importantly if you're having if you're in Wartime you want to use something else you want to use blade of the huntress really or you want to use the Voltron perforator if you can but not that you have cryo core come on not die you have cryo core it's okay it's it's it's all right it goes It goes in with the seat here yes it's together with the vaultum core I I don't care uh it has some fun bonuses the energy attack weapon speed is is good but aside of that it's it's all right it's not amazing well now he gets to the last three and these three were not in the previous version of this video some of these were actually not in the previous version of this video we start out with the crystal of odraska I guess the crystal of adriaska you have probably never heard of this particular Relic what does it do well The Relic was added in 3.6 and basically what it does is passive it gives you a monthly rare crystals plus 15 percent pretty decent you know um and that's all right like the the further you get into the game the more crystals you generate it scales it's anything that has percentage bonuses scales over time which is great the active however is where this one is slightly broken so what does it do a spec well it does in fact the following allow me to illustrate if I press this button basically what it does is it will generate 60 times my energy income per month that's right it will generate 60 months of energy income for you that is beyond batshit insane it basically means hey you want 60 months of energy here you go you can buy anything now basically and because of that it goes into s tier because it just unlocks so much stuff on the galactic Market it doesn't matter you wanna you wanna buy anything in the game you want to buy all the favors from everybody there you go the crystal will the crystal will allow you to do it no problem whatsoever it is completely insane and how strong it is also on top of that if you use it one of your scientists has the chance of becoming maniacal which gives him just Another Science bonus on top of it it's just so good it's just insane the crystal is good okay it's just it's just that good then we get to the toxic God or at least the maw of the toxic God what does the maw of the toxic God do a spec and is it any good because I don't play with night uh Knights of the toxic God I'm glad you asked dear viewer it increases your strike craft by 15 percent that's it that's the passive um Relic uh then it gives you 1 000 exotic gases upon activated so that's one thousand exotic gas every 10 years uh sure gets our client it's not very good I gave it was 10 000 gas sure but not a thousand gas and a strike craft bonus 15 like it was 30. then be talking but yeah it's strange it's just not very good get zarkland I would say and then we get to the last one the last one you've been probably wondering about this one what is the radiance yes what is the radiance in these there it is it's called r underscore the radians there is no details on this particular Relic it is unknown uh it currently has a placeholder text it is in the code for the game what is it going to do I do not know this is strange because the developers have put this thing in it has art it looks really cool but I have no idea what it's supposed to be doing it looks like a crystalline flower it could be crystalline related it could be nice to have something to offset for instance the surveyor because the surveyor does spawn with the uh the ancient uh mechanics or the the mining fleets and the crystals I guess you get the crystalline armor with it or the hull armor but not a relic and because of that we're just going to keep this Relic where it is going to hang out in the middle of the pool until we find out what the Relic does what do you think the Relic does you've gotten this far in the video put your comments down below what do you think this Relic is for it has just dummy text it has art it is in the code it has a name I don't know what it's going to do but we will see what do you think about this list this is it this is the tier list s all the way down to F the scales otherworst and the war Force together with the crystal are by far the best well I would love to see what you have in mind regarding this list because overall I think I'm pretty on point here probably BC Tech category needs a couple of switcheroos here and there in your opinion but we'll see in the meantime though if you want to see more of this type of content uh we're going to be doing some more tier lists in the near future because it's the end of the year which means that new stuff has been coming out and we're going to need to recap the year of course we're going to do in the next one we're probably gonna do some maymays some memes which ones were the best of 2022 in the Stellaris Community we will find out in the meantime though thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons and until next time take good care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 75,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, stellaris, relics, Stellaris Gameplay, Stellaris Relics, Stellaris Relic Tier List, Stellaris Tier List, Relics Tier List, Ancient Relics, Contingency Core, Stellaris Meta, Stellaris Ancient Relics, Stellaris - Relics Tier List (3.7 Edition), 3.7, Stellaris 3.7, Tier List Update, aspec Tier list, paradox interactive
Id: EieJcI1wHp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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