Stellaris - Void Dwellers Origin Mechanics (Managing Habitats Is Good Fun)

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last time we talked about the wonders of the Ringworld endless sprawling lands build around a star with unlimited habitation unlimited research unlimited energy etc Anna was wonderful except for that interloper that showed up halfway through however today we're going to be looking at the other end of the spectrum void Weller's start off in three habitats is it any good is it powerful is it interesting we will see let's dive in to avoid Wohlers and see how they play first of all void rollers are probably one of those that have been requested for quite some time a lot of people have always been asking hey can we start on a habitat that'd be really cool you know on a planet all that all that dirt all that earth everywhere and that's terrible we don't want any of that we want to play in habitat and thus within federations paradox has in fact and delivered let's take a quick look at the origin itself as mentioned you will start off with three habitats that are around a system they are all different and we will talk about that in a little bit because this place into the new habitat mechanics that have been added since I want to say two point four a little while back habitats are a lot more interesting than that they were in the past and significantly more powerful but more importantly flexible our species has a very specific trait that means that we get 15% more production from our workers which is quite excellent it means that we can pretty much output resources like absolute mad and especially in combination with research modifiers as well as Empire modifiers that we can gain through out playing stellaris we can get insane amount of production we are still incredibly hampered however by a habitation space but we will talk about that as well as you can see we have severe habitability and growth penalties on all normal planets which means that we are definitely a species that will want to stick to these habitats on top of that finally we will get a plus-one farmer job for every single hydroponic farm habitats do not have internal farming districts we won't be able to use any of those so we actually need to use building slots in order to get those farms up and running and that kind of brings a challenge of its own finally we cannot be distilled and we cannot be agrarian idyllic because that would be a little bit too gamey let's dive into what the start of a void spawn a void dweller looks like and see what is up with our species similar to the Ringworld start I've decided to go with the joys of the mega Corp mega corpse are once again extremely powerful in these sort of scenarios you can use normal empires as well but once again mega corpse with their use of trade value and especially the special districts that come with set trade value well things get very interesting very quickly let's have a quick look at our species what they are like and what they do all right so here we are we are in fact habitat preference we get a hundred percent habitability bonus on habitats which is amazing because every single other species it doesn't matter whether or not you're a continental tropical or ocean only got a plus eighty on every single world that is not their own which is rather curious and on top of that we get the void dweller habitat to perk which is you know you get worker output plus 15% specialist pop growth research output 15% worker pop research output also 50% but finally pop growth speed minus ten now minus ten is not the end of the world we're gonna nip that in the bud very quickly especially once we started getting robots yes we are once again going for a materialist build this time around finally we get industrious minerals from jobs +15 it's gonna be really important because minerals are what keeps our economy going more specifically alloys we need alloys in order to build more have and we can only generate more alloys by having minerals so having industries is rather important here thrifty because of the mega corp trade value from jobs is always good and we can always turn trade value into consumer goods consumer goods in particular are one of the things that I would consider a bottleneck in this particular case which means a trade value is impact fact very important then charismatic amenities from jobs amenities are a serious problem on Abbott ATS they are very important to keep up and if you do not generate any amenities on your habitats then you're gonna run into serious problems with uprisings and whatnot finally non-adaptive we don't need it we don't need any habitability because we're gonna be living on well i'm these bad boys anyway and finally unruly empire sprawl from pops plus ten it's literally the offset all of these things when it comes to empire sprawl it has absolutely zero impact within your play style these days because of the new administration system this is a automatic throw away trait because we can just generate more empire sprawl using the app min centers and they are so powerful that going tall in stellaris as of 2.5 2.6 point one is not really viable or should be done go as wide as you want you can always get more at min sprawl and then finally let's take a look quick look here at our empire we are as oenophile for that additional trade value but also for additional and voice very very important envoy's are incredibly powerful for relationship building with other empires and you're gonna be fairly weak at the start of the game so you're gonna be me me needing to make yes many friends as many friends as possible so having those envoy's up and running is very important fanatic materialists for that robots and research speed because of course we want to get as much research speed as possible this particular playthrough does lean a very very much on research speed you want to keep an eye on that you want to be able to go through those growth modifiers as fast as possible and also making sure that you can get more output from your people where you can so research is very important then mega Corp as well and similar to the Ringworld another approach here would be the research Directorate where you be able to get a lot of research very quickly it really depends on the kind of habitats or where you build habitats within the game trade value plus ten percent brand office value plus ten percent percent as well it's it's good because we I really don't have old men all that many problems with empire sprawl therefore we can just dump our franchises wherever we want public relations again specifically for the envoi in the met diplomatic wait in my personal opinion it is a must pick within two point six point one as well as Federation's because the invoice are just so important to gain control of both your relationships within your Federation's your neighbors but also within the galactic community keep that in mind very very important so let's take a look at our habitats we start off with three habitats right at the start and this nice little system it is very tight it's a trying area at the moment as you can see there is a bunch of resources here that we can use and that right there is we want to keep in the back of our heads Thunderbird 5 our capital in this particular case is a research version of the habitats how is it a research version of the habitats well if we go there we will see that this planet that this former scattered world is generating science if we build a habitat over a science generating orbital body we will in fact get access to the research district the research district similar tutoring world is really the clinch here it really really make connects things come together it means that you do never never have to build any buildings around research except maybe the science center that increases everything so be aware of that however we also have the trait District which increases trade value and amenities once again amenities are very very difficult to work with when it comes to these sort of planets because our habitation districts do not generate any amenities they just generate housing that is it no jobs just housing and that is something we need to keep in the back of our heads it means that we need to micromanage our habitats relatively specifically in order to make sure we don't get overpopulation no joblessness etc so this is something that is very very important in addition what we can do here is we can focus on say hydroponics plants but also unconsumed Goods we've got our leisure districts which consumes consumer goods we got our research districts which consumes consumer goods and our trade district which is basically a freebie it's a very very good and it gives us trade value as well as amenities but not as much as the leisure district in this particular case which also gives us science and unity unity of course we can use in order to get to our traditions very very quickly then we go to our next station it is a mineral style station why is it a minimal mineral sales style station because the resources being generated by the planet below it are in fact minerals this is where we're gonna get all of our minerals from throughout this play through if we need to get more minerals we need to find ourselves a planet that we can build a habitat over that has minerals on it and that right there is kind of the this style of playing year we are not really focusing on planets that have specific resources we are looking for spatial and planetary bodies that have specific resource modifiers to build our habitats on finally of course there is the energy version you can already guess what this means the planet below generates energy and of course we can still harvest all that all of that but we are getting our reactor districts which of course generate all that energy so where is the real power here well the real power for the this particular origin is the fact that we start off with three places that generate pops three parallel places that are already very well developed that generate pops and that right there is something that is incredible powerful it also means that we can develop a lot quicker at the start of the game for instance we can immediately start specializing our habitats to what we want normally in a game what you would do is you would go fairly generalistic with your planets at the start said put a smattering of research stations over here and a smattering of mining stuff over there with a little bit of - with a dash of some energy and some maybe some more researching some consumer goods in this particular case we can immediately start specializing because we already have our predefined habitats in place that are already set up in such a way that we are ready for specialization and that right there is really important what is also important is that we want to be able to get resources as soon as possible specifically a minerals as well as energy minerals and energy of course are being generated on our stations but the more we can get from space but better let's take a look at what a light later game looks like with this particular start and how things will progress over time and what your station layout could look like this is not the most optimal build I want to tell you in advance but it's still very interesting to take a look at how things can develop and to see that this start is definitely not as underpowered as some people have been saying so here we are this is a separate safe file that I've been running and I've been playing around for a little bit it's it's it's an interesting start because of obviously we got this insane tunnel of death towards our capital system but as you can see the capital system has grown quite significantly and that has mostly to do with the fact that we have started to build our habitats a couple a couple of years about twenty years into the game we finally managed to get our key approach within our economy and that is alloys the void dweller approach the origin falls or Rises with alloys and therefore all so minerals let's take a quick look here at Thunderbird five our capital world as you can see we have focused quite a lot here on research but also on habitation do you really need this straight district yes we do why do we need to straight - straight specifically for the amenities right now the amenities are very very low as you can see and we will get issues with uprisings which is something that we really want to keep an eye on the lower our stability on our habitats the lower the production on our habitats which means that we want to keep those amenities high a leisure district is a good approach of dealing with that in addition we have three alloy plants right at the start of the development cycle of our station this is because we do not need to build those research stations because they're all set inside of the research district this means that we are generating a +100 science / habitat of this particular type it is incredibly powerful however at some point we are gonna run out of space why are we gonna run out of space well I will let you know there are no housing specific buildings for void Weller's habitats do not have specific buildings for for housing and that's why at some point you are going to need to make sure that you discourage either planetary growth or do you use your more established habitats as places to stump start the production on new habitats for instance Thunderbird 5 right now it's got a overpopulation of specialists what we can do here is is say hey Thunderbird 4 or Thunderbird 2 has a large amount of jobs available to them so we can use this overpopulation to move them to Thunderbird 2 as you can see we have know a couple of specialists here it's not the end of the world we'll throw them into a corporate cultural site we can really really jump started caught our economy by building quite a lot of our alloy factories in this particular case we already have four here and we have got another three here and another three over here we are well forty years into the game and we're generating 70 plus alloys that means that we can crank out habitats extremely quickly and extremely efficiently and that that right there is something you want to keep in mind with Void Weller's these are just places to keep our population growing until there is no more habitation and we move them on to the next place say for instance Thunderbird to another Astro mining Bay facility sure we haven't built any leisure districts here we haven't built any trade districts here but they will come soon enough cuz amenities are running low so let's just build ourselves a leisure district as always unless you don't have any jobs available don't build any districts don't build any buildings because they will start to cannibalize each other and your economy will go crap itself same thing with this place it is on line so habitats themselves will for void welders have also been boosted let's take a quick look here at our traditions specifically our addition additional ascension perks we get void born extremely early because we have the ability to build void borns crafts ie habitats we can get additional habitability out of our habitats but also get additional districts considering we don't have any planets additional districts as well as alloys are the cornerstone of our economy always get the additional districts it is so important as well as discovery a discovery is so good to have in this particular case because you can really boost your research let's take a quick look here at our science what have we done science wise research station output output output output just nothing but output across the board because all of our stuff as as is focused on our habitats pup growth speed food society research Starbase capacity for those trade goods the additional edicts same thing under engineering city district housing so important if we don't have civic city district housing we won't have the space to put our pups minerals for miners engineering more miners as well as robots why are robots so good because it's an additional track of population growth the more pops you have the more powerful you are especially if you get two droids or the synthetics they'll be able to do two more complex jobs and you'll be able to do a lot more stuff sooner or later you're going to want to build more habitats you only have to spend about 3000 alloys which is not all that much and about 200 influence as well you want to keep within your capital system as much as possible until you run out of the resources that you want so for instance in this particular case we probably want to get some more food as well as energy so we want some energy that's fine we can just take a look here at this ballpark it's a sister it's a place with six energy this would be the perfect place for yet another habitat the habitats are incredibly powerful they're very flexible but they're also relatively weak at the start of the game if you do not have enough n voice to keep your neighbors at bay as we have in this particular case then you're gonna be in a lot of trouble make sure you have enough n voice to keep your neighbors at bay and you will do fine especially if you have a death hallway like this at the start of the game anyway we're gonna go wrap it up here if you have any questions regarding void Weller's and their mechanics make sure to put a comment below I'm really looking forward to answer them of course you can always go for the research approach in this particular case I went for the Mega Corp for free to ask questions about that as well void Weller's they are a little bit more finicky than regular planetary folk but they are good fun I want to thank my patrons for making this video possible if it wasn't for you I would probably be sleeping in a box outside with my wife probably having divorced me sorry sweetie yes I know how you're looking at me right now still though thank you so much for making this possible for those of you out there that also want to jump on the patreon train feel free there is a link below in the description in addition if you have a need to buy federation's there is also a link in the description below it will link you straight to the paradox store 100% of those proceeds will go straight to paradox rather than to a percentage towards steam and I will also get a cut of that as well you will get both a steam key as well as a paradox key for there are more local services so feel free to do with that as you will the meantime we're gonna wrap it up here thank you so much for watching and until next time take good care of yourselves and remember thunderbirds are go
Channel: ASpec
Views: 182,734
Rating: 4.9527826 out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Federations, Origins, Origin, Shattered Ring, Mechanics, ASpec, Gemplay, 4x, Paradox Interactive, stellaris federations, stellaris origins, Let's Play, Overview, how to, Void Dwellers
Id: dSvMWm91tjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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