Spotting Manipulation In Soul Ties

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[Music] refining me further refine [Music] cleanse me from sin all of my sins fine father refined cleanse me with it let's open our Bibles to Genesis 21 we're gonna review for a second we're gonna preach today on soul ties again this spotting manipulation insult eyes boy is this a hot subject whenever I preach on certain things narcissism and soul ties these kind of things people just are gravitating for information to get free and how to how to live amongst manipulation and control bad relationships the Bible says that in these end times evil men shall wax worse and worse so there's certain things that we have to know going forward a lot of lessons learned in the past and the older ones they're supposed to share with the younger ones so at the end I'm going to share some things out of this book from a man that actually was a player he was a Bible would call him a whoremonger he was a guy he was a preacher's son he's a preacher now but he lived really bad and he played games with women and he wrote a book the father-daughter talk I don't know much about him so I can't say how I recommend everything about but I'd have recommended I do recommend this book on RC Blake's jr. and the father-daughter talk all the stuff he sat down with his daughters and said don't marry a man like I was and he basically you know exposes everything he did because now he's walking with the Lord and he got help and we need to share this with with the young ones especially but this happens in old age to forming wrong relationships and attachments and soul ties I saw this one lady she was so godly she had the most awesome husband well he died and I couldn't believe the guy that she was with I was just like whoa because sometimes desperate people do desperate things and get yourself in messes that you just normally you just you don't plan these things you know so we want to talk about soul ties and how they are created and a lot of the ways they are created is through flattery the Bible has a lot to say about flattery and people that play on your insecurities or people that play on your weak spot try to gain advantage and so we're gonna go on to a lot of those things but first of all I want to give you just a really quick review in Genesis 21 talking about Abraham Sarah Hagar and Isaac and Ishmael God appeared to them and said you're gonna have a promise you're gonna have a son it's gonna change the nation's all these things and of course Sarah looked at herself and she said my womb is dead guys obviously he can do this but not through me so she tries to help God out like we've never done that right gods you need a little help you're a little slow my situation I need some help so I have planned b c d e f g h i j just in case yours doesn't work and god usually waits he comes and he comes after those crutches those substitutes and you have to know that if god gives you a promise many times the devil wants to have you have a substitute for that promise so God gave him a promise that you're gonna have a son through Sarah but Sarah tried to help God out so she got her servant maid Hagar and had a son called Ishmael so you know in the Christian circles we always go have you ever that's an issue in other words that's the work of the flesh that's something we manipulated that we worked out and there's always a price with Ishmael's it's always gonna cost you something because it wasn't God and it was the work of the flesh so now here you're paying for you know this result but anyway so they're trying to help God out God comes after the crutches he doesn't want us to have just like he did with Abraham he's like it's time to get rid of Ishmael and just the whole thing about the soul tie is when you're with people when you have relationships with people spirit soul and body especially if people are messing around in the world they have attachments that are formed and even though you're no longer with that person if you haven't broken repented gotten rid of that soul tie it can cause you tremendous nightmares trauma thoughts every time you you know if you're not in a happy relationship now you can go back to oh I wish I was with Fred and pull out all of his love letters from high school and it can be very very tormenting and this is what the enemy loves to play on he wants to steal kill and destroy right so Sarah basically said it's time to get rid of Hagar and Ishmael and think about now Abraham who all these years as he was growing up he thought this was a promise he thought this was it he thought this is the promise that God's gonna move through and then God says no this isn't it so you got to get rid of her so this is the crossroads it's time to give up Ishmael and there's Ishmael's in our life and just like Abraham he loved Hagar I'm sure he loved her and he loved Ishmael but he loved God more when you come to this crossroad things that you've loved and your souls attached to and God says give it up you have to sacrifice that on the altar and say lord I love you more so when you're in a soul tie you're knit and as I did more and more of a research on this that word actually can also mean cleave and it also in my verbage is super glue so you're you're glued to somebody and then you break up and then it's like if you've ever had something that's glued together and you pull it apart parts of those pieces are on the other piece so if your soul tied to somebody you're in a relationship and it breaks up it's a tearing it's a ripping it is very painful and this happens a lot you see you know and your kids your friends break up they have little breakups and you know he's like all these hearts are broken over and over and over again it's very painful when they got glued together how our soul ties developed through making vows and sometimes when you're young you got to break those vows you made I'm never gonna love anyone else again I give you my heart you make these vows I'm never going to be hurt again no man's ever gonna hurt me you know whatever you make these vows but you can get connected to people through vows commitments intimacy and a lot of these soul ties that we're going to talk about today are the bad ones there are also good ones in marriage when you're cleave together and it's godly thing like Jonathan was knit together with a heart of David they were connected for a godly purpose they were strengthening and encouraging each other in relationships that are good it's healthy for both sides people that are insult eyes that are bad it's always one person manipulating the other one and it's a one-sided it's like you're always giving but the other person's just take take take take taking so God doesn't want us to have bad soul ties now this can happen in families this can happen with parents the parents won't allow their kids to grow up and now they're married and you can't get rid of mama strings you can't you know you can keep calling dad for everything so it comes to the point where you have to let go of your father and your mother in a healthy way you're still connected but now you have a connection with your mate and God says so you have to leave your father and mother and you cleave to your husband and wife some parents won't let go of their children no matter how old they are and it causes trouble in that relationship and if you're going through a bad situation right now with the relationship you have to know your life isn't over if you have to break a soul tie because when you're in a really bad relationship and and you've been addicted to this person you've been controlled manipulated like we're going to talk about at the end of this message it can seem like it's so painful you just want to die you just can't make it through this hoop it's just your life will go on and you have to know you doesn't seem like it right now but whenever you obey God it's so worth it it's so worth doing what God says to do even though some of these people are in our families and our churches they're controlling manipulating people you have to set up boundaries and you have to say no and for people that have been in abusive homes bad parenting bad mothers and fathers they have a hard time setting boundaries because they were abandoned as children they were rejected and they for whatever reason they don't want to be rejected again so they just cleave on to these people that'll show them some kind of affection and the flattery and manipulation that's how the cults work you know that's how the pimps work they they find a woman that's really got low self-esteem and they start flattering her and tell her how beautiful she is and all of a sudden now they're abusing her but she's always coming back because she there's something inside of her that thinks I need this I need this attention I need this even though it's abusive and it's heartbreaking the same thing that happens with a lot of young boys and gangs they they don't have a family so they get flattered and they get all these soul ties developed and they think it's a macho the cool thing to do to be a bad boy so all these things but they start off mostly with flattery and the Bible has a lot to say about felt flattery in first Samuel 18 one through three we're not going to turn there just because I have so much to get in here but the godly soul ties the strong healthy emotional attachment where both parties benefit and receive strength and encouragement and if you've got these in your life be very very thankful because a lot of people don't have real friends they've got a lot of fake friends that just use them and manipulate them but if you've got godly friends in your life like a Jonathan and a David were be very very thankful that word knit cleave bring clothes together follow clothes after when you're in a godly relationship you watch out for each other when the ones down you help them up you're there for them you're you know that you've got someone that's not going to stab you in the back or kick you when you're done you have a true godly soul tie that's good let's look at how to spot manipulation and destructive soul ties and judges chapter 16 so know we all know about Samson and Delilah we're not going to go through this whole story but Samson was a loose cannon Samson had a problem with always loving the enemies the Philistine women those are the people he was supposed to he was called to you know fight against and it's the same thing with the world if people aren't saved and you get married to unsaved you're gonna have trouble down the road because you're not on the same page you don't love the same gods and the warning is there gods will become your gods so you have to make sure that you you know don't get hooked up with an unbeliever same thing here so it came to pass and verse 4 that he loved a woman named Delilah now think about this she was a bounty hunter remember I've shared messages before and don't receive bribes she received a bribe they promised her all of this silver all of this money and today's standards it would be millions I mean she turned him over for money she received bribes so now that they come and they bribe her and tell her turn him over we want to know the secret of his strength that's all she could focus on I have got to get this job done I've got to find out why he's strong and I'm gonna find out so now she starts her manipulation and I share this because this happens in relationships today and people that are supposed to be Christians they have the name Samson was supposed to be a believer he was supposed to be doing the god thing but here he was loved not living right he was making a lot of mistakes and he might have been playing the women at first but when you're a player you get played yourself this is the thing that this guy was talking in the book he would play all these women but he gets tied they get sight tied emotionally to they end up being destroyed as a result doesn't play fair so he here is Delilah he loves her he's not supposed to she's enticing him seducing them flattering him and just think about how deceived and seduced he was because every time she would say the Philistines are on you I mean they came out and tried to attack him why would he think that they're not going to come again the games that we play let me just say toxic people are manipulators skilled liars and great actors they make you feel exhausted when I had this one preacher over at my house you can come on in when I'd get to taking care of her I was exhausted it was just like what it's like somebody literally was a leech and they took all their blood and sucked it out of me it was just like oh and this is what you've got to pay attention to the flags that God gives us we have to know when you're around a toxic person now there's all seasons where we might go through things and we're all a little toxic but I'm talking about someone that is a toxic person things don't change it's always you have to know how you are around them if you get around certain people and all of a sudden you just feel this negativity they're always negative always criticizing backstabbing putting people down that should be a red flag if they're gonna gossip behind other people's back guess who's next you so these people are toxic so you have to kind of identify that you feel exhausted you feel negative drained they're always unsupportive of you it's a one-way relationship it's very emotionally abusive when you have godly friends they don't abuse your emotions when you have a godly boyfriend or girlfriend they don't abuse your emotions I'm amazed at how much mess is in the church today and how women never had this father-daughter talk they don't realize they're being played they're being manipulated and I'm saying this with women do the same thing to men this here's a good example to Lila was a seducer a controller a Jezebel it's not always the men it's the women too so no and I know a lot of men that have been really hurt good guys but they were taken advantage of they were naive they were simple men and there's also simple women in the church they refused to take responsibility the toxic people it's never their fault it's amazing how things were twisted and they're never wrong they are takers self-centered and controlling narcissistic they overrun your by andris be careful when somebody never listens to your no they see that no as a way of I'm gonna overcome that no I am going to I can't receive no I always get my way people that don't respect your boundaries are very toxic people soul ties keep us frozen to friends family ministry and it's hard to say no to them do you have anybody that's just you can't say no to him it's like they won't let you say no this is a tie and you have to break free we're gonna share this about Delilah so Delilah here she's a bounty hunter she uses mind games guilt shame she questions his loyalty in verse 15 she said how can I'll say I love thee when the heart is not with me thou has mocked me these three times and has not told me where in that great strength lieth and it came to pass when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him so that his soul was vexed unto death this is what you call nagging somebody to the point of he just wants to go home he's like ah so he told her all his heart now this is the point I want you to see let's get a chair up here can can I use you shower into him for a second okay shower your Delilah just for the second okay you're sitting and now you are Sampson and you have to fall asleep on her lap who does this who does this this is a bound man I can't imagine you ever getting him to do that I'm sleeping you can't fall asleep on their knees he's silly so anyway here think about you know you're awake now you're talking too much you're throwing me up okay no go ahead but I just want you to get a visual of how manipulated he was to sleep on her lap all night long and so so much that she could get another guy to come and cut his hair off and then she afflicted him herself what an evil person how evil is that so think about the bondage that Samson was in that he got to the point where he would do whatever she said first he teased her and he played the game and you know he was self deceived and seduced because what did he say he said I will go out as other times before and shake myself I'm just gonna play this game again he deceived himself and he didn't know that the Lord wasn't with him anymore this is how powerful these soul ties can be that you start doing things you would never do without being controlled you end up in situations you are manipulated and you're like how did I how did I get here so here Sampson wakes up with no hair and no power how did he get there sadly we can all say we've had people in our life we're like how did I get here what Trail brought me to this point that I got so deceived and now I don't know how to get rid of I try to you know think of another woman I like to think of as Delilah Delilah delight she's an abuser she's an emotional manipulator she's using she's you know she wants money she's a she's a bounty hunter so all she thinks about is how to get that secret out but he can't get free from her so think about that you there's there's ties here that we are going to find out we got to learn how to break them because God doesn't want us bound and thank God he repented God used him again and I want to say to all you people God can use you again regardless of what your past is what you've done use your life experiences to shine it on the devil and the people that are bound by him and say I have a testimony for you this used to have this happened to me have it turned around turn it around that's what the Bible says we're supposed to share our testimonies with each other a real testimony so that people can get free and helped right so how does this manipulation happen I want to share just a second about flattery the Bible has a lot to say about flattery now a compliment when you give someone a true compliment you go to those you desire to encourage and it's very genuine it's from your heart but flattery is a poisonous imposter and fraud flattery is used to manipulate be one up or gain control of something a couple scriptures on flattery Jude 1:16 these are grumblers finding fault following after their own lusts they speak arrogantly flattering people for the sake of gaining advantage the motive behind a flatterer is to gain advantage over you there in psalms 5 9 there is nothing reliable in what they say their inward parts is destruction itself their throat is an open grave they flatter with their tongue how do you get involved in a bad soul tie look back and normally you'll see there's been some flattery somebody was telling you something that you needed to hear didn't hear it from your dad didn't hear it from the right person in your life they opened up a door and all of a sudden you want more of that you you you you're deprived you've never been loved correctly you think this is love a lot of women would tell me they'd say I thought it was love I thought he loved he all you had to do is say I love you and they got what they wanted or she got what she wanted Psalms 12:2 through three they speak falsehood to one another with flattering lips and with a double heart they're good actors they speak may the Lord cut off all flattering lips the tongue that speaketh great things flattery is the tool of the manipulator you have to learn to train yourself for when you hear flattery you can hear it because it's a there's a twang to it almost it's almost like that is not real that's fake there's some people are better at seducing and deceiving others but there's something about flattery it's just is too much it's it's it's way overboard of a compliment so it's a tool lies is what they use flattery is always a lie God hates flattery a flattering mouth and proverbs 2624 says it what does it work it works ruin so wow that's not good we don't want that and I'm just going to give you a quick I kind of did my own little paper on flattery as manipulation flattery is far in excess of what is proper for the circumstances it softens you up to the request waiting in the wings you seen these little girls that manipulate their daddies they got him wrapped around their finger they just know what to do they just know which buttons to push don't say you've never done that to anybody but there's a request waiting in the wings it's always for a reason there's a hidden agenda it's a kind of verbal bribery to get you to do something you probably wouldn't want to do it sprays with invisible strings or you could say it's got a price tag flattery is gonna cost you something down the road it comes at a cost this kind of praise is a setup craftily maneuver for something in return buttering you up seducing you to feel really special so you will take later you will compromise with them I've got to watch out when people puff you up they just come and they puff you up I saw a show once where there was this guy and you know just normal janitor type guy and this gorgeous woman had to seduce this guy to be able to get to this floor to be able to you know do or whatever double agent thing she starts laying it heavy on the house she sits on his lap and stuff the guy was gone in like three minutes you know it's like wow how crazy is that so she's just getting him to a place where he lets his guard down lets her in it's like this is my day she kills him afterwards it's like wow talk about letting your guard down and in for a huge ruin and disappointment so you'll you have to watch out that false praise false compliments they want you to get to confide in them and trust in them so that they can pull whatever they want and this situation was a bad ending for Samson they try and get your trust to share private information be careful when you meet someone and you share all your secrets right away it's almost like these people have a vacuum inside that just sucks all your stuff out you're like I wasn't gonna tell them that they have a way of pulling it all yeah and then what do they do they use it against you later true godly people don't use stuff against you when you're when you've been forgiven of much you know thank God just let it you know you don't need to bring it up and you know but these people use it against you so they share and use it against you later one up I've got something on you and then they're abusive they also play on this is careful be careful if you have mercy motive because a lot of times you can get into false mercy thinking that it's real mercy but what happens you get out of the spirit now you're in the soul and they're controlling you you start doing things that the Lord hasn't told you to do but people are you they're playing on your sympathy or your guilt I don't want to feel guilty I better do that do you feel that you know I don't want so you they play on your guilt or your sympathy so you overrule your spirit you end up going with your soul this is why narcissists are great at they they they're the greatest people to feel sorry for they're always the victim they caused all these problems but they twist everything so when you go to find it's like oh everybody's left them why don't they have any friends because now they're the victim and everything's not their fault and there's you know it's like yo I feel so bad for them so the enablers come around and they start feeding that and these people never change because they'll always find somebody else to enable them that makes sense the favorite weapons of manipulators are guilt complaining they're always complaining poor me you can be talking to some but what about me what about you it's this isn't even about you they're always trying to make it back switch the conversation to themselves they're comparing lying manipulators are great liars they're just twisting just a little white lies they're denying who me I wouldn't do it they are the greatest actors when you try to to confront them it's never their problem who me they could have just done something and you you found they make you doubt yourself they're so good at denying that you're like maybe I am wrong you start doubting what the Lord showed you they play mind games emotional blackmail then if they had a vow they made you or they're gonna oh I forgot this is manipulation all of a sudden they conveniently forget things fake concern because true these kind of people like we talked about the narcissist they have no empathy they really they can learn how to to to fake concern but it's not from the heart it's not a real concern then they're also good at apologies oh I'm sorry I'm sorry but it's not true sorry because they don't really change they just tell you what you want to hear we just have to wake up flattery gifts Oh be careful when you have a real strong manipulator and they're gonna buy your way here they want to take you on a trip here and you they want to do this or that and not all of these gifts come because people want to bless you there's something they want in return what is it that they're really looking for and they love to act needy and helpless so you come and you rescue them the Rallye imaginary allies to their cause so if they're coming with you with an argument everybody feels this way about your record and you're thinking oh really and it's really just them and their imaginary allies but boy it sure presents a case doesn't it nobody likes you and I mean everyone feels this way manipulators are great at creating imaginary alleys because of course you know they're right so manipulators deny promises to break a date or an agreement they use emotional blackmail fear guilt and obligation you owe me that's why I say when you do something for somebody you got to just give it to God because you can't have invisible strings well I did that for that I bless them at their birthday now they better remember mine no that's a string do it is unto the Lord and under the God will bless us this life you're gonna do more for people especially if you're in the ministry people love you when and they call you when they need Tim's like golly I'll call you when they need help you haven't even seen them for whatever he's like yeah yeah that's what happens with people and you just got to do it as unto the Lord keep your heart right bless them when you can but you're not doing it to be rewarded here you're doing it is unto the Lord you can't get hurt when you do everything as unto the Lord if you're looking for payback you're always going to get hurt and it shows you we're really looking in the wrong place because we have to do it and know our reward comes from the Lord thing like a victim is a way to manipulate people with guilt manipulators know your triggers they study you they know your weak spots your kids know your weak spots they know how to get you my my one son was really good in high school he'd call me and tell me stuff and it's like I need one time he said he needed something really bad so I gave him money I found out he just wanted to change the color of his contacts he didn't even need glasses he didn't say this day doesn't wear glasses but you know these kids kind of get skillful at they know how to you know just get you you know they know your triggers so what do you have to do you have to learn to say no nope and you have to set boundaries and and it's hard to set boundaries when you haven't had it boundaries being set because all of a sudden you feel mean but you're know is really healthy because that means you are no longer gonna control me and manipulate me so we have to learn especially if we're you know really mercy motivated you got to be able to say no and then not go take it back if you feel guilty like that you know I know you have to listen make sure you keep your no no set up healthy boundaries and it's good for them too it's good for them later on so they learn they use charm and praises for you to trust them then what happens you lower your guard and again this is what the pimps use this is very very sad because this is what a lot of these kids are they've never had parents a lot of them are just kids that are there looking for love and they don't realize they're being manipulated they're being controlled and with women too they don't in scible women are emotional but they have to find out that this isn't really love this is lust you have to know the difference between love and lust we open up to ungodly soul ties through perverted family ties between the parent and the child when it continues into adulthood and the parent controls that adult child you have to get you know some women they're always calling their mothers and the husband goes caller I never really got her to leave her mother she's her mother's like still you know I'm never first in her life you have to have priority set you know I'm saying I know this one girl her father died she won't let him die he's dead he's been dead now for if she keeps grieving she's made soul ties I'll never stop grieving that's not healthy grief vowed to never let a dead person or an animal go never gonna stop grieving the Bible says that we make ourselves when we joined with a harlot first Corinthians 6:15 join yourself at the harlot you develop a salt eye oh it's just casual you know no it isn't casual a relationship it's a soul tie and now you're you sometimes get transference of spirits that was ever on that person comes on you evil companions proverbs 13:20 that you refuse to cut off or set boundaries with and lastly demonic soul ties are founded upon lust and you have to break that off let me share with you on closing here about this this book the father-daughter talk I just thought this was good because I'm counseling with some people right now that are going through this and I think it's really good when someone comes out of something and then they expose what they were doing God uses them to expose it some guys have actually gotten mad at him said you're telling all secrets it's like hey the Devils games need to be exposed but I used to work because I got saved when I was like 21 or something I didn't know what a player was I said well what does that mean they play you what does that mean mean well he explains it and I'm just gonna read just a little bit about this enclosing relationship games and how they're played now he's talking from the father to the daughter so it's a guy he's always doing it but I want you to know there's guys on our YouTube that are always telling me thanks for letting us guy we are being abused by women and so this goes both ways even though at this point he's only addressing to the women but he said monkeybars the idea of the game was for the child to swing from one bar to the next in any direction of the child's choosing you could swing forward sideways or backwards based on the concept of this schoolyard activity we can see the same principles applied to how certain men mismanaged their relationships with women when a guy constantly acts like he's letting go and doesn't want the relationship one moment then calls the next as if nothing happened he's playing monkey bars swinging in and out of your life he swings backwards forwards in and out up and down this leaves the woman in a state of confusion hanging in limbo emotionally paralyzed and not able to move on she can't really find another boyfriend because he swings in but he can he's free to swing in and out see I'm saying and he explains this he said I tried to play this game with my wife Lisa when we were dating I had a serious commitment phobia I knew that I loved her but she was the one for me however I did not want the obligation of being exclusive yet I didn't like the thought of her being with another man either so basically he said he would create chaos find a reason to be angry and uncertain about our future this would leave two abrupt ending phone calls and indirectly calling our relationship off on and off on and off so he could go and be with other women so basically he told her he said I think it'd be best if you were to move on she did move on and she ended up dating a very wealthy baseball player professional athlete his mother godly mother said what are you doing that's your wife you need to get there and you know basically she confronted him and he calls her back and he said you're my wife let's get married and he did he married this woman but he said if he said I may have never made a real decision to commit if Lisa had not been strong enough to let me go I just want to talk to some of you people out there let them go if they're playing monkey bars with you let them go it's painful but it's gonna be more painful down the road when you're still swinging after five years with no commitment from a guy that's afraid to come in so that's called monkey bars I thought that was cute no a woman should allow or no man should allow a woman to swing in and out of their life that's abusive you are losing your best years to an indecisive individual who may never get it together it's best to move on rather than hang on only to grow older and bitter the next little game they he said he played was merry-go-round he's all these are little games fast an exciting ride that moves around and around in a circle it gives the participants of fast and exhilarating rush while they actually go nowhere this ride also mimics a certain game that men play with women or vice versa they take her on an emotional trip that has no destination it's a fast moving approach filled with sex money promises of commitment breakups and makeups yet they always end where they started only to repeat the cycle all over again the object of this game is to move so fast the woman is constantly off-balance by the time they are through spinning you around you realize after many years people are stuck in this many years you realize you're still in the same place as you started then there's twister now the twister is a game that's played on the floor you know they spin the wheel and you decide which color you move to you can get you know a lot of people mixed up in each other but this is also a certain game that's being played the man will twist the woman up in an emotional ball of confusion and random acts of kindness until she's lost in him he will make financial contributions to obligate her here's where your giving is used to manipulate you then he will invite the woman to meet his family and this bothers me I've seen this in the church and then they cut them off from all their friends and all of a sudden they don't want you to be able to stand on your own and this is really sad when you get cut off emotionally from your son or your daughter that they marry someone that they want them totally controlled by them so they cut off their families he was she does he or she doesn't want to be able to stand alone apart from them the woman will eventually lose her identity and be totally controlled usually how did this start off flattery manipulation now all of a sudden they're totally controlled how do I get out of this twisted mix-up mix-up and he was talking about how he had watched a television show and there were two families well a woman with all these kids and another one with all these kids and there was one man involved they all live together and they kept waiting for this man to decide which family they're all his kids which woman he was going to pick and he said I think they're both belong they both belong to me how sick but this is going on in our world today these guys that just play these people and he and they they're controlled and manipulated he had twisted them into a massive confusion obligation and manipulation they didn't know which way to turn then there's two more games sorry the sorry game this speaks for itself there will be men you that do you know good because they have no goodness within them their sole purpose is to selfishly have their way with a woman and just swing her along with a never-ending series of apologies Oh baby I'm sorry this is never gonna happen again okay women stand up look for some fruit he acts like nothing he adds nothing and subtracts from every part of your life and yet all he ever says is sorry oh boy the roller coaster guy this is the last one the roller coaster guy sells a woman with many thrilling dreams and pie-in-the-sky hopes that go nowhere it's rarely a consistent and steady flow instead it's bipolar this guy is usually big on drinking and drugs he excites the woman because he's fast-moving and unpredictable he keeps the ride going so fast that there's rarely a settled moment to address the woman's real long-term dreams every woman should understand that one of the greatest attributes and a man is stability and dedication in a responsible man amen fast rides can be dangerous and very expensive amen so that's what a player is a player and sometimes these women a man we need to know their games that they're like little monkeys they swing in out of your life they're oh I'm sorry baby I'm sorry or they're you know I'm gonna leave her for you baby I'm gonna be seven years later I'm still gonna leave her it's it's always another promise you know it's sad but this is what happens in our world people that are good-hearted people get taken advantage of because they don't know the red flags of a flatterer and a manipulator and you'll end up sleeping on somebody's lap spiritually and they cut off all your relationship with God all your friends your family and now you're totally bound you don't know how to get free amen father we thank you this stuff's all in your Bible you put in there samson and delilah just so we'd see these games are still being played today different but they're still games their emotional manipulating rides that take people nowhere but pain hurt disappointment sadness and confusion and they use you until the better supply comes along that it's not how we were created to be is to be used abused and thrown away and discarded until next so father we thank you for giving us all discernment in this area help us to recognize a flatterer help us to discern a manipulator and father God we just pray for any ungodly soul ties in our life things of the past we thank you for your blood your powerful blood that is able to wash and cleanse us because these things have to be dealt with so we can move forward to where you want to take us we can't just pretend these things didn't exist when they're still taunting and there's still the superglue attached to us that we can't get off so father we deal with it we face it we repent we return from it and we thank you for freedom and everyone said [Music] plans and me [Music]
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 10,495
Rating: 4.9041095 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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