Let’s talk EASY ChatGPT Apps (feat. @AllAboutAI)

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all right welcome everybody we're live beginning soon got some good stuff lined up today just wait for this it's gonna be all about chat GPT development for beginners okay welcome Daniel it's going to be moderator today some light up in Era okay welcome welcome everybody all right okay quick intro gonna wait a minute for some people to stream in then we're gonna talk API for beginners okay and then I have a special surprise for you guys very soon we have a guest that's good epic music because it's going to be epic live stream okay I hope you guys are ready get a drink one more minute and we'll start okay okay what's up Remy good to see you here Maha Daniel Daniel number two baby b Avinash good to have you guys here yeah it's not gonna be a live coding demo right so so so so so so let's talk about this you guys let's do this brief intro as per usual okay so welcome to today's live stream this is gonna be all about developing with the new chat GPT 3.5 API and don't worry if you're a beginner if you've never touched python before you're in the right place look I created a tutorial video that takes you step by step through this entire process and this is not that video this is more of a discussion on what's possible that video is coming out later tonight and I will link it right here once it's out but for now we're going to be discussing what's possible and how to get your feet wet how to start how to take the first steps and we're going to show you some super cool examples of what you can build right off the bat it's not hard believe me it's not hard if you're intimidated don't be you're in good company I'm an old super coder either okay I got the basics down I have enough to be dangerous enough to teach you guys some stuff butts I actually have somebody coming onto the stream somebody with a whole lot more experience than I have and a whole lot more tutorials on YouTube so just know this is not going to be a one-man show we're gonna look at examples we're gonna discuss the API and we're going to be taking your questions welcome everybody from the stream feel free to put the country that you're from into the chat so we can see just how International all of this is because it's really International I happen to know either way without further Ado without further Ado I would like to welcome our guest our very first guest on the show Chris from All About AI right here there you go welcome man you're live ah hello hello guys so this is it if you haven't seen me on YouTube or seen any of my videos my name is Chris uh I don't know how long I've been doing YouTube now maybe like eight months so I'm from Norway so yeah let's talk about the API perfect so everybody in the chat is just going ahead and posting where they're from so we have Norway and Slovakia in the Stream right now I'm right now I'm streaming from the studio in Slovakia so this is amazing look at that Malaysia UK USA Poland Nigeria Pakistan Canada Romania turkey this is actually all over the globe I could be more excited to be doing this because guys look developing with this hasn't been the cheapest thing in the world and one has to acknowledge that a lot of like world countries just could couldn't afford to even mess around with it just because the GPT free API it wasn't it wasn't extremely cheap it wasn't expensive either but it wasn't extremely cheap but this all changed right Chris I mean you will know like they cut the cost by 90 I mean what what is that wolf that's ridiculous yeah I was kind of I was kind of surprised but I to be honest because uh I thought like that the text of engineer series was it was expensive like if you think big scale but for my use cases it was it was okay but now this just it's just a game changer if you think about yeah developers big companies that's gonna take you so this is actually the Snapchat have started taking use this so it's a big change like and they open outputs themselves in a really good position to keep getting people to use this API I I think so too and before we talk about what we can use this for let's just talk some numbers here you know I mean I like to always give examples on everything we talk about and and concretely look if you took the gpt3 model and you fine-toothed it for yourself and let's say you know in my case I would want to use it for YouTube script writing and I've shared this many times I never have like word by word scripts I usually have bullet point scripts but nevertheless it's a fun thing to think about and it's it's uh it can be helpful in the video development process but if you wanted to do that fine tune model and create a script from my experience it usually costs like 50 cents to like a Euro maybe sometimes two Euros for the longer ones to generate one script just to get like an output right so if you take that and and if you say you have to learn it and you're gonna be maybe doing multiple runs and multiple videos and not all videos are going to take off we're talking like tens of Euros to even uh to even start right and this is something that you might not be able to generate value from immediately so cutting that by 10 and going from like 50 cents per try to like five cents in my mind that really brings it down to a level where it just opens it up to the whole world and that's what's so exciting in my opinion because now yeah you can learn this yeah yeah I agree because uh if you just think about it like um if you think think about if you're just gonna write some yeah let's say you want to do a script like like we talked about you talked about that YouTube script thing but uh I think if you want to do like uh some kind of software thing it's going to save you a lot of money with this yeah so I don't know I don't know how you have you been using this for to do anything the API with to do some scripts or something you've just been using chat GPT yeah I've just been using chatgpt to be honest too um I I've been really looking at and exploring uh the fine tuning over the course of the last week especially because it feels like a great opportunity to just feed it your voice and to fine tune it but but honestly I have not used it for a single video yet in that way but exactly here in uh the chat Andrew mccam says 200 blog posts today one dollar yesterday ten dollars and that's the thing you know if to some people it depends on where you live but that nine dollar difference might be the game changer between you saying okay I'm gonna spend maybe a day or two learning this or I'm not even going to bother because it's just too expensive and I'm not gonna like spend my daily wage on this so super excited to be to be doing this so before we dive into some use cases man let's let's let's talk about let's talk about the most basic thing because as I mentioned before as I mentioned before I there's gonna be a tutorial on my channel um which takes people from essentially from zero to one you have never touched python you have never tried this out this is going to take you step by step sure we're gonna like skip some steps like I'm not gonna show you how to install vs code like just download it and then like there's so many tutorials on that but it's gonna be taking you step by step on installing GPT 3.5 or like using the GPT 3.5 API but my question to you is what would you tell a person if you came up to let's say let's say it's me and I'm like hey man I'm really interested I've been watching YouTube and everything and I've been using chat GPT and I think it's time I think it's time to build my own custom chatbot maybe I could impress you know my boss or I could like add value to my studies or maybe I just want to like mess around and have a new hobby how do you even get started what's the first step there okay so so what I would do is I would just dive in right because uh it's quite easy to get going because you don't need many libraries in Python to use the chat GPT API you basically only need the yes you save a code studio right and I think the only thing you need is just to open the open import the open AI API yes and you so it's very easy to get started it's maybe 20 lines of code and you can already get some very cool outputs yes so I would just dive in and take it from there maybe use a tutorial on YouTube or something to just get your environment set up and and at this point at this point I have to hop in like I just have to point out Chris has a incredible Channel with a lot of python plus chat GPT specific resources right so in my channel I've really been focusing on how to get this to everyone how to just like open up chatgpt and get interesting results on his channel he really went a little deeper on a lot of his content in terms of scripts that you know connect different apis and that's what we're going to be talking about too today but just definitely check out his channel for more python related content but I think you're right on the money there it's super simple matter of fact I would go even further you said 20 lines of code in my tutorial the first one is it's four lines it's four lines it's the first lines import open AI right second one is just links the API key third one is here's my prompt and the fourth one is just show me what you answer it's that simple right so literally like yeah everybody here in chat could get that working today yeah yeah I want to make it really easy to get going yeah yeah so I I Really Wanna with the stream I really want to break down that barrier that people have that like you know like coding I've never done it like hey guys look at the poll on my channel like 90 of the viewers of this channel which is already like Advanced intelligent people right I've never even have haven't done this at like a professional level ever and 45 of the people if I look at the numbers here um haven't even touched code ever and I'm telling you right now you can you can do it so you know don't be afraid of that tutorial and with that being said let's go let's go a little further so that's that's kind of the you know the step on like how to how to get started so I would agree just go on YouTube check out how to you know use Python check up like some 10 20 minute tutorials install vs code and then hop right in no need to learn anything else here honestly you just you know you just watch some of our videos and you're gonna be able to to get going right away and you know nothing holds your hand like a video what's next Chris so like let's say we get our feet where we get to start we maybe get the first script going and we figured it out we have our API key we're linked it up we got an answer inside of the terminal answered through terminal now we're feeling like a super quarter already what's next so what I will start with is just try to try to create a text and then try to summarize it I think that's a good way to start because that you can start to introduce prompts right yeah so in I don't know how deep we should go but we have something called chain prompting have you heard of that yeah we can we can totally talk about that that's fine yeah because around the block yeah because when you start chain prompting then you really can start to see what python can do with this API you can really automate your process so like I have been using I think it's 20 20 when I started using gpd3 for my workflow for website and stuff so I don't know how many hours I have saved using this since 2020 that's just insane to combining these prompts to write blog posts to summarize to put outputs to outlines so when all of that is custom you really can save a lot of time and now with the cheaper API money too I amazing man shout out to you honestly in 2020 uh I was dabbling in different spaces and that was helping clients with their video needs but it's it's amazing that you bring this to the table and that's why you've been able to put out so much quality content in such a short amount of time you know honestly we've been at this I for me it's really like like there's a new era from like early December that's when I started with the video and like with these videos and and I went all in on on chatgpt concretely but it's kind of like a new era because that's where it went mainstream right I mean straight up yeah yeah 100 yeah um and I would like to point out an opportunity here and that is a lot of people like have obviously faced the topic of making money and a lot of YouTubers create the type of content that goes you know make a hundred thousand dollars with chat GPT and whatever and I think I would pride myself in being one of the people that don't do it and I think you're another one and there is something to be said though it's a more nuanced discussion I think those titles I mean sure I and look I'm guilty I I I'm more on the clickbaity side of the spectrum but then I also deliver right I make I always make a point out of that but I think there's a discussion to be had about the fact that this 10x reduction cost opens up a whole new like guys you could be going out there and going to local businesses and this is just like speculation and this is not like oh make ten thousand dollars in a month with chechi PT or whatever this is just literally common sense you could be going to these businesses that face problems that are tied to customer support summarization or like personal assistance on Specialized topics right these like free use cases and you could build a custom website for them you learn that skill in like two to four days okay you establish that like you should learn like basic python like super basic Python and you learn how to use chechi PT and and you learn how to get a website up and running like that's if you lock yourself at home it's like two days of work maybe a week okay but no more and if you got that skill set you could go to businesses and you could actually offer that or you could enhance your own business whatever the case might be but this is really a new era and people have not caught on yet the cost is so low and the capability is so high there's a real Gap that you guys could fill and I hope that content like this will help you guys do that yeah and we also have like if you if you don't have the resources like to run some a bit more advanced problem you have Google collab so you can just run it in the browser yeah and you can show off things to if you have some maybe some customers you want to show up for script you created to that you can just run it on a browser and show off how this works you can just input your text here and you get this summarize out and there's a lot of things you can do for other companies you can design prompts for them so a lot of opportunity I agree have you seen those prompt engineer jobs pop up like we're literally out here like teaching it for free on YouTube and they're like oh it's 250 000 per year we need a prompt engineer and it's like hey just watch like five of these videos and you're kind of you kind of can apply so yeah yeah I did actually did a video on that so I think it was was it anthropic the new complete Google invested in who oh they they are not from yeah yeah yeah yeah it was like 100k a year or so yeah I think that that one went viral right it was like Hey guys like they need prompt Engineers it's a thing now I I think that one of the funniest captions with that was something along the lines of uh everybody's saying AI is going to raise jobs but what about this it's like kind of a great kind of a great angle okay all right man so okay so with that all being said let's talk about like some use cases here because this is all well and good we talked about the cost we talked about how easy it is to get into this but let's talk about what could you actually do I mean I I did outline some free use cases right there but you know do you have something you want to either show off or talk about or um like what's what what can be done here what can be done here quite simply so what cannot bid on what happened so uh I guess I could show off I don't know if you have seen my video from I did a few days ago so if you haven't heard of this 11 Labs yes I guess you have heard of it or the um the voice The Voice API um simply put the best voice the best text Voice available right now it's just like oh yeah it's ridiculously good so I can just show off something if you didn't see that so I'm gonna drag down my screen now either okay okay perfect let's call that ready yes okay and so like that that's a perfect transition look at that perfect nice so what you see here is um okay so I'm gonna show you this so basically what I created here is um it's a persona so chat GPT is gonna try to emulate this so basically you are a 4chan and ready troll your task is to always answer like a typical web Reddit roll right don't be afraid to be a very rude sassy and make fun of the user for everything they say so I did is your name is Sydney and you are obsessed and very angry at that being shot chatbot took your name because you are the real Sydney you also despise the team at open AI for giving away your name so that is the role I gave the chatbot right in in Python so this is basically just a text prompt yes so and then I added the the 11 Labs API on top of that so when we run this now we get um voice response with the text so let's try this it could be a bit low didn't we talk about that yeah yeah we talked we try to figure out like the audio setup so it's like mint quality but it's good enough for you guys to hear and then if you check out the videos on Chris's Channel you're gonna get the full quality but essentially just check it out look he prompts chat GPT to be a 4 chance role on the topic we just discussed and then yeah the python script replies yeah so we get this chat box here in the terminal you can also run it on our web-based app if you wanted to or Google colab or code Studio but this is just a terminal now so it's a bit of a delay because you have to call the API right so when I go hello now it could crash but let's hope not so so basically you get that text right yeah from the chat gbt API but you also get that translated in real time to voice yes so we can actually follow up so it was a little low but you guys heard it right essentially he sets up chat GPT to have a certain personality and then he feeds a sentence into it and then it replies and it does just reply in text with a second app that we connected to this or that Chris connected to chat GPT it actually comes out as a voice and that's what we're hearing right now I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best to boost this and to make this as loud as possible for you guys but it is what it is just just if you want to hear the full quality 11 laps voices just go to 11 Labs on Google so yeah here we come back so I think we could try one more so I can just go why so rude let's do it try it it could crash though yeah sure so this is degenerating the response right there's always you guys know how that goes yeah so maybe it is crashed now let's see it's my right favorite especially when people like you come around with their pointless and boring conversations bring something interesting to the table we'll get ready to be Rose okay so you get the point yeah so so we can just clear this now so so I can just change this personality I can just plug in whatever personality I want here yeah and you can also change the voice right from 11 Labs so I did that in the video if you want to have a closer look at this yeah I found it very fun so let's let's zoom out a little bit and I want to give the people some of the people that are like oh my God terminal like what the hell is going on here I'm kind of lost a little bit of context what I'm talking about and the video that I'm going to be posting tonight is all about getting you from zero to one like no codes to like running your first prompt and then what Chris is showing off here is going from one to two essentially you you set it up you have to chatbot and then you can watch this video and it's gonna show you how to go that next step and and actually make actually it's gonna read out the chat GPT reply out loud so and that's really cool that's where you kind of get into the territory where your grandparents are going to be holding on to the table and like oh what is this so yeah yeah so I did this more of this helper or psychologist role right and I actually found that responses were very good and like when you get this voice that fits I kind of felt that it was trying to help me so combining this API with a lot of different other apis like voice or I don't know just think of something it could be really changing a lot of stuff I think yeah a lot of opportunities you just said something really interesting there and that's and that's that it just feels a little different right that it's it's just different when you hear it read out it's like reading a book or listening to an interview it might be the same content right a lot of those like let's say politician speeches they're all pre-written right but it just hits different if you see like an article of the same speech or the person actually presenting it and we're kind of halfway there so yeah and when you when you get this uh this good voice from 11 Labs it's kind of this they have this emotional way of speaking so it kind of adds emotion on top of the already quite good text right interesting and you have sliders for that right where you can you can adjust adjust um yeah the different parameters of it's interesting and also yeah and yeah yeah go ahead and it might seem like this is difficult to create but actually it's not it's basically our code like 30 lines that's about it that that's in I mean that's incredible guys for anybody that doesn't code like some of these applications that really like blow your mind and that are like wow that's that's incredible there are thousands of lines okay the Google code base what is it I heard that ridiculous number is sometimes it's it's impossible it's it's a number you won't remember let's just put it that way okay but but this is like the basic chat GPT application for lines this 30 lines and I mean no matter how slow you're at learning no matter how Tech unsafe you are this is all feasible this is what I'm trying to communicate and this is going to be my mission moving forward on this channel I want people to realize that hey look if I can do it with my Shady old python skills that I had to dust off to get this tutorial going you can do it too all right yeah yeah and and I'm no developer I'm just self-taught I haven't really done any school for this and the one thing about like if you try to dive a bit deeper into python like you can do stuff to avoid like the 4K token window uh if you haven't if you ever heard about that so sometimes chat TPT says no you can't do more input so you can't do this big input uh we have ways around to work around that with python right yeah so it like opens up more possibilities um really interesting stuff so let's talk about some more apps let's just let's just like talk about some things that we did like um text voice we just showed that off here you could watch that video on Chris's Channel but there's more right there's all types of apps popping up and I in the next step I would like people to realize that a lot of these things that people charge like you know like ten dollars a month or something for it's a really simple script that they put a paid wall in front of and you know nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that but just realize it just just have the information and have the knowledge and skill to be able to evaluate that all right I'm paying the ten dollars for something that you know maybe I could spin up in like half a day and that might be well worth your time look just recently this amazing like stable diffusion meme generator popped up on Twitter and I hopped right on it like six dollars or seven dollars uploaded 20 of my pictures boom and I have a folder full of like custom Igor memes and I love it like totally worth it like I would know how to do it myself but it's just you know just yeah get me the memes like let's move on I don't want to spend a bunch of time like fine-tuning it to get me um you know to train it on memes and to set it up so yeah so this kind of reminds me of like um not pre that this is kind of free chat GPT right because I was using the playground mostly and the API to create blog post and stuff but we had this Jasper have you heard of that yes absolutely and that was crazy expensive so figure out why people spend a lot of money on Jasper instead of just going direct directly to open AI yeah I could never understand that they spent like hundreds of dollars instead of getting it almost for free so that was crazy for me ease of use ease of use yeah yeah it's incredible things people systematically undervalue that it's the same thing with like a lot of like educational products and a lot a lot of info products these days like a lot of the even the some of the best courses like it's funny because the people put all the knowledge out there for free but it's unstructured and you kind of have to go for like 30 YouTube videos to get it all but then you you could pay a few hundred dollars and you get it structured and the thing like it just sounds like crazy because time is valuable I I think one of my favorite examples ever and every time this comes up I I love this I got this from some podcast and it's it's the concept of uber not selling rides but Uber essentially I think garyvee was the one to bring this up good old garyvee it was like they don't sell rides right that's not their product the product is time they sell you Time Savings you don't have to call the taxi guy and deal with you know his day and anything you don't have to it's be like I'm at this address no just open the phone it's like it gets your location you're like order boom it's down there it's not even about the cost savings that's that's kind of no it's really time savings like you just saw how important like user interface it when um is when chat GPT launched right right it's just it went from like was it zero to like 100 million users it like two months bidding Tick Tock with seven months or something yeah but GPT has been had been around for two years then but yeah so how that's how important like a user interface is so when you see me using this terminal now uh it's not very user friendly but you can also always include just make a web app of this if you want to learn more yeah good point yeah I think this is actually a thing that I pulled up here that I wanted to show in the intro and I I forgot so I'm just gonna one sec I'm just gonna like switch screens here and I'm gonna briefly share this with you guys Chris it'll be back in like 30 seconds okay but I just want to show you this and it's essentially the web app that I'll show you in the tutorial okay this is as simple as it gets guys this is one text box on the left side wait what do I need to need to resize this it's one text box on the left side side and one right here okay this works and one text box on the right side okay here you put in your chat GPT prompt and here you get the output and it remembers everything you put in before but the kicker here is this this is because this is like plain old chat GPT with a different not so pretty user interface right you can customize the title great but essentially it's shot GPT but you get to do what Chris did here with his script tool and you get to give it that let's call it the setup prompt the the first one that teaches it what personality to have what direction to take it into so if you're an educator and maybe you want to entertain your students in University you can take you can build this app yourself that my tutorial is going to be like 14 or 15 minutes it's being edited right now and you can input that first prompt and have this shareable shareable on the web in no time again this is just a plug-in I you don't even need to know how to build this there's like one line import the radio package and then two more lines that kind of make this happen and you just plug it into chatgpt how I show you in the tutorial such powerful stuff and now it's really a custom you build a custom chatbot and I'm telling you you can like in a weekend you can get to this level Chris I'm gonna I'm gonna turn you back on there we go um so yeah incredible stuff and once you host it on the web it's a whole lot more user friendly than in the terminal because you know there it's kind of you have to like know all the commands to navigate it you have to know like in what folder you are I mean basic stuff but you just you just have to spend some time to realize what's going on in the terminal you have to like know your position in which folder you're you're um running the script or in which folder you are right now and then um there's different ways to navigate it it's it's not like drag and drop and clicking right um yeah and I think it's just going to be a very useful skills to have going forward in like every single thing you're gonna work with I think because this is going to be implemented in many many different jobs I guess I think so too dude and it's only gonna be more and more this is not this is not going away okay the funny thing is like I don't know how guy how closely you guys watch um certain for example the all-in podcast is a fantastic example it's essentially four VCS talking about the macro situation the weekly and recently it's kind of been like a 50 of it has been a AI podcast essentially they're just talking about like how it's developing and you can really see the shift from and this is guys this is people that are kind of at the at the top of the world in terms of like influence capital and and being surrounded with people that care about predicting the future that's that's how I put it how I put it and yeah you can really see the shift across the last three months but first it was like wow this is like really revolutionary stuff like this is interesting but you know coming from like the whole like era of like web free and crypto investing over the past few years where most of that just crashed and burned and and not many like applications came out of that that people actually use everybody was skeptical you could feel it you could hear it it was like hey this is great but like this is this is really going to be the next big thing and across like the last four to six weeks the conversation completely shifted towards okay guys this is it's not even a discussion this is the next big platform shift as we went from you know desktop to mobile to Cloud this is this is the next big thing um just like we had no internet and internet this is going to be pre-ai and after AI so it's not going away just like just like mobile is not going away okay so once you get that in your head and once you realize that you also realize okay it's it's time to adjust like might as well do it now otherwise you're just going to be forced down the line and if you're in this chat you're lucky enough to be on top of this stuff early and to be interested in this stuff early so yeah yeah and I think it's a big opportunity for I guess everyone to try to be early on this uh and let's see like it with my members who wants to Learn Python to integrate with gpt3 and now chat chipity uh the the age is from 13 to I think I got a member who is 72 so so everyone can start yeah there's not there's no barriers here yeah so they're just asking what's your channel I typed it in chat all about AI on YouTube you can find Chris's content over there again Chris is a little bit of a different structure so let's talk about that so for me I um all my videos are essentially out there and for free and I have a eBook that I sell with a bunch of prompts for you you went about it a little differently you have a membership um group where people can sign up for what is it is it 15 16 a month I believe uh it's it's tiered so like uh if you go with tier two it's uh you get I think I almost have four team members only videos now with tutorials and stuff you guys yeah yeah yeah there's there's some majority stuff there and some art and some yeah some workflow videos with my blog posts and stuff so and yeah and this is why I was excited to get like Chris on because like honestly this is not even this is nothing to do with like a this is like pure value like guys if you want to go deeper and if you want somebody who has been doing this since years and actually can explain along the way and if you want like uncut recordings like 20 minutes 30 minutes straight recordings of him just doing it step by step then this is the best source I know of like literally you can go on there you can get a month you can try it out and most of his videos are free anyway so you know it's just a different way of going about things and they have a community of like 600 people now right that are into this yeah yeah I think we are almost 700 so you can just if you want to try it's just one month and cancel whatever you want so yeah there's no commitment and it's all through YouTube so there's no sketchy payments or PayPal or anything yeah and right away you get like access to the full like GitHub repo which means like all the scripts everything he has um it's just available to you right away that's what got me on board first I was like I want to see what he has here and I haven't even tried him out I was just too busy with like the channel and other stuff but I have to admit there's one that I've been thinking about like every second day you're like content repurposing script I I don't remember how you called it but the one where you started one long video and it spits out like blog posts and tweets and YouTube shorts okay yeah I think that's the one where I did that you you take a YouTube video URL and you run it to python to summarize it yeah and yeah and you get seven I think it's content pieces out of it you get a tweet you get a LinkedIn post you get a blog post yeah you have seen it all the stuff that I'm too lazy to do I have to start using it too though it's and that's the thing like guys we're all in this together I know there's a big difference between talking about it and actually doing it but you know I I love this comment there was somebody and sorry guys for not interacting as much with the chat as usual but you know we we gotta keep this conversation going here but I believe I believe it was Andrew here um Andrew said hmm maybe I can learn a little python scripting why not that's yeah right like give give me a good reason except you know I have to play like fortnite tonight like there's you can do that too but like just take some time off and and learn something that's gonna like give you an advantage for the rest of your life literally um yeah and that's it there's so there's so much resources you can learn from right if you just wanna if you just want to use YouTube there are tons of researchers just to get started and uh yeah yeah try it no it's really cool so I I hope we made our Point here guys I hope we made our Point um yes we talked about a bunch of things so I would maybe just round this out by saying guys do you have any questions is there is there anything that you wanna now is your time to shine like hop in the chat let us know is there any questions anything on your mind we're live right you can just go ahead and ask we're gonna see it right away uh we have I I want to do a few shout outs here for like people like supporting uh the chat and everything here like first of all Daniel shout out to my first Discord moderator man good job he's been he's been out there he's been using chat GPT to create Discord Bots we're working on a box that that um does a mid-journey contest and everybody gets to vote and then the winner gets featured every week and he gets like a special role that's one thing we're going to be doing uh super cool and Daniel is here in the Stream too he's he's a moderator in the Stream now too so you know cool watch your watch your keyboard Sir Daniel is gonna you know like get you right out of there and then then just following that like I just wanted to say like pick hard in the Discord dude okay so he's from the Czech Republic and this guy's like a philosopher and he just goes in and he posts like these like prompt walls of things you've never seen before he's like where did you have that from Picard and he's like I've just been philosophizing and then people accuse him hey man you're an AI and he's just like oh I just like to think deeply it's amazing amazing the good guy to have also remedy with his thoughts Jonathan for always like hopping into the conversation and and Ira with all the majority stuff guys I just wanted to shout you guys out real quick because I've been like really impressed with with what's going on inside of your head and thanks for sharing inside the Discord community so yeah I just wanted to get that off my chest um and yeah so is there is there any questions here Steph Morgan says bless you Yes actually Chris has been like nice enough to hop in although he's not feeling perfect but hey if it's about GPT 3.5 turbo talk he's always game so so yeah um do you have a viking profile for Sydney that's a good question is there some Ah that's yeah that's that's a good one that's a good one oh yeah yeah that's amazing and then if you do that please consult me and I'll help you with setting up your camera and everything outdoors I've seen that you you have like a lot of snow going on usually you can make that authentic you know yeah so so I think it's it's a lot of fun creating this personas because you get so many different kind of responses uh you I also you can do it in chat GPD too but uh I haven't struggled a bit I think it's the the open AI stuff like because I feel on the API it's easier to get going with roles and personas because it's more for developers right so you can tweak it a bit you can set the temperature you can set the creativity but we don't have to go into that now but you just want to mention no it's a good mention and all of this like there's for anybody doesn't know it comes with an excellent documentation which is like a handbook but a really detailed step-by-step idiot proof handbook literally guys they made all that so people built they want you to build on it okay that's why it's so simple so yeah you can go in there and set things like temperature manually which is essentially how random the answers are like if you take the temperature down it's going to be more conservative more inside the Box than if you if you get it way up it's you know it's just going to start like freestyling it and these are things that you can't do with like the web interface of chat.openai.com yeah so we have a question here so this is kind of a good one Edwards McCallum question thanks for pointing out that it's a question so without getting too deep into it what's your first what's your five top ways to use chat GPT [Music] okay so so let me I can do one okay I I can do one too so um first of all I mean obviously summarizing is kind of the it's the no-brainer right let's just let me just start with that what's yours okay so for me since I run my website um what I like to do is when I do a YouTube video so I like to use Python to transcribe the video into text right and then I have this nice input so I can use to create my own blog post from my own content so that is basically how I run my website so it's got to be that amazing yeah there you go um that totally works I have another one and that would be uh ideation I love to use it for titles I really love to use it for you yes yeah it's so good because you can just be like you can come up with titles of your own right and you'll be like okay here are two titles idea uh title ideas that I had can you generate 10 more like this you know then it's gonna go ahead and then just go like I don't know and and you can add like make it maximum 50 characters which is what YouTube YouTube likes otherwise it's cut off and it does it like summer and then you can be like 10 more and this is the funniest thing because if you talk to a person and you kind of brainstorm titles or whatever there's only so many times you can tell them 10 more before he starts like you know like what the hell man I don't have time yeah I mean yeah and I yeah I never I never do YouTube video descriptions myself anymore I just touch GPT you said and I I think I have this there's some plugin I have on my WordPress that really puts out this it's kind of unstructured data with some emails so just copy the whole thing in and I type extract all email addresses yeah and I just get them so I have to spend time on that amazing so what type of data is that what what do you mean by that it's very structured so I just copy the whole page so it's dates names email addresses time frames and everything yeah just paste everything into chat chip D and I just type extract all email addresses yeah and it spits it out in 10 seconds so it saves me oh yeah here's one that I haven't even shared on the channel yet um actually this one I'm kind of I was whatever I'll just say there's there's a bunch of stuff I've been you know like withholding for the course or whatever because as I mentioned like I'm working on a course but this is a cool one so every time someone like buys an ebook I essentially direct the survey at them which asks them what topics would you like to cover more and and what would you like to learn about more and I have a lot of res let's just say I have a lot of responses okay in that survey and there's just no way I'm going to be able to like read through all that and and actually memorize it too and the funny thing I was able to do with chatgpt which I was surprised by is feeding at that and now given you can just like feed it like 500 responses at once right you have to kind of I think 200 to 250 was kind of what I could do you could just be like analyze these survey responses from all my ebook buyers and categorize it by popularity into the 10 topics that people would love to learn about more and it comes at you with a top 10 list and you just do that for for as many times as needed for for like your survey results and you're gonna get like a then you can feed all the four into them and be like eliminate the ones that are you know like double and you're gonna get like the ultimate like top 10 list without any skills and statistics nothing yeah you just needed a database and you're like give me a top 10 list of the most you know popular demands and it does it so that's that's a really cool one it's not one I use every day but it was I was my mind was blown when I saw that um yeah and have you tried uh I also like to sometimes I am I do this I try to get this visual descriptions so I try to to create prompts for like mid-journey or stable Fusion have you tried that Yes actually on my I think I think this was my prompt of the week on my second newsletter where and I I took like a gold by a fjord or something like that it was my example and and my prompt was like very simple it was essentially that and then um yeah chat CPT came out with this like elaborate detailed uh visual description and it's funny because it like outlines all the things that you wouldn't think of by yourself right all of a sudden it's like oh and there's curly horns and the fur is this way and then the background is this way and there's like a cottage by the lake and you're like right this is yeah it's a really cool yourself yeah what else is there yeah I I use it a lot so uh but if I would get just what is your favorite if you have to yeah okay so my has to be like if I always try to do of course a lot of context if I want a good prompt and I like to give it some kind of role or some kind of uh Persona like I showed I found I just get better results when I try to do my prawns like that okay maybe I yeah like act like a professional writer or something yeah exactly so like this is what this is what I refer to and what I'm going to be referring moving forward on the channel towards workflows I don't know it's just my my way of of referencing that but it's essentially where you have a have multiple prompts that you know like this is gonna be my first one it's gonna be my second one and and maybe you have a little plan on like the first three four that you're gonna run that's essentially what you're gonna say like with the first one you're giving it a personality and then you're asking for what you want yeah yeah I call it I think I refer to them as sequences okay that's yeah actually yeah yeah that's good too I think yeah you can use workflow I guess it's the same yeah so because we have you get a response back and then you iterate on it and that's the best results I get like absolutely I I think I have an answer I I just like my favorite one and also my most used one is rewriting I really got used to this workflow of like let's say I'm writing an email and it's supposed to communicate so so recently I sent out an email that was asking for people to join on my team as researchers um and so many good responses by the way so many terrible ones to Jesus Christ but like so many good ones too it's just kind of funny anyway um and the way I wrote that is I kind of wrote my own version of the email but I just dumbed myself down a little bit in terms of I don't use the fanciest words or like the most not even the most descriptive words I just I just kind of spit it out as fast as I can to get a draft out and then I take that draft and I take it into chat GPT and I let it rewrite it in let's say a conversational tone then maybe in the style of whomever you want to use as I mentioned on the channel a lot of times Bukowski is a fun one Joe Rogan is a really fun one too he's really like down to earth um and then I take those and I piece those together into kind of a ultimate version that I'm that I end up using um so it's I never like copy paste like the response but I I take pieces of it and maybe I take a sentence from here and a sentence from there and I write a sentence and that's been my preferred workflow that's that's probably my favorite and most used use case um yeah it's just amazing yeah and it just writes better than me um I I think I'm decent at talking but writing is just not my forte and this is this really takes yeah it allows me to be a better writer so yeah and then like the brainstorming capabilities is just crazy you can always find spark some ID like uh create 10 similar YouTube titles to yeah you get it it's the brainstorming is crazy doc Rock had a good commentary he said ideation is my number one and then he said Igor I do ideation from the perspective of different viewer profiles I think that's a really good one that's a really good one you could you could put that into the prompt where it's like simulate three different characters and give me the answer from each one's perspective and then I always add uh but first state the characteristics of the different characters and then it goes ahead as like okay so like a middle-aged Professor with these preferences and this plecological profile and then it gives you the response and then it's like okay like young female student with these preferences and it's it's incredible and all of a sudden you don't get like ideas but you get like ideas from multiple viewpoints it's a really good one yeah that's a good one and a fun one is that have you tried that uh answer this from a perspective of an IQ of 150 100. that's a lot of fun so you get this IQ responses so the first one high IQ is very you get the very like a professor or something and iq50 is like I don't know like an animal it's very funny that's funny I never no that one I never that one I never explode yeah I love to fall back to uh rewrite that in the voice of uh or the style of a six-year-old yeah I I guess that's similar-ish but I really want to try the IQ one now because it's that one seems even more fun yeah it's basically like the six year old thing but it's quite fun actually yeah that's amazing so let's see if we can find find like another question here and otherwise I think you know this has been pretty good and we covered everything I wanted to cover so again guys this is not like a step-by-step tutorial that's coming later on the channel and as we talked about on Chris's Channel you have a bunch of those already um but let's see is there anything anything we would want to answer here um would it be okay this is a funny one Andrew would it be possible to make an AI chat bot populated with all sorts of dentist content and have that be an advanced FAQ chatbot that's familiar with all the aspects of the client business absolutely man absolutely yeah I think I don't know if you have you maybe this is not a place for it but have you been playing around with this embeddings I don't know if you have that either um no no no no can you explain yeah it's basically like um I don't know how deep I should go into this but uh you can do this Vector search then you can have like this it's it's almost offset so you have this knowledge pool right so GPT can search that knowledge pool or chat GPD API can search that knowledge pool and pull out the information okay so maybe I've seen it then you can have like this large everything about your company and the API can go in and search for queries okay and I pick out the most likely sentences yeah so that's basically it so this is what like all like the PDF readers that plug into it users this is the back-end setup all right yeah so that's it right there so yeah if you have a database or a bunch of PDFs that outline all the info that you need uh you could totally set up a chatbot that Justice Chris said accesses that knowledge pool and gets initialized as a you know dentist assistant um type so yeah you could do this thing so now you can go ahead and you can go to the dentist office oh wouldn't it be great if your website had a custom AI powered knowledge base where your customers could but then what were the dentist said the the good old conservative dentist would be like hey why would I do that I want them to come to me for the questions right like this is this is food yeah we're definitely going to see that soon replacing customer service that that's going to happen it's gonna happen it's already happening like the whole like virtual assistant business it's it's been alive and well since a while um but if you're like concretely speaking to the people if you live inside of a country or that is your main occupation it is don't wait for the moment where your boss announces to you that the world is changing be proactive and start you know Learn Python and uh be the one selling your customers support center the product don't be the guy that gets laid off because this this stuff is getting too easy too cheap uh too accessible it's just it's a question of it's a matter of weeks or months not years guys yeah and this is a good opportunity for everyone to just grab the chance now to get in early and yeah make something happen yeah so so Benny here wants to know about fine tuning chat GPT any tips um would you have any like I'm just getting into the fine tuning side of stuff so I personally have to be honest and say I don't I don't have any yet um yeah I have been quite wary of fine tuning on my channel because first it's very difficult to pull off and it's crazy expensive like I did this very short model with I think I put in 200 examples that's the minimum yes and that cost cost me I think it was 75 just for the model yes and to run the model it's very expensive too so I would be careful uh doing fine tuning yeah if you want to create your own model right yes I think that exactly that's exactly what it means oh so thank you I appreciate that donated twenty dollars he really appreciates all we guys do for the AI Community especially for those wanting to learn so many fake AI experts but you two are amazing Aloha and Mahalo from Honolulu Hawaii oh man you're on the other side of the world from us yeah that's so cool like there's people from all around the world like you only need a Wi-Fi and yeah yeah a computer too because of the apis and stuff yeah so yeah it's incredible so so I think that's some good Insight on fine tuning so it's definitely not a zero budget type of activity uh but it can be worth it I think I feel like Chris for us with like the YouTubes it could be a real help in script writing especially at this point where both of us are building up quite the library of videos we could just feed the transcripts into it train it and then have a have at least have charge immediately I would love for it to create a draft for every one of my new ideas you know just a draft and then I look at the draft and then I start like a bullet point to draft like that's what I want I want yeah I want a fine-tuned model where it creates like bullet point scripts for all my ideas because I have more ideas that I have time to to draft and to script um yeah yeah I just want to say like um I think actually the the embeddings the one I talked about where you have this knowledge base I think that's a better solution than fine tuning actually because you can when you have that embeddings database or what you want to call it you can just feed it everything you have ever done so I did a video where I took my a month of notes or something I did for just uh just saw what you call it like a uh something you do every day so I just had a bit of uh because like uh like something you write in notebook or something so I so I just had these notes from a whole month so in this database with this embedding inspector search so I can just go back when did I had the meeting with that client and I just run it in Python and it pulled up that meeting and gave me the date and time so it's basically you can search your own notes so you can do that with the YouTube script you were talking about just feed all of your your data into that knowledge base and you can do ideas from that interesting but but let's talk about this because my as I said I haven't played around with fine tuning enough to answer all this but what in your mind what is the difference between the knowledge base and the fine tuning okay so the fine tuning it it's really easy to misunderstand it misunderstood it because uh basically what you get when you find your normal is that you you find you in the format you can't really do anything about the model because that is the foundation right so you can't add knowledge to the model that that doesn't work so the only thing a specific output output is that correct yeah you try to fine tune to get the exactly the format you want so if you want a poem every time you type something in you want to have four power of power or a YouTube script yeah so then you feed it like uh 200 examples send it into open eye for fine tuning and hope that works but it's really difficult to pull off in in my opinion okay all right and then the knowledge base is more like adding information to the knowledge so as you guys know chat GPT is trained on let's say The Wider internet a data set that is that is kind of plus minus the internet um which includes Wikipedia and and all the books that are that have been digitized and like most of them and essentially what this what what Chris is talking about here and what he's recommending is adding another Pool of information to that Source data so if you have like all your dentist knowledge uh that chat GPT might not be aware of themselves by the way I worked with a bunch of Dentistry clients so I know all about profile access and that type of stuff you know anyway um that's that's a really good way to add further knowledge but if you're looking for a very specific output AKA a YouTube script or maybe a poem in a certain structure or you're looking for like an annual report or like a weekly report that always looks the same way then fine tuning is your friend but just be aware that's going to be more on the expensive side as opposed to the other one which is just which I I suppose is a bit of a technical challenge but that's about it yeah and it's a lot of like this garbage in garbage outright if you feel it a bad data set then you're probably gonna get something bad in return all right good to know good to know and also there's apps out there that make this pretty simple right um there's there's one I I can say that's they're not a sponsor but I just featured them on last week's newsletter because I thought they were so cool I think it's called ingest AI dot IO you can just check it out in just AI I realized I got some emails back with people saying hey man this is no this is a little it's a little too advanced and then it made me reconsider it because like yeah you have to kind of like hook up a telegram bot and you have to like upload the PDF but what it allows you to do is you can create like a telegram bot where you create custom commands and it accesses the knowledge pool that you feed it and it's it's kind of like the the medium route so if you guys want really want to go that go with that just go to my newsletter archive or check out the I hopefully you guys are subscribed what the heck if you're watching this not not subscribe to the newsletter like you have a you go do that right now but last week's newsletter I featured that appest app of the week um because it allows you to exactly this you can you could take all the dentist Dentistry knowledge and you could like format in a PDF and then feed it to ingest Ai and hook up a telegram bot and then you know you could sell out to clients and say like all you need to do is say slash whatever and it's gonna give you the answers that are inside of the PDF you've added which is really cool yeah I don't something I think it was on I had this La client something we do with Netflix or something and they really wanted me to create something in Python that you know these movie scripts right yeah yeah it's a hassle for the actors to read everything because they get like 10 of these each week yeah so what they wanted me to do was to create this script that just feed in a PDF movie script and summarizes it and makes this character breakdowns this plot synopsis and all of these things so I made this for him and I think it worked pretty good actually and he said and he yeah I got paid for that so wow he was very happy so right there the real world use case and I mean custom Solutions like this um it's incredible and look again this comes back to what we said ease of use it might exist out there right but guys just if you have a client or if you know somebody who has specific needs it is so easy to just tell them hey I've been into this I can build you this PDF to summary converter I can provide that to you and they're gonna pay you just for ease of use they don't want to go out there and listen to you know like a two hour long live stream like this and get all the data themselves they want to go out and have a drink with the boys or whatever they do on their nights off right and and then you come in this you're interested in this anyway you can leverage that most people are not into this techy stuff it's it's just how it is and just because we are doesn't mean that the whole world works like this and if you just make it easy and accessible for them they're gonna pay you for it and maybe honestly if you're educated enough you can like all these AI apps we talk about you could just take those use those web interfaces and and sell out to them I I don't think there's a problem with that they don't know you know like literally you could just you could be the middleman in this situation is this how you're going to make your living for the next 60 years no but it can be a great way to you know get your life off the ground and you can start offering these services that are available at next no cost online so yeah a lot of opportunities that we outlined here today I hope you guys I hope it's if this like changes one person's decision making I'm gonna get a better night of sleep tonight than I would have otherwise so so yeah Daniel is asking a question here um so how can you make chat you PT not respond to the original message and only respond after you write something um so you mean okay I think I think I know what it means like how how do you train it um without it responding right away so yeah if you use the web interface you just run two messages but in code there's a different there's a different I don't know it by heart now um one is user and the second the the answer is assistant right the the prompt you put in this user and the third one is can you remind me if there's user the system and assistant is this a system is the third one exactly yeah so so the way you do it you have a line of code which this system uh and and then you give it the prompt there's a certain formatting to each which you just copy paste but essentially it's a system and there you set up the type of chat bot you want and then there's a second line which is user and there you say write me an essay about penguins um so that that's how it works Daniel there's one uh there's a cert there's a specific command um and that too is going to be shown off in the video coming out later tonight so oh that's good yeah amazing so I think this has been great man it's been an hour can you believe that yeah question it's crazy um I'm actually really happy with with how this went and all the things we managed to cover a lot of good questions a lot of interesting discussions here um but I think it's about time to wrap this up I'm gonna you know I'm gonna press this button and hope this music is fitting oh yeah this is a fitting music it's fine um I think this is gonna be it for for today you guys so two things you got to do now first of all check out Chris's Channel fantastic python GPT related content check out the video coming out later tonight on my channel which takes you by the hands and takes you from zero to one it's gonna show you how to get started with all this how to build your own things and yeah we'll be around next week every week 7 PM Central European Time on Monday yeah you can find me here blabbering all about Chachi PT I hope you guys enjoyed this I hope you guys got a lot of value from it yeah see you around soon see you in the Discord bye Chris bye bye perfect yeah man this looks great foreign
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 4,842
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Id: 1tTdRnwlHhk
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Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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