Overcoming Life's Trials

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the exciting part to it is when I was going through it it was not funny you I love it when I can laugh now when I was going through it I was not lovely as I was prepping it oh but isn't it wonderful that the very thing that I thought was bad in my life is the reason why the world will listen to me now James chapter 1 verses 2 to 4 as it is and as it usually is because of God's calling on our church God's messages to us although the minister to earth in our present circumstances they are usually also strategic to prepare us for the things that God sees coming ahead James chapter 1 verses 2 to form in the New International Version it says counted pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance lead perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything overcoming life's trials the first time I did a study on James chapter 1 when I go to vast - I got talked I got stuck because my mind was dealing with something that I could not understand consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds ah I thought it was a mistake I should get excited over trials and then not just trials these trials of many kinds different species of trials and I should get excited I'll never forget it because it is one of those days that God ministered to me country all joy when you fall into diverse trials and temptations and then I came to the next word knowing this it is because you know that's it that's it that is what makes it possible because you know so the real issue in life is not so much what happens to us but our perspective it's our interpretation of it our understanding of it how we see it someone sees a situation says oh I'm dead another one since the same situation and says this is my opportunity also it's a matter of perspective so I know this is one topic that's sometimes confusing to young Christians because we tell people Jesus died to call your prince to call your troubles on the cross now you come to Jesus you find peace and sometimes if we don't give people the complete message we make it look like their lives are going to be perfect in this world but this world is not perfect God made it perfect mass disobedience brought in the trouble now the trouble is not going yet Satan is still here doing whatever it is he wants to do and he is still able to find people that he can use as platforms because it is people's minds and hearts that he uses as platforms to influence our world that's still on so people get confused after they become Christians and then they have challenges in their lives and it's like oh my god I thought they said this was going to be a good life why is this happening to me if I some people wonder why it is after they become Christians that their lives just turned upside down even when I was not a Christian these were not as difficult as this where is it bad news here bad news on the job problems with accommodation of problem with the and all that well it's the reason why we need to discuss this over the next few weeks so what what are trials Awards a trial now of course I know practically all of us have had the word trial when they discuss what happens in the low-cut so we'll stay away from the legal definition or the definition according to the legal system okay but the other dimension to the definition of trial is trying testing or putting to the proof something for example car manufacturers try their cars they make the models and then they test them for safety for example and I've seen some of the videos where they don't put a human being in those kind they put dummies and then they race those cars to run and then run them into walls but they have all kinds of gadgets attached what are they trying to see whether what they have produced meets up to what they designed and when you are testing for safety you know this is about human life they want to see whether the airbags will deploy they want to see the impact that maybe the front of the car maybe the dashboard or even the steering would have on the driver or the front passenger they want to see whether the seat belts are going to work and all of that that's trial just testing what other thing has the capacity to do what it was designed to do last year I read about such a trial or test for an aircraft can you imagine the bill an aircraft and filled it with dummies like human beings you know strap them in their seatbelts and all of that not a single human being in the aircraft they flew that aircraft or a jumbo jet you know in the desert flew it very high and then dropped it and crushed it try to make it look exactly like what will happen during the you know if an air crash happens and then they had all the gate gadgets there reading and transmitted everything that happened upon impact and all that it's remarkable that's trial so when a Christian is tried and tested you understand sometimes why I'm just defining tryied as oh yeah I'm just defining trial maybe now some people will understand where you are some of those crashes just to see whether if you ask the cop those guys to choose whether to be tested or not they will not choose to be tested I promise you a trial also means tentative or experimental action in order to ascertain results or experimenting still the same thing subjection to suffering or Grievous experiences a distressed or painful state when someone is going to a very difficult time we consider that to be a trial the reasons for trials want to test our motives and values I want us to look into God's Word and pick out some of the reasons you'll find a whole lot more its Bible study I will just want to start you out on the track to test our motives and values especially after we receive a revelation or promise this is one of the most helpful things that I found from scriptures the tournament after eight verses one to three God says to Israel the Lord your God cost you to go through this terrible wilderness allowed you to hunger and to fast he said so that he might test you is that so that he might prove you test you to know what was a your heart whether you would obey His commandments or not and so that he might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God in life we go through many trials God's plan for us is to live a victorious life every day he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I trust Psalm 91 verses 1 & 2 in this new series by Sam Eddie Jimmy you will learn how to truly overcome trials and come through stronger and win you will see topics such as turning your pain into game overcoming trials enjoying stability in crisis handling adversity and much more God wants you to be able to overcome every trial in your life today we would like to offer you this three-part series for a love gift of $25 or more when you call us today pastor Sam wants you to overcome always and take territories this season start today with this series that shows you practical steps to living a victorious life through Christ to receive this life-changing series call now +44 151 eight zero eight zero three twelve or visits a madea meet net call the number on your screen today and start your journey to a victorious life so in mark chapter 4 Jesus tells the story the parable of the sower when he explained he said the seed is the word of God the seed is the word of God that's an especially Luke chapter 8 verse 13 he said the seed is the word of God any verse 14 then he said that the birds of the air that came to pick some seeds this is what happens he said when revelation comes into a person's heart he said the devil comes a Satan comes and steals the word the moment God gives you a promise or a revelation you become a magnet for Sita Satan knows the most potent force on this planet or the most potent resource is revelation the universe's were created by God's Word Hebrews 1:3 says God upholds all things by the word of his power Satan knows that the future is in Revelation when God gives you a revelation he gave you the future if you can not try it will come into manifestation Satan knows it's a process that cannot be stopped the best thing to do kill that see it kill it so the first thing he does is to steal it - steal revelation and then later you know Jesus spoke about the seed that fell among thorns and when Jesus explained it he said and when persecution arises for the word sake that's interested persecution Trials come just because of what revelation so if Satan comes at you hard it means you're carrying something heavy someone say amen to that another reason for trial - but in us passive Ahrens we read that in the passage because you know that the testing of your faith produces what passive Aaron's - but perseverance which we need to see God's promises fulfilled we need perseverance win need the capacity to hold on on the long tab you can't be fruitful in this Christian life if all you want a quick results destiny can't be microwaved into fulfillment thank God for microwave these days we wanted fast fast quick now some promises that God will give you will take 25 years to find fulfillment ask Abraham so you know something how do you think God feel sometimes when we're asking him just one year out just one year after he gave the promise were saying Lord where are you what are you talking about 24 years to go the book by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki why we want you to be rich and there was a portion there where they spoke about staying power and donut from spoke about a particular project that he pursued he had issues issues a major real estate development project in New York issues issues the team came through after 70 years then he asked how many people do you know can stay with a project overcoming challenge after challenge after challenge for 17 years before they see it come to pass he said not many is that way there are few billionaires so the trials come away to develop in US capacity for perseverance because we need that to see God's promises fulfilled third reason for trials to forge in knows humility to forge in all humility like I spoke about Peter earlier on because we human beings always have the tendency to operate our capacity over rate asar so in second Corinthians 12 2nd Corinthians 12 Paul the Apostle described someone who was taken to the third heavens to revelations that was near night one parameter to discuss with human beings then he said lest I should be puffed up with pride because of the abundance of these revelations I mean you went to the third heaven where God dwells he said he saw things he was not even permitted to discuss with human beings because people won't have their brains will explore their have capacity to handle distance time when you get revelations like that and you are working on the street you know you are not normal your perspectives I have God's perspective the things that people are worried about don't even bother you you what people while you are reading on the headlines today for you is old news the things that are happening now in the contrary on the one body you've seen 25 years ahead or 50 years even you will know that you are not ordinary when people talk around you it would be irritated I'm serious it's very easy to be impatient what are you talking about that's not the way it's going yeah but the United Nations says United nothing I know where this thing is great they'll bored bored bored bored short oh what are you talking about I I've seen angels I saw Jesus I saw God the Father is that less I should be he said a messenger of Satan was allowed to harass me ah he said concerning this thing I pray to the Lord three times that is you take it away what did God say my grace is sufficient for you let's leave it you become so powerful you don't need me anymore if we don't live something in your life that will make you to need God you will need to pray anymore so I am NOT like that you will just self-destruct so trials come sometimes so we can remember where we are for this humility before reason why trials come just simply because you are a Christian you know while some people are wondering why should I a Christian have to go through all this as a Christian yes so I'm just trying to say that the fact that you are a Christian is the reason why you should go through the trial yes there should be you because somebody says why me and the question is why not you why should this be happening to me okay so who should it be happening to will you make some suggestions to God hahaha I know some people will say please send it to sister Janet not me first Peter chapter 4 I want to read verses 12 to 16 it says New International Version dear friends do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you as though something strange were happening to you but rejoice in as much as you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed verse 14 if you are insulted because of the name of Christ you are blessed for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you if you suffer it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal or even as a meddler verse 16 however if you suffer as a Christian do not be ashamed but praise God that you bear that name Amen elicit for the simple fact that you've accepted Christ as your king the world systems will fight you Satan will fight you just for the fact that you're a Christian you will attract trouble sometimes some people say you know what that's why I don't like all this particular warfare preachers be attacking the devil devil devil devil and when you attack them like that they will come back to attack you why don't you just leave the devil so that he can leave you ah sorry doesn't work like that hmm Satan doesn't need to be left if we stick home for you just for the fact that you subscribe to Christ as Lord he's coming for you it says you suffer as a Christian it said both rejoice it sign if you had no values that I would not have paid attention to you that's the other way to see it isn't it Satan is strategic he doesn't waste his time on people who have no value spiritual non entities people who have no consequence when it comes after you hard it means you are calling something big bear that in mind amen these days everyone is always on the go we understand that life gets busy thankfully we've created a way for you to stay connected to Sam adeyemi ministries regularly wherever you are and whatever time of day introducing the new Sam at AME ministries app with the app you can now obtain the most important ministry updates immediately you can listen and even purchase messages you've missed or want to hear again and you'll now have access to the best learning tools to help you along every aspect of the journey of life download it today available in Apple Store and Google Play you know most people can't imagine where I'm coming from except I tell my story it's you guys who know my story most of you don't know if they see me where see me drive the car that I Drive someone who just blues college can it ever happen for me this the kind of magic till I tell my story so the first assumption is that I can't understand what they're going through and then the only way I know to get the attention of someone like that is to tell my story I'm telling you it gets people's attention and I tell them I said look I know what it's like to be poor in an environment like this tell them how I know what it's like to wake up in the house in the morning and there's no food in the house anything Hey ah are you talking about I have bought used clothes before we call them second-hand clothes right or bend down whatever it is I died I bought them I washed them I owned them very well wore them I've been there but both shoes on credit I've been there when I get down to Luke it's really put I don't know how to use toothpaste poor people you appreciate the value so I tell them the rich people they depress the tube anywhere you don't do that hey-oh where I'm coming from you press it from the bottom gradually you press it gradually from the bottom carefully you make sure there is no space it doesn't bother anywhere the priest must not hide anywhere you push it gradually small peanut size because I tell them I've brushed before with no toothpaste so when you get the toothpaste you value it by the time you finally I pass everyone's pushed out of the paste then you use the brush to scrape them out of the tube and then after that you take a knife and cut scrapped everything off by the time I described that somebody this guy understands what I'm going through I think this man understands the exciting part to it is when I was going through it it was not funny I love it when I can laugh now when I was going through it I was not lovely as I was rapidly do but isn't it wonderful but the very thing that I thought was bad in my life is the reason why the world will listen to me now so let's shut it down on second Corinthians chapter 4 P verses 16 to 18 2nd Corinthians 4 16 to 18 therefore we do not lose heart though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all so we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary what is unseen you may be going through stuff now it's temporary God's gonna get some big good out of this take us Sampson testified out of the eater came on isn't it amazing what was meant what was destroying other people something got food out of it i prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ however difficult it may seem to be the very reason why people criticize you now you look down on you talk to you like you're stupid you don't know what you should do the very reason now why people are carrying your story away around scandalizing you backbiting the very reason why people disrespect you even now just because you are going through stuff that thing will become the story why the world will listen to you in life we go through many trials God's plan for us is to live a victorious life every day he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I trust Psalm 91 verses 1 and 2 in this new series by sammedi Yemi you will learn how to truly overcome trials and come through stronger and win you will see topics such as turning your pain into game overcoming trials enjoying stability in crisis handling adversity and much more God wants you to be able to overcome every trial in your life today we would like to offer you this three-part series for a love gift of $25 or more when you call us today pastor Sam wants you to overcome always and take territories this season start today with this series that shows you practical steps to living a victorious life through Christ to receive this life-changing series call now +44 151 eight zero eight zero three twelve or visits a madea meet net call the number on your screen today and start your journey to a victorious life these days everyone is always on the go we understand that life gets busy thankfully we've created a way for you to stay connected to Sam at AME ministries regularly wherever you are and whatever time of day introducing the new Sam at AME ministries app with the app you can now obtain the most important ministry updates immediately you can listen and even purchase messages you've missed or want to hear again and you'll now have access to the best learning tools to help you along every aspect of the journey of life download it today available in Apple Store and Google Play you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 37,425
Rating: 4.8300285 out of 5
Keywords: Sam Adeyemi Ministries, Pastor Sam Adeyemi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2016
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