Start Your BUSINESS with Sam Adeyemi | Think Like A CEO

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[Music] this is the basic thing about creating wealth its first in state of mind wealth creation is basically a function of the mind you've got to be able to see yourself as being wealthy that's the starting point it sounds so simple but since Sally speaking shifting thoughts in your mind and along with them your emotions is one of the most powerful things you could do to change your life because when you shift things on the inside like that you are shifting things big time on the outside the way you've been designed as a human being the control that you have over your life that is most effective it's changing your thoughts and changing your emotions so well the people believe that they are worthy somebody says oh sure they have all the money anyway why should they believe well the point is whether they have money or not they believe that they are wealthy the way they see the world is different from the way other people see the world they see abundance most people see scarcity to them wealth is a zero-sum game there's only a particular amount of wealth in the world and for you to be able to get a slice of it somebody has to lose their own slice or part of this it's not like that absolutely not well it is infinite in other words you don't have to touch any of what somebody has already you can create yours it all begins in your imagination and it all begins with your belief system so it's either you believe the audacity of money you believed as custody of opportunities and resources and that scarcity conditions your thinking conditions your perspective colors the way you see your world and makes it difficult for you to recognize opportunities for making money or deep down in your heart you believe that there is abundance in our world and you see yourself as a problem solver with that once you look at how old and you see what are the people call problems you spot opportunities people are hungry oh my god that that's some huge opportunity for selling food people don't want to walk around naked then it clothes ok so just simply providing what people need that is what business is about and when you realize that human need is endless then you realize opportunities for creating wealth are endless it is absolutely predictable that people are gonna eat tomorrow they're gonna eat day after tomorrow they're gonna eat next month next year they'll still be eating the year after that you'll be eating five decades from now people will be eating the opportunities for creating wealth are practically endless it all starts from the mind so that's a starting point here today because the topic were discussing is the mindset for business it's a mindset there are some people wherever you throw them even in the desert they'll be thinking business they'll be thinking about what to sell yeah because human needs are insatiable they never end and wherever you have people you will always have needs that you can meet either with some product or with some service if you ever said to yourself I'm not cut out for business I can't do business that's where we have to start from you know why because you can take the out you can check out the people doing business they don't have to hedge they don't have seven legs they are composed just exactly like you and the difference between them and you is here it's in the mind change what you believe about yourself I'm not the business type there's nothing like that I know yes people have different gifts people have different strands but I'm simply saying there's practically nothing that you would like to do that cannot result in the business mm-hmm so change what do you believe about yourself you need a big shift in your thinking I'm simply here to tell you you're more powerful than you think you are change your belief take apart your thoughts your most dominant thoughts especially what you think about yourself shift it okay go positive see yourself in a new light if you know how to pray pray because sometimes we need help to be able to do this some of us have been just so used to living our lives in a particular way maybe we were raised in a family where there were no entrepreneurs and it looks vague it looks daunting it looks big it looks unachievable to us but you can shift your thinking and this is my point just shift your thinking in terms of your ability to meet needs in terms of your ability to solve problems take your mind off money yep it's one of the important reasons why you should start a business but the greater reasons of purpose for doing business is solving problems for people first on a small and then later on a large-scale period that's what business is about yeah people need to drink water I am able to buy the water at wholesale rate I said the word I said water to them with a little bit of profit on it that is the business let's bring the definition down you know to something really simple shift your belief system about yourself it's your belief that matters because the way this thing works what we believe is what we become shift your belief system something happened to me when I told myself I am NOT poor and I can never be poor again the rest of my life I'm rich I had nothing but I found out that what you believe is what you become don't let your circumstances not even your history dictate your destiny one other thing I like to add is this because it's about mindset and about what you believe how you see yourself and how you see your world you need to see people's needs as opportunities not as problems I say that again see people's needs as opportunities and not as problems so the next time you hear someone describing their problem let's say somebody says you know what I'm really really hungry right now see it in a different way that's an opportunity that's an opportunity because you will find many instances where people are hungry but they cannot afford the time to go buy what they need to eat can you run the errand that's the money the next time you hear someone describing a problem there's money there if somebody's sick that's opportunity for healthcare that's opportunity for the doctor that's opportunity for the nurse that's opportunity for the families pharmacists there opportunities there just shift your mind from here to see people's needs not as problems but as opportunities somebody says oh my big challenge right now is that I don't know how to do this thing I don't know how to change a car tire or I don't know how what's the need they're trying to meet their ignorance that's an opportunity for you to read a book an opportunity for you to record a video or an audio an opportunity for you to organize a seminar that's it don't see problems as problems anymore you get to the bus stop probably there are so many people that the buses are not enough Rud and join with other people to complain and to lament why don't you ask yourself where is the money here everybody's complaining the buses are not enough there's opportunity for mob bosses that's what it means okay so first shift your mindset about who you are you're more blessed than you think you are if you ever use your circumstances to define who you are you're going to make serious mistakes you are better than you loop now you know one of the things that helped me many years ago I had dreams I had dreams my circumstances didn't look like it and then I began to say to myself I am better than this I am more than this I am better than this you know I love it because my outside was trying to shape my inside so I fought back I refused it I told myself I am better than this so with that I maintained who I was on the inside and who I was on the inside eventually became Who I am on the outside fight your mind battles hold on strongly a sense of identity you are a problem solver on this planet in our world will reward you for it yeah let the business begin from your mind
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 33,196
Rating: 4.9429588 out of 5
Id: C5sM4Gi_CMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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