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today on excellent leadership with Samedi ma the fact for example that I stand here and I'm the one who preaches and thousands and thousands of people come to listen to me is not proof that are more special than the people who call when you don't understand it even in church we mix serious mistakes I am NOT more important than the people standing on the road right now directing traffic and arranging our cars it's our roles that are different in terms of value we're exactly the same in God's eyes but the consequence is the impact of our actions are different but in terms of intrinsic value whether safe so when I have the opportunity I say to my associates who work with me the fact that thousands of people come is not proof that I am special they are not here because I am special I am here because be a special okay welcome to a broadcast today this must be your season of promotion it must be there must be a reason why God is asking us to discuss humility and you see the Bible says that God resists the proud but he gives grace he gives his a merited favor he gives his acts of benevolence to those who are humble so you get ready for miracles for divine intervention in your affair get ready for a supernatural turnaround and today specifically we discuss humility and leadership map you see traditionally the way some people define leadership it just is not supposed to go with the word humility but tell you that God kind of leadership the Jesus kind of leadership that recognizes that the essence of leadership is service and that service is the path to greatness if that kind of leadership is hummer so I pray in the name of Jesus Christ as you listen to this broadcast that heaven will just give you the clear ideas about the next thing you should do and listen as God lifts you up you're never coming down when God leads you no one can pull you down when he blesses you no one can curse you so in the name of Jesus Christ the part of the ghost is like a shining light it shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day proverbs 4:18 so your story will get sweeter and sweeter you will move from glory to glory as the days go by let me step aside so you can enjoy this message god bless you proverbs 25 27 let's go it is not good to eat much honey so the sick one's own glory is not glory today we're discussing humility and leadership humility and leadership the question really is can the two go together humility and leadership because when you consider the concept that many people have about leadership it seems like you need a little dose of arrogance to be an effective leader in fact some of you believe that you need some measure of arrogance before you can even rise in leadership can humility and leadership work together the reality of course is that many have failed and many are failing in leadership who attribute their failure to different things but do not realize that the major reason is pride many have failed in leadership many are failing in leadership at different levels because leadership happens at all levels but many have not correctly diagnosed what the problem is and its pride in first Timothy chapter 3 and verse 6 Paul the Apostle was writing to his protégée Timothy who was pastor of the church in Ephesus he was giving him the qualities that he should seek for in someone before such a person could be appointed into a position of leadership in the church so he said amongst other things first moody 3 verse 6 not a novice lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil not being puffed up with pride because it's a novice so he's saying don't put someone who is not spiritually mature in a position of leadership it will trip him up he said he will be puffed up see that's what happens that as our profile arises as the title increases in import with more authority to go with it and more money and the pecs that go with such positions so our ego also is popped up our sense of self-importance is also popped up in fact some people there Tommy's also popped up because of the weakness of human nature many people find it difficult to be lifted up without being puffed up it is called hubris hubris some people talk about your promotion or success getting into your head proverbs 18 12 says that pride goes before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction so remember again first Timothy three six lest he be lifted up fall down so some people go up and come down and the problem is pride if you're looking for an example of someone who could not manage power I think Satan is the number one example created an archangel absolutely beautiful top position in heaven and yet God carried away and was thrown out of heaven with all the angels that rebelled with him if you are looking for an excellent example of how to manage power I present Jesus as the ultimate example of someone who knew how to manage power if you want to therefore develop the capacity to manage power and promotion be a good follower of Jesus can you imagine what it would be like if we were all truly humble thinking less of yourself living a pride free life God wants us to manage promotion pride is a product of the sin nature and all of us are born with a sin nature the higher you go the more prideful we can be to be humble we need the Holy Spirit to work through us so humble yourselves before God resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7 in this new series humility pastor Sam will teach on how to do a Pride check how to develop humility the benefits of humility and humility and leadership the humility series is such an important series and one that will give you purpose meaning and direction in every area of your life humility series can be yours for a love gift of $30 or more please call the number on the screen now or go to sam at a Yemi net for the humility series CD we would also like to offer you the promotional bundle this bundle includes the keys to supernatural promotion CD series positioning for promotion humility CD series and the book success is who you are these resources will help you grow in your study and build you for the next level of promotion in your life today call us at +44 151 eight zero eight zero three one two or visit us at are you ambitious for power ambitious for leadership ambitious for position what's really important to God is your answer to the question why why because if your ambition is selfish if all you want to do just be powerful just to be big for nothing you will use the resources that God is giving you the power the position to hurt someone so he wants it for you he wants you to have the power of you to have the money wants you to have the influence but the big question for him is what for so James for three he says you ask and you receive not because you ask amiss is the one who said ask and you shall receive but this is in this instance you ask and you receive that because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your own lusts so Jesus said no Jesus declined Satan said I will give everything to you if you will bow down and do what worship me see if you are not careful you will pay some dangerous prices just to be able to attain leadership and to acquire power and wealth if your motives are selfish Jesus said no I will wait for God if God wants me to have it I will get it if he doesn't give it to me it's not good for me or maybe it's not good for me yet so humility helped Jesus to pass the three tests people think that because they call you leader you have power if you don't add some arrogance to it you know people would think you are stupid well for Jesus who left his position and came down you remember that he took a towel wrapped it around himself and was washing the dirty feet of his disciples somebody says no no no that's a shame foot into you that's dishonor people no respect you if God give you ha no people recognize it so it says hell though he lowered himself like that God has highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every name no one ever got this kind of horn and promotion everyone who exalts himself will be humbled the one who humbles himself will be exalted let me wrap it up by doing a comparison between two people in Acts chapter 12 very interesting experience to people in acts of the twelve I will read from verse one to leaders let's take on first the first four verses acts up to twelve from verse one it says that's when king he rode got it into his head oh sorry I think I prefer to pick this from the New King James Version Acts chapter 12 and verse 1 now about that time here of the King stretched out his hand to harass song from the church then he killed James the brother of John with the sword remember what we said it's good to have power but if it's not power God's control you do something dangerous with it here on was a leader James was a leader here on was leader in government James was leader in church but he rod was being threatened for whatever reason by what James was doing he killed James verse three says and because he saw that it pleased the Jews he proceeded for that to cease PETA also now it was during the days of unleavened bread so when he had arrested him he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him intending to bring him before the people after the Passover he was going to kill PETA Wow that's power telling you that is bad jump to verse 20 now here on I've been very angry with the people of tyre and sidon but they came to him with one Accord and having meat blast was the King's personal ad their friend they asked for peace because their country was supplied with food by the Kings country their survival depended on he rode was 21 so on a set day he rode raiding Royal Opera sat on his throne and gave an oration to them and the people kept shouting the voice of God and not the voice this is the voice of Agartha not the voice of a man nobody ever spoke like this before I'm sure you know what it was in that they were going to die of hunger their survival depended on Herat we call these sycophancy mm-hmm pump up his ego tell him what he likes to hear about himself Sal there has never been anybody like you before in fact help him to cut everybody else down caught down T or the managers caught down the other directors caught down the previous one nobody sir whoever occupied this position as ever perform like this before the voice of a god not every man that's not the voice of a man as the voice of a god and he wrote was enjoying it can you imagine what it would be like if we were all truly humble thinking less of yourself living a pride free life God wants us to manage promotion pride is a product of the sin nature and all of us are born with a sin nature the higher you go the more prideful we can be to be humble we need the Holy Spirit to work through us so humble yourselves before God resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7 in this new series humility pastor Sam will teach on how to do a pride check how to develop humility the benefits of humility and humility and leadership the humility series is such an important series and one that will give you purpose meaning and direction in every area of your life humility series can be yours for a love gift of $30 or more please call the number on the screen now or go to sam at a Yemi net for the humility series CD we would also like to offer you the promotional bundle this bundle includes the keys to supernatural promotion CD series positioning for promotion humility CD series and the book success is who you are these resources will help you grow in your study and build you for the next level of promotion in your life today call us at +44 151 eight zero eight zero three one two or visit us at he's using it to cue people the other one has power and he's using it to empower people to bring healing and salvation to people one who didn't understand the purpose of power filled with pride with arrogance you know up until what observe here is that the two of them had encounters with angels hero angels rockin warms began to eat his body while he was standing up and he died Peter Engel stroking chains fell from his hand he walked out of prison free when the Angels likes you what will the angel meet inside you allow us to go home with a lesson from what Peter said I am also a man thank you there is something about leadership that makes people to think that they there be leaders means that they are more special than the people they are leading that they are more important than the people they are leading and I'm telling you if once you get that equation wrong once you get that equation wrong we are treading on a dangerous place no human being on this planet is intrinsically more important than another one not the leader in God's eyes does not intrinsically have more value than the follower it is the impact of the action of the leader that is greater than that of the follower but in terms of values are equal the fact for example that I stand here and I'm the one who preaches and thousands and thousands of you come to listen to me is not proof that are more special than the people who call when you don't understand it even in choice we make serious mistakes I am NOT more important than the people standing on the road right now directing traffic and arranging our class it's our roles that are different in terms of value we're exactly the same in God's eyes but the consequence is the impact of our actions are different but in terms of intrinsic value whether see so when I have the opportunity I say to my associates work with me the fact that thousands of people come is not proof that I am special they are not here because I am special I am here because they especially if they call you senator call you CEO call you governor or call you president it will help you to keep that at the back of your mind it's not because you are special that you are President or governor it's because they are special that's why God allowed gave you the opportunity occupy such a position to leverage on the collective resources on their behalf and God's economy will use power for service through humility welcome back I believe you've been blessed I was blessed teaching and also listening to the message so I believe God with you that every promotion that's been delayed is restored in the name of Jesus that's someone listening to me there's a document somewhere that bears your name heaven will bring it to somebody's attention now that someone they will have to hold the meeting let someone there's a phone call that has to go on your behalf today for someone it's an email that some communication that has to happen but you see your season of promotion is here in the Bible when it was time for someone's promotion there was a problem no one could solve until the one God wanted to promote like yourself or like David showed up so I prophesy in Jesus name this moment heaven will create opportunities that no one can use till you show up this is your season of joy announcer has a few things to share with you before we bring this broadcast to a close god bless you can you imagine what it would be like if we were all truly humble thinking less of yourself living a pride free life God wants us to manage promotion pride is a product of the sin nature and all of us are born with a sin nature the higher you go the more prideful we can be to be humble we need the Holy Spirit to work through us so humble yourselves before God resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7 in this new series humility pastor Sam will teach on how to do a Pride check how to develop humility the benefits of humility and humility and leadership the humility series is such an important series and one that will give you purpose meaning and direction in every area of your life humility series can be yours for a love gift of $30 or more please call the number on the screen now or go to sam at a Yemi net for the humility series CD we would also like to offer you the promotional bundle this bundle includes the keys to supernatural promotion CD series positioning for promotion humility CD series and the book success is who you are these resources will help you grow in your study and build you for the next level of promotion in your life today call us at +44 151 eight zero eight zero three one two or visit us at unthe let's touch people's lives together our broadcasts are watched over 200 countries and these messages are simple but profound life-changing practical and then we find opportunities you know to pay health bills for people who can afford you know to rebuild public schools to give food out to people and to families that can't afford it this ministry is about touching and transforming people's lives and we are excited at this opportunity Atma with us to join in touching and transforming people's lives God would bless you beyond your wildest imagination there'll be people praying for you in places even you can not imagine and that means that you will get blessings miracles you didn't even pray for thank you for joining us to make it happen
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 44,268
Rating: 4.8186398 out of 5
Keywords: sam adeyemi, nike adyemi, joyce meyer, Td Jakes, Humility, Leadership
Id: bhwUlEVM9Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2015
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