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today on excellent leadership with sama DMA what changed has scenario right there was the idea she got from the radio and acted on it and sincerely speaking for her yes it may just it made the difference from having nothing to having the capital for her business for some people sincerely speaking one idea brings a billion dollars welcome to our broadcast today we continue our discussions on financial increase in crisis times but specifically today we just want to focus on the principles of increase because what I find out is that in crisis times people become desperate and begin to try all sorts of things this is not the time to be desperate crisis times economically speaking a lot times to be desperate there are times to go back to the basics I have observed that for many people there's a disconnection in their minds this connection you know from the basic foundational principles that control the economic world a lot of the time these days when we think about money we don't think about value how do you get money without value this message is going to make the connections for you and since early speaking it's amazing life changing as we share those foundational principles the heart to do with money and listen those principles are there in the Bible and they drive the financial world so these principles are going to be applicable to your family applicable to your business applicable to your career or some principles I'm telling you so I can't wait let's get into the message and then I'll be back right after this message god bless you Acts chapter 3 and verse 6 all of us are going to read it together let's go then Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk amen we're discussing principles of increase and you would wonder what does this have to do with money in fact when you read the verse what you find that is silver and good I have not so passed away is the money in the verse you know in crisis times when a team is losing matches consistently and I know just my team was dealt with last night but just okay yes they beat my team last night but it's temporary it's a temporary setback hahahaha so especially when a good team is beginning to lose matches consistently the coach usually an experienced coach will not introduce sophisticated techniques what a coach will do is to take the team back to the basics back to the basics because whatever it is you want to do in life you can't build on nothing you always have to have a foundation a good grasp of the basics it's like whatever language you speak you have alphabets in the English language you have 26 alphabets if you say you know what I have a PhD in English I'm now really really sophisticated I'm too much to be dealing with ABCD efg I only deal with sophisticated vocabulary fantastic so if we take ABC d e f g h 2z out of your brain well we left everything in arithmetic cannot go beyond 0 to 9 however big the figure may be if you take 0 to 9 out there's nothing left am i right good so when we find ourselves in times like we're in when you have economic crises and so on it's not the time to panic and it's not the time to first of all look for sophisticated techniques we need to go back to the basics we need to go back to the basics so there are some basics that God's given us some good grasp of in this house and I just wanted to remind us of some of them first that real world is more than money real world is more than cash money is one factor that controls the thinking of almost everybody on our planet right now but when you are a Christian you have to remember that you are part of a system that is more sophisticated more powerful infinitely richer than any system man would ever build and you have to learn to function within that system you need to learn to walk that system because jesus said in Matthew 16:19 behold I give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven the keys to the kingdom no you I the kingdom already but I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and he says when you learn and you know how to use those keys whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven or whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven whatever you permit will be permitted in other words using those keys will help you to operate in Dominion to have mastery over the forces of this planet that's why I had us read Acts chapter 3 verse 6 because the people who worked closely with Jesus when he was here had land in three short years how to operate on a kingdom dimension you remember the message of Jesus to them was repent change your thinking change your way of life the Kingdom of Heaven the government of heaven a superior system is here and he began to teach them how to operate in the system that's why they will get to the point where Peter would say look at silver and gold have not but what I have I will give you if you operate you know on the mindset that drives most of our world today you would say silver and gold I have known period a full-stop if you don't have money you don't have anything the poor man is a nobody you know and you realize many people believe that especially in the parts of the world where there's a lot of deprivation I see also that in the developed part of the world there are communities there are parts you know there are subcultures that are rooted in poverty you may feel that you're in the biggest crisis of your life right now this may be the big one to you but God cares about you your crisis as big as what it may seem only takes a small move of God to set it in order in this new series by Sam a DME you will discover the sequence to financial increase in a time of crisis and how to work through the crisis and still hold on to God you will discover keys to financial strategy how to plan and improve your financial situation radically step-by-step guide to overcoming financial crisis and discover God's financial plan for you and much more this series by Sam a DMA could be an important series for you at this time of year to obtain financial increase that will change this year for you in this new series you will receive the financial increase series CD set and the book parable of dollars the book will show you step-by-step approach to financial strategy and abundance God's way so call the number on your screen now for a love gift of $30 or more you can receive a copy of this series today this product is also available for download at sam a DME net to order please call plus forty four one five one eight zero eight zero three one two or go to sam at a Yemi net so if we go down to the basics and the real foundation our principle the real money is not the paper the real money is the value that the paper represents because you find out they use the same paper to produce one dollar as they used to produce one on red dollars what makes the difference is what is printed on it know if the real value was in the paper then the 100 dollar bill should be 100 times the size of the one dollar bill one of those things also that we have emphasized here is the fact that it was Munda created money God didn't create money man did so when you think like God which is what Christ did your thinking will rise above money you will use it like Jesus did they said if you pay taxes he paid the taxes with the money if I they wanted to trap him because they knew that he was claiming to belong to a system that was higher than the financial system so when they wanted to trap him then they then they came to him you know and wanted to trap him with the question and he said Luke bring the money bring the money let's look at it bring the money and they bad who speak choice on this they said Caesar is fantastic then give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God this guy's much your problem is you're finding it difficult to function in two worlds at the same time you find it difficult to belong to two systems at the same time I don't have a problem with that man was designed to function like that from the beginning a spirit being who can relate with the spiritual world physical being who can relate with the material world take care of the two but when you learn to function in both at the same time the wisdom you need to have is how to access wealth in the intangible world and to learn to convert it to the physical so you can function in both worlds so pita comes and says son they said we must pay our taxes it says pita you know what we could claim our spiritual citizenship and insist on not paying anything because God owns everything and princes in the palace don't pay nothing we could claim that but this guys won't understand us pita go down to the river catch a fish the first one you catch you will find money in its mouth use that money to pay taxes for you and me we're higher than this system we're higher than this system good deal money is value real money is value and you can't see value with your eyes am i right good so don't ever tie your sense of being rich or poor and of course you shouldn't keep a mindset of being poor don't tie it the availability or non availability of money as man knows it these guys in Acts chapter 3 were simply expressing the fact that even though they didn't have material wealth they didn't see themselves as poor silver and gold I have known but what I have I have something say and uncle it's superior to what you are asking for in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth stand up and walk whoa the guy got bored and he asked for he was asking for money because he had accepted he state say what I have can change your status all together you won't even have to be begging for money thank you lord so keep that at the back of your mind those are the basics when you have that mindset therefore this is what you realize financial crisis may erode your financial and material world if it has not eroded your spiritual world it has not stolen your money or it cannot impoverish you amen yeah that was famine in Genesis chapter 12 and Abraham went down to Egypt and by the time he is coming out in Genesis 13 verse 1 the Bible says that he was very rich in silver in gold in cattle in everything it was very it is not amazing so when you have spiritual wealth what you just need is the wisdom to convert it crisis cannot effectively erode your world Abraham when he was living gave his wealth to Isaac that Bible says he give everything to Isaac materially but what he gave to Isaac was modern material wealth he also delegated the blessing that blessing that God put on him he transferred it to Isaac so in Genesis 26 the Bible says that was from it and of course famine erodes material wealth Isaac was about to go down to Egypt like Abraham did and God said hold it hold it Isaac stay here you don't go down to Egypt the formula for you is different you stay here if you obey my voice I will bless you so the Bible tells us just a few verses down the line that Isaac sowed like everybody else in that year and he ripped a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him and he became prosperous and went on prospering until I became very prosperous and the Philistines MVD this season you will prosper let's move on the greatest store of value in heaven and on earth is revelation the greatest store of value is Revelation if I'll speak a language translated into a language outside of church I would say it is thoughts or ideas thoughts or ideas the greatest store of value thoughts or ideas when you put your world there the definition of wealth there you see why it's easier for you to try during crisis times because things may erode your material world but it's more difficult to steal your thoughts but I'll tell you this as a Christian that because Satan understands that your world is really really spiritual when you read the parable of the sower in Matthew 13 or Matt chapter 4 Jesus said this man was sowing seed some fell by the roadside and birds of the hare came and took the seat when jesus explained he said the seed is the word of God a seed is a store of value a seed is where God has stored millions of all increase and fruits the seed is where God has taught millions of tons of corn the seed the seed is where God has stoned has stored billions of human beings that will exist in the future the CDC store value and Jesus says the seed is the word of God these days everyone is always on the go we understand that life gets busy thankfully we've created a way for you to stay connected to Sam at AME ministries regularly wherever you are and whatever time of day introducing the new sam at AME ministries app with the app you can now obtain the most important ministry updates immediately you can listen and even purchase messages you missed or want to hear again and you'll now have access to the best learning tools to help you along every aspect of the journey of life download it today available in Apple Store and Google Play so when you ask God for a millionaire or $10,000 some pound sterling or euro just remember they don't print money in heaven if your brain is tied to money long after God has answered your prayers you'll still be asking him long after because what they spend in heaven is Revelation what they use for transaction in heaven is Revelation it's the word the word the word and God said and God said but John chapter 1 verse 14 seas and the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us Wow and the word became flesh they invisible became visible the intangible became tangible and dwelt amongst us so if I live in Nigeria I have a brother in the United States of America I need $100,000 I call my brother on the phone I know you're rich please send me a hundred thousand ere question do they spend naira in the United States no we don't spend Iran the United States we spend dollars well says they don't spend naira can your brother help you yes because the dollar is compatible right so your brother sends you the dollars the equivalent of the naira because it's convertible so that's why I love John 1:14 that the word the revelation or the thought the idea became flesh I like that so if God's going to give you anything he'll give you an idea he'll give you a thought he'll give me a revelation the most prosperous people in our world are prosperous because of their thoughts because of their ideas huh so what I'm wondering about tonight is how much money we have lost in this room all of us together in other words how many ideas God gave us how many thoughts how many instructions he gave us that we have not cached or that we even neglected or we did not even recognize that it had anything to do with our finances how so so person a lady was listening to me on radio on success power and I was using the story of a lady in the Bible who husband had just died creditors wanted to take her children and then she ran to the prophet of God and said help me and the Prophet asked her what do you have in the house he said I have nothing except a small towel Boyle said I was drawing illustration from that to say look God will never allow you to get to the point where there's nothing around you he can use to move you to the next level of inertia breakthrough you never allow that he didn't create human beings to be terrorized by luck and then I will always be something around you and as I was saying that and this lady was listening on radio a man was going by who was shouting bottles bottles if you've seen them before they buy bottles from people what is I don't need anymore and has the man started bottles her eyes fell on a crate of soft drinks bottles so she ran out told him to stop and took the crate sold it got some money from you know what our children are gone to school she didn't have a die in that house and no trace of food so she she sold a crate of bottles and then took the money and used it to go visit her uncle explained her situation the uncle said what do you want to do she said I have a business idea how much do you need he said it and the man went in counted the cash and give it to her what changed has scenario right there was the idea she got from the radio and acted on it and sincerely speaking for her yes it may just it made the difference from having nothing to having the capital for her business for some people since Ellis became one idea brings a billion dollars you may feel that you're in the biggest crisis of your life right now this may be the big one to you but God cares about you your crisis as big as what it may seem only takes a small move of God to set it in order in this new series by same at eme you will discover the sequence to financial increase in a time of crisis and how to work through the crisis and still hold on to God you will discover keys to financial strategy how to plan and improve your financial situation radically step-by-step guide to overcoming financial crisis and discover God's financial plan for you and much more this series by Sam a DMA could be an important series for you at this time of year to obtain financial increase that will change this year for you in this new series you will receive the financial increase series CD set and the book parable of dollars the book will show you step-by-step approach to financial strategy and abundance God's Way so call the number on your screen now for a love gift of thirty dollars or more you can receive a copy of this series today this product is also available for download at I am in it to order please call plus forty four one five one eight zero eight zero three one two or go to Sam at AME net these days everyone is always on the go we understand that life gets busy thankfully we've created a way for you to stay connected to Sam at AME ministries regularly wherever you are and whatever time of day introducing the new Sam at AME ministries app with the app you can now obtain the most important ministry updates immediately you can listen and even purchase messages you've missed or want to hear again and you'll now have access to the best learning tools to help you along every aspect of the journey of life download it today available in Apple Store and Google Play you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
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Id: 4FZ-VzKl61I
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Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2016
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