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[Music] strategy number five i will do something new i'll be open to trying something new i would be open to trying something new we just want to stay with what we are familiar with we want to stay around people we're familiar with but today i just want to challenge someone to be flexible i just want to challenge you to be open okay try something new we have this statement that's been credited to albert einstein for us to do the same thing over and over and to expect different results is the definition of insanity in other words it actually doesn't make sense we want to stay where we've been we want to be doing what we've been doing but everything is fizzling out things have changed so we don't have dinosaurs anymore in our world and honestly we would have believed that they were works of fiction that they never existed before if not that we actually have their bones we do we have their votes they existed but they're not here anymore why well we're told that the environment changed suddenly around them they could not adapt they could not change along with the environment they fizzled out it's the same thing same thing for the careers of individuals you know same thing for organizations when the change that is happening in the environment is faster than the change that is happening in the person living in the environment the person fizzles out so don't freeze along dare to do something you have never done before during this season as my big call to you right now but i've never done that before fantastic there's always a first time there is always a first time i am grateful for the times that i have a dad yeah i've had bad some things and i'm grateful for the times that i did i'm grateful for the experiments honestly many of the things i've tried did not work out but of course why do they call you an expert after some time simply because with experience you get to know that's if you learn from your failures you get to know what works and what doesn't work each failure moves you closer to success because failing is learning one more way by which it doesn't work so you you getting closer and closer to what works that's it i have absolutely no regrets for all the experiments have i have carried out for all the new things i have tried today absolutely absolutely no regrets there to do something you have never done before but i've never written a book before this is the time to write it but i don't know i have never started the business before there's always a first time let's start now right but i've never met that person before there's always a first time sending your requests and requests for a meeting after you do you want to get people's attention you find ways to add value to them that opens the door faster than focusing on what to get from them why because people that are capable of helping have a lot of demand on them you can stand out okay by paying attention to them you know not being selfless exactly not focusing only on yourself and what to get but also thinking about them people have need people have needs rich people have leads to powerful people have needs if we pay attention we'll be able to see what those needs are fantastic all right so you know what um i was thinking you know about our discussion in earlier today and i was thinking what other thing have i done that i wish i could change um i'll tell you i did not have a long term plan i regret that i wanted i set a big goal that was when i was launching out of my own i set this big goal for the first year and by the time we were done you know we had achieved less than 30 of that goal oh my god i came on the tremendous pressure i came under tremendous pressure you know i i felt like i was failing i i'm looking back now all right 25 years later i'm looking back and i'm realizing it was just a complete waste of time we were just starting and it's simply because my plan was only for one year so i tell anybody starting anything right now i know things are changing so fast a lot it almost doesn't there's for me to be planning for a year to talk about three or five i tell people do the five-year plan all the same do the three-year plan all the same see the point is the person that has a plan has a better chance of adapting than the person that has no plan at all when things change rapidly when i therefore uh coach my prodigies i tell them do a three-year plan okay is start modestly bringing character bringing maturity bringing patience see that's it especially when we've experienced you know deprivation or you know a setback then we won't launch back big and these days honestly the things we see consistently don't help us anymore especially on on social media on tv and so on things happen really fast there plants grow very fast after all the editing unfortunately when it comes to you know real life planting corn and harvesting it you can't edit nothing you can't edit the dates out have you noticed when it comes to calling the baby in the womb and delivering the baby you can't edit the dates and deliver the baby after nine days sorry so it's life okay so be patient set small goals for a start achieve them find what works some people want to start a business and they want to learn a large amount of money excuse me who carries out an experiment with large quantities of chemicals who does you want to burn down the laboratory if something goes wrong start small find what works then scale up from that okay so that's it i have learned a lot by experimenting by not giving up by bouncing back even when things have gone down south i hope this has been helpful to you thank you for joining this movement because it's a movement and honestly we're going to beat the horse we're going to surmount our challenges and we're going to live happier and more fulfilled lives from all of us here at success power i want to wish you a good evening a good afternoon good morning all a good night bye for now
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 2,103
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: FPVflzKOyP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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