Be The MAGNET with Sam Adeyemi

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[Music] the law of magnetism works with a human being we have the capacity to attract we have the capacity to repel it's remarkable how people would be tired of poverty but would repel prosperity because they do not realize that they are magnet you know it's negative what they have inside is poverty but they want to attract prosperity makes it a frustrating experience and then you know what makes it even more frustrating is when you see how easy it is for some other people to prosper then it does seem like life is unfair well some of the people think that others I just lucky when you understand the principles of success and you apply them you discover that you have the capacity to create your own lock you create your lock through obedience through alignment to the principles that create success you and I are living magnets we have the power to attract and we have the power to repel we have tried to identify the properties inside us that give us this capacity to attract and repel and we have identified our thoughts and our emotions thoughts are powerful ultimately we are trapped the material equivalent or the physical equivalent of your most dominant thoughts by all three thoughts you can alter your life by changing your thinking you can change your life you just change capacity to attract it's remarkable once you understand this principle then it's something you do for a lifetime putting more power in your magnet we've identified the need for us to read listen to audio programs to watch video programs you know to attend seminars to watch our associations and to have mentors that's it you do these things consistently for the rest of your life you will add more power to your magnet every day for the rest of your life and it means also that every day will not leave you the weight met you your life will get better and better you will rise higher and higher you know some people are afraid that they can go up and then come down that they can progress and then regress that they can go forward and then come back or because they've seen you know other people's the examples what I say to you when your life is built on principles things don't change permanently for the negative for you like that because principles never change principles never change so your success just never changes you rise you're not coming down okay this is the lesson I have learned thinking about us as magnets what you don't have the power to attract you don't have the power to detain that's the challenge there that if you didn't have the power to attract it in the first place it came only by happenstance that object is close to you just because you will moved close to rate the likelihood therefore is that you will not be able to keep it or to retain it you get a promotion that you have no capacity to handle it means you may not be able to keep it for a long time you come across money that you don't have the capacity to manage or to handle it means when that money is gone you don't have the power to reproduce it well you see if you put more power in your magnetic the object is removed you have the power to attract another one if not the same one so this principle helps us to build sustainable success for the long time you and I are living magnets we have the capacity to attract people to attract opportunities to attract material resources to attract financial resources you know is this illustration that I give people once in a while and they find it humorous I tell them imagine that an angel just floats into the room with a wand and touches my head and then there is light all around me for like two three minutes and then when it's all gone I have changed into the President of the United States or the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom or I've become the president of my country or your country I ask people will your attitude towards me change they say oh sure yes and then I tell them you should imagine if wherever the president of United States appears and then the day searching for him and they find out he is where I am at that I asked them what do you think would happen when they get to know you know where he is I tell them everything that you normally find around him the Air Force one the protocol the cars the world will begin to move in the direction where they know he is now and I say that we lost rate one thing that the human being is the magnet that attracts everything else secondly if you change your circumstances will change if you change people's attitudes toward you will change if you change opportunities will show up for you if you change resources will move in your direction I know that the illustration that I gave is simplistic and it doesn't happen like that in real life however there is a consolation in one fact that the President of the United States or the Prime Minister of the UK or the president of your country was not born the way they are they became like that I think one of the greatest things we human beings should be happy about is the fact that we have the capacity to change when we grow and we change we will attract resources human material and financial like we never attracted before change your thinking changing your thinking it's going to be a fight it's gonna be warfare but listen to me when you win in sight you will win on the outside you break through on the inside you will break through on the outside now one of the very important things you can do to change your thinking is for you to learn to set goals with deadlines this is very important set goals that higher level set a goal for it and give it a deadline you know what I'm saying this it's because there's a way the human system is designed to work and it responds to goals and deadlines the human system responds to definiteness of purpose someone said nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific there's power in defining in specifying and quantifying it's not enough to say I want more money when you see how much your system works better than to just say I want more money when you now give it a deadline okay for example you say I need $10,000 then you give it a deadline in seven days your system opens up like a radar you see you don't have all the answers you don't have all the solutions but God transmits us ask us your system opens up to pick up creative ideas innovative ideas by intuition people your mind kicks it begins to arrange and to rearrange the information and the knowledge that you have thought before to create a solution I always tell the story of dr. Franklin solos which I read in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill dr. Gonzalez a reverend minister you know was burdened about the school system in Illinois State in the United States and he made up his money was going to build a school for three years he was saying it if I had a million dollars I will build a school if I had a million dollars I will build a school he did that for three years one day the question just came to him so when I will get the 1 million dollars and somehow he made up his mind right there and then in the next two weeks I will find a way to raise these two million dollars he said it was like everything I've been waiting for him to make up his mind that way because in that instant his system opened up idea has begun to come to him then he got this interesting idea preaches someone on it so he sent a note to the editor of the newspaper in a city just put a small classified under on Saturday now his experience came on Friday his he had the notice in the newspaper for Saturday on Sunday he when the church preached that summer what I will do if I had a million dollars the moment he finished us someone and sat down a man stood up from the back of the hall with his heart in his hand approached dr. Gonzales and said Sam I believe that you will do what you said you will do if you had a million dollars this is my business card if you won't mind Reverend come into my office on Monday I will give you a check for 1 million dollars my name is Philip te amo Wow Wow Friday he made up his mind give his goal a deadline the ideas began to come one day he got a check for a million dollars he built this school he named it Philip D Armour Institute of Technology today it's known as the Illinois State Institute of Technology remarkable what was it that changed everything they're dead lie so you know what I've done that so many times countless number of times in the last 20 years I set the target financially I give it a deadline and amount of money you know that I have not had access to I remember the first time I took a check I wrote my name on it wrote an amount of money on meat and the deadline was one year oh my god you know why I would come on television and be teaching these principals all over the world they true they're real they walk I have practiced stem which results to show one year after I wrote the check and stuck it on the wall in my bedroom I took my diary because I tell you Britta now recorded every single dime that came in for me I checked and I found that in compiled amount of income had come in for me for the first time ever I don't need to tell you that I have written many much after that do i because it works a target a deadline so what the new level of income that you want when are you going to move to that level what's the new position or what's the position you're dreaming to get to when are you going to get there you want a car what brand what would what here how much is it when are you going to buy the car set a goal give it a target it shoots something in your mind and remember that is your magnet shifting you put more power in your magnet you increase your capacity to attract the things that you've seen in your dream I want to tell you about another dimension that is so important so critical to your ability to put more power in your magnet somewhere along the line after magnets were discovered somebody carried out an experiment he found out that whenever he moved electrical objects now filings from metal they tend to move and with that it was discovered that electricity effects magnets in fact electricity can create a magnet or create a magnetic field the electricity in the human system is the emotion your feelings make you on magnets of your feelings they are either positive or the uh- you need to pay attention to your feelings way your thoughts and your emotions combined and negative you attract negative people into your life you attract problems you're trapped crisis into your life when they are positive they attract positive people opportunities promotion provision into your life so you need to exercise control over your feelings exercise control over your emotions don't stay sad see it's not just about the moment it's about the magnetic field that you are creating around you remember again that statement from a from our French Prime Minister make big plans don't make small plans big plans attract big people small plants attract small people and small people cause big problems see you are trapped when you think poverty you think luck you think difficulty you think impossibility I'm telling you mix is so difficult for prosperity to come close to you but when you think about us I'm not suggesting it's easy like I said before it's warfare when you think abundance you see yourself has been successful on the inside that's exactly what your traps talking about emotions there are different kinds of negative emotions you have emotions like fear fear is dangerous face destructive I'm telling you fear incapacitates you paralyzes you fear traps negative people hatred malice grudges envy depression discouragement worry anxiety these are negative emotions they do something to your magnet I had to overcome worry somebody said worry is pain interest on debt you may never hope because most times people worry about the future what I never saw the problem it creates more you have to kill worry you have to deliberately choose to be positive see the present may not be profit for it may not be ideal why don't you create the future not let tomorrow be exactly like today don't let today to produce itself in your tomorrow keep today where it is you know what I learned to do I learned to keep poverty outside my mind even when I didn't have money on my inside I was a different man I was absolutely a different man when I wrote in public transportation on what on my feet inside me I was driving in the best cars in town I knew the difference I can control today I can control the outside but I knew who control the inside and when I control the inside I developed a capacity to create my tomorrow to determine what I was going to attract in my future I look back today and I'm grateful but I did not argue with the laws of success I agreed with them I obeyed them they work for me the laws of success have no respect for presidents they will work for you you
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
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Id: c1XGMW8pVfg
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Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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