Starfield - 7 More Things I WISH I Knew About Sooner

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what's going on my name is Michael and welcome to fudge Muppet today we fly back into the star field to discover seven more things I wish I knew about much sooner here at fudge Muppet we've had Starfield since the reviewer Early Access period And if you combine our play time then Scott and I have played over 500 hours now I didn't know about many of the things in this video until I had personally played 100 hours some I discovered at 150 hours or figured out after the 200 hour mark they'll range from General tips and gameplay mechanics that aren't made obvious to the player at all to some advice of how to approach certain things to have the best experience possible the first thing I wish I knew is that stealth is affected by equipped weight only the easiest way to test this is actually using a friendly NPC who just stays in a chair and doesn't move around you have weight added by your Boost pack helmet spacesuit and very importantly which a lot of people miss your weapon so if you carry a micro gun during stealth you'll be way easier to detect if your spacesuit weighs 20 instead of a lighter 7.5 or 8 then you'll also be easier to detect and if the environment doesn't require you to wear a spacesuit taking off all your equipped items completely will make you the stealthiest possible also watch for that toggle setting in your menu for cities as you may have your spacesuit on but not realize it I actually made a huge guide to stealth which you can find on the channel explaining this but even since then I've heard people say that total inventory weight also affects stealth however from testing this does not seem to be the case I've purposefully carried thousands of resources to make my inventory weight above 4 000 and my character over encumbered obviously and it didn't increase my detection rate in the test at all I think that because enemies can be unpredictably perceptive at times it can seem like you go through a location using a certain method and have a better time and then you think because of something you did like lightening your inventory but again total inventory weight does not seem to make you easier to detect only equipped weight also once you get Rank 2 of concealment which removes your movement speed detection penalty while sneaking it seems like you can wear whatever you want without the weight mattering for more on stealth including how cooked melee stealth is to attempt then check out my guide in the description the next thing I wish I knew much earlier is that ship parts the ones that you buy are actually level locked and I'm not talking about the skills you need like Starship design or piloting I'm talking about ship vendors full-on not selling certain ship parts with certain stats yet until you're a high enough level to be deemed worthy I don't have time to confirm every single ship part and what level each one becomes available at but I can say that there's always new stuff becoming available I was sometimes confused figuring out which vendors sell which stuff because it does differ of course but then I'd be playing a different character and go to a vendor who I'm so sure sell something but it wasn't there well it was my other character's level to blame for example at taiyo astroneering you can get the Shogun cockpit at level 16 but then you won't be able to buy the Shogun enhanced cockpit until Level 22. new parts were even added for me after reaching levels as high as 60. for example at level 52 I could get the 44t defender Shield generator by dogstar but then at level 60 I could get there 104 D Guardian Shield generator there's a huge list of examples like this all at different level ranges so just keep it in mind to always be looking around for better Parts as you level up if shipbuilding is important for your build the third thing on our list of things I wish I knew is that there's so many more locations than I thought existed in the game which I only found through exploring more places without tying any of this exploration to Side Quests or Mission board tasks in previous videos I've said that a good thing to do if you want to explore but don't care where is to combine it with some of the cooler of radiant missions in the game that fit your role-playing in order to do the same exploration you're going to do anyway but get more XP and credits in the process I'd still recommend this for those who have not dedicated a large amount of hours to exploring however there's far more location types to be found than I thought and some appear to be super rare almost as if they should be Mission related however I can't seem to Source any mission for them for example one really cool location is this abandoned mining platform for me it was located on hargan's 4. however I've seen people saying they found this location on other planets that have snowy biomes it's become a full-on horror story when you arrive with these unique alien monsters all over the place it was a crazy location to come across and explore trying to find the answers behind what happened here and caused all of this tragedy stuff like this really makes Starfield feel special I will say it does feel like many of the radiant quests that send you to kill various criminals Like Pirates or spaces send you to similar location types particular early on moons as I've recommended that stuff is the most fun when you balance it with faction content and side quests and some main story content all along your playthrough but again you'll tend to come across the same sorts of places while doing so if you do it for a very long time at least I do but when I just go off on my own looking at the dot icons on planets and having a look at what they are I've found all kinds of places I haven't heard of yet like cool industrial outposts and farms and just locations that I thought I'd been to but I haven't so one thing here to keep an eye out for are slight variations on names like abandoned versus deserted it may sound the same but it'll actually be different another really cool place which seems to be set on one planet is the neurodyne botany laboratory on beta Mirai 1. there's this huge compound here filled with cool plants and aliens with a very interesting interior with an area to search through on the roof and aliens all outside as well ecliptic mercs even showed up when I went out to go on the roof after exploring the interior it feels like this should belong to a quest that sends you here so let me know if you found it but I just haven't and couldn't find it when I searched online in summary make sure you explore as well and don't expect radiant missions side quests or the main story to do a good enough job of taking you to all of the most interesting places in the game the next thing I wish I knew much earlier was that the rewards you get from picking locks do not correlate to the level of the lock itself after hundreds of hours with the skill maxed out I can say that investing so much here was not worth it for my character specifically and isn't worth it for many other build types in the game so if you invest three points into the security skill to reach Master Level locks thinking that you're going to find way better loot in a Master Lock than in an expert or Advanced lock I'm here to tell you that that isn't the case obviously security can be used for other things like hacking computers and opening doors to get you into rooms that are otherwise inaccessible or onto a landed ship that you found on a planet or through a stealthier pathway with less enemies that could detect you and this is all really cool for the right character build so I recommend it if you want to do that but as I've said in a previous video that goes into great detail on the security skill unless unless you're playing a character who wants those benefits then do not pick security solely for loot purposes you'll be able to find more amounts of cool items faster to keep or sell with a general Loot and shoot approach and be able to put those skill points you would have put into security into other things that are more impactful for your build and make the feel of your playthrough more unique earlier on the next thing I wish I knew earlier was that to truly make the fastest ship the fastest ship at Max Speed you'll want to have a crew member with two or more ranks of the piloting skill such as Samco Samco has four ranks of the piloting skill but this doesn't mean having him allows you to fly C-Class ships you'll need four ranks yourself to do that as you're sitting in the pilot seat after all however Samco will actually increase both your standard speed and in my testing your max boosted speed by 30 so in the video with this ship here you can see the base speed is 129 and the max boost speed I get up to is something like 400 and 49 well with Samco and the ship the base speed gets boosted by 30 up to 168 and the max boost goes up a bit above the 580 Mark what's interesting is that this happens with Amelia who I won't spoil how to get but she's a crew member with only two ranks of piloting so if you want to be much faster in space then use a crew member with the piloting skill the good thing about Samco is that because his piloting skill is so high you actually get another Power slot allocated you'll notice one of the bars in my engine's turns green which comes by having Samco allocated to crew meaning that I could have a spare bit of power left over to slot into something else like Shields another companion you can get in the bar on the upper level of Sedonia named Andromeda Kepler just has one rank of piloting and her speed boost seems to only be about 15 you also can't stack piloting crew like Amelia with Samco to go above the 30 boost anyway it would appear for the fastest speed you'll want a crew member with piloting Rank 2 or above the white dwarf 3015 engines which need Starship Design 4 and the Engine Systems skill from the tech tree Rank 3 specifically which boosts your top speed by 20 bear in mind that if you want the best top speed experience you'll probably want to make sure your Mobility is high as well if you want any more details on exactly how to build such a fast and agile ship then watch our fastest ship guide on the channel I'll link it in the description too thing number six on this list of things I wish I knew much sooner is that these ship crew skill effects in general are a bit confusing or at least they're not what I thought they were at first for starters they don't seem to stack at least not in a way that I've noticed they can stack with your skill but they don't seem to stack with each other perhaps some skills do but from my testing they haven't so if you get a bunch of crew who all have Shield systems for example that doesn't combine to make your Shield additionally more powerful with each person on top of that these skills and their ranks don't necessarily do the same thing or apply the same magnitude that your own skill ranks named the same thing would as we talked about in the previous point with crew who have the piloting skill adding speed weapons system skills from crew don't even really seem to add damage to your ship as far as I can tell it doesn't show in the stat screen so if it turns out they do it's so negligible that I couldn't notice but what I can confirm is that they do change recharge times so Barrett has three ranks of particle beam Weapons Systems and with just one slot of power allocated to my particle beam weapon it took roughly 53 to 54 seconds to recharge instead of about 60 seconds without Barrett so some ship crew skill effects that you don't expect are cool like having piloting increased speed however others like the weapon recharge are a bit disappointing especially considering that when you use your weapons you tend to allocate lots of power to them so a 10 recharge speeding increase when power is maxed on this weapon isn't a huge deal my particle beam weapon here recharging in 5.4 seconds instead of 6 seconds doesn't really move the needle for me ten percent for three ranks isn't that crash hot either when you think about it another example similar to the speed situation can be found with shields so if you get Omari on Aquila in the outdoor bar area who has three ranks of Shield systems he will confer just the same 20 bonus to Shield that Vasco provides with Vasco only having two ranks however Omari with three ranks will provide one of those green slots to Shields saving you a slot to use for something else however because Vasco comes with a neutronic fusion he provides you with a free Power slot anyway so you may as well just use him without paying credits to hire someone else if you use a crew member with one rank of Shield systems like Ezekiel for example then your Shields are only boosted by 10 although I still do wish that the Boost was higher with each rank with Rank 3 giving more Shields than rank 2. one other cool thing that you might want to know is that Sarah Morgan's leadership skill seems to cancel out her feeling a crew slot so it appears that you can always just add her to your crew without worry of exceeding the crew limit anyway I wish I knew some of these things earlier knowing what I do know now I would think that the ship command skill is probably a bit of an overrated option outside of role-playing and getting some fun Admiral character Vibes considering that anyone can just get a lot of benefit from Simply Having Sarah Morgan to reduce fuel cost Vasco to increase Shield capacity and get an extra power slot same code to get faster speed and extra point added for free to your engine's power and also more cargo capacity via his payload skill plus any extra you'd like because Sarah Morgan counts for free whatever ship command skill benefit you'd get by adding crew beyond that would not be as good as using all the skill points you'd need to get up to ship command and then Max it out to instead just boost your your own ship skills in the tech tree to increase things like damage or Shields and so on however it is a Vibe having a ship full of people look I love Starfield but there are some systems that were not explained well to players at all or simply don't do what you'd expect they do based on the way it's presented we should probably make an entire video talking about ship crew skills in more detail and the final thing I wish I knew much earlier might surprise you because I have a feeling many people would have found it much earlier than I did so I played with a gangster background in my first playthrough and I found so many side quests especially on neon that aligned with the vibe of my character Well turns out that while I was doing every other quest in the game I completely missed the neat little chain of quests available at galbank in new Atlantis you can find it by going here from the commercial District when you go there and talk to Landry halifeld at the counter he'll be eager for some help there are delinquents who haven't paid off their debt and you help him in making sure they fulfill their obligations he doesn't want you to use violence but he knows that sometimes you can't avoid it while the story of the quest chain is nothing too crazy being a debt collector would fit in with the role-playing of many builds and the rewards are decent early on the first Quest is pretty easy and can be resolved with persuasion and you'll get 3 500 credits for doing that which at a low level isn't bad however the second Quest involves some ship combat and the location you're sent to is random and it will change the level of the ships you fight so make sure you save your game first for example I was sent to parama on a level 6 character and had to fight level 30 ships which blew apart the frontier really fast whereas another time I was sent to a level 5 system that had level 4 ships which were easy to defeat two quests follow after that second one with the final one offering you a uniquely named gun called Solus given to you if you choose to pay off the debt its base model is an urban eagle and while it's not a rare epic or legendary weapon the pistol does come with plenty of mods and might very well end up being your favorite early game pistol it can fight enemies far above your level in the early game when you have no combat skill investment anyway I personally wish I found this role-playing opportunity for my character before playing more than 100 hours in the game but I guess that's the fun of it we're all finding different things at different stages subscribe for more Starfield content like this we've got all sorts of things coming including comprehensive guides character builds like our Bounty Hunter build skill discussions about what's worth it and what isn't for various builds and of course plenty of cool ship Builds on the way like the video If you learned something new and remember to check out our other videos I mentioned in the description my name is Michael thanks for watching fudge Muppet and I'm going back to play more Starfield
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 271,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield review, starfield gameplay, starfield, starfield guide, starfield things you need to know, starfield tips and tricks, before playing starfield, starfield things I wish I knew
Id: Lg1Hd2C30aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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