🔴 LIVE Starfield, Getting Rich, Exploring The Galaxy & Stealing Ships

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well hello there you wonderful humans and welcome back to Starfield hope everybody's having a fantastic day I just been working on recoloring our new starship here I just actually recorded a video of getting this bad boy it is by far the best class A Starship that you can really get um not only that but you get at the beginning of the game it's quite a bit of a process to get to I'd say it probably take about hour and a half two hours depending on uh on how quick you go through it but it is definitely well worth it even checked out that video I highly recommend it if you're playing Star field that is um but we got some exploring stuff to do uh I want to pick up I spent a lot of my mod packs I was trying to plow through things so I need to get more before we start but I want to explore I also need to go to a shipyard and pick up some ship parts because I want to actually start digging down Pirates and stealing ships and things like that I don't know if I want to be like a I wanna steal ships and sell ships for money but I also I don't want to be a bad guy so I have to wait until we get because we could just rate other ships and get bounties but I don't want to do that I kind of want to be a good guy it's so much harder in games to be a good guy so we're gonna try and do that we're gonna be a good Chef we're gonna do some Chef things and uh actually mess around with the crafting today mess around with making money so I want to upgrade our ship as well so it's going to be a lot of free roam we'll probably play a little uh maybe some Side Story stuff as well uh there's so so many different things that we can do but I really do hope you all enjoy it thank you so much for coming to hang out and if you do enjoy it just follow that like button slap it around a little bit spank it make sweet love to it I don't care just do something to it Miss Mellow Mood how are you doing I really hate the weight system in this game by the way it takes so long it can't be evil or bad in games I feel too guilty Professor Chaos how are ya what it do what it do so when you pick up some more Med packs we've got a decent amount of money right now take a look but there's a couple different things that I want to do I want to level up our lock picking as well as we need Med packs and pick up these trauma packs as well we've got all sorts of food and things that we can pick up we'll grab some milk uh chunk beef cheese it's always good to have cheese we make grilled cheese it's one of the big big things that I can make I'm a I'm a grilled cheese making bad Mamba Jamba synthetic steak we'll grab some of that we'll grab some veal some chicken and some sparkling water because we're fancy appreciate the business I got you I got you so I unlocked the perk to be able to cook better meals but I haven't figured out how to do that yet I haven't spent a lot of time with the crafting it's under social we got Gastronomy you can research and craft gourmet food and drinks so I think we need to research things before we can craft them which means we actually need like a research table as well as the actual cooking thing uh The Galley inside of her ship and I haven't actually checked out a lot of the interior of this ship yet it's a big ship but now I've been digging into it pretty much all day yesterday I spent like 10 hours playing yesterday about seven hours today so far the star eagle so do we have a galley in here they've got this whole back area I don't know if there's a research area back here but the amount of things that you can do with your ships is pretty phenomenal this area seems pretty useless um let's go up y'all I love being able to actually walk to the ship we got two levels to this ship we could add even more if we wanted to do we have it's back here it's got some oh a weapon case oh it's empty fantastic do you get to watch that gameplay too what you're talking about what gameplay oh we've got a pooper what's this I was hoping you would stop by wait who are you Omari where I don't even know when I met Omari got empty first aid I don't actually think we have a galley or a research center in here we we don't which means we need to customize that somehow hey tag if you didn't know when you are harvesting outcroppings if you hold down the aim button makes the laser strong and harvest faster interesting the cockpit on this bad boy is pretty freaking fire though all right um what we need to do is we need to exit I guess we don't have like living quarters or anything like we have living quarters we don't have the research Bay as well as anything else super duper useful that goes back that way I think this exits yeah so get upgrade our ship a little bit the 10 hour gameplay of you grinding star field oh everything that I did is in the videos for the last three days um anything I can help you with so it's basically tutorials essentially so I'm playing for tutorials I haven't played any story Zane so you haven't missed any of that well I did play some story but it was side quest sure how about it I haven't actually shown off the shipbuilder very much so I guess we'll do that future Willow how are you doing so we've got the Captain's Quarters did we even go up there we've got a a store room aft structural component largely cosmetic and allows you to modify your ship's shape size personality and silhouette um comes with several different interior configurations for a variety of personalization options to shoot I didn't even know we had that so we've got the constru control station as well as the cockpit so I think I want to I want to swap out the control station because that feels kind of useless we'll put that right here for right now and we've also got the uh the brig here and I wonder if we can we'll move that out too maybe because that doesn't seem very good and then we've got the reactor we've got the engineering Bay storeroom and the loading Bay which is where we actually go up into the ship okay got their ship that ship in legendary armor last night for the oh hell yeah hell yeah um so we should be able to we hit space what does that mean so we have different variants here for this we have a cargo hole a computer core living quarters Battle Stations passenger slots three brig I think we'll go with living quarters I'm curious what that has to to offer for back here it becomes a little bit of a pain there we go all right so that looks good because that was right there and then we've got whatever this is so that's oh that's more living quarters interesting hold on shroud living quarters this there's so much you can spend hours and hours and hours just working on all these things it's it's absolutely insane uh what you can do so let's edit this we have different variants for this Captain's Quarters and Armory and all in one birth oh if Armory we have a workshop and a science lab that's what we need uh so let's go we'll go with the science lab I want to sell this honestly because we don't need the extra living quarters I don't think I don't even know how to get rid of that though so we've got a companion way an all-in-one berth three by one if we had like a four by one that'd be great but now we can add all these other things that we want to it so if we grab this we can edit it and we want a oh we have an infirmary a living quarters a science lab what did we what do we do with this one that became a science lab let's do Workshop the ship's looking cool we're trying we're trying that gives us three different things right there which makes it it's gonna make our ship feel a little bit smaller I don't know how to get rid of this options pen we can attach delete delete how do I delete it Boop what's the four errors it's basically saying that I have detached objects or structural deficits um that's all so go with color one color two is this and color three was this there we go oh shoot basically those will go away once I once I put everything back together whoops now we need I guess just just something else one more thing but the customizations is uh it's so very good it's gonna die most companion ways I guess we'll do another two by one this one will go right into there and we want to edit it into a we have an all-in-one kind of sounds nice maybe we'll do the all-in-one I think that might be what we need we can edit it and let's see if we actually get everything that we need that way so we have Mobility down to 92 percent um and mass is pretty high I don't know how to adjust like these like what causes it to to change but we just spent and we didn't even spend that much you can see the errors went away so it basically tells you if your ship's going to be flyable or not happy lurking y'all varlight how are you doing we have everything we need apart from beds you sleep on the floor hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do you know and so back here is that which I was okay with I like that the adder the adders the ladders kind of get in automatically so this goes back to the Infirmary customization is great there we go so now we actually have we have a galley now so we can actually make like alien sandwich you can do all these different things to be able to craft but now we need to find our research table don't have a computer or Xbox so tags my avatar for playing it oh I wish you the very best and I hope you enjoy the series so far we need to find the research area they look different on each ship so it takes there it is the chef can finally Chef exactly food and drink let's get some old Earth cuisine we need bread red meat and cheese boom oh and then we can upgrade it to Old Earth Cuisine too oh we need more bread nailed nailed it the research is very confusing I'm not gonna lie so now we have old Earth Cuisine two we need spices cheese egg butter and poultry beverage development and Mixology is that like alcohol we don't have any alkaline do we have any alkalines we do interesting I don't have enough spices all right so we gotta murder things and we gotta find more stuff pharmacology would be really good we're gonna have to dig deep into all of this stuff then we get mods that we can do we have weapon mods that we can that we can do there's just so much to dig into with all that bread yes beds no you don't need beds in space you can float but look there's beds see I'm not the worst actually how do I get to the Captain's Quarters look there's a bed up here somebody can sleep up there oh is this how I get to the Captain's Quarters I am the captain oh hell yeah I got a freaking TV wait do I not have a bed what the hell kind of cat this corners of these where do I sleep look see my crew has nice comfy beds I have a rock and a desk okay the crew can't complain at all wait can I go up more question mark it's like another ladder there anyways it's a big ship you can see just how much customization you can do look at this look how beautiful you sleep on the floor I saw a screenshot of some sad lore in this game apparently Labrador retrievers are extinct according to dog Shepherd chocolate you can eat whoa well that's unfortunate [Music] there's still a lot of customization to the ships that I want to do but we'll have to worry about that another day make sure we up our Shields um we'll max out our lasers I'll do that all right so let's see here we're gonna do a poll right so I want to include y'all on what we do what should whoa what should we do explore planets and steel Landing ships or it's a negative two all right so planets and steel Landing ships um side quests or take it down Pirates and steel and while we do that I've got a place I want to go already you do love a good pull Emily how are you doing what it do what it do so I released the video the other day on um a nice little area that you could go to to farm up some good money we're gonna go there right now actually re-farm it every seven in-game days set an outpost and build a base oh we will have to do that [Music] so before we land there we're gonna go settings gameplay very hard Samantha how are you I was told that we could re redo this every seven days I have not tried yet should build some bets Mark we've got beds man I even showed them to you there's beds everywhere I forgot zero g in here do we got bad guys back I don't know if enemies respawn but I was told the loot does I'll leave it on very hard there's also some safes in here that I would like to crack now that I have more safe cracking skill does seem like the enemies don't respawn call the Exterminator this loot box that's us right respond so did this but no new enemies you got a big old pizza coming your way oh hell yeah nice good life choice right there so if you're wondering where we are and what we're doing I highly recommend checking this place out as early as you can you can get lots of good things from here lots of money to start off with and you can continuously reform it as well see what's in the safe [Music] um I don't this one is going to to work for this let's try this and then we need a two so we need a three and a two I think yep got some ammo some credits and a modified law Giver oh no we know how talk feels about sausage on Pizza what's wrong with sausage on pizza I don't think it's the best but I don't think it's the worst either it depends on the sausage some sausage is nasty on Pizza some is really freaking good and then we need a three it's pineapple that I hate on pizza and then we need a master and I think I just got enough to level up my security again uh so we can do expert can't do Master until the next level nice I wonder if even this refreshes 12 19 36 and five I don't know if it does but we'll find out right now you have to unlock the skill to pickpocket before you can okay it's under uh social or whatever it is I feel lucky oh sweet the Contraband respawns too it's good money right there [Music] okay so this does not respawn but everything else does hell yeah that's awesome that's a lot of money each time you do this you just remember to come back here every once in a while does Sam ever shut up in the game no it is infuriating I wish I could I wish I could stick like I don't know just a helmet on him with no comms all the time would be great usually psychotic this is where I belong [Music] wait are you in the freaking Captain Corners get out of here dude the heck This Is My Land what the heck all right so we've got some Contraband on us we need to go to the wolf system because I don't have a scanner to block the uh the Contraband stuff so oh no oh God is Sam my companion yeah try that again foreign so we need to go to the wolf system to get rid of this Contraband we can pick up a couple more things there as well and then we need to go to the den uh pickpocket Crouch and approach from behind and see what they have in their selected pocket yeah you have to pick up the pickpocket skill first though [Music] thank you I like approaching these when they're I mean you can barely see them Elysium I really don't care about doing it the most complicated way possible when there is a not at all complicated way to do it which is the way that I'm doing it you could waste a ton of time or you could just do it the way that I'm doing it since I'm not Landing I'm not gonna get scanned that's why I made a video on it it's like this place has seen better days was there something you needed by all means we want to sell the game bigger than Skyrim I have no idea [Music] oh get away from all money I try not to trade in gossip but if you have any verifiable information I'm all ears this is the most frustrating part of the game is this part right here people keep messaging me that you only have to wait 24 hours but I have tried so many times and I'm gonna try again right now and it never refreshes their money in 24 hours but I'm gonna try it again ginger beer would it do I was just told to look this game up oh snap how have you been [Music] and waiting takes forever what games you've been playing lately uh Ginger B it's a little surprising isn't it out here on the edge of UC space how did you just so how may the trade Authority assist yes of course what I think about it being hinted at for game of the year uh I don't think it deserves it 2170 so yeah we did not refresh in 24 hours we have to wait 48 hours been great just working a lot will happen but glad to hear you're doing well foreign if I could like Tab out of the game but if I Tab out of the game then it pauses the game what do I think of IGN giving it a 7 out of 10. I I'll have opinions on it like if you like a game you like a game it doesn't matter what it was rated can you imagine just sitting there for 48 hours straight just staring at a wall God yeah not even a contender for Game of the Year I wouldn't give it a uh I don't think it does enough different to deserve anywhere near a game of the year title if there's any may I be of service if it gets Game of the Year it's a sympathy game of the year that's not me saying the game is bad it just doesn't do anything different in any kind of way like so many other games have um that's not to say it's not a good game it's a great game but does not whatsoever deserve game of the year as far as like like that's that's my opinion though um what am I doing here we need to sell miscellaneous and we can we can load some spaceshoot the ranger spaceshoot man that thing is thick so the bonus on that one was pretty nice oh the first mercenary outfit hell yeah we need to equip that one um sell that don't care about these Garbo hats Deputy hat don't care I'd also I need to not be so thick all the time a dagger is pretty nice this Dead Eye super cool don't this I know I'm selling them for free I just wanted them out of my inventory foreign honestly I don't I don't know I don't have a good opinion on what should be game of the year but I can tell when I feel like something isn't game of the year there's and there's still a lot of year left too so I don't know I don't want to say anything at the moment what can I do for you oh we need to put stuff in storage weapons apparel sources there this is what's taking up all of our weight at the moment when you loot everything in the in the game like a klepto freaking Maniac like I do it's uh you've run out of space real quick like notes Aid ammo I don't know what's taking up 80 Mass though Kokomo Joe thank you for the five gift memberships you wonderful wonderful human thank you so much it's not ammo because ammo doesn't weigh anything is it throwables I have 26 frag grenades I never use any of these put the cutter away because I don't plan on mining at the moment although ah Cutters come in super handy [Music] got so much stuff I got some grapes though I never seen those before I mean you want our trauma packs too just in case I'm feeling pretty good so we've got planets and steel Landing ships at 49 okay how many hours ah I have no idea a number of them though oh you stole a spacership earlier that had cargo space over two thousand nice hell yeah did I find the secret base you talking about the mantis I'm sure there's sad to where to find cheese you can find them at General stores and stuff like that we've got etherea you've also got these ruins check them out oh there's like caches out here interesting destroyed scavenger 5000 meters still gonna use the flying so bad at it with them with the mouse and keyboard I feel like there's probably buttons I don't know about with the flying you want to see what's in these caches though oh definitely not an expert pilot the place that I just went to in the wolf system called the den is really the only Contraband place that you need you um you won't get scanned going to it so you don't need any of the other stuff it's super easy to get to it's my fan that said I'm an expert oh it's the old then what is this huh I guess there's nothing I can actually loot from it though interesting thank you all right let's go find some new plants to go to we've got a good jump range now got Bessel I want to find something a little bit higher level in dromas we've not been here before well we've been through it [Music] you've watched other YouTubers and they're hunting on the hunt for cheese they should probably go to I don't know a vendor vendors have tons of cheese they like this thing and cheese like it's nobody's business Safe House gamma we've got the Forgotten military base I bet there's interesting things here it's about to be a bit cold outside first step on a new world full of life I don't know usually when you land on a new planet there's a ship that lands pretty quick is that a flying fish thing that's unknown that's the Forgotten military base you didn't know about vendors credits resetting so I made a base just to hoard all my loots I do want to find a really nice planet to set up a base maybe we'll do that today we'll see how things go oh did I miss the ship Landing hmm deep trunk Babylon thank you for coming to Bean welcome to the community I'm gonna Disturbed something enter the atmosphere I want to steal ships there it is all right we're gonna try and steal that ship right there it's pretty far away but if we keep running straight for that we should be able to get it before they leave also I should not be playing on very hard the infinite mic no I'm loving it it's uh it's great it was a bit of uh a slow start as I mentioned but they had so many systems to implement and have you go over but I'm really really enjoying it I just wish there was a little bit faster ways to travel on the planet every time I see something like 700 meters away I'm like maybe I'll just not do any of this God I really hope I'm going on the right direction I know I had to go around that base ship Landing site 700 meters usually that doesn't actually pop up I was skeptical about the game at first but that's for sure one of the best games you've ever played hell yeah hell yeah super glad to hear you're having fun with it so I'm assuming my 38e will run it like a champ and I've heard a lot of people having issues with the PC version I haven't yet knock on wood but um the game's been running smooth but I have a 40 90. shoot we might not get to this before it flies away [Music] it's just on the other side of the ridge now the question is if it's not Pirates do we still steal it definitely Pirates and it's a Crimson Fleet haunt I don't want it I've I've killed a bunch of the Crimson Fleet outside then wasn't able to get to the ship before it flew away so I would like to do that now and we can go invisible [Music] I'm about to steal your cookies oh what the heck and my butt bled a little bit got that one I'm ready beautiful that's how it's done ladies and gentlemen then we can actually loot all these guys and we can loot the rest of the ship too then we can steal the ship and sell it always loot everything out of it first though does not seem like there's a lot of loot in here all right that's for boarding I guess that's it what'll happen to my own ship basically we can just pick it up at any Spaceport so nothing bad happens let's see what's down here that goes out all right it's a small ship see how much it's worth that could be a pirate well I'm a pirate of pirates look in the cargo hold I don't know if I can I can't do that until I claim it look in the cargo Hood as hold it's a little computer in the cockpit on the left wall uh credits a thousand credits and neodymium dude it's mine now I'm stealing the ship I have commandeered a new ship if you land on a planet or grab jump to another star system the ship will come your home ship any Quest objective for passengers or previous home ship will be transferred so that's what happens so they're still outside there I could go out and kill him and loot them as well what's this thing worth let's find out I want to see if it's worth it or not I like that we just leave them on that planet to die freaking Savage let's see what's going on here we got Safe House gamma I don't think there's a it's worse to actually sell this we need to actually go to a place with a ship port you hope they don't mind the cold they'll be all right I'll go back to Cheyenne and then we'll land over on Aquila [Music] why can't I uh am I gonna get am I about to get in trouble I feel like I'm about to get in trouble while we scan your ship chance to evade scan zero percent all right why can't I land on Aquila though there's Contraband on board uh what contraband how it must be stored somewhere on the ship that we couldn't find yet set course bye bye -bye [Music] all right where the hell is the contraband I've never been caught with Contraband because I've always done so well about it I'm 90 sure I don't have any I have a lot of stolen stuff but I've never gotten in trouble for that before [Music] so it's Gotta Be Contraband somewhere on this ship that I just don't know about the whole ship is contraband but it's not oh wait why so that's my actual cargo now maybe it's the dead people or all the blood notebook Contraband is usually hidden pretty well so there's a solid chance I missed it as glorious as ever captain contraband where are you I want to scan for Contraband the whole ship could very well be Contraband but I've been scanned on a ship that I've taken before nice day huh it's got to be the toilet paper rolls it could be it's most likely the dead bodies though hmm do I have a permit for all those Corpses all red stolen ludus Contraband so I've been traveling with stolen loot for a hot minute and I've never been flagged for Contraband so it's it cannot be that there's a yellow box somewhere on this ship and I don't know where it is as far as I can tell I can't get to it either it means until I do I also oh we're about to crash this is Bad News Bears right now so there's got to be something in here somewhere maybe it's in the cargo hold it would be under miscellaneous [Music] or it was a glitch oops is there like a nose there's like no sort button either [Music] I mean if there's Contraband on here I'm happy about that because that's money right there Contraband is money for us red things are not Contraband now they're completely different uh Contraband has a yellow icon to it it's usually hidden pretty well so I'm not surprised that there's Contraband on here consider it was a pirate ship after all maybe I'm breaking the game or maybe weird that I still get nervous around you we're literally the best best friends after all I mean there's a solid chance that it was a bug too would not be a surprise but I don't I don't see any Contraband anywhere nice day huh it sucks that when you get scanned they don't say where it is and I do you can find the contraband that's what you can do it's here somewhere or it's a bug I mean it could be here somewhere and since I stole the ship it despond [Music] do you need something or it could just be the ship itself I don't know I've I've done this a few times and I've never gotten flagged for Contraband either time that I've done it I like to think of myself as your emotional support human that means I could take you anywhere I want even if people are allergic to you all right the only thing I can think of is uh is the ship itself is considered contraband even though I've never had that happen before I can't find it anywhere there's nothing any of my crew holding it in their inventory is that even a thing maybe I broke the game again maybe can I check their inventory is that even a thing y'all are making me lose my freaking mind now oh I found it serious blue just hanging out God dang it I wonder what my bounty is now because of that ready to take off captain got anything you need to offload trade authorities always buying good to see you here for you yes of course so you know what I'm just gonna get rid of it I don't even care because I'm not gonna wait 48 hours for this dude to get money again God dang it I should have just handed it over but now I've got a bounty I was curious you know sometimes you you win sometimes you lose ship Services what'd it do man okay no problem all right so what's the ship worth ten thousand credits the Crimson Fleet haunt uh we have to register it for a bajillion credits so we'll make 1300 credits from the ship um oh sure have at it we'll sell that later we're gonna switch back to the star Eagle though we'll sell all of our ships all at once later foreign I don't know how much our Bounty is right now but we'll we'll find out he's got the Mantis ship oh nice Talon hell yeah we'll carry the memory of your mom I know why it keeps taking my Shields down a little butt hurt about that all right so we're not gonna go back uh let's go this place sounds fun everyone yeah I cannot believe Sam was sitting right in front of that Contraband was like nah bro I ain't touching it it's a pretty planet got a science Outpost out here this industrial Outpost those are never very exciting they give you like side quests and stuff deserted relay station is that part of the First Fleet let's go there what Bridge Is that ah I actually don't know it came with the ship I've got a video on getting this ship uh that I released earlier today highly recommend getting it very very good ship easily one of the best class A ships that you can get in the game for free these planets all have the same name yeah they basically just take on the name of their star oh that thing looks fun over there landing on new planets like this never gets old all right we got some funky things over here [Music] oh is it on the way oh it's on the way that looks like a biggin okay all right we're gonna steal some stuff I like how all the planets have these freaking weird plants just with different names I'm trying to hit free roams so I can use your tips for money farming hell yeah Ryan make that money baby uh LJ apparently it runs really well on the steam deck actually am I thick right now I'm kind of thick another ship up for grabs yeah I don't know if it's worth stealing the full ship though what do we got oh okay I don't know what the hell's going on right there what this is I don't see anybody bad around it's a oh a UC Vanguard Raptor I cannot imagine stealing this is gonna go well for us I don't see anybody around do we do it thumbs up to do it I'm gonna I'm a save thumbs up we take the UC Vanguard ship thumbs down we leave it alone curious though riddle me curious oh y'all just want to do it okay let me freaking reload your Bounty with them isn't high enough do it oh they gave us a trauma pack before going in that's so it's a good sign to tell Cora we're back is the ship empty [Music] hello that's not concerning at all where where is everybody y'all got some goodies in here y'all better not have some freaking Contraband in here I'll tell you what freaking police carrying around contraband oh we're stealing all the kids oh no we're stealing all his drawings he's he's got a family he's probably gonna die on this planet but you know what now my problem shouldn't left your ship feel bad for a moment and then move on anybody in the shower that's a pooper all right we're making doubly quadruply sure there's no freaking Contraband on this ship the freaking Ghost Ship what the hell foreign feel about ghost ships I like that they got Windows though that's kind of cool I don't got windows in mind a levitating desk planet the description said dessert Le Capitan Captain's Locker is empty too we touch his butt I think we touch his butt this don't don't hurt them you crazy I it was for science was not worth it we got a 650 Bounty and we pissed off Sam all right we're gonna we're gonna load that safe this ship was not worth it you got invited into a ship I was having a party for no reason I killed all the party goers and then tried to steal the party ship but the cockpit was inaccessible oh my God anyways we got we got more interesting things to do on this planet than steal a ship that's probably not going to give us a lot of money anyways plus Sam's gonna get very butt hurt about it as Sam does am I at the am I at the place that I even came here for we've got a cave an unknown [Music] deserted relay station okay I guess this is the excitement that I came here for 500 credits here there's probably more money we were made from freaking doing anything with that ship we'll tell you what [Music] Sam doesn't matter yeah I mean it's just him and his kid talking 24 7. did I really come here for like nothing what the heck just switch your companion foreign Maybe that planet was LE pupu I think they'll add ground vehicles on a DLC I have no idea it would make traveling planets exponentially better though I wonder if he won't get mad if he doesn't see it maybe I feel like most of our crew is going to get very upset about most of the things that I want to do in this game so we're just going to need to find better more fun crew I think it's the moral of this story last time I tried to go to a Outpost there was a terramorph nearby and those are not fun an all-pirate crew I gotta make sure to start bringing a cutter with me too so I can get resources we got a science Outpost I don't know what we get from science out oh there's a dude bro here maybe we get science what do we get in it's a whole there's a whole butt load of people out here just chilling in the night hello Atlantis [Music] oh I was in front of your face when you started singing you weirdo how could you not see me a mission board kill the prior Marauder unfair okay just passing through or here to help that's what do you need help with Amma touch your plants I've come to touch your plants this is the least exciting science options I've ever seen who the hell go away not passing nor helping I'd stay out here Field Works I wasn't expecting oh hi I'm glad you stopped by clearly the life forms in this area I see you have a scanner there any interest in helping us out God I love Bethesda games from live creatures are best ah okay thanks these people suck all right let's go kill some Marauders [Music] so kill the pirate Marauders collect the bounty yeah time to go bounty hunting baby where are they at over here oh at an abandoned robotics facility that sounds fun fast travel well jumping or falling God dang it really use the help how do they not have they have a scanner I'm sure they'll be okay right who this is a settler strips oh slipstream maybe we shouldn't go around killing random people yet boo [Music] oh my butt's numb from sitting all day collect the bouncy on the pirate Marauder at the abandoned robotics facility come on I should have started it as very hard see if we can get some better loot [ __ ] I do like you can tell like a very big difference between the gravity in this game as opposed to like no man's Sky the gravity always kind of felt the same but it's definitely different everywhere you go and this which is kind of nice did I I want to make sure I upgraded security so we need to pick 15 more locks how to get the jet pack you have to learn it from a perk most things in the game come from Perks as far as like that stuff goes you just need like level one then you can actually I can spend another perk point to upgrade it right now I believe it's under Tech yeah boost pack training so we can expend less fuel now and then I have to boost jump 25 times while in combat then I can get the next one and then the next one it's a decent upgrade it's quite a bit better ooh that was worth it okay turrets man have a look to the firearm perks I have I should probably do them more though actually let's do that I haven't spent a lot of my perk points I've been saving them for various things but um I got the shotgun One pistol lasers and ballistics um [Music] killed 20 enemies with a ballistic weapon I'm assuming this is considered a ballistic weapon legendary rifle I don't even know how you tell honestly it feels it should be as long as it's not lasers right [Music] it's a very good weapon hey ski I love skiing all right does it have bullets yeah that's I mean it does that's why I'm like it's got to be a ballistic weapon but you don't know it's Bethesda game huh what was that duck that counts what the heck God I'm glad we went up here this is my favorite part all right where's dude bro down here oh Lord an old Earth hunting rifle huh so we need to go inside for the the last dude which we will in a second shoot him right in the Spaceballs baby Pirates rain always wins that's what they say I hate when I get shot from the middle of nowhere we mean I lose all right so there's a couple different things we can do here oh a dagger if we wanted to which I think we do we're going to go to settings gameplay very hard and then we're gonna Zone into this area if we can we're gonna change it back [Music] no way we can get better loot better loot more better living oh balls well they don't need it medpack nice we had to look for Contraband in here too does it up the loot yeah it UPS the loot inside of crates and things like that so if there's lots of loot or uh things like loot to be had in the area as far as actually opening up crates it's gonna up the amount of money we get from them and things like that is too oh Lord Where'd I get this weapon it was a random drop from a a legendary well not a legendary dude just a random drop from a a named enemy essentially dude Sam you are so cool right now just coming in so hot after I already murdered everybody or contraband I will have a video on weapons that are very very good though um pretty much close to this one so this this person right here has a high chance of dropping good equipment what we could do if we wanted to we could do a quick save right now and then kill them see what the loot is then we go oh shoot I just died oh my God they're doing a lot of damage God dang all loot is randomized if I'm telling you that I can't tell you where it is that means I cannot tell you where it is because it's random except for certain things and certain things that are not random I'll have videos on my way see now what we could do oh that's your green laser okay what we could do is we could reload this a bunch of times from that quick save and we could keep killing this person and try and get a legendary item uh but I'm not gonna do that but you could you wanted to same thing for literally all of this like everything in the science crates here science crates usually have quite a few goodies on them you can reload the loot on there as well um so basically if you have like the wherewithal to save before you kill and run through these areas then you can reload them and keep farming up better items like Legendary Weapons like this weapon is just a random drop from a random enemy no guaranteed way to get it interesting I like that this area had like a little extra spot to go to we put that battery cell in I hate that lockers don't have anything ever good in them though we already rampaged through that area what no I don't want to cook you know what I'm gonna make a grilled cheese oh a Reuben sandwich yeah give me the chef didn't want to cook no I cooked I corrected myself oh we could have taken over the robots it's always a really good plan all right well I guess we uh we done murderized everything in here foreign now if only the jetpack like powered forward actually what is this what is this game trying to do us right now I'm assuming we got money for that already to the unknown back to Victora in the light of Darkness collect the bounty on the planet later last scene at the abandoned Roblox facility didn't we just do this I guess that's counting as completed even though it's a little wonky okay ooh nice Ms Renegade also ladies and gentlemen if you're enjoying the live stream a like would be greatly appreciated it's got loose ends legendary ship spacer scavenger uh uh oh I remember this one okay we gotta go do let's go do that this is a high level ship oh no it's not letting me do it I don't remember what system it is but we'll find it there's this big ship in this area that I was flying around to like kind of just investigating different stuff I don't see it anywhere huh maybe I have to randomly encounter it again [Music] Mission updated huh I wonder why it's not wonder why it's not letting me do that would I recommend it to a Skyrim lover uh missed skyriman space Maybe I don't know it's hard to say it's hard to say we're gonna go to the empty nest all right I'll be right back [Music] furnace like these are my favorite foreign okay sorry about that all right where are we going 36 meters okay that's not bad the shaw gang huh you about to get clappity clapped oh there's a lot of them oh Christ everything's exploding sorry Sam I forgot about them what are you doing oh a freaking shotgun God dang dude you know I've been wanting to try this new weapon that I got I really like this Advanced Maelstrom that I got I want to try this pistol I also have this monster of a shotgun oh my God why is there so many of them all right that does interesting damage man I want freaking robots what the hell everybody's got pet robots but me I believe you can get silence guns I have not found one though all right maybe there's a bot follower later on I mean it could be oh my God Sam killed somebody it's a Christmas freaking miracle sucks oh bye-bye getting lit on fire laying there while you die I found a silence pistol in my game so they do exist nice I figured I just haven't found one yet reason for a bruising right now if I looted more I would be able to make a lot more money but there's a massive inventory problem in the game right now like I think I'm already close to being too thick and once you're too thick it's so annoying to play the game [Music] you know what speaking of which we're gonna go empty our inventory before we go in there foreign give some to Sam can I give Sam different weapons too I haven't sorry Sam oh God this all sucks Sam I'm sorry this perfect s for the ash though let's trade it here we're gonna haul something and I'm willing I'm gonna strip you naked buddy um it's got the modified Beowulf so we can we can equip stuff on them I would very much like to go to my inventory and I am going to stuff everything inside of you you dirty dirty boy how about you have some of this some of that some of thems El yeah some of that take this helmet you want some of these you can have that drum beat got another modified Beowulf ooh a rescue ax you can have that and that's about it oh that shotgun I bet he would really like that shotgun hmm why is this thing so heavy here you can have that too God dang take it easy you can have automated storage at your Outpost we do need to set up an outpost all right all right so we got plenty of people to murder in here I've been wanting to find to find ways to actually use like our throwables but it seems so inconvenient I just want to be able to hit G or something to to throw stuff and explode all the things but the game really just doesn't want to let me do that what God dang it should have just exploded that Barrel to start off with ooh a Contraband cash oh Hail to the yeah yeah is there one with just one there is Papa do love some Contraband caches I'll tell you what till you hurt I'll tell you what next guy use me son of them interesting so we need a two and then a two no can't be a oh it could be a three and a one give me gimme it's a lot of money right there tell you what that was definitely worth it lock picking ladies and gentlemen level it up so worth it come here little charging come out come out wherever you are oh my God oh it was so unnecessary I almost feel sorry I was talking to sheriff to become a deputy and I pickpocketed uh Rando and got caught oh no that's a sad sad day right there wow physics you've done this before oh touchy touchy use a weapon to break it I ain't got no cutter on me oh dang it's the Tamer and it goes blam blam blam can we tame this rock yup hell yeah all right okay yeah fine let's get going keep going where [Music] talk to Sarah freaking filburn can't oh I gotta leave dang it sometimes you can fast travel out of areas and other times you can't you have zero understanding of the plot of this game Beyond we are in space that's all you really need to know though space it's the way to be [Music] do we have just opened the store ah screw that climbing over it a Contraband gonna be pretty nice though get us some extra money there's gonna be real careful with the Contraband though so we're gonna go right to the wolf station after this I think that's far enough excuse me I hate to put a hole in the head of akila's own Prodigal Son at least not before we've had a word you must be sure what I am is disappointed Samco In the Flesh and he's pedaling around the frontier with the hasbins of constellation now you got past my crew who I pay quite handsomely I might add grab something from that weird cave probably whatever's been keeping the ash away so I'm down one Hideout now let's talk about what all that's worth to me your lives your credits one or the other sounds like you about to die buddy uh four thousand credits we can work this out no need for violence let's hear it I'm looking forward to tearing you apart we got past all your crew before you fight us you'll lose tough talk but you've backed it up so far this is an important scientific discovery let us go and you'll uh don't think you're walking away from this I never said I was done talking fine get the hell out of here before I change my mind I kind of look like a nice gun with a suppressor on it that I really kind of wanted though this is your s a hand wait what everyone fall back optional kill the ashta kill the what oh no no I want her to die I'm a watch I'm a watch not my problem I kind of want to steal her gun so I want to see her die I don't know why that exploded I'm so sorry she doesn't drop it I did shoot her in the butt I should talk to her at least right you're lucky the boss is so generous I guess I'll get out of here before I change my mind what are you still doing here out can you use that for crafting or profit dude shot nobody likes you she doesn't like us no she definitely does not back to a killer Torrance what'd it do we're in one piece I'll call that a win wait am I not in the right spot talk to Sarah Philbin am I into the unknown yeah definitely was not in the right spot all right so we gotta go get rid of our Contraband first now we know when things are gray the game is telling you you have contraband do not go to those systems when you have Contraband we're gonna go to the hoof system and we'll go sell our Contraband at the den still Battleship I would love to steal Battleship I love the touch all of the things on a battleship God that means we gotta wait for this dude to have money again God the money system in this game makes me want to punch babies see if this dude's got money now or if we have to wait was there something you needed yo mama he's zero dollars a champion among Champions Broker Than a dollar store hooker I'm putting in a good word for me I don't think my messages to SS seeing you have the armor did you obtain the original charter for Aquila while you were taking the trial to the armor and ship say what the stream starts up in the past sleep for 24 hours 24 hours doesn't work it has to be 40 to 48 hours before the shop refreshes money I have confirmed it over and over and over if somehow you're getting it in 24 hours I don't know who you're blowing but I would like to find out because does not work what did babies do to you they were born grew up and programmed a game where I have to wait so long to be able to do anything and then worked at Bethesda it's pretty much the only thing that I don't like in the game right now is this maybe it's part of a perk maybe I can look at the Commerce I think we can actually level up our next Commerce oh look but it's weird that uh my perk would provide the rest of the world with more money it's kind of odd please finish trading gossip because if you have any verifiable all right um let's try this Tech social Commerce I mean I don't mind selling for more so we'll just unlock that now while we can and we've got persuasion where we just spit in each other's mouths is kind of what that icon looks then we have theft this is what you need to be able to unlock pickpocketing Gastronomy Scavenging deception diplomacy [Music] get another boost pack upgrade oh nope I need to do it 10 more times information I'm all ears yeah I don't have I don't have many complaints about the game if there's anything I can do for you that waiting one is definitely one of them now he's got that sweet sweet money or take it oh that's the wrong one you want miscellaneous so much more money here how much is it worth 14 000 that means I have to wait fifth uh you know what let's try 25 hours is there a perk to be able to carry more stuff I don't know if you can upgrade your prison wall or not [Music] all right so we've got 24. I'm not going to prove the 24 hour thing again because we've done it so many times but I haven't tried 25 hours [Music] can you increase your carry weight with the weight lifting oh that makes sense [Music] baby kitty [Music] upgrading your prison wallet sounds like an expensive and invasive surgery you know sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do live your dreams [Music] all right we will wait 25 hours this place would see a bit more action may I be of service certainly 25 hours does not work a hundred more to the carry weight is pretty good though [Music] but you've got your companion's weight too which helps a lot [Music] what's the difference between this game and no man's Sky there are two different games made by two different companies [Music] oh you got the Mantis armor with the plus 25 carry weight nice yeah all those stats are random on the armor which is really really nice I really did think this place would see a bit more action good to see you Give Me Your Money Baby you think dealers of Contraband would just have more money right you'd be wrong I don't care that I lost money on that on that way another 48 hours to be able to sell more contraband nice to be back [Music] oh God dang it what the hell are you doing over here in the Captain's Quarters like that it seems like the biggest barrier to making money is having vendors with enough to give you it's honestly true though it is definitely the biggest barrier at least when it comes to contraband like if you're dealing with most vendors then what you can do is just go to an area that has a lot of them you just go around and sell it to all of them which is a lot better foreign I'm glad you're enjoying the game so what's the hate for on this game people love to hate things because there's not much better to do with life nowadays is it a perfect game now is there a bad game absolutely not is it a really good game if you like Bethesda games and you like RPGs do you want to space him it's not this if you want a Bethesda RPG game in space then this is the game for you that doesn't mean much this thing could be emitting something we can't even detect as far as we know we could be building a jacket Jackie bomb that will blow soon as we finish it or maybe it's some kind of interstellar children's toy why would either of those things give the discoverer visions and music it's a message I'm sure of it we just have to hope that finding more of the pieces will give us some clue I hear that moving forward sometimes means fumbling around in the dark the thin corn I can use some down time but you let me know if you ever want to team up again oh and since it tends to come up me and my Rugrat co-pilot work as a team that's non-negotiable if I'm coming with that means core is on your ship oh Colleen Oakley actually I wouldn't mind if we kept traveling together I don't know Sam you've got piloting which you never pilot anything rifle certification I've seen you shoot something twice catch you later sir likewise you know where to find us farewell Cora I don't have to listen to your haikus anymore children I am at your service captain Oh Christ I God bet you never expected to end up involved in something like this so leave me alone everybody's all up in my grill all right so we're doing pretty good we've uh We've upgraded our well I want to do more customization and upgrades to the ship uh pilot increases your skill if you assign them to your ship crew I had a feeling that was the case but I was 100 sure I've got a lot of research to do in the companions Department still um let's see what time is it it's almost eight I think this is actually a good place for us to stop I've got two more videos coming out tomorrow for tutorials and things like that I'm trying to not release too much before the game is 100 released for everybody but if you are enjoying the streams a like would be greatly appreciated there's going to be plenty more star field content as well as the new Assassin's Creed Mirage next month uh but I do hope you all have a wonderful wonderful night thank you so much for hanging out I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 104,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield gameplay walkthrough, starfield first impressions, starfield review, starfield pc, starfield xbox, starfield pc review, starfield pc gameplay, starfield part 1, starfield gameplay part 1, starfield pc gameplay part 1, starfield worth getting?
Id: p_bs_xE89xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 12sec (6672 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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