BotA DnD - Season 7: Session 9

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okay and we are live why is I put candy in my mouth someone else talk for a minute hey everybody Welcome to cats night season seven I don't know what session this is but nine maybe it's nine that's okay yep Baby D season 7 session nine that's where we are at AKA can't snipe I didn't want to say it question nine also what underrated horror movie yeah yeah go check that out and then come back we'll wait here for two hours um while you watch it uh anyways I'm Getz I'm the uh GM for Ability interest DND and um thank you anybody returning in who am I playing with this evening hello everyone I go buy a ludria Luna the stream is good I will be playing roon the dwarf Barbarian true to their heart and stomach should fate allow it I'm Chuck I play bellinos the astral elf cleric I am J crew I'm going to be playing your half draw warlock get hey folks it's two hands it's Jessica he's the snake he's tired he's ready for a nap and he's as usual mortally wounded thanks for joining indeed all right all I gotta do is remember when we started last session I think we started last session with you guys just setting up for the board coming yeah that's all you guys are doing so last session of being the entrance d ude the party had tracked um a family of boar through this RedBoard Forest um with the idea that if they had slaughtered if they slaughtered the special bore that the dwarves from a nearby Town had mentioned they might be welcomed to the town as heroes or at least get some kind of reward um so they spent a couple days tracking these bore until they found a a well-traveled bore wallow party decided that would be the best spot to set up an ambush for these bore so they went around setting up a series of traps they did some ankle breaking pitfalls some snare traps decided to pick up medium or smaller bore and most devastatingly bellonosa's implementation of a quote Spike trap in the mud with a like 28 to build that it's pretty nice it was essentially a bunch of spiked um branches and things stuck into a huge area of mud that the boar liked to use um party [Music] um disguise their carriage and their Beast of Burden got all their good smelling supplies hoisted up into trees they also made hammocks for the two dwarfs that they're attending to both wounded and exhausted um but uh one of them banned it one of them perhaps an ancient hero and after a couple days there was some mild life activity around the pond some kind of strange frog-like dog creature the size of a horse you know frogs and Eels and things looking around um the party decided not to poke the two magical things that they found around the pond the strange Stone pillar sticking up out of the water with bugs crawling on it exuding necromancy nor the strange bird nests with a hole in it five feet across exuding conjuration magic maybe for the best maybe at their own demise who knows anyways they laid this trap for the poor and as you can see if I can scroll over there the Trap seemed to work because almost every bore is dead um they managed to lure in not only a big white um super bore which is one of the three that the to the party taken down this big bullet for wrecks and everything else visible on this map is dead um congratulations the only boar that seemed to get away from this onslaught of traps and fire from above and below um was just a few of kind of the baby suit Escape in the blood running to their head we're not sure but they did give up stop trying to attack and uh you guys gave it to the kitty cat locket up in a tree um so we resume the party now um it's about 11 o'clock in the evening the moon is out stars are visible through the clouds um creatures in this muddy pod are munching on the bore meat and that has been left in it um and roon and Geck I believe were discussing strategies for carving up these bore that you have all slaughtered um Chaska having gone down twice in the fight has a level of exhaustion now bellinos used a lot of magic to keep Chaska alive um and they are stable I think the other things that we left off with um thorgar had mentioned kind of her body offhandedly uh when he was aroused to look around that this strange pillar sticking out of the pond he thinks might have been the very tippy top of the witch hut possibly um but he's not sure and this whole area looks way different than he remembers it but he's up in a tree and still trying to rest so you have this pile of boar two special bore one very large bore um your cart is around your Beast is safe you guys have completed your goal successfully what is the next move um besides ruin and Geck carving bore I have some thoughts um to supplement the bore carving however it's not a decision that I would want to do alone I think that we should consider using the honey some of this meat both uncooked and cooked uh just just as an idea to possibly either make it more valuable or to make it hold a little bit longer if it does take more than a day to go somewhere where we may be able to sell it or maybe before we decide to use it so trying to cure some of these but it sounds like yeah just just an idea for this honey I think we're gonna find a few actionable uses for the honey outside of um trying to use it to cure something or improve the flavor or something or you know maybe sell it to someone who makes Mead you know just random stuff like that just just an idea there I think now that the bore are being Consolidated if it looks like they need help I'm down with helping as a character um but Chaska definitely like needs to rest a bit I do want to poke these magic items um and I wouldn't mind talking to thorogar I know if we all want to talk to Thor gar a little bit so that's definitely on my radar um in addition to just some some long resty type behaviors how about you Geck myself I am okay with just chopping meat uh like Gexa I said before Geck is here for the ride y'all promise that we'll find his friend eventually so he's just biding his time until we find his friend hey all right his paw over here like next president by this time okay so got him balance uh I think melanos is running on empty so he's probably if you want his help with butchering he will help help yeah but uh he's gonna want to get the get a trans in and maybe let's swim try some boar brains um is uh is the Bandit conscious I do want to have a conversation with him eventually I'm thinking what we could do is try and process a lot of these bore over the course of the night letting and um and Bella knows take that first rest um given you're an elf bellonos you could probably switch a Geck out at some point to get him a rest and then hopefully just kind of prepare and I only need an hour I took no damage and I have all my stuff so I just need an hour oh that's wild okay um then yeah if we could get most of this kind of sorted out come the uh come the morning I'm thinking we could interesting I um we we could talk to cement PCS load up go from there do you think um sweet locket I think she could probably keep just keep oh an aware watch while we'd like work together to cut it up and cut up the bore you know yeah she kind of took a back roll in the fight so I doubt she's exhausted much um sweet luck it's uh how was that boar I know it's not a little one I promised but they got away we will find them again in due time how have you been um well pretty bored um thanks for the poor it's okay we don't need to catch all the piggies um just more pickies out there we'll find yeah you guys left locket with this um given up board for a little bit right while you were kind of assessing I think again for like 30 minutes to dig in kind of a thing yeah at least oh yeah oh absolutely so if she dug her like she her whole face is just covered in bright red blood um and so her paws yeah everybody looks like they're from the Dragon Age games and um she yeah like she's covered in blood face especially just bright red um and her or actually let's see how well she hit it because she hit it what the heck lock it the cat thing she's not a tabaxi I have stated it'd be pretty gnarly if she just like ate it while it was still alive she started she she killed it it definitely started she killed it first she's not a hyena but like the cortisol probably just makes that meat a little bit spicier um your passive is under 15 isn't it um Chaska yes so yeah The Boar's missing according to you as far as the world knows she hit it way up in the tree nice that's actually pretty great I can just imagine in her mouth that she's like yep yep cats but um the only one who might have noticed again bellonos with the crazy high passive um sweet locket dug her fangs into the front of its throat cutting off its Air Supply until it's like stopped kicking and then uh dug into it a little bit and then dragged it up the tree like a Jaguar so phenomenal bonus is just covering squibb's eyes it's cute uh you ever get tired of just noticing everything by lenos like living in the big city eventually you just stop gearing has it happened yet no I'm still pretty alarmed by just about everything good never never lose that Governors never lose that it's the first step you take into no longer being the person that you are now Geck Geck I have been meaning to ask you something why who am I speaking to me and who are you okay and who's the other guy do you know there's another guy yeah how did you two meet were you a boy are you a man when you met I didn't I don't know quite surely remember what you mean you don't at one point in time in your life were you aware of the other voice in your head the other voice that comes out the other voice that talks to us I've been dying to know we've never had a moment where we weren't hip deep in the blood of our enemies and alas Here We Stand hip deep in the blood of enemies but they're all dead for now I have time well as far as I've known I've always had that voice mail yeah this is the voice that I've always had yes interesting as long as you can remember yeah interesting um just a little crazy two memories that the other entity the other voice the other you makes you and vice versa all right one second because are you both Geck or what role 20. somebody's got notifications huh my both gag yeah really I do remember everything most definitely have you ever been in a city I'm just I'm just absolutely curious now have you ever been in a scenario where the other you did something that you in this moment would not want to do how did that make you feel how do you reconcile these differences I need to know do you talk about it or can you not talk to the other you I'm gonna have to get back to you on that I got a message GM something oh okay throw it on Discord it's fine you've got you've got shaska's interest now he wants to he wants to know how Geck ticks It's Better or For Worse in the background you better be working on talking I'll come [ __ ] from you shredding this board that I'm cutting oh yeah I I don't know how good Chaska would be at um yeah I'm just I'm cutting it up and I'm cutting the bore I'm walking and talking I'm walking and talking bro get out of here trying to remember I know one of these bores the big one I think it was just the normal giant boar got like completely fried if I remember right is that what you guys remember too yeah it was just um I think the big one the regular big one right yeah he got Thanos yeah it was unfortunate yeah that guy is that guy's just smoldering at me okay yeah now big white bore probably died the most gracefully when roon fell on him that one's watch out the worst the people's elbows the white-bellied one is definitely muddy and like spiked up and stuff like that but you know there's some parts to get for sure oh yeah um okay those are the other ones I couldn't remember which cool arun's gonna um chaska's gonna like wave his little you know you ever like gesture to someone while you're talking you know absent-mindedly or like chaska's like like waving his life at you ruin while he's like cutting and talking you know mouthful of something maybe it's raw meat maybe maybe or okay you know just like nope I told you those ropes are gonna work but uh yeah to finish our conversation so it's not just left on a weird let me as the player get back to you let me just think about some stuff and then we can talk about it a bit later okay self-reflection is important yeah foreign were you such a slave driver I'm not a slave driver you shouldn't be saying things like that yeah it makes two of us you know the um and dwarves over from the town of Nova they seem pretty surprised about that now I don't really know anything about your folk but they seemed a disbelief that you weren't the one driving the slave card well you're in in with us what's that about what's it about you know um I don't like they said most most Yanti or slavers that's [ __ ] were you ever a slaver yeah it's something I don't really scared to talk about you know fair enough understandable you know I imagine there's not too many opportunities for honest work out there if that's the case so many of well so many on T as you say it fall into that line of work it's um It's Tricky even if they do be known better they might not have opportunities to be doing otherwise sure some might be run to the core enjoy the work but for a lot of folk say your paw works in the mines boy grows up likely he's going to be working the mines too just something I've been thinking about it's it's like that but the cycle can be broken oh who do we gotta break to break the cycle a lot of people a lot of people and even then the work's not done grow hearts hearts and Minds parts and Minds and choice problem with choice is that you can't force it and it's not always the one that you want but it exists and change can't happen first without it that's why I'm here so I'm here but hey I still have much hope watch out for my people it is a painful hope but it's there and perhaps I can use my skills for better more noble goals like here it may not seem like much but there's a chance that these bore have hurt people um it seems the elves are pretty upset about their mere existence which normally I would just kind of right away but uh they seem pretty significant a pretty significant threat to maybe the natural order of life in in this area so and you know soba he's not perfect neither am I but um I think he's got heart where it counts he passed all my little tests I acted strangely around him um to see how he would react to maybe seeing us at our strategist or at our worst to know if you could be trusted um if we needed to show our true selves to him and not sure about his voice um but he seems like the type of sort that I want to fight for good folk who aren't perfect but we're willing to help strangers out even if the guards up hmm I see where you're coming from there and yeah I think we did do a good service out here though if you talk about me trophy in a way that's saying it's not much that doesn't sit right with me went through a lot to get that look at it have you seen things like these before it's a board that what you you watched it walk through a tree no green dragon that's what I'm saying okay shaska all right it's no green dragon but we'll get there or to be great Slayers aren't we again keep the Jesse in private um it's for our continued survival and so for our health but yes if you choose that route you can accompany me there's a goal much much farther down the future than any of us may realize like bellado said yesterday we were running from pigs and perhaps it's a long-term goal but that's part of my great plans well I'm glad to be here with that I am going to suggest if we do decide to go to town we should prompts up and not in that water he's going to be um and we are talking about that yet the only connection he has oh we have no no um we were going to and then we decided we'd address it later and I asked him to help us identify if this is the lake where the witch is at and then he realized that it was the top of the Witch's House um and that a significant amount of topsoil has accumulated in the time that he has last seen it um certainly one new way you could say you've been asleep but he made some groans and winces I've been giving them some food he figured he was tough um he he got banged up real bad you know when you get hit in the head and everything's foggy for a while like really hard like stay as foggy foggy oh yeah yeah and you can't keep things down [Music] uh well yeah might have to see how he's doing um for my from a long Jeopardy perspective we'll see let's see what they know about Nova see what they know about the area I would not be so readily trusting of any information he provides you but getting him talking is a start that's for sure I can make him tell the truth really how yeah magic no we don't yeah Magic's what came to mind for me one thing about torture is when you torture someone they will tell you whatever you want to hear whatever makes the pain go away whatever makes the knives and the daggers and the blades stop and the pulling multiple ways of torture if you open your mind to them and you got a lot of voices in your head that's a lot worse than normal torture ultimately once I've rested I I can possibly just compel him to tell the truth without vulture yeah I I've I've sworn off torturing um I'm just trying to say that it's well that's good not a good not a good thing to do if you're looking for accurate information just ends up being a lot of just yeah I I figured we could just share a good meal together well that makes three of you that have sworn off torturing there's a joke in there um how you doing melanos all right you could do with some rest myself you should you should sleep you should rest there's plenty of plenty of board go around so you know speaking of boar well you guys have been talking I've been going through all my harvesting tables I've equated how much bore you guys would gather if you processed it as adequately as the roles that you guys see at the very end of last session with the average of 15. um it will take 19 hours divided by the party to get all of these bore processed that's you know getting them right off the bat getting the skin off bleeding them hanging them in ways where they can get everything get in the Tusk cutting the heads off skins all that kind of stuff um that's solid I've added that to your loot table as to what that would equate in I'm just double checking I'm assuming you guys want to do that processing before you go correct if each of us do it or is that 19. labor hours needs to go into the project you can get locked in on it you can all work on it hell you could have squib helping like it's however you want to do that um third Board of smoothies yeah so at a minimum if we all do it we can get it done in roughly four-ish hours yeah well for 19 divided by four there's more than four hours five hours well just including its lock it helps yeah flock it helped yeah roughly four hours five hours with your mandatory 15 minute break lock it just one for you one for me you should be a chubby girl by the time she was done look at I see we're down three bore um lost in process yeah shipping and handling error I don't know right you know just uh got him anyways okay let's just do it then let's just crank it out and people arrest us they need to and and yeah we'll just try to keep somebody aware um at all times while we're doing it and just try to crank out the four to five hours of Labor oh it sounds like so Geck probably only needs one to two hours depending on if they want to get their um familiar back and then bellinos needs four to get those slots back Chaska could definitely use a long rest at some point and then Jessica unfortunately needs the long rest yeah two of those hours can be um stuff like this if I recall yeah it's like it's leisurely activities um so like you know you could walk around and like help direct and do some minor labor stuff but yeah you're not gonna be like you know ripping flesh off of Bones isn't leisurely um but you know you could you could be like cleaning pelts like that I could say yeah you you're trying to clean pelts with your chest water or whatever nice I mean honestly that would be pretty cool um you could be you know moving the fat around for uh some of the poor that we're bleeding for some blood sausages in the morning it was good yeah yeah so yeah that's all banana two sheet now this is a theoretical number well you guys are working on this you know how I do with rest I'm not nice um so we'll see what happens I will point out almost immediately before you guys even start doing this um even though it's night time a couple of Ravens come by and they started calling on some branches nearby this pile of meat and slowly more and more birds are starting to show up as you work yeah I [ __ ] I think we should I'd try to dome them with Ravens yeah right I'm gonna start blasting my guy okay um far away I got their AC's up that is that is my job for the next hours you may want to confide with your whole party before blasting we will say we want to kill the birds and the little birds near my corpse why don't we just let them back up the awful why why they're pretty natural and you're wasting time taking shots at them you could set one of the poorest side or use the bits that we're we'll take some of the bits that we're not going to be using I mean like my gut pile yeah give them a separate thing to be picking at um I'm gonna take the Mage hand and I'm just gonna spin it up into the trees and just hang it up give the bird's a little like smack yeah just kind of start moving them just pop them they spook them a little bit dude if you hang some entrails from the like tree branches the split this seed is gonna look so metal yeah um you know what the blood's already been spilled it's probably not much else we're gonna attract additionally if we string them around a little bit so shock like grumply lowers his bow he's like your lunch makes sense it seems to waste of arrows it's gonna kill every bird in the forest yeah she's like these are all mine watch it yeah why don't you ask sweet lock it hey locky you want some birds uh crows are very intelligent and they hold grudges oh yeah let it be against never mind she's like trip aware you guys are telling her what to do uh I mean birds are nice but um I don't care sure I can catch birds if you guys want me to catch birds I don't know if I can they're kind of high in the tree and they already see me so I think I think processing these bowls should be priority all right then I'll just take the intros and I'll just start hanging the intros up by the birds just with my Mage you may make some friends that way all right yep ping Warrior Penguins trees you want to put those in uh wherever I'm seeing the birds are there literally specific trees they are just kind of coming in well as the uh as the birds start Just landing and we start cutting bellies open I'll just start taking intros and just covering the tree branches up where they're at okay I'll just start putting them around then how's that sound there you go yeah swarms of crows are appearing in trees where you hang in Trails don't be taking all the entrails now you can be using those as stuff in stalkers yeah but there's there's like entrails that aren't going to be used you know there's organs and [ __ ] that just like tertiary organs that are not going to be super useful cool so pretty good playing with them Birds um more and more keep coming but um you're keeping there's plenty of entrails to go around for these crows um can I spend 10 minutes to cast comprehend languages and try and hear what the birds are talking about I don't know if that gives you RN or Asian or whatever they call that throw that in the chat real quick because it's a little different with speak from with animals versus um you know if there was Druid speaking Sylvan yeah you'd catch that but I don't think you get all the crows speak all right spoken language spoken language yeah usually if animals are under um like animal speak that's typically kind of separated out for these for Crows it's a good idea if you want to do it you can if you want to take it back you can it's totally up to you it lasts an hour and you're probably gonna take a rest anyways what I know you how would you have tried this in the past to talk to crows actually didn't you just learn this probably not to talk to birds but like I think I did it to talk to the try and talk to the lizard and I didn't understand the lizard so I probably could deduce I'll roll in intelligence okay sales smart dick was when he did that it's really like a nature that would make sense nature okay oh yeah yeah they're not gonna that's not gonna help you with crows unless there's a druid talking to another Druid not in Crow all right then I will just hang them and uh if any of the birds fly down I will be nice to them and hand over any non-vital organs we're not saving animal handling then animal handling uh with a what's it called up four oh they they are interested but pretty wary at present they're also kind of faceted with the floating entrail thing that's happening what's your major well then I'll just try every now and then um whenever you'd like me to roll again well no something procked your attention right here if you want to roll active perception you can of course the [ __ ] is that not I assume shaska is sleeping at this point or at least he counts doing it sounded like you guys were all just going at it for this first four hours and then once you got it processed right or shots are you trying to rest right away what are my limitations with what I can do versus the the mandatory sleeps that I need so like you mentioned I'd allow like hour or two doing light tasks that would be something like you know cleaning pelts um putting stuff in storage maybe even hanging things on your cart if you brought your card over there okay um but like you know actively skinning not so much giving people directions how to skin sure does that kind of make how many hours yeah it makes sense how many hours are we in this I'd probably be asleep at this point if it's past two yeah it'd probably be about two hours at this point okay so don't say I'm settling into bed you know I'm just like hey you guys got it yeah now the sweet locket would need to keep eyes and ears open do you want to go sleep in her and Roost well she goes and helps with boar that would make sense is it close yeah it's um I mean it's pretty close it's right here depends if you want to be that far can you ping it again is is she the only one there yeah I mean she has a roost like 30 feet up with all your food remember why the hell not we'll see what happens cool nice get some uh get some Primo sweepy Weepies in yeah I'd probably try to rinse blood off as much as possible before I like move out to the woods alone if I spend an hour of those two hours uh hanging guts and just kind of moving in trolls do I get a short rest hmm honestly that seems fine you're just kind of telling your magehand to carry little bits of guts up there yeah we're smart I'll allow it that's fine I'm not this is not a super high stakes thing at the moment um all right so back to reality um something runs off with um one of the bore legs Illinois just kind of caught that there was a movement but that's one or ration down nice or actually should would it be more fun to show a tally of how much you've lost that would be more fun oh that sounds interesting um you could do a sub bullet oh there you go parenthesis works cool all right can they commit another high successfully that's my question oh man they're going for it minus one bore meat ration plus one like whatever this creature is we'll eat you don't do it something definitely proxy if something procs everybody's attention wow um it's it's similar spot um oh sorry similar spot right here um eight doesn't work if you guys want to roll out to perception you can oh sure thank you eight minutes up to you if you want [Applause] good thing at advantage that would have been hilarious if this thing got away with it again they don't I didn't grab art for this I'm just using the stat block but I'll show you it's it's a fox it's not this white fox it's a fox it's actually like a kind of a brown Ambry Fox um no it's got its mouth around another haunch it's trying to like tear off as stealthy as it can but it's not coming off up to you what you do bellinos uh can I just hit the ground near it with a sacred flame yeah throw me intimidation see how Brave this thing is it squares up 11. you don't know if you've watched foxes like trying to steal limbs off of Lion carcasses and stuff they're they get pretty brazy you know they do that scare the [ __ ] out of it um healing our pigs so like it's just another brush what was that bellinose it's a fox trying to steal out pigs oh foxes are cute little ones I worked hard to kill these pigs yeah scrappy little bastards keep an eye out it'll probably be back cool all right let me roll a roll here so it's just birds for another three hours um and uh then I roll again I try to feed the birds again in those three hours yeah I I assume you kind of on and off non-stop do we oh yeah I just wanted to see if I could try and uh sure yeah so there's befriend it there's one that's like maybe interested in testing um the limits of safe boundaries with you you can roll another animal handling sure okay okay give me a sec here I'll emeralds you haven't toggled to gym rules at least the stream can see none of them oh actually I can see them you roll the face you've done a good job uh voicing them yep no worries um all right Raven there's actually a raven this Raven gets a lot closer they're actually they like come within like four feet of you like you hear their little their little feet like two on the wood next to you trying to see what the hell you're doing it's a little side hops yep they're giving that sideways eye like what are we doing here bud like they're they're they've they've definitely put together the floating food comes from you at this point okay the Ravens are pretty smart chairs on this one but I'm gonna hand him a kidney see see where this goes I'm gonna just uh see if he brings me anything back see if we're on that level of friendship yet give me a friendship okay yep they'll they they like slowly get closer are you holding the kidney are you setting it what's your plan I'll set it and I'll set it like two feet away from me okay so you know they just kind of leave it cautiously like wait on the back foot hop and Skip gradually over to this little thing eventually depicted to snatch the kidney and take off into the trees for now nice um your name is Cass now you've been mugs his soul is we'll see got him um I have your guys's passives somewhere you mean a sec yeah dude eight um you have an eight I have a ten yeah it's just bellonos with the high passive all the rest of you are not going to notice anything usually so melanos similar area similar proc of your attention a small creatures [ __ ] around with boar again probably up to you if you want to check on it [Applause] it's been three hours they came back holy [ __ ] 23. so yeah there's two of them this time two foxes they're not white I just did not want to make custom art they're the brown Amber brand Amber a foxes and they're both like trying to super quietly tear this meat off of this leg but the boar carcassus is kind of dragging it's the fox's back and it brought a friend oh are we doing anything about this or just foxes look you were already to stop murdering Birds over stealing from them I'm gonna get into it but birds are a different thing I'm pretty sure the government and the King Controls them what the [ __ ] are you saying boy now how much is that taken are they just taking scraps or bonus you saw him get that one nice haunch like that would have been a nice break and Brazen bore leg at a on a on a table at one point but oh they stole one prime haunts and they're trying to rip off another oh I know they don't okay brutal March over and like get go get it roll your Timmy limitation sure see if they stick around it was just like wow my heart all right let's see here intimidation defeat is the 16 a seven you come over and they just kind of get frantic and just rip that leg off you stealth out the window and they both run off together holding hands rude gives them gives them a little taste just to feel good about themselves they got like a shoulder and a hunch oh little bastards okay if you'd be coming back here my kid I can't wanna eat get your boat cool it do we know what foxes have scruffs but some cats if you if you grab the back of the neck or man if I was up we'd have some Fox pellets some box belts for sure yeah without a toe like zero two I just we just yeah give me a nice scarf for you add to your little lion cloak all right Jessica's dreaming about foxes he doesn't know why but he's dreaming about foxes oh yeah are you talking about the fox known as roon oh runes gonna be over here it's gonna be over here like a by where they were tearing off a haunch like processing like I'm gonna get the drop on him this time you just start sneezing like somebody's somebody's thinking about me yeah um nervous another animal handling and a roll and a fate 20. animal handling is gonna be uh six okay 20 is gonna be an eight okay so your buddy that one crow doesn't seem to come back yet um over the course of four more hours they seem to have maybe left maybe maybe they brought the kidney back home to their babies you don't know um over the course of the next four hours um I mean you guys probably wrap up even if Chuck's continuing to rest lots and lots more crows show up um it's getting more and more kind of brazen and cocky as their numbers um get into the hundreds the other thing that happens oh heck to do nine tail fox I can't wait to wake up and there's [ __ ] Birds everywhere like pecking our eyeballs out actually they beat melanos's passive cool that's alarming yeah since they beat Bella Bellino's real media 2d4 Patrol all right all right nothing to worry about fellas slash doubt all right cool so you guys are kind of wrapping up processing all of these things and out of the bushes making itself known is a large wolf um it's not a Dire Wolf but it is a fully grown yeah huge just kind of pops up right on the edge of Camp whereas I wasn't managing the stream's camera properly sorry um and kind of lets out a growl um to anyone who is nearby it looks like roon probably is right here because you were waiting for that fox anyways yeah that's really funny it's like oh you're a bit bigger than I remember you look different yep and uh Wolf's ears go back their jowls start showing um they're trying to be spoofy as possible right now um holy [ __ ] with the 17 spoof at your room they're trying to scare you they're looking at your throat you're a real Fierce One aren't ya Romeo is wham save real quick see if the prime will fear of a wolf staring at your neck gets to you out in the forest at night four yeah despite you knowing you could probably take this wolf there's something about the Primal situation right now that's like oh no this is bad you also know that when there's one wolf there's more wolves why did this wolf just come out in the open and show itself to me this is bad this wolf isn't starving it's healthy yeah rude's gonna go ahead and take that periphery bore right that was uh has a couple tugs and just here you go take this away from me please okay yeah you eat over there rolling animal handling gotcha that's going to be a 15. okay if anybody wants to help a little bit higher but like I would definitely voice looks like we might have a pack of wolves on the periphery so still a bit here's how this plays out this thing's basically like I'm about to take your territory and this whole stack of Wars for myself like that's the vibe it's put now you're like oh [ __ ] I feel more scared than I should here take the sport and it like he thinks you're attacking it it rushes forward and then like stops looks at the Boar carcass and then drags it away away what I'd like to do is light and set it torch okay not a bad idea right here this will be the [ __ ] off also the sport carcass you can delete if you'd like yeah sure that's going to be a three that's how many rations worth that wolf just snatched yeah that makes sense it is already missing both its legs and his shoulder you the other half of the bore is now gone literally yeah um all right and so you're lighting a torch and you've mentioned those awake that there are wolves proud about hell yeah do you wake shoshka I know you need like what one more hour I think that's where we're at now is up high with the food um yeah wake me if you're dead I was gonna know if you was gonna say as a player if you want to be woken up for this I could totally awake you but Rune doesn't feel rude's like all right that's a big puppy uh I think you guys got this so you said that he would get the first two hours of light work and then we went three and then we went four so technically he'd actually been up for an hour at this point you you could wake any time you're right I forgot about those two if you want to be a wig shots because you can wake up whenever you'd like at this point so you've gotten that extra hour so you're feeling like a almost alive now after you're exhausted dude I'll [ __ ] take the sleep so how about either as players or as characters you guys wake me when you need me how's that and if you don't need me great you know have fun stuck in your tree forever I don't mind this watching right now I'm kind of curious as a player myself you know okay yeah I wanted to make sure I wasn't leaving you out no I appreciate it very clear I'm getting my beauty sleep I'm [ __ ] tired you can handle the kids I'm going to bed um so ruin you let them come over with her and then you Lita torch um since roon has flagged everyone that there are wolves about you all I will allow each of you to do an active perception check if you would like since this counts as kind of a stealth proc break we'll stay over here natural one you just are really focused on the One Eleven yeah runes probably lighting a couple torches we'll hand them off to folks like be making a perimeter the one big wolf is very apparent no other wolves are spotted by the party yeah that's why we're making a perimeter okay so you got one torch you try calling him a good puppy I try using their hokey torch Place mechanic oh man I just want to place it without any Dynamic lighting yeah it won't work well at this point it's like morning yeah I mean the Sun's Up it's like what uh about 8 am at this point nice in the summer that case yeah this uh torch is just for fire right yeah this torch is for runes sense of stability like hack It Whack thick [ __ ] out of something with this okay I'll take a dancing lights then and kind of create a good perimeter around us of even though it's still morning just to kind of spook off anything that might hold on to this torch and just have like some [ __ ] off Vibes while people are finishing packing up okay so that wolf comes back right oh yeah and it sees your torch and give it a give it a deep growl you're gonna you're gonna growl at it yeah okay roll the gorilla a growl check real quick for me then automation thanks so I think what would make the most sense with what I just rolled ah is that this wolf has a bad survival Instinct and took that as a challenge of territory cool and is going to attack you so let's go ahead enroll initiative now oh that's not initiative there we go I rolled a natural one for its smarts yes to what's up there so that makes sense whatever you said in wolf man that was that was um yes things can get smacked with a torch right I like how it's slightly faster than you by 0.01 Rune oh heck um everybody's slightly faster than room by 0.01 so Geck oh no you know you're aware that the situation Bella knows you're where the situation really where the situation this Wolf's been visible to all of you ruin just tried to like at this wolf and the Wolf just got the like Battle Stance instantly I'm interested what sweet locket does when she sees a wolf like this yeah let's let's roll for sweetie and see what she thinks um yeah she doesn't like this wolf and she's kind of scared of the wolf that is her Vibes trying to stay in between the party and she's looking up at tree branches currently it's a nice rope for her oh yeah I was gonna say part of the um with the Boris we should be taking down all of her traps you know getting her rope back but that'll be later okay Geck you were at uh Wolfie I'm gonna hit him with a glare all right you look at them with the stain they have to succeed on a wisdom safe or take no actions on its turn all right DC 15 due to the root give me the right DC pathetic nah seven it was Wham correct yep 16. me Firefly response it's awful uh all right I'm going right up this tree right here 30 feet X scrabbles up the little tree 30 feet alrighty Wolf's turn yeah that's my turn give me your money okay these two wolves jump at it and you're gonna try and get you there's a real place to save for the Trap it stepped well or would you prefer to clear all the traps at this point do that be part of the traps or just don't worry about the traps in this encounter it's it's narnar um yeah where did that other one go lost the wolf there it is um come on this one's gonna run in it Bell the nose this one's gonna run in at Sweet lock it bouncing from above oh snap all right now that I have them all in position I think yep they can do their attacks so as we the two wolves running up on roon they think roon is the alpha to contend with in tandem they're coming up they're going to try and bite your feedies not me heels 23 17. yeah 23 lit okay roll a strength saving throw nah runes and movable they want you to roll it anyways because it could be a potential 20 or something just roll it it'll be good huh sure um what kind of a safe just a strength safe sure um strength 22. see that's why I want you to roll it so yep they bite onto you and they're trying really hard to get you off balance they're both tugging at your boots trying to get you down and you're just like ow yeah as you take seven piercing as their canines sink into your ankle yeah heck all right the one pouncing off the cliff towards roon why is it when I minimize wolf it goes way over there there we go it's going to go lock it yes gosh lock it natural one perfect this one goes flying at locket locket Dodge is out of the way dude gets caught in the news thing trap there traps are not active wolf in a Trap God chassis dreaming about wolves wolf pellets ironically that's the best trap that we set the bore was in that like forever this one comes between a huge tree and a bush jumping off of the Whiteboard flying at bellanos's throat what a jab 14 hit ellenos nope I'm not gonna do it okay melanos ducks in time for this thing to just kind of go flying by um sliding in the blood and mud over between Lockett and bellinos um you know it's between Lockett and bellinose I don't know nothing nothing important okay I'm animosity a [ __ ] wolf all right rune nice Rowan is going to bonus action enter rage and we'll be hitting the one that locked onto her boots with the torch I assume this is an improvised weapon so here's my improvised weapon roll with a natural 20. shove it down his throat um growth damage here let me toggle uh makes her rages or this [ __ ] gouge its eyes out with the torch that's what I would do 13 14. it takes 15 damage I don't know if you add any fire with the torch but I'm just gonna [ __ ] break this thing on top of its Dome okay um oh no I like how that token has there we go the token had no health for some reason now it has no Health um so here's what I'd like to imagine if you're fine with it you go to just hit this thing in the face that's holding onto your ankle you just smash it as hard as you can with your torch there's Sparks flies everywhere the torch the only thing left of the torch is the bit you're gripping in your fist the wolf's neck snaps [ __ ] yeah that's the explosion of force the wolf was holding on to you it had its grip digging into the dirt and mud and all that tension plus all that force on a completely different angle just track and the Wolf goes limp nice and uh that's my that's that's my go this other one here is um we'll see what it does your turn bellonos uh I'm just gonna sacred flame the one that came after me cool 15. that passes okay dodged sweet locket sees the one that is um prone upside down grappled by a rope and she is going to roll wisdom save yeah creatures she's just gonna whip out with her claws and start attacking this thing's face yeah yeah get him sweet one attack two attack so the first swipe definitely hits um we should have Advantage if it's prone don't worry it's it's it's locket she's a cat it's fine but uh she hits for five just tearing this thing's eyes and face up while it's swinging there like a pinata and her second swipe came as if the thing wasn't gonna move but it was already like out of the way from that first hit nice um she's panicked a bit and is yelling and things skek top of the turn again uh I'm gonna come right back down the tree now that I can see everything uh this dude in the Trap I'm just gonna kind of interpose myself between locket and them uh look into its eyes and try to soothe it and if that don't work then I will hold my actions to uh open my mind to it and [ __ ] into its brain dude quick Google search how to interact with the wolf don't assume that because the wolf is near you you can pet it incredible so just to clarify we have a hostile wounded wolf you want to try to Sue that what is your soothing approach I'm gonna come in I'm gonna hold between me and lock it arms back calm down calm down we'll get you some meat just calm down and uh roll on animal handling for it oh it says we're going for the half Nelson right so not not the worst it was not the worst approach but sweet lock it just like rip its eyes out and sort of figured which was [ __ ] pissed me off God damn it lock it um don't worry what's your backup plan uh I'm gonna open my brain to it okay yeah I'm gonna do that wisdom save okay yep 15. nine they failed so uh they had disadvantage on their next attack roll hey in case it breaks out screwed out this one's standing right behind you you want us to murder it you know if we could count on one thing it's Bella knows to be murdered go ahead and roll the 1D for psychic damage for me oh yeah it was four four okay oh oh it's up there it didn't look good yeah thank you um plus one so five hey cool yeah this Wolf's eyes are bleeding more than they were before which is great good it was gonna be my friend so hey pretty brutal okay um there's one more wolf in front of roon in fight mode it's gonna try and go to bite mode we'll see if it hits one great can I can I grab it come here that's what you want to do I'll give you a grapple opportunity dude think if you grabbed it with this job open and you just ripped its jaw out I don't know if I wanted to go on an underworld spree with this thing so many movies it's 14. burn natural one I've been hilarious it would have been pretty great honestly grapple each other you're both restrained I'm joking um sometimes oh stop it's bite with your neck they're gonna try to not not get got it they do get guided you didn't punch me I had butter your fist yeah and then this one's gonna go for sweet lock its thigh oh no got her you know dogs hunting cats like there's just something very Primal about that didn't it stand up or is it still got disadvantage it's the one behind her oh no it went directly behind locket locket's gotta roll a save here lock it get dragged off into the night just succeeds um she reaches out and like grabs onto Geck for support just you got her claws in the back of your shoulder as there's wolf tugging at her ankle and she's letting out like a horrible yell of pain kind of thing um all right upside down dangle wolf you got this dude if he gets it's like this snare is just cursed it's the most effective 14 for Geck I don't think that hits right Geck 14. I think it does yeah uh 14 is my armor class don't think that because the wolf is near you rookie mistake what's going to be awesome is roll your strength safe there's he like latches onto your shoulder as he turns oh [ __ ] yes so this this literally swinging pendulum of wolf with bloody eyes crazy just latches on like at the base of your neck and shoulder it knocks you off balance and now you're being like dragged with your feet dangling behind you lock it like losing their balance lock it false now you take six piercing damage incredible rune you have a grapple wolf yeah Ruth's gonna Ruth's gonna try and put this thing out doesn't want to kill it what's your Strat you going for the Full Nelson on this wolf like what are we doing here naked choke yeah that those are the those are the two options the choke or a truncheon right what would likely be oh the truncheon the transience what hurt the dwarfs so Rhodes just gonna try and put it at this time okay don't give the poppers spray tips so let's have you roll I'm trying to think how would we simulate this we could do it like an unarmed attack let's just do that unarm strike nice um it's basically how Rock how well you're you're trying to cut off that blood supply to the brain with your meaty yeah okay yeah that's that's a lot man 15 definitely hits so you cut off most of the blood to their brain with eight damage they're definitely woozy man yeah like they're they're not fighting as hard as they were um he chose this fight just go to sleep it'll be over soon I'll wait till Geck possesses you oh sure go uh is going to use the same trick he used on all the piggies and uh grab his holy symbol and channel divinity [ __ ] so con saves from all the wolves oh yeah all right roll damage just because it's half if they succeed right well yes half if they succeed so six on the safe okay so only one wolf needs to roll sorry roon Bella knows Ruth Ryan shieldless I don't I hope so I'm just trying to sleep [ __ ] I totally take the damage um you're you're ruling though because it's you know you get to choose the creatures it it's um every hostile creature gets lit up basically um let me out of my rolling it's a con save or something like what's the significant okay yeah they fail so all the wolves die sizzling noise it's like [ __ ] leads it you're so silly you weren't even started how did you do that why is it smoking look honestly I'm as confused about a lot of this as you are dangerous but I like that about you I'm I'm learning to like it about myself initiative over all of the wolves are dead I did want to try wolf earlier when that pony put me back on the cart ain't no pony gonna stop me from trying them this time around like maybe able to salvage a Wolf Pelt from one of the ones that aren't too badly burned no no this it's smoldering help the only one that is not ruined the one right here the alpha that caused this other weird Echo what the heck oh actually I'll second thought this one's not hey is he check what happens if you put your mic back on your ear I'm gonna test something or the other side the one that's off it's the echo gone now nope it's still there it's still there that's weird it wasn't there and it just popped up I was gonna say I usually play with this talked off my head so it shouldn't be yeah it's very weird everybody else here in the Echo too is it just me no no okay okay I'm not too worried about it though hurts my head um well the only wolf that is salvageable is the one that attacked you that you not tornadoed with the torch the only there's like literally nothing wrong with this wolf besides that it's neck has snacked you want to help me finish getting this one see we can gather from the rest sure can we save the brain um sure don't think I'd be wanting that for me uh for the club yeah yeah well I'm just I'm trying to find an alternative to to p-e-o-p-l-e-b-r-a-i-n-s for my little friend here to maybe find something you like Rune I don't smell that well ruin kind of Squints at you what some literacy rolls real quick rude no idea uh but we'll just take your word for it like yeah yeah I trust your judgment there um so uh help me skin this strong you were talking about the pelts what do you do what's your survival pretty good actually are you are you good at like do you know how to survival I do rude will help you this time okay I need a nature survival combo roll from somebody hey root actually knows nature too if you know nature I don't okay um in that case I can help you with the uh the survival and then roodle through the nature okay so just just for simplicity's sake do just do um Rune do a nature bellanose do a survival let's just do that for straight okay nine survival um I can't help them though we both have I'm thinking about it um I'll give bellinos one more chance this one thing I'll be gracious once 16. so let me check their CR exactly um it might be botched yeah um not the uh not the I will get back to you on what I'll decide to do with that how about that I'm not gonna pause the game try to deliberate on if I want to let that pass or fail let's just say you have a wolf corpse you at least get the guts out of it how's that sound for now and then I'll figure the rest out okay um besides crows coming in Mass that's the end of the encounters for the night um and the early morning apparently my friend Crow you back one last this is why he's not your friend is because you keep calling him a crow he's not coming back at this point oh okay not bad to keep asking me because they may appear all right I think at this point you probably wake up it got to the point where like the sun's coming through the trees and like warmed your skin on your reptile side so you're like feeling a little peppy it's like you're morning coffee yeah that's pretty good you definitely I feel like you overdid it but like you know you could work okay oh no all right so um have I relieved my exhaustion level I believe we you had a long rest one long rest relieves one level of exhaustion so yes cool well everyone what a mess oh wolves excellent I I imagine we got the Pell oh no well those ones are crispy oh we might be able to get some Meats from them this one here ah we'll we'll figure it out on the road we're not in a rush I think we should back up and go with this boys there's a lot of birds around here oh they're my friends hmm I mentioned you can help us get the ropes down we we should be going yeah has a stranger stream a road you were there actually actually um and there's also some foxes and oh yeah little bastards took a couple haunches belly creatures yeah um anyways um I did some thinking while you were sleeping it looks like you did more than thinking you're bleeding are you okay we're sweet like it ow what happened to people we were attacked by a pack of wolves out of the sky and bit my leg wow with the Torches didn't scare them off or oh this door [ __ ] good it just made him mad roon made a match she barked him I did I did I did growl it uh it growled at me and I you know before I do it I was yelling and then it was clapped onto me boot and then I broke its neck good good you should let in with that I digress wolves a little slower than most that's all right that's all right well um let's lick our wounds like you said back up um leave this place before any more unwanted attention that comes perhaps we might check out this magic uh anomaly down here on the other side of the lake before we do though I have questions about it possibly thorogar may know something about these items I imagine he's also well rested at this point or at least conscious has he been up is he up is he still sleeping we haven't seen him I hope he's alive I hope the Wolves didn't drag him off into the night I would be disappointed if they did if they did they were very quiet about it well they got to jump on you guys uh Bello she didn't take the heart what I said about the whole desensitized and not paying attention thing did you know they're just sneaky huh I got you just the sneaky wolves anyways um Thor gargar are you out there do I have to go Rouse this this dwarf or is he he's set up in a tree bundled yeah I'll flip his hammock challenging swivel of like a pile of leaves disperses oh man awful so you guys just checking in most of you got a long rest except for roon right yep yeah everyone's open to sleep on the trip yeah I'm gonna sleep on the trip too I did not long rest I only start rested a couple you got banged up in that wolf fight as well including locket who's being very melodramatic about it God like won't put any weight on the leg like constantly licking yeah every time he hurts she's being very brave about it yeah you were so brave incredible she uh ends up saying she's gonna go slink off um and let's see what her sleight of hand roll is dude not that she would do anything about like sneaky or anything uh only a 14. so bellados you see her like grabbing an extra bore haunch on the way cool up to you if you say anything I'm not gonna say anything but I'm gonna try to make eye contact with her just so she knows I saw her give a little wink you're gonna you're gonna just you're gonna attack her Pride huh okay laughs perfect oh her Pride isn't happy with you her ears just like she locks in with you like stops for a moment has that little just here ears just kind of go back and she smells a little bit as she slinks away I'm not mad I'm just disappointed oh perfect you know what happens when you catch a cat doing something they know they shouldn't be doing they blame you for it oh yeah of course you know finger and keep doing it yeah all right that's seven rations you've lasted the night all right um hey look at number seven and here we are so it sounds like you guys are rousing uh Thor guard not right not the Bandit at this point what I want to do um um I'd like to get them both at some point but probably first do we want to do Thor guard first and then Razz the Bandit how do you feel as players Thor gargar first just in case anything else happens you guys feeling about razzling Dwarfs because I think that's going to get resolved quickly one way or the other but I don't feel strongly enough about it to insist I'm open to Bandit crew yeah yeah let's knock on the Bandit hey all right maybe like Thor guy is not ready to be he he weighs me off I'd like to look the band in the face and go are you sleeping [Laughter] oh don't be let me friend here meant to say is we brought you breakfast if he'd be wanting it I'm assuming you undid their gag yeah and yet ruin is over here like how do you keep gagging yourself let me see how this guy's Constitution is holding up all righty as long as you get more than a five we should just shakes their head at the idea of food at this point sets it aside out of sight out of mind well now that you're up we've been meaning to talk to you what should I be calling you sorry um let me grab their name here I should have pulled this up already oh man it's just uh yeah it's worthy mixed Warface got it it's worth the dwarfiest huh I am not most dwarfiest um there it is named Stitcher there you go I know you guys always want to know how to spell things did you stink well pleasure to be meeting you there's no place you beat me killed of my boys and then you tied me up direct me around and make me sick well you did attack us we we didn't attack you at all I misremembering well you attacked our friend verbally it's a very appointed threats were made let's start what are you doing out there in the woods anyhow we were told there were bandits in this region we should be watching out we moved quick be friends as you could tell are a lot less restrained than I am when it comes to their approach everything's fuzzy it it was a nice day we're having picnic yes Bandits are in these Woods should be careful I mean you did threaten the Rob our cat friend Sweet Life actually I believe they threatened to sexually assault her if I recall that's worse yeah I don't remember saying anything like that oh let's look it the cat the cat with the bunny what the [ __ ] are you talking about Tunisia we're your best friends we've been your friends for years it's gonna take you a little bit to be recovering I didn't think I hit you as hard as I did that one's on me I remember it was light falling from sky like the sun um that you technically finished him but he was Dazed after taking that much damage so he's just also if you remember how memory works best thing I remember was getting hit by that in the head yeah I just I'm I'm trying to remember back I don't think this was the one that uh bellonos had attacked Bellino's hit the one that was in the tree um said this guy in the dome with a ball of light and gave him a horrible well and then you came behind him with a trunch and and finished him off yeah yes a ball of light that it did look pretty shiny from that angle well do you remember where you're from foreign why keeping me alive out in these Woods why have you been dragging me around chasing these or so you're not from Nova I guess that sells that there's a bounty on some of the bigger creatures in these Woods we are new to these parts ourselves looking to make a name [Music] looking into good good big creatures and seldom yes do any of the creatures here look like they're alive enough to be selling into slavery no but none of them are very big besides that thing that's been pulling the cart how really you don't mind yeah rodel just kind of like go kick some rocks in the corner forever it's real big yeah before walking up to him I'm gonna I'm gonna send a message over to shaska or whisper to him I don't know what our proximity is just I'm just gonna say Just Go With It foreign yeah I mean we are trying to get into you know we thought that maybe you know these whiteboard they seem pretty magical I thought hey maybe we could make a profit off of it is that something you're willing to get into something you've worked in before it's really so dead slaves well they were alive if we didn't kill them on accident if it's rare yeah we could make good money I know some some people who would buy rare animals even the ones just kind of big like these we've been helping you this so long do you happen to remember any of their names or what towns they might be located in what oh the names of the people that you would tape these two I can't tell you the name of contact you cut me out of deals no I mean you're with us we've kept you alive why would we kill you after we kept you alive this whole time um so that I can't tell anyone your names who I would go back to how do you know we gave you our real names I assume at least that you wouldn't use aliases this whole time but I guess I don't know I don't know a lot smarter than me well tell you what I mean look at this guy here you think this is uh to show you that we have no contacts ourselves we're just looking to open an open business deal if you could give us something we kept you alive you know just a Tit for Tat one man you catch something worth selling to the slavers I will tell you where to bring it to okay the point of the big big beast you're going to sell that yeah it's liability can I um can I jump in you guys can do whatever I just I wanted to give especially Aloo uh an opportunity to jump in first year because you've been chomping at the bed to talk to this guy but uh you and Jack do you guys have any um any more stuff you want to talk to him about rude's brutally honest I have some like backline things that I definitely want to ask but shawska if you want to play off of this whole like see how much of an Aiden this guy is with a slave or kind of suss out from your side um as stereotyping as that is probably do so first because rude is like the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah so like there there's a buy-in Factor uh and a trust factor and a guarantee of survival Factor like before we can even get into like the utility of any exchange here right and and we're kind of at a disadvantage we're like do we rolled up and just ghosted and we murked his whole [ __ ] Squad um before they had a chance to actually harm us which like as players we know that they are Bandit tokens you know they were probably the bad guys you know do we know for sure no but they did like literally open up the conversation with like the threats of sexual assault so like I feel no remorse for ghosting these guys but if we want to like manage something out of this out of this character I think there might be like an approach that we need to take with with this guy um yeah what are you thinking so shasco kind of walk over you know into this guy's field of view and just kind of look at them you know look them up over um how does he look should I need to roll a medicine check um not a bad idea and then also um I did want Geck to roll me one deception check most of stuff was just straight good RP the only thing that I would want warranty with the deception is hey yeah we're looking to sell our Beast of Burden um because I don't think you guys are trying to do that say 15 16. it's not bad um if I were hard to read I'm also built for deception yeah I mean you're like he he just gives you that like that squint like I don't know but you know like a slight nod like okay um okay and then there was something else going to say okay he's like he seems like he might believe you that you're trying to sell it um you guys are gonna try and take a different angle or something now right that's all my questions fellas do you have anything you want to talk to him about no um oh yeah the medicine check um go ahead and run that yep so that's an 18. whoa not bad he is dazed pale dehydrated he's been puking for days um he's only been able to really keep liquid down um he has rope burns on his bindings you can see like even his mouth's like getting kind of raw where the pukey Bandit uh gag keeps having to be put so he is in pretty rough shape definitely exhausted um okay and no signs of concussion so although I'm gonna pull um pull Bell on Earth aside um bellados I am no doctor um but if this person is to have a chance at providing us with information at the least they have a road to recovery to go on whether that's magical or non-magical um I am no doctor but my life life I thought I was dead yesterday so also not a doctor what I'm saying is that any investment we decide to make into his health will enable us to better understand if there is a payoff on the other side if we don't choose to heal him magically I don't see I don't see his immediate future going very well there is a chance that if he cannot keep water down for much longer that he will die out here that is a thing that happens if you cannot keep water down if you cannot drink water you will be dead in three days and then we will be in a much more difficult position to heal him magically or non-ratically so eleanos that I may be able to get through to this person um and speak to him and he may be able to help us with some matters um but would you be willing to heal him magically if you ask me to I will I don't know what we expect to get from him apparently he traffics with slavers I don't know if that's information that we need information break into the business information is information check about your allies a bunch of enemies who are you oh shut up don't kill me by that name not here yeah I always do that I'm so sorry um anyways information is information and right now we need some nine and I will as a player do you have any qualms with Burning uh burning a spouse a spell slot to heal this guy no I'm totally cool with it melanos is just annoyed because as soon as he said he worked with slavers melanos was like we should just kill him basically American yeah I mean you're not the time bonus is like yeah kill him everyone's like heal him messages over here like yes but later sometimes you let one live so you can kill the bunch of them all right now that I can get behind and I'll mutter a word in Celestial and heal them for five runes just out of curiosity before we do that was this the guy that like was lewd to um sweet locket I think we killed that kick immediately I killed him yeah dude that [ __ ] wrecked um okay a few things there's a lot that just went through first I want Chuck to roll me 2d20 second I want roon to roll me a stealth check oh for sure for what just came out of your mouth it's the nine I missed what roon said damn OS dug it let me see if this guy picks up on it I'm Gonna Roll disadvantage I'll even real publicly [Music] um that's exactly what she wrote so here's the thing probably locks eyes and it's like ah if they're not useful okay um so those 2d20 was for squib squib thought that wolf meat was pretty good squib thinks pig meat tastes almost just like people meet in fact they're wondering if this might be people brains evil brains they're like you know super excited about these big brains that's so wonderful I have wonderful news everyone to what we're doing right now good news exactly they do called they do call humans [Applause] um so Squibb is ecstatic to eat pig brains so that's good news for your party um and uh is hunts down the rest of them with me did you not kill all of my friends again they lost Consciousness once the bot of light hit me I think I yeah we did hit you pretty hard now anyways to sexually assault your kids I don't even know what kit you're talking about that's good the company that you kept can't be saying the same for them they're dead though so that's where we're at yes kept you alive okay um so you have big animal you want to sell you keep me alive because I think they just wanted to talk to you I wanted to see if he could be useful to all of us see what you do okay you just need information why don't you say so we did you're just a little slow I am very Dazed and Confused um you're setting up a little better now do you think he could keep down a little bit of water yes probably fine just keep the food away from me not this foul Corky's pile of boar is not helping me since his we'll be on the road soon get yourself oriented we don't need to be covering it on I know you could make me feel comfortable by taking me out of these bindings Rune turns to Bellino's any objections there I mean I I don't think you posed as much of a threat in this current state turns to shaska um I wouldn't mind like pulling him aside um this this guy this is you pull him aside and he finally gets a good look at you Cheska it was young T you should know about slaving why would he need to ask me where to bring this Beast I'd be bringing it to you new regions like sorry I don't know what to tell you anyways um like is this guy's what is this guy mobile or is he like talking to us from from a sitting position he is hogtied and has been hogtied for several days oh [ __ ] okay he is hogtied and you guys have been just removing this gag and pouring water look at him foolish Geck or I will blast off some of his extremities mind if I just take him for a walk he's like stretching there's all these like cracks from his spine and shoulders Rood will give you a look that's like just a slight bit of hesitation but would eventually kind of give you that nod like say no no rude is roots choosing to trust you here like all right yeah trust your judgment sure so I'll take I'll take oh oh boy for for a little walk around the lake you know um ah such beachfront property yeah you know just get away from the the the carcasses and whatnot um so like let's leave this guy don't you just drag yourself where you want to be on the map nowhere special um let's go this way a bit like yeah let's go over here we'll do we'll Walk This Way kind of go around stay away from this magic thing um no I'm sorry about what happened to your voice but for the record two of them fled what do you think it might be good depending on which ones they were they were the two farthest back on the log um I believe too farthest back from from your location One Way unfortunately met hmm it's a little sick probably got away okay you know these things happen we find ourselves on opposite ends of of the field up to the ends of the table this is a really good spot to do this because you have super loud crows just calling right above you Raven's a cruise just yelling at you guys basically give us more food so there's a nice sound barrier between you and everyone just for Aesthetics nice um I'm not gonna say that um I can guarantee your safety and I'm not going to say that um that I have the means to help you but I'd like to think that I can try um you know we were all once slaves that Beast we freed we freed ourselves we killed our slavers and or making a Life Anew for ourselves so you're on the run then yes we're on the Run on the run and we have not been afforded the luxury of taking many chances and when we met your group that was a chance that we couldn't take at the time and so my associates acted as they did and the battle went as it did again some of your people left and these things happen I have been on many sides of many conflicts and sometimes it's personal sometimes it's not it doesn't change it doesn't change the facts but um for you and for me this one wasn't for someone else it may have been but that has come and gone he like raises a hand still kind of weakly it is nothing new around these parts especially for men like me you know you're not right like you slaves out in these Woods in fact I could introduce you to some folks you might get along with Will other folks end up on the run out in here in these situations come together safety numbers coordination networking again uh be smart under in blood in the mud for the boys it's more upset about how you've been treated up until now should be don't even think I left dagger towards party and anger or say word and you treat me like slave banned me like hog it's not good impression uh sorry if this is normal for the suggestions at you yeah no I I can't say that um that was Michael or that was um a task that I was entrusted with but I can't change I can't change the reality of what you have just said however he's so curious though how did you end up his slave everybody seems to ask that it again I I if I saw you I'd be trying to make Business Connection you know we don't uh you people they buy so many things that we can find here get over to the east but they must have gone sour somehow maybe you step someone in the back it's okay everyone out here living in the wheels with me and my parties uh my boss because we don't have better place to go yet so you know the one that the one that ties you up and the one that held you like that perhaps perhaps they can speak to that and perhaps they can atone and perhaps they can't um that is not for me to say but ah you know we all began as something else um and this guy is probably on my level I'm gonna take something out of my bag and show it to him it's a silver silver five pointed star and I'm just going to put it back whether he knows what it is or not um but that's not me anymore let me see if he actually knows what that is he Squints at it hmm I think I've seen one of those before I can't remember what it was so what I I must say thank you for cutting these bindings but he feels terrible but my brain is foggy uh I don't have any excuses other than that we have been just expressed um the last two days um with our current you which which we could do though is uh you have so much stuff and I did all of these boys so much food I mean I could bring you up to to the camp they would welcome you if you were willing to sell at a discount maybe these poor um we could talk I introduce you maybe this could be a favor I give you for keeping me alive um there's a lot of blood in the mud and I can't I can't ignore that it's uh for your sake uh what do you mean exactly for me the blood in mud means the other guy did the best move on not going to kill someone over something that cannot be undone they could have been your brothers to comrades your friends I choose to live that you do which is why I'm having this conversation with you which is why I asked my associate to heal you and which is why I undid your straps because the if you were to have any chance at interacting with us it should be as a human to another human or so they say I spoke to other person a person yeah but don't give them a chance um maybe maybe take your time with that but um you know we're still moving in healing too and trying to figure out who we are and who we plan to be after being after being locked up for so long and it sounds like some of those wounds are still are still healing themselves um the sounds like you groups blood is not quite in the mood you say you are still fresh you have raw feeling it's okay um so you understand it is not my way I like to live my life but I understand uh this is the be careful this sort of passion for what cannot be changed it's many men killed can be unhealthy out here in this dangerous world I can attest that it is definitely easier to live without that passion and that is how I have spent most of my life but that is not who I am and I embrace that with all the pain and the sorrow that it brings TC said life little um I am ready to move on to next steps um I don't know what you want from me I have a weak injured I think if you let me go I might survive but a wolf might kill me on the way it's about as you may have heard or saw they tried the same on us the threats are definitely out there you know that probably better than I do my suggestion to you would be keep your eyes open um and your ear close to the ground learn what you can from these folks and decide for yourself if our operation is something that you want to be a part of um and I will do what I can to ensure that your chance to do so is as as Fair as possible and that if you choose to leave that perhaps you can do so on good terms and equipped to do so I am not fond of letting Folk go knowing that it is to their death I have seen that too many times to perpetuate that and for what it's worth I'm sorry if any inaction on my part led to your distress that you experienced when you were bound okay it's just to move forward it's no use I going to try and forget these last few days anyways it's not healthy to think about so if I offer my hand it's just uh just to understand I'm still you're a prisoner if I run you kill me you want me to see if I like your friends and maybe join your band and you don't want to meet my band Yes necessarily maybe you don't have to be a prisoner maybe we can talk about this and I think that the idea should be left open um as you might be able to guess I've met a lot of groups in my life and in my time and like I said information is information I think that we both have something that we can learn from each other and that our groups both have something we can learn from each other and perhaps why don't you be a companion with us on the road for the time being and we'll see where it goes from there that's all it has to be and where are you all heading exactly so foreign we're thinking about going to Nova we're thinking about possibly going south just depends on which way the winds blow okay do you know much about those bore that we just killed the white ones no no I have notes oh it's definitely uh they look funny I've not seen the Whiteboard liked it um what about uh what you say to me just going now even if I am the weak I try to make it back it might be easier now if you just let me go don't have to talk to that dwarf end of yours who looked me up for these easier for you or easier for me it seem probably easiest for me of course I would like to just go Um this one it scares me a bit I don't is that who he's referring to yes yeah they're too tofu drove in the the hands are so sticky uh it's okay you said start a new right why don't we add that to the list see yes all right but you see it'd be much easier for me to never have to look it or smelled it to work ever again if it brings out all the bad memories of being hogtied them putting the gag in them trying to have me drink while I'm unconscious it's just this blur of these I wish never to remember again um yeah everything for that like okay irreverent damage air fuel yeah yeah um I'd like to say that there was some intentions with keeping you alive and cared for however those intentions oh yes Gravely misdelivered you couldn't think the priest for me for the magical healing and whoever contributed to me being alive I would say thank you to them but if I'm honest prefer to speak to you you speak to them then I just go Um maybe maybe there's something I couldn't help you with maybe there's something I give you that you just let me go now and uh then we everything will be good it's all this the blood in the mother of under my end you can have time for yourself to be passionate about it the blood in the mud I can stay away from that other dwarf you can think priest for me I have information I can give you two things if you let me go now you hold on to those two things and maybe we can make a deal to convince you to stay on your own accord which is much different than the current proposal price so you will not let me go that's not what I said in those exact words chaska's like I don't want to tell you that you don't have a choice but I want you to think that you do so okay take you up all that maybe yes um you're heading to Nova do you know how long you'd be staying in Nova I hope you have something inside it's selling Goods day or two then this is a large amount of things you'll need to haggle then move taggle learn the ways see if there's any license or permits that are needed for us to sleep on the bed take a bath have hot meal and I've never been keen on sleeping on beds but uh the ground does for me but the rest I'm sure yes you're right that there there's more Nuance than just a come and go passing fancy passionate about where you sleep is fine um so it's not passionate drama but that's okay it's it's hot trauma oh yeah it's okay ah how about to give you two very good important informations one of them would allow you to find me and or at least find um my my band you give them my name tell them you helped save me maybe they be happy they especially be happy if you bring them Goods to sell for cheap um it won't be retail and let me tell you unless it's something very hard to come by um and what goods are you in the market for yeah whatever is from other regions uh especially things from the far south we can still travel across get a lot of money for it um you know the spices silk um things like this um as we have spoken with uh your trial friend about if you have rare beasts that are alive um those are worthy lot of resources if you can get them over to uh to the Far East you said you're a band are you one of the leaders the leader oh no definitely not uh if if it would be poor leader if I was yeah out in the forest having a picnic listening to nothing tuning out enjoying the nature and then getting knocked out and Hog's tied it's a bad leadership so no definitely not um tell you what what this could be one of uh one of the favorites I give for you for me to go I I give you I my Leader's name he can give you my band's name in the maybe kind of a way to contact them and then you know I think about your offer I've been with your party a few days if uh if I want to come find and join you I can find you in the Nova yes baby I could even show you a secret of my band that would open doors much of this information doesn't come for free um this would be rarely conditioned if I get to go now I go and I give you these it definitely sounds like it's something you really want to do however um I'm not entirely I'm just like what else can I milk this guy for um however it's not a call that I will make on my own to let you go this is something that I could do right now yes but is it a call that I'm gonna make no um I thought she was leader of this band of uh not slavers yeah you know how that goes um I am but you should listen to your people um Oh you mean the the you you confide with um your band into guitar on things yes uh oh you're one of those it is uh slow in the arduous decision making that's way but uh okay um what uh what can I do to help figure out if I can go I can just sit here you you could rather not go that way towards it's nasty dwarf um if they're squeaky voice uh so what I want to do is just reconvene with the group and talk about all the stuff that we've just learned um and he is trying to create an opening to run the [ __ ] away for sure yeah and I'm not gonna let him so like I won I want somebody to basically watch him uh wait wait oh I've been planning this whole time if he starts to move away at all I'm killing him why don't you just shout over at your friends the deal and see how they feel that would be best for me that way we can keep the mud in the blood down below and I don't have to relieve the last few days so so much you know he seems helpful or nice he is the warm hands so I'm just gonna wave everybody over [Laughter] everybody all right and then I could use the little break to go to go pee I don't know about you guys for sure how about a break and then we can convene and talk with this guy who wants to run away who is probably going to give us some bad info she's Rune walking this way he's going to say are you [ __ ] kidding me wait wait do you need this dwarf to be in this conversation do you think that they're even going to have anything good to say can you please just have them go away like I'm serious I thought we had the conversation you're trying to have me trust you and I explained to you something and you just throw it right in my face this is not how to be dressed we'll leave it there and come back I love it that's not how do you trusts not very trust money hahaha all right we'll be back in about 10. I'll be next week we do I'll take the new Minecraft update is garbage I see that's it what I'll take the new Minecraft update is hot garbage oh there's a new Minecraft update huh yeah they added architecture or archeology archeology and it's literally hot trash and they literally just rig the mob vote so that the the one thing that would go along with the archeology would win cool they gave the whole one the whole mob that won like a two three minute section on describing what it does in every other mob got like 30 seconds yeah sounds like a classic election to me foreign to vote for this it's been hard keeping the Slavic accent going almost French I keep stopping I keep slipping into Norwegian and slipping into a little bit of Francie hello everyone I don't have very much more questions today I have very minimal hours trying to sound Slavic Slovakian oh so got my snacks how you all doing everybody good ready to go and continuing yeah okay give it a go I'm gonna get a couple cheese bites in and let actually let's just start with you guys conferring even though this Bandit is like what the [ __ ] yeah so okay yeah he's surprised and bringing everybody over you know I didn't say I had to listen to every one of his whims um yeah you know it's more about uh more about settling this um like everyone gathers over it's always hard Rune that's me you know I Sega makes a good point you know in his last two days that he spent with us it really feels well not only restrained down like a prisoner but treated like a slave and rune that's on you and that's on me on you for doing that and on me for not intervening sooner or not stopping it in the first place I definitely take accountability of that I don't think that's the type of people that either you or me aspire to be that's my opinion on the matter how do you feel about that didn't um yeah yeah sure um I don't really have a problem with not binding folks that were uh that were trying to take with us um like yeah it's easy easy enough so how can you make it right make it right um well I suppose I could cook something up or not it always doesn't like food it all really beats me I figured they were uh they were a little bit tougher than they peace and they were but um are they it sounds like they're upset oh God he's right here he's gonna he's he's hiding around the other side of the tree from roon as much as he can yeah and it's just gonna like again not running but just trying to like Mosey as far no no no no no he's not getting far from me at all no I'm right next to his ass hey Bud don't go far for your own health not going anywhere just kidding from this stupid [ __ ] dwarf whatever see the thing is based on the brightest but he called me a dwarf this one sees it Good Vibes out of this one to figure out that you're not at worth so he thinks you're just a [ __ ] weird dwarf yeah he's not wrong so he's like [ __ ] weird goddamn hate that dwarf and Ruth's like why he sees me so he's a twos we're making progress you didn't want to be a dwarf I'm confused wouldn't have ever heard of the phrase irreparable harm irreparable harm um I've heard of the phrase harm before um is that some sort of like really really bad harm or is that like a type of harm is that like what you call rope burn or or it's like a wound that no amount of magic can heal no amount of time can scar over wait so what type of wound that never scars that never scars over that never heals no matter how much Magic cannot be undone what I fear is that the interaction of U2 has permanently scarred this this man's this dwarf's mind's uh opinion and image of you um do you have any hopes of him joining our party ah not strongly I don't think it's gonna work out because his pragmatic approach on things reminds me of how I reminds me of me yeah younger days and the younger me would not be here don't go far just kind of like yeah look at that door don't do it can you tell them we're just walking you got me please don't worry yeah um so made it terrible and made did sit right with them and they're wanting to go did they offer terms or they did not really wanting to keep them around I figured if we subdue them we might be able to see a little bit more about this region try and figure out what's what's what and so maybe now we know how to do it next time not that way well all of yours are in the ground or at least to the carrion Birds mine's still talking yeah you're not wrong though it's he sounds more sassy than anything so what'd you learn um so I would share with you that um where's my [ __ ] notes I'm just making sure this guy doesn't run um I'd apologize to the cat yeah that um he can show us you know his captain's name his band's name opened up a line of trade for us in the future to purchase things like our boar meets um not at retail um but still um spices silk anything rare that we have that we can trade can be possibly traded with their with their band um and a way to contact them a secret of the band that opens doors none of it's verified some of it are all but could be a trap but it's information that we don't have now that even if we haven't identified as safe information information is information that is what you wanted is it not we have a chance to give this this dwarf an opportunity to remember us by something other than his treatment over the last two days and that's what I've been over there yonder by the pond trying to work with him about I don't know it sounds like he has a bandit or at least he's working with a bandit band and he has ties with slavers I think the type of treatment that we left him with this seems reasonable to be sticking I second that but but I appreciate that you've been working on mending that and salvaging the situation I surely mucked up so I want you to think about something rude um and bellinos you too because I'm not saying that oh but this is the current I'm not saying this this is the current reality but we all began as something else that dwarf could easily be a Young Yankee boy what lost in his ways who has not yet found his purpose or his reason to live but perhaps one critical event in his life change is his perspective and leads to a string of events that changes his behavior changes his ways and changes the actions that he takes with everyone being a pure effort to change who he was would you take that chance away from him so you're saying we shouldn't let harmful generalizations about an entire group affect how we feel about an individual that's interesting isn't it squib Bon I'm saying that maybe we should give him a chance and maybe I should think of it as a way of paying it forward I was muted sorry he definitely responded with peoplebrains melanos I apologize I was like I should have got something oh red circle on my mic that's yep he agreed to tell you just how hurtful generous for making exceptions that one's a special case so I do believe in giving folks a chance and that's why I didn't kill him outright myself though I also don't think these sorts of things can be forced on folks the opportunity can be put there but change in me experience doesn't happen overnight you can't listen if you try and work really hard one night and try and get everything done and you exercise all of your muscles hoping you'll wake up much fitter you're just likely to harm yourself more than to actually develop the muscles that you're looking to shape does it you get what I mean I do pan over to Geck and um um is uh it's okay if I talk to this kid yes you're not going to hit me with it it's just a stick okay he was in the perfect vantage point to watch you put that stick through a boy's eye yeah uh is what is this kid's name ah they respond to me Jesus Christ [Music] y Kitty incredible absolutely incredible I do not like this person 13 for performance she's a cat I'm sorry for luck lucket's eyes get all big and she like hunkers down and like flips down to look and like peeks over her little ledge what uh is the Hyundai said one of um the people is having the lunch with said something sexual to you um or something inappropriate I don't even know who it was which one but um since your group seems to think I'm responsible for what this man says I want to apologize and say that I'm sorry this happened to you in the if it would have been me I would not have such illicit such things in the conversation it so yeah I don't know what you're talking about um but uh oh lock it you're not my type and I'm gonna stay in my fort and you can't come up here ever incredible very reasonable he just kind of throws his arms up okay uh thank you for listening hey elbow like yeah your name is geek uh can we just walk somewhere you see so good no he thought I apologize for something she doesn't even remember happening now I don't know if it is even real or if you don't teach just [ __ ] with me get good move yourself somewhere he's just he's gonna follow you this time unless you're trying to go towards ruin and be like hey can we just not I'm taking like this way dude that is a mood it's not like cool yeah um and then we'll pan back down uh to you folk for a bit I may I may Zoom back in on Kick momentarily but you guys are deliberating and so I'm talking to bellinos and and roon what I'm proposing is that foreign if he stays with us he doesn't stay Shackled which means he would likely try to run off into the night so at that point why bother trying to keep him why don't we send him on his way equipped or some with something to get him through something to remember us by oh and with the information that he has promised again whether the information is as good or bad and I have already apologized to him he doesn't want to hear it ruin but I want you to apologize to him as well if you are truly sorry if you're not then well you know don't say something you don't mean but if you are as I am what should I be feeling sorry about because he wasn't sufficiently pampered during his time as a prisoner it's the principle of the matter bellonos I like to think that roon understands and if roon doesn't that's fine you know yeah like Belarus isn't wrong From bellinos's perspective like I think it's quite funny All I'm gonna say listen you're both more worldly than I am but if we hadn't been there and locket actually had been alone do you think that situation how do you think that situation would have played out that's the thing we don't know but we can assume right what we what we don't know is like if this guy's telling the truth or not just like he doesn't know if we're telling the truth or not but like we can just kill him or we can take him on his word and kind of see what side quests that that develops right or he can submit to my spell and we'll know if he's telling us the truth before he departs he cannot choose he can choose to submit to my magic so he could make sure that what he's telling us is right and proper I guess I could say sorry for biting them up so I I just didn't expect him to be so delicate um it seems a little delicate that's so that's on me that's that's my fault um I should be I forget how strong I am sometimes really is a problem but I can be saying sorry for that we could be sending her on this way after he tells us what's what um don't have very many doubts in my mind that if he does tell his band and gets back to his band about us clearly they're probably gonna draw weapons and we can go from there maybe we'll have a good round maybe we might get more loot but there's a chance that that's like any plan there's risk there is great risk here but they could barely set up a picnic without falling dead over one another when we came in pretty clear and I I don't feel like there's much of a risk here I mean maybe but why would I hate those yeah seriously it's rude why would I hate those that are weaker than myself pathetic oh man that's rough whatever we decide to do I think he might appreciate it if we passed runes apology along but he you should tell him that I'm I'm actually a man like it's you know he won't believe me it's utterly convinced real interesting he thought I was a dwarf she puffs chest a little bit nah not a dwarf you're not a dwarf no I'm a man link but uh you can he he could you could tell him that I want your buy-in because because I respect you and I think that you're a you're a good person to have around I want you to consider your little squirmy friend you know who eats friends via murder not all the time but usually be a murderer um and that we are we are giving him a chance right is that fair to say we're giving him a chance we're trying to see the good in this creature even though it's very difficult I I haven't seen it yet I'm not convinced yet but I haven't rendered judgment I'm waiting to see this creature surprise me oh oh that brings a few things to mind I hope that it doesn't surprise me in the night on my face that's what I was thinking that's a risk that I am tentatively taking not because I trust it but because I trust you and Chuck Chuck bellinos I'm asking if you can do the same for me no I I don't think we should kill him in Cold Blood we should just let him go but I'm not doing it out of any sense of hope for him to turn his life around I just want him gone and Matt is a really judgy word for Squibb just eating the things that we kill Ed yeah I was gonna say having a there's actually a lot of protein if you cook brain up right I mean just because he eats a part that you don't normally eat doesn't make it any kind of moral failing on his pot how does he eat people brains in the wild I'm already dead on there you know he didn't do it this would eat people's raids in the wild it's got those things or two he hasn't himself personally hurt any people since we've known him that might be a good transition it's a good transition over to to Geck I think um so your name is geek um why you stick around with these people the Yanti is trying to convince me to join your band um couldn't tell you they made a promise by me it's the only reason I'm staying at this point hasn't really come to fruition yet but we haven't been hasn't been long since we've made the promise makes sense you have a fresh purpose you want to fulfill my camera is gotten [ __ ] blurry again why do you do this oh you do this I turned off autofocus you should just stay where I put you oh that was cool it like zoomed in on it on the beard should be focuses right in the money shot there's a beard in the middle of my car anyways um is uh he's good not to break a promise if along is you mean the promise when you make it uh at this point the only one I could trust to keep that promise is the the manling rune [ __ ] monsters [Laughter] I minus 15 to 50. exactly he's the only one that seemed to cared the most when I brought it up uh there's not many people in my life have cared about me so okay um it seems like it is they have the extreme passion either is the all they love or all they hate then yes I'm going to be frank with you up front I don't think the way he treated you was anyway near where the way you're thinking he wanted to treat you he cares about daughter safety and we didn't know you but he knew he wanted to help you whether that was uh I guess I mean like I S like you said we killed all your friends at least most of them yes not friends don't uh he's she's bloody in the mud but okay you can call him these companions companions okay we've killed your companions Arun was the only one to even think straight for a moment maybe we should spare some of them talk to them I blew one guy's leg clean [ __ ] off yeah you really did I heard the threat myself and uh well I go by the orders of that of uh my friends shame roon was the only one rushing in training to kpl lives sure if whoever did say these stupid things to these kids yourself within the bushes he would not have said such things um but that's the point sorry he's over here so you can see powerful drow and all that but it goes over my heads I'm not set in your freeze till the the snake one tells me to exactly just it's okay but I'll tell you this hmm it's sort of start you can stay if you want but you don't have to I'm not gonna [ __ ] kill you I would have five minutes ago I'm not gonna let you leave but I'm not gonna kill you I can see it well I can't but Cask can you just want to survive and your Best Bets until you get better is going to be with us get yourself better and I'm sure they'll set you free and do your own wishes we can't be going out in the state throw me a persuasion with that last bit nice um like just let me die away from you weird people 13. all right I like to think that that the bless is um you just got that extra sultry stubble going on like oh um I will call you geek then not to Drew um geek you're a man of folding promises and I can respect this I also can't do the promise too can you promise to please at least protect me from your friend who you made a promise with this Rune creature if say if if I must be killed by you folk that you'll be the one to do it at first you can do it quickly just stick my hand out he spits in his hand and throws it out for the shake now don't make me having to go and keep true to that promise get better they're good Folk and this is simply a misunderstanding okay I will think about this offers to uh to ride with you to Nova God damn I go in Norwegian again I'm so much I dude I practice so much like Norwegian accent for That season five campaign I didn't confuse any of it anyways um not convinced that it is safe for me here especially if as you say this this Rune dwarf if he trying to keep me alive is what got me so hurt in the first place he's right you know it might be more willing to stay now though I think you get for you straightforward honesty it makes conversation so much faster and you are right I just want to survive just keep in mind this is my opinion I can't speak for them but I will keep true to my promise if it comes to that is all you can do eh thank you all right party rest of party hardy where have you all landed what is the plan on your guyses and you have to talk with Geck of course too but what what I say we give him the choice offer to let him stay right with us we can be providing food protection bring him with us to town we have also if they go I want to be here and from um about this uh this group they said and whatever that secret in was she shared I don't feel too strongly either way don't be fearing them but what do you what do you want bellonos I believe I've made my position clear I'm preparing just leave there at Chaska I think that the information should be exchanged and passed that he can go with our blessing with some equipment or he can stick around and at his own at his own I guess at his own what am I trying to say if he wants to stay it's his free will it says free will you know yeah I don't I don't expect him to wrap their mind around him so in character you're stepping back from from prison yeah you're letting it you're letting you're giving it back to the Fates giving it back to the face like if you want to leave you can leave equipped or you can run off into the night when you're not equipped like um that's fast by vote because we can't keep him as a prisoner like there's no it just it just doesn't feel right tashaska given how it's been framed I don't want to be a prison guard I don't want to be a slaver never should have found him in the first place and I will be apologizing about that that one's on me doesn't sit right with me but it came too naturally terms of the uh what well if we do let him run off into the night if they're uh their boys are anything to go off of their should be real good at running [ __ ] yeah laughs all right are we prepared to accept the risks of letting him go oh I can't wait you said I can't call me self-creed Slayer yet but this might be a start I'm not disagreeing with you so so what is I Bound in Scales you won't be able to stop me from getting a cool nickname like you Slytherin step and Yak you know you spent a little bit of time with him has your opinion changed on the matter let's just say you guys Meander closer back yeah unless you want to do a message thing it's up to you but or I can walk to you you know I think we don't want Rune to be close no rude it's gonna be doing the like in the back like kicking the [ __ ] rocks yeah you should you scare you yeah yeah you probably rolled in that one it sounds like he rolled it's just some Net One behavior and I love it rude will be in the background like down the slip he's just kind of like sitting up against this tree right here um in the thank you geek you'll just sit here they're not going to run even like takes your shoes off this makes you feel better well it is in his hands but if he dies I do it okay oh and uh give him some space for a few days let him get to know you from afar let him approach you oh okay um yeah I sorry his skin was so soft and delicate and for for biting him up no I'm sorry for binding him up and treating him so poorly that's on me yeah I uh yeah he could be he could be doing whatever right I never wanted to hold any ill will against him this is what they tell told him but he needs some time to recuperate his brain is almost like me but in the sense of fear yeah as mine is not just untrustingable his fear well thank you I guess I he you know that's not the worst emotion somebody's felt towards me um I just remembered though you know we um we packed up all the bore we we still need to get the Rope I uh got some busy work I need to be need to be doing I I trust you all can could sort this out I'll get the uh get the cart ready to go oh I made the right choice at the right time it just wasn't the best choice in time don't be doubting yourself in the futures well well I'll be tying people up not gonna stop me from giving him a good whack yeah for what it's worth I do want to get myself a nice pet sometime not like people folk pet um some people are into that sort of thing not not at all right so rude is talking about like I wanted that doggy but that it started smoldering and you act like a little a little rock hits to the back of your jacket throw my hand at him yeah it's like you [ __ ] see well in Texas oh everyone's wrapped you up anymore little one I'm just gonna cut a leash in a collar yeah yeah Red's over here like I want to get a pet dog but in the scariest way possible since we're on the topic of pets that's great okay now that you gave statue a fear of dwarves as a dwarf so cute this is how you play a Christmas oh my God um it hurts um [Applause] I'm gonna turn around to him and just do this it's the Home Alone face or whatever that is called yeah yeah um look man I can put you in some gear I can give you a little bit of scratch we can exchange information and you can go as you please or we can exchange information you can keep a healthy distance from that one who is trying to apologize but um I'm not going to go there um it sounds like you heard those words and perhaps we can move past this or perhaps you can enjoy the modicum of safety that our party may bring to you whether or not you believe that or not um is not not my I don't have control over that look this uh gig he and I make promise in the maybe your name again um yes um in the the priest name that's one of them to decide if they release it or not it's uh the bellinose is the G said um yes were you both also make sure that this uh this Rune does not uh tie me up again or tie me with the Rope or the colors then turned me into their dog pit [ __ ] Edward is this something that um is agreeable to you that you will try to prevent this ruined character from tying me up or putting the ropes on me lucky dog yes I don't think either of us want to see what that would look like foreign from doing these things to me again or anything else happened again in this dog color thing happened good the only way that that would happen would be if you attempted to harm us see this is not okay with me because you know it there is much other anyways that you can punish me for these things and this is what I ask this exclusion of you don't do this this is the one thing you will promise you don't as a player I was not picking up on that so he's just saying if you you don't bondage play not okay that's what he's trying to say and he's trying to make sure that you guys literally torture me but whatever the [ __ ] that thing is nah you have my word let this be yeah PSA bondage though well intended can be dangerous you must make sure that you have proper safety measures in place check it out each other frequently making sure if you do tie someone up they're not back down you know things like that that you don't forget about them in some dusty Cellar this has been a Walmart ad then yes you have my word okay yeah a little bit of a like the first relief anybody's seen on this guy's face since you've untied him oh do you like sake you can't be in a group without trying this song I prefer him to I've I've been learning how to use it to see things that might help us in the future hey we only got a little left he probably doesn't want it anyway as much as I would love a drink I think I will wait until we get to town I think it's uh safer that way so so you intend to come with us I think so it's a yes he was speaking with Kik my goal is just not to die terrible death out in these forests today so um as you saw we are bringing in Predators from all directions with this giant pile of meats and all the [ __ ] birds in the sky is not helping in fact we should probably go in this dragon come by and check it out so we're making our way there oh it's so good that rude isn't there right now um so yes uh I think deal is good I think uh is I discussed this this guy I will um tell you the two things and you will help get me to Nova safely and let me go with some little bit of supplies to be okay yes they sound good to you just to recap this information is good the things that we agreed on was um more info on the other folk that escaped the slavers um I an offer to visit their Camp if we chose to take them up on it offer to do trade at a discount um which includes the trade of rare items and the leader's name and their band's name a way to contact them and the secret of the band card number yeah that's what was drawn from him attempts it's all crammed together in two things but yes okay essentially all that can be accomplished with his two things he has in his mind let's go okay do we want to get that from him in a zone of truth if you want to cause this magic on me I just ask you don't tie me up with roots he will if he's willing to agree with it I I don't think that's unreasonable to ask for that I'm not trying to lie to you and this is not a problem um we have it's not first time no it's not your first time being damn dude first time do you guys need help think twice if you need help I didn't know the black hand it was all the way out here God uh what uh what do you need is this that um this area of Truth Spell that they use sometimes yes that's exactly what it is okay it's been a long time but I will try to relax into permission uh does anybody else want to be in the zone of Truth to assuage him or anything I'll do it anybody else what's at a game what's the point of being in the zone of Truth as well just to allay him you have to tell the truth but you're like you don't have to answer if someone asks you a question can you throw the spell in the chat just for their sake yes yes it's yes one second I also have that the flicker candle thing shaska is noticeably wary of the zone of Truth yeah dude just because like on the outside laid up against the tree like you're doing yeah you got it it's a pretty cool spell you got there bellados so the truth classic I'm super weird so basically if you're in the radius um you have to succeed on a Charisma save to tell something that is a lie um this gives me a great opportunity to bring up that lying is complicated I'm going to try and dumb it down as much as possible but as you guys know if someone believes what they're telling is truth and all these Liars of delusion and repression yada yada lying is complicated oh yeah see you'll be our laxle the base definition of a lie is false information which is silly so um anyways so uh yeah they they agree to be in this Zone um for guys like kiss that away from me please I do not consent are you hiding Grandpa 3 000 years of [ __ ] Grandpa committed war crimes um right here this is like a nice little stage um holy [ __ ] whoa roon over there but hiding behind a tree I like it is up in the tree getting the ropes out like just bear crawled up yeah Rose just Gathering the supplies to make sure we don't leave anything behind to like that last camper check okay you can cut it if you need to I can fix it some of the crows fly over they seem to be kind of following Geck all right so for the sake of Ruth what's up I'll step into the zone of Truth although I'm not comfortable in it okay but I'm doing it held to reveal more than they want to this is another charisma so we can verify the information that we get is as far as you know correct okay he's uh his spells working yes I feel this tingling in the back of my head I assume this is it it's like it's like um what uh if you run in the the clean clothes for a long time and you know you don't want to touch another person because the zip it's kind of like this um anyways um yes oh yes okay so does he deliberately fail the save yeah he just stops in um okay you can feel it um who else is taking the hit is standing in the zone uh as mentioned you are not comfortable so you're probably like hold on to my cards but I'm in the table yeah I'm Gonna Roll for it um just this show is working um my name is Bob and uh or I guess my name is like he can't actually say it so this is not the candle um so my name is Jesus tell a lie uh Jessica kind of wants to be a [ __ ] do it tell a lie my name is my name is my name is all right my name is root [ __ ] my name is pretending to be within the zone of Truth with their Nat 20 Charisma safe to lie I love the layers what if Chaska convinces himself that he's in the zone of Truth come on which one's the real Dandy um so um my name is there he is the man the legend my name is Mickey still blood you spell that Nikki my name is um really Okay so this uh this abandoned part of is actually pretty large band it's a big deal in this area um it you'll know we are called obsidian um get this pretty cool name it's you know the sharper rocks the dark undertones is this very edgy um yes I think it's uh because the leader is uh Roderick Blackthorne he kind of liked the Thematic sweetie the old name you know Blackthorne line it's some say it's supposed to be very important but uh he suspended loaded now so who knows um but yes uh Rodriguez notorious Bandit Lord uh some call him hero some call him villain um I call him boss so um it is uh it is bad um that we that we are a part of um so this uh it is secret and not a secret yes so people don't quite understand how this works but uh we have um important Banner um if you know how to draw it it's properly it can open some doors for you if you see this Banner it uh usually means that you can find at least a representative of obsidian um or it's just um some kind of which you call it uh grief graffiti after a raid so uh it's kind of the Mark is the band you can say in the few draw it straight um in the right person it opened the doors um so I will I will try to describe it in the they don't have the colors but um is someone have something I can draw with um and something I have seen Rune with such instruments I don't want to use this um the this building nose you have something yes I see you have books yes I do have I have some I think I think there's stuff like quills and this is uh this is very nice thank you it's fine let's just stick soft paper okay actually really nice paper billion good for you he must be uh yeah um so if you'd be like that in DND though yeah he's he starts he starts trying to draw here um so he uh he sees uh it's black circle is um in the [ __ ] the bottoms in the sides is you normally use this light gray kind of in this u-shape yes it uh it represents the the mountain range um in the in the so he's basically drawing he drew like a big circle he's kind of filling it in with the ink um in the middle here you do kind of you some people call it the blue smokejitsu shape of the big lake inside of the ball um in the right in the middle of this blue circle is little other Circle it's a white dot in the middle um Indian uh with the base of the blue smudge between the mountains and the lake there's um you draw a tree it's supposed to be Blackthorn tree but it's difficult to draw sometimes um this is uh this is the secret symbol this is this is the uh the way to uh to get to get doors opened this would be looked upon favorably if durian will in front of right person yes um and of course you you tell them that uh your shown this by um by me stay here in that you're looking for trade you uh you have rare Goods you know sort of thing um some of the associates they have connections to all sorts of um all sorts of sort of business in trade um did this guy gets Commissioned Don't he yes so um we good yes this good information for you you happy the bonus looks at Chaska I have more questions uh if uh if we all in this circle actually I have um actually really big questions for all of you in this much is a hate to say it um maybe someone passed the question over to this thing over there the trees just in case this is um can I just ask you early question since we're going to be traveling is yes okay um it's hard to normally this we ask these questions in kind of the opposite circumstances you know what I mean uh with uh you being in the prison cell or captured or we pay you the code but uh is probably okay it's probably fine if I if I ask like this it probably won't uh come back to bite me in the future um so my boss uh Blackthorne he's on very very important Mission this uh this is where he bring the band together you see um there is uh this lost hole if the ancient times it's said to have some kind of secret key or some type of thing anyways um like so when he looking for this lost driven horror of kazdikar he's been lost is what yes um did you know um that was just totally purposeful okay I'm gonna quiet back down please continue um do you know how to find it uh do you know anything about um where it could be do you know we we are looking for all sorts of things this uh Newfound ruins uh caves on the explored um knowing people who say they've been there these sort of thing is extremely valuable to uh two black sword and so if you give me this to bring back to him I bring you back great report nope I don't know how to get there I don't believe that any of our group personally know how to get to Desert Car we don't be part of it we've heard of it we know that it was lost 3000 years ago yes it's a great tragedy apparently yeah they're gonna up in the trees like I'm about to roll for them for sure yeah um so it is information that we're interested in as well however that information is Elusive and protected there you go well said um Chaska can say whatever the [ __ ] he wants yeah Jessica couldn't say whatever he wants but he's like um is uh predicted look it wasn't you would know it by now it's um lost and protected are two different things you know there's something guarding this information yes you don't think there isn't it's so weird like me [ __ ] no Jesus seems like you might know something that you don't want to say but it's uh it's okay um maybe I do because why maybe it's another reason that you stick around with us already decided to ride with you guys you should stay uh yeah so I'm I'm going to stay as I I've mentioned I'm going to stay with you guys today it's okay um what direction is your boss looking in he's searching entire aboundment starting at base remove the mountains we have lots of resources looking for things it's it is that priority so um you have anything that I can bring back to black one it would be step in good Direction with me and you all if you have something to share it please okay you stick to the self uh thanks okay anything else you needed for me it's like you should continue your search in the South and the southern Direction he just said like okay to that um all right Doug yeah that that's fine he's just like all right this guy doesn't actually know anything now Thor gar has woken up and has been listening for a little bit now yeah dude um and the tired old man kind of speaks up um I can't even remember what accent I was trying to do with them I was like it's like tired it was just tired old man yeah he doesn't have a Slavic accent I know that um um what um what what do you mean you can't find cars in the car um these cramps being lost for 3000 years um big cataclysm changed the entire face of the ball these Mountain shifted in the Viking gigantic cataclysmic um most dwarfs you know we're in to South or on the other side of the mountains and many dwarves die um we were going to tell you the riveting tail how long ago oh let me roll a heart attack Check Yes do it 13 on the die he like definitely grasped their chest for a second hurts um I'm sorry Thor gar um didn't want you to hear it three thousand years three thousand years it's been yeah that magic thing we pulled you out of it it was keeping you alive I saw with this magic sake I am what just sorry sorry I'm compelled to tell the truth quickly I'll I'll drop the spell as they said this door is freaking out for I don't understand I just want your word that you don't intend to betray our trusts in any way what what what's Trust we will leave you Among Us untethered and we won't give you to roon pretty agreed on that that is me trusting you but um what do you ask give me what exactly it is I have given you this information I'm not going to stab you in your sleeps if that's what you're wondering leave me alone I may change mine didn't go wander off and get eaten by Wolves is this what you want me to say yes perfect thank you and then I'll dismiss love it all right so now that we can actively lie to you oh man it's worth what is uh what is wrong with you what do you not know about kaznikov every dwarf knows about kesnakur it leaves every wolf down here in this uh these smelly doors in the mountains of course he knows about girls in a car okay can we nail down what this place is called because we keep calling it different things courage to catch the chasm there you go hazard excuse my inability to say words um everybody knows about the case that is the oldest Buddha meme okay I wasn't even streaming then like that that's not even on YouTube anywhere but a goodie okay everybody knows how about the catch the car all right just as a heads up check in I have about 30 to 45 minutes left before I have to call it myself not a bad timeline so um old dwarf bishook I think there's no way getting around this information not being divulged one way or another like old guys not gonna not talk about causing the car so we've got two options that I see to we can either hash that out with him now or you can be like it's okay Grandpa here drink some Brandy go back to sleep yeah we'll talk about this tomorrow those are your two options basically that's just I I say we just put it all on the table I don't think we're gonna get off on the right foot if we don't I think it's just gonna end up worse if we don't yeah like how about you J crew how you feel about it that I pick up without calling him about hashing this out with Thor gar right here right now while he's talking about it versus trying to nurse him back to sleep uh Geck is on an honesty streak so because we've already delayed it twice and now like the information has been divulged in the way that we weren't like in control over unfortunately so the cats already out of the bag jacket is okay uh-huh it's that hospital scene where the patient wakes up from the coma and realizes their family's dead and the nurse comes in with the go back to sleep juice and he looks over at the doctor like am I put him back to sleep that's I'm the I'm the nurse with the syringe so you just tell me yet is definitely a he he cared more about the guy's Health but he doesn't really give a [ __ ] about thurgar now I just want a guy to stay alive he's stable oh he had a heart attack it's okay I don't I don't really care I've never heard of the place yeah dude [ __ ] ain't lit like just other priorities trying to find Dad re-clarifying shock hours were your feelings on it let's go for it oh I don't think we can unring this Bell you can pause it and that's about it we get slow I like how you you use root as a threat like this is pretty great we'll see we'll do it okay gloves are on look stegos um stay gone look look you won't even believe us if we tell you but I'm willing to try he is from another time we saved him from magical Bindings that preserved him he knows of the place and knows of it well however he is very old he is very weak and he is just now hearing about this for the first time as the words have exited your lips he is in shock he needs time this is a delicate situation that requires a Deft Touch for now if you want any hope of reclaiming this place I'm not saying it's going to happen but you should try to consider Thor gargar is going through a lot right now and we should support him and support his health and his well-being everything else can come later he sees um he's kind of fascinating um you know I'm thinking this is uh defeats actually this moment we are coming together you see this this old dwarf here the storkar he might have the key to finding these holes that we've been searching for this this might be why I'm alive is just to connect with these men here you can think Cass for that not mid-kiss she's she's in my head it did it's just you don't know it yet yeah we all went through it inside what you have this Oracle yeah I should like you let's head this is C they scare key say this the Oracle likes me this uh Oracle wants me to be she likes your pragmatism it's good enough um okay so um do we tell him and we ask him questions yes not yet no oh yeah you need to let him sit on that one I think for a minute let me tell you when I found out my parents died ooh baby pass on the back just terrible tale I'm sorry anyways like I said your your words were literally his first knowledge of such events I I wish I could have gone back in time and changed the delivery but here we are um so if you don't mind I'm going to try to comfort This Old Man okay but she's your friend is just don't tie him up can I at least go and get something to drink try and clean my clothes you are not a prisoner we have a chest of water I'm aware um I've heard it's late open and close many times in the last couple days if you want something that doesn't come out of that lid we have other beverages okay we'll um this poker end thanks well you've got free reign and you can pick some equipment if you'd like and Gear Up plenty to go around um a let's see if I even can [ __ ] find things am I stupid with my concussion not enough stupid his concussion wasn't as bad as mine all right so good because it was [ __ ] I couldn't find my car where I parked it for eight months even if I just walked like a hundred feet it was so bad anyways um so yeah he he goes over and finally found like he finds these ah and then Parts the Gilly suit and goes into the cart and starts rummaging yeah that's right it was a camouflage um so thurgar is kind of half sitting up he's got his weight on his elbow and his hammock he's uh looks pretty stressed um what is what is to do you guys what do I'm gonna call over to my resident dwarf to like hey you anything you can think of that might help him in this time of need yeah you Ron yeah all right to draw you're asking me to be what do the dwarves do when they're sad but he's a man link how would he know ah it's purpose trying to build some kind of purpose when you lose just about everything or something that's meaningful to you you try and pick up the pieces as best you can and I can be hard to do in a changing World in a new environment and it looks different for everyone or drink I know a lot of turn to drink that would have been my guess yeah um okay Spirits you have any spirits on you uh uh not the sake because if he sees the light and he goes into the light Mr uh he said uh don't go into the light so uh Mingo mango yeah mango that's his name Mr mango says that you shouldn't uh you shouldn't you shouldn't go into the light so I feel like we almost lost Rune to it I don't want to lose him to it so very persuasive he's probably just too in shock to hear me but I'm gonna put my hand on his shoulder and tell them a blast much and I'm sorry but in this unknown world and in this new time we are here for you and that's the start and can never replace what you have lost but well you may not have anyone anymore we are here for you and we won't let you go and you can rely on that there's not really much else I can say other than we're here and I'm gonna give you some space if that's what you want well you need to think um there's spirits in the cart if that is your cup of tea not right now um I think it's best if we get me to a town I can get some news there maybe find out um if any of the lines survived we can do that it sounds like to think about um that man that we are speaking to the man that told you about what happened to your people is his boss has taken a great interest in your civilization and in your great City I'm not saying that that is where we should start but I'm saying that if there's anyone who knows who knows of what has come to be it is likely them usually when folks take interest in these Endeavors in these searches they learn all they can about what was and what is and what remains so the people who know most about the greatest Dwarven Hall ever built he's a group of lonely Bandits uh I'm saying that that's my best lead right now I haven't been to any Town nearby and I've only met a couple dwarfs so until I learn more about how history has been recorded in these parts yes just his knuckles are just White yeah shrug man like I'm sorry dude we need to get to town I need there's one nearby speaking of which I can't real quick one last thing can you please get me to town look at that I'm gonna point at the Wicker circle thing do you know what that is I have no idea what that is but I'm pretty sure I know what that is any points to the the creepy pillar of creepy pillows the creeping pillar you could even say hey did you slay the witch in her hut no nice through the witch where you found me if she was in fact Sloan again she attacked with a big big magical explosion a crushed artifact everything goes bright and hot and then I fell asleep I hope she's dead someone told me she was dead I don't know if you told me she was dead maybe they drew it um no she had a a Hut this Pond was much bigger and um the forest looked different here that uh that means that it has sunken into the ground or someone cut off the top and put it in there which I find unlikely if we had the right equipment we could dig it up to be sure but I doubt it's a Memory that needs Dodge there could be all sorts of things in that mud I didn't it wasn't in their house for long I doubt we have the means to breach that mud at this point in time but perhaps perhaps in time not anything we need to think about right now please rest and we will take you to the nearest town I ask that you stick with us I'm not saying you need our protection but we want to ensure that you are not taken advantage of and that you are not separated in the unknown territory if you can get me to town safely it will be much appreciated and um if the lines have survived and I get to talk to someone of importance I will mention about your help foreign guys anything else anybody wants to say to Thor gar ironhelm at present no from roon uh I'll just mention him because I think when we met him and he first mentioned kazakar I did like a history role and like I had heard of it I don't know how much I actually knew about it but I just mentioned to him that I you basically read the annals of the fall of kaznikar damn okay so I will just kind of gently let him know that I may know a little bit more about what happened and if he's if and when he's ready to talk about it he's welcome to a pro watch me okay good good good just because of time's sake I'll probably leave that for another session so anything from ugek you wanted to do with orgar at this point nope okay so um you basically you process the Border you got like almost everything on the cart um at this point and I'm assuming you just put it in the big open cage area um hang in like a meat locker um correct me if I'm wrong there um the only real things in this area left to mess around with if you want to would be continuing to play with local animals um of all types poking the strange um wicker looking Nest majigger or as you mentioned poking the crawling tip of the building um is there anything else you guys want to do this session do you want to call it here how y'all doing I think of you to Jessica yeah I think it's a good place to call it um as far as things I want to poke here and nothing while we have such an obvious Beacon calling everything in the world over to this area I would like to come back with the proper means to like dig this witch hut up and see what the hell is still there maybe with Thor Iron Guard you know actually only with Thor Iron Guard I think that could be a really neat to find maybe we'll find some stuff maybe some closure for him and maybe some new leads how about uh but you Chuck anything you want to do anything you want to poke before in the night uh no not before we and okay J crew anything you want to poke anything you want to book nah I see we get on the road get moving maybe come up with which route we want to go you know through the woods or if we want to find the road to take the safer path and go from there uh that could be a good place to call it oh yeah let's do it I think the road is potentially the less safe path and they say that like if you stay on the road you're like to run into Bandits and stuff they um they definitely mentioned um sopa mentioned that you know you'll definitely find the town on the road because the road goes through the town but you should not travel that road without keeping your eyes open because it's a trade Road and people take advantage be sick Advantage even dragons take advantage um and uh there's dangers in the forests including the danger of getting lost or you know breaking your equipment or yada yada yada it's just um dangerous what flavor of encounters do we want to yeah too much trouble on the road or trouble in the woods basically interested in some trouble on the road for once yeah it could be a nice change of pace you know they said they stick to five or more on the road and we've got seven no eight eight I think three NPCs no foreign between runes map and your kind of mental keeping note Chaska you'd know if you're heading to the road if you basically go do West you're gonna hit the road the only question is is Nova to the North or South once you hit it does that make sense yes it does okay nice it's hard to tell traveler exactly like it could be dead West could be a little North little South and I think that's that's the point too right because there's no way of knowing just some fun speculation all right okay yeah I say we go like what would that be South West no that would give you a higher chance of getting it if you went Southwest and then went North on the road that would yeah it would pretty much guarantee you found it it just might be a little bit of extra time and then we can decide that next session yep yep sure all right well it sounds like everybody's had their fill of the bore wallows for one day so let's uh call it here all righty I was hoping you guys would poke the Wicker thing but that's fine maybe we'll come back to it whenever it could be a fun Cliffhanger just saying all right shaska jumps through it real quick oh [ __ ] you want you want to I'll do it but does anyone want to poke their heads in the Wicker thing before we call the night yeah let's be mad if I did I would I'm really curious about it dude I gotta throw my head at it man it could be really need if you but it's like one last thing guys I just like pop my head through this thing it's like I don't know always going for it there you go from the outside in I kind of like poke my head through and see what's going on let me grab shoshka get it boy so like give me some Cliffhanger here um so again describing it it's this five foot wide empty circle with this branching outward wicker style Nest there's obviously like mud Trail leading up to it but on the other side it's just clear grass so it looks like things go through it and somewhere else yeah the mud Trail yes yes yes um shaska you want to poke your head in um just your head and like not go in per se but just your head incorrect yeah if anything happens see what the entire rope tea before you do that you probably should yeah just in case because if nothing happens when I poke my head through I'll put my body through it cool you know you're really coming into your own here hey so I hope those are our last words I suspect no one will be able to see anything except for in the Stream when I do this this is gonna be so good meanwhile over here stetcha just sees me wrapping you up with rope she consented okay like help he's got me so shaska I want you to roll me a um a deck save with advantage or acrobatics with advantage oh foreign so you you put your head in and you keep putting it in until you see something the point at which you get to see something your body goes like farther through than you think it should if that makes sense like your hands have to like kind of creep in as well and when you get through your fingers kind of sink into this gooey mud and before you is this downward slope of mud it's like a Mudslide going down into this kind of cave system um [ __ ] that is the peak that you get for the Cliffhanger pokes in and you see this basically mudslide farther than you can see in the Darkness I can't wait to tell Thor gargar like I that'll be the little teaser that works for me I can I can sleep now alrighty thank you let's Birds all right thank you anyone and everyone for tuning in to band of the entrance DND um C's in seven session nine I was gats um thank you for tuning in and listening to our silly willies um if you want to check us out uh in the future check the description should have a Google doc with our upcoming streaming schedule um and of course past videos are on YouTube and hopefully we'll get twitch fixed soon who knows um and who was I playing with tonight hello everyone I go by Olivia Luna I was playing roon the it a thing well the thing Wrangler but the thing Wrangler uh playing bellonos astral elf cleric awesome thank you MJ crew I was playing half trial warlock Geck or is it yeah two hands playing Two Face Yanti can't that dude he's a paladin he just doesn't know it yet that would be really cool I thought about anyways thanks for having us thank you remind me to update your token with the rest of the art sometime I always forget I haven't done that yet
Channel: Bane of the Ancients DnD
Views: 2,761
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Id: S_E_4UlmsJs
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Length: 237min 44sec (14264 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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