A Completely Negative Review of Starfield | Asmongold Reacts

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a completely negative review of Starfield oh here we go I like Bethesda RPGs the first one I tried was Oblivion and after Oblivion I tried Morrowind which continues to be till this day one of my favorite games of all time more I never played I think it's the best one that Bethesda has made in that style and I have continued to enjoy Bethesda RPGs since that point I like Fallout 3 I like Fallout New Vegas and I even like Skyrim even though in all of those games I had complaints like a lot of complaints they're still fun they're strangely hypnotic even Fallout 4 which I didn't like still drew me in for a long period of time before I realized I hate this game the Bethesda RPG formula is so powerful that it took dozens of hours of playing Fallout 4 before you realized oh I don't like this this is bad that I remember I had that happen um with a number of games one of them those I was actually thousands of hours into the game and I started to realize that it's kind of an interesting realization that's why people that are Defenders of Bethesda games whenever you criticize it and you say well I played for 10 hours or 20 hours and I didn't like it didn't draw me in didn't like this didn't like that they'll be like oh 10 hours 20 hours that's nothing yeah the game just started you can't judge when a Bethesda RPG game with only 10 hours of gameplay under your belt no that's ridiculous it sounds silly to say but they have a point so to quiet some of those critics let me inform you that my game time is about 100 hours now in that play time I finished the main story and oh oh bro he had to go through all that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God he had to play the man oh Jesus [Music] the main story God man this guy really went through the ringer for this [ __ ] video major faction quests and started the game over several times picking different skills to focus on each time and my conclusion after doing that is that it's much of what I expected from a Bethesda RPG and I think it's a lot better than Fallout 4 which is the only one of these games I didn't really like at all so I had a lot of fun with it you don't play a game for 100 hours and not enjoy yourself but I have a lot of complaints I have a lot of I've I've played games for 100 hours and been pissed off the whole time many times like yeah I think that's like the norm for me I've played Starfield let me show you guys my Starfield playtime is 56 hours so I played a good amount of time not a whole lot but I played a little bit not as much as him but I have in general enjoyed my time playing the game that's the reason is I've enjoyed my time playing the game for the most part that's it because all I do is I run around and I shoot people complaints and that's what this video is going to focus on if you're looking for a comprehensive review that's weighing positive and negatives you should go look elsewhere because I like to stick to doing the things I do well and that's complaining I'm very good at complaining okay in all let's go Bethesda RPGs the worst version of the game is the version you buy at release up that only uh Bethesda does such a bad job at maintaining their own games that the community doesn't want them to update their own games because it might break some of the mods that have already fixed the problems that the updates are supposed to fix they're like please just leave it alone stop no no we don't want a 1.1 1.10 no no no no just here we've fixed it it's fine just stay away Starfield seems to have a bunch of plan DLC already oh good and they've announced that oh they're going to be made as it goes forward thank God and so complaining is a good thing because it helps inform them on what needs attention and universally agreed upon problems could be rectified in one of those patches or as a part of one of the major DLCs yeah sure problem one with Starfield is the build and weapon variety for anything other than a ballistics playthrough the weapon variety for laser weapons suck the weapon variety for particle weapons also sucks you mean there's weapons besides ballistic weapons oh I guess there's laser weapons but they're they're the exact same though it's just a laser instead of a bull like it plays the exact same it's all right there's actually a function a functional difference between the two right I think it's the same and the melee weapons have it worse than anybody now it may lay in Starfield really sucks dick talked about the laser weapons but the problem was a lot worse than I realized since that to recap the complaint in that video there are only three laser weapons in the entire game the solstice the equinox and the Orion now you could bump that up to five if you include the cutter and the arc welder now I'm not sure you should include them but I wouldn't whatever let's include them for the sake of argument that's five total at most with the overwhelming majority that you're going to see at any given time is the first three yeah now out of those five the arc welder the Orion and the Equinox all use the same type of ammo they're all competing for the same resource the solstice on the other hand uses a different type of ammo and it's the only gun in the game that uses that ammo type I feel like there's a lot of ammunition in Starfield that doesn't really need to be there like one time I scrolled through my ammunition Tab and I realized that I think there's more types of ammunition than guns what the [ __ ] which is something that doesn't happen to any other weapon in the game it doesn't make any sense the laser weapons are obviously neglected when you look at the scope and variety of the ballistic weapon category and compare it to any other weapon category you see how big the disparity is I suspect that there's a good reason for this I think that Bethesda is going to retroactively add a bunch of mid to low tier laser weapons in one of their DLC updates I'm betting in the first one that they released why don't we have a laser sword were you [ __ ] kidding me are you telling me that we don't have a Halo 2 energy sword why the [ __ ] not every melee weapon I get it's like you can either get one of these or you get one of these and it's like you're gonna hit somebody it's like doesn't do [ __ ] meanwhile I have my [ __ ] sniper rifle the crits for 3.5 K with no Buffs so waste of [ __ ] time battered space that that will be about house for room it'll add more mid low and high tier laser weapons maybe even some particle weapons and then they'll do something similar to melee weapons in a subsequent update we will talk about the main bro how do you miss that like not him but like how does this do something similar like watch whoa wait let's see the shot hitbox is so funny no it's not even this one it's the next one are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me is this a joke think about the melee web S as well because thank God it even Wars but first let me go up to some of the rebuttals I got to my last video discussing this issue oh the common oh yeah this is this is where the Starfield Defenders come in limits that I got was something like oh that just happened to you you know you just didn't play for long enough I got tons of cool the beauty of Starfield is that it is so vast and two random people can have two very different experiences I saw nothing but laser weapons I'm just trying to read through them so I can understand like what his capitalization logic is right and like what his spacing logic is because like sometimes you have like like two or three spaces like right here but like most of the other times there's not two or three spaces like Star Fields capitalized I isn't capitalized I don't know I'm just curious right I was thinking about anyway I saw nothing but laser weapons laser sniper rifles laser pistol Etc and I never use them I just give the best laser weapons to andresia and forget about the rest Laser Web mobile commenter so many different laser weapons and many different varieties and so I'll respond to that criticism here you did not find a bunch of laser weapons you found the same way as your weapon a bunch of times you didn't nobody did what you found was different varieties of the same three laser weapons true so true [ __ ] obviously it's actually crazy how some of these people just have literally no [ __ ] idea what they're talking about you know I mean obviously yeah it's like I mean I'm not in a [ __ ] when you think I'm a wizard because I [ __ ] figured out what he's gonna say it was common sense and yeah there's a laser sniper rifle and you know what the chances of getting that is I played for 50 hours and all I do is combat and I found one it was a really good one I use it now all the time which is really cool but I've only found one you found equinoxes solstices and orions with different rights or perks on the weapons you found legendary versions of those weapons and that's all you found because that's all that's in the game bro bro bro bro bro watch this this game is so good because that's all that's in the game we also got what they're understand how does this happen it just works I just didn't comments saying nah man I found better weapons down the line you know those Varun weapons yeah and those are not laser weapons those are particle weapons you want to know the real problem with this game I'll tell you one of the problems is that every [ __ ] gun is the same because there are no ballistics in the game the only ballistics that exist is with the heavy guns and even they have almost no ballistics whatsoever almost every single gun is effectively hit scan it happens instantaneously so it doesn't matter whether it's a laser rifle or a gun like for example let's use another game called Apex Legends let's look at the two sniper rifles we're going to exclude the Craver okay let's look at the Longbow and the triple take okay the Longbow does more damage and it has a drop off whereas the triple take does lower damage unless you have the choke and uh it has almost no uh no uh no drop off it has maybe a very very small amount right triple six not a sniper I thought that was basically kind of is I don't know I use it a lot of sniper either way right a lot of the laser weapons had almost no ballistics so there is a difference between these two weapons yeah it is yeah I thought taking [ __ ] crazy pills yeah triple tick was a [ __ ] sniper I remember you can get like the choke on it it would do like 100 damage if you like headshot somebody with it yeah it was insane so yeah this is the problem it's because every gun is the same whether it's shooting a blue bullet or or a Black Bullet or like a what is it a bronze bullet it doesn't matter really does it because it's all the same FX plus looks so good uh they want the one hit scan weapons the charge rifle well I think the game with the best ballistics that were meaningful was pubg I think pubg ballistics are to this day unmatched and I I actually think that they it made the game way better I'm not I'd never played tarkov never played tarkov I I cannot comment on that I did play tarkov I played it once I killed a guy he shot me I ran away I bled out and I died and I quit the game I bought the 150 version of the game too um so yeah I was watching Summit play it and I was like ah [ __ ] you know I might as well try this out right and so uh yeah that was about it I saw they had like a Bitcoin Farmer in the game and I said all right that's enough and so uh maybe one day I'll play it again either way um I have to say that pubg's ballistics made the game do you remember those shots that like doctor disrespect would take were he just like aimed the gun up and there'd be like some guy who's like literally smaller than my mouse on the screen right now and he'd just shoot them and like about every three months he'd post a clip of it hitting him the legendary shots yes exactly shroud would take these like everybody would take these right it was so good and the problem with Starfield is that there is no ballistics like any time I see an enemy really far away I like instinctively I'm like okay aim like you know one head above them right no you just aim at their head whoa you aim at their head and then this happens weapons and those are not laser weapons those are particle weapons oh oh wait a second nah man because that's all this is what happens I also that's really impressive what do you mean by ballistics um ballistics is like this uh pretty simple idea uh you shoot the bullets um using uh M16 and uh uh what's a sniper a short sniper name uh [ __ ] uh I don't know like what's a the M2 yeah yeah M2 let's just actually do awp yeah yeah of course okay so M16 is gonna go like this awp is gonna go like this and Uzi is going to go like this so what this does is it creates a meta game of like how bullets will react to your individual combat situation and this is in real life too like snipers uh like snipers in real life legitimately if you're making a very very long distance shot my understanding is that they have to to some degree account for the curvature of the Earth this is real [ __ ] science so yes uh that I think this is it's very interesting in games remember they have this it might be annoying well wind is obvious right wind affects like everything else is obvious but like it goes to the extent of the curvature of the earth got common saying nah man I found better weapons down the line you know those Varun weapons and those are not laser weapons those are particle weapons but just to emphasize the point I'm trying to make let's count them let's include all of them because after all there's there's some logical saying that that's what an absolute [ __ ] of a game bro let's include what a [ __ ] of a game you see that are you [ __ ] kidding me like this is the like whenever I look at a game I'm not thinking about the kind of weapons around the game this game can have one weapon for all I care but it better [ __ ] work Jesus include all of them because after all there's there's some logic to saying that that's the case the laser weapon perk that you can get does affect the laser part of the damage of the particle weapons is there weapon again perk that you can get does affect the laser part for the damage it's a low accuracy weapon um what's the accuracy on the Orion that's the gun he's using I think it's about a 65 something like that 62 percent it's 45. mine's 77 that's insane you understand like a 70 chance not occurring four times in a row like earlier is like actually astronomically low probability that's insane which of the particle weapons so let's let's do this there are two particle weapon pistols one particle weapon shotgun and one particle weapon rifle so that's four if you put the laser weapon and the particle weapon category together even if you include the cutter and the arc welder that's still only nine weapons total nine for ballistic weapon a problem like with Halo for example you have really cool guns with Halo like you've got your br but you've also got your Needler like the Needler is the coolest weapon from Halo in regardless how much damage it does it is the coolest weapon for Melo Starfield doesn't have a lot of those there's around 30. three times as many there's a trend here weapon Spartan laser yeah there's a lot of weapons with a lot of ammo types there's a lot of options in it and every other category is neglected especially the melee category the melee building in Starfield is just awful well there isn't melee building there's not and if you look at what the melee talents are they're really bad like they're not gonna make up for it like it's much worse than even what they've done before in their previous games yeah the weapon variety is again poor with there being less than 10 melee weapons in the game there's no two-handed weapons that you can use they're all stuck to three hit combos three hit combo plus three hit combo pause the power attacks tied to these weapons suck and not just compared to games like Skyrim that have a big emphasis on melee they also suck even in comparison to Fallout which also has guns there was more strategy involved in Fallout melee one of the reasons is because the power attacks had a kind of lunging effect you could cross distances and take advantage of an opening I was actually one of the really great things about armored Core six is the uh some of the weapons the melee weapons had a lunge effect it actually was like a huge advantage that you would have if you could use that in like the right way it was actually so cool and that's another problem there's not as many openings in this game because in Fallout you were people say nitpicked a video somebody said that in chat let me explain something to you combat matters and in my opinion it matters more than anything else so if the game doesn't play well and it's not fun to actually play then that's not a nitpick that's like the main course of the game constantly fighting animals you were constantly fighting things that would engage you in manly combat and that was the case even for the human enemies many of them use melee weapons as well so there were a lot more opportunities for you to get good at engaging in melee combat sure figuring out when to block when to step to one side or the other when to use your power attack lunge to get in some damage it wasn't like great it wasn't spectacular but it's a lot more than what we have in Starfield Instagram can we talk about the fact that this enemy right here we uh like I was recently on a level 75 planet and I was fighting uh an enemy and it looked um the funny thing is about this enemy is it actually looked exactly the same as this enemy right here yeah that's the crazy thing is that it was a level but it said 99 or sorry 98 on it a lot more than what we have in Starfield in Starfield you're not engaging with alien monsters very often no in my experience the most you're dealing with is other humans yeah there's very few quests that will put you in front of alien monsters that will engage you in melee combat there's some but not nearly as many as you would in Fallout so most of the time you're dealing with human enemies most of those human enemies like dark souls are using guns and even when you are facing an enemy that's also using a melee weapon automatic well I never seen that one before the melee combat is so simplistic that the strategy is the same regardless of what you're doing it's run up to the enemies and whack at them and hope you don't die in the attempt which can be a real pain if you're playing on the hardest difficulty you have to understand I'm not saying that the melee combat was a masterpiece in those Fallout games in previous Bethesda games but it was a lot better than this a lot of the times the enemies will run away from you in Starfield to just start sprinting away from you and I chase them but I often can't hit them again while they're running away and I would have been able to if I still had my lunge attack from Fallout another problem with the melee is that you can't modify it there's no crafting associated with the melee weapons I'm gonna be honest like all this part like I can't even really comment on it because I I remember I got a really good melee weapon and I tried using it and it did basically no damage and I thought to myself okay let's go back to the gun and I never did melee again it's like the whole thing is an afterthought there's no attack speed rating on the weapon to compare one to the other and I think that might be because they all have the same attack speed I'm not entirely sure but they all seem to attack in the same way I don't know why but just like the way he said that just sounded so sad and at that point why even have different types why wouldn't you have the light knife weapons attack faster but do less damage and then the heavier weapons attack more slowly but do more damage this is space why isn't there some kind of energy-based melee weapon why isn't there something that work like a stun baton and do em damage true I thought the weapon variety was bad for the laser weapons but if it's true that all of the melee weapons have the same attack speed then I was wrong the melee weapons have it the worst because that means that there's not nine melee weapons there's one there's one with different skins yeah at that point it doesn't matter if the dagger says it's different than the Cutlass if they I had this same thing happen like I looted a sword right I looted of an actual sword like a [ __ ] it was like some sort of like Japanese like sword I think right and I used it and it was like wait this is the same thing as the other one swing at the same speed and there's no other variables to them then they're the same weapon and one is just objectively better why don't we have two-handed melee weapons why don't we have high technology Shields to go with the one-handed weapons why does everything seem to be so underbaked and give off the impression that they intend to do something about it in future updates I'm sure they'll fix this deal I think we have an evil companion or at least yeah that's true all my companions are [ __ ] and whenever I start killing innocent civilians everybody runs away I can't ever play the game man and then I try to get Sarah I said [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here and then she says no I'm not going to leave you have to do my quest line I don't want to [ __ ] do your questline get the [ __ ] out of here I don't care about your [ __ ] one that's not such a goody two shoes all of the major companions are the ones in constellation and those are the only ones you can remember when I said about how I I described this game narrative with the word safe [ __ ] [ __ ] it's let's list out their qualities for a second you got Sarah who likes being honest and being nice you got Sam who likes Justice and being nice you got Barrett that likes it when you avoid confrontation and being nice and then you have andreja who likes helping people and being a nice person and that would be fine but at the moment constellation is the only place where you can get these important companions you can hire some randos from bars but that's not the same why can't I have an evil companion join me as part of the Crimson Fleet questline the game lets me join you should have an evil companion that occasionally turns on you and tries to kill you like any time that you're under half Health there's like a one percent chance that they'll start trying to shoot you in the Crimson Fleet it lets me be an evil bastard it lets me take on quests to Engage patches but it doesn't give me a fleshed out companion to enjoy that with make them bald and this next thing this is the biggest problem I have with Starfield this is the real one that bothered bro how do you miss that thing this is the biggest problem I have with Starfield watch this is the real are you [ __ ] kidding me how does that even happen it went through his [ __ ] arm is this the curvature of the earth like we were talking about that bothers me one of the biggest appeals I have with bethesda's previous RPGs is that I enjoy exploring yeah the act of walking around and seeing things that catch your interest and walking over to those things like in Skyrim seeing the temples carved into the mountainsides I like walking around in these carefully crafted environments and letting the atmosphere wash over me carefully crafted and much of the enjoyment from this kind of activity comes from the actual walking from exploring from physically moving from place to place and in Starfield that's gone it's basically non-existent exploration in Starfield is done through menu navigation you pull up your star chart menu you pull up the system that you want to go to and then you just fast travel there or even worse you pull up here's another thing is like whenever you click the X to travel you have to wait to click the X again to do the bar to travel to the planet it's like just like a really really small bit of friction that's [ __ ] annoying just a little tiny oh it's so small but it's so [ __ ] annoying your quest menu and then have it directly send you to wherever the quest wants you to go I have no idea what planets I visited to do the main quests or the side quests I don't know what systems those planets were on I don't know what they were close to or far away from yeah and even if I touch down on a planet and decide to explore there's nothing to explore that's not true there's rocks and after the rockster might be another rock and then there could be a geographic anomaly and you could scan it and get 20 experience isn't anything there the area will have some points of interest that seem to be handcrafted but between them they're hand crafted and then multiplied so like if you go to like 10 different camps you've been to about a hundred different camps is like five minutes of procedurally generated [ __ ] there is just nothing satisfying about exploring in this way you know I saw a lot of people getting upset that you couldn't actually go across the whole planet I don't care about that you know I'm gonna be honest like yeah it's kind of cheesy but like I really don't think that's a big deal there were invisible walls at certain points and you couldn't go any further past those points and I just don't agree with that criticism because why would you want to explore the whole planet if the whole planet is like this there isn't anything there if anything I wish the planet was a lot less explorable I wish the planet's explorable area which was much smaller true you couldn't just land anywhere on the planet you could land on specific areas and these areas had more tailored content like I don't want to go into a cave and find some more mineral resource nodes I don't especially whenever the mineral resources are just completely invalidated that's another big problem is that like if you have an outpost somewhere you are generating literally hundreds of thousands of these resources at will yeah or you just buy them yeah I don't care I don't want to see another research Tower and you kill all the ecliptic mercenaries in the area and you go up the tower oh I don't mind that I like killing the guys that's the fun part of the game gives you a little bit of information on the planet's resources I don't care no oh this guy I went to this exact same area and then he's gonna give you a quest and uh you're gonna have to go and I think deliver something I forgot what it was exactly and he's gonna so I completely don't understand people that were upset that you couldn't explore the whole planet because that wasn't the problem the problem was that there yeah you have to kill the space on those planets that were worth exploring my impression of Starfield is that it needs a lot of work I said this in the beginning but all Bethesda RPGs are at their worst state when they first release they get much better over time after they've gotten all their patches mods DLCs and mod support I expect I'll enjoy it a lot more once all of these things come out but as it stands I don't think I really had a great time with it and my recommendation to people thinking about getting it is to wait and that's the end of this video please unsubscribe and unclick the bell notification hopefully you've been alienated and if you haven't I'm sure I'll get to you in a future video until then thank you very much for watching what a great video I um I think that what I'm gonna do is I'll probably play Star field a bit more like I'll probably get to like level 250 300 or so and get like a few really good legendary weapons and then I'm just gonna quit until the DLC and my goal will be to never actually do the main story yeah never do the main story I don't even know who the characters are yeah literally have no idea I actually I have so much more fun doing that any faction maybe in my world I'll see if I can just kill every single NPC in the game Mike I'll go to the Crimson Fleet kill everybody at the Crimson Fleet go to the uh United like the [ __ ] Navy kill everybody at the Navy just [ __ ] kill everybody and everything and that's it the main story doesn't even end I don't know but yeah this uh radic Oscars does great [ __ ] videos I I like um the amount of Misses that you have with guns is just crazy like watch this because that's all that's in the game I also got are you kidding me man are you [ __ ] kidding me this is such a good video I love this and again I like because obviously he does a lot of content about like dark souls and stuff like that you know he's coming at it from like primarily a gameplay perspective and I really appreciate that because that's all I give a [ __ ] about he's missing because he needs to upgrade his PC oh you're right yeah maybe he's missing does this game have de novo on it too
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,045,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: nvaMVWyLII8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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