Starfield Crossbow Ship Review

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hello there and welcome to another Starfield ship review in today's review we're going to be looking at the crossbow or in my case the crossbow three so the number after the name is the tier level of the vessel the higher the number the higher the tier and the better the stats of the ship so for instance this tier three has a a 40 reactor PP or 40 pip reactor whereas a tier 2 might only have a 38 and the tier one might only have like say a 35 aesthetically though for the most part the ships will always be the exact same so anyway let's get into the review so the name suggests the crossbow it's a novag galactic vessel I believe it's one of the I mean the only like novag Galactic combat vessel primarily now there is other pieces to it so it's not like fully Nova Galactic this vessel is there is it's the basis of uh the Crimson Fleet vessel and I believe a spacer vessel my mind is saying coyot but I could be wrong it's a quite cool looking ship it's um it feels like more like a kind of a frig or like a destroyer um with its kind of weapon placements and just general layout compared to some of the other vessels so let's get into with stats so it's got fuel of 900 which is absolutely phenomenal in terms of fuel uh you probably have enough fuel to go to the next galaxy it's got a hole of 1, 156 which is again see the thing is with hle is hle is it's it's kind of situational because if your Shields go down your hole is there to protect you and 1,500 hole is really really good on a C-Class but obviously it's hard to kind of like it's not like say like an AR it is an armor system but it's not like Shields where you can just kind of easily slap on more H is like there's a lot of different components that kind of increase your hole but for the most part that's really good hole it's only got a ,000 cargo which for a ship like this it's kind of a bit I don't know it's it's just it's kind of low like this is primarily going to be a combat vest or like a warship but I feel like most players are going to be using it as a kind of a general like all around her so like would have been nice for a bit more storage but it seems like we can we might be able to fit more storage in as we go so it's got a 40 class or C-Class reactor 40 power which is really good it is that is the most powerful reactor in the game I don't know if it is the technically the best because certain reactors have different stats it's got a crew of seven which is crazy good I believe this is the highest uh crew capacity you can get on a base ship it's jump range is where it's kind of letting itself down it's only 18 which is quite low it's not I mean it's not the best you know but like for the amount of money you're paying for it considering it is a tier three so like the tier three version you're getting all the Bel bells and whistles I don't know why oh actually I know why because it has a no Galactic I bet you it has a NOA Galactic uh jump drive which I don't know if it's if they did it for like a lower point of view because Nova Galactic is like older but uh yeah the their jump drives are not very good it's got Shields of 1315 which again is quite good the max shields in the game is 1,600 which it's not far off it's definitely something we can work about upgrading it to it's got three sets of weapons it's got laser weapons in the form of those turrets there on the winglets it's got ballistic weapons which is two of those I believe they're uh rail guns and then it's got two missile pods there on the top of the winglet as well so the price of this was 444,000 now that price will change for you depending on the tier the lower the tier the cheaper the ship and also your perks so this is cheap for me because I have the perk that decreases the cost cost so we're going to purchase this real quick so I found this at the this vendor here in Paradiso this is Mr purple and blue man I like his outfit he's also I believe he's also the only uh vendor that doesn't look like the other sh they all kind of look like they're from the same family but yeah so this is on Paradiso just going to show you real quick here we are on Paradiso on Pima 2 in the Pima system there's Pima 2 uh you you can find this in other locations here it is in relevant relation to alent to and Aran you can find this generally anywhere um like any of these vendors have them it's just kind of a look at the draw whe whether they have it at that time you're looking if uh you don't have it uh if they don't have it I recommend going to Mercury and waiting 24 hours that resets all of the vendor inventories and then just try again so we're going to quickly jump to our usual spot where we can showcase and do the tear down all right here we are so this is the the glamour shot as they say really cool design um I feel like a lot of these well I I feel like all the like larger combat vessels are based similarly to this one it has that sort of kind of like the frig um from kind of reminds me of the frigs from Destiny the cabal frigs how they have those kind of two prows and then like the Gap in the middle and then a kind of a wider exterior with some engines on the back got some decent places for turrets those ones placed where they are not overly fond of them they're not bad but try not to break my leg so entry through the front which is always nice bonus points when you can enter through the front some ships you can enter through the back even some of the reviews I did there was like one ship where like you'd enter through the back but it was like facing forward and You' like Crouch just was not a Vibe as they say so we've got a too entry which is quite nice which means that there's uh multiple levels hi entryway it's quite nice it doesn't really feel as calm about it yeah the thing is I would have put a damos but you can't probably because well actually no you should be able to that's the difference the main difference between all these entryways is either a ladder where you enter from above or you enter from directly in front so immediately we have entered a what is this I okay what what is this I have never seen this one before I'm very confused um we will have to do a tear down it looks to me like it's a storage room potentially like a three let me see one no I think it's like a 2x3 storage room maybe from Nova Galactic we've got a ladder going up some windows there so you can look under which is quite nice if this is a storage room I actually quite like it see I love these like segmented sections here we've got some uh some storage there got a little desk here which is quite nice it's quite cool now we've got some some lockers can't really do anything with the lock I can't wish you could I mean you can technically store stuff but you know and then if we come over this way we have this is another section here more storage got another window down there more lockers and then this is another yeah I'm I'm assuming this is like a 2x3 it's quite cool how like it's it's like you've got little rooms as opposed to being one giant open area looking at you shroud ekland got a nice little kind of like office here and we've got a that's kind of cool little forklift although why would you use that when you have Vasco so then we enter we're going to go back through this way and we'll enter the ladder we got multiple L labels which is oh whoops no come on I don't yeah there we go so next level we have a little one by one storage room I'm assuming no Galactic and then we have a the docking port which seems to be having spasms and then if we go through here we have I already see a kitchenette so what is this o I thought that was a kitchenet but that's not a kitchenet a weapon in Cas so we've got an Armory which is nice to see oh there's I quite like this Armory it's more I don't know it just it feels kind of nicer you've got like little shelves here with ammo some armories are just kind of like it's just like a little area like this very small with some tables but this seems to have multiple like storage ports points lot of storage boxes I have to say this little kind of ammo section I really like see Bethesda probably wouldn't do it because they'd have to completely overhaul the building system there's probably mods for it but I'd like if you could like build the modules and then you could modify them like you can with the ship you know with the Outpost Builder like what if I want to just slap this like shelf system somewhere else anyway so we have a little room off to the side here which goes to a oh an infirmary okay nice we have some windows looking out the port there we've got some uh Pharmaceutical Labs so you can do all your pharmaceutically stuff and we have the research lab which is nice to have too do your research and then we have some some beds and just a little kind of seating area with some tranquil tea nice and then if we head back this way open the door that looks like an engine room yep it's a novag galactic 3x1 engine room I like the Nova gal Galactic one it's quite nice it's like a nice mix of like kind of Terminals and machines and like you know technology are they kettles no they're not kettles there some I was like that's a weird thing to have in R yeah let's have two uh two kettles you know s some tea then we've got a little um got a little view out the uh port side again you can see that I believe I want to say it's either that's either a shin and it's either shami rail gun or there's another one oh there's a door I didn't even see that door to be clearly honest with you I also missed these okay so we also have two of these little mannequins here which is quite nice it's again it'd be cool if we could just place these like I'd like to place them in the Captain's Quarters and then we take this door here and we have another one by one this is a companion I believe we've got a nice view of that I love ships that have this nice little View kind of gives me TIE fighter Vibes with the little kind of circular cockfish although in space spheres are better generally and then we have a I'm going to say this is like a 3X two living quarters no it's a 3X3 I believe so you've got some like little seating area here oh we've got a little couch for some TV that's really cool this is like Nova Galactic like they're just they're amazing Interiors like they're so like livable You' got this little corner couch here if you just want to you know chill you don't want to watch TV got a little office here with um Newton's Cradle and uh some storage there and then back here we have a little bit more storage Andrea is doing some cleaning um we got couches here which really nice couches you kind of wouldn't expect that from an older ship Creator and then we've got um I believe this is like a is this a freezer section this is a freezer section and we have a little kitchenet here quite like again I like this kitchenet it seems more kind of uh like informal yeah that's the word so like more like you know your crew is kind of just whoever wants a sandwich you come in you make it or whoever wants what do we have here we have grapes and a peach that looks like an apple to me personally but you know got a little confectionary oven we've got a cooking station that actually works and nice in here what we got in here um some celery some chunks yeah really really cool cuz some of the other like um habitat modules they just kind of have a kind of a more like you know like there's like a crew mate specifically the cooks and some people may like that I personally like you know like your ship being more like think of like the ghost from like Star Wars Rebels where like everyone kind of pitches in as opposed to like a kind of a military vessel what can I do for and then we have uh this nice little long eight seater um table for eating can I help no you're good you can keep drinking Sarah got some uh I don't know what this means but you know yeah we have more ample first a which is nice some some benches a water dispenser you know the usual stuff really nice and then I believe this is the bathroom yes we have a bathroom which is quite nice if you need to poop and we have a nice view of the starboard there if you come back I'm just going to check this way I wasn't really expecting say we come in here back through here we have a control room which is really really nice got some seating for your crew that's this is kind of where the the crew capacity has increased to this goes up so high I really like this I'm kind of surprised like the interior how like good it looks and then if we come through this way we got another one by one storage room and then this is this is a Captain's Quarter as I can already tell so we've got some uh shelves there chair credits another view out the uh stabboard side we got yeah see this this this is like Pinnacle like Nova Galactic really cozy you've got like your bed lots of pillows you got some like nice stuff to store you got a really comfy armchair it just feels really nice and then back here we have a little desk here the chair is over here for whatever reason and again something that's quite nice about this one some of the other ones now it could be because of the window there but some of the other ones have like a big kind of like open kind of table with some chairs for like you know like for where your crew could talk I personally don't like having that in a captain's quar cuz like it's supposed to be your quarters if people want to talk to you they could just chill on the singular couch in it or you know just have a meeting somewhere that's not my quarters anyway so we're going to just double check here cuz I know there's there's I'm trying to make sure there's not multiple ways up okay so we're going to go up one level here so this is a o we play the game is it an all-in-one birth is it a living quarters I'm going to go with allinone birth yeah all in one birth potentially although maybe living course so we've got beds here nice nice bit of storage again tile if Nova Galactic a company that's like been around for like several hundred years can get these couches I'm sure you can look somewhere else other than Facebook Marketplace um for any guys that haven't watch my reviews of tile ships tile ships are a bit some of the stuff is kind of hand me down which I'm not a huge fan of anyway so looks like that's just that just goes up to a living quarters so we're going to come back all the way and layout's not too confusing one thing I really wish and I used to when I used to make ships on like k space your signage I'd love if you could play signage like bridge this way bridge this way but you know that's just a small little nitpick and then up here we have another one by one this is a storage room again and then we have a computer core room which again NOA Galactic they're just so nice it's just like it's it's nice I love these like these these segmented areas they really break up the room and kind of just make it more like aesthetically pleasing and then we've got like kind of like the wires like you know like there's it's lived in there's like a lot going on but it's not like messy it's like clutter you know and then if we go up one more we are on the bridge now I know this is not an over Galactic bridge this is a coni bridge from shroud Eckland really cool Bridge though got very nice views here ample viewing you can see a lot from up here which makes sense this feels more like a capital ship than like you know like a personal vessel so you've got your pilot seat there now the only negative with this lot of seats for your crew but because your crew are sat so close to you and there's like nothing like a computer block blocking their sight lines they will tend to look at you and look at each other and talk an awful lot which can be problematic anyway we're going to go take her off and see how she performs if I remember correctly something that struck me as odd with this ship is it's missing an engine yeah I don't know oh no no this one isn't Okay cool so there was one that actually was missing an engine the other one we're gonna take it off now we've got max power so power is not damn it I need to get rid of I need to get rid of some of the crew briefly cuz they're showing me stats not a lot of lifting thrusters for something so big oh that son is blinding what am I playing AR God damn so really quickly really quickly need to go and kick out some of my crew just for fairness and don't worry this doesn't like eject them into space they just walk around all right so like I said we have um we have a lot of power to play around with now we don't have I have a perk that increases my power by five it's called animatronic fusion um thank you to the person that commented a long time ago saying how to pronounce that uh so we have like I said we have a bit to play around with now usually I've seen some people comment this about missiles and I kind of agree you don't really need too much in missiles I just like having like one so we have like five extra to play around with so you could definitely pump up the weapons a little bit as for weapons we've got laser weapons that are Ted ballistic weapons there mounted on the sides and then we've got those missiles as well so nice nice nice array of uh of Weaponry we're going to do a quick speed test I'm assuming this is going to be quite slow excuse me what oh wait a minute wait a minute I'm blind my bad sometimes I can't see I was going to say I'm pretty sure 130 is the slowest thing the 130 base speed it's kind of expected although they are big beefy engines oh that boost sounds really nice we've got a boost speed of looks like about 4 440 again not too bad going do a quick Agility Test SO pitching oh dear Lord this is slow oh my my good God all right we found the slowest ship in the game guys this is this is our one and then are y'all again quite slow yeah okay it's very slow and then we have the roll rolls not as bad okay so we're going to head down to the plant now and do a tear down all right so here we are so we've got it ripped into three parts so now at the very very top here we have the contiki b500 bridge from shroud Eckland 360 cargle Six Cruise station this would just snap right here but for the sake of this I'm just going to move it and then if we start off where it is I suppose we have a novag galactic 1 by one companion right we have a novag galactic all-in-one birth 2x1 bat and a novag galactic computer core 2x1 now for the weapons we have two of these Resa 300 phc SX pul laser turrets from Shin andami C-Class 1,200 Range four fire rate they do 38 damage to Shields and require four power and then we have mounted on these little winglets we have the suas sasu 5 or 50k missile launchers from Shin andami C-Class 5100 range one fire rate 142. 79 hole and shield damage and requires four power now next on the list is the uh Shield generator this is an oldin 3 50c Shield generator from protector systems it's a C-Class it's got 11 max power and it's got 1315 Shield uh with 5% regenerate now there is better Shields obviously um which is weird it doesn't have the better Shield but then I suppose the batter Shield is not like that model so the best Shield you can get is this one here it is the Assurance SG 1800 Shield generator from sexon Shield system C-Class 12 power 1,600 shield and it requires the same perks basically and it's around the same price a little bit more expensive so I'd recommend strapping this one on Instead at the end of the tear down we'll do like we'll rebuild the ship with some better upgrades and then next on the list uh we have some fuel tanks so we have these 600t helium 3 fuel tanks they have 290 each I assume they're there more for athetic purposes but they're quite nice and then we have two two of these titan 550 H3 tanks from Nautilus again these two tank tanks here sorry there's my Irish coming out these two tanks here are like they're more than enough obviously you wouldn't need these two big ones but they're there for the aesthetic appeal which makes a lot of sense now for the engines we have four of these Sal 6110 engines from Slate Aerospace they are C-Class engines they have a max power of two 1,300 or 13,600 engine thrust and 38 maneuvering thrust so they're pretty beefy engines but they don't give a lot of Mobility so you could definitely work on upgrading them as for the Aesthetics on this level we have a pair of Nova cowlings 2 L we have the uh what is TF okay I don't know what TF stands for but yeah we have two of them and then behind that we have two Nova bracers oh each side we have a a Nova engine stro we have a h Tech pipes a mid we have two of these Nova Wing ports we have two more Nova bracers and then on the side we have these Nova Galactic Nova Thruster ports and these are really cool because they basically act as like you know Thruster ports they like shoot out little bits of uh um they're like I believe they're called reactionary Control Systems it allows you to kind of spin the ship without using too much um like engines but they're not connected to anything that would be able to supply it with power unless they're like a self-contained back which they don't look like I don't know it's bit of an oversight from Bethesda obviously nothing major and then we have this little uh hope Tech marker a which looks like a little antenna so now if we move to the middle of the vessel uh we'll start here we have a novag galactic 3x1 engineering Bay we have a novag galactic 2x1 Armory we have a novag galactic infirmary 2x1 we have a store room novag Galactic novag Galactic control station 2x1 a companion we 1X one a mes hle 3x2 uh store room 1X one and a captain squarter is 2x one which honestly there's not much I would change here I would go the route of oh add like a command center the I don't know if they're going to have any here let me see Habs no they don't have any of the 3x ones but I I wouldn't change that anyway because I quite like the Nova Galactic mesle and then for Weaponry mounted on the winglets we've appear of these uh MK 9A auto guns from ballistic Solutions Incorporated class, 1500 Range four fire rate 37 damage to hole and four power so pretty decent and then we have the Hope 11 Docker Port here from H Tech and then we have the ng300 grab drive from Nova Galactic this is a C-Class 11 power 27 grab jump thrust so this is pretty poopy if you'll excuse the the crudeness uh there's just far better like I want to say it's it's not an oversight by Bethesda like I want to say that they actually design for the novag galactic vessels to you know use like weaker grab drives because they're older which if that's the case good on you Bethesda nice might bit a lore there but wait hold on now um I might have just I might have just accidentally um contradicted oh maybe maybe so there is a there is a more powerful one so yeah so if we put this one here on this NG 340 uh grab drive it requires one extra power it gives 45 jump thrust to almost an extra almost double and this requires Strat design three now this is also three times the price I was going to say that normally with novag Galactic being like so weak I assume it was because you know they're older and they're now this kind of counteracts that theory unless this has been like reverse engineered potentially like from newer but anyway yeah i' recommend running this one um just because it's 45 now there is some there's some 50s here obviously we can go with this one reine um this one I would recommend this one if you want to put a little bit more weight on it but this is not too bad like 40K this one's going to cost you 80k which is a bit extreme and then for the reactor we have the S4 sf40 sheared flow reactor from dogar it's a cclass 40 power uh this like any reactor that hits 40 power is really good now there is a couple of other ones that hit 40 um I don't know if they have them for sale here but yeah like the reactor is perfectly fine now there is the other reactor it's not here it kind of I believe it has a little bit better stats in some regards so if you're looking for Min maxing I would check out some of the other reactors but this is this is perfectly acceptable and then for the aesthetic pieces uh we have two of these H Tech bumpers here and we have two of these uh Port holes top one on each side two more of those thrusters uh one mounted here and one mounted here and then we have two windows here portal starboard and portal port and then we have two more of the novag Wings with the weapons mounted on it we have the port hole four there two of these tile uh equipment plates my favorite piece in the game phen and then we've got two more sets of Windows on this side and the other side but this one is like staggered a little bit and then on the bottom here we have the entryway which is a ship Ed 200 Landing Bay from tile and then we have the Nova Galactic cargo Hall which is all it really has and then for the landing gear we have two of these pinpoint 4G landing gear there and we have two ng20 landing gear from Nova Galactic they gave four thrust these only give two and I believe we have two more here oh no we four so we've six of these all together pretty interesting and then for the aesthetic pieces we have two of these tile breaking engines there and then the back we have two damos belly apps and then for storage we have two of these 300 CM balast cargo holds which give 320 each so now we're going to put the ship back together and we're going to work on some upgrades so so I suppose the first thing you I do is I would remove that shield and put a better Shield cuz you know it's nice to have a more powerful Shield so this one here so I'm going to put this me just put that there for now now the grab Drive um we're going to get rid of that next just so you know it's it's there uh where's me grab drive there you are perfect slot you in there get in there why is my Shields only 975 oh that's the wrong Shield I apologize Shields where is it Shields I meant to chose my bad right now for the for the Weaponry I'm going to remove the missiles just because I not overly gone on the missiles we we'll remove all the weapons for now we'll kind of put them back in a minute so for the I like the turrets I like having the turret weapons but I don't like the positioning there it's not like positioning isn't bad but I feel like you can't see as much you're kind of it's only like a what is that like a 9 what's a quarter of a circle 90° 90° yeah that's I know math so these turreted weapons usually you want to go with particle weapons just because you know particle weapons are very powerful they can strip Shields and and uh hole so we're going to go and we're going to look to see what now personally for me a ship this size if you're you have to kind of look at it if you're trying to min max because if you're trying to min max I wouldn't worry about turrets but I feel like most people watching these reviews you know like you're just kind of like playing on normal you just want to have a ship that looks cool and kind of functions well so we're kind of going to be building for that regard so what I would do so I would get some of these where are you no not you yeah some of these perfect so these disruptor 3320 Neutron turrets from Horizon defense they're B Class 4200 range 2.5 fire rate 29 damage to Holden Shields and they only use three power now what I'm going to do is I'm going to move these equipment plates to here because I feel like having the two turrets mounted on the front gives it a little bit more like kind of field of view so we got our two turrets and we're going to mount them like so come on perfect now if you we don't have any more of these little um these engineering plates but if we did you could definitely keep the other turrets here I'm just going to put them where they would be for now you could definitely put them here and like keep them in the same position but personally I feel like that might not be the play now part of me wants to part ofy wants to like put them up here but I'm I'm kind of like like actually that's not necessarily a bad location see I like when I put turrets on I like them to have a little bit more kind of room to maneuver I suppose you could just put them here this is probably like the best spot to put them both here cuz this still has like some degree of like cover but not like you know amazing degree and then like you're going to need some like actual like shooty shooty bang bang weapons if you know you want to shoot stuff so I'd recommend and uh if we go up here to the where are they so if you want to play it like safe you can't go wrong with some of these these pb30 and I would slap them I would put one there actually no I'm going to put them one there one there and one there like so and then I would put two more on the other side these these particle weapons are really good like they're good to the point where you wouldn't even really need the turrets but the turrets are handy to have just cuz I feel like they look cool and obviously if you have done the Vanguard quest line you can use these bad boys so instead of needing four you can play six which is extremely Overkill um now as for the we we'll work on the mobility in a minute um I feel like yeah the four turrets is more than now you can add more turrets obviously like if you really wanted to you could um you could like add potentially add like let me see is there like a snap point on that want to see if there's like a snap point on those engines no there's not okay that's fine and then we're going to work on the engines now there's probably not going to be a lot of engines here we can play around with so these engines they look very cool let's see if if they're using the highest tier of them all the way down SE glass and we don't have any of those engines currently so these okay the thrust on these is actually quite low considering so I'm just going to just going to slap some of these bad boys in here see how this looks oh of course you don't want to play ball give me a second what's the maneuvering thrust oh yeah God yeah these these give way more so if we we're going to do a little technique here in a moment so we're going to remove these for for now and we're just going to put these engines in here so these ones provide a lot more so if you remove these yeah these ones give us Max Mobility currently they don't look too bad shapewise like they they change the aesthetic a little bit and obviously at the bottom here you can put these back so you just go to snap them you press Y and press y again and then let them place like so why am I getting an error okay okay and then we put these here and then press B again and then what error am I getting want to make sure that um uh Docker module must be placed yeah no that's fine we'll just remove just going to remove these for now just to make sure the ship does fly with no errors uh what's the error okay yeah cool so it it can fly it's good Let me just assign the other turrets just so cuz last thing I want to do is like make a ship be like you should use this and then like it doesn't actually work so yeah so these engines like they're an improvement obviously they're kind of pricey compared to the other ones so if we can go back the other ones and see now it's all the other ones so if we look at the pricing these are twice expensive now they require they require more engine power but you can still fit them these require two whereas these require three but we've got more almost double the engine thrust and over double the maneuvering thrust which you know is quite nice to have now they're a little bit more heavier but not by much and then I think the only real thing now is the cargo now you can we can we can definitely 1,000 cargo is not bad but I feel like for a ship like this we we try and preferably push like maybe 2,000 cargo just cuz you want to be able to store some stuff so we're going to we're going to Okay so we've got this here I'm going to remove this and I'm going to slot this in its place and that as you can see that fits phenomenally that was definitely planned and I didn't just pull the first one so now our car goes up to 2500 and then we have these little spine pieces let me see if I can reuse these spine pieces um let me see see I'm not I'm not personally a fan of no no no no I'm not really a fan of these bracers personally I just think they look a bit funk Mony what about this I mean it looks slightly better to be completely honest with you oh whoops didn't want me to do that to be honest with you if we just made these wi they'd probably be okay let me just really quickly change them the wi oh wait I didn't actually whoops oops just sorry I don't know I'm not sure why they always do this with like the ships they have like pieces that are like off colored yeah see that's a lot better that actually Blends better when it is white uh but that's I feel like that's the the main kind of upgrades I'd go with so you've got that extra storage there you've got like better engines you got some tured weapons and obviously you have a little bit of power to play around with you can obviously add a second weapon if you wanted to or like a third weapon technically if you wanted to add more turrets you definitely could like I was saying for the turrets you want to I oh oh I forgot you can place them there H yeah we're definitely putting the turrets there actually forget what I said initially they look really nice there and then we're going to actually move see these little ones we're going to move these ones down to to there just cuz it looks better so yeah that way you've got your turrets have good kind of field of view or good like these can shoot backwards they can shoot sideways and then yeah and then obviously like I said you've got a little bit more power to play around with you could add a third turd if you wanted or you could add like just a third weapon in general yeah that's the ship this is quite a long video I apologize but you know I feel like it's probably one of the more iconic ships as always guys thanks for watching
Channel: Crimson Flyboy
Views: 2,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, bethesda, skyrim, oblivion, fallout, newvegas, xbox, seriesx, toddhoward, zenimax, bgs, bethesdagamestudios, walkthrough, space, letsplay, ships, spaceship, review, guide, walkthough
Id: Vm3gqKR4n8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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