STARFIELD Best Outpost Locations! 12 best planets | Starfield outpost guide

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all right in this video we're going to have a look at the most amazing planets in Starfield to build your outpost on I'll tell you where to find them and what biome to land at to get a spectacular environment for your Outpost this is Kumai 1 and I call this place Avatar world it's a hot and humid jungle with trees as far as the IE can see but when you get down to ground level you'll find a place teaming with weird alien life like there are herds of these weird dinosaur creatures just popping out of the undergrowth and there's also plant life that's so strange your scanner doesn't even know what to do with them things just defy a categorization on Kumai [Music] 1 this location is on kodos which is a moon in the cheyen system and it's got incredible Island views now to find this exact spot you need to do a mission called shadows in neon which is the fourth mission in the Freestar Rangers quest line after that you'll unlock a side called On The Run and that will send you to a ship called the Fortuna so visit the Fortuna Quest marker and you'll come to this place absolutely incredible you could build your Outpost right on the cliff Edge and look out across the water or even take a dip in the nice refreshing Lake the place is populated by these weird Dino looking creatures who are also very fun to explode [Music] if you love to see massive gas giants in the sky head to tow setti 8A this this is a moon that's perfectly positioned to see the planet tetti in all of its glory and if you're on PC you can do something that really makes the Planet Pop and that's by opening up the console and typing in this it speeds up your moon's rotation around the planet as well as the other moons nearby resulting in some absolutely spectacular [Music] views [Music] for the biggest gas giant in the whole game or the one that I found that's closest to your view check out grimsy it's got a great orange ringed gas giant that dominates the entire Skyline to get the best gas giant fuse in Starfield you want to make sure the Ring of the gas giant is positioned centrally compared to your moon so in other words you don't want the ring too far above or below the equator of the planet you're on moons of ringed gas giants always deliver and again we can use the console command and speed up the rotation to give give us incredible [Music] views one of my personal favorites now but that's because I am a sucker for dense forests it's eridani 6 now this is as close as I've seen to a Skyrim Forest only there's one difference and that is the sky which is a really nice shade of orange it gives it this otherworldly color and I really like the effect when there's a storm as all the trees actually Shake in the wind and you can see the lightning in the background it just gives it this really nice effects [Music] okay next up we have Archimedes 5A which I call Barbie world look at this it's almost completely pink in the deciduous forest biome you'll find miles upon miles of beautiful cherry blossom trees these pink trees cover almost the entire planet and they make for incredible scenery at certain times the sky is almost the same color as the trees giving aredes 5 a very nice pink aesthetic [Music] d [Music] this is Triton a moon of Neptune and it's got two features I really like the first is obviously Neptune which looks massive in the sky and the second are these huge Cliffs some of the highest Cliffs I've seen in the game you could build your Outpost up on one of these things and have views sweeping across the moon with Neptune up there just chilling in the [Music] [Music] sky here we have namia 1 and it's one of the most alien looking Places You'll Find head to the tropical rainforest biome and you'll get this a l scape absolutely littered with these massive mushroom trees upon closer inspection you can see they're actually giant cactuses with huge spines sticking out of the trunk you don't want to go near these things I haven't seen these things anywhere else in Starfield so it's a really unique feature to have on your planet Shing a 3 is one of the most chill planets in the game it's mostly tranquil forests and Green Hills and they just feel really nice to hang out in a really nice Ambience and it also feels alive cuz it's got loads of wildlife roaming around so you'll never be lonely but that's not all of course the other reason shring a 3 is so good is because it's home to the fox bat a creature that when you take it down can give you up to 12 29 XP since there are so many of them you can actually use them to level up pretty quickly I've got a guide to farming foxbats using the special animal husbandry building at your Outpost which you can watch by clicking the video [Music] above Katy did 1 a is your plan planet of choice for Rivers because in the wetlands biome you'll find abundant rivers that you can build your Outpost around rivers are actually pretty rare in Starfield the game doesn't spawn them all that often which makes a location with rivers a really nice and unique thing to have plus there are millions of these weird black Rocky outcrops that just give their place a feel of its very own just watch out for the flame spewing giant crickets [Music] andromus 2 is your chill Winter Wonderland this place is snow covered forests as far as the eye can see and at Sunset it looks even better imagine just chilling here in your own heated Hab and watching the snowfall I mean there's no snowfalling in the game but still but that's not all because if we head to the hills biome we get a completely different landscape with huge mountains abundant flora and loads of wildlife so andras 2 is a really varied planet for you to build your [Music] Outpost [Music] naria 2 is all about the red forests head to the coniferous forest biome for these amazing looking Scarlet trees that give the whole place a very autumnal Vibe very nice if you're building a Halloween Hideway it's also got these lovely pink flowers on the ground which add to the color and plenty of spooky fog floating just [Music] above [Music]
Channel: Gaming with Griff Griffin
Views: 10,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield outpost, Starfield outpost guide, Starfield outpost planet, Starfield best planet to build outpost, Starfield outpost tips, Starfield outpost tutorial, Starfield where to build outpost, Starfield best planets, Starfield best planet, Starfield best place for outpost
Id: i93YOpCtFqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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