STARFIELD | Outpost "Player Home" Build.

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good evening ladies and gentlemen how we getting on welcome to a brand new Starfield video so today we are working on the player Housing section of a new Outpost that has come together rather nicely with some pretty cool features so uh let's jump into this [Music] one okay so yeah this is going to be the player Housing section and a crafting area specifically geared towards that sort of living space and colleting of stuff space rather than production space or anything like that it's come together in quite an interesting way with a pretty cool design I think so before we get into that let's have a look at where we are so we are here on the planet nesso and we are continuing an outpost I started in a previous video so I'll link that one around that's my ship Builder Landing Pad video but uh yeah this is quite a cool planet with some fun biomes and some decent local resources if you bothered about that for now I'm just focusing on the building side there we go in the Olympus system which which is smack bang pretty much in the middle of the major star systems so obviously got Alpha centuri Naran cheyen Vol CCS they're all not far away at all so it's a really good Central spot here so yeah definitely happy with this for now we're in the desert biome as you can see mostly chosen because I like the way it looks in particularly it's uh bold clear and sunny so makes for a nice easy easy footage you know easy on the eyes so we're going to start off with a small science tab to basically figure out where we're going to start with this sort of spot is kind of on a hill a little bit at the edge of the bill area and try to kind of position things so I don't bulldoze too much of the environment some of it will be coming back but for now that should be pretty good lift that up a little bit because this is going to be the lower section of the build and uh we're going to work on putting a room on the top which we can do using this four wall double Hab which is really quite handy as regards making multi-storage structures so by snapping that onto the side you can now Force the Hydroponics have there to snap straight to the top of the science one I've got there and then we take it off and look we've got a two-story Hab the one drawback is we don't have ladders so you will have to make separate entrances for separate stories which is a bit disappointing for now I imagine we might get ladders at some point in the future hopefully th and if we could then choose which way around they faced inside the build that would be great but uh for now separate entrances is so I've got an extra hallway on the side there allowing me to sort of extend this next sign tab at the top left there out a bit further and would you look at that there's an interesting idea the air lock there seems to fit nicely underneath the upper level Corridor hallway that's quite cool so if I extend out this hallway a little bit there we go I can now snap that Hab back on and it goes over the top of the entrance to this lower one quite nicely and it doesn't even need to be that far over we can pull it over one more cuz we get a little bit of hallway anywhere we snap on there and it gives us a nice little compact two Tower kind of design with an air lock in the middle which looks quite cool and there's an extra air lock to get into the upper story on the right there that's the core structure in place I quite like that sort of concept so moving on from this we're going to do a little bit of decoration here and dress this thing up make it a little bit more interesting bit more uh visually intriguing so I'm going start with this storage container here this is a warehouse technically Al so it's classified as but it's really just a shipping container isn't it and we're going to just nudge this up against the edge these things are pretty substantial and I tend to use them more for decoration than for actual storage cuz the way the resource storage system works at the moment and the whole shipping links between outposts stuff is it's nightmarishly ineffective so for now I'm not even bothering with that we're just going to use these as decoration items but they work rather well in that regard so i' got one in there I'm going to snap this liquid storage onto the side except that I don't actually want it snapped on having it the same height just looks a little bit too inorganic and uninteresting so we're going to sort of use the snapping to Leap Frog this away from the storage that we have over on the right there the warehouse which will allow us to get this place further outout so that we can bypass the ridiculously aggressive snapping and um with that now lowered down we're going to Leap Frog using the rotate key to get this nice and close except that unfortunately it's now too low and won't snap through the ground which is a little overzealous in its uh placement restrictions which is slightly annoying but it is what it is so that's not going quite the way I want I'm going to go back to the starting point further away and rotate it using the ghost of its original position to kind of guide me so that I can then position it at the other end of the warehouse there which should alleviate the problem cuz the ground's a bit lower unfortunately this will only snap onto one side um not onto the front of the back or the two sides rather not front of the back so you have to grab this initial one again and rotate it back there we go that ghost should give us quite a clear position as to where we want it to be that's about right now we'll grab this one again slap it onto the side nice and we can just use the rotate to kind of Leap Frog this back into place to bypass the um as we can see ridiculously overzealous snapping he's hoping the rumored upcoming patch will solve some of this problem as well as some of the others that we'll be talking about in a second take that out nice s right next to the container there but it's a little bit lower looks a little bit more interesting in organic and doesn't show quite so much Foundation either which is always a win and it's partially hiding the foundation on this uh science H as well so I'm going to drop a scan booster on the roof here which I'll actually end up moving over to the Hydroponics have the glass one on the right there just cuz it'll look a little bit better over there and I'll be able to put a solar generator here instead which will fit cuz the the roof's a bit bigger on this one so we'll change that in the decoration phase in a bit for now I'm going to drop this turbine in here mostly as a decoration item more than a power item there's loads of power as you can see in this Outpost and I don't really need very much so I've got these mostly down just to make the whole thing a bit more visually interesting useful Pro tip for basically all of the's uh Base building mechanics no matter of the game is if you place an item down and then move it afterwards the game tends to have a better idea of where it is and how it interacts with other objects so you can move things closer together more easily so place it then pick it up move it just makes life a lot easier that way we're going to nudge that in so it's reasonably close up to everything else should be about as good as we're getting I think the underground foundation on the on the liquid container there that's all right we're beginning to frame the build and I'll be putting another one on the other side later on just going to drag my Outpost beon into the middle here as this makes a nice fast travel arrival point and um also makes a sort of bit of extra visual interest as well so drop that in there you and let's grab another storage container again just for its decorative uh properties more than anything else and we'll just line this up next to the staircase there it's not quite where I want it but now that I've got it placed as you can see I will be able to fine-tune it much more easily especially as I can now come over and sort of see down the back Edge when you can't see behind the thing that does sometimes cause issues I'm going to end up taking that light out all together instantly and replacing it with wall mounted ones but there's some cool stuff relating to it that I did discover in the meantime so I'll show you that in a moment yeah you can see the um storage bin here is jumping around a little bit and trying to snap to the stuff on the left depending on where you stand and where you're looking at it from sometimes it'll be a bit more Cooperative so coming around the other side is often a good move if you want to position things with a bit more Precision there you go being able to see down the back there means I can put that nice and close to the scaffold that's holding the stairs up there so again I'm going to get rid of this light later but useful thing I did discover while I was placing it is that if we go up to the storage bin on the right here look at that the concrete base disappeared and I think that's basically cuz it's interacting with the foundation underneath that storage bin and it doesn't work for every object but some of the ones that have those concrete bases it will sort of function like this so you're able to place things much closer but it only works if you're placing things like the light after the other object if you put the light in first then the base stays there and gets in way so let's shove this Outpost Beacon back in if Barrett will move I couldn't dismiss him during the course of building this cuz u i was midway through his ally Quest and that was extremely annoying he kept getting in the way and driving me up the wall not the best AI on his part while I was trying to build there I would have told him to stand still somewhere out the way but that wasn't an option either annoyingly oh well what can you do anyway with this Outpost being in place I think it's time I headed off and added a few little bits more detail and we will take a look at everything in the tour in just a second so here we go finished product or almost finished product one thing I have not done here is junk decoration as um the issue with it sinking into surfaces is still a bit of a problem obviously being able to drop things on the floor place them in build mode and have them become Static when you do that is a brilliant feature but the tendency for stuff to sink into surfaces is very annoying and I know there's a way to work around that with saving and logging out and stuff it's not worth the hustle with a rumored impending patch just around around the corner I have to say those rumors I've not heard any reliable sources on that yet so we'll see but it would be in line with what we'd expect so fingers crossed we do have a slightly odd bug going on there you may have noticed in the foundation of this left hand science Hab for some reason the bottom section of it has disappeared no idea why um I just sort of randomly noticed it had happened but U very strange but not actually causing any problems just a tiny bit unsightly so hopefully that'll get fixed I added a few extra bits and pieces of decoration around just to sort of cluster things up make it a bit more interesting and break up um otherwise very straight lines just to make it a little bit more organic looking so i' got little clusters by the water storage thing there a few bits of pieces over by the solid material storage bin I really do quite like these hanging baskets I've got put up there's a whole load of different hanging planters in the game but most of them are just pots that are suspended which is kind of what this is but with the vines kind of things hanging down I really like the look a lot better there's a nice bit of color contrast to it as well which is cool so yeah really quite a cool little thing to have up there to add a little bit of visual interest speaking of we've got a few extra bit and pieces on the stairs here cuz they're otherwise quite Bland so do like to add a little bit on there I'm going to head up here and take a look at what it will be our crafting area inside here with our living space on top I do like how these structures interact with each other and sort of overlap each other it's quite cool I'm looking forward to playing around with this some more and seeing what fun things we can build going forward let's Mosey on in here the air looks look really quite cool and they make a lot of sense but they are tiny little bit of a drag after a while when you've gone through them in and out a bunch of times so science H as crafting space I've done this concept or having a crafting space in science had before but um I do quite like the way it works gone for the flat walls this time rather than angled ones cuz then I could put more decoration on there which is definitely Improvement I tried to avoid having a repetition of my previous build so I went with a central island there for the crafting benches or four out of the five and I've kind of picked a specific uh set of positions based on collision so that I can push them as close together as possible and it worked really quite nicely obviously with the all in the center it leaves a lot of space around the outside so but a few bits and pieces there to make the space a bit more interesting a whole uh Bank of workstations looks quite cool on the left I really do like the the visual effect of that very sci-fi again got a few bits and pieces of decoration around unfortunately this uh desk here on the left which is an outpost um companion crew members workstation we can't actually put anything on the surfaces of it which is very very annoying so ifda would kindly fix that in the upcoming update fingers crossed that would be great but otherwise that's the last one I could fit in so I've got three I think now maybe four in my Outpost which is uh quite cool gives a little bit more interest little bit of decoration on this side in form of a weapons display which I quite like this one actually it a lot of dead space in it but it's neat and looks quite cool I do like it although I feel like the weapon should be flipped the other way really like that um security outfit on the mannequin there on the left that's very very cool one of my favorite outfits I've found so far that one actually definitely cool and uh yeah I do like this Central concept for the crafting benches having backing onto each other in the middle of the room they look really quite cool there especially with the lighting catching them it's sort of slightly dimmer towards the outside with focused Lighting in the center so I do quite like the design obviously this place would have come to life a lot more if I had junk decoration in it but um yeah fingers crossed the sinking issue will be resolved soon and I will actually jug decorate it once I finish this Outpost fully cuz there's a couple more things I want to build in it then we'll do a finalized tour to show off the whole finished product on Down the Line but um yeah hopefully the junk decoration will be in place for that I mean failing um an update I will eventually bite the bullet and do it anyway but for now I'm crossing my fingers on an update yeah and I got to say I do quite like the sort shape and the the look of this the way everything interacts it's come together quite nicely so see around the back here I've put an extra wind turbine in on this side as well to sort of frame the whole build off come together quite well well some of the local Wildlife making a little bit of noise around here the twist vins seem to have disappeared which is a bonus there were a bunch of them hanging about on this hill prior to my actually putting the structure in place so uh I was a little worried about that we'll see whether or not they reappear but for now they've gone elsewhere which is definitely a win and we'll make our way up to the upper level not quite as much stuff on this staircase but don't want them to be exactly the same so variety makes for a more organic look do love some of the little details on some of these pieces like the uh cabling and stuff on the on the airlock here is quite fun on the outside and we'll head into our living space so this is our primary living space um I feel like I could do separate Habs for separate functions but they would then be perhaps a little bit too big compared to the amount of um sort of decoration objects we have available so got a little bit of extra decoration in this corner I'm going to move a bunch of um stuff I've yet to sell in terms of uh Contraband into that chest eventually got my little kitchen area over here we kind of closed off with a couple of medical tables create kind of breakfast bar type vibe there coffee machine as well I'll add some more drug decoration eventually as I say to make this a little bit more visually interesting but you get a general idea for now the cooking station at the back there is the functional actual crafting station little dining area in the corner here I hadn't realized initially looking at it in the menu that this was a blue tabl toop but once placed it down and it actually caught the light you can obviously see it and nice blue chairs there to match it looks quite cool I reckon nice views out here which is why I wanted to build my living space here and have it at the top with the um Glass Walls cuz just take advantage of the scenery even if it is in a desert nice little lounge space there which is quite cool I am annoyed that it says those chairs can't be the sofas rather can't be interacted with cuz the entrance is blocked by the coffee table but there's clearly more than enough room so that's kind of an aggravating setup what can you do loads of shiny posters in my Corridor here I feel like I need one more set of shiny posters but um I ran out without duplicating things so space frog will have to fill up the remaining Gap it did come out quite nicely slightly weird flipping issue there as we sort of transition between the cells which is a bit unfortunate but not problematic once you actually cross the threshold it disappears so it's fine I do like this bedroom space it's kind of clean tidy but also reasonably homely as well I think adding junk decoration when I get to it to hop on about this a little bit will definitely add a little bit more of an interesting lived in vibe to it but I do particularly like these display cases we've got here added the um Mission board and the bounty board as well cuz useful to have around and they make for a nice bit decoration got a couple of things on that display case that are the wrong way around which is s disappointing they're facing backwards you wouldn't normally put that space shuttle on there facing away from you for example but is what it is looking forward to adding some extra bits to the the bedside tables with junk decoration stuff as well added uh that little Globe is really nice but it's not really big enough to stand on the floor on its own without looking really small and weird so little side table there kind of dressed that up a bit chucked a couple of extra dumbbells by the weights there which is literally the only piece of junk decoration I did in here other than put stuff on those shelves as well cuz I felt it was necessary and there's no point in trying to um Place those using the build menu the dumbbells that is as they sink into the floor when you do so I just threw them down yeah all in all I quite like that bedroom clean and uh quite little plal but also kind of somehow manages to be homely as well as I say once I come back and jug decorate it will uh complete the vibe on down the line but for now I really do quite like the structure and um relatively homely Vibe of it I've stored a few things here already so that I don't have to Lug them around with me and come back pick them up should I need them and move a few more in in time as well get a little look at my landing pad over there as I said earlier I will link to that on the the card in the top right corner and if I remember down in the description or in a comment as well if you want to check that out it's the other build we've done on this Outpost so far came out rather well I think it looks pretty cool and uh yeah there will be at least one more if not uh more than that video coming on the rest of this Outpost with some more interesting feates to dress it up make the whole thing look a little bit more complete as we progress there we go yeah that uh weird Foundation bug notwithstanding this little structure in my humble opinion looks quite nice I think so there we go hope you guys enjoyed that one if you did please do consider dropping subs and likes I very much appreciate loads more starf content coming both in videos and in live streams and of course contining playing Fallout 76 doing builds and streaming and so on on that side as well so I do hope you join us for those down below as always social media links mer door and channel memberships on the various buttons if you'd like to hit those and notification Bell I really appreciate the support but for now thank you very much for watching I look forward to speaking to you all very very [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: Darth Xion
Views: 31,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, darth xion, starfield outpost, starfield living quarters, starfield how to stack outpost habs, starfield multi-story outpost, starfield multistory, starfield building, Starfield outpost guide, starfield gameplay, starfield outpost building, starfield outpost tutorial, starfield outpost tips, starfield outpost design, starfield early game outpost, starfield game, outpost tour, starfield base building, starfield 2023, starfield bases, bethesda
Id: NroP9cMzo1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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