Insane Money and XP Printer: Starfield Outpost Guide 6.0

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well hello everybody in today's video I'm going to show you the ultimate Outpost setup for producing 10 different Pharmaceuticals one of which has a value of 430 which sells for 60 credits which means that 1,000 mass is equivalent to 600,000 credits and this is much better than amp and a lot of ways for Value it also has the added benefit of treating both Burns frostbite infections Now to create this one will actually require a third Outpost if you don't want to make this just two of The Outpost I'm going to show you you can make infused bandages which sell for 330 which is going to have about a 45 Credit Value when you sell these now The Outpost situation is relatively easy I'm going to condense all this information into a guide in this video now all the things we're going to be able to create here we're going to be able to create amp antibiotic paste antibiotics bandages which we use to make the antibiotic paste heel paste immobilizers infused bandages the injector penicillin X and snake oil now snake oil is incredibly useful be treats a plethora of conditions such as brain injuries concussions and the lung damage poisoning and radiation poisoning now poisoning is especially useful because you can sometimes get poisoned when you use a lot of amp so amp and snake oil go together now you could skip it and just go with injectors which are a lot easier cuz they're just metabolic agents and membrane whereas the snake oil requires chlorine so if you don't want to find an outpost location that has access to chlorine just let it go you don't need to make snake oil but I am going to show you how to set up a base which can produce all these items and I'm going to leave it up to you to figure out which ones you want to produce now realistically you're going to want to produce things which are useful for money you're going to want to make antibiotic past the mass with the three Outpost setup and if you want to go with the two Outpost setup you're going to want to create infused bandages now what's great though about making the antibiotic pace is it means you only have to carry one item combines both the antibiotics and heal paste at the same mass so heal paste uh treats Burns and frostbites and bandages treat contusions lacerations and puncture wounds so having the ability to craft this and then sell it is very useful now the immobilizer is one that you're not going to need to make a lot of it takes one structure and one sealant both of which can be produced that just one the main Outpost that I'm about to show you sealant is one of the main ingredients for a lot of the stuff that you're going to want so I would suggest that you just have maybe a little bit of structural production just maybe one one little Greenhouse producing structure you're also going to want that for outfitting your entire Outpost this is great that you can Harvest structural components and have a use for it the immobilizer is incredibly useful especially for Crafters you're always dis ating limbs when you're carrying heavy loads I'm always like breaking myself so you'll have the ability to craft that and and cure yourself for that so you don't have to walk around with that now the infused bandages is definitely a must have and the sedative is the reason we need the second Outpost it treats Burns contusions frostbites lation and puncture on very very useful very very cool uh again we went over the injector which we'll be able to produce here the injector is incredibly important because you're always getting lung damage and poisoning especially when you're on harsh terrains or you're taking a lot of drugs so this is a really good one however if you get the chlorine and you use metabolic agents and sedatives instead you get a 20% O2 recovery for 2 minutes on top of all that so this is really a preference thing okay so these are all the things you're going to be able to make and they have incredible values two Outpost setup is going to allow you to craft every single thing that you can craft with just base components at a pharmaceutical lab all right so that's the introduction about all the things we're going to be able to do with this it's really easy all right let's talk about the skills that you're going to need for this at a minimum you're going to need one level in botney and one level in Zoology and you can use the small storage you can use the first greenhouse and the first husbandry building but if you want to build the bigger buildings you're also going to want at least two ranks and outpost engineering strongly strongly recommend you do this so you can build the bigger storage too and if you want to set up on the the third Outpost that has the crazy time dilution and the acids that I mentioned you need then you're going to need rank one of planetary habitation so you can build an outpost on a planet that has the Deep Freeze condition this is also something I strongly recommend because there are a lot of great planets that are deep free those things are what you need at a minimum here are some of my recommendations though recommend that you have like a couple ranks and surveying because it will make finding things so much faster you can see things from so much further away it's it's a huge time saer for me especially but this is only for people who are like really into Outpost scanning is also kind of useful but not totally necessary as long as you know where the resources are in the bio names I'm going to be giving you that information so you don't technically need this you really only need one rank in botney and zoology the further ranks in this are like fairly useless unless you're going to go out and hand kill animals or hand gather and then the additional rare Harvest that you can get I've read other people's experience it's not that great chemistry is a special Al useful I'm actually working on getting to rank four you don't need this for what we're doing for research for all of this you just need performance enhancement one and medical treatment one you don't need the other further researches which do require the chemistry if you go this route that you Max this out because crafting Kims will occasionally triple the amount crafted and that's really cool also there are some more advanced Kims that are quite interesting but again not necessary as far as research goes I want to be very clear clear you do not need to research horiculture one in order to build the first Greenery the single Dome Greenery you don't you don't need any research for that you just need one rank in botney and the same for husbandry the the first tier only requires the skill in Zoology however if you want to build the rank two greenhouse and the rank three Greenhouse you have to invest in these Horticulture one requires botney rank one and outpost engineering one this will allow you to build the second tier Greenhouse for the domestication you need Outpost engineering rank one zoology rank one and that will allow you to build the tier 2 domestication and the same with this domestication 2 will allow you to build the tier three husbandry area okay but you need Outpost engineering two and zoology rank one and this is why I saying just one rank in botney one rank in Zoology and two ranks in Outpost engineering and that's going to benefit you because you're going to be able to build the biggest Greenhouse the biggest horiculture greenhouse and the you're going to be able to build the tier three domestication and the biggest storage you get everything bang for your buck you'll need to spend you know quite a bit of time in theory you could easily get away with just building the base units and using large storage and just rest for you know 2,000 hours all all of this jazz is kind of irrelevant what matters really is how much time can you wait and how much storage can you have cuz at the end of the day it's going to be full how it gets full doesn't really freaking matter does it so to build the tier 3 Greenhouse you need need substrate molecular these can be a little tricky to get build a tier two you'll need a molecular so molecular save are going to require that you have special projects rank two and the substrate M require special projects rank four as an outpost Builder I strongly recommend that you get all four ranks of these so that you can craft the ultra rare component totally worth it highly highly recommend this okay again too you could just rest twice as long and use the lower tier items that is technically viable okay that's what you need just wanted to explain it I've had people say that you can't build a greenhouse without research that's false you just need rank one of each of those skills to build the base tier unit there are three tiers two the tier two and tier three are unlocked through research but the first one is given for free one's zoology one skill boty okay keep it simple the two main planets for this serpentes 4 which has an insane amount of fauna in Flora and you're you're going to need to scan every single one of these and I'll give you some tips and tricks on best methodologies for this and serpentis is its own system way off over here now the best way to find this is to go let's take it from Soul right so from Soul north and east to Cheyenne and then from Cheyenne you're going to go all the way over here to east of CCS little bit further east east of Heisenberg and right here is Sur penus so let me just show you that again real quick from Soul to naron to Cheyenne CCs serpentis is right here east of molok east of Bara Northeast of Rutherford Northeast of Nera okay right here this is serpentis also Southeast vixel proon right over here uh we're going to proon a very important distinction this is where the second Outpost is going to be all right and we're going to proon three now proon 3 has a ton of fauna and a ton of Flora for serpentis 4 we have animal husbandry we can produce all of the materials I'm showing on the screen the greenhouse the fiber metabolic agent nutrient structural this will require a bit of a different setup for making amp animal husbandry which requires fiber and water animal husbandry is a little bit more expensive however these things are relatively easy but on proon we have antimicrobial and sedatives which we need to produce all of the Pharmaceuticals that I'm listing here on the screen so highlighted in the light orange are everything we can produce on serpentes and highlighted in yellow is everything we can produce on proon all we need from proon are the antimicrobials and the sedatives but it also has the ability to create structurals and ornamentals so with just those two outposts with all of those materials we can produce nine of the 10 things on this list to make the antibiotic paste however we need carboxilate acids now carboxilate acids unfortunately are not on any planet that has antimicrobials or sedatives I I scoured the database to find all this information and I narrowed all this stuff down to the best possibility if I'm wrong correct me and the best place to get them actually is soul and on iius it's a moon of Saturn and it has a 79h hour time dilution and it has the acids so you'll just create an extractor and I'm pretty sure you can land pretty much just in any Frozen Hill area which is pretty much the whole damn place and you can find all of those things here it also has Benzene too so if you need Benzene for any reason but uh this is where I would wait and let all of the manufacturing build up but you don't need to make that Outpost if you don't want to but if you don't make that Outpost then you're going to go to Venus to rest and that has a 100 hour time delution you can rest straight on your ship however I will note that you will need skills to build a colony on iius because it has deep freeze but I believe you only need rank one of planetary habitation so those are the planets so now let's talk about scanning technique on serpentes you're going to scan every single fauna and Flora there is there's no exception you want every single thing you can craft here you also get the added benefit of spice I'm going to say nothing is off limits here there's several biomes there's AO there's the Frozen biome Savana mountains the lands now the easiest way to scan things and to think about how you scan things is to use the information here if it says 0% it means you haven't scanned anything it says 57% it means you still have things to scan once you've scanned every fauna and Flora available in a biome it will say 100% so when you're getting to these like the last three or four fauna or Flora that you need to scan take that into consideration now this is an advanced guide so I'm not going to go into all the basics I have an outpost guide on AMP production I also have a tutorial on basics of Botany I recommend you watch that video for scanning techniques I'm not going to go over all that information in here I will note though that if you scan something and you don't see it available in your Greenhouse or husbandry area you need to go back and scan it one more time this is going to happen to a lot of people and it's going to be like one of the number one comments like hey I scanned everything to 100% And I don't see it go back and scan it one more time it happens all the time that it glitches out and you'll be good go to each biome scan everything to 100% complete so I'm just going to give you a basic scanning tutorial all right you're going to come into the game and you're going to hit F on the PC which is scan you're going to see animal this is your fauna and then you're going to see Flora which are the plants right all you're going to do is hit e and you're going to scan each of these until they are a solid green that at 100% scan this will allow you to produce those in your animal husbandry area once you've scanned them so we we just scan those things if if they're ones that can be produced so we just scan them and now you can see we have the ability to produce these ingredients from from the animals that we've scanned fully for structural says I still need to scan more okay so we got these flying creatures so you can see when you scan a creature it turns solid blue that tells you that you've scanned this one individual animal that you're looking at but you still need to scan more if it's outlined in blue means you haven't scanned it yet and if it's outlined in a solid green it means you don't you're done all right so you see how it says 100% scanned yeah she's having a good time damn dude she's getting weird I've never seen her I've never seen her that sadistic and some of these animals you know are dicks and you got to show them that you're a bigger dick and they'll leave you alone after that so we're going to continue on our merry way all right you can see over here we have the cold cave nettle and it produces sealants now I'm going to scan it and you can see that it says Outpost production allowed so this will once this is scanned 100% I will be a place a greenhouse which will produce sealant and this this is it this really isn't that complicated just scanned it to 100% you're just going to run around and you're going to scan everything that you need until you get the applicable ingredients so fiber fiber now here on proon 3 we're just realistically looking for antimicrobials and sedatives and we're going to mass-produce those we're just going to bring them now I'm not going to use cargo links or any of that if you want to know how cargo links work inter system cargo links work I have guys that explain this stuff in very good detail not going to use them there way of time and I hate them legit they're just such a waste of time I'm just going to build mass storage I'm going to land on these planets I'm going to gather 10 20,000 of material I need and I'm just going to go Outpost to Outpost and mass craft in one centralized location and it's going to take me minutes that's that's it that's it in a nutshell how you do all this stuff and the floaty guys you can scan from pretty far away so these are the the structural creatures right here you can see they produce structural components all right and so the big guide realistically then is how do I set all this stuff up the husbandry area is a little bit more complicated because it takes both water and fiber and quite a bit of fiber in fact they're resource intensive okay they take a bit of resources to run but this is all relatively easy all right so this is where things are going to get just a tad bit complicated but I'm going to try to make this as easy as possible so the way you want to look at all of this is how are you going to organize all of these things on the list here we're going with a three Outpost setup where we are producing antibiotic pace which have the highest value for their Mass everything highlighted in blue on this are things we're going to produce but in low quantities so we have a host of things we need to make in order to be able to produce all of these resources but we're only going to be producing them for consumption so we don't need a lot of these resources we just need one production of them really so what I've comprised here is a list of everything on serpentis 4 proon 3 and the third outpost on iius where we'll have the high time dilution and we'll get carboxilic acids okay now the Bold items that we really need in general are a bunch of membranes analgesic analgesic analgesic um and antimicrobials so you'll see GG and HH that signifies Greenhouse for G and H signifies husbandry so some things we have to make through husbandry some things you have to make otherwise now for the bandages we could produce those e easily on serpentis 4 but we can also make them on Pro on 3 just using green houses which is a lot easier than using the husbandry so this is totally up to you if you want to produce all of these things on one planet and just Mass produce the antimicrobials and the sedatives on cron 3 then do that you're going to going to have to kind of play with this uh to get it right I'm going to show you the setup that I use because I think it's going to yield the the more efficient results now it would be a lot easier to just do fiber sealants on proon 3 but since I need sealants and structurals for other things I'm going to just do everything on serpentis and I'm going to mass produce antimicrobials and sedatives on proon 3 even though it would make way more sense to do fiber and sealant cuz they're just green houses you can mix and match these things to your style you don't have to do what I'm doing a lot of what I do is just to make things easy for a teaching purpose if we want to make snake oil we're going to need chlorine so this is one situation on serpentes 4 where we are going to need a two biome setup but it is very easy to find so we go to serpentes 4 click on the planet and what we are looking at here is argon being in the Frozen crass creases crevasses and chlorine being in the savan luckily here we have a very easy spot so I have found a spot you have to click and look for biome changes I have found a spot that is very easy where I already have an outpost which I'll be destroying uh where I tested everything but you can see here that you're in this crevasses and is right there it's the brown that's what I love about the Frozen biomes is it's really easy to see the other biomes so all I got to do is run towards the brown and I have located an area where I can get chlorine and argon and have a perfect base that's all you're going to do just find a spot where the two biomes meet and run towards the light now we're not going to need a lot of chlorine cuz we're just going to make enough snake oil to offset the amount of amp that we're using and we're only producing amp for consumption in this build because the antibiotic pace which we are going to be Mass producing have an insane insanely higher value all right so we've met the Loc now essentially what we want to do we can see we have chlorine here we do not have argon is we're just going to run between these two borders of the the of the Frozen crevices I'm calling it The crass I don't give a if it's right or wrong you know what I mean all right here we go argon Benzene water okay ooh floros salins are over there argon okay and this you know this might take you a bit there we go finally finally finally remember we don't need a lot of it so even if we just get enough for one extractor that's all you're going to need this is mainly just for production for you so we got chlorine and argon right here and we got chloros salins and water cool water is the big one so I'm going to skip right to the good stuff and explain everything step by step on how you make this now we are going to be producing the majority of these products on serpentes 4 we could make the fiber and sealant on proon 3 however I wanted to keep as much as possible in one base location so after this established Outpost all you need are antimicrobials sedatives from proon 3 and then the acids let me explain everything this is not as confusing as you think a lot of these are just water lines and fiber lines looking at serpentis 4 for green houses we want to produce metabolic agents we don't have to produce a large quantity of these because we're just going to be making these for um injectors penisin X snake oil and amp all right and we're just producing enough of these for our own consumption the main item we're producing for this is antibiotic paste this is the one that's going to sell for 60 credits a pop and that's made from antibiotics and heal paste antibiotics take membranes antimicrobials heel paste takes anal jesic and membranes both antibiotics and heal Pace need membranes so we want to produce a lot of those and we need to produce anal GIC on proon 3 we need to produce an enormous amount of antimicrobials so let me explain everything step by step first and and foremost the small wind turbines here power of 10 making this one of the best places to make a base just in general for power alone and all the resources on this planet so I have a bunch of these down we have a total power of 210 and these are ridiculously cheap wind turbine is one nickel one Cobalt and two aluminum very easy resource to get in this game now here is the main thing water so the first extractor gives you 83 and the second extractor gives you just a little bit over two water so each Greenhouse here and each husbandry area consume one water as you can see we are low on water you can easily identify bottlenecks in your design by resting for a bit and just seeing what they are not getting so we need to add one more water to this I'm using the tier 2 commercial giving me two water and then I'm hooking it to a central water Hub so very easy I'm actually glad that happened cuz it kind of showed you how easy it is to identify the bottlenecks of production uction the thing about water is it has a pretty wide girth you're going to have to use tier 2 water for this design you're not going to be able to fit enough tier one water unless you cut down some of the buildings which I'm going to leave up to you to do the math behind we're producing a low amount a low quantity of some things and we're maximizing our production of antibiotics and heal paste green houses now every Greenhouse regardless if it's tier one two or three consumes one water I recommend strongly that you use tier three green houses now I will say however what really matters at the end of the day is how much storage you have these animal husbandry facilities require two fiber and one water so the green houses is the one place you don't want to skimp because the fiber requirement is the same no matter what now the number for green houses I got was one for tier one two fiber for a tier two and four fiber for a tier three so one tier three Greenhouse can feasibly facilitate two and animal husbandry areas so one fiber producing Greenhouse per two animal husbandry is the go now I'm producing anal jic because I need a bunch of them and I have storage to boot for it each of these is connected to its own individual storage now the reason I'm doing this is because when you have over 60 link your whole design can break it's really important to keep the amount of consecutive links you have is low as possible you can have you know hundreds of links in a build but it bugs out tremendously another thing too is that the resources are like you can see here now it's saying we don't have water or Fiber here it's saying we don't have fiber don't pay too much attention to that in itself um that's just kind of the es and flows of building my advice is to go up to the water container itself and see if there's water in it you can see here that there's five water now what I would typically suggest you do is you have a bed and you rest let's rest for a bit the es and flows of all of this stuff is very sporadic and not always an indication that you actually have a bottleneck okay so it's really important to to note that best gauge is to rest a bit and see if it goes up we were at 5 now we're at 21 that tells me we have a positive flow of water and those weird EB and flows I was seeing were just resources being moved around so we don't need any more water rest and make sure that it's consistent you can also see we have 15 fiber and we rested I can be pretty assured that we have a positive flow right now so we have just enough so four tier three green houses producing fiber okay that's about 16 fiber which means we can support about eight animal husbandry areas so here you can see I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 to the dot all right so you would need if you were to use tier twos you would need twice the amount of green houses or one tier 2 Greenhouse per husbandry area no matter what tier it is as they all consume the same amount of resources so there's a huge advantage to producing the highest tier building you possibly can however at the end of the day storage is what matters because we're going to be resting on a planet with a very high conversion rate where one day is like 2,400 hours and all of these will be full when we get here we have four we have one Greenhouse producing metabolic agents and we only need to produce a little bit of this and so we can produce you know 100 amp 10 injectors 10 penin we're not going to be making a lot of this but this gives us the capacity to make those drugs so we can use them when we're out killing stuff and over here I have one Greenhouse connected to storage making structural parts and that is to make immobilizers and it also gives you the ability to craft decorations and all types of stuff so if you want some structural parts for another base just run over here and grab it from the inventory over here I have the chlorine and that is to make snake oil so we'll be able to make snake oil we don't have to gather any of the resources here we just have to go up to the pharmace ceutical bench and it will pull from every single storage within this base that's what makes this so awesome we only have to get two materials from another Outpost to to make the final touches of a few of the drugs and over here I have argon and this is for amp production make sure you have enough water recognize that each of these take one water so in our design we have eight husbandry areas six green houses so we have a total consumption of 14 which means at a minimum we need about seven tier 2 water extractors that would be around four I would put down about eight tier 2 water extractors for this build all right so I've explained those things then over here we have we have what should be toxins and this is actually another great example so I need to change this from membranes to toxins and this is for amp production now when you change the production of a greenhouse it disconnects the water from it and it also disconnects the fiber now I have all my fiber from my green hous is running into this massive stack over here and then into the husbandry areas so this is very simple you have a main water area connect it to each of the green houses connect the green houses that are producing fiber to a fiber storage and then connect the fiber and the water each to an animal husbandry facility and then connect each of these to their own individual storage to reduce the amount of links in consecutive that you have so you can see that these the side facility here is producing toxins and this facility over here is producing sealant the metabolic agents over here and the toxins and the Argon produce amp and the metabolic agents and chlorine plus sedativ we're getting from another place are going to produce snake oil all right and then the last and not least animal husbandry areas are producing membranes now we need membranes for both antibiotics and heal pace so I have four of these and four different storages in toe I went a bit overkill on this design but I think it is important you get antibiotic pace which gives you 2 XP per craft and then it sells for four has a value of 430 which sells for about 60 credits a pop which means that 1,000 mass of it is worth 600,000 credits so if you just have 1,000 cargo on your ship you have 600,000 credits worth of things you can sell at any point if you want to buy you know 200,000 worth of ammo you can go for it so that is the setup very simple now I'm producing all of these materials I just have to walk up to a pharmaceutical bench to access all of them now I'm going to build my second out outpost on proy and what's so super cool is I only have to make antimicrobials which I can do in a greenhouse and sedatives which I will need animal husbandry for but it's super super super easy all right and that is the first Outpost the next Outpost is superbly easier and that is going to be on proon a the bulk of the work was the serpentes so on proon in proon a system on proon 3 you're going to place your base wherever you want I don't have a use for any of these resources for the current build but if you have a use you can always look to try to get an outpost that has the capacity do other things I put my outpost on the coastline you can literally place it anywhere I will note however in pron 3 there are a lot of hostile animals so you will actually need to place some considerable defenses and as you can see from the chart that I'm showing and all of these charts are going to be linked in the Google Doc that's in the description of this video so you don't have to just you know watch my video and go back and forth like just I have diagrams for every single Outpost and how it works so we have two green houses making antimicrobials that are pulled into these massive storage systems which are then fed into the transfer station and then the only difference here is we have one Greenhouse making fiber fed into a storage fed into an animal husbandry area that's producing sedatives and that's to make some of the other jugs such as snake oil and any infused bandages if you want them which you will the big ticket item here of course is just the antimicrobials and that's it all of this being linked directly back into a transfer station so that we can quickly pull these now another great thing about this location is that the small wind turbines are 10 power the large wind turbines are 25 so great stuff going on now I put it on the coastline that they're only three ways in you do have quite a bit of hostile animals coming in so I have turrets on the Outer Perimeter highly recommend you have these all right all right and I'll show you how all the transfer station Works once we get the third Outpost up and uh I did have an issue with the water here they are still producing two for the tier 2 water extractors however I had to double the amount of water in order to get enough water for everything I don't know what's going on I built three outposts I thought potentially one of my outposts were bugged so you're going to need twice the amount of water extractors on this planet from my experience maybe for you will work but I've tried multiple outposts and the water consumption here seems to be higher even though it's saying one game is jacked okay this game is jacked up it's got going on nothing makes sense it's like I I spend you know 30 minutes 40 minutes testing something and then I get a completely different set of numbers nothing is consistent all I can guarantee you in this game is to that you just need to keep things simple all you need to do is rest walk up to your water and make sure that there's more water coming in than is going out best way to test this is to empty your water rest for 6 hours and then see if you have any water accumulation now I had an appropriate number of water extractors and there was not holy that's creepy there was not enough water so now you can see I got 24 so my advice is if you're having water issues just put another water extractor down rest and repeat this process until you notice that it is actually accumulating water and then you're good all right and then the last but not least place this this is going to be our main resting point in the soul system and it's going to be on epitus which is a moon of Saturn right here and you can place your base on any Frozen Hill that is where the carboxilic acids are it's just pretty much everywhere the location I have my base is over here this might take you a bit to find a spot with carboxilic acids but you're just going to run around till you find it this whole damn moon is one giant Frozen Hill so you should be able to find it within 5 minutes box acid is really easy you just need to put two extractors per storage area link all your storages in consecutive all order all the way up to the top and then link the very top box to your transfer station place a bed put a place to land your ship and make sure that you have enough energy now energy is hard to get on this Moon unfortunately but fortunately the power needs are very minimal the solar Dome here gives four solar wave gives two you only only need 20 power so 10 solar arrays could easily power it I'm using an a reactor for myself but the the solar arrays are definitely easy to mass produce literally all you have to do here and connect it to the transfer station now remember that these are acids so you need liquid storage and we're just going to rest for about 2400 hours I already rested for 2400 hours with one extractor and realized I needed two extractors per so this should pretty much do it but just rest until everything is full and I guarantee you when you go to the next Outpost pretty much all your storage will be full too now the time dilution here as you can see is impressive I'm almost on par with Venus so as we can see these things are pretty much full now the big ones hold about 407 424 it looks like so I I'm pretty happy with that now here is the deal when you go up to your transfer station and you pull it you can only pull once before you have to look away and then look again to pull it gets kind of glitched out so this is what I do I pull all of them but one okay I hit Q to go to my inventory and then I just put one of any material in there right and what happens is now I can pull on the acids and that one item refreshes the container so I've seen a lot of people do this and I think people don't think transfer containers are useful because they're getting bad advice on how to use transfer containers there I just emptied out the entire base of caro carox acids I saw one YouTuber destroy his entire base yeah cuz if you destroy the entire base you collect all the items and I'm just sitting there like do subpar advice like now it's important is that the first item in be the item that you you want so if I emptied my transfer container I would put one carboxilate acid in and one aluminum and that way when the item comes in it's refreshing the top that way I don't have to scroll down people are always ask me why I use transfer containers and I'm just like now we're going to Pro on 3 and we're going to do the same thing here here you can see we have the antimicrobial now we need to pull we're just going to pull all but like one we're going to hit q and again we're going to place one aluminum in so that we can just keep pulling the antimicrobials there we go and then the sedatives but you see how I'm doing that how I put in an item that's not pulling so it's always at the bottom which means that the transfer container is always resetting so all I have to do here is Spam e and I mean like I'm just having casual conversation with you I'm literally emptying out the entire base boom so let's see how many antimicrobials I just got 32,000 okay so I have 32,000 antimicrobials and all I had to do was go up to my transfer station cool right all right cool so we've pulled all the resources we need now we're going to our main base and luckily here we don't have to even worry about transfer containers because the pharmaceutical bench pulls from everything and then we're going to now go to the main place serpentes for serenus 4 base all right and then this is where the magic happens this now we just have to find our pharmaceutical bench and look at everything we can produce here so we can produce snake oil uh and we don't need too much of it I'm going to produce like 43 we can produce amp produce just enough for my next trip which I think should be about 100 we can produce antibiotics and the main thing we're producing here is antibiotics and heal pace and we can I we can produce all the I'm talking about here so we can produce some bandage and then now we can produce infused bandages and we don't need that many right we only probably need 10 for inventory a lot of this is over we're not doing injectors we're doing snake oil and a penicillin for infections now this stuff only weighs 0.1 so 10 of these is like one pound so you can carry like 10 of these to cure yourself from any disease and I mean you're in good shape so we made the infused bandages um we want some immobilizers to uh for fractured limbs I'm actually going to do 20 of those because I'm always hurting myself but isn't this great we we have the capacity to build everything so we just made all of the mo most advanced healing things and now we're just going to mass produce heal pace and the way you do that is get the area where the quantity is 99 hit enter to craft hit enter again to reselect heal paste click once enter and you just do that in Rapid we're about to produce an enormous amount of experience then we're going to produce antibiotics and then we're going to produce antibiotic paste and the antibiotic paste is two experience per craft so you can see we're getting one we're getting about 99 experience per Bol craft we're getting one experience per item so we're getting experience here we have a lot and I think at some point we have to tell we have to ask ourselves do we have enough membranes for the for the other stuff so might you might need to stop and kind of like space out how much you have because you need membranes for both the heal pace and antibiotics and you got to keep in mind you're crafting 99 per you know I just crafted several thousand most likely I need to increase my my membrane storage so that I'm not putting myself in Jeopardy of mass producing too much of one item that was probably enough and then antimicrobial past you can see the carboxilate acids you need two and you need one heal paste and one antibiotic but let's I'll just do one for you so one of these two experience okay so now we're getting like I'm getting 217 per per batch craft of 99 so you can see we're printing literally thousands of XP to craft and um fingers are getting tired but my spirit is full this is nuts this is U more material than I thought it would be I'm not going to lie I made 15,000 and I so that's about a mill I made about a million credits worth and from that we got three levels which is actually pretty substantial when you're level I was level 119 so crazy now I'm going to go show you how much that was worth and like I said it only weighs about 1,500 mass and I still have 23,000 antimicrobial most likely what I would do in this situation is build a room and throw all of this stuff into a pile on the ground that I can grab and then I can Mass stock pilot I'd also probably get some kind of Auto clicker you could also get a couple storages for sedatives so you can throw sedatives into a storage and I'm pretty sure you can use the transfer station to move those things throw all that into your ship and we can see that it weighs 1,557 mass and is worth about a million credits and that's really easy to get a car like I only have a couple cargo holds on this thing so I'm carrying a million credits on my ship so we throw in everything we had on the ground and now we're light and we have about a million credits worth of heal paste now I prefer neon the key is also a very good location the core and neon which is down here in volley volley Alpha neon core now I've shown how to do this in other guides I'm going to keep it simple for the sake of the video I'm just going to show you how much money this stuff that I got is worth we're going to go go to the trade Authority do some business and hit q and then hit Q again to sell from ship inventory and now we can sell all the pace from here so yeah 1,433 24 one of these bad boys goes for 67 I do have some perks which lift the cost up a bit crazy now what I do is I don't necessarily always sell this stuff what I prefer to do in fact is actually just like buy ammo cuz ammo has no weight and I just have an unlimited Supply money and then I never have to worry about that stuff I also will buy any of the more advanced Med packs so Med packs which way have zero and you can also buy some of the more hardcore drugs um and alcohol uh you just never have to worry about money so here I can buy five of these so it's like those 49,000 credits but you know I'm just going to go to my ship inventory and sell just enough antibiotic paste to to facilitate that right there 4 9982 that's good I don't care if I overpaid now I made 11,000 and I bought all that ammo I have a lot of money but anyway that that's what makes the antibiotic Pace really good amp is still pretty sufficient though I just thought it was kind of cool to have something that had even more value and allowed you to produce all of that stuff so you can see like I have I'm broken go to Aid oh that's right I need an immobilizer so there's the immobilizer boom fractured limb cured so there we go I'm Healed of all my ments um fractured Limbs and mobilizers are really good fractured limbs happen a lot one thing I will say is I have an amp combo with the snake oil so if you hit B for favorites I got amp I have on three and snake oil I'm actually going to put on four so now I can take AMP and then snake oil and the snake oil will cure me if I get any poisoning and it will give me O2 regeneration so now I have the speed bonus it takes a little bit more and I have the O2 two regeneration I'm not even us using personal atmosphere you can see I can run fairly fast for a fairly long period of time these drugs last 2 minutes so if I were to use personal oxygen um in conjunction to all this stuff it you know definitely increases all that but yeah just a really good combo this is incredibly useful for speedrunning Missions I run a lot of missions so outposts aren't just to make money into to do XYZ outposts are to make the whole mission experience enjoyable now you can go legendary farming and you know you're running 35% faster jumping twice as high it's it's a huge Advantage for mobility in combat that's why I love these things and I just bought a bunch of shotgun shells so now I'm ready so this this build is to make a bartering resource so you can just buy all the ammo you need to go out and shoot everything that you see so thank you so much for watching if you have questions go ahead and leave them the comment I'll try to get back to you soon as I can and have a good one [Music] n
Channel: TactiCat
Views: 22,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield Outpost Guide, beginners guide to starfield outposts and automation, starfield base building, starfield building, starfield gameplay 4k, starfield greenhouse and husbandry, starfield guide, starfield guide for beginners, starfield guide to outposts, starfield outpost, starfield outpost building, starfield outpost building guide, starfield outpost guide, starfield outpost money making, starfield outpost tips, starfield outpost xp farm, starfield xp farm, tacticat
Id: pEG4P6RqcTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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