Starfield – NEW Customisation Options, Backgrounds, Skills, & Traits

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hey guys Dan Dixie bringing you another star filled video the second video in my breakdown series the first thing about combat weapons and mods in this video I'll Deep dive into one of the most important aspects of an RPG the role playing specifically your character we'll talk about customization backgrounds trade skills give examples show how they work together and compare changes made since the last showcase I'm pumped for the possibilities and I'm certain that if you're not already you will be after this video this is an exhaustive breakdown so if you like it be sure to show some love also if you want to win yourself a 3080 or a copy of Starfield stick around to the end to find out how when you start the game you'll be thrown into a small sequence involving what's in her hand you'll then wake up in typical Bethesda fashion that I'm sure will be meme to death you'll be given a pad and from there you can create your character the first tab is the biometric ID tab where you'll select a template this is intended to be a starting point for building out your character but you can choose to lock it in if you really want to skip the fun of making a Custom Creation there are 40 preset characters all modeled from real people last year's showcase only had 20 so it's doubled down since then if you don't see something you like it's okay you can completely change it soon in the body and face tab here's the body tab using this handy wheel you can select just how muscular thin or chunk you want to be it's an elegant way to model the body you want it would be nice to get into granular details like PEX size but monstrosities are hard to fit armor and Suits around without clipping so it makes sense to limit us here my dreams are making Captain picasaurus Rex the Galaxy's most dangerous sandwich Thief dies here so body type means masculine or feminine but for most people it just means male or female same with the walk style do you want a bit of feminine Flair to your walk or something more sturdy would be hilarious seeing a hulking bearded pirate decked out in spikes and bloody knives walking with a hip Sway and speaking like a dainty Little Flower next we have the face here you can go into more granular detail out since last year's video they've doubled down on almost every option the skin tone head shapes hair facial hair eyes chin neck jewelry domestic facial form tear jaw mouth nose ears and more within some of those you can further edit here's how you can edit your head shape here's the options with your mouth the UI is elegant and easy to use but here are a few different looks you can have every look you see on NPCs you can have for yourself but really the most exciting things for me are the customization options that affect gameplay the first is your background your background determines three things your starting skills how the characters in the world sometimes treat you and your unique dialogue options There are 16 choices shown but based on the size of the scroll bar there's 20 choices total something that hasn't changed over the year unsurprisingly as your background Choice adds a lot to the game you can select Beast Hunter bouncer Bounty Hunter Chef combat medic cyber Runner cyberneticist Diplomat Explorer gangster Homesteader Indus Australia's long-haul a pilgrim Professor Ronin and four others that haven't been revealed the Explorer for example starts with the skills lasers astrodynamics and surveying whereas the Diplomat starts with persuasion Commerce and wellness as you level up skills will be the way you define your character so because you don't start with a skill doesn't mean you can't get it later on with the skill point for example the Diplomat doesn't start with lasers but once it levels up it can spend a point to grab it backgrounds really are just a starting point for your skills you can make a diplomat focused entirely on stabbing people in the throat what's more important though is how your background Choice affects how the characters in the world react to you and how it affects dialogue here are a few examples you're recognized for being a diplomat says here you spend some time as a diplomat having a way with words might prove useful this is the starting scene when they react to you having chosen Chef you know the crew still has a betting pool about which restaurant critic you must have crossed to wind up here here's an example of how it can affect dialogue in this case for this Mission you you can select the base Hunter background choice in order to get double the reward fine I probably should stick to professionals anyway given what happened the last time in this case you have a diplomat option which will most likely get this NPC on board right away so your background plays a part in immersing yourself in the character in the world remember that Starfield has more dialogue than Skyrim and Fallout combined so expect a lot of instances where your background will matter either giving you some flavor or having a real reward or punishment so let's go through all the backgrounds we know about first up is the Explorer they start with all kinds of skills you'd expect except for one lasers though one of your mining tools is a laser so it actually makes sense in the context plus you need to defend yourself when exploring the unknown they also have astrodynamics which is a necessity for reaching those far out unexplored systems it's a grav Drive related skill and so far we know that the grav Drive in your ship will have a limited range so until you upgrade your skill you won't have access to the best grav Drive Tech and therefore will not be able to travel to the furthest surveying improves your underground skating power letting you catalog flora and fauna so overall explorers will get a leg up when it comes to exploring the universe and plants within them once again as you'd expect next is the Diplomat what's interesting is that in the flavor text it mentions that because of you lives were spared perhaps that will come up during gameplay the first skill is persuasion higher ranks making you more successful when trying to convince characters to see things your way here's an example you try to get into this area so you start talking to the guard and ask him to let you through you then offered these choices in order to convince the man you're going to need to get six bars in two remaining turns you could choose not to risk it and to select a top option since you already have five bars and only one more however the player goes with the yellow and voila it's successful you're given the experience and can get through without any Bloodshed the persuasion skill will make you better in conversations like this so diplomats will have a leg up on those non-combat playthroughs they also have Commerce which is a skill you want if you want to run successful business last year the Diplomat had diplomacy and bargaining instead of Commerce and wellness I suspect that that's because diplomacy and bargaining moved down to the second tier of the social tree and it was deemed too valuable to give at the start when leveling up you can only buy skills in the first tier of each tree until you invest a particular amount of points in that tree to unlock the second tier finally the Diplomat gets Wellness it seems at a place that a diplomat would have a health boost related skill but here we are Wellness starts off by increasing your max health and if they've seen how diplomats actually are in 2023 they would have lowered their health then we have the cybernesis the flavor text mentions implants and neuro amps so I'm hoping there's a way to cyberpunk style mod yourself out their skills don't reflect this though they start with medicine letting them heal wounds and recover more effectively then they've replaced robotics with security letting them hack stronger locks more effectively in Starfield there'll be a lock mini game like we've come to expect in Bethesda games so know that some top quality Loot and some major time saves will be behind locked doors finally they get lasers letting them be more effective with that weapon type robotics is still a skill in the game but it seems to be on the third tier of tech so perhaps they buffed it and thought it was too powerful to give you so early on now you'll need pointing Tech to get access to it next is the Cyber Runner what seems to be perfect for the ultimate sneaky character build you start with stealth which goes without saying they also get security so they can sneak around and get into places they shouldn't finally they get theft link them pickpocket and do other sneaky things this seems like a very synergistic starting background that has some dialogue perks When approaching the Red Mile a hacker group formed in unclaimed space we can see that in action here interestingly though the style Runner was completely different before having pistols security and persuasion I definitely like the change combat medic is up next and this is definitely a background you choose if you want to play as the good guy healer they start with pistol certification giving them a way to defend themselves as well as medicine to patch up one wounds that they or their friends may get they also have access to Wellness which gives them a further boost to their survivability perhaps this is a good class for those wanting to play on some kind of survival mode mod that's surely to Surface after release what's interesting is that they used to have weight lifting into the Wellness I mentioned this in last year's video and X combat Medics commented to tell me it was because their packs weigh upwards of 50 pounds well you're no longer sworn to carry anyone's burdens fellas you can find and cook up alien parts if that sounds appealing perhaps starting as a chef is the way to go they have Gastronomy which lets them cook otherwise inaccessible consumables that provide big heels and Buffs they also get access to further meals via the research lab then they have dueling a melee stack in the flavor it mentions that melee can often be deadlier than range combat when invested into and I hope that that's not empty promises finally they get Scavenging which AIDS in finding just a little bit extra when looting around the universe perfect for a chef living on a budget they used to have Wellness instead of Scavenging but this makes more sense so those are the backgrounds we've seen so far you're welcome to speculate on the others in the comments but I'm interested in the Bounty Hunter and the gangster backgrounds if anything is guaranteed it's that Ronan gets access to Julie so you've chosen your background what's next your traits of course traits are entirely optional perks that you can pick up that usually have both an up and down side for example an introvert gets more oxygen or stamina if you will when adventuring alone but less when adventuring with other human companions you can have up to three traits selected at the start of the game so you can have zero one two or three and aren't locked into taking them all traits have a downside so there's a special way in game to get rid of a trait that you no longer want we can go through how soon also picking up some traits will close off access to others for example you can't have both intro and extrovert selected there were changes made to these options presented last year but there's the chain starter home to dream home and added hero worshiped or removed unwanted hero for it I know there's irony in that we know below the fold is the trait wanted which will go through through later so overall there are at least 17 traits to choose from starting with raised Universal this trait gives you access to a special chest full of items in the sanctum universum but you lose access to the house of enlightened chest you can only have one religion trait selected in this case it seems prudent to pick one if you can bear it as you can loot the chest and then do the task to remove that tray if you wish not picking any will mean you don't have any chest at all here we see raised enlightened which is the exact mirror I'm sure after release we'll have an idea of which is better but for now you'll have to roll a dice it used to give you access to a special store in those respective factions but perhaps they discover that Closing one off was too restrictive another religion is Serpent's embrace it makes it so grab jumping provides a boost to health and endurance but those stats are lowered if you don't jump regularly like an addiction perhaps this has changed now but this is certainly an interesting drawback keep jumping around the universe or have major calm Downs it's also shown that this gives you special dialogue when running into particular serpent worshiping zealots the next trait is neon Street rat it gives you special dialogue options and better rewards in neon but if you commit a crime in other factions jurisdiction you get a higher Bounty it can't be combined with another faction Allegiance trait this doesn't seem like much of a downside and like religion picking up one faction is probably the way to go if you want to min max neon is a pleasure City so if you're planning on going a crime Lord or a guy that's out to clean up the streets this might be the trait for you next is kids stuff which lets you role play having parents Dan bethes is going all out because we never get to do that your parents are alive and well and you can visit them no doubt giving you unique dialogue and perhaps some rewards it costs you two percent of your credits every week but it may just be worth it to hear how proud of you they are for stealing 14 Freighters three tons of orange juice and being directly involved in the universe-wide salmon shortage also it's a lot cheaper than it used to be it used to be 10 of all money you earn got sent to them it's also possible that this pert Max is so Grandma shows up in her ship occasionally and offers you some food though Grandma seems like her own separate named NPC then we eventually of it which we've gone through and extrovert which is the exact mirror if you know you'll always have companions out extrovert is the way to go inversely if you prefer a more alone touch or the company of robots introvert may be for you I resent this implication though I'm an introvert and it's not that I don't want the company of others it's that I don't want the company of morons that take my energy wait that actually works then we have hero worshiped possibly the best trait yet you've earned the attention of an annoying adoring fan who'll show up randomly and jabber at you incessantly on the plus side he'll join your ship's crew and give you gifts those who remember the fan in Oblivion will love or hate this trait those who get comrade Verna vibes from the Mass Effect series will be forgiven as well this is a good time to remind you that any trait can be removed and one way to remove this one is to well remove the fan keep in mind you can opt to have parents and well Bethesda is letting you remove any traits put two and two together people stay off the internet for a while after release because there's sure to be a ton of top 10 ways to kill your parents videos I'll be sure to get in on that too it remains to be seen how valuable these gifts are but no doubt having the fan as an option will give you more content now we don't have the image of it but the wanted trait gives you a damage Buff when your health is low but mercs and bounty hunters will randomly find you land in attack this may be a benefit to you as there'll be meat to your skill raising grinder and they'll be delivering you a ship and items on a silver platter however if you aren't kitted out for spontaneous combat at all times it might be debilitating then we have alien DNA it gives you a higher Health pool and greater endurance but healing items aren't as effective so you'll last longer but need more items to recover we really need to see just how much higher the health and oxygen pool will be because if it can be offset over time like with level ups and skills like wellness the downside seems terrible in most Bethesda games healing items are limited and often unrefined food items don't restore much health as is next is spaced health and endurance are increased when in space but decreased when on the surface and the inverse to this is Terra Firma if you absolutely hate getting involved in space combat then terraforma would be a wise investment however I can't see the game play out where everything you need to do is just in space you'll need to plant your feet on planets so space would only be a good trait if you're going a peaceful non-combat build with a little more focus on Space combat or exploration finally we have dream home you start with a luxurious customizable house on a peaceful Planet unfortunately it comes with a 50 000 credit mortgage with girl bank that has to be paid weekly wait I mean fortunately because it's the far future and mortgages are only 50k I'm paying 1K a week for mine and I'm honestly struggling now this means you won't be required to build something from scratch but it also means you don't get to choose where it is it also has a downside of the cost we're unsure of how a space mortgage works but I'm sure you can refuse to pay and fight some debt collectors does the debt have interest how big is the house we don't know anything about this so its value is hard to say I personally want to be able to craft something from scratch where I want it but I also don't want to miss out on content it's really a head scratcher the trait used to be a house on a peaceful Moon so it's been upgraded at least now we come to skills skills are what round out and complete the customization of your character you get skills by choosing your background then when you level up you get a skill point to spend you can either use that point to buy a new skill like picking up security here or upgrading the existing one but wait you can't just upgrade the skill whenever you want you need to complete a challenge with the skill to do so so for the security skill we just bought you need to pick five locks in order to get access to Rank 2 and we need to put a skill point in in order to reap the rank 2 benefit and start progressing on rank 3 so it might be beneficial to invest in skills you know you'll be using for example if you know you'll be using pistols picking it up early will start your challenge progress journey early too there are five different skill trees with four different tiers in each from top to bottom these trees are physical social combat Science and Tech so let's go through the skills we know and then speculate on ones that we don't starting with security security is located in the tech tree rank 1 lets you now pick Advanced locks and have up to two Auto attempts banked Rank 2 lets you hack Advanced locks have three Auto attempts banked but also gives you a blue prompt when a pick can be slotted making the process easier level 3 lets you hack Master Level locks with 4 attempts and finally Rank 4 doesn't increase the difficulty of the locks you can pick because Master is the highest instead it makes it so you can expand a Digi lock to eliminate options during the attempt along with letting you Bank five Auto attempts I never thought it was necessary to fully level securing your lock picking related skills and I see no reason to start with this one worst case you'll waste a lot of Digi picks and need to reload when this skill is just rank 3. you'll still be able to break into anywhere you need to at least one ranking this will be helpful though as I'm sure there'll be a lot of locked places in the game the next skill is intimidation which is located in the social tree with this skill you can force NPCs to flee from you rank One lets you intimidate those below your level Rank 2 lets you use it on enemies up to 10 levels higher rank 3 up to 20 levels higher all the challenges to level this skill involve successful intimidations so it might be effective way to stay out of trouble and avoid extremely hard fights I usually avoid these kinds of skills because they never work on higher level enemies but this has me interested now finally Rank 4 makes it so the skill lasts a substantial time more the key word here is substantial and the only time you use that word is if it's more than 50 otherwise you'd say a moderate amount or a short amount more that's my educated assumption anyway so intimidation and diplomacy might be good skills to help you avoid fights and get by just on your charms the next skill we see is ballistics which unsurprisingly increases your Effectiveness with Ballistic weapons rank 1 is 10 2 is 20 3 is 30 and the rank 4 gives you a ballistic weapons 30 more range this rank might be especially effective while using have heavy weapons or shotguns these ranks stack so with all four ranks you'll have 60 more ballistic weapon damage and 30 percent more range unsurprisingly to rank this skill up you need to use the ballistic weapons to kill enemies 250 kills needed to rank up to four keep in mind that this is from an older build so no doubt the numbers have changed next I want to show you some skills that we can see but don't have all the details on versus the contamination on the third tier of the physical tree meaning you need to spend quite a few points in the physical tree before you can get access rank 1 gives you a slightly increased chance to recover from infections and to level to Rank 2 you need to recover from five it's unclear just how dangerous infections are or how often you get infected but since you're exploring Uncharted space you have to expect it'll happen often I wonder if there'll be a mutation system where you'll sometimes develop traits from infections that are beneficial next is leadership in the third tier of the social tree rank 1 gives you 15 faster companion Affinity growth useful if you want to rank up your companions faster or get to that juicy romance in a timely manner you'll need to Sprint a kilometer with your follower in order to rank this up it seems quite easy to do next is rapid reloading it decreases the time it takes to reload but strangely enough this skill is located deep in the combat tree I don't see many people taking an interest in decreasing reload time and I really don't see it changing now let's say that reloading takes three seconds decreasing it by even half is only a 1.5 second reduction most of the time it seems better to Simply upgrade the damage or put points in other skills or just swap weapons the old video does show that the rank 4 of the skill lets you have a chance of reloading your weapon twice as fast as normal which surprise surprise isn't any better than the example I provided still a 1.5 second reduction and even less since ranks before were sure to reduce the reload Time by percentage plus it's a chance and it isn't guaranteed I only see this skill being possible when using extremely heavy weapons the next skill is astrophysics three tiers down in the side science tree it lets you scan the moons of your current Planet you also have a 10 chance of discovering a trait when scanning for those who don't know players can have traits which add to their value so perhaps getting this early on will ensure plenty of plants and moons get traits for you to exploit and making it so finding a dream home plant with the right traits will happen sooner you can always make use of abundant planets so scan things to increase the ranks of this skill chemistry is next on the same tier rank 1 letting you create improved chems and research additional ones at the research lab you can upgrade this by creating 10 chems if you go by Fallout 4 chems will be extremely powerful short lasting Buffs this could supplement you in combat if you haven't invested heavily into it and invested more in the science tree I say Fallout 4 and not 76 because 76 was multiplayer and couldn't do the powerful slow down effects for example next is particle beam weapon systems in the third tier of the tech tree this is a ship-based skill that lets you use particle weapons more if effectively they're good at damaging multiple ship systems at once and we've seen the non-ship based particle weapon before and it does both physical and energy damage so it makes sense that this damages multiple systems at once then there's robotics on the same tier previously increased your damage against turrets and mechs and the flavor text suggests that this is still the case why this is on the third tier is anyone's guess as specializing your damage to an enemy type is never a favorite Choice perhaps later tiers give you the ability to hack or to shut down the robots or turrets which would justify the choice the next skill we're going to peek at is xenosociology It's the final tier of the social tree and lets you bring up a little menu here when facing aliens I suspect the first Wrangler to pacify them the next rank lets you make them flee the next puts them in the frenzy state to attack their allies and the final One lets you control them like you would a companion though we can't be sure if this lets you take them with you it would be amazing if you could recruit aliens and play a space Pokemon of sorts you could pain preachers in Fallout to protect your settlements so I have to imagine that this would be possible in the game I really hope so boost pack is a tier one Tech skill that lets you boost pack and utilize them more effectively with higher ranks seeing how it both lets you Traverse the world quicker and easier and gives you another dimension in combat makes it so putting at least one rank in it will be caught on a lot of builds the final tier of the physical tree has neuro strikes we can't be sure exactly what it does but I suspect it adds electromagnetic damage to unarmed strikes as you can see the infographic for em damage when you strike enemies without the tooltip it's hard to know its exact effect but it looks cool punting enemies around and I suspect draining the bar completely will stun them next is payloads a tier 2 skill in the tech tree it seems to focus around cargo space on your ship which would be great for a Smuggler play style then we have targeting it's a tier 3 skill in the combat tree and ranks increase your accuracy and your range when shooting without aiming as an old school gamer I'm used to games like doom and Quake where I never had the option to aim down sights I like that there's a skill that rewards my shoot from the hit personality then we have sniper certification in the same tier it improves snipers with the first rank decreasing the sway then is heavy weapon certification on the second tier Rank 4 letting you gain 30 damage resistance when aiming down the sights with a heavy weapon to unlock you need to kill 250 enemies with the said weapon type demolitions is on the same tier the third rank making is so explosives to 30 more damage and have a 30 larger radius since it seems like there's no hard cap on how many throw balls you can carry with weight or mass being the only limitation this might be a legitimate playstyle combine this with Boost packs for a death from above build now I'd love to hear what you think each skill will represent based on their icons there's a ton of speculation left to do now keep in mind skills can influence what you can research we saw Gastronomy and chemistry at further consumables to research we also know that a few skills will Aid in settlement and ship building so keep that in mind mind when choosing your build it's not as simple as picking a weapon type and sitting back in your chair but I guess you could technically do that too so when making a character you first choose how you look how you speak and how you walk you'll then proceed to choose your background which indicates what you were before you found the artifact as well as give you three starting skills you'll then pick your optional traits and bingo you're shipped into the world ready to start your adventure after your first level up you'll choose which skill to buy or upgrade all the while completing your challenges in order to give you the option of upgrading their assigned skills to the next rank there are five skill trees with four tiers within them and each skill has four ranks so there's a ton of choice in how to customize your character and that's everything what do you think how are you going to build your starting character let me know below I recently upgraded to a 4090 so why not give away my 3080 and a few copies of Starfield if you want to be in the running all you need to do is be subscribed hit the bell and like and comment on my star fill videos for more entries do the same on other stuffer videos or check out my Twitter and Discord the winner will be chosen using RNG so more entries give you more chances best of luck and thank you so much for watching I'll be covering the game more than anyone else so be sure to stay tuned ciao friends thank you [Music]
Channel: Dantics
Views: 101,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, breakdown, new, trailer, gameplay, details, customization, background, skills, traits, backgrounds
Id: uXQepDV2iSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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