Starfield – NEW Crew, Companions, & Romances Breakdown

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also the mini bot protecting your Outpost has zero skills hey guys Dan taxi bringing you another Starfield exhaustive breakdown video the third in the series after my combat and customization videos this one deep diving into everything crew Companions and romance from assigning them to your side ship and outpost to their skills your skills that affect them all the companions we know of and more so if you like this content be sure to like hit the bell and let me know below which companion you're taking with you also if you want to win yourself a 3080 or a copy of Starfield stick around until the end of the video let's begin so what are Companions and what do you need them for well companions are non-playable characters that exist within Starfield and can be recruited to help you on your journey in multiple ways from aiding you directly in combat and during conversations to indirectly by improving your ships and your settlements the ones not directly at your side you're still able to assign to other areas and tasks so there are four types of campaigns that we know of the first being comparison that can join you as part of the storyline these are usually more fleshed out with their own missions and backgrounds as well as providing higher skill ranks this means that there's an affinity system in place and if you wish one that can progress into a romance the second type of companion are those you find out in the world during procedural events these campaigners will most likely not have fleshed out storylines but still be a bit more involved than the next type campaigns you can recruit from spaceports Spaceport campaigns will have lower stats at least at this start like the ones you find out in the universe but will have no individual quest lines and very little dialogue finally we have non-human companies like robots and hopefully if the great Todd Howard loves us alien Beast you find out in the world campaigns are extremely useful and even if you roll as an introvert they'll supplement your playstyle in some way from crafting your resources to improving your ship's range if you like the non-combat route going a leadership build will let you not fire a shot I mentioned that companions can help in conversations while your story related companions which are run through individually soon will have their own personality and opinions Bethesda have mentioned that while in conversations you may get the chance to ask your companion their thoughts or ask them to interject this may be fruitful or could backfire completely but it's nice that we have the option to include them and this will help immerse you in the world no doubt some companions will be better in conversations than others so making choices they disagree with will lower their Affinity with you eventually making them leave your company and the inverse where they develop better bonds with you the leadership skill boosting the amount they gain it can be assumed that improving your relationship with campaigns will increase their effectiveness maybe increasing their base skill ranks or giving them a unique ability the fact that they have skills in the first place leads me to believe that you can improve them perhaps they improve naturally over time when put in a role that utilizes them which leads me to the crew roster here we can see all the crew we currently have their names assignment and skills we can filter by ship current Outpost and all outposts assigning Sam for example on the frontier our ship means that his skill suited to being assigned to a ship will come into play we can see that both piloting which most likely improves ships in space combat and payloads which does improve ship's capacity is highlighted rifles being an on the ground skill that doesn't come into play when assigned to a ship and geology being either for outposts or on the ground skills that crew can have are the same as the player character in name and icons it's unclear just how much boost you'll get from crew skills and if it's as powerful as your skills example if a ship has capacity for three crew members and all three have payloads four and you have payloads for will you be able to carry three times extra cargo than you would have alone or do they get a reduced benefit if it's parallel then getting a ship with a large crew capacity might make it an absolute Beast the Dragonfire 3 has 7 plus capacity for crew so imagine if every single crew member had particle beam systems which boosts your ship's particle weapons your weapon systems would be punching holes through planets you'll notice that the maximum amount of skills your crew can have is four as that's the maximum space allocate for it and the story related campaigns have four and higher ranks than the non-story related characters also the mini bot protecting your Outpost has zero skills something you might just buy or make for a single purpose so the skills crew have influenced their roles ballistics becoming valuable if Marika is out in the field with you but particle beam weapon system skill is only if she's assigned to a ship whereas Outpost engineering is valuable when Heller is assigned to an outpost as you can see when he's assigned to the Jemison Outpost so you want to assign crew based on the benefits you reap we talked about your crew bringing skills to the table but what about skills and traits that your character can invest in that affect them I'd mention your background but it isn't confirmed that they can affect companions yet though I wouldn't be surprised as your background gives you extra choices in some conversations so why not with companions too in terms of skills you can grab the effect companions robotics is first it involves gaining an edge over robots and turrets with the first rank granting you a damage increase against them however I wouldn't be surprised if building or hiring robots takes a particular rank of their skill as we know you can have robots aiding you and it doesn't seem to be any other skill in Tech involving them the social tree has no doubt a few skills out a companions but the only one we see right now is leadership which at rank 1 will make companions gain a fairly fifteen percent faster to raise its ranks you need to Sprint with them AKA spend time with the companion following you high ranks in this skill May boost companion Effectiveness rather than a fairly growth next we have Xeno sociology the final rank of the social tree which lets you exert your will on alien creatures rank 1 is to pacify two is to make them flee three is to make them attack their allies and four is to control them like you would a companion it's unclear right now just the extent that goes can you have him as a permanent Ally or does it wear off can we use them to defend our outposts like we couldn't find F4 can we have an alien pet following surround and scaring NPCs is going to be like space Pokemon I really hope Bethesda flesh this system out but no doubt modders will pick up the slack if they don't then we have traits the trait introvert makes it so when you eventually with other human companions you exert more oxygen but less when alone extrovert being the complete opposite so if you know you only want the company of Vasco other robots aliens or being alone introvert may be the way to go then there's hero worshiped which grants you the attention of an annoying fan that shows up and well annoys you you can recruit this fan and if you can put up with him he'll give you a load of gifts and become a unique companion you otherwise can't get he has unique dialogue and may have a unique questline we'll just have to wait and see now they're not companions that we know of but you can also opt to have parents if you're willing to pay for the privilege so we talked a lot about companions but let's get more specific and run through all the companions we know of so far keep in mind we've only seen who we can recruit from the the constellation faction and a handful from others but they'll no doubt be more let's begin with Sarah Morgan she's an ex-soldier and adventurer and now constellations leader she'll no doubt take an interest in you as the artifact spoke to you and you alone she offers to join you until the lead runs dry or she does as yes you can romance her I foresee many of you foregoing Adventure just to get into her pants and reap that well-rested buff as soon as possible like all main companions she has four skills astrodynamics which starts at or gets to Rank 4 lasers at Rank 3 leadership at Rank 2 and botany at rank 1. so if you decide to put her in your ship you get a massive bonus to scanning planets and moons which makes sense as she is the leader of an exploration group if you have a follow you around she's exceptionally great with laser weapons I suggest taking around with you if you don't want to use lasers yourself as you could give her the best ones you find and you can give yourself the best ballistic particle mag or melee weapons also leadership means you'll develop Affinity with her a lot faster and campaigns will be more effective finally if you want to put her in an outpost she'll be possible with managing plans then we have Mateo the Theologian who believes there's definitely something else out there we don't know much about him so let's move on to Noel who's A Gifted scientist and Sarah Morgan's Protege she will no doubt bring some science related skills to the table then we have Walter a very successful businessman in the settled systems constellations financier and definitely not secretly evil right anything goes as long as you have the money it's unclear if he'll become a companion but it's into that by Bethesda so for now we can assume so if so I'm sure he'll have Commerce and other business related skills that will help with your Outpost then we have Vlad the X pirate it's likely you'll find him in the Crimson Outpost or missions involving them no doubt he'll have physical related skills then we have Sam Coe the former Space Cowboy we don't know much about him except he seems to be located in the freestyle Collective faction space he may be just the Han Solo you need for your ship as he comes with 4 skills piloting at Rank 4 rifle certification at Rank 3 payloads at 2 and geology at 1. so like Sarah Morgan he's better on your ship and on the ground on your ship piloting will make it function better in combat since this is Rank 4 Sam might just be the best companion I have with you if you plan on using your ship a lot in combat payloads means it will be able to carry more cargo as well on the ground the same thing I mentioned about Sarah Morgan applies here is good if you plan on not using rifles but this is a loose suggestion it's confirmed you can romance him and this might be something that interests many because he also sounds a lot like Aton from Kotor 2. I don't know that I've ever really loved anyone then we have Barrett a mystery character even bethesda's not saying much about him however we can gather he has some kind of task or Mission with you involving the Crimson Fleet as he mentioned something about him you know what I hate about these Pirates completely resistant to my otherwise irresistible charm you see he met the Crimson Fleet Outpost in the crew roster and you see him skillfully take one of them out though I'm fairly sure that's not him as the last gameplay showcase shows someone different so he has four skills a Rank 4 Starship engineering Rank 3 particle beam weapon systems Rank 2 Robotics and rank 1 Gastronomy we don't know anything about Starship engineering yet but it may have something to do with building ships or getting the most out of them particle beam weapon systems involves your ship's particle weapons so Barrett will be good on your starship's crew he also has robotics so be good to bring with you when you know you're facing robots and turrets finally he has Gastronomy now this is a head scratcher normally Gastronomy gives you extra recipes to cook so how does it apply to your crew there'd be no point getting the skill for yourself if crew members just gave you access to the recipes therefore it leads me to believe crew schools influence different things than the respective skills do for you so perhaps Gastronomy makes it so bad it can be placed at cooking stations within your outposts so far every character has an on the ground skill and in ship skill and on an outpost related skill so this makes sense then we have Vasco a very human-like consolation robot with a laser beam strapped to his chest we see him in the world with the player as well as firing his chest laser can that he covers up when not in use it's unclear Vasco will have skills like human companions do or he'll be his own class like the minibot we see in the crew roster what we do know though is he won't trigger the negative of the introvert trait and damage cute in his own way and yes you can romance him welcome back captain no not really well maybe you can I don't know for sure finally we have the adoring fan I suspect to be treated like a regular crew member as these skills aren't anything special but it's entirely possible he'll get his own questline and he starts with Scavenging one concealment 1 and weightlifting 2. so he's only good on the field with you which makes sense because he doesn't want to be assigned to the ship or Outpost he wants to be next to you at all times Scavenging lets you find more materials out in the universe concealment gives him some stealth since he'd be sneaking up on you like a pro and weightlifting lets him carry your burdens by increasing your carry limit of course and hey if you don't want him anymore you can always get rid of him though why not romance him instead it's confirmed that romances are coming and in the age of everything being politically correct I'm glad this didn't get the cut so far we know you can romance Sarah and Sam but it's likely that every companion we just ran through can be romanced as well as they'll have their own affinity and storylines this will be far more in-depth than Skyrim system where you just need to get an item and talk to the companion you want to romance with the most interesting character Serrano not being able to be romanced in Starfield you need to build a theory with it rising and falling based on choices you make no doubt you'll be able to give them gifts to boost it up and perhaps simply using him will make the Affinity rise as well when the Affinity gets to a particular level you'll most likely be able to engage in a romance romances in every Bethesda game with them have some kind of benefit in Skyrim you got money a home-cooked meal gifts and a Lover's Comfort bonus when sharing a bed wink wink Starfield will have you building dream homes so I'm sure you'll get additional benefits for home making so that's everything crew Companions and romances thank you so much for watching which companion stands out to you let me know below I recently upgraded to a 4090 so why not give away my 3080 and a few copies of Starfield if you want to be in the running all you need to do is be subscribed hit the bell and like and comment on my star fill videos for more entries do the same on other stuffer videos or check out my Twitter and Discord the winner will be chosen using RNG so more entries give you more chances best of luck and thank you so much for watching I'll be covering the game more than anyone else and be sure to stay tuned ciao friends [Music] thank you
Channel: Dantics
Views: 101,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, breakdown, new, gameplay, backgrounds, crew, companions, romances
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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