Starfield ALL Skills Traits AND Backgrounds

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hey everybody French Tomahawk here and if I have anything to declare if I have anything to say it is that I am very excited for Starfield so to prevent my head from exploding I have decided to take a deep dive into all star field related media and put together a video of all the confirmed information about skills backgrounds and traits in a world consumed by speculation I will be doing my best to provide details on what information about Starfield is confirmed and how we know it to be confirmed beyond that as opposed to speculating myself it is my job to infer information based on confirmed details however with so many unknown surrounding star field there may be a sprinkling of speculation on my part every now and then before we begin I'll give a quick rundown of how the skill system in Starfield works there are five separate skill trees physical social combat Science and Tech in each tree there are four different tiers the second and third tiers having the names Advanced and expert which if we follow the logic of Skyrim would lead us to assume the first and last years would be named novice and master each tier requires more points in that skill tree in order to be accessed although we don't know for certain based on these images it's safe to assume that advanced skills require at least four points in novice skills to access expert requires at least eight points and master 12 or more in addition each skill within a tree has four ranks each rank after the first requires not only another skill point to purchase but also requires a challenge to be completed as you rank up a particular skill the challenges get increasingly more difficult and with that out of our way let's begin go first we have the physical tree the first skill we know about is stealth it's description of the Cyber Runner background States for a combatant who values discretion Above All Else the ability to approach a Target while undetected and kill with a silenced weapon is as terrifying as it is effective we also know information about the first Associated challenge for stealth which requires you to perform 10 sneak attacks now while we don't have the exact details of what this skill actually does I would assume it relates to the detectability when sneaking and sneak damage multipliers with Silas weapons similar to the sneak and Mr Sandman skills from Fallout 4 the description specifically States silenced weapons and in the footage of this challenge being progressed we see silenced weapons being used but that it's not to say you need a silence weapon to progress this challenge as the challenge simply States sneak attacks unless of course in starfield's sneak attacks are now only considered so if performed with a sinus weapon or perhaps a melee weapon the next skill we have info on is weightlifting the only thing we know about this skill is that it increases your carrying capacity and that the adoring fan has it as well is it really next up is Wellness its description from the Diplomat background states by embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits one may improve their overall sense of health and even gain prolonged life expectancy and from the older showcase we know that its effect is to immediately gain 30 points of Health up next is the skill decontamination its effect is we get a slightly increased chance to recover from infections naturally we also have a bit of info regarding its challenge which is to recover from five infections now I believe it's important to understand just what infections are in Starfield it would be easy to assume that they simply followed the same mechanics as infections do from Fallout 4 when playing on survival mode however we know that there are four main non-damage resistant types thermal corrosive radiation and Airborne it's likely that these four conditions require specific gear in order to negate the reason I bring this up is because infections could simply be the consequence of not wearing Airborne resistant gear as opposed to getting bit by some random creature and Contracting space AIDS although it's likely that both cases could be true as to the negative effects of infections it could simply be periodic damage or a whole swath of different types of infections and negative effects following that we have martial arts the only thing we have on this skill besides the name is the challenge to deal 250 unarmed damage now this is actually very interesting for several reasons first there are two other skills in the physical tree that we assume pertain to unarmed combat the first is this novice skill in which the image resembles a fist and the other which we'll look at in a bit is a master skill named Nero strikes which begs the question what does martial arts do one more piece of the puzzle is that on several occasions we see unarmed combat consuming endurance or as it's called in Starfield oxygen so martial arts could have something to do with unarmed damage oxygen consumption power attacks or status effects that are a result of dealing unarmed damage the status effect might be the most likely as we we can see the electromagnetic status effect buildup as the target gets hit but that could also be the effect of another skill or legendary piece of gear then we have concealment which we have no info on other than the name and the fact that the adoring fan has this skill it's obviously different than stealth my guess would be something related to dropping from combat and being able to enter into stealth by turning invisible for a few seconds when crouching similar to the chameleon legendary effect from Fallout 4. maybe it also gives some kind of bonus immediately after re-entering combat as the rank 4 image suggests one last thing I thought about was perhaps concealment affects the ability to hide Contraband when your cargo gets scanned maintain your current course while we scan your ship's cargo finally we have neuro strikes which I already touched on a bit when talking about martial arts as for its effect your guess is as good as mine but when I first heard about it my mind immediately went to the paralyzing Palm ability from Fallout 3. and as for the other skills in the physical tree I'll just do a rapid fire section of my best guess as to what they pertain to based on the image alone this one looks like unarmed damage this one looks like endurance slash oxygen management this one looks like Elemental resistance this one may be atmospheric resistances this one looks like it has something to do with gravity this one looks like it has something to do with food benefits this one looks like I don't know maybe solar powered or something this one I have absolutely no idea this one something like a second chance skill or something similar to nerd rage where when your health gets slow you get a bonus we have considerably more information about the names of the next skill tree social first up is Commerce aside from the name we have the description which states in the subtle systems free market economy almost anyone with the right skill set can open and run a successful business this one seems pretty self-explanatory you get to open businesses on your outposts but also perhaps in cities and other civilized areas Gastronomy the description from the chef background States access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients and there is almost no limit to the delicious foods and drinks a talented Chef can prepare and the ability from the other showcase says you can craft specialty food and drinks and research additional recipes at a research lab we get Persuasions description from the diplomats background in the subtle systems the nuanced ability to to listen and discuss can often accomplish far more than simply shooting first and asking questions later similarly the effect from the older showcase is to gain an increased chance of success on a speech challenges and we get a sneak peek as to the challenge for ranking up persuasion which is as you might have guessed passing speech challenges fine I'll issue you an access card we know little about the specifics of the skill Scavenging the description off the chef background is there are those who can find just about anything and their success is usually dependent on knowing how and where to look and I assume this skill Falls closely in line with the scrounger or Fortune Finder perks from Fallout 4. the last novice tier skill is theft stop right there criminal scum which as described off the Cyber runner's background is while not entirely honorable and certainly not legal it is nonetheless occasionally necessary to discreetly remove property from someone's person and I would presume this is the pickpocketing skill as for the advanced skills we have bargaining which we only know its effects from the diplomats background to buy items for five percent less and to sell for 10 more what are you buying diplomacy the effect of the old showcase says that you can force a Target NPC at or below your level to stop fighting for a while the important distinction is that this is to make NPCs stop fighting not the ability to make them fight which will come later intimidation is up next and we have full info on the skill thanks to this clip first up the description at the top states the ability to strike fear into an opponent causing them to flee so that you can escape or attack first can prove critical in a battle now as for the ranks having complete info Clues Us in on the way similar skills ranks are set up for example the skill diplomacy is quite similar to intimidation so one could speculate based off its ranks that the diplomacy skill ranks look something like this and as we'll see later with the combat skill tree you can infer that the challenges of similar skills follow the same numerical increase in challenge difficulty so for the remainder of the video I will be making these inferences based on similar skills which would mean diplomacy's challenges would be to successfully pacify 5 25 and 50 different people respectively now on to the expert tier we have instigation I'm sorry the description of which states when combat is required it can be advantageous to convince others to do the fighting for you and because I don't feel like going over this a third time here are the associated ranks and challenges leadership is up next aside from the name of the skill we know its rank 1 effect is that companions gain Affinity 15 faster and that its Rank 2 challenge is to Sprint 1 000 meters with an active follower and fitting her position in constellation we also know that Sarah Morgan has this skill Outpost management is next and we have no info about this skill besides the name however I did find this interesting clip of God Howard talking about Outpost management and being able to connect trade routes between outposts so outposts kind of like I was talking about with shipbuilding is a very deep system to really go crazy you're going to need to develop your character skills you're gonna have to collect those resources but there is there is a ton there and you can even actually somewhat connect them between planets shuttling cargo between them so it's a really really cool system but you know I will say again like shipbuilding one that has a lot of depth it's not really meant as like an early player kind of system it's meant to be one that you're going to play over a long period of time some of the mechanics surrounding this skill could be about resource acquisition or the ability to set up trade routes the reason I don't think this has to do with building more advanced structures on our outposts is because of the science skill named Outpost engineering another contributing factor is the fact that in Fallout 4 the perk local leader gave you access to trade routes and that perk was under the Charisma tree which is similar to the social Tree in Starfield finally we have a Xeno sociology which is described as the ability to mind control aliens I like the xenos sociology skill because it lets you mind control aliens yeah [Music] as for the rest of the skills we don't have any information on I think that this one is similar to the lone Wanderer perk from Fallout 4 because Todd Howard said that there is a skill that gives you benefits to traveling alone there's a Straits uh that really make you you know I want to play by myself and then there's also skills that go into that that give you special perks and bumps if you are solo this is the only skill with the image I could imagine being associated with lone Wanderer this other skill I have no idea may be something to do with investment this skill has the same image as the Mind Control option from Xeno sociology and this one I have no idea the next tree is combat many of these skills are very similar to one another so you can expect most of the ranks and challenges to be identical with one another concerning the certification skills to start us off we have ballistics which is described as centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination few things stack up to the reliable power of combustion and here are the ranks and challenge changes the interesting thing about Rank 4 is that instead of increasing damage by another 10 percent we instead get a 30 bonus to our range This falls in line similar to how in Fallout 4 many of the weapon related perks had additional bonuses outside of percent damage increases however most of those additional benefits came alongside the damage bonuses whereas in Starfield that does not seem to be the case next is dueling which governs melee damage considered by many to be a lost art close attacks with a melee weapon can often be deadlier than ranged combat when carried out by a skilled practitioner and we know its effect off of the chef's background and can infer most of the other details based on similar skills lasers personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the settled systems and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness pistol certification considering the popularity of the personal sidearm in the settled systems familiarity with such weapons is often considered essential and finally we have shotgun certification first up in the advanced skills is demolitions unlike the previous weapon skills it does not follow the same percent damage growth though it's likely its challenges are similar heavy weapons is a certification skill that we have info on its final and most significant rank particle beams is one weapon type I really don't quite understand however upon looking up particle beams on Wikipedia I was led to believe it's the damage amplifier skill for electromagnetic weapons however that is unlikely to be the case as you can see in this footage the player is using a particle beam weapon specifically and throughout the Showcase electromagnetic weapons were referred to which leads me to think that they are different from one another knowing that there is only three separate damage types in Starfield makes it even more confusing as electromagnetic is a specific damage type so then what do particle beam weapons fall under rifle certification follows the same logic as the other certification skills now onto the expert skills first up we have Marksmanship we have no information aside from the name and the image and I have almost no idea what this skill does my initial assumption was that it was similar to the sniper perk from Fallout 4 but that would fall more in line with the sniper certification scale coming up rapid reloading is next we have the description in the chaos of combat the seconds needed to reload your weapon could be the difference between life and death we also have the rank 3 effect which is that you have a chance to reload twice as fast the challenge we know about is to reload 150 empty magazines it reminds me of the quick hands perk from Fallout 4. sniper certification the description is as follows only a trained sniper truly understands all the elements necessary to patiently and effectively neutralize a Target at excessive range and we know that the rank 1 effect is that scoped weapons are steadier and have less sway so if it's a good job Mike it's interesting to note that this certification skill does not follow the same logic as the others my only guess is that rifle certification is the damage related skill for all rifles including snipers which means that we do not have an automatic or semi-automatic differentiation as far as skills are concerned finally we have targeting and aside from the name we have the rank to effect which is to greatly increase our accuracy and range when shooting without aiming which is an immediate callback to the Steady Aim perk from Fallout 4. as far as the unknown skills in the combat tree if my assumptions about the particle beam skill are accurate then I would assume that this skill has something to do with increasing the damage of electromagnetic weapons this one looks like some sort of armor penetration this one looks to be related to crippling targets limbs this last one I have no idea on to the science tree starting soft we have astrodynamics aside from the name we have the description of the Explorer background advanced technology is one thing but it takes skill patience and a little bit of love to Koch's even more capability out of a ship's grav drive and as you can imagine this is a skill associated with your spaceship specifically your grav Drive which is responsible for jumping between Star systems we have a bit of information specific to the grav drive from an early Community question segment the fuel in your ship and the grav Drive limits how far you could go at once but it doesn't run out of fuel and you will need to upgrade your shipping skills if you want to jump to the most distant ones and we can see off of this clip insight into how fuel consumption and distance is calculated based off that info my assumption is that astrodynamics gives you a percent bonus to jump distance on your grab drives next up is geology and we get almost no information on this skill aside from the name and the fact that Samco and Heller have this skill my guess is that it has something to do with mining minerals with the laser cutter maybe like each rank gives a percent increase to double the amount of resources gathered from a node medicine is pretty straightforward thanks to the cyberneticist background we know its description only through advancements in medical training and technology has Humanity been able to withstand the Galaxy's many dangers and we know the rank 1 effect which is that Med packs heal for 10 more onto surveying which we have no information on aside from the name but we know what surveying is thanks to a couple of Clips if you have the skills you can even figure out that certain creatures and plants you can build an outpost and produce resources from those plants and animals based on that info and the fact that it is explicitly stated that if you have the skills you can figure out that certain creatures and plants give you resources my assumption is that surveying is the skill that governs that mechanic but it could also be that surveying simply governs the range and speed of scanning and that the specific ability to scan resources flora and fauna are independently managed by their respective skills such as geology or botany speaking of Botany is next and again no info aside from the name but following the logic of the geology skill inference I would think that this scale gives you more resources when harvesting Flora astrophysics thankfully we have both the effect and challenge for the skill you can scan the moons of your current Planet you have a 10 chance to discover a trait when scanning challenges to scan 10 unique planets for moons as far as what the traits are we have a couple clips that showcase a few gravitational anomaly and ecological Consortium and I have no idea what they do but hey at least we have the skill effect chemistry gives us the ability to create improved chems and research additional chems at research labs and as you might have guessed the challenge is to Simply create 10 chem systems [Applause] the final skill we know about in the science tree is your mom why does somebody not know how you flush the toilet after they've had a just kidding it's Outpost engineering disgusting we don't know much about this skill aside from the name and the fact that Heller has it but contrasting it with the Outpost management skill I would presume it has something to do with increasing your ability to construct more advanced structures in your outposts as for the other unknown skills my best guesses are this one has something to do with getting credits from turning in completed surveying data this one has something to do with seeing targets or pois on your radar from further ranges this one has something to do with the abilities of your spacesuit and helmet perhaps something to do with researching Weaponry this one might be the fauna equivalent to geology and botany and as for this one I have no idea this one might have something to do with added bonuses for fully discovering planets details and maybe this one has something to do with research speed in outposts finally we have the last skill tree Tech to start off the novice tier we have ballistic weapon system and aside from the name and a quick peek at the challenge we don't know anything I think it's safe to assume that this skill increases your ship's ballistic weapon damage next we have Boost pack training I'm not sure what aspects of the Boost pack this skill amplifies but we know that boosting costs a resource known as boost as opposed to oxygen my best guess is that this skill increases your total boost meter and maneuverability or the amount of drain on your Boost meter while using the Boost pack although it's important to note that packs are gear in and of themselves and probably have different stats that contribute to their performance piloting is up next we wouldn't even know the name of the skill if not for Samco having the higher rank version of it as for what it does I don't know perhaps it has to do with ship maneuverability and to that you might say but then what is the purpose of having a follower with that skill if you only benefit from it when flying your ship to that I would say perhaps having a follower with a high piloting skill assigned to a specific role on your ship increases your maneuverability or speed security is next but there's not much to explain it's the lock picking skill equivalent but in case you didn't know lock picking is different in Starfield than in previous games it plays the role of a multi-layered Mini-Game where you have several keys to choose from and you must complete each ring in order using the available Keys we also know know that tiered lock picking is making a return so in order to attempt to pick a master tiered lock you must have at least Rank 3 security the last novice tier Tech skill is targeting Control Systems targeting control system skill will allow you to zero in on specific subsystems of the ship you target basically spaceship Vats and higher ranks might be responsible for extra Focus damage on particular subsystems on to the only Advanced skill we know about in The Tech Tree payloads any pilot can haul cargo but it takes special determination and training to maximize cargo space and I would presume this skill has to do with increasing the overall carrying capacity of your ship as well as the effect your cargo has on your grav Drive When jumping from one system to another this skill opens up an interesting question which is since cargo is a focal point of shipbuilding and space travel I would assume it's not possible to fast travel from planet to planet this clip reinforces this idea round out your ship roster with a hulking space braider to run cargo missions or even do a little smuggling consequently moving resources from one Outpost or location to another could be quite the ordeal especially if you have a specialized cargo ship and you happen to get attacked while on a resource run the first expert tier skill in Tech is missile weapon systems and although we only have the name I believe it's pretty self-explanatory the same goes for the next skill particle beam weapon systems next is robotics which is described in an age where robots and autonomous turrets are employed in a combat capacity the study of Robotics can be instrumental in gaining a tactical Edge and the rank 1 effect is that you deal 10 percent more damage to robots and turrets but this begs the question if there is a skill for bonus efficiency against robots would there not be one for humans and alien enemies as well but if that is the case looking back at the unknown skills in the social or science trees I have no inclination as to which skills they might be up next we have Starship design which seems responsible for allowing the purchase or attachment of better spaceship parts but contrasting that with the next skill Starship engineering I am left confused because as far as I know there is no tab for spaceship researching which would have been my initial assumption for this skill but maybe it has to do with something more similar to the lines of the piloting skill giving you more overall energy when choosing which subsystems to power on your ship or perhaps it's the skill that governs how many parts and the power of those parts that you can add to your ship during construction now on to the unknown skills I think that this skill might be energy weapon systems this one might have something to do with engines this one looks to be about your ship's Shield system this one could be the ability to use multiple weapon systems simultaneously this one looks to have something to do with enhancing your Boost pack even further we do have the Boost pack you saw some of that in the video and you have skills for the Boost pack so the Boost pack almost acts like this vehicle super fun where you can fly through and finally I think this might be the offensive ability to cut through through enemy spaceships and Shields and that wraps up all the information I currently have on skills in Starfield now as a bonus and because I think it makes for a better YouTube title we'll move on to the traits and backgrounds I have compiled the older versions of some of these traits and compared them to the newer versions because Insight on what they used to do can give us a clearer idea of what they actually do Rey's Universal is one of three religion traits that we know about giving you access to a special religious chest whereas the older version gave a discount at the church store this change might indicate that there is no longer a church story in the game Rey's Enlighten is the same just that it's for a different religion and Serpent's Embrace is the final religion trait we know about but it functions quite differently from the other two requiring you to use your grav drive to jump around constantly to gain a bonus and weakening you if you don't when I initially read this I thought it was pertaining to using your Boost pack to actually jump and I thought it seemed super annoying but if it is indeed referencing jumping from one system to another in your ship then depending on how long the bonus lasts this could be a pretty good trait it's in important to mention that all traits have additional dialogue related to them so you might end up taking traits for that reason alone but you'll still have to deal with the side effects and the three faction Allegiance traits we know about are neon Street rat Freestar Collective settler and United Colonies native Freestar Collective and United Colonies seem to follow the same logic as one another giving you bonuses to missions given by the respective factions at the cost of increased crime bounties by other factions but neon street rap pertains specifically to the city of neon even though neon is in the volley system within Freestar space dream home was the old version of starter home and it looks like they changed the weekly payment requirement kid stuff used to be 10 of your total credits but has since been reduced down to two percent making it much more attractive of a trade with the introvert and extrovert traits we can see how the language changed from endurance to oxygen but these traits are pretty self-explanatory the old version of hero worshiped seemed to not allow for the adoring fan to join your crew thankfully that has since been changed spaced gives bonuses while in space and since it can't be combined with terraform Irma it's safe to assume that Terra Firma gives bonuses to being on a planet I would think that Terra Firma Takes the Cake on this one but I'm sure there'll be plenty of derelict space stations to explore where space will come in handy not to mention docking on other ships alien DNA gives us a higher starting health and endurance pool but reduces the effectiveness of healing items empath is a weird one giving companions increased combat Effectiveness but only when you have recently done something they like at the cost of having the opposite effect if you make them angry lastly we have the audible description of wanted gives you a damage Buff when your health is low but mercenaries will randomly show up and try to kill you the last two traits we don't have any information on is Taskmaster and unwanted hero and I have no idea what they could do but now let's get on to the backgrounds which are all pretty self-explanatory though some of the background skills have been shifted around since the first showcase Chef used to have Wellness it has since been swapped to Scavenging combat medic used to have weightlifting but it was changed to Wellness the Cyber Runner used to have pistol certification and persuasion but instead it has stealth and theft the cyberneticist used to have robotics now it has security the Diplomat used to have diplomacy and bargaining now it has Commerce and wellness and I just gotta ask why would you remove diplomacy from the Diplomat and the last background we have details on is the Explorer as far as the backgrounds we don't know anything about we have the Beast Hunter bouncer Bounty Hunter gangster Homesteader industrialist long hauler Pilgrim professor and Ronin plus one or two we haven't even seen the names of like traits backgrounds also give access to additional dialogue options you know the crew still has a betting pool about which restaurant critic you must have cross to wind up here the buses rule and there we have it folks I hope you learned something new one of the great things about making videos like this for me is that I get to learn from other people's perspectives so if I made a mistake or you have ideas or just want to share your general Starfield speculation be sure to let me know in the comments I really do look forward to reading all of those um I'm going to be making more star field related content prior to the launch to help keep me sane while the release date takes down so if you want to catch those videos when they go live be sure to subscribe to my channel I'm also probably going to be uploading some of them on my secondary channel so you can subscribe to that too and I think that's it guys thanks for watching and I'll catch you in the next video peace the Wonder is not that the field of stars is so vast but that we have measured it [Music] [Music]
Channel: French Tomahawk
Views: 29,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield Skills, Skills, Starfield Traits, Traits, Starfield Backgrounds, Backgrounds, Starfield Info, Info, Starfield information, information, Starfield Details, Details, Starfield Secret, Secret, Starfield Hidden, Hidden, Starfield Crazy Information, Starfield Groundbreaking info, Starfield Amazing, Starfield will suck, will Starfield be good, What is Starfield, Starfield Perks, Starfield Classes, Perks, Classes, Starfield in depth, in depth, Starfield OP, Best Starfield
Id: wJeFUPOL2r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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