Stand Analysis - Tusk EXPLAINED || Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run

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Johnny Joestar and his stand tusks exist in the completely new universe in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga series tusk is a stand that is capable of evolving gaining new forms or acts similar Sequoia cheese stand echoes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part four tusk is one of the strongest stands in all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and in this video we're going to be discussing all four of its acts as always please remember this video will include some heavy spoilers for part 7 steel ball run so if you've not read the entirety of the manga yet click off the video now [Music] like how toska volts when Johnny meets certain criteria maybe you could also evolve your YouTube subscribers list if you hit the subscribe button your YouTube will change becoming more powerful and give you a new purpose in life yeah I don't know what the hell I'm on about The Namesake is the same for all acts so I'll begin here tusks name comes from the song and album of the same name by Fleetwood Mac I've decided to do this video one tusk acts at a time as I feel that might be the best way to explain the stand so let's begin with act one tusk first appears to Johnny in a form that resembles a small juvenile mammalian animal which is pink in color it has two long mammalian ears which reminds me of an elephants ears and also eight wavering appendages two on its head and six on the side of its face these appendages are similar to those of an axolotl it also boasts a metal cone which resembles a drill on the region where its nose would be and attached to this cone is a string which connects to the center of the star on act one's forehead this star as well as the other stars which are plastered around the back of its arms and torso have black circles radiating around them it also features reflective jet-black eyes and also displays a worried and timid disposition most of the time its arms do not appear to feature any obvious joints and its torso thins out at the bottom into the shape of what can only be described to be its leg for tendrils droop from its body and match the length of its quote-on-quote leg and these tendrils boast heart-shaped ends tusk is initially shown as being a sentient stand with a will of its own separate to Johnnies it shows itself to Johnny after he gains the left arm of the corpse as tusk is the left arms guardian it is shown speaking Latin - Johnny - tell him the location of the next corpse part and even though initially Johnny can only use tusks when he has a corpse part in his body later is shown the tusks stayed with Johnny becoming loyal to him and bonding completely with his spirit tusk also has its own stand cry of once Johnny gained the power of the left arm of the corpse he would take what he had learned of the spin technique and instilled the power of the spin into his own fingernails nails are sharp and once they're rotating at a high velocity due to the powers of the spin technique that can be used as cutting weapons when shot at an enemy rather than using tusks in close range combat like all previous main protagonists Stan's tusk grants Johnny the supernatural ability that works hand in and with the spin I won't go into detail about the spin technique here but maybe in a future video act one is not shown fighting directly in full frontal combat as it is overly weak the technique that tusk Act one grants Johnny is something we have just touched upon Johnny's spinning nails technique was granted by taking possession of the left arm of the Saints corpse tusk appeared of the left arm becoming Johnny stand and granting him the ability to fully instill the rotational power of the spin into his own nails Johnny can spin his nails at a high velocity whilst they are attached to his body he can then detach them with great speed and power shooting them directly at an enemy almost like a gunman would fire his revolver these nails have insanely high cutting power being able to cut through rock as well as being able to sever limbs clean off Johnny can also use these nails to nearly instantly carve a tree into a humanoid shape if Johnny keeps these nails attached to his hands while spinning them and also moves his hands onto the ground the rotational energy of the nails will then have enough force to move Johnny's body across the ground and carry him away also if he happened to get into close quarters combat with an enemy he could spin his nails and use them as short-range cutting weapons this technique relies on Johnny having good aim and not wasting his nails too quickly as they do take a short time to grow back they also only have a range of about 10 meters and cannot cut through metal tusk was even able to approach Johnny's feet and have his toenails shoot off in place of his fingernails this means that even though Johnny has no feeling in his legs at this point tusk has proven that he can still use his toenails as weapons with the supernatural Stan power the first evolution of tusk comes when Johnny is shown to have made progress with utilizing the rotational power of the spin after gyro zeppeli teaches him the power of the golden rectangle johnny is able to awaken the next form of tusk this evolutionary chain hints that stand evolution could be linked to the power of the spin in this new universe the further you evolve your knowledge of the spin the further the stunt will evolve with this being an alternate universe Stan's do work slightly differently I may do a video on this theory one day who knows the appearance of act two takes a much more mechanical appearance but still retains a face which looks mammalian behind the armor this act is slightly bigger than act 1 but has a smaller head it has a small sturdy looking torso and two mechanical arms as well as a chin guard on its face it also has two blue half spherical objects in place of its ears with red stars upon them along with having two blue wheels shaped objects hanging off its head either side attached to what looks like a mechanical spine is a barrel shaped lower body with three pointy mechanical feeds have the bomb this lower body also has a big red star on it at this point tusk has decided to link completely with Johnny spirit and has become loyal to him completely using the power of the golden rectangle Johnny can summon act 2 which upgrades his spinning nails technique quite dramatically once Johnny learns how to fully locate golden rectangles in nature which used the sixteen by nine golden ratio he is able to enhance his spin to have increased power and abilities however this upgrade only allows Johnny to shoot one nail at a time due to the heavier power involved and higher concentration needed this also limits the regrowth of his nails reducing the speed that they grow back exponentially this could leave Johnny with no way of attacking or defending if he used up all twenty nails Act two is also still weak in close range combat so it stays behind Johnny granting him the supernatural power to shoot his nails once he has learned to locate golden rectangles within nature Johnny is able to make use of the golden spiral within the rectangles to instill his nails with infinite rotational energy this energy is much more powerful than the previous rotational energy used with act 1 and allows for Johnny's nails to detach and completely spin around his finger at very high speeds giving it drilling properties and increased power once Johnny shoots the nail it can blast away a large area on impacts this increased power has some downfalls however as Johnny can only instill the rotational energy into one nail at a time rather than all of his nails at once this restricts him to only be able to shoot one nail at any given time on top of that after using up an increased amount of power and rotational energy the nails then require more time to regrow this could leave Johnny in sticky situations if he uses all of his nails up unwisely without properly strategizing however eating herbes and drinking mint or chamomile tea have been shown to accelerate the regrowth of his nails these nails can also spin around his finger indefinitely without firing them which then gives Johnny the bright ideas that using these nails to brush his teeth great cheese and wrap spaghetti quickly around his finger would be beneficial to his life however this upgrade grants him another ability once a spinning nail has shot and hits a target or surface it creates a jet black bullet hole inside this bullet hole is a space which is completely empty and void of anything it's essentially a black hole this means that even funny Valentine stands dirty deeds done dirt cheap cannot send bullet holes into another dimension due to these holes being technically nothing but a void space these bullet holes lock onto a target of Johnny's choosing and homed in on its traversing along surfaces until they reach the targets body which will then damage the target dramatically however these holes do disappear after a little while the next evolution of tusks takes it to act three this happens when Jesus appears before Johnny whose advice gives Johnny and Lee resolve in life this act takes Johnny's already established abilities however it takes his nail shooting techniques to new heights for now though let's start first with act three's appearance tusks act three appears to have much more human esque body shape and is much bigger than his previous forms this form almost looks completely mechanical with having many robotic features it has three spikes on the bottom of its feet as well as three spikes on its mechanical hands like act 1 stars are scattered across its body and similar to act 2 it also has two big red stars on its round blue shoulders along with these mechanical features it also displays a large blue blade that runs through the center of the face which extends above the head and resembles a mohawk this act brings back the stand Cryer Act one displayed and is also still completely loyal to Johnny tusks act three has the same abilities and limitations that Act two does such as the fact that Johnny can only shoot one nail at a time and that they take a longer length of time to regrow is also still weak in close-range combat however it does have one strength over its previous iterations act three grants Johnny the ability to travel inside the black holes he creates with his nail bullets with the whispered advice from Jesus Christ himself Johnny learns the correct path he needs to take and that he shouldn't waver he then shoots himself in the head with his golden rectangle nails doing this activates act three's ability of allowing Johnny to create a hollow void bullet hole onto himself inside these infinitely spinning black holes had the absolute smallest rotating point at the end of the black hole itself as a special safe space that Johnny is able to hide his body in he can suck his entire body into these infinitely spin black holes due to the fact that Johnny's nails are also able to spin indefinitely as long as Johnny's nails spin infinitely at the same rate as the rotating black hole and as long as the hole stays open he can suck his entire body into this hole and hide inside the safe space the space inside the black hole was hinted at being a boundary between dimensions essentially an infinite void of nothingness the rotating bullet hole can also still move to Johnny's will and track enemies this acts as a spacial wormhole a wormhole is defined as a hypothetical connection between widely-separated regions of space-time except act 3 takes the hypothesis and makes it real in the world of jojo if Johnny allows parts of his body to enter the entrance of one of his wormholes he can then move the bullet hole moving his body part at the same time this allows for him to poke parts of his body out of the wormholes exit and get better vantage points on enemies so we can shoot his nails and catch them off-guard essentially it's like a window except if you stick your hand out the window your hand ends up across the road to someone else's house only Johnny can enter this infinite void and take advantage of his wormhole properties if any other object tries to enter it will be destroyed upon impact as long as Johnny spins his body at the same rate as the bullet hole he can enter the hole unharmed however if someone else tries to put their body part into the entrance or exit of the wormhole it'll come out the other side completely severed the final evolution of tusks was attained when Johnny Joestar learned the final secret of the spin technique the golden spin the truest and most faithful emulation of the Golden Spiral possible only two people in the world at this point of jo-jo have managed to accomplish this golden spirals are at the core of the golden rectangles themselves another reason that Johnny and gyro can use the golden rectangles at all the golden spin was acquired by Johnny when gyro taught him that he must get his horse to run in its most natural state producing multiple golden rectangles all across his body this then creates a new golden rectangle this natural force of the galloping horse is then transferred through the specially made stirrups and into the users body allowing for the use of the golden spin this is incredibly hard to master but thanks to this technique johnny was able to evolve tusks to his final act act four tusks Act four takes a much more human shape with a very squared broad build it's half is very mechanical with a head mounted on the front of its chest surrounding the head are five hollowed out long holes that stretch out in the shape of a star the head of act four can move along these holes freely to look around it has what appears to be blue gloves and shoes on with yellow stars covering its arms legs and shoulders his lower half looks a lot more humanoid and appears as if it is wearing human trousers it also boasts a vestments that hangs from its chest which is comprised of multiple oval shapes which drooped down just above its feet this final act carries on its stand cry from act 1 and act 3 and it carries on being completely loyal to Johnny and does not show any obvious personality traits act 4 is much stronger in close-range battle compared to its previous iterations being the first and only form of tusk that does the iconic aura aura stand rush tusks act for gains its form when Johnny successfully activates the power of the golden spin a horse running in its natural States produces rotational energy in the form of the golden rectangles Act four uses this rotational energy granted by the golden spin to produce infinite rotational energy this power alone makes tusk act for one of the strongest stands in all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure however the golden spin is very hard to pull off as it requires precise movements from the horse the rider must also make sure the rotation in their steel ball or other weapon is a perfect rotation when gyro tried to throw his steel ball at funny Valentine using the golden spin his steel ball had a very slight ellipse on it meaning it was no longer a true sphere this means that Johnny's use of the golden rectangles and the golden spin must be perfect to deploy act for tusk Act 4 is also capable of doing the iconic or aura stand rush meaning it has good physical power unlike his previous forms the biggest upgrade that Johnny gains from act 4 is its infinite rotation technique this is acquired when Johnny successfully accesses the golden spin perfectly tusks act four is instilled with the infinite energy and rotation of the golden spin and can use it in multiple different ways this allows act four to do things previously thought to be impossible such as defying the laws of gravity and breaking through the dimensional barriers the funny Valentine is hiding between as well as move slightly in alternate world Diego's stop time this Stan's technique can also open holes in physical spaces such as the hard ground when chasing Diego this is a similar principle to how act 2 and act 3 opened void holes with the nail bullets once Johnny has shot a nail bullet with a perfect rotation using the golden spin act four follows the bullets and attacks the enemy similar to act two and three if the nail bullet misses the infinite rotation effects can be moved and home on to a target which will then still affect them if act four touches a target such as during a stand rush or homing in like the black bullet holes then the infinite rotation will take hold on the targets body the targets body starts spinning infinitely down to the individual cells of their body every single aspect of their physical body rotates forever you could class this as the target taking infinite damage due to the rotation this physically distorts their shape and leaves them unable to properly function or attack this also affects their stand funny Valentine tried to escape to an alternate dimension to then switch with that dimensions version of himself however because the infinite rotation was also attached to his stand d4c it would then also affect the alternate universe is funny Valentines once d4c had transferred over to them meaning that no matter how many times funny valentine tried to switch the stand would carry the infinite rotation forever every funny Valentine in every dimension he tried to run to would fall victim to the infinite rotation leaving funny in an infinite loop of spinning the only way to cancel out this infinite spin is to shoot the target again with a perfect rotation going in the opposite direction using the golden spin this will then cancel out the original effects the infinite rotation also always returns the target to the location where they were originally hit by the technique or the equivalent of it in each dimension funny Valentine was punched into the ground this was when he was first affected by the infinite rotation so underground is where he is returned to every time he tries to escape it by swapping dimensions and bodies if the president touches any other object or person the infinite rotation is transferred to them however it is most likely to destroy the object or very very quickly transfer back to funny eventually the targets of the rotation disintegrates and are apparently sent to another dimension according to alternate world Diego now it's time for my final thoughts on tusks I really enjoyed every iteration of this stand particularly enjoying the technique granted to Johnny by act 3 I feel like Johnny may have been able to utilize his spacial wormhole technique a little bit more often baigan imagine it is a very risky move considering once the bully holds clothes I assume Johnny would get stuck inside the void forever I don't really have a whole lot to say about tusks other than it is so far the most powerful stand in the alternate universe I have not yet caught up to the most recent chapter of Joe Joe lien so that opinion may yet change though I'm not too far off so we'll see I'm very curious what tusks ability would have been like if it did not connect with Johnny and his spin techniques I would have assumed that tusks would not have stayed with Johnny after he lost all the corpse parts however it had an intimate link with Johnny spin techniques and swai it stayed with him I imagine the tusks would've stayed is act 1 forever and it's only ability would have granted Johnny the ability to shoe his nails straight out however by combining the spin with that nail shooting ability it made Johnny's nail shooting ability much stronger and granted tusk the ability to evolve it's possible that all those who acquire a stand in the new universe could potentially evolve their stands if they learn the spin technique you could even argue that gyro stand evolved when using the spin stronger techniques at first it was clear that he was able to see the boom-booms family stance hinting that he too had gained a stand ability however not all stands manifest into a physical form in the scary monsters arc the eye of the corpse granted gyro the ability to scan objects and human bodies with a steel ball is then confirmed that he has a stand in the Truman's world arc when he throws his steel ball at ringer road against house and the steel ball turns into ball breaker for a very short amount of time it's possible that he had this power all along or utilizing the golden rectangles allowed him to evolve his regular steel ball scan ability into the physical stand ball breaker however it did not stay it was only at the final battle when he uses the golden spin the ball breaker manifests into its form completely however because gyro steel ball was not a complete sphere ball breaker unfortunately did not hit its mark completely it's only a theory but what if another character used the spin with their stand like if Joe skate aids attained the spin and could evolve his stand we might never know I think that about does it for Johnny Joe stars tusk there was a hell of a lot of information to pack into this video but when a stand has four acts that all do slightly different things I didn't expect it to be a short video by any means if you've made it to the end of this video than the holy crap thank you so much for watching this mammoth video did I miss anything what did you think of tusks and for a bonus question which act of tusks was your favorite let me know in the comments below if you've enjoyed this video then please consider subscribing to the channel for future jo-jo content also it would be great if you could hit that like button on this video if you wanted to see more stand analysis videos if it gets 5 likes I'll do another stand analysis video like this to get notified when I release the next stand analysis video hit that Bell and you'll be notified when I release another one I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video but until next time bizarre star platinum out
Channel: Bizarre Star Platinum
Views: 1,969,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stand Analysis, Jojo stand analysis, stand, Stands, Jojo stands, anime, All stands in jojo, jojo all stands, DIO, Analysis, jojo, stand explained, Johnny Joestar, Tusk, Tusk Act 4, Tusk Johnny Joestar, Golden spin, Tusk Stand Analysis, Steel Ball Run, Part 7, Jojo's bizarre adventure steel ball run, jjba, Steel Ball Run Tusk, SBR, Tusk Act 2, Tusk Act 3, Tusk act 4 ora, Gyro Zeppeli, spin technique jojo, spin jojo, Funny Valentine, jojo steel ball run
Id: xGdlp7rWgAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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