Stalingrad - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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Oh sue me I need you to take all the divisions you would have held for mainland Italy and put them in the West or the Atlantic Wall yeah I don't know if you've looked at swimmies country like yes 70 divisions in total we have until the Soviet campaign so for now you're fine like just get that done oh but when you you would you as your army gonna be ready to defend against the d-day in summer 40s will be there you realize if the US wants to he can have 40 like proper divisions ready for d-day in forward okay boys ignoring these facts of trying to help me go icy winds Bo you see losses I didn't realize this cold when I said swim we have 70 divisions about 30 of them are probably in Ethiopia dying right now so I it's a little bit further behind than they're supposed to do not with the spread of golden had in mind that yes Oh what I had in mind to me I like the initiative like we took the Suez we won yeah but that that win is still down there what is it more than fighting these are actually they have a Tillery and anti-tank meaning you're loose yet them actively dying you just lost two divisions there oh yeah that's only two divisions the other one's gonna die - no look at him like I don't write me South Africans what I'm not seeing you destroy anything look at him he's already taking 10k casualties how much are you taking those women 45 this is he gonna say amount of casualties updating through the war and if you don't rescue him go golden if you know I was wondering why the Italians were trying to rush down through Africa oh he's trying to save his kids he's realized I mean your tank sir that's why you were so [ __ ] quiet [ __ ] that makes so much sense no I mean we're a couple we need to be able to talk about these things all right so mr. Rommel we got this situation in Africa right uh-huh and it's not looking too good that pocket so no to say there's nothing to say no I'm fine it's all a calculated position those divisions out how much of the [ __ ] coast you could God swim any nay sayers about swimming and his strategy they're getting shot and executed no more discussion the Italian High Command has the full faith in support of the Germans oh why what's gone swimming you've taken two hundred and twenty thousand losses already the Italian strategy was shot Colden tommy 40 to 80 division looks at me now run training what did he do I just trained them in it out in air yeah look to your Emilio 11 to 30 that's yeah that's also bad hello it's a little bad and he wanted to clear the way we also have to take Greece in I continue to look into the camera buzz Duke oh oh [ __ ] help me wait why would I join this if gold was about to declare the Russians because he won't [ __ ] this has to be declared in seven days swimmy I can't oh my god I left I said if you want to oh I said if you want to kill Greece you have to do it now nobody puts the mission I'm still looking at this golden is about to bomb right if the Allies just used their brain cells and just said [ __ ] me don't they just annihilate gold and they'd actually be able to just curb stomp golden into the [ __ ] ground this point by completely 100 percent we're winners you disagree you realize America at this point could have 40 infantry divisions cream-of-the-crop that could handle your tanks Canada a 10 tank divisions at this point okay the fact that you disagree and I'm looking at the walls you have nothing kinda great looks for agree I disagree you are a naysayer you are gonna be executed if you get to do this sort of dissonant talk I can only applaud this action you were gonna be covering like the coast we're gonna need a redo on that [ __ ] response like anywhere are they are those tank divisions yours or they Golden's my imposing is on your mind I built those those were my name is Bill license-built did you actually built those they're called infant why are they called infant that I didn't even shown them what that is usually come down no you should dude no oh no no no I got a dude when you're finishing the battle oh you're doing that okay let me go look at that oh yeah you already you broke one level of the fort so it's gonna be easy for me and then if I'll use this you take it over that's the plan kitchen there good shift good picture you got the slapper all easy to apply like Amanda oh yeah we could just do three divisions if you really want no hang on I've got a better idea slapper stand by get ready to attack your when I'm done okay slap it right now go go go go go go reverse and then I'm going to move fast well wait actually if we take that tile slapper it's [ __ ] over at that point we get six divisions I'm almost there I got its leopard now use now it's up to you slept for it's up to you oh look come on Mexico come on I'll stop him I see you do it's laughing honest laugh look we got it laughs for tassel look at the Hat even minors can do fog and succulents baby I know the whole consolidation thing you need to take so long good what's actually know why you hate all in grad why we need Stalingrad could you tell me why I can't afford this I would be really cute things ain't looking too hot over here in the production side of things you gotta get more men over the swim you had look at this movies quick response for his tight tank that's like one light tank cities I had on my mainland man everything's in Africa why should it be on the mainland I mean you were sabotaging this [ __ ] operation subdivisions you have four divisions in Taranto you still have units in your country Italy and put into France why we long why are we doing this in the winter golden you're a moral because we don't have the luxury of time I have 2,700 rake dude we are going I don't have the units to well I'm coming in low [Music] [Music] it's open I need to pull your seizing the initiative boys is [ __ ] collapsing I'm not gonna lie western France what shot your tank what's dr. tank what what what's happening I am I literally am but I'm being attacked on the side as well I cannot make it out of there what is this alien this is so dumb why do we have this alien stick confuse me that's bad okay we have problems I don't know what to send oh how the [ __ ] am I supposed to garrison let me get this straight you're telling me on ironically that you're like hooker - dude a friend you haven't garrison anything except for [ __ ] Africa and you took 10 divisions 10 divisions is all you can muster in 1942 March am i understanding it correctly this operation is well my first win in in almost the [ __ ] centuries and you're just gearing it for me yep stand that right we're gonna lose this [ __ ] game because of you you piece of [ __ ] Oh My gods are going for three to stop this slapper pull out pull back from style pull back to the $40 right here pull back pull back slow retreat slow retreat slapper Golden Boy your tanks away to my men oh no slapper we cannot let them take that point Scholten get your tanks out of here get your oh my gosh slapper slapper we have an issue we have a I can do this slap no no get him out of there slapper please please oh yes swimmy by the way about those 30 divisions you just threw away any in your area early what I lost 10 divisions and you feel fear oh you get it up by applying you are lying swimming actually no please guys can we get a like comment and subscribe really bring that book now smash that [ __ ] if you want to get big bucks on Buck Owens channel
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 404,654
Rating: 4.9721422 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun, Man The Guns
Id: -RKpd-dWUDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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