The Soviet Tank Horde - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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we get this around and again LOI oh you're officially there you're sneaking right I'm not sneaking I'm in shock like oh my god blowing we aren't breaking out of this one I need the Japanese over here now it's over they are in circles so I you keep pushing you know how you [ __ ] so stupid we don't care about supplements are you that Italian heart business you're working against us by patient usually I work against you that's wrong Braun did the exact same thing I did it is the same place he's gotten it's up what's going on I'm scared guys help me here college behind me I can tell you I'm doing everything I can unlike yours front of you in a mountain yeah is this the same mountain like they're just looking at the job at corpses they're wrong I mean both my guys are actually mountaineer so I can I can [ __ ] this same [ __ ] now it's the mountain of death did you strap bombing on as well yeah I did it's what's costing us so much fuel because the bombers are running yeah yeah yeah yes yeah that's what's gonna get us experience Bo but fuel Bo the fuel rebuilds you are in command of the Navy not the Air Force you already put me in command of the air force in China all right I'm putting you on relieving you of your command are you disobeying my command there is no command there is a Koran right now what does command that you have to agree with me what the [ __ ] you guys collapsing is not paying attention battle because I think he's a panic mode that's why there's a full-on collapse right now stop those divisions up there stop those men I caught him off don't know for how long though how many of the missions that we just did circle Oh 12 divisions caught in the middle of their evacuation it's completely Boston now we got him Golden's divisions are here though I'm gonna move in and intercept them that's why we're just moving in and he's training them right now what a strange situation just drive through [ __ ] all those divisions [ __ ] Golden's divisions that's the most important thing here Gold is trying to get away just keep driving into them ruin they're all grew and they're all Schaffer how much they would take out a friend shot he's got five divisions left chief oh my god we have four beasts oh my god eight or 12 the axes appreciate the donation of the heavy tank destroyers to their army Oh what year is it we appreciate the donation you had for us in the whole shebang so it's good yeah he's attacking like crazy right now he doesn't have a commander on his unit as part of his meta is that some sort of meta I don't know or you're just like good what even more filler spawn that was what we lost on last time Oh help here brawn we almost have him encircle brawn I've calculated the possibilities wrong both hidden there oh my god he's trying it he's trying to encircle me Brolin but we might have circle him pain all of his units brawn he's trying to pin us he can't pin everything Ron we got it Ron no yes wrong-o no unit circle really [ __ ] killing Ron good Chuck well that was so many tanks we just killed their entire northern front it's just collapsed now we did it that was a Mac know where we got memed and do you weren't watching that just was like try and see if I can just punch down here and steal the poll can you do everything you can to take that so we'll meet in the middle don't do it yet don't do it yet I'm moving tanks over there so many tanks it's insane because he has no planes bow like it yes so many thanks all right check now attack now attack now I just beat the [ __ ] out of him lowing that's you lower your though and they can pet them come on device come on boys Gordon get LOI oh yeah wait what the [ __ ] Schaffer I'll push them back take that [ __ ] tile I just encircle the entire [ __ ] Dutch army Mexican Army's gone chief look at that [ __ ] maneuver right there chief how's the Polish Mexican army looking [ __ ] boys 42 nice [ __ ] real bow oh we're gonna have to rehearse in a second because what's going on here with golden just this is every time going place USA he's just like I sleep alright yeah yes playing single play people people all right so they're angry at golden right now it's incredible because this entire time they've just been incessantly bitching so I just don't I don't talk cuz I just despise communication sitting here like I've got my planet I know what I'm gonna do and then they're like golden why didn't you send out your fleet and then they don't realize that I'm the sheer amount of feel that I'm using I won't run out of fuel and if I send it over there he's just going to get [ __ ] slaughter nuts blog that there we go Bronson I'm just a [ __ ] miracle all it all took people was like restarting my game five times don't know if Rowan's internet is completely dying off this is just because we're late game but he's loading super slow but we're testing it out by the way I need to ask the Allies or the car either caught is the convoy waiting still annoying now we lock that [ __ ] down right now we've got light cruisers right they got like no guns all right they got no way eh they got no guns they got North throw no torpedoes I don't even have depth charges all right well they got like ten float planes all right things like an aircraft carrier that's wasn't put on it can we go onto a sea zone it's just coated black alright I got like 1940 cruisers they got like eight boat float planes on them it's got like 40 sub detection you send that [ __ ] out there and it just is still not in the game that you were missing one big file one file is what it's just like going to delete like the naval fire or something just look what I've posted your twitch chat bow how big is the game is it like 1.2 geeks or something how did you delete like almost have a bio bot I feel like I feel like that's just the sound files all committed for the right time they're gonna I'm coming I'm coming my tanks are alive my tanks have arrived my tanks have arrived I'm gonna see if I can punch the white guard hold that area here with everything you've got do your best I'm I'm just blowing through what I can I'm trying you know if he's not looking too good right now boy holy [ __ ] my offensive works well you better [ __ ] go - we need help I'm goin I'm goin in wash the enemy's shape sensors collapsing as well but if I can just clean this [ __ ] up he's got to be able to cut me off we need to hold that make up we got to make a play I got it I got it I got it I made the play we gotta make the play I'm holding you did make the play oh my god no we got a punch barrel everything we've got I want every single you know we have them do a port bow just run away use the port you have a port going up to the port right here oh yeah that's way better idea actually if you're smarter than I [ __ ] again I circled six tanks rare did you actually do it yes okay full power on that thing Krieg is not for Lewin holy [ __ ] we got it turn us around here's how here's how we can still end see oh my god how many tanks did you just kill here we killed like [ __ ] 20 I'm not even lying I I'm not gonna live the the northern front is not looking too good right now boys okay I'm trying to hold up there with you just do your best Bronwyn kind of like Yolo in there just put every single goddamn man we haven't drawn I got good news I got good news we have so many heavy tanks in stock pile right now brawn I would react up with heavy tanks to the entire army I don't know what's happening Phillips was doubtless I'm dabbing on him right now oh my god after I put heavy tanks in my voice holy [ __ ] I'm Dalek oh my god crushed you're not a good listener on safety where the [ __ ] that the Soviet Army caused a pile of rubble [Music]
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 785,086
Rating: 4.9408498 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun
Id: p3wlDbrpoQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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