The Man In The High Castle - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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we like bow be like I die now from firework firework it's actually go [ __ ] mental right now I can feel the shaking I can hear oh my god it's just a war going on outside oh you gotta get the other one Oh what that combat with oh there you go he's gone how many of those are in those four of the heavy ones if it's heavy already that's I oh my god I got it chuckle Matt done there we go I got him I'm attacking him from the other side he's dealing immediately moving to the other tile place oh yeah we got him they're all gone free motivations gone restless screaming a cow apparently I'm sorry you guys can go ahead and capitulate cow and have you're not gonna send another six trestles please please send more lake it's the problem he's literally like one [ __ ] division pump [ __ ] tile go why does Porsche give reliability excuse me ah that's a [ __ ] cussed thing to see they need to change that haven't ever you guys are watching this they're having this mod goddamn oh he moved away his tanks from the south by the way so we've got free rein just killed the entire southern front right there that's all from 2:00 to 7:00 right there not one step I just can suckle their entire central front there in the winter offensive right now to hold in the winter but how many tanks is that step 5 so Preston I thought that was an I thought that wasn't a step back what stressful I bought I bought this wasn't gonna be a step backward stressful it's not vote we we have so many tanks but we don't we see but you see there's no rubber so the things that go next to the tax day Ulysses put infantry in your tanks do that also I would like to inform you that we don't have uniforms oh I didn't know was that bad for you guys you see my mom powerful why is it why you got weights why haven't you just stepped up your conscription law we have a bar we're killing them faster than they can mobilize horses in them yeah I promised a sea lion run Texas Houston Houston Texas Houston Texas I'm moving how's your invasion coming along college for parent I'm in Houston now I want to drive a massive line and just take it alright guys look on the coast of California California oh my god College the great migration is starting the Pacific you realize this is about two million men close to 2 million men coming brought are you actually setting your units or are you just not caring I'm a naval invading Philadelphia that's gonna be the end of it right there majority the characters you also took the majority of the casualties I mean yeah we're making far too many plans for building a land army and just thanks for choosing with the game right here my favorites in the sentence where you're asking how I'm whining yes I learned we literally talked about this how the Navy it may be isn't it too literally just look to you me German name 19 ship carefully slime it's listening French toffee London has fallen yeah miss Freddy convey ratings and they can't survive that's the faint any features died the German feed just died they've know me because they can't successfully see line if he can't successfully see line yeah I never said they won't see night I say it's you know just shut the [ __ ] up wrong we've already memed him enough about this I want to actually save the game miss my feet guys I swear where's my fleet what's he paying oh my god no we've been French divisions if you want to leave by the way don't movie 15-car always never mind have fun folks see you around kid I saw it once he lands I can easily Kim because icon you'll understand GG guys college is trying to invade again intensify forward firepower well this is gonna be a close one this is gonna be super close once he can give me everything we've got boys this is gonna be a super close button oh they're holding for now come on boys we all we hoped we did it guys [ __ ] me man I don't know what to do in this situation I know I'm getting convoy rated but I I can't fight navies on all C's like I know I'm the US and I have the biggest Navy in the world but if Germany has a hundred and sixty subs Italy has 400 subs and [ __ ] what's-his-face Japan has 400 ships Terry and entire Navy is in the Med and can't get out what do you want me to [ __ ] do is you what you and 400 ships to be 900 places that's what you want Terry concentrating it's not gonna deal with it so just concentrate about to go like you know you know like Roosevelt in this wheelchair I'm about to [ __ ] like just like please just like when the Secret Service yeah the Secret Service looking away I'm just rolling down the stairs to kill myself that's me right now I'm [ __ ] kerlix join us some I want to say for the record colleagues I'm about to like be Rozsival rolling down the stairs on purpose to kill myself that's how bad this is right now I'm sorry sealions gonna have to happen first and you know like Operation Torch we go we got sea lion we got torch we got like we got to retake the Philippines we got there's a lot of stuff I mean college colleges have you ever seen rolling down the staircase to likes get out of your life that's a good movie yes I'm gonna be like the instructor of that and the same time we can take South America that's gonna like take so much pressure off and we can start doing stuff again here we go Veron we're in time to rescue some cult colonists from their virginity
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 864,402
Rating: 4.9343662 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun, Man The Guns
Id: 96Mr91yI2cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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