Not One Step Backwards - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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Akilah yeah I don't want to be here wait what did you do what happened I'm not in the game I'm sorry I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you did here like which kind of a monkey which is control and tilde and muscle memory I just hit Oh an f4 yeah can we start yeah can we get this on the red and lease and we please get this on the ready clip this put it on the reddit right there greatest can it can it please be featured a paradox Khan as the greatest encirclement of 29th month I need like an entire movie about this right now oh I encircle them swimmy I don't even pay attention I'm encircled now I'm gonna declare war and just get him out of there I'm sorry about that Dressel [Music] I'm about to head out though no I hope this works there it is oh yes there goes the first carrier two carriers oh [ __ ] yes our first victory of the game yes I just lost two tank divisions brawn it's okay little guy it's fine I literally can't use my units fraud cuz we have so many units that's okay but the Pakistan I know we're just sitting here chillin Braun look at this look at the southern front right now if I could I can't hold it [ __ ] so close oh he got me up there I just realized oh no he and sup with me now that's not good he actually got me know those have tank positions I don't know if they're gonna survive they're not gonna survive this oh I got him out we're fine boy well I'm just mass assaulting at this point on my front and I'm actually winning with it I am getting green by just [ __ ] charging into their front line well it's good that were like that those said that my Frank Frank is like completely collapsed and gone like for them you can circle another German heavy tank right there easy money the Bronx get it wrong get it wrong it's going from both sides going for both sides oh no you lost the other battle you lost deal about it you gotta run kill him kill him from all sides choking choking don't lose don't lose that tile don't lose that tile he's moving him poison Braun I'm gonna I'm gonna focus on killing him you keep moving you Vincent Graham you got him broad how they dead well that's a huge tank battle going on in the south right now I don't know how well I'm gonna hold this oh I got an encirclement on the roommate on the Hungarians here how many just too heavy too that's fine we can survive with that so you just pull down a shit-ton a tank for the south brawn if they are so concerned with the Eastern Front now surely the time the hitting you guys need to like do something it's like my divisions already I'm ready to go I'm ready to I'm here looking is really reenacting the epic Golden's got a tank divisions on me right now guy smiley face nobody doesn't try something like Africa something I try to I tried and we still we actually have control over Norway we could actually DJ ourselves brought if we wanted to I'm gonna prepare an invasion of Denmark okay the Allies I don't know it's thinking mean bow are pretty much 1 G when golden arrived with us [ __ ] millions of heavy tanks that's what I'm just like oh I guess there's no pressure being put on the Allies or anything it would it would appear that it's time to invade Japan clueless here's the thing right there kind of just in a [ __ ] position just because the fact that we took an extra year I force college take an extra [ __ ] year to just deal with the Allies in general and because of that we I mean that might happen it might enabled my god the game in the end but it might also end up winning you the game cuz like like me complete disclosure since you could just look at the stats and see it I'd literally put my entire surface suite in the English Channel because to try to get the naval invasion the entire surface least got obliterated but we've managed to barely get the invasion like it's me the only reason why I succeeded is because nobody had units in the UK we've Barrett like we haven't cost that many German casualties but I feel like I've cost some casualties the Romanians Hungarians I I've been incredibly toxic towards them too I mean you've also got in saco gold and a couple of because they literally could not hold the sides I'm like Bert you sit on the side don't [ __ ] don't trust the Romanians in Hungarian you know we need to keep attacking wherever we can we attack ok I think I got anymore I'm moving on him I got him here oh my got the entire Japanese it's how I hate heavy call oh my good god I gotta hold him here I gotta hold him here I gotta hold him here I got a hold of him go go no no no no yawn its circle never got encircled it I didn't kill off some of them I'm just gonna beat him out of that reinforced come on come on come on got it got it got it got a guard stopping stopping got that holy [ __ ] kill him off kill those guys yeah oh my god there goes the entire bulgarian army and too [ __ ] heavy tanks from the whole yeah you just hold a stall him broad I got six heavy tanks coming out for you soon how they just abandoned Shaffer Shaffer is not gonna be able to replace his units whatever we kill that that's the worst part about anything we kill on the Russian front they won't be able to replace Braun that's what you got to remember killing off three more Romanians Walt it's winter again Bronson were supposed to Boogaloo I think Golden's pulling off his tanks to like do something because they just disappeared from my front back come on [ __ ] allied movement boys this one we got him Braun Louis [ __ ] [ __ ] E's are gone victory we got Oh Romania we just destroyed him there no I just got served that's not good I'm gonna see if I can do better now they're gone that's one tank here goes ain't no I pushed me back the bastards they made it out of there I won't be able to kill them though tried breaking out I'm just gonna see if I can keep being sucker when of Kiev and starve them out in this [ __ ] right now I already know exactly what's gonna happen I [ __ ] screaming at them for the last six months I'm I'm telling you right now it is over they I I'm [ __ ] dumbfounded at how [ __ ] all of them are they're [ __ ] yes okay gold literally everything that's happened in the last year and a half its fury a ting I called all of it and they freaking listen and they just keep blaming each other and like you're all [ __ ] but I heard I heard LOI was blaming College Point no college is [ __ ] [ __ ] he's even worse than LOI it's one thing that Louis temple it's another thing for college straight-up to tell us to our face that him pushing in the Baltics took pressure off did you send a single [ __ ] tank to the Baltic I mean the last Hojo in college had five tanks until I came to the mall I see it minimum 12 German tanks right now yes yeah like this is 1944 yeah ten times in the old tanks as well that's the thing here's the thing note there's a difference when you lose tanks victory while the enemy accomplishes an objective victory something like that we kept pulling off tactical victories you literally kept accomplishing follow your strategic objectives and we're just like wow you lost three tank divisions boat that's incredible but you've gained 500 kilometers of territory meanwhile in the north where your comp work we're getting fifty miles of land Congrats we've it we've secured Latvia you're the Germans and 23 at this point who's supposed to have a stronger industry than me and hearing him say that he does not have the industry to support a tank army when I'm sitting here would you invade Asia no attempt in my life are you dying are we going for Asia please guys can we get a like comment and subscribe mokona panel reveal ring that [ __ ] Bell smash that [ __ ] if you want to get big bucks on Buck Owens Channel
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 636,054
Rating: 4.9568868 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun, Man The Guns
Id: 7ZmD0Dus-uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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