The Warsaw Pact - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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[Music] cold and that's your job in Afghanistan the Mujahideen Dalton I'm telling you they're crazy for no the Mujahideen crazy on gold you I'm telling you you might tell you I tell you golden I tell you golden the Mujahideen are crazy they write out on their goddamn mountain horses screw you focus on the true enemy wait Howie oh oh I swear to God fifteen seems cash money okay fine just gave you 15 six manage license production I don't [ __ ] care I want that [ __ ] man slices production gonna turn that [ __ ] off moment I turn my [ __ ] back like seriously man slapper I swear to god you [ __ ] pig man oh my god slapper if it wasn't looking like it slapper you have your entire army in the central thrust you have nothing on your flanks how are you losing - no way we have our puppets boys sorry our free nations are here dude like honestly why do I always get [ __ ] keeps denied that [ __ ] wait gonna God will then my first chief people literally just stop giving me just give me are you gonna be a [ __ ] about it like what are you gonna be a [ __ ] man hmm I'm just taking right food I just came up with a great idea listen democracy okay the people yeah that's democracy in all of these countries I'm liberated I mean excuse me the mock they're called democratic republics those are democracies just okay how can you what is wrong with the Estonian independent Soviet state Republic and Finnish Democratic Republic there's a lot of Republic's here that are independent democratic in the names it's got independent in the names so there's nothing wrong it's for a public it's a socialist republic right college yep okay I mean you should have elections then right yeah but there's one part of the vote for there's nobody there it's just because nobody wants to run I mean it's just like we're so good no one else wants to run yes that's true that's true democracy you just know it's worth it facts wait what just happens casualties kind of go me what is this like the Bay of Pigs all over again college I think we really need to focus on this Empire and topple it I'm a Commonwealth of Nations I'm saying we just need democracy in the world it's called social democracy guys and the best way to do that we need to topple this leading empire right now I'm just saying have you seen how many governments I have like freed like how many people are freed over here at college bringing freedom to the Caribbean I guess you make it we demand you to release Jamaica free the Caribbean I need to free the Caribbean pepper you can attack the sinking dice if you literally shoot that with one bullet and they all die Hepler you just staring at them building those [Laughter] territories literally worse than [ __ ] Afghanistan I regret this I regret going in here oh yeah I could [ __ ] held Kepley you're a military genius are you fighting side-by-side with the Mujahideen mucha indeed are just like destroying them they're used to this territory to fight it [ __ ] Afghanistan man it's the last communists on Europeans you model boy yeah we're all one Union we actually realize the Mujahideen of the time tanks can't Pierce fight why are you still trying oh I didn't realize go lose tanks who sponsored by me in college I've got a new model coming up in 29 days that is gonna be communist exclusive thank you it's called we call it the t54 college t54 who do you want that now you don't want okay now that's the new model by the way that one will beat Golden's model by the way oh I know that one's not communists exclusive so if anybody has got their off herself like you can get that one golden wants to swap off the model or something brand new model it just came off the production we have an issue we have a lot of issues James thank you James I was never told about this issue before you just buy off the Soviets you mean we have an issue with tungsten Spain has [ __ ] 500 exactly what do you mean now what's the what's the current status and status of the International Kepler the Ottomans the thing is like I don't have troops it would be Mujahideen solely do you want to negotiate well then would you just want to go balls deep I mean drag him in there and give me old give him older made him force him a put a Soviet puppet and then promised him the Middle East yeah yes Spitfire we have a proposal for you yeah join us and we'll help you take the Middle East or die you can join the Union and the best way possible I'm trying to do a diplomatic victory right here this is a diplomatic victory voice like I will like you will get the entire Mujahideen at your disposal that's not your despy I'm your lit yes it is your freedom it is your freedom to choose that you go down there but if you choose wrong here it's no like no it's okay to be different as long as you're different in the same way as oh yeah so as you can see we have a lot of freedom in our faction here um yeah tons of freedom we can help we can help you help us and help you I'm trying to sell myself you're like I don't I don't want to be that guy but like if you don't say yes to this we're going to help you become one of us and then you will still be one of us afterwards and we'll still be friends afterwards but we'll be will have to be we'll have to convince you in a different way than with words would still be you'd be only on your own if you're not in the Union if you're in the Union it's a cube it's a community right guys yeah just poem if you could see Poland's that's literally like we're all jerking each other off and Warsaw in in the spirit I'm there in the Union it's a union is it Union slapper is just like he's there he's the vice-president of the Union I'm the president and the others are council members just listening to us this is this is actually you're an honorary attendant at the second international right now I can fit my half-tracks with air conditioning exactly they don't they'll fit right into [ __ ] Ankara I feel like there's a new politician with wonderful new ideas about welfare equality equality and 60 more political power 16 more global power my main issue right now is obviously I've given a lot of sips to a golden right now can you just as soon as you join us you just don't owe them any more the perfect time they're calling International it's really Kepler look at that we have to what's up what are you doing there you're not invited to the International I was sent hello what no what are you doing Moscow you know now welcoming we should get this and call the mkdd I will go on out of here delete this it's disbanded disbanded why do I have I've debone ready for the Boogaloo here tell me we're trying to do our best here man I see it I'm trying to hold my level did you build a level 10 force for me it's a living [Music]
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 841,115
Rating: 4.9466362 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun, Man The Guns, Warsaw pact
Id: 9rO4EsTW_zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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